
We all feel sorrow sometimes. Why do we experience sorrow and more importantly: how can we use it for our own spiritual growth?

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Is Jury Duty Really That Bad?

Most don’t like to serve on a jury and look at it as an inconvenience. But jury duty is mandatory, unless you have valid reasons for an excuse. Courts have become more and more reluctant to grant excuses. They look especially with disfavor at requests to be excused for sincere religious convictions. Should Christians compromise and take the “easy way” out and just get it over with and serve? What do you need to know and to do in this conflict situation?

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Two Promises

A conundrum has existed in the minds of people as long as there have been people. If God is a good God, why do bad things happen? God has made promises to His people, that they will be blessed in numerous ways, in this life, but also blessed with eternal life. However, He also provides us with the guarantee that His people will be persecuted. Is this a contradiction? Since God cannot lie, this is not a contradiction. The affliction, persecution and bad things that happen to people are for the greater cause of glorifying God, building character, and blessing His people with eternal life.

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Families of God

God is a family.  The reason mankind exists is to fulfill the purpose of God and become part of His Family.  We can achieve this goal with the help of the family structure.

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How to Draw Close to God

Are you close to God? Really–or is that just what you claim to be? The Word of God teaches us how to draw close to God, and doing so is vital if we are to inherit eternal life and have a part in God’s Kingdom! 

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Lessons From the Book of Job – Part 2

God was compassionate and merciful in dealing with Job. Why and how? Wasn’t Job upright and blameless? Why did God permit his suffering in the first place? And why does God allow that righteous people suffer today?

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Lessons From the Book of Job

The book of Job is one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible. Commentaries have struggled for centuries to come to grips with it, but for the most part, they have failed utterly to explain it correctly. What can we learn from this extraordinary segment of the Holy Scriptures?

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Leaders and Those Led

Are you a leader, or are you among those who are led–a follower of what is good? In fact, each of us should be both, and the Bible reveals examples along with instructions for leaders and the led.

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Why Is Sin So Bad?

Many don’t understand today that sin is bad for us. They may look at sin as having fun and enjoying pleasure. And even though sin may provide short-term passing pleasure, it has long-term consequences which are not good. Sin produces bad results, and it does not pay. When we break God’s spiritual laws, they will break us. Our sins will find us out.

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Weaknesses Make Us Stronger

Whatever weakness that we may have, we have to make sure that we overcome it by putting it into God’s hands,  asking Him for help which should eliminate the weakness, thereby making us stronger.

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