Understanding the Work of God

Is there a Work of God today? If so, what is it? Or, has the Work of God ended? Will it ever end? Is there a connection between the Work of God and the creation of man, the building of the tabernacle and the temple, the appearance of Jesus Christ as a Man, the Sabbath and the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God? How can you have a part in the Work of God? The Bible gives us astonishing answers and contradicts common beliefs about the Work of God.

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When You Think You Stand

It is human nature to believe we are performing well at a job even if we’re not doing so well. What can we do to overcome self-deception about how well we are doing as Christians?

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The Genesis of Christianity

The first book of the Bible sets the pillars for all understanding of God’s Plan. This statement might seem obvious but many that practice Christianity regard hard to explain parts of this book as stories or myths. Some even go so far as to ignore the basic precepts of Genesis in an attempt to make religion comfortable for modern interpretations. We must be extremely careful to not take this foundational book as anything other than the inspired true word of God.

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Ruling With Justice

Who are we putting our trust into and proving it through our fruits? If we are relying on ourselves, especially in these times, we risk losing eternal life.

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The Walls of Jericho

The walls of Jericho fell down. Was this event a forerunner of end-time events depicted in the Word of God? How does it relate to the Feast of Unleavened Bread—especially, the seventh day, a Holy Day of God?

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The Physical and Spiritual

The physical can lead us to think about the spiritual – and can help us grow in the way that we are instructed to live. It can be an invaluable help to assist us to stay on track and not fall away from the truth – and also in our quest to make it into the Kingdom of God – for eternity.

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En Garde

When fencing you learn that you must be ready to block an attack at any time. We must prepare as Christians to fight the evil around us. This takes preparation and help from God to get us through these battles. We must stay close to the love of God and the truth in order to continue pushing forward. We also must do our part in offerings to God to help move the work forward.

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Relationship With God

The most important thing that we need to cultivate during our time here on earth is our relationship with God. Without our full focus on this relationship, nothing else in life will work out for us. God has called us individually for a reason. It is our duty to draw close to Him so we can fully understand that reason.


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The Vital Quality of Kindness

You don’t have to be a Christian to be a kind individual.   Many who are adherents to other creeds – or indeed who may be atheists or an agnostics – can be kindly individuals.   But as sure as eggs are eggs, you can’t be a Christian and not have this vital quality of kindness.    Let us take this seriously and be a kind person so that we can glorify God in the way we behave in this aspect of the true Christian way of life.


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God offers blessings that are contingent on obedience. Any blessing that we may have in our lives is a direct result of God’s generosity. On the commanded Holy days, we are instructed to bring an offering that reflects our gratitude for the blessings that we have received.

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