Letter to the Brethren – September 5, 2012

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

We are fast approaching the autumnal Holy Day season with the Feast of Trumpets on September 17 and the Day of Atonement on September 26. The people of God will also be keeping the Feast of Tabernacles at Feast sites around the world to observe this biblically commanded period of time from October 1 to 8. But I will ask the question, as many have asked in the past, how many who kept the Feast last year will be absent this year?

It appears to be a constant within the Church of God that there will be absentees for all sorts of reasons: death, illness, injury or disability, family or work-related problems or maybe even loss of faith, interest or general apathy. It is always sad to hear of those faltering in their Christian calling, particularly at a time when prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. We must, however, be aware of the warning given in Matthew 24:12 where Jesus talks about the time when the “love of many will grow cold”. This describes an indifference or even hostility to the truth once embraced, as well as these same traits being aimed at faithful Church members.

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Letter to the Brethren – August 15, 2012

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

This is an extremely dangerous time for Christians!

The assaults which are prophesied to arise against the followers of Christ at the end of the age are only now in their beginning stages. As we have reported in our weekly Updates, religious persecution, especially in parts of Africa, has led to bloodshed. What is notable is that people who claim Christianity as their faith are being singled out in attacks from strident Islamic extremists.

In Europe—particularly, Germany—religious Jews, who maintain the practice of circumcision, are finding themselves at odds with a court decision which criminalizes such procedures (this also affects Moslems who observe a similar custom). This is happening in conjunction with other nations, such as Austria and Switzerland, and also with France, which is prohibiting the wearing of certain kinds of religious dress.

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Letter to the Brethren – July 12, 2012

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,

How close are we to the day of Christ’s return? Of course, we do not know for sure (Matthew 24:44; 25:13), and we should never attempt to set dates—not even speculative dates—but we are encouraged to observe the signs of the time (Matthew 16:2-3) to determine whether or not the day is near (Matthew 24:32-34). Sadly, before Christ can come back, terrible events will have to occur first, described in the Bible as the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.

Even though some in God’s Church will be protected at a place of safety here on earth (Revelation 12:13-16), others will have to experience unparalleled persecution and even martyrdom (Revelation 12:17; 6:9-11). But Paul said that all who want to live godly will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12)—even prior to the end of this present evil age. And increasing religious persecution of the faithful is one indication of impending frightful days of such magnitude “such as not have been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).

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Letter to the Brethren – June 7, 2012

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Dear Members, Co-Workers, and Friends,

Thank you.

The mere fact that you’re reading this letter means that you have supported the work of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States, the Church of God – A Christian Fellowship in Canada, the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom, and its additional affiliations and outlets, such as Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes in Germany, and our StandingWatch programs. Whether through financial contributions, notes of encouragement to the ministry, attendance at Sabbath services and Feasts, heartfelt prayers for the Work, or the simple consumption of the media produced for preaching the Gospel, your participation is what allows the Church to exist and fulfill the commission set before us. Thank you for your continued support. We want to make sure that you know it is tremendously appreciated.

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Letter to the Brethren – May 10, 2012

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

This is an extremely dangerous time for Christians!

The assaults which are prophesied to arise against the followers of Christ at the end of the age are only now in their beginning stages. As we have reported in our weekly Updates, religious persecution, especially in parts of Africa, has led to bloodshed. What is notable is that people who claim Christianity as their faith are being singled out in attacks from strident Islamic extremists.

In Europe—particularly, Germany—religious Jews, who maintain the practice of circumcision, are finding themselves at odds with a court decision which criminalizes such procedures (this also affects Moslems who observe a similar custom). This is happening in conjunction with other nations, such as Austria and Switzerland, and also with France, which is prohibiting the wearing of certain kinds of religious dress.

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Letter to the Brethren – March 27, 2012

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Dear Members, Co-workers and Friends,

We have just concluded our annual Church conference in the greater San Diego area. Though it was a time for the entire ministry to catch up with one another and the brethren from the local area, there was a sense of “getting business done” even more so than usual.

