The papal visit to Great Britain now overshadows events that are also playing out in Europe and the Middle East. Unsettling comments are flying back and forth between France and its allies over the treatment of alien migrants, as we report. While much talk is taking place surrounding attempts of resolving settlements in the West Bank, the net effect remains an ongoing stalemate.
Current Events
This Week in the News
We begin with reporting on frightening developments in the USA, which are going to affect many American citizens, beginning in 2011. We are speaking of unprecedented tax hikes at a time of great economic turmoil and, what is judged to be as a futile attempt by the President to save the economy. It appears that the current US government is on a suicidal mission, not unlike the supposedly “invincible” Titanic. At that time, it was proudly proclaimed that even God could not destroy the cruise ship…
Addressing “foolishness,” a new book by scientist Stephen Hawking claims that the universe created itself, and Christian leaders try to rebut the argument with equally foolish statements.
We are reporting on the continuing debate in Germany, surrounding the controversial central bank board member, Thilo Sarrazin. The media raises the question of what it all means for Germany and Europe. Right-wing leaders in The Netherlands and Austria are on the rise, and France tries to find a scapegoat in the Romas. The German press is also making some interesting comments regarding the need for a charismatic European leader.
We are witnessing the development of a militaristic China and address ongoing concerns of a war in the Middle East, involving Israel and Iran, and renewed “peace talks,” which may end before they have really begun.
We report on Pastor Terry Jones’ announcement to have copies of the Koran burned on September 11, quote from a German article stating interesting allegations about Jones, and conclude with a report on the powerful New Zealand earthquake, which might have opened a new faultline.
This Week in the News
We are beginning with reports about fears of a future destructive solar storm in 2012 or 2013, as well as current devastating catastrophes. While President Obama’s approval rate is slipping and the outlook for the U.S. economy is grim, fears of an attack on Iran and a civil war in “abandoned” Iraq are mounting.
Focusing on Germany, a leading member of Germany’s central bank is coming under fire for controversial remarks and a new best-selling book against Jews and Muslims; Germany’s Bundeswehr might soon become more powerful; and Germany’s constitutional court strengthened the EU and its institutions.
This Week in the News
The German press reported on America’s withdrawal from Iraq and nearly universally concluded that Washington’s image has suffered; that America did not win the Iraq war; that America’s leadership role in the Middle East is over; and that no peace is in sight for Iraq. In other words, that the war was wrong, useless and a complete failure.
We are focusing on President Obama’s loss of popularity in the USA and abroad, and reporting about serious consequences of a conversion from Islam to Christianity under Muslim law. We also report on the economic downfall of the United States, with voices being heard now that we are in a great DEPRESSION.
We write about the increasing threat of Israel’s military action against Iran, due to Iran’s provocative actions and Russia’s dubious role in the matter.
We conclude with an interesting article in USA Today about the Second Coming of Christ, mixing some truth with a lot of error.
This Week in the News
President Obama’s controversial statements about the right and the wisdom of Muslims to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New York have angered and divided the nation even more. If the president’s motives were to propagate religious tolerance in this country, then he achieved the opposite. His hosting of a Ramadan dinner in the White House did not help, either–considering that he previously abandoned the National Day of Prayer. Following Mr. Obama’s statements and subsequent clarifications and re-clarifications, local opposition to the erection of mosques increased. One church in Florida announced that it will hold a “Koran-burning” on September 11. We are reporting about some interesting facts pertaining to Ramadan and Mr. Obama’s upbringing.
In addition, many Hispanics feel betrayed by Mr. Obama and his administration, as well as the Republican Party, due to perceived broken promises pertaining to immigration reform.
China is moving away from the U.S. dollar in lieu of the euro, and voices are being heard again reporting about and advocating a two-speed Europe under German leadership. Pat Buchanan warns that the USA, due to its mountainous debt and unreasonable spending on non-essential governmental workers in Washington D.C., is a nation on the way out.
Disagreements between President Obama and General David Petraeus regarding Afghanistan are surfacing. Die Tageszeitung wrote: “… The war in Afghanistan doesn’t just reveal the impotence of the Americans — It also shows the impotence of President Obama.'”
Former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton warns that Israel might attack Iran within the month of August, even though he is skeptical that this will happen, and Haaretz speculates that Israel might attack Iran within a year, even without a green light from Washington. We are also reporting about Iraq’s uncertain future, following this week’s continuing withdrawal of American troops.
