This Week in the News

First, we are focusing on two major developments in the USA–the ongoing Health Care debacle and the massacre at Fort Hood, its possible warning signs and causes, as well as potential consequences for the American government. Other articles show America’s ongoing futile attempts to win the war in Afghanistan and our continuing recession.

While an Israeli strike on Iran seems more and more inevitable, which would further contribute to Israel’s growing isolation, the world watched the celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall twenty years ago. As German and European unification have been described as “unstoppable” and “inevitable,” November 9 has been a fateful date in Germany’s history, and some observers look with anxiety at an evolving mighty and powerful Germany, which Chancellor Merkel wants to lead to “new strength.”

We conclude with an article describing the Vatican’s search for alien life. As we remark, this worldwide interest in aliens might have consequences for man’s reaction to Christ’s return.

But let us also include another warning. Even though Christ said that we can determine from the signs of the time when His return is near, He also stated that only God the Father knows the day and the hour, and He warned us not to set dates. Sadly, some claiming to be part of the Church of God, still don’t understand that Christ meant what He said. To give an example, notice the following excerpt from Science Live, dated November 4:

“According to God’s Church minister Ronald Weinland, the end times are upon us–again. His 2006 book ‘2008: God’s Final Witness’ states that hundreds of millions of people will die, and by the end of 2006, ‘there will be a maximum time of two years remaining before the world will be plunged into the worst time of all human history. By the fall of 2008, the United States will have collapsed as a world power, and no longer exist as an independent nation.’ As the book notes, ‘Ronald Weinland places his reputation on the line as the end-time prophet of God.'”

It should be obvious that we are not to set dates–whether it is 2008, 2012, 2017, or any other year.

This Week in the News

Breaking News:
The mysteries surrounding the worst mass murder at a U.S. military deployment are far from solved.
As USA Today reported late on November 5, “The suspect in a mass shooting Thursday at Fort Hood in Texas is alive… Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan… has been identified as the shooting suspect in the attack that left 12 more dead and 31 wounded… The aunt of the alleged suspect… said her nephew had been trying to leave the military for years…”
Fox News and the Associated Press had reported earlier, on November 5: “Major Malik Nadal Hasan [is] a psychiatrist who reportedly didn’t believe in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and wanted out of the military before he was set to be deployed overseas… A former neighbor of Hasan’s in Silver Spring, Md. told Fox News he lived there for two years with his brother and had the word ‘Allah’ on the door… The shooter’s cousin, Nader Hasan… said, ‘He wasn’t even someone who enjoyed going to the firing range.’ He said his cousin… turned against the wars after hearing the stories of those who came back from Afghanistan and Iraq… [Nidal Malik Hasan] who was raised a Muslim… now is believed to have been behind the worst mass shooting at a U.S. military base in history.”
In other news, we report that developments overseas, especially in Afghanistan and the Middle East, testify to the inability of the United States to provide meaningful and respected leadership in the world. Rather, accusations and blame is heaped on the USA for its perceived cowardliness or back-pedaling. The Afghan war and the most recent “elections” in Afghanistan have proven to be a millstone around the American neck, and Mrs. Clinton’s support for Israel has angered the Arab world.

After Czech President Václav Klaus has signed the Lisbon Treaty this week, it has now been ratified by all member states. While some fear Europe will become too powerful, others plead for even more power. The European Council on Foreign Relations suggests that Europe must really unite in order to be able to present a united front on foreign policy, and they must work toward a “post-American” state of affairs. In other words, they must prepare to replace the USA as the leader of the Western world.

As the new German government may have begun a process of distancing itself from China and India, Poland especially is deeply concerned about Russia’s militaristic ambitions. We are getting closer to the time when a united Europe will launch a “preemptive strike” against a confederation of Far Eastern countries, as prophesied in Scripture. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

Next, we are publishing two articles on the horrible festival of Halloween. Even though the Catholic Church condemns it, it tried to “christianize” it, according to Der Spiegel, by inventing “All Saint’s Day,” to make it easier for pagans and Christians alike to observe “Samhain.” Similarly, the attempts of the Roman Church to woo Anglicans–who are very willing to be wooed–shows an ongoing development which will ultimately result in a unification or merger of most “Christian” churches and many non-Christian religions under the Catholic umbrella.

