A Blessing of Omission

There are many blessings that we receive from God every day as we
keep His Law.  But many are not recognized by the five senses. It
is these that we need to fully appreciate, along with the tangible
ones. It would be easy to live year to year without recognizing that
God is indeed working in this way in our lives on a daily basis.

The reason that we are not as cognizant of these blessings is because nothing happens. That is the blessing–nothing.

at it this way: Traffic law decrees that you are to stop at a STOP
sign.  If you run a stop sign there is a good chance of getting
into an accident where the injuries can range from the mild to the
devastating.  If you stop and look both ways and proceed
cautiously through the intersection–NOTHING happens.

In the same
way, those who are living God’s Way every day benefit by keeping His
Laws, here and now, whether they know it or not.  If you don’t
have sex outside of marriage you won’t get an STD; if you don’t eat
unclean meat you can avoid diseases such as Hepatitis, SARS and
Trichinosis; if you don’t cheat on your taxes the IRS won’t see to it
that you are fined or put in jail. If you do what’s right in these
cases–NOTHING happens.

When we keep the commandments of God we
may not be fully aware of the consequences of breaking them, but we can
be assured that if we continue in them, many times we will receive
“nothing”–that is, a blessing of omission.

One Nation "Under God"?

In passing down to Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph, the
birthright blessings; Jacob said, “Let my name (Israel) be named upon
them” (Genesis 46:16). Then of Ephraim He said, “…his descendants
shall become a multitude of nations” (Genesis 46:19). And of Manasseh
He said, “He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great”
(same verse). Ephraim became the British Commonwealth of Nations, upon
which–once–the sun never set! And Manasseh became the greatest single
nation ever to exist on the earth– “the United States of America.” Its
sunset seems to be looming on the horizon as well! (See our booklet,
The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”)

Little did the
small band of men consider, as they left the British shores during the
18th century heading for a new land, that they were embarking upon a
journey which would result in the establishment of a nation which would
fulfill the second part of the prophecy noted above in the passing down
of God’s blessings, which came through Abraham to Jacob and on to the
sons of Joseph.

When George Mason wrote the “Virginia Declaration
of Rights,” which was adopted by the Virginia Constitutional Convention
on June 12, 1776, I am certain he had no thought that that document
would be used by Thomas Jefferson in writing the opening paragraphs of
the Declaration of Independence; nor, that it would be copied by other
colonies in establishing their states’ rights; nor, that it would
become the basis of the Bill of Rights of the United States. In the
Virginia Declaration of Rights, Section 16, Mason wrote: “That
religion, or the duty which we owe to our creator, and the manner of
discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by
force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the
free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and
that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance,
love, and charity toward each other.” The Declaration of Independence,
which was adopted July 4, 1776, makes reference to the Creator God in
the first and second paragraphs of that document. The Pledge of
Allegiance to flag and country was originally written by Francis
Bellamy in August, 1892. A minor change in a couple of words was made
in 1924, and in 1954 the words “under God” were added to the pledge. It
was said at the time that the pledge now was a patriotic oath and a
public prayer.

The motto, “In God We Trust” was placed on U.S.
coins largely because of increased religious sentiment existing during
the Civil War. After many appeals in favor of such a move, Secretary of
the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, instructed James Pollock, Director of
the Mint at Philadelphia, by letter dated November 20, 1861, as
follows: “Dear Sir: No nation can be strong except in the strength of
God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God
should be declared on our national coins. You will cause a device to be
prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the
fewest and tersest words possible this national recognition.” Samples
were presented and the present wording which is used on U.S. coins
today was adopted and passed by the U.S. Congress on April 22, 1864.
This motto, “In God We Trust,” was added to $1 silver certificates with
printings beginning in 1957. In 1964, the motto was added to Federal
Reserve Notes in the amounts of $1, $5, $10, as well as with the $5
United States Note, and in 1966 the motto was added to the $50, and
$100 Federal Reserve Notes.

But a program of stamping out
religion on national currency began in 1978 and continues today. Some
are crossing out the national motto on paper money (An illegal act
under U.S. law). But there is a movement afoot across the country to
have the motto removed from all forms of U.S. currency. Programs are
ongoing to declare the Pledge of Allegiance as “unconstitutional” and
to not allow it to be recited in public schools because it contains the
words “under God.” The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals ruled the
Pledge of Allegiance “unconstitutional” on June 25, 2002, with the
stipulation that it no longer be recited in public schools. And on
September 14, 2005, a U.S. District Judge ruled that the reference to
one nation “under God” violates schoolchildren’s rights to be “free
from a coercive requirement to affirm God.” The Supreme Court dismissed
the case at a later date.

