This Week in the News

Alarmed expert voices are telling us that we are about to enter another Great Depression–or, that we are already in it, and have been for a while. We are also reporting about outrageous and costly provisions within the new U.S. healthcare law and the fact that President Obama is on a collision course with the U.S. Supreme Court. 

While the leaders of the USA and Israel deny any frictions or rifts between them, the opposite should be obvious. And while Iran is facing new sanctions (sort of) from the USA and Europe, China and the Gulf seem to have other ideas. 

With the Polish Presidential election of the EU’s “dream candidate,” Poland’s future as part of the EU and the Eurozone seems secured. While life for Angela Merkel has become more difficult due to a change of leadership in Germany’s most populous state, leading perhaps soon to a change in the chancelorship in Berlin, no changes can be observed in the Catholic Church’s position toward their ongoing and widening sex scandal or the continuing dangerous endeavor of deepwater drilling.

This Week in the News

We report on the devastating economic situation in the USA and around the world and quote warning voices that we might be “in the early stages of a third depression,” and that we ought to prepare for a “post US-dollar world.” The US Congress is about to enact sweeping financial legislation, which might have a serious negative effect on the US economy, and the US Supreme Court ruled that all Americans have a fundamental right to bear arms. While some applaud the decision as having confirmed constitutional rights, others warn of the inherent dangers of further violence in this country. At the same time, a proposed wide-ranging cybersecurity bill might severely limit constitutional rights of private citizens.

Over 850 Jewish rabbis issued a statement opposing the appointment of Jewish Elena Kagan as a new member of the U.S. Supreme Court, as they feel that she “turns traditional Judaism on its head.” Der Spiegel analyzes what may be behind President Obama’s appointment of David Petraeus as new commander in Afghanistan and concludes that the surprising appointment “holds unmistakable risks for Obama.”

Focusing on the G-20 meeting in Toronto, Canada, we report on the incredible waste of money spent on security and the inconsequential “decisions” which were reached at the summit. While the disagreement between the USA and Europe–and Germany in particular–is “set to continue,” President Obama’s performance at the summit has been characterized as “a setback on the global stage.”

We are reporting on Germany’s rocky election of their new President and the adverse consequences for the current German government, and point out that Turkey has begun to retaliate against Israel, and that we can expect further concerted action against the Jewish state.   

We are addressing religious confusion, including those who misinterpret the identity of the woman riding the beast in Revelation 17, and we show the scientific confusion of those who make the false claim that “the human foetus [fetus] cannot feel pain before 24 weeks,” concluding that “anaesthetics for the foetus are not needed when it is terminated.” In addition to this claim being outrageous, as the scientific evidence is such that babies in the mother’s womb do feel pain, at least between the eighth and twelfth week, and that a nine-week old baby resists being “terminated,” this horrible proposition also totally ignores the fact that abortion is murder.

We conclude with a report on the ongoing crisis of the Catholic Church and controversial action by the country of Belgium against the church.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on the ongoing innumerous and ever-increasing difficulties and problems which the Obama administration is facing. The quoted articles warn that the very fabric of our society is being undermined and a real fear is lurking that our democratic principles and institutions are being abandoned.

While the Arabs are deeply divided and even sporting events such as the current World Cup in South Africa do not change this, but rather intensify the hostilities, they are united in their hatred against Israel. At the same time, the relationship between Israel and Europe, especially Germany, is deteriorating, and even Israel’s announcement, bowing to international and US pressure, that they will ease the Gaza blockade, may not change Israel’s isolation. The concept, propagated by some based on their misunderstanding of Scripture, claiming that Germany would enter into a seven-year treaty with Israel, which would be broken after 3 1/2 years, must be rejected as unsupportable in the Bible.

An interesting proposal of a “two-tier” euro system is currently being discussed, which could have much more merit than the unrealistic suggestions that the euro would be abandoned. The new proposal envisions the creation of a “‘super-euro’ zone, which would initially include France, Germany, Holland, Austria, Denmark and Finland. The likes of Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and even Ireland would be left in a larger rump mostly Mediterranean grouping.” Of course, we can safely say, based on the Bible and history, that if such a “two-tier” euro system was to be adopted, countries like Italy and Spain would become part of the “euro-super” zone.

In addition, the relationship between the USA and Europe is constantly deteriorating.

For more information as to what is in store for Europe, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.” You might also want to read our free comprehensive commentary on the book of Revelation, titled, “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

We also report about the future of Poland. Last Sunday’s election was “closer than expected,” and the “July 4 runoff between the two [candidates] looks likely to be a neck-and-neck race.” German commentaries point out that nothing less than Poland’s political and economic survival is at stake.