We conclude with the terrible state of affairs of the U.S. economy. Notwithstanding some laughable allegations that we have seen the end of the recession and that the stimulus package created and saved millions of jobs, the reality is quite different: More and more banks fold, and we have witnessed this week one of the largest bankruptcy failures in U.S. history. And it may well be that several U.S. state elections have sent a message to the White House, demanding “real change.”

This Week in the News

Our leading articles focus on the unification of Europe under possible German-French leadership, and the deteriorating relationship between France and the USA. We point out that Germany is at this point helping Israel militarily, while anger is being displayed over the recent riots at the Temple Mount and calls for international intervention are becoming louder. For information on the future of the state of Israel and the city of Jerusalem, please read our free booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today.”

We are introducing two new German politicians on the world scene and report on possible anti-German protests by the Muslim world.

According to some observers, “Anglicanism” is over, due to an anticipated mass exodus of Anglican clergy to the Catholic Church, and Germany’s Protestants are also interested in “improving” their relationship with the Catholic Church.

We are also reporting on Turkey and the prophesied unification of Asian powers, which will result in hostility between those powers and a united Europe. For more information, please read our free booklets, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord” and “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

While the freedom of the press is being threatened in the USA and more US banks are failing, evolutionists are appalled by a growing number of people around the world demanding the teaching of creationism in school. To learn more about the unscientific nature of the evolution theory, please read our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution–a Fairy Tale for Adults?”

We conclude with twisted rabbinical rulings pertaining to the Sabbath, showing the importance of not making the Sabbath a burden, but observing it as a joyful occasion. Jesus said that “the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27). For more information, please read our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”

This Week in the News

As we reported in last week’s Update the EU is determined [and predestined] to become a global power. According to the Telegraph, once the Lisbon Treaty is adopted (and bowing to pressure, Czech President Klaus announced that he too, as the last leader of the 27 EU member states, will ratify the Treaty), the EU will become a “single legal personality which will sign all kinds of international agreements, including on foreign policy and defense.” Whether Tony Blair will become the first permanent EU President is doubtful, given the fact that the UK is not part of the eurozone.

While there is a possibility of a coming power struggle within the EU for prestigious positions, there is already a power struggle ensuing between the Catholic and the Anglican churches. In an unparalleled move and in its desire to invite into their fold as many Anglican converts as possible, “a new Catholic structure will allow Anglicans, including married clergymen, to enter full communion with the Catholic Church.”

Bowing to outside pressure and due to allegations of massive election fraud, Afghan President Karzai is allowing a runoff election against his challenger Abdullah on November 7. As Deutsche Welle stated, “Few observers doubt that Karzai will win the runoff. Indeed, it’s questionable whether anything will change in Afghanistan regardless of the outcome.”

Turkey is moving further away from Israel and closer to Syria. As the Jerusalem Post put it, “Turkey officially left the Western alliance and became a full member of the Iranian axis.” The paper also said that if “Westernized Turks” wish to remain in Turkey, they will have to “join the Islamist camp and add their voices to the rising chorus of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism sweeping the country.” These developments are especially interesting in light of end-time prophecies in the book of Obadiah, pertaining to the hostile relationship between modern Turkey (ancient Edom) and Israel (both the modern house of Israel, especially the USA, as well as the Jews).

Focusing our attention on the ever increasing reports about devastating developments in the USA, the FDIC Insurance Fund is “in the red”; 99 banks have failed so far in 2009; more than 416 additional banks are included in the FDIC’s confidential “problem list”; and the Federal Budget Deficit has reached the unprecedented staggering figure of $1.42 Trillion. As we said in our last Update, “Empire America” is on its steady, inevitable and incurable decline. Both its government (“the head”) as well as its people (“the sole of the foot”) are lacking soundness (Isaiah 1:6). Instead, God describes the USA (as well as other modern nations descended from the ancient houses of Israel and Judah) as a “sinful nation, A people laden with iniquity, A brood of evildoers, Children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the LORD, They have provoked to anger The Holy One of Israel, they have turned away backward” (Isaiah 1:4).

