Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Booklet, “Europe in Prophecy – The Unfolding of End-Time Events”

San Diego, CA. — September 13, 2016 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of its free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy – The Unfolding of End-Time Events”. This booklet outlines prophecy playing out right now that leads to the formation of the tenth revival of the Roman Empire, and terrible consequences prior to the return of Christ.

The Bible shows us that a tenth revival of the Roman Empire in Europe will happen just prior to Christ’s return, and will bring about a world-wide war. If Christ was not to intervene, mankind would be facing total annihilation. Christ states in Matthew 24:22, “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved [alive], but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” We are admonished to watch and be ready for the return of Jesus Christ. But what are the signs that point to His return?

As surprising as it may seem, what is developing in Europe right now has been foretold, and is happening exactly as prophesied in the pages of the Holy Bible. A European power block is developing before our eyes; there are right-wing activities in Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands and other European countries; the Catholic Church proclaims that it is the only true Church of Christ. All of these events are leading to a European economic superstate with one single currency, one political and military system, and even one religion.

The author of the booklet, Evangelist Norbert Link, explains: “It is critical to watch and correctly interpret events happening in the world right now. God has made it possible for us to understand what is transpiring by viewing history through the pages of the Bible, and He shows us what we need to do to escape what is to come.”

View or order a free copy of our booklet at to find out more.

About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet, and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Church of the Eternal God
Copyright ©2016 All Rights Reserved.

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins”

San Diego, CA. — July 12, 2016 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of its free booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins”. This booklet provides many answers to the questions surrounding life after death, and ultimate punishment for our sins.

Many believe that if they’ve lived a good life, they will go to heaven when they die. Others worry that because they sinned much in their life, they will end up in hell to be tormented forever. But, do we have an immortal soul that keeps living that will ultimately end up in such places? How do we receive punishment for our sins – what exactly happens at the end of our physical existence?

The Bible clearly shows that the concept of an immortal soul is erroneous. Death is simply a sleep without consciousness until a resurrection from the dead. So how will punishment for sins take place then? We read in John 5:28–29 that all who are in their graves will come forward when they hear the voice of the Son of Man – those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be judged.

The author of the booklet, Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “God is merciful and has great compassion. Upon sincere repentance, He will forgive sins and undoubtedly reduce any punishment for a repentant sinner to the absolute minimum. However, we should not think that there will be no accounting for sins, even after true repentance. But it is only those who rebelliously and irrevocably refuse to submit to God that will be destroyed permanently in the lake of fire.”

Order a free copy of our booklet at to find out more.

About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Church of the Eternal God
Copyright ©2016 All Rights Reserved.

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces New StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Easter”

San Diego, CA. — March 15, 2016 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of the new StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Easter”, which delves into the real origins of Easter and its traditions.

Easter is considered the most important holy day in Christianity, but what do we know about its origins? Many believe Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but Easter existed long before Christ was even born. So what do Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, Easter cakes and Easter sunrise services have to do with Christ?

Most historians agree that Easter was originally a pagan festival. While many are astonished to learn that Easter customs and symbols are squarely rooted in paganism, they carry on celebrating it anyway. They tell themselves that as long as they make Christ the center of the observance, it’s really okay to participate. Does it matter to God whether or not you keep Easter?

Jeremiah 10:2 tells us: “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles.” Deuteronomy 12:29–32 commands us not to “inquire after their gods”, and “You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way.” The early Church did not keep Easter. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, Vol. 8, p. 828, confirms that “there is no indication of the observance of the Easter Festival in the New Testament, or in the writings of the apostolic fathers.”

Evangelist Norbert Link explains: “There are many scriptures that command us not to worship God in the way of the pagans. It’s completely and abundantly clear from both biblical and historical records that true Christians should not participate in Easter celebrations. It is pagan, and it cannot be Christianized in any way whatsoever.”

See the StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Easter” at

About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit
Contact Information

Church of the Eternal God
Copyright ©2016 All Rights Reserved.

