Who Am I?

Christ asked His apostles the question, “Who Am I?”, in a slightly different format. Matthew 16:13 records Christ’s saying: “‘Who DO MEN SAY that I, the Son of Man, am ?'” Their answer was, as preserved in verse 14: “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Then pressing them a little further, He asked them point blank, in verse 15: “‘But who do you say that I am?'” Peter answered that He was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Christ not only concurred with Peter’s statement, but He told him this was revealed to him by God (compare verses 16-17).

If someone was to ask you who you are, what would your answer be? Would it be that you are the son or daughter of your father, Mr.___, who came from a certain part of Canada or the US or Europe or another part of the world? That you are a mechanic or a computer programmer, a builder, or of another occupation and trade? These answers may be accurate, but they would be incomplete.

Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

What does God, through the Bible, say we are? 1 Peter 2:9 calls you a chosen son or daughter of the living God, a priest, a holy individual, and a special person. If you continue to the end, you will be fulfilling and carrying out kingly and priestly functions. 1 John 3:1-2 calls you a child of God.

There is a saying: A person will rise to his expectation. If you are constantly told you are inferior or not too bright, you will in all likelihood be or become that way. On the other hand, God has already determined what we are and will be in the future–if we do our part. So it is our responsibility to rise to HIS expectation and conduct ourselves as priests, holy individuals, special in God’s eyes (which we are), and as children of God, to rule with Christ in the Kingdom.

There is another saying: The cream rises to the top. God looks at us as “the cream.” We don’t say this to be puffed up. Rather, we need to consider that regardless of our position in this life, “God has chosen the weak… of the world” for His purpose (1 Corinthians 1:27). However, we are destined for greatness. 1 Corinthians 3:23 tells us that we are Christ’s. We are destined for glory and rulership. We should never take our eyes off our future goal.

The answer to our original question, “Who am I?”, is this: “I am a special person in God’s eyes, a potential king and priest and much more than that. I am a begotten child, a son or daughter of God, to be born as an immortal God being, when Christ returns.” We must never forget that!

Go Ahead, and Ask!

What do you pray about–little or much?

In the Bible, we find examples of all kinds of requests made to God. People prayed for themselves, for their loved ones, for their nation and, yes, even for their enemies.

Jesus Christ taught His disciples: “‘Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you'” (John 16:23). We can understand from this that what we ask for should be in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ, because we are asking in His name!

If we aren’t careful, though, we may limit ourselves–we simply may not go far enough in our prayers. There is a type of an example of this. The prophet Elisha, who was on his deathbed, told Joash to do something that would have meant the removal of the enemy nation of Syria: “Then he said, ‘Take the arrows’; so he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, ‘Strike the ground’; so he struck three times, and stopped” (2 Kings 13:18).

However, the king failed to zealously continue to do what he should have done: “And the man of God was angry with him, and said, ‘You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times'” (verse 19).

Do we stop short in our prayers? We have this instruction from Jesus: “‘So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you'” (Luke 11:9).

James addresses the problem in this way: “…you do not have because you do not ask” (4:2). James adds this: “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures” (4:3).

So, what should we pray about? On the one hand, we are taught to be bold and filled with faith when we appear before God in prayer, while, on the other hand, we are cautioned to ask according to God’s will!

The answer is to look to the examples in God’s Word. We see requests made and answers given: the dead were restored to life and the sick healed; individuals and nations were delivered in times of great trials; and those who turned to God in repentance through prayer and obedience received the gift of God’s Holy Spirit–becoming the begotten children of God and destined to receive eternal life!

Jesus prayed fervently and often about events in His own life as well as for those of us who now follow Him (Read His prayer in John 17–specifically verse 20). He asked, and He asked for a lot–and God answered Him! He is our example, so, go ahead, and ASK!

We Are A Team!

Almost exactly four years ago, on July 2, 2001, we filed the Articles of Incorporation of the Church of the Eternal God (CEG) with the Secretary of State of California, which were subsequently approved on July 5, 2001. Following this, we applied for and received federal and state tax exempt status.

There were mainly two major factors forcing us to establish CEG in the United States, and to affiliate with the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom (Global) and the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada (CGCF): (1) Our conviction to have to provide a spiritual haven for those members, co-workers and others who felt that they had no spiritual place to go; and (2) Our conviction that we must continue to preach, as much as God allows and wants us to, the gospel or good news of the soon-coming Kingdom of God, to be established here on earth by the return of Jesus Christ, as the KING of kings, and the LORD of lords.

