Good Fruits

To produce good fruit, one has to apply certain attributes which should produce blessings, if applied correctly.

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What is the Church?

Most of us—who claim Christianity as our belief—would say that we are members of the Church of God. In fact, all kinds of people claim membership in a church—saying that they are true followers of Jesus Christ and God and fully believing they have God’s blessings. But with so many divergent views about what the Church of God represents, is that really possible? Does the Bible, the inspired Word of God, back them up? And for us, is there irrefutable proof that we have it right?

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We must be vigilant in keeping our spiritual focus pure and unadulterated by this world. The early church was plagued with deceit and destructive heresies and it took constant work by the apostles to fight against these tendencies.  Our battle with allowing counterfeit doctrines to creep in is still ongoing.  Satan hasn’t given up trying to misguide us and we can’t become complacent in fighting him off.


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Cain and Abel

The story of Cain and Abel provides meaning and symbolism for us today. Are we willing to yield to God’s law and His righteousness as Abel did or will we take Cain’s approach and let sin creep in and take control of our lives?

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Why Do We Keep Pentecost?


Size: 12.8 mb | Length: 36 minutes   (Part 2)

Why is it impossible for man to keep the law of God? Why are we told that we are all sinners, and that there is no one who is righteous and seeks after God? Is there no hope for us? Or is there a way to live a life which is pleasing to God? Why did God give the Holy Spirit to His Church on the Day of Pentecost? Can this lead to a fundamental change within the carnal and natural man who is sold under sin? And if so, how exactly can and must this change occur?

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A Vision

In life we come to points that are a little ambiguous at times. Which way do we go ? What path do we take? In order to have a firm understanding and direction, it requires us having a vision. Something that we can work towards. Something that inspires and drives us forward to accomplish great things. What is our vision today?


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Comfort and Encouragement

When we suffer, we must always remember that God does not forget our tears. Even when we are severely tested, God is there to help us. God wants to give us comfort and encouragement, as well as peace and tranquility; He has compassion for those who mourn and who are brokenhearted. The book of Ruth gives us an important understanding as to how the merciful God works in our lives.

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Obedience to the Faith

We often learn lessons about obedience and lessons about faith, but what about “obedience to the faith”? What does this phrase mean? How is the practice of obedience affected by faith? How does the exercise of faith change when considered in the context of obedience? Living our lives in a way that is acceptable to God depends on understanding the answers to these questions.

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Why Are There Races and Nations?

Nations rise and fall—is that merely the result of blind fate? Or is there a great purpose being worked out by God for ALL of His creation? Is God actually guiding the eventual outcome of man’s activities among the many races and nations?

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