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Booklet, “Do You Know the Jesus of the Bible?”

San Diego, CA. — February 2, 2016 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of its free booklet, “Do You Know the Jesus of the Bible?” This booklet focuses on Jesus Christ’s pre-existence, His birth, and His life on earth as a human being.

Jesus Christ is a paradox to most people – many questions surround who He is. Did He really exist prior to His human birth? If so, who or what was He? Why did Jesus come in the first place, and what were the purposes of His Coming?

Philippians 2:5–7 explains that Christ was in the “form of God” and “equal with God” the Father, but that He took the “form of a bondservant” and came “in the likeness of men.” The Old Testament, especially Isaiah 53, prophesies that the Messiah would first come to earth as God’s suffering Servant. While here on earth, what kind of life exactly did Jesus live? Was He a hippie-like, homeless vagabond with long hair? Was He married, and did He have brothers and sisters?

The real account of Jesus Christ can be found in the pages of the Bible – these records were left as a witness for us to learn about and truly know Him. The Bible clearly shows that He existed before His human birth; that He came to earth for phenomenal purposes; and while here as a human being, He lived His life as an example for us so we could see how to live as true Christians.

The author of the booklet, Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “Jesus Christ is the model we must strive to emulate as Christians. The Bible provides instructions that will allow you to better understand who and what Jesus Christ was and is, and how He really lived as a human being, so that you can follow in His footsteps.”

Download our free booklet at to find out more.
About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe annual biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present Church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through our literature, sermons and the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Church of the Eternal God
Copyright ©2016 All Rights Reserved.

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces New StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Christmas!”

San Diego, CA. — December 15, 2015 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of its new StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Christmas!” which focuses on the real truth behind Christmas celebrations and customs.

Many would be shocked to learn that the celebrations around Christmas originate in a time long before the birth of Christ. In fact, while many people may think they are commemorating Christ’s birth and celebrating the “joy” of the season, they are actually paying homage to pagan customs connected to evil spirits, concepts and figures.

The truth is, Christ wasn’t even born on December 25th, and the original purpose of the celebration was to honor pagan deities, such as the Persian sun god Mithras, who was “born” on December 25. Further, all of the traditions surrounding Christmas such as gifts, Santa Claus and the Christmas tree are not only pagan customs that have been adopted by Orthodox Christianity, but observance of such practices are an abomination in the eyes of God.

Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “Observing pagan customs in an attempt to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, customs of which He was never a part of in the first place and which are actually honoring and worshipping demons, is wrong and is plainly prohibited in the Bible. It is incredibly clear that God commands us not to worship Him in this way. We read in Matthew 15:7–9 that we worship Christ in a vain way when we teach as doctrines the commandments of men.”

Find out more about the dark side of Christmas at


About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe annual biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present Church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through our literature, sermons and the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Church of the Eternal God
Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Availability of Booklet, “Heavens and Earth…Before and After the First Man!”

San Diego, CA. — November 3, 2015 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of its free booklet, “Heavens and Earth…Before and After the First Man!” This booklet focuses on the many puzzling questions pertaining to the ancient history of planet earth, the history of man, and the purpose of the existence of mankind.

Was there a world prior to Adam, and if so, what did it look like? Is everything that exists simply the product of an accidental “evolutionary” process or did God really create everything within the frame of a master plan? These questions seem to only provoke a confusing array of responses rather than reasonable and sensible answers. However, a search of the Bible provides real answers to these and many other questions.

While scientists believe there is proof the beginning of the universe began with a “big bang”, the Bible shows us something altogether different. God says in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The New Testament confirms these claims in Hebrews 11:3, “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Hebrews 1:10 tells us, “You, LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.” Again, we are told that it was God who brought into existence everything there is.

The Bible clearly shows that God is the Creator of all things, but what exactly did He create?  Did God create voracious dinosaurs and other vicious creatures? If He did not create them in that aggressive state, how and why did they become like that? Is it possible that some of them survived?  Is it possible that the Loch Ness Monster or Ogopogo really exist? Could creatures such as Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Yeti exist today?  How long has man existed?

