This Week in the News

Is America steering towards its irrevocable descent into economic calamity and chaos? Our lead article on FDIC’s Insurance Fund and the ever-increasing number of failing banks paints a grim picture, and in doing the math, the picture is even more apocalyptic. And you just know that the country is in trouble when one of America’s foremost prestigious institutions–Reader’s Digest–is forced to file for “prearranged” bankruptcy.

While President Obama is losing his “messianic status” over health care (and actor Chuck Norris has some strong and appropriate warning about “hidden little secrets” in the House Bill), Mr. Obama’s repeated pledge to homosexuals, bi-sexuals and transgender couples to repeal a “discriminatory” federal law on marriage does not help to restore confidence in the willingness to uphold American standards and principles, defining a marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The fact that school administrators in Florida are facing jail time for praying over lunch, allegedly violating a court-approved “consent decree” prohibiting them to promote religion on school grounds, speaks volumes about the God-defying culture in our country.

Britain does not fare much better, if concerns are correct that Scotland released a “terminally-ill” convicted Libyan mass murderer and terrorist because of a political deal between Britain and Libya, involving Libya’s oil.

President Obama’s repeated pledge to continue America’s war in Afghanistan is interesting in light of a revealing interview with former German Defense Minister Volker Rühe, as well as a report about the despicable situation in Afghanistan and the means by which politicians come to or stay in power.

As Der Spiegel wrote on August 20: “Afghans went to the polls Thursday to elect a new president. Although the Taliban did not manage to stop the election from taking place, their attacks and threats kept turnout low in many regions. After the polls closed on Thursday afternoon, the Afghan government made its first assessment of the situation — and it wasn’t exactly flattering. President Hamid Karzai’s authorities reported 73 direct attacks against polling stations in 15 provinces… Afghans will only discover the outcome of the election in the coming days. The first preliminary results will probably be made public this weekend, and the final result of the first round of voting will only be announced on Sept. 17.”

Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei made again very clear what Iran’s real intentions are–in preparing for the coming of the Mahdi, all Muslim nations should unite militarily to fight against the USA and Israel.

The British paper, The Mail, laments the government’s plan to launch mass immunizations in October to “fight” the swine flu, because of concerns that the vaccines might cause a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome. And an article by the New York Times shows that our justice system’s blind reliance on DNA evidence is highly misplaced.

Ongoing earthquakes in and close to Japan are causes for alarm–with experts fearing that the “Big One” might not be far off; and continuing violence and terrorist attacks in the Caucasus, coupled with Russia’s meddling in South Caucasus areas, “stoke fears that [the southern Russian Republic of] Ingushetia [is] replacing Chechnya as the next battleground in southern Russia,” as Deutsche Welle put it.

Finally, the European press published documentation showing that both the USA and Great Britain knew about Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews as early as 1942, but did nothing to prevent it. The Vatican tries to capitalize on this widely-known fact, by wrongly suggesting that Pope Pius XII tried to save as many Jews as possible. However, the collaboration between Hitler’s and Mussolini’s fascist regime and the Roman Catholic Church under Pope Pius XII is beyond historical doubt and reproof.

All of these developments identify the prophesied “signs of the times,” in which we live. For more information, please read our free booklets, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” “Europe in Prophecy,” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

This Week in the News

Even though some overly optimistic voices in the US and overseas have pronounced that the recession might be coming to an end or is already over, based on highly questionable statistics, this is only wishful and unrealistic thinking. The same “experts” who make such pronouncements tried to keep the public in the dark for a long time, denying for over a year that the US was in a recession. A biting commentary in Der Stern, dated August 13, pointed out that the positive figures are “deceitful” and that “the worst is still to come.” The EUObserver wrote on August 13 that “Europe’s industrial production fell in June after a mild improvement in May, making economists wonder if the long-awaited recovery is actually that close.” The Associated Press added on August 13 that “Retail sales [in the US] disappointed in July and the number of newly laid-off workers filing claims for unemployment benefits rose UNEXPECTEDLY last week.”

