What Can I Do?

It is hard to gain a sense that what you or I do in the work of God really matters–that we could actually make a real and profound difference.  It is easier to look to the righteous men and women who have their heroic lives recorded in the pages of the Bible.  However, their examples should serve to inspire us.  We have all been called to be those kind of people!
Consider that we are the people who have been chosen by God to be examples in this time–without doubt, a time in which, by all measure, some of the most startling and truly awesome events in the great master plan of God will unfold — events which are indeed unfolding — right now — on a daily basis.
Are we up to the job?
A starting point is to know what this calling means to both ourselves and to God.  God has left very careful instructions for what it is that we should be doing.  The instructions are all clearly outlined in His Word, and He is revealing more to us as He opens our understanding of the Bible–especially in light of the prophetic events now emerging in fulfillment.
For each of us, our calling takes on a meaning that transcends simply knowing the truth and being “in” the Church.  God has given each of us responsibilities. We all have to participate in order to fulfill the job God has given to His end-time Church.  We have been placed in the body (Church) by God.  1 Corinthians 12:27, “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.”  The verses that follow delineate administrative jobs in the Church. Every member is important — otherwise, God would not have placed the member into Christ’s body. And, every member has a job to do. 1 Corinthians 13 immediately follows revealing the character of Jesus Christ, “…faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest is love.”  (verse 13).
Jesus described the greatest kind of love:  “‘Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.’ ” (John 15:13).  Jesus did what ONLY He could do for all of mankind–it was His job.
When we read, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10), can we apply it to ourselves–in the Church of God in the here and now?  Certainly, this was the approach of our Savior, and we have other examples.  For instance, the example of the woman who anointed Jesus.  We read in Mark 14:8, ” ‘She has done what she could.’ ”  Then, in verse 9, note the wonderful promise given by Jesus:  ” ‘Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.’ ”  And one more example is that of the widow who placed “two mites” in the treasury of the Temple.  In Luke 21:3-4, “So He said, ‘truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all;  ‘for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.’ ” This widow did all she could to please God.
These examples are faith, hope and love in action.  It is the approach we all need right now! 
We must never neglect the great importance of prayer and fasting in this regard. Through prayer and fasting, we draw closer to God, and God will reveal to us what He wants us to do, if we really want to know. Notice Luke 2:36-38: “Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Israel.”
Anna did all she could do, and in fulfilling her job, God granted her the great joy and fulfillment of seeing Jesus, before she died, and identifying Him to others.
A very important lesson was left for us in the healing of Naaman’s leprosy.  Elisha would not even come out of his door but sent a messenger to Naaman.  Naaman became furious, because he was looking for some great sign from Elisha and Elisha’s God.  Verse 13 of 2 Kings 5 shows real wisdom: “and his servants came near and spoke to him, and said, ‘My father, if the prophet had told you to do something great, would you not have done it?  How much more then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?’ ”  That is what Naaman did, and he was healed.
We have this additional consideration: ” ‘For who has despised the day of small things?’ ”  (Zechariah 4:10).  It is all too human a proclivity to do just that.  But we must not do this!
What we can do is to continue in sincere and fervent PRAYER for one another and for the work of God.  To the many among our dedicated members who are doing what they can–EVEN OVER AND ABOVE–we say THANK YOU!

"A Season To Be Jolly"

In a few weeks, the Christian Western world, and even a few other non-Christian countries, will be celebrating Christmas, supposedly observing the birth of Jesus Christ. Those who have looked into the origin of Christmas will tell you that it is rooted in paganism and that Christ was not born on December 25, nor anywhere near that date. Most, however, although they know these well-established facts, will still advocate the observance of Christmas, anyway.

Christ’s own words were, in addressing the ministry, “You shall know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:16). This basic principal can also be applied to religious practices. Why use such a criteria?

When Christ spoke these words, He addressed an agrarian society familiar with the growing of plants, trees and gardens. A tree may look healthy and the leaves may look good, but it is only when you taste the fruit — the end product — that you can determine how good the tree really is. Using this method, let’s look at the fruits of Christmas, based upon what we DID observe in years past, and what we WILL experience this year:

We will observe an increase of road checks for people who drink and drive during the holiday season. We will observe an increase in the consumption of alcohol at this time, causing an increase in motor vehicle accidents and deaths.

We will observe an increase of family arguments as a result of over-drinking — with old hurts and offenses coming to the surface.

We will observe people going into debt because of the commercial and social pressure to buy gifts, including expensive gifts they cannot really afford. Others will be disappointed with their gifts; still others will feel they should have gotten more presents.