To illustrate the point: We conclude with an article about a Louisiana justice of the peace who refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple. He explained that “it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long” and “that most of black society does not readily accept offspring of such relationships, and neither does white society.” Of course, left-liberal organizations and the mass media began a campaign of hate against the man, demanding his resignation, but we would have to agree with the stated experience of the justice of the peace officer. The Bible does not support marriages which are clearly, obviously and visibly interracial. However, this would not include marriage candidates who are of “mixed” blood.” For more information, please read our Q&A on the issue.

This Week in the News

Dramatic developments are occurring in Europe. While Ireland and Poland have adopted the Lisbon Treaty, all eyes are focused on the Czech Republic–the last European member state which still needs to sign the Treaty. But especially Ireland’s “Yes-vote” has observers worried about the willingness of Europe to give up democracy and instead resort to fear tactics, and some claim that Europe is steadily advancing towards its ultimate goal of world domination. Many seem to support Tony Blair as the first permanent European president–especially after his conversion to Roman Catholicism–while others advocate the notion that only Germany is predestined to continue to create and lead Europe.

For more information on the future of Europe, as explained in the Bible, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

In other European news, we report on Austria’s strong support of its right-winged parties one year after Joerg Haider’s mysterious death; the idle attempts of some in Germany to create nationwide “Jewish” (actually biblical) and Muslim holidays; and Poland’s reaction to Russian endeavors to make a hero out of a mass murderer–Josef Stalin.

Turning to the Middle East, no peace is in sight for Jerusalem and no real solutions seem to present themselves to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

Focusing on the USA, the world reacted with shock, disbelief and even outright mockery when it was announced that President Obama was awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. And while new U.S. legislation is being proposed for “hate crimes” and “universal healthcare,” the coined term, “Obamageddon,” summarizes fears of a coming great depression and the demise of the U.S. dollar and of the “Empire America.”

The biblically prophesied fate of the USA is described in our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

We conclude with an article of Time magazine, comparing President Obama with Moses, just to show how far the mass media is straying from biblical truth.

This Week in the News

We begin this section with an interesting legal analysis by two constitutional attorneys, who were formerly employed by the Department of Justice, concluding that the proposed federal legislation of mandatory health insurance is unconstitutional. It would be indeed a political disaster for President Obama and his entire administration if new health care measures were approved by Congress and later struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. 

President Obama’s decision, which was supported by Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, to abandon the defense missile shield in Europe, resulted in extremely mixed responses. The overwhelming concern in Germany is that Mr. Obama’s decision is a big gamble–with no guarantees from Russia. The underlying idea–as reportedly expressed before by Vice President Joe Biden and now echoed by Russia–that Iran does not pose a real threat appears to be just incredibly naive, at the very minimum. At the same time, we are quoting conflicting reports about Israel’s intentions towards Iran.

Even though President Obama promised change in regard to prisoner abuse, the sad reality is that such abuses are still continuing in the Bagram military prison in Afghanistan–and apparently in a much worse way than in Guantanamo. But as two articles point out, most of the detainees in that classified prison camp have been declared by the Pentagon to be “innocent” and could be released “immediately”–but they are not, while the Obama administration keeps very quiet about it. 

We are publishing several articles reflecting worldwide disappointment with President Obama, and also a widening rift between the USA and Europe on quite a number of issues, including in the area of “climate change” or “global warming” (even though not all Europeans agree with the concept of man-made global warming). The Financial Times states that “relations between the US and Europe…near breakdown,” and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung feels that there is no more trust in American leadership, while the Guardian opinionates that the leadership role of the USA is gone. At the same time, a rift is also developing between Europe and Israel, and the view is forcefully expressed that a “core Europe” is inevitable.

For more information on the future players on the world scene, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

We conclude with an article about the condemnation by the European Parliament of a Lithuanian law banning discussion of homosexuality from schools and potential restriction of publication of gay and lesbian magazines and prohibition of pride marches. The EU is showing increasingly its political muscles–including in areas of social behavior which the Bible declares to be wrong and “abominable” (compare Romans 1:18-32).

