God’s Law or God’s Grace?

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Did Christ come to abolish the law of the 10 Commandments?

Or is it still to be kept today?

What is grace?

What does it mean to be under grace and no longer under the law?

Does it matter how we live to inherit eternal life?

Do we have to do something to inherit salvation?

What is the meaning of God’s law and is it even possible for us to keep it?

What is the meaning of God’s grace and what effect does it have on us?

Europe in Prophecy

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The Bible tells us to WATCH and PREPARE for Christ’s return.

But how are we to prepare and what are we to watch for?

Has the Bible prophesied throughout history what is happening in the world and what is still coming?

Will there be another world war?

The Bible warns about the upcoming end-time events that will affect the whole world, including the United States, Great Britain and Europe.

What does the Bible say about Europe in Prophecy?

Punishment For Our Sins

To Request a FREE hard copy of this booklet, please write to: contact@eternalgod.org

What happens when we die?

Is there life after death?

If so, how will it look and what happens to the sins we committed?

Will there be an accounting?

Will there be forgiveness?

Will there be punishment?

How can we live to avoid future embarrassment, torment, stripes, punishment?

©2025 Church of the Eternal God