Always Looking For Fault

The vast majority who read our Update seem to appreciate all of the information and the considerable amount of work that goes into producing this publication on a weekly basis. We know that there are a few who also read our Update looking to try to find fault.   Any difference in understanding, however minute, can be seized upon as justification of a personal stance as this information is circulated to their own audience.   And as often happens, it can be slanted to suit a particular position.   The outcome is often that of division and can be used as self justification.   A little more study of God’s Word and a little less of personal opinions would do the world of good.   The people of God should know better, but the lessons of history never seem to be learned.

Unfortunately, some very basic Biblical admonitions and instructions are completely ignored in this process.   The Bereans (compare Acts 17:10-11) adopted the position of trying to find out “whether these things were so,” indicating a positive approach.   It is the negative approach that is always looking for fault.   The Scriptural approach is set out in many places, and one of the wise sayings of Solomon, found in Proverbs 10:12, is helpful in this regard: “Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins.”   This should be the way that one should react–to soften, to cushion, to heal–not to try and broadcast any real or imagined differences which may inflate, in one’s eyes, his own ego, importance or position, but which does precisely nothing to enhance unity in the Body of Christ.   Paul writes: “Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law” (Romans 13:10).   This instruction by Paul is well known to Church of God members but can just as easily be either forgotten or ignored.   We are told to live in peace (2 Corinthians 13:11), but that cannot be achieved when someone is always looking for faults.  Christ told the accusers of the woman caught in adultery that “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (John 8:7).

Scripture clearly reveals that “the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12) and that “the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service” (John 16:2).   So we shouldn’t be surprised at the attitudes of those who are always looking for fault which is probably a precursor for much worse to come.

Next time you see negative criticism emanating from a Church of God member, website or church organization–ask yourself why this is being done and whether it is something that is pleasing in the sight of God.   The answer should be inescapable; otherwise, our knowledge of God’s Word is deficient.   Rather than following the negative example of those who criticize, let us take the right approach and try, at all times, to be a thoroughly positive influence.   God will surely be pleased with that–and with us.

Truth With Consequence

Fort Collins, Colorado, has recently been in the forefront of the news with its debate on how to handle decorating the city and government buildings for the upcoming Xmas season.  The initial feeling was that the city should only put up white lights so that they would not offend those that kept Hanukkah (Jews) or Kwanzaa (African-American).  Well… one man, the local Sheriff, had had enough and decided that he was going to put his foot down and put up a Xmas tree and decorate it.  He was going to defend what he thought was right no matter what… and he did!  And many showed up to help him decorate the tree in spite of the contrary opinion.

Of course, the problem is that while he thought he was standing up for what was right, he was not.  Putting up a tree for Xmas is not something God wants us to do.  Note what Jeremiah 10:2-4 says, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Do not learn the way of the Gentiles….For one cuts a tree from the forest….They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not topple.'”  It really does not get any more simple or straightforward than this.  God does not want us to take some day of our choice and its customs that are founded in paganism, and “make” it a day of honor towards Him.  God wants us to worship Him in truth (compare John 4:23-24), following His directives. He does not want us to worship Him pursuant to the creations of man (compare Matthew 15:9).

Hopefully, one day the Sheriff will be able to take his zeal and combine it with truth as God desires.  What a powerful combination this will be in the future!  But for those that have an ear to hear now, there is the opportunity, and even more importantly, the obligation to live His way of life with a  fervor and enthusiasm that is becoming of the Word of God.  We are admonished not to lose our first love (compare Revelation 2:4), lest we are found unprepared when Christ returns (compare Matthew 25:5).

Let us be ready to give an answer or a defense for what we believe (compare 1 Peter 3:15).  Now is the time to not take “standing up” sitting down!

The Sabbath Test

The summer of 1969 was quite challenging for my family and me. I had come to the understanding that the Sabbath was the day of worship, designated by God, and that it was to be kept. What I didn’t  understand then, was the fact that I was not to work on that day.  I had a good government job at the time and was lined up for a promotion, but God had other things in mind.

Because of shift work, my job conflicted with the keeping of the Sabbath.  I still recall exactly when I came to this understanding–I was at work and faced my dilemma.  I was scheduled to work on that weekend.  I proclaimed to God my desire to obey Him, and asked if He would provide a way out of this situation.  No more than ten seconds after I decided that I could not and would not work that Saturday, my supervisor came to me and asked me if I would work a double shift since one of the men scheduled to work that afternoon had called in sick. I immediately said  I would do so, if he would give me Saturday off, which he agreed to do.

