Letter to the Ephesians – Part 6

In this sixth installment, we are covering the end of the fourth chapter and parts of the fifth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We are discussing the difference between light and darkness; and that true Christians must reflect and manifest God’s light in their lives and that they must reject the darkness of this world in all its different forms.

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What is true charity?  Should we be focused on solving the worlds problems with our charitable deeds?  God should always be the focus for anything we do, and by serving Him we can be instruments to truly make this world better.

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When You Are Converted

His name was Simon Bar Jonah, and by the name that Jesus called him, we know him as Peter.  The biblically recorded account of the life of Peter is the story of conversion–a lasting example for all Christians.

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Letter to the Ephesians – Part 5

In this fifth installment, we are covering the end of the third chapter and much of the fourth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We are discussing the purpose of the church; Paul’s call for unity; what it means to walk worthy and unworthy of our calling; how to be filled with all the fullness of God; and what is conveyed with the concept that Jesus led captivity captive, and that He descended into the lower parts of the earth.

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Letter to the Ephesians – Part 3

In this third installment, we are covering the second chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We are discussing concepts pertaining to the role of Satan the devil; “God’s wrath”; our salvation by grace; our responsibilities as “God’s workmanship”; the alienation of Gentiles from the “commonwealth of Israel”; “the law of commandments contained in ordinances”; and our true “citizenship.”

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Our level of comfort in living a Godly way is an indication to us of the ways in which we can overcome the world — if we feel uncomfortable doing what is right, we know where we need to apply our efforts. Having the right attitude in being willing to obey God may not be easy or comfortable at first, but it is critical to obey if we are to inherit the Kingdom of God.

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Pentecost 2010

Why is there so much confusion as to WHEN to keep the
Feast of Pentecost? What do Old Testament rituals have to do with Jesus Christ
and the Church of God? Why is it necessary that those whom God is calling
today to salvation use the Holy Spirit? What will or should the Holy Spirit do
for us?

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Are their tangible benefits to having God’s Spirit and being a Christian in this life?

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