Proverbs 22:6 has caused many righteous parents, over the years, to
question their righteousness, or even their conversion, when their
children who had been trained in the way of righteousness and truth
later departed from it. They concluded that it must have been their
fault that their children did not stay loyal to God.
However, a
close look at Proverbs 22:6 might reveal that the righteous parents
caused unnecessary grief for themselves in this matter (Of course, we
must also realize that many parents who thought that they were
converted Christians might not have been converted at all, which might
be evidenced by the fact that they later left the Way of Truth, compare
1 John 2:19).
First of all, let us briefly rehearse a few
examples from the Biblical record of righteous parents and
less-than-righteous children. For instance, we know that David was a
righteous man who will be in the kingdom of God. But his son Absalom
rebelled against his father and God. David’s son Amnon violated his own
sister. And even David’s son Solomon departed from God’s way of
life–at least temporarily.
Samuel was a righteous prophet of God. But his sons did not walk in God’s ways (1 Samuel 8:3).
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