We conclude with two articles describing the ongoing battle of the Catholic Church, questioning the willingness of the Pope and the clergy to really do anything productive about the sex scandal or regarding “aberrant” priests.

This Week in the News

We are reporting on Turkey’s ongoing dubious performance related to the tragic flotilla clash and the raising of the Turkish flag on the Temple Mount; the condemnation of Israeli politics through prominent Jews; Iran’s involvement in Gaza; and Saudi Arabia’s denial of their willingness to assist Israel in a potential strike against Iran.

In European news, warnings are being heard that even though there is no fear that the euro will disappear, there are concerns that the survival of Europe’s democracies may be in jeopardy, and that the German government might collapse.

The terrible war in Afghanistan will continue for sure and become even more violent and bloody, after vast mineral wealth has been discovered in the country.

Rumors continue that President Obama is really a Muslim; and we report on America’s incredible indebtedness to China.

Turning our attention to the ongoing oil spill, the U.S. government is contemplating action which will involve “transition costs” for the American people; and we observe a potential widening of a rift between the US and GB over the oil spill.

We publish an interesting news article, titled, “Gulf Oil Spill Disaster and Biblical Prophecy,” and quote, among others, the following statement: “.. there are global problems that tie our world together as never before – for better and for worse, and there are few simultaneous threats that compare to the financial, social and environmental issues we are facing today. We are living in a time when history cannot repeat itself, because we have never experienced anything like this before.”

While the Pope is sorry about the sex scandal in his church and among his clergy, he is absolutely opposed to any abandonment of celibacy, which is perceived as being largely responsible for the problems of the Catholic clergy. Der Spiegel discusses the incredible wealth of the Catholic Church and the largely unknown fact that the German government pays the church each year millions of euros. [Our new German AufPostenStehen program titled, “Das liebe Geld der Kirchen” (“The Dear Money of the Churches”), discusses this unique situation.]

The superstitious belief in witch doctors is high in Africa, and so is the superstitious belief in the “god of medicine” in the Western word, especially in America. But, for instance, indifferent doctors and hospitals are using far too much medical radiation for the identification of sicknesses of unsuspecting patients, thereby drastically increasing the risk of their patient’s cancer.

We conclude with articles warning about the end of the world through a space storm and large asteroids, which did damage this earth in the past. As the Independent wrote: “The next one can happen any time…”  In addition, we experienced this week several major earthquakes, including one in India (with a magnitude of 7.5), and several earthquakes and aftershocks in Southern California (including one with a magnitude of 5.7).

This Week in the News

As more information, video footage and eye witness accounts (including from best-selling Swedish author Henning Mankell) emerge about Israel’s raid against a flotilla of “peace activists,” it becomes clearer that at least some of the participating activists anticipated and provoked an Israeli attack, which Israel did in fact carry out in, what has been termed, a most “disastrous” way. As a consequence, the world–especially dubious Turkey–turned against Israel, with the possible exception of the USA.

Radical Iran’s government is capitalizing on the furor against Israel, offering their naval forces to escort future flotillas. This comes on the heels of an announcement by Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, considering the possibility of accompanying future escorts. During his visit in Cypress, and while speaking to a crowd of some 10,000 Cypriots and pilgrims from Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, the Pope “urged the world community to resolve the ongoing tensions in the Middle East before they lead to greater bloodshed.” It is known that the “Vatican backs a Palestinian homeland alongside Israel’s right to exist within internationally recognized borders.”

Another possible debacle is on the horizon for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. If on June 30, her candidate for the next German President should be defeated–which is perceived to be a distinct possibility–then it “could spell the end of Merkel’s government” and “would herald the end of her center-right coalition.” This development is not helped by the German government’s announcement of the “largest package of austerity measures in the country’s history,” following a course of action agreed upon by Europe’s G20 finance ministers and central bankers, which is leading to further tensions between the USA and Germany. We also observed a victory of far-right leader Geert Wilders in the parliamentary elections of The Netherlands.

We conclude with articles on the Oil Spill and about frightening solar activities, reminding us of prophecies in the Bible pertaining to the end time.