We understood that spiritually providing for the Church or “feeding the flock” includes GROWING in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that BOLDLY and STRONGLY preaching the gospel requires an unwavering COMMITMENT by all of us to CONTRIBUTE to the WORK of the LIVING God, as much as possible, in many different ways, as decreed by God (compare 1 Corinthians 12:12-30).

Sadly, not all who joined with us in the effort to FULFILL God’s two-fold Commission to His end-time Church (of preaching the gospel and feeding the flock) are still with us. Some left us, or we had to disassociate from them, because they simply did not have the same spirit or mindset, which we must have if we want to see that our Church organizations succeed, to the glory and honor of God!

I’m reminded of Gideon’s army, as recorded in the Book of Judges. The Midianites, the Amalakites, and the people of the East were oppressing Israel. God appointed Gideon to free Israel from this foreign occupation. Gideon doubted that he would be able to accomplish such a great task, so God had to prove to him through supernatural signs that He was with him. Still, Gideon needed help. He sent messengers to the people, and since they had undoubtedly heard about the mighty deeds which God had already done through Gideon, many came to join him (compare Judges 6:28-35). But they were clearly not all of the same conviction, and they did not have the same dedication to God’s cause. God had to reduce Gideon’s army. First, Gideon, in following God’s command, sent those home who were fearful and afraid (Judges 7:2-3). Twenty-two thousand (!) of his army returned. Subsequently, God sent 9,700 soldiers home who got on their knees to drink. Only 300 men, who lapped from the water with their tongues, as dogs lap, were allowed to stay (verses 5-7). They showed a higher degree of military readiness, being watchful and alert, as they “evidently… used their hands to bring the water to their mouths while standing upright, just as a dog uses his tongue to bring water to his mouth… in contrast to those who knelt” (Ryrie Study Bible).

God separated those who were truly committed to His cause from those who were not, either because they were afraid to fight boldly for God, or because they did not see the need to be dedicated and committed at all times. And so, we have seen that some who began with us, or who joined us later, have left us. I’m sure that they thought they had good reasons to leave, but the fact remains that they are no longer part of Gideon’s army, to stay within the picture. But the commitment of others did not waver. God has also added, and He WILL be adding, new people, and God has been blessing our combined efforts.

Through the grace and power of God, much has been accomplished. You are reading the 200th edition of our weekly Update. We have posted literally hundreds of sermons, as well as over 50 StandingWatch programs, on one of our four Websites. We have published and posted on our Websites 18 booklets in the English language, and several booklets and articles in the French and German languages. We have sent out several thousand audio sermon tapes.

All of this is a TEAM effort. And we, the ministry of CEG, Global and CGCF, are tremendously thankful for our dedicated team. Some of those who help us on a constant time-consuming basis (whether it is as editorial reviewers and the graphic designer of our booklets; regular contributors to and writers for our weekly updates, including our younger people; copying and sending out the weekly audio tapes; as well as our webmaster) are listed, by name, in our written literature and on our Websites–but there are so many more we could name. God knows who they are!

There are those who are members of our technical team, competently helping us with the design of our Websites and many other technically related issues. There are those who assist us diligently before, during, and after Church services with technical issues, including the live broadcast of our services, the recording of our sermons, and the uploading of our sermons to the Web. Some assist with opening and closing prayers, songleading, delivering sermonettes and split-sermons, special music and choir. There are those who help us maintaining and updating our Websites. Others finalize and send out our updates via email. Still others prepare and send out our hard-copy mail (including booklets, member letters and updates). There are those who are involved in producing video recordings of our sermons for scattered groups of brethren. There are those who help us with the translation of our English literature into other languages. There are our young members whom God has begun to prepare and use more and more powerfully for important tasks to come. And last, but not least, there are our ministerial wives who have been helping all of us tirelessly in many ways, including giving us much encouragement. Truly, God has given us in the ministry helpers comparable to us (compare Genesis 2:20), or, to say it, as does the New Revised Standard Version, helpers as our partners.

We could not have accomplished much, if anything, if it had not been for the true dedication of God’s people to God’s cause. That is why we would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your sincere loyalty, help, tireless efforts, financial contributions and, most importantly, your continued constant prayers that God would send dedicated, convicted helpers into the harvest, because the harvest is indeed plentiful, but sincere selfless laborers are few (Matthew 9:37-38).

In return, we pray to God for His abundant blessings for your efforts in His Work, and for your personal lives. Even though we cannot adequately thank you for your dedication, we would like to cite to you the unshakable promise of the Head of this Church, Jesus Christ, in Revelation 22:12: “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.”