In the midst of an ONGOING recession, US House lawmakers are prepared to spend $550 million for eight unnecessary passenger jets for use of governmental officials. But frankly, this would only be a drop in the bucket of US “handling” or better “mishandling” of its economic situation. Irresponsible overseas US spending is also highlighted in an article by the Washington Post, discussing Mr. Obama’s ambitions to continue the unsuccessful but highly expensive war in Afghanistan–which could cost the country even more than Mr. Bush’s unsuccessful war in Iraq. The Associated Press reported on August 12 that “The federal deficit climbed higher into record territory in July, hitting $1.27 trillion with two months remaining in the budget year… The Obama administration is projecting that when the current budget year ends on Sept. 30, the imbalance will total $1.84 trillion, more than four times last year’s record-high.”

And so, it is not surprising that, according to the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, the approval rate for President Obama’s performance has reached an all-time low. According to the Rasmussen Reports, dated August 13, “47% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. That’s the lowest level of total approval yet recorded. The President’s ratings first fell below 50% just a few weeks ago on July 25. Fifty-two percent (52%) now disapprove.”

While the United States and Arab countries try to pressure Israel to freeze West Bank settlements, Germany’s Defense Minister will be proposing a constitutional amendment to allow German armed forces to play a more active role in domestic and foreign affairs. This is highly remarkable, also in light of Europe’s united stance against Iran’s provocations and the realization that somehow the Muslim influx in Europe needs to be dealt with, as–according to biblical prophecy–European military, under German leadership, will invade the Middle East in the near future. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

In other news, even though the Internet is playing an important role in Europe, almost one-third of Europeans don’t use it at all. And while some bizarre measures are proposed, which are being developed by RIVAL (!) US and British scientists, to fight global warming–such as the use of “cloud ships” to change the climate–the war of words between pro- and con- global warming proponents is ongoing. An interesting poll suggests that an increasing number of Americans believe now that the media exaggerated global warming, and that no effects of global warming have started to occur.

A British research report warns against giving antiviral drugs to children for swine flu, which have little or no effect, but which are causing dangerous side effects. For more information on healing and health, please read our free booklet, “Sickness and Healing–What the Bible Tells Us”.

And finally, did you think that there is no compulsory service in the United States? Think again and consider jury duty. But while religious convictions against compulsory service in the military have been recognized even during the time of the draft, our court systems are systemically trying to undermine, violate and ignore our constitutional rights of being exempted from compulsory service of jury duty because of sincere religious convictions.

This Week in the News

Our lead articles this week deal with the renewed desire of most Jews to build a third temple in Jerusalem. The Bible clearly predicts that daily sacrifices will be offered again in Jerusalem in the near future, and although a temple may not be initially necessary to offer sacrifices, the Bible strongly indicates that a third temple will be built just prior to Christ’s return. Our free booklets, “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation,” and, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today!”, explain this question in much detail.

In other overseas developments, we focus on explosive and peace-threatening or -preventing events in the Middle East and especially pertaining to Iran; on Bill Clinton’s trip to North Korea to free two American journalists; on Europe’s desires to build an army and its “observer status” in Georgia; on India’s warlike goals; and on the ongoing unsuccessful war in Afghanistan.

Turning to the United States, questions regarding Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President are not going away; and while more U.S. banks are shut down, politicians try to push through the health care overhaul, while beginning to admit that new taxes may have to pay for it–even though President Obama had made promises to the contrary. And as our political system is “broken,” so is our court system–as exemplified by another ridiculous decision of a federal jury against a 25 year-old graduate student for downloading and sharing songs.

We conclude with two articles reporting about serious side-effects to swine flu drugs, and the transmission of the HIV virus from gorillas to humans.