This Week in the News

A deadly incident still under investigation has resulted in worldwide condemnation of Israeli conduct against international activists. Israel’s actions have been described by the German press as a “human tragedy and a political catastrophe for Israel.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on May 31: “Israeli commandos stormed the largest of the flotilla’s six ships in the early hours of Monday. The flotilla left Cyprus on Sunday and was carrying around 100 pro-Palestinian activists from the Free Gaza movement. The ships were heading for the Gaza Strip, which has been under an Israeli blockade since the Islamist movement Hamas took control in 2007, and were carrying around 10,000 tons of relief supplies, including wheelchairs and medical supplies. Israel had repeatedly warned that it would not allow the boats to reach the Gaza Strip.”

According to Deutsche Welle of May 31, the “flotilla was organized by several groups, including a Turkish human rights organization… The ships were in international waters 124 kilometers off the coast of Israel when they were intercepted by the Israeli Navy and boarded by commandos. Demonstrators on the ships clashed with the soldiers. The Israeli army said the demonstrators were armed with knives and clubs and that commandos opened fire after one person on the boat grabbed a weapon from a commando…”

In other news, the German government was caught totally by surprise when in an unprecedented move, German President Horst Koehler announced his resignation. This could not have come at a more inopportune time for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

At the same time, we see Europe expanding and moving ahead in business deals with other countries, and military expenditures and arms exports are on the rise.

We conclude with a piece regarding best-selling author Joel Richardson and his false prophecies about an “Islamic Antichrist,” while he is dismissing the biblically correct concept of the end-time emergence of a unified Europe. The article illustrates the lack of biblical understanding, popularized by deceived “scholars” who are being tossed to and fro by every wind of “news” events.

It is interesting that the Bible prophesied in the book of Revelation that ancient Rome would receive a deadly wound, but that the wound would be healed, and that all the world would be astonished and begin to “worship” the Roman revival. In the same way, the world will be surprised when it finally realizes that and how the last and final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire–the EU and within it ten European core nations or groups of nations–will overcome the present financial and religious crises and become a most powerful economic, political, military and religious entity.

This Week in the News

During the last two weeks, this world was introduced to the concept of man’s creation of artificial life. Upon further analysis, it is not REALLY such a creation, but close enough to send shivers down the spine of any thinking person. Arrogant scientists are playing God, and they are fooling themselves and others as to their Frankenstein monsters which might soon become a frightening reality. Sadly, as American scientists have the dubious honor of having created the atomic and hydrogen bomb, so it is again American scientists who have created this latest artificial “bomb” of potentially horrible and devastating consequences.

The ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico should have told greedy, exploring man what catastrophes he is capable of creating. But man’s deceitful and rotten heart seems to be incapable of heeding the warnings.

Britain is facing an uncertain future as well. Deep spending cuts were announced by the queen and the new government, while Mr. Cameron postulated that Britain will not become a part of the eurozone. This is not a surprise, as we have proclaimed for decades that Britain will in all likelihood not be a part of core Europe. At the same time, Italy announced budget cuts to defend the euro.

Even though the euro is falling against the U.S. dollar, this does not mean that Europe is facing inflation. In fact, according to articles in Der Spiegel Online and Bild Online, dated May 22, 2010, the weak euro has already saved 80,000 jobs in the German industry, due to higher export possibilities.

While many uninformed voices speak of a demise of the EU and the “European project,” Horst Seehofer, state premier in Bavaria and coalition partner of Angela Merkel, said that TOO MUCH POWER had been shifted to Europe at the expense of the German Parliament, and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said he is looking to establish a clearer “HIERARCHY” among the EU institutions and member states.

There are fears that a war will break out involving North and South Korea, and according to some press releases, Egypt and Israel are preparing for war as well. While Angela Merkel, Guido Westerwelle and other German officials and top managers are visiting key Arab countries to improve their prosperous economic relationships, reports suggest an increasing anti-Israel stance of European nations, including Germany.

The low-enriched uranium deal between Iran and Turkey, which was brokered by Brazil, shows the close alliance between these three countries against western nations and especially the USA. The Washington Post wrote that this “is not just an America in decline. This is an America in retreat — accepting, ratifying and declaring its decline, and inviting rising powers to fill the vacuum… This is retreat by design and, indeed, on principle.”

Our two remaining articles deal with the Catholic Church, the immunity of the pope and the trouble and hypocrisy caused by enforced celibacy. Deutsche Welle explains that “a life of celibacy cannot be regarded as a commandment from God, since it is not specifically called for in the Bible. It was probably economic considerations which lay behind the decision to make celibacy obligatory in the 12th century; priests were thus unable to pass on church property to their descendants.”

And so, the Catholic Church grew in wealth and riches; it is said that the Vatican State is perhaps the richest “state” in the world.