Does Anyone Really Listen?

Over the years in the Church of God, mountains of information have been produced in the form of magazines, books, booklets, reprint articles, questions and answers, lectures, Bible studies, sermons (live and on audio, video and DVD) and information on web sites. This has all taken much work and effort and has been provided to help, instruct and edify church members in their journey towards the Kingdom of God.

History has told us that many have not listened, or if they have, it was either only for a period of time or they were never really interested anyway. Of course, some who may have shown some initial interest may not have been called at that time, but for those who were called and baptized and fully embraced the new way of life, failure to listen could prove disastrous to their long term future!

Spiritual deafness can be caused by a lack of conviction in the first place (Ezekiel 33:31-33), disobedience (Matthew 7:26-27), shallowness (Matthew 13:18-21), hardness of heart (Luke 16:27-31), forgetfulness (James 1:22-24), indifference (Matthew 22:1-5) and rebellion (Ezekiel 12:1-2).

But while we may not always listen to God through His Word and His ministry, God always listens to us, except, when we rebel against Him and refuse to repent. Then, we are told, God will not listen to us, Isaiah 59:1-2. But barring this, God is available every second of every day and will not turn a deaf ear to His people. Prayer is the way we communicate with our Creator, and we see that our prayers are important to God (Revelation 5:8).

It is also very important that church members listen to each other and even to good advice from those “outside” the church. There is a classic Biblical case of someone listening to instruction. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, saw that Moses dealt with the people from morning to night, and he offered him some very wise advice (Exodus 18:17-24). By heeding that wise counsel, Moses, who was the leader of the nation and not too proud to heed advice, was able to benefit, as was the nation of Israel. He had a humble and approachable attitude and one that we can learn from. Too often, some have not only discounted advice from those who may have seen them heading in a wrong direction, but have refused to listen at all. Being easily entreated is a splendid Biblical principle that we can all benefit from.

Do we listen? Hopefully the answer is yes — and on an ongoing basis. We are to listen to God through His Word and His ministry, and to each other, as we help and encourage each other in our mutual journey towards eternal life. And in the meantime, we can take a lesson from the way that God works — He listens attentively to us. That’s the finest example we could possibly have.

Looking in All the Wrong Places

I remember I was hauled around during our search for the true church. We looked at many other churches and their set of beliefs, doctrines and practices. As can be guessed, things weren’t quite right at many of the places we visited. But before too long our diligent search paid dividends at a congregation that one wouldn’t expect. All of the hard work that had been done had paid off. Or had it….?

But it was soon realized that we hadn’t found the true church. In reality it was God who led us to Him. Yes, we were in the congregation of the Church of God, but it was not due to our searching, but due to the fact that God had called us to Him. We soon learned that “No one can come to Me [Jesus Christ] unless the Father who sent Me draws him…” (John 6:44).

Well, at least we knew why He called us. Surely, it was because we had the ability to comprehend His Word and His Truth. We sat in services and were able to understand the precious gems that were being expounded week after week. Most in the world had yet to understand these profundities, though they may have read the exact same words. All of the work that had been done in the prior years in becoming a better person had paid off. Or had it…?

But it was soon realized that God calls the weak and foolish (1 Corinthians 1:27) and gives them the ability to understand Him and His Ways (1 Corinthians 2:10-11).

So exactly what did I do to deserve this? Nothing.

Let This Mind Be in You!

The human mind is a wonderful instrument, created by God! There is no other physical creature which has been given such a marvelous gift! And yet, we often take this gift of the human mind for granted. And many in the world today are wasting this precious gift from God!

We are told in the book of Proverbs that as a man “…thinks in his heart (mind), so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). We have come to understand the truth contained in this statement. We are what we think! We are further told in the book of 1 Corinthians to “…be (become) perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). But how are we to do this? How can it happen, when so often our minds are focused on the wrong things?

This marvelous gift we have been given is capable of doing great good in the world. Many marvelous blessings have come from the creative ability of the human mind, and mankind has shown his great concern for his fellow man by carrying through with tremendous humanitarian deeds in the name of goodwill.

Yet, the human mind also has the ability to perform tremendous evil against his fellow man. Christ speaks of this in Matthew chapter 15, where He states: “For out of the heart (mind) proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” (Matt. 15:19). Some “religious types” were offended when they heard this saying (Matt. 15:12).