As we went through the agenda, there seemed to be a sharpened focus on accomplishing what has been placed before us. Without saying it, everyone knows that time is short, and the need to witness to the world and help the bride to get ready has become that much more pressing.

In going through the items that needed to be discussed and taken care of, there was a business-like approach to addressing the issues thoroughly and succinctly, creating action items if necessary, and then moving on to the next matter at hand. God did indeed answer the prayers you sent up before the conference as well as those given during it. Thank you!

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Letter to the Brethren – February 9, 2012

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

There were so many significant events that occurred in 2011. One of those was the desire of many to change the political structure in their own country. We can all remember the “Arab Spring,” which started in Tunisia, swept to Egypt and soon encompassed a number of other nations in the Middle East area. It was a domino effect that established that many were unhappy with the leadership their governments had shown.

On December 17, 2011, Kim Jong-il, who had ruled North Korea since 1994, died of a heart attack, and his son, Kim Jong-un, was accepted as his successor. At the funeral in late December, television programs showed scenes of mass hysteria and grief from mourners, many of whom were very young. Perhaps they were not aware of the appalling record of Kim Jong-il who was named as number 2 in a list of tyrants in a book entitled, “The World’s 20 Worst Living Dictators,” which was written by David Wallechinsky. Or maybe they were “planted” in the crowd to bolster the credibility of this small state, where their people have never known freedom.

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Letter to the Brethren – January 16, 2012

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

We find ourselves watching the upheaval of nations all over the earth—in ways that are historically unprecedented! At its core, the issue is about who will govern—who really should have the
final say.

The Middle East and northern Africa are continuing to be restive as various power-blocs vie for absolute control. Europe has witnessed the realignment of governments that have proven too weak to manage devastating financial woes—leading to angry demonstrations and nation-wide strikes. The United States, facing out-of-control national debt, is entering what will surely prove to be a volatile and rancorous presidential campaign throughout the coming months.

Anywhere we might care to look, governments are falling short, and despite grandiose claims by every new leader or administration, those who rule over others ultimately fail!

That is the bad news of human history, and it is the sordid reality for the generation in which we now find ourselves living!

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Letter to the Brethren – November 14, 2011

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

We have just finished observing the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day, and we will cherish and embrace fond memories, while already anticipating with eagerness next year’s autumn festivals. It is good and right to reflect on the joyful time which we all experienced during the Feast, and so, we are publishing below two reports from our Feast sites in California and North Wales.

Church of the Eternal God Feast Report 2011

According to all reports and comments received, this was indeed the best Feast ever—so far. We observed the Feast at Pismo Beach in a most beautiful facility (at the Hilton Garden Inn) and an outstanding environment. We welcomed attendees from the USA, Germany and Bermuda, and enjoyed inspiring messages focusing on the wonderful future of the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment. Some of the topics were “Why Do We Keep the Feast?”, “Before Time Began,” “How It Will Be in the Millennium,” “Create or Destroy,” “Why Is God Calling You Now,” “Eye of a Needle,” “The Strong and Weak,” “The Nations,” “Unity,” “A Plan of Judgment,” “Your Future Life,” and “Life After Death,” among others.

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Letter to the Brethren – December 16, 2011

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,

Tumultuous events of unparalleled importance are on the horizon. And while many attempt to escape reality by trying to experience warm and cozy feelings during Christmas celebrations, mankind is getting closer to the brink of utter destruction.

In a series of sermons, we have begun addressing the seven seals in the book of Revelation, and we have commenced with publishing several installments on the same topic in our weekly Updates. We are also addressing the topic in our new radio programs, which will begin broadcasting in January.

We should all know that the first four seals picture the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, representing false religion, war, famine and disease pandemics. We read in Revelation 6:8 that these four horsemen will kill one-fourth of mankind.

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