God established this great nation as He
promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to the sons of Joseph. Yet,
just as He raised it up, He will put it down if it continues to move in
the direction upon which it has now established as its course. We, as a
people of God, must not cover our faces to what is looming upon the
horizon, as prophesied in the Word of God.

The Jubilee Year

The Canadian minority government was defeated on Monday, November
28, in a non-confidence vote by the opposition parties, which will
force an election in January of 2006. This motion was brought on in
part by a financial scandal of the current party which had wasted some
300 plus million Canadian dollars of taxpayers’ money. This situation
just serves as an example of broader application: Political leaders may
have good intentions when first elected but they are soon at the trough
wondering what perks can be taken advantage of. Another incident of
lavish spending of tax money by politicians occurred last week: Three
men from back East dined in a restaurant in the West. Their meal cost
Canadians $1000.00. This is only one of many examples of people wasting
taxpayers’ money.

In addition, even the idea that a taxpayer
owns his home and property is just an illusion. They pay property taxes
on it annually. If you lived for 1,000 years and would pay taxes
throughout that time, eventually you would pay more taxes than the
actual purchase price or value of the property. To say you own it is
not the reality of the situation. If you fail to pay the taxes, the
government can seize your property, sell it, recover the taxes owed and
give you the cash balance, if any–so, in effect, you have lost your
property. If they want to build a railway through your property, it is
expropriated by the government. They may pay you the market
value–mostly an amount far below the actual price you could have
received if it had not been for the expropriation–and you lose the

In ancient Israel land was allocated to the twelve
tribes (except for the tribe of Levi), and the tribe members were given
property within the boundaries of the appropriated land. They did not
pay taxes on the land–it was theirs free and clear. They could however
“sell” by choice or if they fell into poverty, but not “for good.” The
land was God’s and was not to be sold permanently (Leviticus 25:23). If
you sold the land you could redeem it; that is, buy it back and pay the
“lease” or “rental” value of the property for the time it had not been
in your possession. The return of the property to its permanent owner
took place on the Jubilee year, which occurred every 50 years
(Leviticus 25:9-10), and which always started on the Feast of
Atonement. That way, no one would be destitute of land forever, since
the land went back to the original owners.

By contrast, the
governments of this world try to give us the illusion that we actually
own the land and “our” property, yet in reality it is nothing but a
temporary lease for us and our descendents.

We also notice that
countries like Canada or the United States are indebted to foreigners.
A rich Texan friend of the U.S. President purchased the company where I
work for some 6 billion dollars. So now our company–a major utility
and distribution facility of natural gas and oil–is owned by
Americans. In today’s Canadian papers, the lead articles in the
financial sections were: ” WHITE KNIGHT COMES TO THE RESCUE.” It
reported about a German company (“Krupps”) buying a huge steel company
in Canada, which has been around since 1912 and which employs some
11,000 workers. Foreign ownership in Canada–and the USA, for that
matter–is on the increase. Ultimately, foreign owners will “foreclose”
on Canadian and US land and property. God foretold this in the Bible,
as punishment for our national disobedience to His laws.

the good news is that foreign ownership of our companies and land will
end in the future. As the Day of Atonement pictures, the current god of
this earth–Satan the devil– will be replaced by Christ when He
returns to this earth to RULE this world JUSTLY and to usher in the

Sometime in the future, that which is pictured by the
Day of Atonement and the Jubilee year will have become reality: We, as
saints ruling with and under Christ, will allocate land to the
inhabitants of the earth which shall not be taken away for taxes,
expropriation or foreign ownership. That day will be a tremendous time
of happiness for all to rejoice in.

The Most Important Thing

Prioritizing things in our lives is a vital key to meaningful accomplishment. We organize our actions with the goal of putting first things first!

God shows us that we must place Him first in our lives: “‘ You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength'” (Deuteronomy 6:5). In quoting this part of God’s Word, Jesus taught that, “‘This is the first and great commandment'” (Matthew 22:38). Also, in Deuteronomy 5, verse 7, God states: “‘You shall have no other gods before Me.'”