It was announced that a “new superbug from India could spread around the world — in part because of medical tourism — and scientists say there are almost no drugs to treat it.”
Russia’s wildfires are still burning out of control–notwithstanding the cover up by the Russian government–and the catastrophe in Pakistan has been described as unprecedented, with nationwide destruction reportedly eclipsing the scale of ruins witnessed in previous natural disasters, such as the Asian tsunami of 2004, the 2008 earthquake in China and the earthquake in Haiti in January of 2010.
Bad news is just accelerating. Several major earthquakes struck this week, including near Jackson, Wyoming (4.3); in Sicily, Italy (4.5); in Ecuador (6.9); and in Guam (7.2).
We conclude with two articles by the German left-liberal magazine, Der Spiegel, testifying to the incredible lack of the upholding of Christian morals in that country.
This Week in the News
The euro is on the rise again–and Germany is becoming once again Europe’s growth locomotive. There is also revived talk of a core Europe led by Germany, and Der Spiegel reminisces on the miracle of Germany’s postwar reconstruction–pointing out that former Nazis had some part to play in that process. At the same time, it was revealed that East Germany was planning to attack and take over West Berlin–as late as one year before the Berlin Wall fell.
As Germany closes down a “radical” mosque in Hamburg, the German press questions the reasoning and timing of the action, but focuses also on the perceived need to step up Germany’s war against radical Islam.
Turning our attention to ongoing worldwide catastrophes, we are reporting on heavy flooding in Central Europe and Russia’s ongoing fight with its wildfires.
Focusing on the political leadership in the USA, we are concluding with articles on California’s move towards legalization of same-sex marriages and Michelle Obama’s “extravagant” vacationing in Spain.
This Week in the News
We begin reporting on Chelsea Clinton’s wedding with Marc Mezvinsky and the underlying problematic phenomenon of increasing interfaith marriages. We are also addressing the ongoing problem of “gay games” and “gay parades,” for instance in Germany and Jerusalem, as well as the most recent decision by a federal “gay” judge on same-sex marriages.
Several articles claim that President Obama is out of touch with reality, including on issues such as the Afghan war, the health care reform or the Gulf oil spill, while it was revealed that the USA has a plan to attack Iran and while the killing of US troops in Afghanistan is getting worse.
Newly elected British Prime Minister David Cameron, who “has not been afraid to say what he thinks during a string of recent foreign trips,” has been causing furor in Pakistan, which is at the same time being plagued by the worst floods in the country’s history; and while Vladimir Putin is preparing his comeback as President and Russia enacts a dangerous law, and while the Netherlands are heading towards “the most conservative Dutch government in history,” German military experts and politicians are pleading for the retention of compulsory military service and a powerful and influential German army.
We conclude with a frightening development of diminishing plant plankton worldwide, which could lead to the death of sea birds and marine mammals “in huge numbers.”
This Week in the News
While “White House spokesman Robert Gibbs condemned the release of classified documents on the Afghanistan war, calling it a ‘breach of federal law’ that is the subject of ‘an ongoing investigation,'” (New York Times, July 26, 2010), Der Spiegel and other papers concluded that the documents “indicate that, after almost nine years of war, a victory in Hindu Kush looks farther away than ever.” In addition, Admiral Mullen stated that “more NATO troops will die in Afghanistan as violence mounts over the summer.” These developments show that Presidents Bush and Obama, as well as their international allies, have been pursuing a totally wrong course of action in regard to Afghanistan.
In addition, according to the former CIA Director Michael Hayden, military action against Iran is becoming “more likely,” and rumors are surfacing that Israel might attack Lebanon. How accurately has Jesus Christ announced, well in advance, the signs of our times: “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars… For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom… All these are the beginning of sorrows…”” (Matthew 24:6-8).
While Germany and France begin to patch up their differences; Great Britain antagonizes Germany and France over Turkey; and Europe’s economic prospects are brightening (with perhaps some interesting developments leading to a prophesied “two-speed” Europe); the future of the USA looks grim; and revelations that much of the U.S. federal bail-out money went to foreign banks and much of U.S. monetary help for Iraq and Afghanistan went awry, will not restore any confidence in US leadership.
We are reporting on police misconduct in the USA, as well as the death toll during Germany’s Love Parade and the angry outcry against a commentary by a former German public TV announcer who was comparing the Love Parade with God’s wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah. We are focusing on a new sex scandal of the Catholic Church in Italy; and we explain that “the euro coins issued by the Holy See will now be used on the streets of the Vatican City.”
