Common Misconceptions – Part 2

Continuing with the second part on what the world is confused about, when it comes to practices such as homosexuality, divorce, fornication, what happens to us when we die, the trinity, and the concept of tithing.  What does the Bible have to say about these topics?

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Paul’s Letter to the Philippians – Part 3

In this third installment of our series on the letter to the Philippians, we are discussing the first eight verses of chapter 2, and in particular, that we can obtain unity in God’s Church, when we follow Christ’s example of humility and love, who was in the form of and equal with God, but He emptied Himself and became a man to suffer and die for us, so that we could become born-again members of the very Family of God.

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Paul’s Letter to the Philippians -Part 2

In this second installment of our series on the letter to the Philippians, we are discussing the remainder of the first chapter, and in particular, how Paul’s circumstances led to the furtherance of the gospel; why he rejoiced when ministers preached with improper motives; what he meant when he spoke of his “departure” and that for him, “to live is Christ, and to die is gain,”  and why living worthy of and suffering for the gospel is a proof of perdition to our adversaries.

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The Future of Egypt

Much misinformation is being circulated these days, as to what is in store for Egypt. But what does the Bible say about the future of Egypt, other countries in the Middle East, modern Assyria and the modern houses of Israel and Judah?

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John 17

Christ’s prayer to the Father in John 17 holds important information for true Christians. From the fact that Christ is God’s son, to the fact that we are to be striving to live good lives. The need to preach the gospel and sanctification are also touched upon.

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Paul’s Letter to the Philippians – Part 1

In this first installment of our series on the letter to the Philippians, we are discussing the background as well as the concepts of “saints,” “bishops and deacons,” the nature of God and the gospel of the Kingdom of God. We are addressing the reasons for Paul’s confidence that the Philippians would “make” it into the kingdom, cautioning at the same time that we must examine ourselves and make certain that we do not become disqualified. We are also explaining the difference between swearing and affirming and the fact that Christ lived in Paul, as He must live in every converted Christian today.

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Manner of Conduct

The way we conduct ourselves now, and as the Day of the Lord approaches has a serious impact to our future. God desires that all mankind might repent and turn to Him. The Bible also makes it clear that He is patient to give us time to do so. However, our repentance is not something that should cause God to wait on us. The sooner that we turn to Him, the sooner His Kingdom may be established. 

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The Days of Punishment

 In order to understand what is happening now and what will
develop, we need to learn from past examples. Wrong behavior, what the Bible
identifies as sin, has an inevitable penalty–it always did in times past, and
it will in the future.

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