A recent survey in Canada showed over 50% of nine-year olds, over 40% of ten-year olds, and about 33% of eleven-year olds believe in the myths of Santa Claus. Once they get older and find out the true nature of this invention, is it any wonder that they will not trust those who have been lying to them for over a decade?

After all, the lie of Christmas, Santa Claus, the little Christ Child bringing presents, and all the other accompanying myths had been propagated to them by those they had trusted most – their parents, family and friends (For more information on the subject of Christmas, please read or re-read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”).

The real tragedy of all of this is, that the observance of Christmas with all its paganism attached to it takes away from the worship of the true God. We are never commanded to keep Christmas, and we know for a fact that Christ and the Apostles never kept it. We are admonished not to add to, nor take away from what is commanded by God (Deuteronomy 4:2). Sadly, man has mostly rejected this admonition.

There is a time coming soon when all pagan holidays, including Christmas, will be abolished by the returning Jesus Christ. Then, the world will learn to keep those weekly and annual Holy Days that God established and tells us about in the Bible. Keeping these days will leave no bitter after taste, remorse or guilt. Rather, it will leave one with a sense of joy and true satisfaction, knowing that these days are biblically commanded and sanctioned by ALMIGHTY GOD.

"Close–But Not Close Enough"

Last Sabbath, we heard a sermon about lies. It was pointed out that God cannot lie, while Satan is the author of lies. And, that man, in believing and following Satan’s deception, has brought upon himself the penalty of death.
We need to meditate about the fact that Satan is extremely and deceptively subtle. Most of the time, he does not confront us with blatant, bold-faced lies. Rather, they are presented to us as a mixture of truth and error.
When Satan approached Eve in the garden of Eden, he asked her whether God had said, correctly translated, “You shall not eat of any of the trees of the garden.” Of course, man was allowed to eat from every tree, except one. After this initial subtle approach, Satan tells Eve correctly that it is the potential of man to become God (compare Genesis 3:5). The error mixed with this true statement was Satan’s contention as to how to achieve man’s potential.
And so, Satan has twisted God’s truth in many different ways. It is true that the “spirit in man” goes back to God when man dies (Ecclesiastes 12:7). But the spirit in man is not a self-conscious entity that continues to “live” after man’s death. Satan, however, taught man that his “immortal soul” will go back to God, when man dies, continuing to exist on a self-conscious plane.
God also reveals that those who were not called in this life will be resurrected as human beings, in a second resurrection, to live again in the flesh (Revelation 20:5, 11-12; Ezekiel 37:1-14). Satan, however, proclaims a wrong teaching of a lengthy cycle of reincarnations, including new lives in the bodies of animals.
In Malachi 4:2, Christ is compared with the “Sun of Righteousness.” This is merely an analogy. But Satan caused unsuspecting man to actually worship the “sun,” and to later replace “sun” worship with supposed “Son” worship, while maintaining pagan concepts. That is why Christianity celebrates, allegedly in honor of the Son Jesus Christ, days like Sun-day, Christmas (the birthday of the Sun-god) or Easter (the death and subsequent resurrection of the Sun-god). [For more information about the history of the observance of Sunday, Christmas or Easter, please read or re-read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas,” as well as “Europe in Prophecy: The Unfolding of End-Time Events.”] 
At the time of Christ’s First Coming, Satan had influenced the Jews to place Moses before Christ, thereby rejecting their Savior (John 1:11; 9:28; compare, too, Acts 6:11). Today, some in the Church have been pursuing the same kind of wrong idolization for Mr. Armstrong. Others reject and bad-mouth Mr. Armstrong, through whom God worked, and fall thereby into the other ditch.
It seems that Satan is anxious to present man with some kind of a counterfeit to God’s truth. In doing so, he often incorporates aspects of the truth and mixes them with a lot of error. Man, not firmly grounded in the truth of God, has far too often fallen for the devil’s devices.
Satan is still around. He is now busier than ever, knowing that he has a short time (Revelation 12:12). His foremost goal is to destroy the begotten children of God (1 Peter 5:8-9). His tactics and modus operandi have not changed that much. Today, as always, Satan presents a mixture of truth and error to God’s children, so that, if it were possible, even the elect could be deceived (compare Matthew 24:24).
How can we protect ourselves from Satan’s evil schemes?
We must be close to God, because it is only through His Spirit that we can distinguish truth from error (1 John 4:1-6). We must also embrace and love the truth. Paul tells us that in the end-time, many will fall away from the truth because they did not “receive the love of the truth.” (2 Thessalonians 2:10). In order to have the love of the truth in us, we must be convicted of it. There must be no room for doubt, when it comes to the truth.
Sadly, many in the Church have never reached that deep level of conviction. Rather, they have been “like children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.” (Ephesians 4:14).  Many have been those “with itching ears,” heaping up “for themselves teachers,” since they were not any longer able to “endure sound doctrine,” and in doing so, they have turned “their ears away from the truth.” (2 Timothy 4:3). They have become easy victims of Satan the devil, “having been taken captive by him to do his will.” (2 Timothy 2:26).
Christ has warned all of us to be very careful what we allow to enter into our hearts and minds. A little bit of error is enough to poison the whole being. There cannot be a mixture of truth and error. Satan’s teachings appear sometimes to be “very close” to the truth — but they are never close enough.