This Week in the News

The mysteries surrounding President Obama’s original birth certificate continue, and some statements by different players in this drama sound as though they had been lifted from a fictitious suspense novel. At times questionable actions by the left-liberal mass media and the White House seem to try to suppress the issue, rather than to clarify and solve it.

According to some observers, the new Health Care Plan is unfairly attacking especially small businesses, and the dollar continues its fall. While the Obama Administration tries to assure Israel that they are not naive about Iran, John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, questions America’s and Europe’s policy in regard to Iran.

Turning our attention to Europe, German politicians are upset about a European-US bank data deal; Tony Blair’s appointment as the first EU President is in doubt; and the German Financial Times feels that the “beast of capitalism” will ultimately resurface and prevail.

While The Telegraph describes the “insanity” of the Afghan war, German soldiers are drawn more and more into combat in that area, and especially young people from East Germany are joining the army because of the recession. Finally, Germany’s leading philosopher pleads for a European army and a core Europe. Our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy,” describes in detail the future role of the German military in world affairs.

This Week in the News

A most serious rift is developing between the United States and Israel over Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem. Not only the USA, but also the international community, including Germany, France and the entire EU, seem united in their condemnation of Israel, and alarming signs of anti-Semitism are surfacing in Great Britain. At the same time, Muslims in Jerusalem have made it very clear that they will not allow the Jews to build a new Temple.

Another threat to peace, which many governmental leaders don’t seem to perceive as very real, is Iran’s desire to acquire nuclear weapons–a development with which Israel is bound to interfere. At the same time, many Iranians believe that the recent presidential elections were nothing but a thinly-veiled military coup by the Revolutionary Guard which answers to the Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

And while America’s influence in the world is waning, even Iraq has begun to stand up to the USA.

Turning to many of America’s domestic problems, voices are getting louder demanding that Barack Obama prove his eligibility as President by producing his birth certificate. It is interesting how long the liberal mass media has ignored this challenging and potentially highly explosive and consequential issue–as it is still ignoring comments by a U.S. Supreme Court Judge, seemingly comparing abortion with eugenics. And while more U.S. banks fail and the insurance fund has reached its lowest level since 1993, Democrats advocate to provide free healthcare to 12 million illegal aliens.

Some concerned voices speak of the possibility of a nuclear attack against the USA; The Wall Street Journal laments that America is leaving itself behind in international business deals; and the potential for a huge Pacific Ocean tsunami on the West Coast of America, which would bring devastation and destruction to the area, may be greater than previously thought.

We conclude with articles about leaders such as the French President and the Dalai Lama advocating global authority in numerous areas of life, and with a post of the Telegraph reporting about scientific “consensus” and “counter-consensus” regarding the politically motivated hot debate as to how to interpret the world’s climate.

This Week in the News

The call for global governance in all its multiple facets is growing stronger. The Pope advocates it in respect to world economy; President Obama and former Vice President Al Gore advocate it in respect to global warming.

Man has tried repeatedly to set up a world government. All these attempts have failed, but they have caused in the process much misery, pain, war, death, slavery and torture. The Bible reveals that a world government WILL BE set up, but not by man–and in a way quite different from what man might expect. For more information, please listen to our new StandingWatch program, posted on StandingWatch and YouTube, titled, “Our Only Hope for Survival.”

In his meeting with the Pope, Obama declared that he had “every intention, with the commitment of the government, to reduce as much as possible, the number of abortions” (Zenit, July 10, 2009). He also said that the White House will work closely with the Vatican on a number of issues.

In turn, the Pope expressed how impressed he was of Obama (in spite of the fact that Obama supports abortion and stem cell research). All of this came on the heels of an admission by one of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices, that the abortion issue in Roe vs. Wade was decided in the hopes of cleansing unwanted populations. While we cannot possibly agree with such a stance, we are publishing an article on the Catholic Church’s position on abortion, with which we do agree substantially.