However, I had to quit my job shortly afterwards, because of Sabbath conflicts, and I really did not have any prospects for another comparable job. I was married, and we had three children. I  had previously worked for a plywood mill, so I applied there, and they hired me right away, the same day. Everything was fine until the third week when I was put on afternoon shift. That Friday, about an hour before sunset, I told my foreman I could not work beyond a certain time, for religious reasons, and he allowed me to go home. The next day I got a phone call from the personnel department stating that I was only a few days away from accruing  union seniority and thus union protection, but since I wasn’t prepared to work Friday evenings, I was summarily dismissed.

No work again! I applied for a job at another plywood mill, but after explaining that  I could not work from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, I got “the look”–the one where they figure “you have two heads.” The manager said he would contact me, but he never did.

It was August by now, and I was able to get a job with the teamsters union, unloading boxcars. This was heavy labor and intense work, but I did my best. In the meantime I heard  about a Provincial Gas Company that was hiring, so one day, after helping my father working at his house, I got the urge to apply for a job there, which I did. I was hired by this company and was to start on September 15.

I still remember the look of disappointment on the foreman’s face at the teamsters union job when I told him I had another job to go to. I also remember the funny look I got when I stated during my final interview for this new position that I needed some time off at the end of September to go to my first Feast of Tabernacles. My fellow co-workers could not understand how I could work for two weeks, and then get nine days off for the Feast.  I told them it was pre-arranged, and that I wasn’t getting  paid for the time off.

By then, I thought my Sabbath trials were over.  I had quit a job,  had been fired  from a job, and I was not hired because I wanted to obey and keep God’s Sabbath. But now, I had an 8:00 am to 4:30 pm job, for five days a week, and it did not require me to work on the Sabbath. 

Well, after about two years on the job, we were suddenly asked to work on the Sabbath, due to the increased workload. I told my supervisor that I could not work for religious reasons. The superintendent became involved and told me that I had no choice but to work on the Sabbath. In return, I explained to him that in that case, I had no choice but to resign my position. He then changed his mind because he felt that I was a valuable employee, and the company created a job for me which did not conflict with the Sabbath. I subsequently worked for that company for some thirty-seven years and ten months. I recently retired, in August of this year. 

That is not the end of the story, however. Revelation 13:16-17 describes a future time when a European “beast power” will influence the people of the whole world to accept a certain mark to be able to buy or sell. That mark of the beast is enforced Sunday worship and enforced work and labor on the Sabbath. This will be the final Sabbath Test for all Sabbath keepers alive at that time, who will not be protected in the place of safety (compare Revelation 12:13-17).

We sincerely hope that anyone facing this test will pass it, regardless of the consequences. Christ said that we should not worry about what we need to say when brought before magistrates or law enforcement agencies, but that God, through His Holy Spirit, will inspire us to state the right words. In the meantime, we must ensure that we are staying close to God to be able to endure any and all Sabbath tests, which we will face in the future.

An Economy of Irony

If I told you that the American economy is currently doing very well, would you believe me? If you pay even a little attention to the news, you would certainly not.

The news these days is bleak. The mortgage industry collapses further each day, dragging down whomever it can. The dollar consistently sets  records as its value decreases in the world market. The national debt is larger than it has ever been. Add to that the demands on the country to buy increasingly expensive oil and other resources, obligations to solve problems in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the picture you might see is one of a country on the brink of collapse. All the evidence in the news today portends a decline in the American economy, and a rapid one at that. The news certainly does not forecast a flourishing economy.

You might offer me this clear evidence as a counter-argument to my claim of America’s “successful economy.” And I would agree with you. However, I would point out to you that for every licensed driver, there’s a car on the road. With all those cars on the road, even though gas prices are higher than ever, gas consumption is continuing to grow. I’d also bring to your attention that Americans are living in increasingly larger homes, while housing fewer people. Another thing to consider is the $160 billion a year (and rapidly growing — $160 billion is a 2005 statistic) market for self storage. Such a gigantic market indicates that Americans have such an insatiable appetite for consuming goods that they can’t even store the stuff they buy in their newer, larger homes. It’s not just cheap stuff Americans are buying, either. Luxury brands report consistent upward sales trends and perform very well. By an empirical analysis, Americans live in a palatial state of being, continually lifting their standard of living. Even though the news about the economy is dismal, according to the way they spend, Americans don’t seem to care.