The author of the booklet, Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “The Bible provides answers to the many questions man has around his existence and the cohabitants of this Earth. To truly and fully understand what God reveals in the Bible and how these truths relate to the history of man and beyond, one must be of an open mind and have a willing attitude. Obedience to God is the unfaltering key that is necessary if we really do want to understand the great picture that includes the 7,000 year plan for mankind and beyond.”

Join us in this interesting search of the Bible to find answers at

About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.



Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Three-Part Prophecy DVD and CD Series that Focuses on Understanding Biblical Prophecy

San Diego, CA. — August 18, 2015 — Church of the Eternal God announces a free three-part sermon series available in DVD or CD format for those that want to gain a better understanding of the biblical prophecy unfolding in Europe – which most do not understand has tremendous consequences for the entire world. Many cannot see the significance of the events happening before their very eyes, and fail to piece together and make sense of it all.

The Bible warns of these events transpiring in continental Europe, which will quite negatively affect the USA and the UK, as well as the state of Israel. The keys to correctly understanding these events and the prophecies yet to play out are revealed in the Bible, and substantiated by history itself.

Evangelist Norbert Link sheds light on these events and dispels the myths in this series focusing on the following: Part 1 – The Number of the Beast; Part 2 – The Mark of the Beast; and Part 3 – The Woman Riding the Beast. This series clearly explains that the beast, as referenced beginning in Revelation 13:1, is an end-time military leader arising in Europe, as well as a political and military power tied to the ancient Roman Empire and its ten European revivals, as described in the book of Daniel. Those listening will learn that nine of these revivals have come and gone, and that we are observing the beginning of the tenth and final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire in Europe right now, which will ultimately be under the leadership of a German or Austrian personality. We also explain the true identity of the woman riding the beast.

There are horrific consequences to following along with this satanic end time political, military and religious system. Evangelist Norbert Link explained, “The Bible warns us to not be deceived by Satan and his demon-inspired human instruments and institutions and to set ourselves apart. We must be fully awake to these events coming to pass, and continually pray that we are counted worthy to escape.”

Go to to request your free DVD or CD series focusing on how to understand biblical prophecy.

About Church of the Eternal God:
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.
We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:
Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Live Sermon Series Focusing on How to Understand Biblical Prophecy Unfolding in Europe

San Diego, CA. — May 26, 2015 — As prophetic events play out in Europe, the Church of the Eternal God announces a three-part live sermon series in June to help educate those that want to gain an understanding of the events happening now, and get insight into what lies ahead in the near future. The Bible clearly warns of events transpiring in continental Europe, which will quite negatively affect the USA and the UK, as well as the state of Israel, and this series will highlight those developments, explaining who and what the beast is, as well as the fallen woman riding the beast.

This three-part series, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link, will focus on the following: Part 1, June 13 – The Number of the Beast; Part 2, June 20 – The Mark of the Beast; and Part 3, June 27 – The Woman Riding the Beast. This series will clearly explain that the beast, as referenced beginning in Revelation 13:1, is an end-time military leader arising in Europe, as well as a political and military power tied to the ancient Roman Empire and its ten European revivals, as described in the book of Daniel. Those in attendance will learn that nine of these revivals have come and gone, and that we are observing the beginning of the tenth and final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire in Europe right now, which will ultimately be under the leadership of a German or Austrian personality. We will also explain the true identity of the woman riding the beast.

We are told in Revelation 13:17 that the nations will accept the name of the beast and the number of his name, and no one will be able to buy or sell if he does not have the mark or the name of the beast. God warns us not to worship the beast and his image, and not to receive his mark on our forehead and on our hand (Revelation 14:9). Unfortunately, most people will be so deceived that they will actually worship the beast – who receives his power from Satan – all the while rejecting the true God and His Law.