Voices were heard again this week to the effect that Israel had no choice but to attack Iran militarily. And none other than the racist “insane” president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, accused Germany of racism over the brutal murder of an Egyptian woman in a German courtroom. It is true, the contemptible attack in a public place and the subsequent silence of the German government for over a week are highly regrettable–since the German government and the EU were very quick, on the other hand, to condemn the murder of a Russian human rights activist. However, Ahmadinejad’s hypocritical criticism must be viewed as nothing but a political scheme in an attempt to score points. Also, the German intelligence agency, “BND,” denied earlier reports about Iran’s ability to produce a nuclear bomb within a short period of time.

It is interesting that recently, pictures were circulated on the Internet, showing Ahmadinejad in friendly conversation with Jewish rabbis and other Jewish leaders. Ahmadinejad’s conduct reminds us to a certain extent of Adolph Hitler. In fact, the same spiritual forces might have been, and could now be at work. When Hitler was coming to power, he behaved very friendly towards the Jews, and at first, rich Jewish bankers supported him and his party financially–even though he had written Mein Kampf and had made it very clear what his ambitions were. The same could be said, perhaps, about Ahmadinejad’s attempts to appear friendly towards the Jews. It is also telling that German intelligence agencies seem to underestimate Ahmadinejad’s abilities–just as the world underestimated Hitler, thinking they would see “peace in our time.” For more information on Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

In other news about Germany, a potential split between Angela Merkel’s CDU and the Bavarian sister party, CSU, could jeopardize Merkel’s re-election in September, and might even delay the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty.

Finally, the U.S. is slipping deeper and deeper into debt, while Democrats are attempting to legislate a most ridiculous health care plan; the swine flu is being compared with the flu epidemic of 1918; President Obama’s visit in Africa might not have resulted in any substantial improvement of US-African relationships, notwithstanding the President’s highly charismatic appearance and welcomed speech in Ghana; and a “bombshell” decision by the U.S. Military might bring into focus concerns that Barack Obama may not be a “natural-born” U.S. citizen.

This Week in the News

President Obama was visiting Russia this week in the hopes of improving U.S.-Russian relationships. Mr. Obama did not shy away from challenging Russia. His visit was overshadowed by grave concerns, including that Russia might be preparing for a new war in Georgia. Mr. Obama also announced that he will discuss with the Pope possibilities as to how to bring peace to the Middle East, while the Pope pleaded for the establishment of a world government.

At the same time, Vice President Biden and Saudi Arabia reportedly conceded that they won’t stand in the way if Israel attacks Iran–even though Saudi Arabia later denied that claim and Mr. Obama and State Department Spokesman Kelly were quick to “clarify” Mr. Biden’s statements. Of course, Mr. Biden is known to make undiplomatic and politically incorrect comments–but this does not mean that all of his statements have to be factually incorrect, even though some of them undoubtedly are, as we discuss in this issue. And Saudi Arabia’s “denial” was to be expected as well.

Saddam Hussein’s statements before his death that he was more afraid of Iran than of the USA are interesting in light of the fact that Iran has indeed evolved into the greatest threat to peace in the Middle East–perhaps much greater than Iraq under Saddam could have ever become. All of this shows again the highly questionable and ultimately unsuccessful and counter-productive endeavor of the Bush administration to invade Iraq.

Vice President Biden admitted the mistakes of his government in miscalculating the economic situation, but sadly, it does not appear that the Obama administration has been willing to learn from their mistakes. Instead, it seems that the same wrong course of action will be continued, while analysts warn that, as a result, an economic catastrophe will be inevitable. High debts are not limited to the USA, however. As the Netzeitung reports, Germany is facing the largest debt growth in its history.

