Captivity Reversed

The ninth chapter of the book of Daniel teaches us that Jesus Christ was killed in 31 A.D., after 3 ½  years of His public ministry, which began in 27 A.D. Since it was decreed that He should conduct His public ministry for seven years, He will complete the remaining 3 ½ years here on earth after His return. During that time, He will end the captivity of the enslaved modern descendants of the houses of Israel and Judah; deal with them in the wilderness; and ultimately bring them, together with the resurrected King David, to the Promised Land.

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The End of Europe – Part 2

As God will end the rule of the physical powers of this world, including the last resurrection of the Roman Empire in Europe and the Babylonian system, so He will also deal with the responsible evil spiritual powers which are working behind the scene. Satan and his demons will be imprisoned in the bottomless pit, also called the abyss, so that they cannot deceive the world anymore during the Millennium. But where will this prison be, and what is it, exactly? And what is the relationship between the abyss and Europe?

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Between Good and Evil

4>Eric Rank | June 23, 2012

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God has established the standard of what is good and what is evil. Man, having eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has gained the capacity to judge between what is good and evil. However, the carnal nature of man causes an inevitable discrepancy between what is good according to God’s standard and what man thinks is good. The only way to correctly judge what is good is by using the Holy Spirit to build the knowledge of what God’s standards are.
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The End of Europe – Part 1

In a decisive battle after Christ’s return, the armies of this world, including the European beast power, will be defeated in the Kidron Valley or the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There will be no battle of Armageddon. The saints, as immortal and born again members of the Kingdom of God, will reign with and under Christ over the earth—but they will rule on the earth, and not in or from heaven.

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In photography, you can use filters to change how a picture looks. Spiritually speaking, we use filters to change our lives and we have to be careful  what filters we apply in our lives. What filters are we to use then?  

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A Broken People

We live in a society that rejects God’s Will and a by product of that rejection is a decay of spiritual and physical blessings.  If we focus on our own will we will find that God is distant and inaccessible.  By coming to God with a broken-hearted attitude we can, like many authors of biblical book, find God and develop a relationship with Him.

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Cause and Effect

God works by applying the principle of cause and effect. Knowing this is true, and combining the fact that God cannot lie, we can be certain that the ultimate plans that God has will be effected. We can also expect that our behavior will trigger effects that may impact our own future, but others as well. By following the instructions commanded in the Bible, we are provided with the tools necessary to achieve the end goal of eternal life.

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Falling Away

Falling away from the Truth is something that the Bible warns everyone who has received it. Temptation is a major cause of that potential event. By turning our attention to the value of living a life driven by the Holy Spirit of God and coming out of the world, we can guard ourselves from this very grave danger.

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