For mankind, the first priority is, and should be, to yield to and obey their Creator. Obviously, this is not being done–nor has it been the precedence for most people since the time God first placed humans on the earth.

For those who believe God, a starting point–a first step–is to make the right choice. Here is God’s ringing declaration to each one of us: “‘I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live'” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Having been called, we who have repented, who have been baptized and who have remained faithful, have shown our willingness to put God first. We have chosen life. We are following what Jesus taught us to do: “‘But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you'” (Matthew 6:33).

This statement from Jesus was the culmination of a point He was making concerning the other things that might tend to overwhelm us and crowd out our first priority. Furthermore, Jesus draws this comparison: “‘For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?'” (Luke 9:25).

Putting God first in our own lives is a choice we have made. Now, we must stay true to our decision, and if we do, God has promised to grant us eternal life with Him and His Son in their everlasting Kingdom. For us, that goal must take priority! It is a matter of putting first things first–in fact, finishing what we have begun is truly an issue of life and death.

Peter addressed this: “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble” (2 Peter 1:10).

Make this goal that God has established for us a priority–indeed, in our continued obedience to God, make it the most important thing!

Whom Do We Obey?

Recently, the press reported about a disturbing trend–the investigation of U.S. churches by the Internal Revenue Service [IRS]. According to an article of the LA Times, dated November 8, 2005, the IRS has engaged in a “controversial federal investigation of political activity at churches and nonprofit groups.”

Under the federal tax code, tax-exempt organizations, including churches, are prohibited from endorsing a political candidate, and from intervening in political campaigns and elections. It has been long understood that, because of the separation between Church and State, churches should not be involved in politics. There is historical precedence which justifies such prohibition. When a church tries to engage in politics, as has happened and as is happening in other countries, bad results are often the consequence. In Austria, prior to the “Anschluss” or “unification” between Germany and Austria, Catholic priests enjoined their Austrian parishioners from the pulpit to vote for Adolph Hitler and to welcome the “Anschluss,” as–so it was said–“each true Catholic must support their Catholic Fuehrer.”

On the other hand, observers are concerned that certain IRS regulations might be in violation of the US Constitution, as they define or apply “politics” in very broad terms. Recently, a pastor in a Pasadena-based church gave an anti-war sermon just prior to the most recent presidential election, especially criticizing the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the Iraq War. It is noteworthy that the pastor reportedly did not endorse a political candidate, stating that both candidates were people of profound faith who could be voted for. Still, the IRS apparently felt that giving an anti-war sermon two days prior to elections was engaging in politics.

Such a position appears to be in violation of the US Constitution. Unfortunately, the IRS has in times past engaged in similar “interpretations” of “political conduct.” As will be recalled, they threatened the Catholic Church or some of their archdioceses with revocation of their tax exemption because of their strong stance against abortion, labeling that stance as “political.” Again, such a position appears to be unconstitutional.

We in the Church of the Eternal God and in our affiliate organizations do not support any war fought by human beings; we don’t serve in a combatant capacity; we do not vote in presidential elections; and we do not judge as jurors. We also strongly oppose abortion. All of these issues are inseparable. And they are clearly not political, or politically motivated, but they are Biblical injunctions which we, as part of the Church of God, the spiritual Body of Christ, will have to apply and to preach. We are a tax-exempt organization in the USA and in Canada, and we abide by the tax code, as long as its injunctions are not contrary to the Word of God. If we were asked by the IRS to stop preaching God’s Word, whether in season or out of season, we could not and would not be able to comply–no matter what consequences this might entail (compare 2 Timothy 4:1-2).

We always have to follow Peter’s bold and courageous stand, when he was ordered by the highest Jewish court, the Sanhedrin, to discontinue preaching in the name of Jesus. He simply told them: “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge… We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 4:19; 5:29). And even though Peter and the other apostles were beaten and “commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus,” they rejoiced “that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name. And daily in the temple and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ” (Acts 5:40-42). It is not different today. It still boils down to the fundamental question: Whom Do We Obey–God or Caesar?

Close To Home

In an editorial a while ago, I discussed briefly the fact that our only security is in God. I mentioned that the Bible is replete with information on our need to trust in God for safety and security. This becomes even more apparent when suicide bombers are close to home.

