Babylon’s False Prophet

There were false prophets among ancient Israel; Christ warned of many false prophets still to come; and the book of Revelation speaks of the false prophet who will deceive the whole world. In the final analysis, all these false preachers and “foretellers” have their origin in ancient and modern Babylon.

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Common Misconceptions – Part 1

There are many controversies and misconceptions the world is confused about when it comes to certain holidays such as Christmas, Easter, New Years, Halloween, and when it comes to commandments such as idol worship, taking God’s name in vain, murder, and also things like voting, jury duty, unclean meats, smoking and tattoos.  What does the Bible have to say about such practices?

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The Life We Now Live

From a Christian perspective, three terms can give an
outline or a sense of our lives–even about who we now are. These words are
inventory, resume and genealogy, and by examining these concepts we are able to
test ourselves and prove that God the Father and Jesus Christ are indeed in our

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Microwaves and Sacrifice

By making seemingly imperceptible compromises in our spiritual life over time, we take the risk of compunding an effect that is very perceptible. Making any small compromise with the righteous way of life that God instructs takes us further away from Him and our salvation. By turning this principle around — making small improvements to our spiritual lives over time instead of compromises — we draw closer to God without having to make dramatic changes.

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Rome's Revivals

Why are we teaching that the ancient Roman Empire would be revived ten times, and that nine of these ten revivals have already  occurred? Why do we teach that right now, the final and last revival is happening in Europe, which will culminate in the return of Jesus Christ?  Do you know the historical proofs? Are you convicted of the truth, or are you just “believing” it because the Church teaches it?

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Rome’s Revivals

Why are we teaching that the ancient Roman Empire would be revived ten times, and that nine of these ten revivals have already  occurred? Why do we teach that right now, the final and last revival is happening in Europe, which will culminate in the return of Jesus Christ?  Do you know the historical proofs? Are you convicted of the truth, or are you just “believing” it because the Church teaches it?

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Conquering Discouragement

Discouragement could lead to depression and even bitterness against God. Many have experienced discouragement and despair in their lives, but they found again courage and strength. This sermon shows you how.

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Who Is the Beast?

The Bible shows that within a short time, a mighty political and military leader, called the beast, will arise in continental Europe. What are the characteristics of that person? What are the mark of the beast and the number of his name?

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