Correct Contentment

As Christians, we are to be content with the things which we have. But many confuse contentment with complacency. If we don’t use the blessings that we have been given, we will lose them.

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How Trials Can Help Us

Many times it takes us having to go through a trial to realize that our lives need to change. It’s a good way for God to wake us up. We need to be able to see that God must be in charge in all areas of our lives.

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The Art of Communication

How can we become effective communicators with our fellow man and with God?  What are the benefits and disadvantages of communication?  There are important keys that can be applied to become successful communicators.

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The House of Levi

As one of the twelve sons of Jacob, Levi was chosen by God for a very special role. Both his and his descendants record is a mixed story of good and bad—but one that, nevertheless, continues to unfold and which also has tremendous application for us!

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What do you get out of the Reward?

Mankind’s nature is to seek one’s own self interest in our activities. Are we seeking the Kingdom of God for the purpose of power, control, or other personal gain? If so, our hearts need to change so we are properly motivated, as the Bible instructs.

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Serpents and Doves

The serpent has been cursed throughout human existance since Satan took its form in the garden.  We are to be cunning like a serpent while dealing with the world, just as Christ dealt with those who despised Him.  We must also be willing to go out as a lamb into a world filled with wolves, with the realization that God will shepherd us.

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Paul’s Letter to the Philippians – Part 6

In the third chapter, Paul warned true church members not to follow those of ungodly character, who had confidence in the flesh and who worshipped their own belly. Paul called them dogs, evil workers and the mutilation. By contrast, even though Paul might have had every reason, strictly from a carnal standpoint, to be proud of his heritage, ethnic background, upbringing and education, he considered all of it worthless, so that he would attain the resurrection from the dead.

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Syria in the Bible

Violence is erupting in Syria. Does the Bible tell us what the future holds for Syria, and where it is all leading?

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Seek God Diligently

 Throughout the entire year, we need to transform our
thinking and actions to be conformed to the spiritual expectations that God
requires of us. Seeking God involves constant effort in building our
understanding of the Truth and steady work in acting in accordance with it. By
doing so, we become eligible to receive the reward of eternal life made possible
by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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