Samuel and the Witch of Endor

When Saul was in desperate trouble he sought a medium – the witch at En Dor – to raise Samuel from the dead (1 Samuel 28).   So desperate did he see his own situation that he wanted to consult a medium – those who practiced this art he had banished from the land.   Was this Samuel or a demon, an evil spirit, impersonating Samuel?   The answer is clear when the Scriptures are put together.


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Envy – A Deadly Poison

Why is envy so bad in the eyes of God? Why does God command us never to be envious of anyone or anything? What, exactly, is envy? How is it different from jealousy? Learn how many Biblical personalities suffered, at times, from the poison of envy. Find out why envy is called a “demonic wisdom.” And learn how you can conquer envy in your life.
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According To Your Work

Christianity is a job for you and me! We have been given work to accomplish, and we are promised payment. God clearly and emphatically demands that we produce. Understanding our job and the kind of work we need to complete is a vital part of our calling and of our future reward.

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Let There Be Light

Throughout the Bible, we find a clear separation between light and darkness. As children of light, we must not have any fellowship or communion with the works of darkness. But many today do not know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness. The world rejected the true Light, Jesus Christ, at the time of His first Coming. Not much has changed. Very few today are willing to come to the God of Light, Life and Truth–while most continue to follow Satan, the prince of darkness, who transforms himself into an “angel of light.” And so do his ministers. But God pronounces a curse on those who put darkness for light. He wants His people to be lights to the world. Are you such a light? Are you letting your light shine brightly in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation?
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The Goal

In the events we have been portraying in symbolic ways during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, we have pictured putting sin out of our lives completely. In this seventh day observance we are picturing reaching the goal to which God has called us. We must understand why we are here and continue to focus on the goal of eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

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Anger and Wrath

We are living today in an incredibly angry society. Although there is righteous indignation, our anger is caused most of the times by Satan, the destroyer. And still, we are told that God Himself will pour out His wrath over disobedient and rebellious mankind in the future. How can we reconcile these seeming contradictions? WHY does God tell us that we must overcome anger and wrath? And HOW can we do it?
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Conformed to the Image of God

How God has fore-ordained and planned our future responsibilities well in advance and how God has great joy in executing the plans He has for us.

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The People of God

The Word of God describes His people–who they are and how they are to live in this world. Are we recognized by God as standing among His people in our generation?

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