The internal turmoil in Honduras continues, while the Wall Street Journal suggests that the USA and the entire world are supporting the wrong side in this struggle. We also observed the outbreak of ethnic violence in Egypt (directed against Germany) and China, showing how fragile “peace” is around the world. Christ’s words come to mind, when addressing events in the end time: “… and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6). And even though we hear much about attempts to bring about peace, Paul warns us in 1 Thessalonians 5:3: “For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman…”

The WHO announced that the swine flu virus is unstoppable, stating that very soon, up to 2 billion people will have contracted that virus. Again, Christ’s words should ring loud and clear: “… and there will be … epidemics…” (Luke 21:11, Living Bible). And finally, a thought-provoking article by the Financial Times pointing out the abuse of copyright law by big business in violation of its original intent. Rather than free dissemination of opinions and information, the law is used far too often to “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18). And, the danger of a Big Brother society is lurking around the corner…

This Week in the News

It was a big announcement by the end of last week: Finally, the original biblical Ark of the Covenant will be unveiled! Of course, it did not happen. It was all a big misunderstanding, according to the patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia who was visiting the Pope in Rome. Nevertheless, Ethiopia insists they have the Ark, and that they will never allow it to be removed. Is it possible that something like the “ownership” or “custody” of the [alleged] original Ark might lead to violent and perhaps even military confrontations between Ethiopian and Christian and/or Muslim countries in the not-too-distant future?

The Catholic Church announced this week that the bones of the Apostle Paul were found in Rome. However, this claim is definitely false, as our comments explain.

The world was also shocked to learn that after the still ongoing violent unrest in Iran [as well as continued attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq, coupled with military threats from North Korea], Honduras joined the fold. The military action to oust its President, Manuel Zelaya, was strongly condemned by the Obama Administration and the international community, even though Zelaya attempted to subvert the Constitution. Zelaya is a close friend of anti-American propagandist, Venezuela President Hugo Chávez, and, as the Wall Street Journal suggests, America fears a political backlash in Latin America if they were to support the newly appointed interim President, Roberto Micheletti. The developments in Honduras, in spite of America’s attempts to prevent them, show how little influence America has in the region, and Mr. Obama’s “condemnation of the coup” is deeply unpopular with Honduran deputies.

Reviewing developments in Iran, time seems to be running out for that country to avert Israeli and perhaps even European military action against it. In the wake of an Irani “arrest” of British diplomatic staff, all of the 27 EU member states became united in their condemnation and threatened with a “strong and collective response.” The questionable finding of the Guardian Council that no irregularities had occurred during the recent elections did not help to restore any confidence in the reasonableness of Iran’s governmental system. Not surprisingly, however, Germany’s neo-Nazis have voiced in the meantime their unwavering support for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his insane measures, which, according to the Netzeitung, even prohibit public dancing and look with disfavor on listening to music.

Turning to the US, Mr. Obama seemingly scored a big victory when the House adopted a costly and expensive climate change bill. Politico’s and Fox News’ articles show, however, how bills are adopted through the questionable means of politics, and how politicians are pressured for their vote–while all of this is justified with the perception of a “greater good.” In the meantime, due to a worldwide loss of confidence in the American currency, the dollar continued to decline against the euro and the yen [even though it is suggested that China’s economy might be in grave danger]; President Obama’s Stimulus Package has FAILED; experts judge the Obama Administration as “lacking leadership and awareness”; California’s former riches have gone to rags; and Der Spiegel explains how Mr. Obama’s meeting with German Chancellor Merkel resulted in–to say it with Shakespeare–“much to do about nothing.”

In another shocking piece of news, it was revealed that the United Kingdom is the crime capitol of Europe.

Finally, and to nobody’s surprise, the German Constitutional Court gave the [politically motivated?] green light for ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, but it ordered German lawmakers to adopt legislation to give more power to the German Parliament in EU matters. Most observers expect this new German law to be enacted within the next few months. And Der Spiegel speculates how a future unified Europe under the Lisbon Treaty might look.

This Week in the News

Overshadowed by the events involving Iran and, to a lesser extent, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and domestic U.S. politics, many did not take note of a decision of the EU, which Der Spiegel calls “the most important decision taken in Europe this year.” That decision could bring about the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty by the end of the year, giving European institutions greater powers, a more permanent EU President and foreign minister, and a strengthened role of the EU Parliament.