Putting the news together with America’s buying habits describes a dangerous set of circumstances. We know about this danger because the Bible tells us what must come to fruition. As a result of national disobedience, God communicates a warning in Deuteronomy 28:47-48:

“Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, therefore you shall serve your enemies, whom the LORD will send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in need of everything; and He will put a yoke of iron on your neck until He has destroyed you.”

As the standards of living continue to escalate, while the economic foundation to support it weakens, America is setting itself up for a great fall. How great that  fall from a life of luxury to the need of everything will be!

When considering the times and circumstances to come, Paul gives those who live in Christ some reassurance in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 when he writes, “But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.”

Let us be encouraged by God’s instructions and warnings so that we too are not left in the dark when that fateful and inevitable fall occurs.

All Joy?

James opens his letter with a statement that is dumbfounding! Here it is: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials…” (James 1:2).

Trials? Rejoice in trials?

This is hard to do, and if you are like me and the countless others who do have trials far more often than we might choose, then you also realize that being tested drives us into some deeply profound soul-searching! And it might just bring us a little bit closer to God.

Jesus suffered. He endured His trials, because He had an ultimate goal that was unshakeable (Compare Hebrews 4:14-15; 12:1-2). A significant part of why He underwent what He did was for us! He is our High Priest and the One who can and who does help us!

Jesus had to have help in His trials. He found it by yielding to His Father’s will and by asking for help, as we read in Hebrews 5:7: “… who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear…”

James adds: “… knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience [endurance or perseverance]” (James 1:3).

It does then seem that our trials can bear a positive outcome, but that “endurance” is the fruit of staying the course of our calling and persevering in the testing of our faith.

Qualitatively, it is our faith in Jesus Christ and in our Father that is being refined and perfected through trials. If we, like Jesus Christ, come to God for help, then we will also endure unto eternal life: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

God’s help in time of need–in times of seemingly unbearable trials–is the greatest assurance we could possibly have, and it is the reason we can count even the testing of our faith with “all joy”!

A Temple in Jerusalem?

Recently, I saw a religious television program, discussing the fact that the Jews will soon begin to bring sacrifices in Jerusalem. The presenter then postulated that no temple will be built prior to Christ’s return. Although it is true that a temple is not required for animal sacrifices, the Bible nevertheless strongly indicates that a temple WILL be built.

We discussed this question in a Q&A in one of our previous Updates (#185–“Will the Jews build a temple, prior to Christ’s return?”). We are also addressing this question in the Q&A in this Update (#317–“A new Temple?”). In this editorial, I’d like to re-emphasize key passages and focus on additional Scriptures which point at the strong possibility of a new temple prior to Christ’s return. This will show us what to watch for–lest we are found unprepared!

Christ said in Matthew 24:15-16: “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the HOLY PLACE, then… flee…” (In the parallel account in Luke 21:20, Jesus speaks of armies which will surround Jerusalem and make it desolate.)

One key to understand these passages is the reference to DANIEL. When Daniel spoke of the abomination of desolation, he referred, as a forerunner, to Antiochus Epiphanes who conquered Jerusalem, discontinued the sacrifices and placed a statue of a pagan god in the HOLY PLACE of the temple of God–requiring the Jews to WORSHIP that statue. Christ said that something very similar will occur just prior to His return, strongly implying that a terrible idol of some sorts will be found in a re-built TEMPLE.

Paul confirms this in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 where he says that “the man of sin”–the false prophet, mentioned in the book of Revelation– “sits as God in the TEMPLE of God, showing himself that he IS God.” At the time of Antiochus, a STATUE was placed in the temple of God. In the near future, a HUMAN BEING will sit in the TEMPLE of God, pretending to be God; in fact, he will, most likely, claim that he is Jesus Christ, as we will see.

In Revelation 11:1-2, an angel instructs John to measure the TEMPLE of God when the holy city–Jerusalem–is occupied by the Gentiles for 3 1/2 years. The reference is to the final resurrection of the Roman Empire which–under the leadership of the “beast” and the “false prophet”–will occupy and desolate Jerusalem. Psalm 79:1 seems to be talking about this same time, saying that the nations have “defiled” God’s “holy TEMPLE.”