In a trial at London’s Old Bailey in October this year, details were given about a man from Derby, trying to blow up a busy bar in Tel Aviv, Israel, in April 2003, with the aim of carrying out a suicide bombing. His accomplice managed to detonate a bomb killing three people and injuring 65, while the Derby man failed in his attempt and fled the scene. Not only was he from Derby where I have lived for most of my life, but some of his family live only about 100 yards from where I used to live with my parents many years ago. Those family members were also in court, accused of failing to disclose information about a terrorist attack. Even now, they are only about four or five miles away from where I currently reside.

And just last month raids were made on addresses in Derby, Wolverhampton and Croydon where suspected terrorists were living. Neighbors told of their shock at finding out what was going on, unknown to them, right in their midst. One said: “You just don’t know what could be going on right on your doorstep.” It can be a shock to find out these people can be close to home.

We recently held the Feast of Tabernacles at Chatsworth House, just thirty miles away from the city of Derby. The Peak District area where Chatsworth House is located includes other counties, but it is mainly situated in Derbyshire, which is one of the most beautiful counties in the UK. It is the second most visited national park in the world (the most visited is one in Japan). The comparison between suicide bombers in Derby and a millennial Feast site in near-by rural Derbyshire is stark. It serves as a reminder that wherever we are, there may be those, not knowing or appreciating the true way of the great Creator God, who would try and wreak havoc and cause mischief in the guise of religion.

The Feast of Tabernacles pictures a still future time when suicide bombers and false religion, amongst many other things, will simply not be tolerated. In the meantime, we need to put our trust and faith in God for protection and guidance, irrespective of how close to home are those who perpetrate such evil acts of murder and terrorism.

Left Behind

Life happens. The sun goes up and it goes down; weeks turn into months; months years; years decades; decades turn into a life time and then what is left behind?

Some leave inheritances fit for kings; some have a large family that remains and another an architectural marvel. Many try to leave their mark on history; some to greater extents and some to lesser degrees than others.

Is there anything that we can build that will last?

There is coming a time when the Earth and Heaven, as we know them, will cease to exist (Revelation 21:1). There will be no more of today’s wonders, man-made or natural. What hope is there then that we can produce anything lasting?

Believe it or not, there is one thing that we can build that will last beyond the passing away of this first heaven and earth…CHARACTER! That is, Godly character.

The word character comes from the Greek word for engraving. It means to exactly represent another image. In Hebrews 1:3, Christ is said to have the express image (Greek: charakter) of God. In the same way, we are to become like God by living by His every word (Matthew 4:4) and following the example of Christ (1 Peter 2:21). We are to strive for the perfection that God is (Matthew 5:48; Hebrews 6:1) and if we do so we will indeed be building the Character of God.

If we work hard at building Godly character and use the tools available to do so, we won’t need to leave anything else behind, because God will see to it that we will live for eternity. In the very end, the only thing that will be around, that we can affect, is this Character and subsequently our place in the God family (see our booklet “God is a Family”).

Show Yourself Friendly!

How many true friends do you have today? What does it take to establish a friendship, to be a special friend to another human being, and how does one ensure a lasting friendship? There are some basic principles we should consider if we are to have true, lasting friendships!

To begin with, we are told by Solomon, the son of David, King of Israel, in Proverbs 22:24, to “Make no friendship with an angry man…” When we do make such friendships, we put ourselves in jeopardy of picking up the bad habits of such a person, which could affect our spiritual lives (verse 25).

James 4:4 tells us “…that friendship with the world is enmity with God…” Additionally, we are told in that verse that “Whoever … wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” Strong words, these! Certainly, we don’t want to begin friendships at odds with God! Of course, we all have friends in the world, but we must not do, as many in the world do, in order to maintain these friendships. If we properly apply the right principles in all our friendships, we have a good start in establishing the right type or kind of relationships which should last eternally!

We are told in Proverbs 18:24 that “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” In Proverbs 17:17 we read that “A friend loves at all times…” To want to have good friends is a right and proper desire, and we should seek to establish friendships that will be lasting, never forgetting our admonition that we should, ourselves, be friendly.

In James 2:23, James quotes the Scripture, Genesis 15:6, which says, that Abraham believed God, “…and He accounted it to him for righteousness.” James adds: “And he was called the friend of God.”

We see in these Scriptures where true friendships should begin. Jesus said to His disciples, “…I have called you friends…” (John 15:15). That relationship extends down to His faithful disciples today!

