Knowing God

How well do we know God?  More importantly, how well does God know us?  We must emulate the attitude of children, as Christ commanded, after our baptism.  What characteristics of a child should we try to copy and which should we try to avoid? 

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Living in Peace – Part 2

When we are offended or when we offend someone, what are we to do to be reconciled and to establish a peaceful relationship? The Bible tells us very clearly, but its injunctions are perhaps violated more often by Christians than any other commandment.

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Living in Peace – Part 1

As followers of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, we are to do everything we can to live in peace with our fellowman. God commands us to seek and pursue peace and to be peacemakers; and He does not command us to do something which would be impossible for us to accomplish. The Bible gives us principles which show us what to do–and what NOT to do–to maintain peaceful relationships.

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The Forgotten God

Being forgotten by His people Israel was–and
is–something God solemnly warns about. The consequences for the nation have in
the past and will in the future lead to national punishment.
Forgetting God also holds grave warnings for

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Will God Protect Us?

Can we expect protection from God during these difficult economic times?  What is required on our part to expect His Protection?

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When the Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men

Genesis 6:1-4 has been misunderstood by many people, including Jewish and Christian commentators, Bible translators and scholars. Based on a terribly wrong interpretation of that passage, horrendous false concepts developed, teaching blasphemous doctrines. We must make totally sure that we do not fall for or embrace any of those wrong teachings, and that we know and uphold the truth.

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Stubbornness – A Sure Way to Destruction

In the Bible, stubbornness is generally described in a negative way. It is sometimes difficult to detect, because it is often related to self-righteousness. If we are in that frame of mind, we may not see a need for us to repent. We may see all kinds of faults in others, but not in ourselves. We may stubbornly reject counsel–and this attitude may lead to our complete downfall. If we refuse to allow God to change us, we are predestined to fail.

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The Will of God

 The Bible reveals that in heaven where God dwells, His
will is carried out. By contrast, people on the earth are pictured as not doing
the will of God–with the exception of those who follow Jesus Christ. An
important question for us to consider is whether or not we are among those
precious few who both understand and then do the will of God.

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Uncertain Riches

In these times of economic uncertainty, we must be ever more dilegent in our efforts to store up for ourselves treasure which is eternal.

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The Last Great Day

The important significance of this day for mankind in that they will all have an opportunity to become full fledged sons of God in the Kingdom of God.

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