This Week in the News

During the last two weeks, this world was introduced to the concept of man’s creation of artificial life. Upon further analysis, it is not REALLY such a creation, but close enough to send shivers down the spine of any thinking person. Arrogant scientists are playing God, and they are fooling themselves and others as to their Frankenstein monsters which might soon become a frightening reality. Sadly, as American scientists have the dubious honor of having created the atomic and hydrogen bomb, so it is again American scientists who have created this latest artificial “bomb” of potentially horrible and devastating consequences.

The ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico should have told greedy, exploring man what catastrophes he is capable of creating. But man’s deceitful and rotten heart seems to be incapable of heeding the warnings.

Britain is facing an uncertain future as well. Deep spending cuts were announced by the queen and the new government, while Mr. Cameron postulated that Britain will not become a part of the eurozone. This is not a surprise, as we have proclaimed for decades that Britain will in all likelihood not be a part of core Europe. At the same time, Italy announced budget cuts to defend the euro.

Even though the euro is falling against the U.S. dollar, this does not mean that Europe is facing inflation. In fact, according to articles in Der Spiegel Online and Bild Online, dated May 22, 2010, the weak euro has already saved 80,000 jobs in the German industry, due to higher export possibilities.

While many uninformed voices speak of a demise of the EU and the “European project,” Horst Seehofer, state premier in Bavaria and coalition partner of Angela Merkel, said that TOO MUCH POWER had been shifted to Europe at the expense of the German Parliament, and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said he is looking to establish a clearer “HIERARCHY” among the EU institutions and member states.

There are fears that a war will break out involving North and South Korea, and according to some press releases, Egypt and Israel are preparing for war as well. While Angela Merkel, Guido Westerwelle and other German officials and top managers are visiting key Arab countries to improve their prosperous economic relationships, reports suggest an increasing anti-Israel stance of European nations, including Germany.

The low-enriched uranium deal between Iran and Turkey, which was brokered by Brazil, shows the close alliance between these three countries against western nations and especially the USA. The Washington Post wrote that this “is not just an America in decline. This is an America in retreat — accepting, ratifying and declaring its decline, and inviting rising powers to fill the vacuum… This is retreat by design and, indeed, on principle.”

Our two remaining articles deal with the Catholic Church, the immunity of the pope and the trouble and hypocrisy caused by enforced celibacy. Deutsche Welle explains that “a life of celibacy cannot be regarded as a commandment from God, since it is not specifically called for in the Bible. It was probably economic considerations which lay behind the decision to make celibacy obligatory in the 12th century; priests were thus unable to pass on church property to their descendants.”

And so, the Catholic Church grew in wealth and riches; it is said that the Vatican State is perhaps the richest “state” in the world.

This Week in the News

Our way of living is becoming stranger and stranger. To prove our point, we begin with reports about the strange enigma of Elena Kagan–President Obama’s strange nomination as the new U.S. Supreme Court Justice; a strange–but then, not so strange–ruling to grant asylum to President Obama’s aunt; and a strange and bizarre offer by former President Clinton to “raffle himself” to make money. Tuesday’s U.S. primaries manifested the growing dissatisfaction of American voters with Washington and the “establishment”–but dissatisfaction alone with no clear alternatives except for demands for unspecified “change” has never accomplished anything.

Focusing on Europe, we are trying to counteract the politically motivated short-sighted “messages” of many reports prognosticating the demise of the euro, the eurozone and the EU, by showing what is really happening in Europe. Wild and weird speculations that Germany may return to the German Mark (“Deutsche Mark”) are absolutely unfounded and without basis whatsoever. A recent suggestion that the German “mark” might in some way be related to the “mark of the beast” is ridiculous. Rather than observing the downfall of Europe, those of us who have prophetic understanding and eyes to see the signs of the time, are witnessing the emergence of a “closer” European union under German leadership; a “new European state”; and the “birth” of a “gigantic” Europe. At the same time, we are noticing the prophetically important European shift to the political right.

Many of those who claim that the euro will fail, also state that the U.S. economy will recuperate. Or they encourage everyone to buy gold. However, acting upon such information may prove to become very “costly”–as it is biblically unsupportable. Realize these facts:

According to, when we adjust for inflation, the value of gold has not increased tremendously in 70 years. In addition, the time will come when people will throw all their gold in the streets, as it has become worthless (Isaiah 2:7-8, 20; Ezekiel 7:19; Revelation 18:11-12).

According to, the US is suffering from $13 trillion in national debt; $16.5 trillion in personal debt; $1.1 trillion in state debt; $1.9 trillion in local debt; and $108 trillion in unfunded liabilities (e.g., social security, Medicaid, Medicare), while we have $72.5 trillion total assets in the US. This means, we have more liabilities than assets. We don’t have the income to cover our debts (so we have a $1.4 trillion budget deficit). We don’t have the population to work our way out of the debt. Other countries are becoming more competitive. Our largest manufacturing companies are collapsing (e.g., GM), and our largest financial companies are also collapsing (e.g., Lehman Brothers). This does not sound too hopeful.

The EU is moving ahead. This week, the EU and Central American states reached an agreement to liberalize trade and cut import tariffs. And while Germany and the Palestinian National Authority establish a German-Palestinian Steering Committee, Germany is shortening compulsory military service for everyone with the attempt to create a professional army; and France, following Belgium’s example, is proceeding to ban wearing a “full-face” veil in public places.

Turning to environmental issues, the damage caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico appears to be much more devastating than originally assumed and presently admitted by the US Government and B.P.; large animal and plant populations are being wiped out by the “developing” world; and even the famous Jordan River might not exist anymore in a few years from now.

