LGD: Going Forward

We are to be encouraged to keep our shoulder to the wheel  and keep going forward in our responsibility to support the work of preaching the gospel to the world  as a witness and warning the world of the troublesome times ahead.

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LGD: Is Mankind Waiting For You?

Many don’t understand that their time for salvation has not yet come. Attempts to convert the masses today are predestined to failure. However, God wants that all come to the understanding of the Truth, and in due time, they will. What most don’t know is that they will be made alive in Christ, in their due time, in the Second Resurrection of Judgment. And YOU could have a helping role in this process.

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LGD: Unbelievable, Part 2

This second sermon covers a further five areas that are, of themselves, an incredible range of “unbelievable” matters to the world at large, but not to the Church of God which have been revealed to us by God’s Holy Spirit.  The areas that are discussed in these two sermons are not a complete and definitive list – there are other areas that could have been covered – but they should be sufficient to see what incredible knowledge and understanding we’ve been given.

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LGD: Life-Forever More!

That which is forever is in God’s control, and this sermon is about forever in regard to God and His Family.

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LGD: Stronger Together

In this Offertory Message we will consider scriptures that help to clarify how generous God is with His people, and how little He requires of us. Let’s use this Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day as a time to deepen our commitment to our Creator with every aspect of our lives.

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FOT: Respect

How much do we consider respect to be an important quality for a Christian?
Does God want us to be respectful and if so, how?

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FOT: Do We Have The Peace Of Jesus Christ?

True comprehensive external peace throughout the world is not possible today. But for the few who are called by God today, at least inner peace is possible. If you follow God’s Word and do what He commands you. Because then we can already have at least inner peace, namely the peace of Jesus Christ in us today.

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FOT: Reporting for Duty

Imagine how different the world could be if people greeted each day by telling God that we are here to do whatever he requires of us. We would live with the awareness that each moment is time that we can honor God or alienate Him. In this Split Sermon we will consider various scriptures that will assist our understanding of the need to serve God with our very lives and with all that we do each day.

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FOT: Focus

We as Christians are being distracted in this world by so many things. That’s why it is so important to keep beeing focused on the right Goal.

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