We are further told in 1 Corinthians 1:10, that we, in the Body of Christ, in addition to being of the same mind and judgment, are to be without division amongst ourselves. It is true that at this time in our lives, none of us are perfectly the same. Because of heredity, environment, upbringing, and other factors, we find within the Church people with different abilities, different likes, different social status, different educational backgrounds, and in fact, many other differences, too numerous to mention here.

However, we have been called to become one–in mind and in Spirit. We have been called to esteem one another “better than” ourselves. We are to each have the same love and concern for one another, without prejudice, without contentions, willing to submit to one another, giving place to wrath, realizing that God will make all things right in the end!

But how can we ever come to have the kind of mind spoken of in the Scriptures with our present physical, human frame? The answers are given to us in the gift of the Day of Pentecost, which we will be observing this coming Sunday, June 12, 2005!

Let us all seek the wisdom of this Special Day, established by the Eternal God for our good!


In the miracles that Christ performed to feed the people, bread was always involved. One example can be found in Matthew 14:13-21. On that occasion He fed five thousand people. Another example is recorded in Mark 8:1-9, where bread was once again given to feed four thousand people. It is quite evident that bread in those days was a major staple of life. It wasn’t like the bread we have today, made with bleached white flour, with the nourishment all but eliminated by the polluting hands of man. Rather, the bread common to man in Jesus’ time consisted of whole grains with the full benefit of the wheat germ and enzymes God has placed in wheat, barley and other whole grains.

This may give us a better understanding why David, when he and his men were literally famished, was given the showbread to eat, since it had valuable and lasting sustenance. This incident is referred to in Luke 6:3-4 by Christ. Historically, we read about the event in 1 Samuel 21:1-6.

From a physical standpoint, bread is a critical part of a person’s diet. We realize, of course, that “bread” in the Bible can and does include “food” in general — it does not literally have to exclusively mean, “bread.” This is magnified by the model prayer in Matthew 6:11: “Give us this day our daily bread.” We see here that it is daily bread or sustenance that we are to pray for.

However, physical bread is not enough. A further remarkable statement is made by Christ regarding bread in Luke 4:4: “But Jesus answered him, saying, ‘It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.”‘”

It is evident that man’s physical existence is linked to physical bread or food, but his eternal existence is linked to the spiritual bread, the Word of God–in other words, the Bible.

We need to eat this spiritual bread daily just as one prays daily for his physical bread. We need to digest God’s Word, think about it, ponder it and make it a necessary part of our very being.

At the time of Christ, no man would consider not eating bread for a prolonged period of time, unless he was fasting. We should not go prolonged periods without reading and meditating on God’s Word. Rather, we should follow David’s example, when he stated in Psalm 119:15-16. “I will meditate on Your precepts, And contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget YOUR word.”

The way we do this is by daily Bible study and by making the Bible a part of our thinking, our being, our way of living.

Remember: Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Have You Heard?

What generally follows an opening statement such as, “Have you heard”? Usually, it is gossip. Most often, it is half-truths missing some important facts! But not always!

Consider the reaction of people who heard Jesus teach: “And so it was, when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Matthew 7:28-29). Even those who opposed Jesus were shocked by the message Jesus proclaimed: “Then the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, ‘Why have you not brought Him?’ The officers answered, ‘No man ever spoke like this Man!'” (John 7:45-46).

Contrasting the wisdom of men against God’s revealed knowledge, Paul writes: “‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him'” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

In an earlier biblical account, Job admits that what he had heard about God was not even close to the reality of Who God actually is: “‘I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, And repent in dust and ashes'” (Job 42:5-6).

It isn’t so different for us, today. We hear things. We form beliefs around our understanding in a matter, and sometimes, not unlike Job and so many others in this deceived world, we are simply wrong! Jesus Christ gives us both a warning and an important key concerning what we hear. Note His statement in Mark 4:24: “‘Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.'”

Over the many years since God created man, the record stands that the vast and overwhelming majority have REFUSED to hear God! Even among those whom God has called, there is the dangerous potential of growing dull of hearing. Paul, in speaking of God’s Church, addresses a problem that would arise in our day: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

The warnings apply to all of us–perhaps right now, as never before! Have you heard?

Are We True Christians?

Surely, the definitions of true Christianity are many and diverse. For some, all they think they need to do is to say that they believe in Christ. Others understand more correctly that being a true Christian means to follow Christ’s example — to live as He lived (1 Peter 2:21). In order to be able to do this, Christ must live IN us — and we must LET Him live in us (Galatians 2:20).

But why would a true Christian WANT Christ to live in him, and to rule in his life? Is his only motivation the inheritance of eternal life for himself?