Our friendships must be based upon the principles of God, and we should make ourselves friendly, especially with all who desire to live their lives based upon the principles God lays out in His Word! Of course, as we have noted, we have friends in all walks of life, and as long as those friendships do not hinder our relationship with Christ, we should continue in them, as we continue to exemplify Christ in our lives. In setting a right, Christian example in our lives, we should be applying the Christian principles we have learned in this Way in all our dealings with others; thus, we should never be without an abundance of true friends in this life!

And now, with the Feast of Tabernacles fast approaching, we are going to have a wonderful opportunity to renew friendships with brethren we have not seen for a number of months, and at the same time we have the opportunity to meet and cultivate many new friendships. We must not let this opportunity pass without taking full advantage of it. Let us all apply the Godly principle of showing ourselves friendly, and let’s all come away from this feast having developed many new friendships with brethren of like minds! Keep in mind the Scripture in Galatians 6:10, wherein we are told: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

At the feast this year, take every opportunity presented to you to show yourself friendly!


Some time ago, I watched an interesting program, which showed how deserts like the Sahara only required water to blossom like a rich oasis. One could notice various grasses, herbs and plants growing without first having to plant or sow them. The reason is that the seeds are there now–being preserved in the dry sand until moisture arrives in order for them to germinate. The seeds from grasses, plants, herbs and trees are carried there by the wind. It is interesting that seed will keep “alive” for a long time if kept in a dry location. Scientists have found wheat in the pyramids of Egypt, which was over 3,000 years old. When they planted the seed in soil and watered it, it grew and produced more wheat. The same applies to seed in the desert. All that is required is water.

From this example, we can draw an analogy with humans. We know, of course, that God does the calling. When we respond, repent and are baptized, we then receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). The human mind has now been seeded by God with the fruit of His Spirit, and all that is required to bring the fruit to fruition is the working of God’s Holy Spirit in us. The process begins for us to produce and manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22, which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are all character attributes of our loving Father and Jesus Christ.

The more water you give to a parched desert, the more vegetation it will produce. The more of God’s Spirit we receive, the more fruitful we become. The key is to ask for more of God’s Spirit in order to produce more fruit to the glory of God. Luke 11:13 tells us: “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.” We must ask and God is faithful to give. Then we are in a position to produce the fruit of the Spirit to the benefit of our fellow man, so that, when they see these manifested in and through us, they may give glory to God.

Remember the principle: The more Holy Spirit is flowing through us, the more fruit we will produce. The real question is: How are we doing?

How Do You Know?

So, you believe you are a Christian. But how can you know, for certain?

Upon what do you base your Christianity? Is it that you are a member of a particular church? Is it merely the fact that you have appropriated the name “Christian”–that you give this answer if asked to identify your religion? Perhaps you claim to be Christian because at times, you followed the teachings of the Bible.

Christianity is so much more than these or so many other superficial assertions! Jesus Christ was and is a Christian, and it is to Him that we must look to really know if we are following Him. His life and His way of living are recorded for our edification in the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, and this is our source for learning about Jesus.

Many claim to be Christians! Many faithfully worship in church services on Sunday mornings, thinking they are doing exactly what Jesus wants them to do, but they are wrong! Many are trying to establish Christianity on this earth in order to solve its problems, but they will fail in this purpose! Others pick and choose some aspect of Biblical teachings, but hold back in total commitment to God! Followers of modern professing Christianity are simply deceived, and have no inkling of the fact that theirs is a false claim when they espouse the Christian religion.

Narrow the focus to yourself. Are you able to evaluate others and see their error? Can you open your Bible and prove what truth is? More importantly, can YOU be guided by the Word of God?

The Bible speaks of the end of the age. It describes a time of great deception: “‘For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect'” (Matthew 24:24). Most people are confident that this deception applies to someone else! Yet, Christ warns His Church not to become complacent (compare Revelation 3:14-22).

Paul puts it this way: “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12). He further challenges us with the admonition: “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?–unless you are disqualified [margin: do not stand the test]” (2 Corinthians 13:5).

So, how do you know you are a Christian? You examine and test YOURSELF in light of God’s Word, using the standard of Jesus Christ’s life as your guide! Jesus gave us this very specific key: “‘By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another'” (John 13:35). John adds: “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:2-3).

How do YOU KNOW you are a Christian?

©2025 Church of the Eternal God