Location, Location, Location

In organized volleyball there are specific positions that you go to on the court when attacking on offense or defending on the other side of the net. Coach used to say, “A lesser player in the right position is more valuable than a good player in the wrong position”

Solomon and Saul were great men that were caught “out of position” (1Kings 11:4; 1Sam 16:14 ) at different times in their lives. Solomon, as we know, was one of the wisest men of all time and Saul was a strong man and a mighty warrior. Yet, with all of their wisdom and strength, they often “missed the mark”.

That being the case, what chance do we, the weak and foolish of the world, have?

With Satan roaming the earth looking to take advantage of us in any way that he can, we only have one place where we will find safety. That “position” is right on the heels of Christ, our example (1Pet 2:21). Saul and Solomon did not follow Him all the days of their lives and the chinks in their armor were found and were exploited.

Our position should be one of following Christ as He leads us to God the Father. We are to walk with Him daily keeping all the commandments of God. If we do this, we, the weak called of God, can accomplish what the great often did not and make our calling and election sure.

Thanksgiving — Should We Observe It?

Thanksgiving – Should We Observe It?
By J. Edwin Pope

Next Thursday, November 28, the United States will be celebrating the national holiday of Thanksgiving. While some question whether members of the church should observe this annual holiday, since it is not one of God’s Holy Days, established by Him and recorded in Scripture – the principle of participating in and celebrating national holidays is made clear in the Scripture.

The first observance of this holiday occurred in the fall of 1621, when the Governor of Plymouth Colony, William Bradford, appointed a day for feasting and thanksgiving. That observance was established to show gratitude to the Almighty as that difficult year drew to an end and the harvest was plentiful. Following that first observance, the colonists continued to celebrate days of thanksgiving annually, in recognition of the blessings received of this new land. When we observe this day traditionally, we think of that group of Englishmen who settled at Plymouth in 1620.

This day has been preserved and continued by Presidents of these United States who believed in God and the Bible as a source of national greatness and integrity. Our first President, George Washington, issued a Thanksgiving proclamation in honor of the new Constitution. He stated, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”

God illustrates this principle in Deuteronomy 17:18-19. He specifically shows that it is His desire that the leaders of nations govern based upon the principles and laws of the Bible.

Abraham Lincoln recognized the need for the people of this nation to stay close to God if we would continue to receive the blessings, which were being afforded us by the Almighty. On October 3, 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day; a day set aside to give God thanks for the blessings He continued to bestow upon the nation.

Then in December 1941, the U.S. Congress established the fourth Thursday of November from that year forward, officially, as Thanksgiving Day.

But would God have us keep this day as a national holiday in respect of all that He has done for this people and nation, since this is not a day He established and specifically requires in Scripture?

We have examples of national holidays established by the Jews and recorded in Scripture for historical purposes – days, which were not established specifically by God to reflect His overall plan. Thus, the fact that Thanksgiving Day was established by the early colonists rather than by divine authority, does not, in itself, make it wrong for a Christian to celebrate such a day.

In John 10:22-23, we find Jesus attending the “Feast of Dedication,” which was established by the Jews to commemorate the purification of the Temple at Jerusalem. That feast was celebrated on the anniversary of the day that the re-establishment of divine worship occurred, after Antiochus Epiphanes had been vanquished and the Temple purified. This occurred around 165 A.D.

Thus, Christ’s attendance at the annual holiday clearly illustrated that it was good and right to attend and celebrate a national holiday established for the right purposes. There was nothing wrong in celebrating this holiday and giving special thanks to God on that day!