This Week in the News

It could not have come at a more inappropriate time: Exactly 70 years after Russia’s invasion of Poland (on September 17, 1939), President Obama announced that he had scrapped plans for a U.S. missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. The reaction to this highly controversial decision was mixed.

While some economists are postulating the end of our economic and financial crisis, other voices warn that the “global economic crisis continues,” and that “unemployment is set to rise.” This week was the anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse “which helped create a market panic that turned the recession that began in late 2007 into the worse economic downturn since the Great Depression.” In his speech, President Obama warned that some in the financial industry are choosing to ignore the lessons of the crisis. At the same time, it appears that one California judge is willing to explore the legal issues challenging Barack Obama’s eligibility to be U.S. President. A trial was tentatively set for January 26, 2010.

This is happening while Mr. Obama’s accomplishments, so far, were described by Politico as utter failures, and while America’s international powers are fading and the USA is no longer the richest region in the world. The health care debacle is bound to continue, and former President Jimmy Carter’s offensive and insulting comments were in no way helpful to President Obama. According to CNN, September 16, Mr. Carter said “that an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he’s African-American,” and that there is “a belief among many white people — not just in the South but around the country — that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country.” The White House quickly rejected Mr. Carter’s accusations, stating that “US President Barack Obama does not believe current criticism of his policies is based on the color of his skin.”

In Germany, a nationally televised election debate between Chancellor Angela Merkel and Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Franz-Walter Steinmeier turned out to be a “snore” and a “big yawn.” Smaller parties were upset for not being allowed participation in the “debate.” While Steinmeier was perceived as having scored more points, Merkel is still viewed as the “most popular chancellor in German history.” But the outcome of the election by the end of September is far from certain, as about 45% of Germans are undecided as for whom to vote. In fact, according to the New York Times, “Voter enthusiasm [in Germany] has been so low throughout the campaign season that Bild last week offered the chance to win 1 million euros, or roughly $1.5 million, to someone who correctly guesses the outcome of the election and can prove that they actually voted.”

Mideast Peace is as distant as ever, as no agreement has been reached regarding Israel’s settlements, and an Israeli attack on Iran is becoming more and more possible or even probable. However, as BBC News reported, a frightening development can also be seen in Israel’s military which is being infiltrated by fanatical Jewish rabbis advocating a “Holy War” –or, as some in Israel put it — “Jihad.”

At the same time, the West’s fascination with Islam is reaching unprecedented levels. London’s mayor proposed that non-Muslims should participate in the Ramadan fast to understand Muslims better. However, the mayor did not suggest that “Muslims and Christians fast on Yom Kippur (the biblical Day of Atonement) in order to better understand their Jewish neighbors.”

This Week in the News

Our lead articles deal with the ongoing Health Care debacle and President Obama’s long-awaited speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 (or 9-9-9, the upside-down version of 6-6-6, according to a statement by CNN). In trying to find a “middle ground” due to the so-called Baucus Bill and opposition from the far left and the right, President Obama resorted to compromise and abrogation of earlier promises during the Presidential Campaign. However, as the Drudge Report stated on September 9, in spite of the President’s efforts, at least “44 more moderate Members of the Democrat Caucus have gone on the record in opposition to the current health care bill in the House, a Hill source claims. Likewise, at least 57 liberal Members of the Democrat Caucus have gone on the record saying they will vote against a health care bill without a strong public option. Unless multiple Democrats flip on their stated position on health care, Speaker Pelosi lacks the votes to pass a bill through the House on the strength of Democrat votes alone.”

On top of that, the “voluntary” resignation of Green Czar Van Jones earlier this week says “much about the Obama White House… marking the latest sacrifice to the political gods after a long summer of compromises and surrenders highlighted the limits of White House power” (Politico, September 6, 2009).

Further articles deal with the German attack in Afghanistan and the national and international condemnation of that action. While Chancellor Merkel strongly supported the attack, the German media expressed the fear that the “public discussion” will do more harm than good; that is, for the relationship between Germany and the USA and NATO, as well as for Afghanistan itself. And although it is being recognized that German military involvement in Afghanistan is highly unpopular in Germany, and that the latest debacle will only increase the demand to withdraw German troops, the opinion is being expressed that such withdrawal would have disastrous consequences for Afghanistan–especially in light of the creation of a new breeding ground for radical Islamists.