Recently, I spoke in several sermons about the tabernacle in the wilderness and the tent, which separated the sanctuary or HOLY PLACE and the Holy of Holies, pointing out that the temple, which replaced the tabernacle, had an inner court (Ezekiel 8:16), a sanctuary or HOLY PLACE and a Most Holy Place. In light of my sermons, Dave Harris called me to discuss an interesting passage in Matthew 24:26, where Christ warns us not to believe those who will claim that Christ will return “in secret.” The passage reads, in the Authorized Version: “Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.” Christ explains that He will return visibly–for every eye to see–“as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west” (verse 27).

According to Christ’s very own words, some will claim that Christ will return for His people and live with them “in the desert”–perhaps at a special “place of safety in the wilderness.” Christ warned us not to believe such a claim. But He also said that some will claim that Christ will return secretly to reside in the “secret chambers”–a false claim which must equally be rejected. What “secret chambers” was Christ referring to? The temple had “secret chambers”–and it appears that Christ was warning us not to believe those who will claim that the “man of sin” will be CHRIST, sitting in the secret chamber of the HOLY PLACE–in the temple of God.

The commentary of John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible explains that the term “secret chamber” refers to a place within the temple, stating, “… should others say behold, or for certain, the Messiah is in some one of the secret and fortified places of the temple; where, during some time of the siege, were John and Eleazar, the heads of the zealots… do not believe them. Some reference may be had to the chamber of secrets, which was in the temple… for in the sanctuary [or HOLY PLACE] there were two chambers; one was called… ‘the chamber of secrets’, and the other the ‘chamber of vessels.”’

Understood in this way, Christ’s warning in Matthew 24:26 would require the existence of a temple during the time when the false prophet deceives the whole world, pretending to be Jesus Christ (compare Revelation 13:13-14). Most people WILL BELIEVE this deception, and it will be so convincing that only the “elect” will understand the truth (compare Matthew 24:24).

As you can see, all these passages strongly suggest that we will soon witness the beginning of the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, which will occur apparently at the same time that the Jews will commence to offer animal sacrifices there.

It is exciting to me to see how God, step by step, opens our eyes to more and fuller understanding. We ARE to grow in the knowledge of Christ, and as long as we are and remain His obedient and faithful servants, we can and should expect increased understanding. Those who are content with what they have–or what they think they have–will stay still–frozen in time–incapable and unwilling to grow in God’s knowledge. Those who reject parts of the knowledge that they have received from God over the years will not grow in knowledge, either–rather, as so many have done before, they will “exchange the truth of God for the lie” (compare Romans 1:25). And because they have not maintained the love of the truth, “God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie”– including the lie of worshipping the “man of sin” AS Jesus Christ (compare 2 Thessalonians 2:11).

I am excited and deeply thankful that God is leading us into more and more understanding of His precious truth. Aren’t you?

Just Around the Corner

In the early summer of this year, the UK experienced some of the worst floods that this small island had ever seen. After a very warm start to the summer, the British did not realize what was just around the corner. Many people lost their homes, and many others had much damage to their properties.

Very recently, terrible fires have engulfed parts of the general San Diego and Malibu areas in Southern California, apparently–according to some reports–the worst on record. Once again, people were going about their daily business, not realizing what was just around the corner. Many have, again, lost their homes, and others will be living with the consequences of this disaster for a long time to come.  

In these two examples, floods and fire have been the cause with all the attendant problems that they bring in their wake. People were living normal lives in New York until 9/11 happened. Those living in that area had no idea of the coming calamity. And in many other areas of the world, serious problems have arisen that were just not foreseen, but were just around the corner, waiting to happen.

On a smaller scale, but no less importantly, are those events that happen unexpectedly in our own personal lives. One day we can be going along just fine and then, just around the corner, things can happen that turn our world upside down. How do we react? How do we cope? We have to make sure that we have a solid foundation (Matthew 7:24). We have to resolve that no matter what life has to throw at us, we will remain loyal to God and His way–being convinced that God knows what is best for us and will not allow us to be examined or tested beyond what we are able to bear (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Whatever lies ahead should not cause us to falter, because God wants us to win and make it into His Kingdom. Let us never forget what a marvelous future God has in store for those of us who come through all the tests and trials that we experience, many of which may still be just around the corner!

