The Trap of Idolatry

The ancient houses of Israel and Judah engaged in idolatry and were severely punished by God. Today, our nations are guilty of the same transgressions. But God’s prohibition against idolatry is not limited to the worship of statutes of pagan gods. Rightly understood, when we transgress the Second Commandment, we are at the same time breaking all of the Ten Commandments. This sermon will explain why this is.

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Two Masters

Christ told us that we either serve God or man. We have to choose which we will serve. When we decide to serve God, we have to learn how to adapt to being a christian.  How can we do this?

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How the Nations Will Learn

When Christ rules on earth during the Millennium, how will the non-Israelite nations come to the point of repentance and acceptance of God’s Way of Life? Is it going to happen “overnight,” or will it require some time? How is God going to reveal Himself to them ? Why and how will they seek God and learn the truth? Why are the events, which are depicted in Ezekiel 38 and 39, significant in this regard?

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Why Not Vote?

We need to understand that the world we live in today is not ruled by God, but by Satan.  So why then would we involve ourselves in the political scene by voting, when everything they stand for is not in concordance with God’s laws?  What does God think about this?

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Satan Is Alive

Many don’t believe in Satan or the Devil, but the Bible describes him as a very real spirit being who wants to destroy us. One cannot explain the evils of this world without the existence of the Devil and his demons. Satan is a very cunning and cruel enemy, who deceives mankind and transforms himself into an angel of light. He is the mighty ruler and god of this world of darkness, an accuser, liar and murderer, the tempter and the father of the children of disobedience. How can we overcome and conquer him?

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