This Week in the News

President Obama “revealed” his new budget proposal. It’s change, alright. But at what cost? Even an Obama-supporting newspaper like the USA Today cannot hide the fact that Mr. Obama’s new budget is a nightmare of added debts, higher taxes and incredibly small benefits for most Americans. For many, a $13.00 pay increase per salary check is proposed, but other news reports about contemplated rising energy, sales and income taxes… While the uninsured would receive health-care insurance benefits, some of the Medicare help (which is insufficiently bad enough) is supposed to be cut, according to some news reports. Also, it was reported that the permissible cap of charitable contributions for income tax purposes is supposed to be lowered. And employers would be called upon to provide even more mandatory benefits to their employees–which would undoubtedly force them to terminate MORE employees or cut their salaries.
In other news, Germany is being called upon–once again–to come to the financial rescue of other European nations, as it is recognized to be the MOST STABLE OF ALL European communities. But Germany is suffering too, and so it should come as no surprise that rightist extremists are dreaming of a return of the Hitler era and the establishment of the Fourth Reich.
While rocket attacks on Israel continue, coalition negotiations in Israel failed and it is therefore to be expected that a right-wing government will take over. What this may mean for peace in the Middle East can be seen, too, by the furor of Jewish leaders over the most recent pronouncements by Secretary of Sate Hillary Clinton.
An analysis on the recent collision of two strategic nuclear submarines reveals the Satanically-inspired destructiveness of the human mind. It points out that these “are high-tech weapons with an archaic mission: to exact revenge. And they are built for the day the world comes to an end…The submarines… are designed to retaliate with such force that there can be no winners in a nuclear war…” For instance, the Russian strategic nuclear submarine “Donskoy could simultaneously destroy dozens of cities like New York, or level half of Afghanistan.”
Finally, in a typical piece of pro-Evolution-anti-Christian propaganda by the left-liberal magazine Der Spiegel, Christians and others are attacked by illusionary scientists who claim that Darwin’s theory of evolution has been proven to be accurate. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution–a Fairy Tale for Adults.”

This Week in the News

For the first time, the Ebola virus has been found in pigs–outside monkeys. In some cases, the virus had jumped before from monkeys to humans.

In addition to this dangerous development for humans, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder (a close friend of Vladimir Putin) met with Iran’s President Ahmadinejad. Even though this controversial meeting was allegedly “cool and tense,” the fact THAT Schroeder even met with Ahmadinejad is remarkable in itself. Iran has reportedly produced now enough enriched uranium to create an atomic weapon.

At the same time, German anti-Semitism amongst Muslims is on the rise. This is equally remarkable, as the Bible prophesies that Edom (Jacob’s brother, and Turkey in prophecy) will collaborate with end-time Europe, against Judah. The final European revival of the ancient Roman Empire is clearly in the making, which is also underscored by new plans for a unified European army.

While Europe and the USA are facing an ever grimmer-looking economic future, Germany and most European nations will revive financially, while it is doubtful that the USA will. However, in the process, a very dangerous charismatic European personage will arrive on the scene to give “hope” to people in despair. We should not forget that Hitler came to power at a time of great economic and political upheaval. We can expect something similar to happen in Europe in the near future.

In his first speech to Congress, President Obama described America “at the crossroads,” claiming that “the Day of Reckoning has arrived.”  And finally, ongoing fighting between Israel and Palestinians belies the hope that the war in Gaza is over.

This Week in the News

America has its stimulus package. Congress approved it–with virtually no member of Congress having read it– and President Obama signed it into law. Officially estimated as costing about $790 billion, it is really MUCH more expensive.

The Office of the Press Secretary released the text of a speech given by President Obama on February 17 in Denver, when signing the stimulus package. In the speech, Mr. Obama said: “Today does not mark the end of our economic troubles. Nor does it constitute all of what we must do to turn our economy around. But it does mark the beginning of the end…”

Even though Mr. Obama meant that in signing the stimulus package, we could see the beginning of a better economy (which is highly doubtful), his comments would be prophetically correct when understood quite differently. Is the United States seeing the beginning of the end of its prosperity? And more globally–is the end of this world in sight? Almost 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ spoke of the “beginning of sorrows.” This would result in the END of this present EVIL civilization, when we see the true gospel preached in all the world as a witness (Matthew 24:8, 13-14). Have we reached this time? For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.”

The downfall of the U.S. economy (on Thursday, the Dow Jones was the worst in six years) might be mirrored by the virtual bankruptcy of the state of California. Bickering politicians were unable, until Thursday morning, to approve a state budget–after 106 days without a budget. The new budget increases income and sales taxes. At the same time, freedom of speech is being suppressed in California’s schools and universities when those expressions of thought are not in line with “politically correct” ideas.

Germany is being asked to rescue Ireland and to help in rebuilding Iraq. At the same time, violent demonstrations of neo-Nazis and leftist activists occurred in Dresden, reminding us of frightful conditions rampant in pre-war Germany. The highest French court decided that the state of France was responsible for the deportation of many Jews in World War 2, but refused to grant further compensation for survivors, and while anti-Semitism may already be on the rise in Europe, Israel might be involved in covert sabotage in Iran.

A French and British submarine collided, “each laden with missiles powerful enough for 1,248 Hiroshima bombings.” Even though we are assured that no radio-active material was released, the frightening news is, in any event, that the “unthinkable” could have happened.

While Europe is muzzling its member states, with “no limits to the Eurocrats’ claim to power,” it is also obvious that Europe is still waiting for a strong unifying political and military leader. At the same time, we are reminded that 80 years ago, the Roman Catholic Church and Benito Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty. This Pact established the Vatican City State, guaranteed Church independence, and declared Roman Catholicism as Italy’s state religion.

