The Time of Trouble!

Prophecies of the Bible reveal many things, but none is more terrifying than what is commonly called, “the great tribulation.” The very existence of life on earth will hang in the balance, but God promises to intervene on behalf of the “elect.” Are you watching and are you ready to face what is coming? Will you be one of those whom God protects? Or are you willing to dismiss and reject the warnings God is giving to mankind?

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God paid the debt of all sin by allowing the sacrifice of His Son.  We must always be aware that we are indebted to God the Father to exemplify the standards Christ left for each of us.

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God’s Spirit of Power

One of the most important qualities of the Holy Spirit is godly power with which God creates and upholds everything, and which He wants to share with man. But first, certain special requirements are necessary. This sermon shows you our incredible potential, if we are counted worthy for it.

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First Come First Served

Do we have the desire to be first?  As we run our spiritual race to reach our ultimate potential, a constant challenge still lies ahead of us, as we will be faced with trials along the way.  The finish line however, is well worth it!

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Fruit of the Spirit

The fruit of the Spirit and it’s importance in our lives, with the emphasis on love being the four most fruit of God’s character, as opposed to the fruit of the flesh which exposes Satan’s mindset.

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How does the Holy Spirit Work?

With the Holy Spirit of God playing such a crucial role in the history of the universe, it is vitally important to understand exactly how it works. What effect does it have? How is it obtained? How is it lost? How is it distinguished from other spirits that work in man? The answers to these questions will empower you.

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How Wise Are You—Really?

Are we wise in God’s eyes, or do we possess the wisdom of this world, which God describes as foolishness? What is true wisdom, and how does it manifest itself? How can we obtain godly wisdom? The Bible speaks of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. What is the difference? Why is it necessary that we have all three qualities, even though they do not guarantee that we will not fall away from God? What else is there to consider?

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Who Will Listen?

Some people claim that God speaks to them. Some people say that they would like to speak directly to God. The real question is this, if God does speak, who will listen?

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The Love of the Truth

Sometimes a deceptive idea may take root, which is derived from bits and pieces of the incomplete truth. Without a love of the truth leading us to learn more about the complete truth, we expose ourselves to the risk of being swept away by deception. Overcoming the worldly way of thinking, and actively working to build spiritual understanding is necessary if we are to be saved.

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