God led Esther and Mordecai to establish the Feast of Purim to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from Haman (Esther 9).

A very significant point here is that in neither of the Jewish holidays of the “Feast of Dedication,” nor the “Feast of Purim,” is there any hint of a pagan origin. That is true also in relation to the establishment of Thanksgiving as a national holiday. It is not true with Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, all three of which were originally celebrated in honor of pagan gods and pagan traditions and which, today, continue to be used as counterfeits of God’s ordained Holy Days.

Numerous Scriptures reveal to us that we are to submit to the laws and ordinances of the land as long as these laws and ordinances do not conflict with God’s Laws and His Way of life. Examples of such Scriptures are: I Peter 2:13-18; Matthew 22:21; and Romans 13:1-4.

The overall point in these Scriptures is that orderly government is part of God’s provision for the land, even in a wicked world. No ruler exercises control except as God permits (Daniel 4:17). Under normal circumstances, one who would follow God’s Way is to be obedient to the laws of the land except where those laws contradict the Laws of God. In such a situation – the Christian must obey God, rather than men (Acts 5:29; Daniel 3:16-18; and Daniel 6:10-28).

Of all the national holidays observed in this great land today, Thanksgiving stands out as one that we as Christians can truly embrace.

In the San Diego Union-Tribune, Tuesday, November 19, 2002, there is an article of significance, in which a federal judge in Montgomery, Alabama, ruled a day earlier that a Ten Commandments monument installed in Alabama’s judicial building must be removed (within 30 days) because it violates the separation of church and state. One might wonder how long a national holiday of the stature of Thanksgiving will continue to be allowed in this country.

Thanksgiving is a day that points the family and the nation to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is that God Who will soon be returning to this earth to establish a Kingdom and a Government, which will rule this world based upon the Laws of God. In the meantime we must utilize every opportunity to direct those we come in contact with – to that One, True God. Time for this world is swiftly running out!


"Edify, Not Destroy!"

How careful are we with our words? When we speak, do we do so to edify the hearer? Or do we, intentionally or inadvertently, tear down and criticize others?

Rather than being or coming across as accusatory or assumptive, we all must strive to be positive, uplifting, edifying and constructive, thereby showing the fruits of God’s Spirit.

This is not always easy, since we must overcome our own human nature and replace it with the nature of God. This is a life-long struggle. Human nature, being what it is, can invariably latch on to the negative; it always seems easier to pull down rather than build up. Proverbs 6:16-19 has something to say about those things that God hates:

“(16) These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
(17) A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,
(18) A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,
(19) A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.”

We should edify, not destroy. We should follow the wise instruction in Romans 14:19:

“Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.”

Let us speak words of praise about the good in other people. Let us encourage others to do their best. Let us comfort other people when they are discouraged. Let us be a shining example of the way God wants us to be.

Let us always seek to build up and not to pull down; to edify, never to destroy. In short, let us use our tongue and the written word to be a force for good, and not let our arch enemy, the devil, trap us into doing otherwise.

We need to always remember Christ’s words in Matthew 12:36-37, before we speak:

“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

In light of this, let’s meditate over and apply Paul’s admonition in Ephesians 4:29-32:

“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom [better: whereby, Authorized Version] you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

"First Love"

Today, the more popular use of “I love…” ends with an activity, a food, some song, movie or personality. It would be stunning to hear someone actually say, “I love God with all my heart and with all my soul.”

How about us – those of us who have responded to the calling of God? God is surely finding out the answer by how we live our lives – day in and day out.

It was revealed to Israel that in order for them to have God engaged in their lives, they must love Him unconditionally. In Deuteronomy 13, verse 3, Moses records that Israel would be tested concerning the depth of their commitment and love for God.

Paul sums up that time period with these words, “But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.” (1 Corinthians 10:5).

How about most of us?

Jesus Christ gives us the answer. In John 14:21, ” ‘He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me.’ ” Also, continuing in verse 24, ” ‘He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.’ “

It is really the “love OF God”, that is, God’s very love in us, that enables us to keep the commandments (1 John 5:3). In other words, although it is important that we have love towards God and His word, that alone is not enough. Rather, it is God-through His Holy Spirit – Who places His love within us (Romans 5:5). So, the key is to let God’s love in us operate and guide our lives.

In the Book of Revelation, in chapters two and three, Jesus speaks to the generations of believers who were to make up the church of God. In their times of testing, the core issue that remains is that of truly loving God.