In Revelation 17, we read that John sees a fallen woman who sits on a scarlet-colored beast with seven heads and ten horns. This woman is identified as “the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication” (Revelation 19:2). Who is this woman? Is it Islam, as many claim today, or is it the United States of America, riding or directing the last European revival of the ancient Roman Empire, as others believe? This series will show that none of this is correct, and it will reveal the true biblical teaching. This fallen woman will join forces with the beast power, and the beast will reward those who will observe the dictates of the woman, while persecuting those who won’t.

Evangelist Norbert Link explains, “We must focus on drawing very near to God so we can have the necessary strength to endure the upcoming challenges and persecution. We need to strive to better understand and keep God’s laws, and be faithful in accepting from God His sign which clearly identifies us as His people, while rejecting the ‘mark’ of the beast, which has been around for a very long time.”

One will need to have godly wisdom and understanding to know what is coming to pass, and to accurately identify the beast, calculate his number and reject his mark, and not to be deceived by the beast and the fallen woman.

Go to to find out more about our upcoming live sermon series focusing on how to understand biblical prophecy.

About Church of the Eternal God:
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:
Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces New StandingWatch Program, Should Christians Keep Easter?

San Diego, CA. — March 12, 2015 — The StandingWatch program is produced as part of the task and commission of the Church of the Eternal God to shed light on common and harmful falsehoods integrated into our society, and warn mankind of impending disaster, while at the same time giving hope and comfort for the future.  The current program, “Should Christians Keep Easter?”, focuses on the truth behind the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and explores the real origins of Easter and its customs.

Many would be shocked if they were told that Easter was neither Christian, nor that it memorializes the death and resurrection of our Savior.  They would be surprised to hear that many Christians have believed over the centuries that Christ was neither crucified on a Friday, nor that He was resurrected on a Sunday.  They have even claimed that if He had been, He could not have been our Savior!

As Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “The only sign that Jesus Christ gave for His Messiahship, was that He would be dead and buried in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, as noted in Matthew 12:38–40.  Christ was referring to 72 hours. The traditionally accepted period celebrated in Easter from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning simply does not add up.  By no stretch of the imagination could that constitute 72 hours.”

Many would also be surprised to learn where the modern name “Easter” originated, and most have probably never asked the question as to what egg-laying Easter rabbits and colored Easter eggs have to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Go to to find answers to the question as to whether Christians ought to participate in Easter celebrations.


About Church of the Eternal God:

The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:

Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.



Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Availability of Booklet, “When and How Will Christ Return?”

San Diego, CA. — February 26, 2015 — In light of biblical prophecy currently unfolding, the Church of the Eternal God has re-announced the availability of its latest booklet, “When and How Will Christ Return?”. This booklet is part of an ever-expanding library of informative material generated to help educate those seeking a deeper understanding of God’s Will. The booklet focuses on the conditions that point to Jesus Christ’s imminent return to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth.

These conditions include ever-increasing religious deception, wars, earthquakes, famines and disease epidemics – events which are described by Christ as the “beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8). These signs will become more and more visible and frightening in the years to come, followed by even more traumatic events.

As Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “The commission of the Church is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and fulfill the Work which Christ has given to His Church. In light of this, and the current landscape in which we find ourselves living, it’s vitally important to understand why today is different from the last two thousand years since Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the circumstances that will unfold before He returns. At the same time, we must take steps to prepare ourselves to be accounted worthy to escape the frightening events that are sure to take place.”

While no one knows the day or hour when Jesus Christ will return, as noted in Matthew 24:36, He does provide us with a blueprint of what to watch for in order to understand that the time is at hand. He described events in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, which would lead to His return. It is in that context that He added the following words: “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew 24:32-35). 

We are living in the last generation before Christ returns. Knowing this, it is therefore extremely important for us to watch and pray, and to be “ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an HOUR [we] do NOT expect” (Matthew 24:44).
To find out more, please go to

About Church of the Eternal God:

The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:

Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God
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