Finally, a seemingly harmless “domesticated” chimpanzee went on a brutal attack. Whatever the cause for its behavior, wild animals still possess wild natures. The time when the nature of wild animals will be truly changed has not yet quite arrived (compare Isaiah 11:6-9).

This Week in the News

The U.S. Senate approved a new stimulus package of some $838 billion, due to “defection” of three Republicans. Subsequent negotiations with the House reduced the amount to almost $790 billion. This is in addition to the announcement of another $1.5 trillion bank bailout plan, which caused stock prices and the dollar to fall. Observers feel that the bailout plan will actually exceed $2 trillion.

Critics are convinced that the entire stimulus is just the wrong way to go; and that President Obama’s stimulus package includes anti-religious and anti-health care measures. And while the Obama administration is trying to cope with the U.S. recession or–by now–depression, worldwide frustration and anger over the global economic crisis abounds–and fears emerge that some democracies and not only a few governmental heads will tumble and fall in the process. Especially German confidence in Angela Merkel’s leadership qualities is diminishing–even though she is trying to patch up matters with the Pope–and Bavaria’s controversial and unpredictable CSU leader Seehofer may be waiting in the wings. 

Germany is awakening to the fact that President Obama might not be good news for German interests–and it is becoming painfully aware that the USA is pushing Germany into a more militaristic leadership role in Europe.

While Australia is fighting its worst bushfire in 110 years, suspicions of arson have arisen–and the thought was discussed in the press whether al-Qaida terrorists could be behind this man-made disaster. Amnesty International accused Hamas of murder and brutal torture in the Gaza strip during and after Israel’s war, and the Israelis have elected a new leader. With either Netanyahu or Livni at the helm, Hamas and Iran will have to face a determined and uncompromising Israel.

Finally, the German Constitutional Court has begun to examine whether the European Lisbon Treaty is compatible with the German constitution. Europe is holding its breath for the Court’s decision on this critical issue.

This Week in the News

The war between Israel and Iran, including their proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, is far from over. With upcoming Israeli elections on February 10, we can expect another volatile and violent week. Concerns regarding President Obama’s politics in the Middle East are growing in Israel–which begins to feel betrayed by the USA and sees itself all alone in its fight against Iran. The call for European troops in the Middle East is becoming louder!

Germany’s Angela Merkel is adopting a wait-and-see attitude, refusing to join the crowd of pro-Obama enthusiasts. One country which not too many had anticipated–the violent nation of Mexico–seems to become a real security risk to the world and therefore a challenge to Mr. Obama.

President Obama’s $900 billion stimulus package is facing strong resistance in the Senate, but hope is expressed that a compromised version will be adopted before Presidents’ Day (February 16). President Obama has expressed his feeling that if the stimulus package is not adopted, this country will be facing a “catastrophe, from which we may never recover.”

But does it even have a chance of “working”? Der Spiegel Online expressed serious doubts this week, stating: “The United States is experiencing its worst crisis in decades. Obama is trying to fight it by preparing one gigantic economic stimulus program after the other. But the hangover is inevitable, and if the desired economic miracle doesn’t materialize, it will be a massive one.”

Some controversial U.S. laws were enacted this week, including a bill for a kids’ health care program (which had been vetoed twice before by President Bush), “despite the embarrassing withdrawal of [President Obama’s] nominee (Tom Daschle) to lead the initiative” (Welt-On-Line, February 5), and a bill to delay digital TV transition for four months.

In addition, it was decreed that in the future, CEOs of troubled banks, which seek bailout money from the government, cannot earn more than $500,000 a year–but they still can get stock from their banks. This new directive is not retroactive, which means that it does not cover executives of those banks which have already received taxpayers’ money from the government. The question has been asked, Why do we even reward CEOs who were responsible for running their banks into the ground with taxpayers’ money in the first place?

President Obama’s approval rate in the USA has dramatically decreased by about 20%. He admitted in a television interview with CNN this week that he did not realize the severity of the economic crisis, and that financial experts did not foresee it either. He said, verbatim: “What’s alarming right now is how fast the economy is deteriorating.” But there WERE voices which warned over six months ago that our economy would deteriorate with lightning speed. However, these voices were apparently ignored!

California is broke and in the worst economic condition of all U.S. states. In spite of promises to the contrary, Governor Schwarzenegger has proven unable to improve California’s economy. This shows again how idle and useless the promises are which we hear from political leaders–especially BEFORE their elections. Our new member letter by Brian Gale addresses this question in much more detail.

The war of words directed against the Pope’s controversial appointments of bishops and priests escalated this week, including criticism from Catholic and Jewish leaders alike. Der Spiegel Online wrote that “the Pope lost his magic.” But has he, really? According to the magazine, the “Vatican is horrified by the discussion in Germany. The impression there is that all of the anti-Catholic resentments hiding under the surface in Germany are now coming to the surface.”

But the Pope received some unexpected support. Bild Online reported on February 5 that the President of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert (CDU) defended the Pope, stating, “‘A lot that is being insinuated about the Pope is almost malicious; in no way fair.’ Lammert also slammed Chancellor Merkel’s demand for a clarification from the Pope: ‘I find the doubts about the Catholic Church and the Pope on this matter ill-founded.'”

It must be admitted, perhaps, that the outrage, especially in Germany, is a bit hypocritical–given the fact that most Germans are not as sympathetic towards the Jews–or the Moslems–as their political leaders or the “politically correct” main-stream press would like to portray it.

And while the Catholic Church is facing some dire challenges, one of the last remaining multi-million dollar empires of another TV Evangelist in the USA has begun to crumble.

An interesting report was filed this week, strongly suggesting that the scientific “creation” of human-animal hybrids may be impossible, and another article shows that insects have been used quite often in man’s wars–and might very well be used again by terrorists in the not-too-distant future.

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