Christ tells us that we must become perfect as God the Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). God’s perfection is reflected by how He deals with people (notice Matthew 5:43-47). God is perfect because He IS LOVE (1 John 4:16) — which is a way of giving and sharing, motivated by an outgoing concern for the benefit and welfare of others. Rather than focusing on OUR future, just for the sake of what is in store for US, we are to focus on others (compare Philippians 2:4-5; Romans 15:2).

Christ GAVE His life for us, so that we could be saved (John 6:51). God the Father LOVED the world so much that HE GAVE His only-begotten son to die FOR US (John 3:16; Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:9). Christ did what He did, because the love of God was shed or had been poured out in His heart. Likewise, God’s love has been poured out in our hearts, by the Holy Spirit, IF Christ lives in us (Romans 5:5).

A true Christian, then, is someone who LIVES God’s love in his life. There are many definitions of the love of God. Apart from the magnificent description of God’s love in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, we are reminded of the fact that it is the love of God which keeps God’s commandments (1 John 5:3).

A true Christian is not someone who just confesses a belief in Christ — the demons believe, too, that God exists (James 2:19), and that Christ is the Son of God (Matthew 8:29). Rather, a true Christian is one in whom Christ lives — in whom God’s Spirit dwells — and who follows Christ’s lead, by LIVING GOD’S LOVE in his life. If we are true Christians, Christ will direct our hearts into the love of God (2 Thessalonians 3:5), which is in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:39). The love of God, abiding in us, will make us more and more perfect to the extent that we love one another (1 John 4:12).

How many true Christians do you know, who meet that definition?

And more importantly, are YOU a true Christian? Does Christ live in YOU, through the power of God’s Holy Spirit? Do you “know” the love of Christ (Ephesians 3:19)? Do you “keep yourself” in the love of God (Jude 21)? Does the love of God live in you, or are you only thinking that it does (compare John 5:42; 1 John 2:15; 3:17)? Do you show the love of God in your daily life, by walking in it (Ephesians 5:2)?

Remember, if Christ and His love do not live in us through the Holy Spirit, we are NOT true Christians (Romans 8:9).

The UK General Election

After much argument and debate with politicians of every persuasion filling television screens, radio airwaves and newsprint, we have seen a Labour government in the UK elected for a third time. Multiple millions of pounds have been spent on posters, advertisements, meetings, travel and manifestos by the parties and their candidates, as part of the process to persuade a somewhat reluctant and skeptical general British public to vote for them. Each party promised better things in many areas including, among others, the economy, education, health care, crime, law and order, and immigration. The war in Iraq was a negative factor for the government, but they managed to win power in spite of the concerns of many people.

We have long understood that true Christians should not be involved in the political process and should not vote in governmental elections (see Update 76, January 2004), irrespective of circumstances.

We only need to look at any candidate standing in any constituency for any party at any election at any time, and ask ourselves whether they are promoting the true Christian message? Ever since we have been having political elections, it has never happened anywhere, in any age, in any country and at any time. There never seems to be the approach of esteeming others better than self and promoting peace and harmony between candidates. The process is one of employing whatever means possible, including at times an assortment of dirty tricks, to ensure the acquisition of power. And when in power, in spite of their best attempts, not one politician has all the answers to the seemingly insurmountable problems that confront them.

The only solution is the soon coming Kingdom of God, when political election processes will not be an issue any longer. We won’t see any more voting, arguments and counter arguments with fallible human beings in charge of their nations’ affairs. Rather, we will experience an all powerful Jesus Christ ruling in an autocratic but loving way in the best interests of all of earth’s inhabitants.

Mr. Herbert Armstrong summed it up best, when he wrote in his book, “Tomorrow …What It Will Be Like,” on pages 101/102:

“Christ, the King of kings. Perfect in character, absolute in honesty, integrity, faithfulness and trust; filled with outgoing concern for the governed – their welfare and salvation; total knowledge, understanding, wisdom. Complete love, mercy, patience, kindness, compassion, forgiveness. Yet, possessing total power, and never compromising one millionth of an inch with His perfect law – which is the way of love. He will enforce God’s Law – God’s government on earth. He will compel haughty, carnal, rebellious humans to yield in complete submission to God’s government.”

The difference between what is practiced today and what will be the norm in the Kingdom of God is incalculable. And we should be eternally grateful that fallible human beings, however genuine their intentions, will no longer be responsible for any governmental responsibilities. God speed that day!

©2025 Church of the Eternal God