What damage a “strict interpretation of Islam” can do to citizens having to live under those repressive restrictions can be seen in developments in Sudan, which sound like reports from the times of barbaric conditions and persecutions in the Middle Ages.

In other news, we report about rifts between the USA and Europe over proposed ridiculous measures by the USA involving overseas travelers; widening rifts between the USA and Israel over new housing settlements; and widening rifts between the USA and Britain over the British-Libyan oil deal. While Britain has denied over the last two weeks that a deal was struck involving purchase of oil for the release of a convicted Libyan mass murderer and terrorist, finally Justice Secretary Jack Straw’s admission of such a deal was grudgingly and reluctantly forthcoming. And even though it is difficult to determine how much we can believe those British politicians who were involved with the deal, the charge by British officials that “Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton were kept informed at all stages of discussions concerning Megrahi’s return” and that the subsequent public U.S. reaction to the release was highly hypocritical, is quite telling. 

While China is warning the USA to stop printing more and more dollars and the UN proposes to replace the U.S. Dollar, the Financial Times explains why Germany’s economic “recovery” might actually be bad news for the country and for the entirety of Europe. Mass hysteria in the USA and elsewhere, pertaining to the swine flu “pandemic” and the “need” to get vaccinated, is not matched at all in Germany. There, the overwhelming majority of citizens stated that they would definitely not participate in any mass vaccinations.

Turning to Europe, we are reporting on a very interesting, but widely unknown defense pact–the so-called “Modified Brussels Treaty” from 1954, which is still in force and effect today. It states that if “any of the… contracting parties should be the object of an armed attack in Europe, the other… contracting parties will …afford the party so attacked all the military and other aid and assistance in their power.” This treaty, which reminds us of the existence of a treaty which led to World War I, was adopted and ratified by ten European nations–France, Germany, the UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Greece. We need to be aware that irrespective of the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty (which “got past one more stumbling block after the German parliament voted for legislation that would ease the treaty’s ratification”), the Bible shows that ten nations or groups of nations will ultimately rule Europe. THEY will give their power and authority to a military leader, who will invade the Middle East and the Holy Land. Also, the role that Turkey or “Edom” will play in the future should be of some interest.

For more information, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy,” “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” “Is That in the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation!” and “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today!” 

Our last article reports about an astonishing discovery of a lost world in a remote volcanic crater on the Pacific island of Papua New Guinea–populated by fanged frogs, grunting fish and tiny bear-like creatures, as well as, probably, the biggest rat in the world. This shows that there are still unexplored locations on this earth–including our vast oceans–which are populated with previously unknown animal species. Our recent Q&A on the biblical Leviathan addresses this phenomenon in more detail.

This Week in the News

We begin with an article discussing the distinct possibility of an imminent Israeli attack on Iran without giving prior notice to or obtaining consent from the U.S.A. We continue with another article about the terrible prospect of the use of nuclear weapons in the Middle East and the potentially catastrophic consequences for the USA. One commentator suggests that a “regional war or nuclear attack could cause an already shaky U.S. economy to collapse… Within a year of that attack, nine out of 10 Americans would be dead… That would be a world without America, as a practical matter.”

While the evidence strongly suggests the existence of an oil-related deal between Britain and Libya to release a convicted Libyan mass murderer and terrorist (in spite of the weak denial of Justice Secretary Jack Straw)–leading to a further erosion of the U.S.-British “friendship”–surprising election results in Germany and Japan show that one can never be too sure of political outcomes. The “erosion” of the main German parties and the fact that the main winners were the “smaller parties in Germany’s increasingly fragmented political landscape” (such as the Left party, descendants of the former ruling party of communist East Germany), bring back grim memories of the Weimar Republic, which led to the rise of Hitler. And it is exactly 70 years ago, that World War II started, on September 1, 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland.