Of the many trials to be overcome were things such as false doctrines and false teachers, immorality and personal sins, a lack of fervency and a self-satisfied sense of complacency.

To the first church, the church represented as Ephesus, Jesus has this grave and fateful admonition: ” ‘Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your FIRST LOVE.’ ” (Revelation 2:4). Continuing, the solution given is to “remember,” to “repent,” and to “do the first works” (verse 5).

But that cautionary advice from Jesus Christ is not just for that time. To all seven churches, He says the following: ” ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ “

If we are to love God with all our heart and all our soul – which is the state of first love – then, we, too, must awaken to “remember,” to “repent,” and to “do the first works!”

Out of the Abundance of the Heart

In Matthew 12:34, Christ made this timeless statement, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” What He is explaining here is that eventually, what we really are will be revealed by what we say. Christ also pointed out that it is not what goes into the ears that defiles us, but the words that come out of the mouth.

How can we make sure, then, that our heart is in harmony and conformity with God? Philippians 2:5 states, “Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus.” What mind was that? It was the mind of God. When Christ’s mind is ours, then our thoughts will be His thoughts, and our words will be His words. Then, we need not be ashamed to speak our minds on any given topic.

On the other hand, if we refuse to develop within us the mind of Christ, we deny Him. Christ told us, though, that when we deny Him, He will deny us. We are going into the winter season. A fair amount of time will pass till we reach the spring Holy Days. It is really important for us to draw close — and remain close — to God, especially at this dark time. The darkness of the winter months is also a reflection of the darkness of this entire world, which is right now in total chaos. Anyone who just picks up a paper or listens to the news should be able to see this. It seems like Satan is on a rampage, which would indicate that time is getting short.

We must not allow that the darkness of this world influence or overtake us. Instead, we must build a strong relationship with God, which is developed by talking to Him, and letting Him know what is on our minds, and what our hopes and our dreams are. James 5:16 tells us that, “The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” All of us must be vigilant in our prayers, especially during this coming winter season. At the same time, we are not to neglect our Bible study, since that is how we get to know our God better. In prayer, we speak to God our Father. During Bible study, our Father speaks to us, through His Word, Jesus Christ.

Finally, let’s not forget meditating about what we read in God’s word, praying to God to make the meaning clearer to us. Sometimes, it requires fasting to show God how desperately we want to know Him and His way of life.

Let us all fight the winter doldrums by developing a close and personal relationship with God and Christ. Then, the mind of Christ will be in us, and we need not be ashamed about what we speak.

"And God Blessed The Seventh Day"

The Feast of Tabernacles 2002 has come and gone, and the next annual Holy Days, the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, are almost six months away. However, God has not left us without feast days in the meantime. In fact, God’s Church keeps a feast day every week – the Sabbath. But how are we to observe this weekly festival?

The Statement of Beliefs of the Church of the Eternal God explains:

“We believe that we are to observe certain weekly and annual Holy Days, during which time we are to attend Church services and to refrain from secular labor, including school, college or university attendance, and which time we are to dedicate and devote to worship, spiritual study, prayer, fellowship with Church members, and physical rest.”

To properly celebrate the Sabbath, we need to understand that it is a feast day, which is holy to God. When the sun sets on Friday, we are entering God’s holy time.

Since the Sabbath is a holy convocation (Leviticus 23:3), we should attend Church services as often as possible (compare Hebrews 10:24-25). We have always understood and taught, of course, that it is more difficult, if not impossible, for our scattered brethren to do so. Many of those who cannot physically attend our assemblies, participate in our live Internet Sabbath services, or, if even that is not possible, listen on the Sabbath to our audio sermon tapes.

We need to keep firmly in mind that whatever we do and think on the Sabbath should be in realization of the fact that we are spending time that God has set aside for a holy purpose (Isaiah 58:13-14).

In an interesting article of the Corvallis Gazette-Times, of February 10, 1998, titled, “A Matter of Faith,” the conflict of athletes, who refused to play on the Sabbath, was addressed. A Jewish Rabbi was quoted in the article, saying, “‘It’s part of a greater conflict – how to live a religious life in secular America. Some parents will just forget it and take their kids to the soccer games.'” But if we really want to be obedient to God’s will, we must not do so.

At the same time, the Sabbath is a Feast day (compare Leviticus 23:1-3). We must be careful not to repeat the mistakes of the Pharisees who made a burden out of the Sabbath, by adding to God’s law humanly devised restrictions (Matthew 23:4). The Jewish historian, Moses Hodas, explained, “The rabbis were men of faith, and their object was the service of religion, but their method of securing discipline was, like Plato’s, to provide authority for men’s smallest actions.”