We are writing about a remarkable reconciliation between the Lutheran and the Mennonite or Anabaptist Churches in Europe; controversial comments by Director Oliver Stone about, amongst other things, Iran, Venezuela, Hitler, the Holocaust and the “Jewish domination of the US media”; and conclude with an article reporting on “the world’s record hailstone,” preparing us for worse things to come (compare Revelation 8:7; 11:19; 16:21).
This Week in the News
We begin reporting on the “miraculous” economic recovery of Germany and the euro. Notwithstanding all gainsayers and self-proclaimed prophets who declared and still declare Europe’s and Germany’s economic collapse, Germany is once again the “number one in Europe”–signifying an end-time development which the Church of God has announced for more than seventy years. And while the EU becomes more assertive in political matters, Angela Merkel is being pushed into isolation, and her days of political survival may be numbered. It will be interesting to see who might replace her in the office of German Chancellor.
In other news, the British paper, The Telegraph, published a biting editorial listing President Obama’s failures; USA Today voiced the opinion that the special relationship between the USA and Britain is over; and unless repealed soon, Obamacare is visibly becoming a nightmare and surely a contributing factor to this nation’s economic downfall. BP’s attempts to stop the Oil Spill may or may not be successful; and an unsettling report in the Washington Post reveals the extent of incredible and problematic secrecy within the US government.
The sex scandal in the Catholic Church–and now also in the Lutheran Church–is continuing, and the Vatican is scrambling to undo damage caused by the announcement of its new rules, which view the ordination of women as priests and the sexual abuse of minors by clerics as “crimes.” An interesting article by the New York Times discusses the weekly Sabbath–but unfortunately, it confuses the “Christian” Sabbath–Sunday–with the “Jewish” Sabbath. If we follow the Bible, then there is only ONE weekly Sabbath–and it is neither called the Jewish nor the Christian Sabbath. Rather, God established His Sabbath and He made it holy. It is the time from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, made the Sabbath for man, when He made man (Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Mark 2:27; John 1:1-3, 14; Colossians 1:16).
While a report shows that the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating, we conclude with an article in the New York Times, reporting on soldiers who want to become conscientious objectors. As the paper points out correctly, they will only be recognized when they are “conscientiously opposed to participating in war in any form, based on a sincerely held religious, moral or ethical belief. And the person must have had a change of heart since joining the military, when the person signed a form saying he or she was not a conscientious objector and did not intend to become one.” With that standard, those won’t qualify who want to become conscientious objectors because they are only opposed to homosexuals serving in the army, or who are only opposed to fighting in certain wars.
This Week in the News
We begin with reports about Great Britain–including the Oil Spill disaster in the Gulf, which affects more and more BP’s survival and the entire British economy, and the turmoil within the Anglican Church, indicating a potential mass exodus to the Catholic Church, which becomes more and more “bold” in its position regarding its ongoing sex scandal, ruling that a Catholic monk in Bavaria who admitted to wrongdoing “did nothing wrong.” The Catholic Church is also engaged in additional battles–including in its fight against ordination of women priests and the legalization of same-sex marriages (which occurred this week in Argentina). The Roman Church seems to be losing right now—but it will soon surprise the world.
While White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that NASA Administrator Charles Bolden “must have misspoken” when he reported that one of his top priorities, as given to him by President Obama, was to reach out to Muslim countries, Europe is becoming more and more determined to prevent its European Muslims from inflicting their life style on others.
The Swiss decision to free Roman Polanski and not to extradite him to the USA was met with approval and applause by Europeans and condemnation by the USA. While the relationship between the USA and Europe is constantly deteriorating and the EU is continuing to flex its political muscles, we are being warned that the US national debt is destroying the country from within like cancer. And not unlike Catholic priests who are unwilling to report their pedophile counterparts, many US doctors refuse to speak out against their incompetent colleagues.
Israel admits to some wrongdoing during their recent raid on the Gaza flotilla, and a bomb attack in Uganda by a Somali Islamist group, foremost targeting Ethiopians, brings into focus the volatile situation in that part of the world.
We conclude with ridiculous concepts by the world’s “most intelligent” scientist who is now explaining what aliens look like–for instance those living on planet Jupiter. Truly, this world’s wisdom IS foolishness with God.