Arab nations are gaining economic influence in Germany, foreshadowing a biblically-prophesied economic and political arrangement or “confederacy” between Germany and certain Arab countries; and the outcome of the Japanese election suggests that the “U.S.-led Pax Americana era has come to an end.” At the same time, the new Japanese government vows to improve ties with Asian neighbors–which is remarkable in light of biblical prophecy, showing that a powerful huge army of Far Eastern nations will invade the Middle East in the near future.

Turning our attention to the USA, American voters are disillusioned with their Congress as never before. 57% would vote to replace the entire Congress and start all over. Still, more than 90% of Congress routinely gets reelected every two years–showing how absolutely ludicrous our voting habits are. While more REALLY bad news surfaced regarding President Obama’s health care proposals and California’s troubles don’t seem to end–now being engulfed with seven terrible wild fires–UPS faces accusations of willful discrimination and violation of their employees’ constitutional rights (such as the right to observe the Seventh-Day Sabbath); and more and more U.S. banks are collapsing.

We conclude with a macabre development in Europe and the USA–the merchandise of human bodies and body parts. One of the main villains in this despicable but highly lucrative business worth billions of dollars is a German company, headquartered in Bavaria. But man’s willingness to stop at NOTHING will find its sudden end, as Revelation 18:9-20 reveals. In that context, Revelation 18:13 refers specifically, among other things, to the merchandise of “bodies and souls of men.”

For more information on biblical prophecy in light of world news (including those developments reported herein), please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy,” “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” and “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

This Week in the News

In our lead segment, we are reporting on the death of Senator Edward Kennedy. Whether considered to be a friend or a foe, his death ends a legacy of about 50 years, and his decisive and influential role in politics will leave a void that may change considerably Washington’s future and dealing with other countries, such as Israel.  

Next, we take note of the ever-growing controversy pertaining to Scotland’s release of a convicted terrorist and mass murderer, after it was revealed that Gordon Brown and Muammar Gaddafi had struck a deal ahead of time. But while Brown wanted the release to be kept low key, Gaddafi used the occasion for a festive celebration. This matter has extremely angered the United States and might have severe economic repercussions on US-British relationships.

For the fourth time, Germany’s Angela Merkel has been judged as the world’s most powerful woman–whereas US Secretary of State Clinton was not perceived to belong to the leading group. And Merkel is willing to exert her role–as shown in her meeting with Israel’s Netanyahu. In view of upcoming elections, radical Islamists have attacked Germany over the Internet in an unprecedented scope, and the German government is taking threats of a “Holy War” against the country quite seriously.

While some are expecting the rise of a future “king of the south” in all the wrong places, history and the Bible show that IF there is still a king of the south to manifest himself on the world scene (compare Daniel 11:40), he will reveal himself in Ethiopia. The report on comments by Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the push of African leaders from the capital of Ethiopia–the African Union Headquarters (!)–for an insane amount of money linked to global warming is quite interesting in that regard.

Turning to social issues in the USA, we are publishing reports which show the total lack of sound biblical understanding, including the permission of the Lutheran Church to allow practicing homosexuals within their clergy; a campaign for unprecedented massive “voluntary” and incredibly costly swine flu vaccinations (without a full comprehension as to how to administer those vaccinations and their potential dangerous side effects); a recommendation for circumcision to enable people to continue engaging in illicit sex; and scientists’ attempts to “prove” the improvable concept of the fairy tale of evolution.

A thought-provoking article about the West’s “culture of death” discusses, among others, the concepts of “just war,” abortion and suicide. All of these concepts are wrong in God’s eyes. God never intended that man should fight in war–or take human life through abortion or suicide. Instead, He had intended to use hornets to drive out Israel’s enemies. An article about hornets in France shows how powerful such a “weapon” could be. For more information on this vital, but largely misunderstood topic, please read our free booklet, “Should You Fight in War?”

We end with a continuation of reports on the terrible economic situation in the USA, with more banks failing and the FDIC’s insurance fund shrinking to historically low levels, leaving the government with few and limited options, including that of increasing its national debt and printing more and more money (causing a deflation of the dollar); raising taxes (even though President Obama had promised not to do that) or cutting entitlements to US citizens, including social security or Medicare payments.

Please make sure to watch our new StandingWatch program, titled, “FDIC’s Fund Almost Empty.” It is posted on StandingWatch and YouTube.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God