Let’s review some of the laws devised by the Pharisees, as they relate to Sabbath observance. While doing so, let’s ask ourselves whether we have devised in our minds similar laws for others and ourselves?

The Pharisees decreed that a person was guilty of breaking the Sabbath if he carried a sheet of paper, or any food which weighed as much as a dried fig, or if he carried more than one swallow of milk, or enough oil to anoint a small part of the body.

If a fire broke out in a person’s home, he could carry out only the necessary food for the Sabbath. This meant, that if the fire broke out Sabbath evening, the person could take out enough food for three meals; if the fire broke out on the afternoon of the Sabbath, he could only take out enough food for one meal. The rest could not be carried out and had to be left to burn with the building. Further, only necessary clothes could be taken out of a burning house.

One might wonder whether their former Babylonian environment subconsciously influenced the Pharisees, when they devised these Sabbath laws. The Babylonians had set apart the seventh day of the Babylonian week, called “Shabattum,” as “ill omens” or “evil days.” It was forbidden on those days to eat flesh cooked upon coals, to change garments, or to call for a physician. This reminds us how the Pharisees accused Jesus consistently of Sabbath breaking, when He healed sick persons on that day.

One might laugh today about those restrictions, but we must realize that they were no laughing matter at the time of Jesus Christ. He collided with the Pharisees on numerous occasions, when He refused to abide by their man-made Sabbath regulations.

Let’s ask ourselves again: Have we created for others and ourselves similar rules as how to keep and not to keep the Sabbath – although these rules cannot be found in the Bible? We must be very careful not to do so, lest we fall into the same trap of self-imposed religion that the Pharisees had fallen into. God did not accept their worship – and neither will He accept ours, if we follow their lead.

Halloween — Holy Times???

We have just completed the observance of God’s fall festivals and in so doing have now for another year kept God’s Annual Holy Days in accordance with His instructions (Lev. 23, Numbers 28 & 29, Deut. 16).

Upon returning home we now must immediately face the holidays of this world’s religions, which have been established by men in the keeping of their religious ideas. These days have been set aside by men for the intended purpose of honoring God. Yet, He admonishes us not to do such things! (Deut 12: 29-32).

Just today, I read an article in The Californian, an edition of The North County Times, in which author Caryl Krueger, in an effort to “focus on fun” in the observance of Halloween, suggests that youngsters be educated in the tradition of Halloween.

Quoting from this article, Ms. Krueger writes, ” What can we do to reinvent this celebration, formerly beloved by families?

“Well, Halloween can be saved. First, let’s consider how the word is pronounced since that has something to do with how it is celebrated. It is not hollow-een, as many say. Hollow means empty or worthless. It is Hallow-een. To hallow means to make holy or blessed. Halloween means holy evening, the night before All Saints’ Day.

“Share with your youngsters the way some Halloween traditions started. The Irish contributed jack-o’-lanterns. These commemorated a miserly person named Jack who was unable to enter heaven because of his sins, nor could he go to hell since he had played pranks on the devil. So he was doomed to walk the earth with his lantern.”

She goes on to write of, “… the ancient Druids, who thought that witches, ghosts, fairies, and spirits roamed about trying to harm people. They also thought that cats were sacred and they were formerly human beings being punished for evil deeds.

“These same Druids held a festival each autumn called Samhain (pronounced SOW-en, with the first syllable rhyming with plow) to honor the end of summer. Other Europeans had a similar harvest celebration.

“Then in the year 700 when the Roman Catholic Church established November 1st as All Saints Day, all the old pagan customs and the Christian feast day were combined into one grand festival for October 31, the night before All Saints Day.”

What has God continually told His people concerning such pagan practices and the combining of His truth with the teachings of this world, which we know as syncretism?

“You shall not worship the Lord your God that way; for every abomination to the Lord which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods” (Deut. 12:31).

God tells us in Amos 5:21 – “I hate, I despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies.”

Yes, God hates the traditions that have been established by men in the worship of their gods and he forbids us to have a part in such doings, especially in our worship of Him. They are anathema to God and to His Way and we must not have anything to do with those ways.

Let’s be aware now, more than ever before, as the evils of this world and their leader, Satan the devil, try to beguile God’s chosen people away from the One True God and His Truth – For we must be diligent to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4: 23-24).

Anything contrary to His teachings is unacceptable to God!

©2025 Church of the Eternal God