This Week in the News

Our way of living is becoming stranger and stranger. To prove our point, we begin with reports about the strange enigma of Elena Kagan–President Obama’s strange nomination as the new U.S. Supreme Court Justice; a strange–but then, not so strange–ruling to grant asylum to President Obama’s aunt; and a strange and bizarre offer by former President Clinton to “raffle himself” to make money. Tuesday’s U.S. primaries manifested the growing dissatisfaction of American voters with Washington and the “establishment”–but dissatisfaction alone with no clear alternatives except for demands for unspecified “change” has never accomplished anything.

Focusing on Europe, we are trying to counteract the politically motivated short-sighted “messages” of many reports prognosticating the demise of the euro, the eurozone and the EU, by showing what is really happening in Europe. Wild and weird speculations that Germany may return to the German Mark (“Deutsche Mark”) are absolutely unfounded and without basis whatsoever. A recent suggestion that the German “mark” might in some way be related to the “mark of the beast” is ridiculous. Rather than observing the downfall of Europe, those of us who have prophetic understanding and eyes to see the signs of the time, are witnessing the emergence of a “closer” European union under German leadership; a “new European state”; and the “birth” of a “gigantic” Europe. At the same time, we are noticing the prophetically important European shift to the political right.

Many of those who claim that the euro will fail, also state that the U.S. economy will recuperate. Or they encourage everyone to buy gold. However, acting upon such information may prove to become very “costly”–as it is biblically unsupportable. Realize these facts:

According to, when we adjust for inflation, the value of gold has not increased tremendously in 70 years. In addition, the time will come when people will throw all their gold in the streets, as it has become worthless (Isaiah 2:7-8, 20; Ezekiel 7:19; Revelation 18:11-12).

According to, the US is suffering from $13 trillion in national debt; $16.5 trillion in personal debt; $1.1 trillion in state debt; $1.9 trillion in local debt; and $108 trillion in unfunded liabilities (e.g., social security, Medicaid, Medicare), while we have $72.5 trillion total assets in the US. This means, we have more liabilities than assets. We don’t have the income to cover our debts (so we have a $1.4 trillion budget deficit). We don’t have the population to work our way out of the debt. Other countries are becoming more competitive. Our largest manufacturing companies are collapsing (e.g., GM), and our largest financial companies are also collapsing (e.g., Lehman Brothers). This does not sound too hopeful.

The EU is moving ahead. This week, the EU and Central American states reached an agreement to liberalize trade and cut import tariffs. And while Germany and the Palestinian National Authority establish a German-Palestinian Steering Committee, Germany is shortening compulsory military service for everyone with the attempt to create a professional army; and France, following Belgium’s example, is proceeding to ban wearing a “full-face” veil in public places.

Turning to environmental issues, the damage caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico appears to be much more devastating than originally assumed and presently admitted by the US Government and B.P.; large animal and plant populations are being wiped out by the “developing” world; and even the famous Jordan River might not exist anymore in a few years from now.

This Week in the News

When liberal CNN begins to attack liberal Washington, we know that the USA is in big trouble. And so is the entire world. The EU crisis contributes to the emergence of a more unified Europe, and the election results in Germany’s most populous state show the dissatisfaction of many Germans with their current government.

At the same time, the British people are becoming equally upset with their politicians. Whether the new Prime Minister, David Cameron, will be able to substantially change the demise of Great Britain is highly doubtful.

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is continuing, and so is the volcanic ash cloud emanating from Iceland, as well as the Catholic sex scandal caused by perverted Catholic priests. And even though lip service may be made, “recognizing” human frailty and sinful conduct, no substantial change and acceptance of the truth are forthcoming.

This Week in the News

We report about the possible mastermind behind the failed New York car bombing and remind our readers that a nuclear attack on the USA is a certainty. And as the Bible prophesies future nuclear attacks on America and an ongoing isolation of the state of Israel, so it warns of increasing natural and man-made disasters, such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the ongoing volcanic eruption in Iceland.

Turning to domestic developments in the USA, we report on the unprecedented situation that the U.S. Supreme Court might end up with no Protestant Christian judge, while the IRS might be unable and incapable to “enforce” the new health care legislation.

We report on Britain’s Election Day, and an article in Der Spiegel Online discusses scenarios regarding the future of Europe and the USA in light of Greece, while other articles report on the possibility of European laws increasingly restricting individual freedoms and liberties, as well as the worldwide rise of anti-Semitism and anti Gypsy sentiments in Europe, such as in Hungary.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God