"Nothing New Under The Sun"

A new field of genetics called “Epigenetics” has been gaining attention due to recent findings. These studies, according to some scientists, show a link between environment, health and habits of humans and its impact on future generations. A Washington State researcher found that toxins given to rats affected their offspring four generations later. A Swedish study looking at historical records showed that the lifespan of grandchildren was influenced by their grandparents’ access to food and climate conditions.

Mark Mehler, Professor of Neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, speaking on this new field of study said, “It’s another level … of explaining the biological complexity of life.” Another researcher by the name of Pembrey said, “[Epigenetics] is changing the way we think about inheritance forever.”

God said, “…For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me” (Deuteronomy 5:9).

It’s thrilling to see science prove God’s Laws, validating what we already know from the Bible. But do we allow mankind’s “wisdom” to be laid as the cornerstone of our spiritual foundations? Does man’s knowledge sometimes shake what we had faith in before?

Paul stated, “…your faith should NOT be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:5). He later says to “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and NOT according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8).

As gripping as scientific proof of God’s fundamentals might be, we are exhorted not to rely on them as our foundation of understanding. Israel, having seen the wonders of God, eventually relied on their own interpretation of Who God was and worshipped Him as a golden calf. It is essential in this Godless era, that we continually stay rooted with Him. Only then can we really explain the real purpose of life.

The Feast and Beyond

Most of us have returned from what can only be described as one of the most successful and inspiring Feasts of Tabernacles. Ironically, we now have a long period ahead of us, before we have the opportunity to celebrate another festival in the Spring of 2008–which is about six months away. I don’t think for a moment, of course, that God made a mistake in allowing for such a long period of time between the Fall and the Spring Festivals. The Feast of Tabernacles is seven days long, followed by the Last Great Day–and so, we have had eight days of sermonettes, split sermons, sermons, fellowship and activities shared by all–and our memory and digestion of these events should last us until the Spring.

Now, consider this: The Feast of Tabernacles is kept for SEVEN days; the Fall Holy Days complete the SEVEN annual Holy Days; SEVEN is the number of completion; and–to stay within that picture–the Feast of Tabernacles is immediately followed by another day, going even “beyond” completion! We must therefore conclude from all these facts that God knows that the spiritual food which we received during the eight days of the last two Fall festivals, and the spiritual food which we will be receiving on a weekly basis during the SEVENTH-Day-Sabbath–is more than sufficient to last us until the annual Spring Holy Days; otherwise, God would have created additional festivals in the middle of that time frame.

We all should be able to appreciate the wonderful opportunities and privilege we have had to come before our God to learn to fear Him, as outlined in Deuteronomy 14:23. This fear is not one of dread and trepidation, but rather one of awe, respect and appreciation for our Great God. God has given us these annual Festivals both to rejoice and to learn to love, respect and obey Him. We have been given sufficient spiritual food to carry us forward to the Spring–and we should take advantage of every opportunity we are given to add to that spiritual food by drinking in the messages prepared for us on the weekly Sabbath. With that frame of mind, we can with anticipation look forward to the Spring when we shall once again begin the cycle of celebrating God’s annual Holy Days–reflecting on the process of the initial aspects of God’s master plan for mankind.

As we discuss in our new member letter in much more detail, we should not get the blues, become depressed, or let down during the following months, but rather use them as opportunities to meditate on and review the messages God has inspired the speakers to bring forth for us, and participate to the best of our ability to accomplish our individual and collective responsibilities as Christians and as members of the Church.

Moral Fullness

“A man cannot be a little virtuous, a little pure, a little true, a little honest.” This comes from an unsigned article written in 1896.  By thinking on each of these we can see that by definition we need to have all these qualities all the time to be considered virtuous, pure, true and honest.

To be dishonest only on a part-time basis will earn us a reputation as being dishonest, not as being a little honest.  In fact, to be called a little honest would surely be seen as making a statement to the contrary.

When we live God’s way, we are not to strive in partial measures, but rather, as mentioned in Ephesians 3:19, we are to “be filled with all the fullness of God.”  Can we totally and completely comprehend this?  It is not a fractional aspect of the Way of God, but it is the replete and exhaustive works that we are to live up to… each to our own capacity.

As usual, we are to follow the example of Christ Who did live up to the prescribed potential (compare Colossians 2:9).  We are to be heading in the same direction to the best of our ability.  So how do we attain this moral fullness? Well… that would fill a book… the size of the Bible.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God