Sound the Alarm

There will be a warning sound the whole world will hear, unlike that has ever been heard before, a sound that will warn of terrible disasters that will occur on this earth. How can we be prepared and also spared from having to go through what is prophesied to happen?

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Departing from God—Comments on News and Prophecy, September 9, 2023

In this program, we discuss astounding recent news which all signify a further departure from God: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President Joe Biden telling fairy tales; France at the brink of civil war; American nuclear bombs on European soil; NATO’s collapse; Corona restrictions and the “we will not comply movement”; stiff sentences against the Proud Boys because of “sedition”; funding of the US government is being threatened; the push for President Biden’s impeachment and the GOP reluctance; the Burning Man Festival; England’s Church priests support premarital sex and gay marriage; and gender change of children.

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Isaiah 58 – A Chapter for Modern Times

Isaiah 58 is an interesting chapter that speaks about some of the things that Christians need to be doing in their lives. It also talks about things that a Christian should be careful not to do. How exactly does this chapter find relevance in our modern times, seeing that this book was written sometime in the early 700s BC? 

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Know the Lord

Many claim to “know the Lord,” but never study His life and how He dealt with life’s challenging  situations; nor do they know what He was really like. This sermon looks at His attributes and characteristics.

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The First and Great Commandment

Jesus Christ answered a lawyer about which is the great commandment of the law. He quoted a passage in Deuteronomy chapter six which described this commandment and the physical benefits from obeying it. It is also very beneficial spiritually for us to obey it, remembering that only the Eternal God can give us eternal life. No other so-called gods are able to.

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Milestones mark the progressive achievements along a path. Christian growth involves reaching these demarcation points, one after the other, on a continual journey of conversion. 

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Hugging the Cactus

There are a couple of uses of this phrase that can be meaningful to a true Christian in the world today. One such use refers to the love we have for our children that can often be disregarded and unreciprocated. The other use is the idea of confronting that within each of us that is sinful and dealing with it so we can leave it in the past. In this sermonette, we explore Scriptures and examples that can help us taking the necessary action to move forward productively.  

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Europe’s War with America, Britain, Israel and Russia

The soon-coming Great Tribulation includes the destruction and occupation of America, Great Britain and the State of Israel in a nuclear World War III. What is meant with the “abomination of desolation” which will be placed in the Third Temple? When will the prophesied war between Europe and Russia occur? And what IS the sign of Christ’s coming and the end of the world? 

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