According to the Bible, the unification of Europe is a given. However, we are also to wait for the development of something like a core Europe within the EU–the emergence of 10 powerful European nations or groups of nations, which will then in turn transfer their powers to a charismatic political and military European leader–the final leader of the last revival of the ancient Roman Empire (referred to in biblical prophecy as “the beast,” “the king of the North” and “King Jareb of Assyria”). Based on some indications in the book of Daniel, it is possible that even if the Lisbon Treaty comes into effect, the first permanent president and/or foreign minister under that Treaty will not remain in office for long, but will be “supplanted” by a “vile” person “to whom they will not give the honor of royalty,” but who will be gaining authority “peaceably” and “by intrigue” (Daniel 11:21). Once in power, he might act “deceitfully” and “corrupt” those with “flattery” who act “wickedly against the covenant” (compare Daniel 11:23, 32).

Even though those above-quoted passages of the prophecy in Daniel 11 refer primarily to ancient Antiochus Epiphanes, it is possible that SOME OF THEM are of dual application. For example, Daniel speaks about the “abomination of desolation”–a statue of a pagan god erected in the temple at Jerusalem and invading armies in the Middle East, leading to the suppression of daily sacrifices. All of this was indeed caused and fulfilled by Antiochus Epiphanes in ancient times (Daniel 11:31). However, Christ said–and Daniel confirmed–that these events will be repeated just prior to His return (Matthew 24:15-22; Daniel 12:7, 11).

It is fascinating to read the character description of Antiochus Epiphanes and ponder about the possibility that it MIGHT also describe, to an extent, the character of the coming “beast” (Some commentaries even feel that the following excerpts don’t refer to Antiochus at all, but exclusively to the “beast”):

“Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods [compare Revelation 13:5-6], and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished [compare Revelation 18:3, referring to the wrath of the fornication of the Babylonian system; compare also the following passages referring to the wrath of GOD, in Revelation 14:19; 15:1, 7; 16:1, 19; 19:15]… He shall regard neither the God [better: god or gods] of his fathers nor the desire of women [either being very licentious and not desirous of women in a lawful marriage, thereby disregarding what women may want; or perhaps indicating his desire for unnatural sexual preferences], nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things…” (Daniel 11:36-38).

Europe will MILITARILY intervene in the Middle East to attempt to bring peace to that region–perhaps after Israel will have received a mortal “wound” or a decisive defeat in a coming war (compare Hosea 5:13). The United States of America and Great Britain (referred to as “Ephraim” in Hosea 5)–already bogged down by economic turmoil, political isolation and their unsuccessful military involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and perhaps soon North Korea–will not play any major role on the world scene at that time.

We need to be “on the watch,” carefully observing the events as they unfold in Europe and the Middle East.

This Week in the News

The possibly staged re-election of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dominated the press coverage as much as the long-awaited speech of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu.

Reactions to both events were filled with disappointment, skepticism and the realization that prospects of peace in the Middle East are as far removed as ever–since no real solution has been found in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Iran’s “insane” old and new dictatorial “undemocratic” leadership will not halt their nuclear ambitions; and an Israeli “pre-emptive” strike on Iran is becoming more and more likely–a fact which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly acknowledged. 

Other news in this issue concentrate on North Korea’s threat to begin a nuclear war and firing a missile towards Hawaii; the ever-increasing “gay rights movement” in the USA and other parts around the world, including Israel; the discussions pertaining to President Obama’s healthcare proposals; proposals to spend more than $100 billion dollars for U.S. war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan; ways to spend stimulus money for fish food and to save money by bulldozing major American cities; the ever-increasing troubles for Britain’s economy, including British Airways; and the acknowledgment that the transmission of the swine flu virus to humans occurred several months before the existing outbreak was recognized.

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