This Week in the News

When liberal CNN begins to attack liberal Washington, we know that the USA is in big trouble. And so is the entire world. The EU crisis contributes to the emergence of a more unified Europe, and the election results in Germany’s most populous state show the dissatisfaction of many Germans with their current government.

At the same time, the British people are becoming equally upset with their politicians. Whether the new Prime Minister, David Cameron, will be able to substantially change the demise of Great Britain is highly doubtful.

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is continuing, and so is the volcanic ash cloud emanating from Iceland, as well as the Catholic sex scandal caused by perverted Catholic priests. And even though lip service may be made, “recognizing” human frailty and sinful conduct, no substantial change and acceptance of the truth are forthcoming.

This Week in the News

We report about the possible mastermind behind the failed New York car bombing and remind our readers that a nuclear attack on the USA is a certainty. And as the Bible prophesies future nuclear attacks on America and an ongoing isolation of the state of Israel, so it warns of increasing natural and man-made disasters, such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the ongoing volcanic eruption in Iceland.

Turning to domestic developments in the USA, we report on the unprecedented situation that the U.S. Supreme Court might end up with no Protestant Christian judge, while the IRS might be unable and incapable to “enforce” the new health care legislation.

We report on Britain’s Election Day, and an article in Der Spiegel Online discusses scenarios regarding the future of Europe and the USA in light of Greece, while other articles report on the possibility of European laws increasingly restricting individual freedoms and liberties, as well as the worldwide rise of anti-Semitism and anti Gypsy sentiments in Europe, such as in Hungary.

This Week in the News

We begin with–what may at first sight appear to be–a rather strange article about aliens. But it’s none other than Stephen Hawking, allegedly the most intelligent man alive–who warns of the existence of hostile aliens. He proposes that aliens might attack this planet in the future. Even though no aliens exist, Satan and his demons do.

As The Telegraph reported on April 26, “Spooky sightings of ghouls, ghosts and evil spirits are higher than they have been in the past 25 years, according to a new report on haunted Britain. There have been nearly 1,000 reports of demonic activity in the past quarter of a century… Encounters with devils, demons and evil spirits are as widespread today as they were in medieval times.”

In addition, we read in Scripture that deceived men will fight the returning Jesus Christ and His angels. Will they do so, in part, because they believe that they are encountering an alien attack?

We continue with reports on Arizona’s controversial new Immigration law that is bound to increase foreign hostility towards the USA, and quote articles about increasing hostility towards the state of Israel. While President Obama is accused of adopting a policy shifting away from Israel and towards Arab nations, we are informed that allegedly “all” Muslims believe that there never was a First or a Second Temple; and another article reports about the well-known fact of Nazi propaganda in the Arab world during World War II. 

We also quote from a Canadian article, discussing the many unanswered and troublesome questions pertaining to Barack Obama’s “eligibility” as US President under the US Constitution.

Focusing on Europe, and Germany in particular, we report on Germany’s highly unpopular war in Afghanistan; Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg’s suffering image; the future of Greece and the Eurozone–and the fact that the EURO IS HERE TO STAY; the political and economic situation in Great Britain; the bumpy start of Germany’s newly appointed Muslim minister; and Austria’s pitiful presidential “election.”

We continue with a series of articles on the ongoing sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church and on that Church’s high profile in Portugal, and conclude with an article claiming that Noah’s Ark has been found.

This Week in the News

The tremendous damage and upheaval caused by the volcanic eruption in Iceland is still accumulating. As AFP pointed out on April 21, “Passengers from around the world dozed on floors and huddled in blankets at London’s Heathrow airport Wednesday, still waiting to get home after days of misery even after the flight ban was lifted.” Deutsche Welle added on April 22 that “since the start of the airport closures last Thursday, three million passengers have had their flights cancelled… With airports and airlines now open for business, it is estimated it could take days, or even weeks to clear the backlog of passengers.”

Der Spiegel points out that if weather conditions had been slightly different and if the weather had not “conspired against Europe,” none of the terrible consequences would have been felt in Europe. It is truly remarkable that just at the moment the volcano began to erupt, the wind changed directions and began to blow the ash cloud towards Europe. Given the fact that according to the Bible, spiritual forces influence and control the weather, we leave it to the reader to ponder whether this was mere “coincidence.” In addition, a real danger exists that two adjacent volcanoes might erupt as well.

Israel celebrated this week its “Remembrance Day” or “Memorial Day,” as well as its “Independence Day.” Congratulations from world leaders notwithstanding, articles point out that, according to the predominant thinking in Israel, the “war against the State of Israel and the Jewish people has no borders” and that “Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the State of Israel and that it will never be divided.”

In an interesting twist, Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi praised President Obama as a friend, stating that “regardless of his African belonging, he is of Arab Sudanese descent, of Muslim descent.” At the same time, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a House subcommittee that the U.S. Supreme Court is “evading” the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility as President, while the Arizona House voted for a provision that would require Mr. Obama to show his birth certificate if he hopes to be on the state’s ballot when he runs for re-election.

We continue with a report on Germany’s ongoing Afghan debacle. Seven German soldiers were killed within the last two weeks, and the German public is becoming increasingly vocal against continued German participation in the war. The German media argues that the government is partly or mainly to be blamed, as it has never explained the reason for the mission which began in 2002. At the same time, it is being suggested that “a premature withdrawal” would damage Germany within the NATO alliance, and that “the warning that Germany may isolate itself must be taken very seriously.”

We report about a discussion on the future of the euro and demands for a fiscally and politically unified United States of Europe. The Bible shows indeed that such a unity of continental Europe will occur in the not-too-distant future. We conclude with German reactions to the resignation of German Bishop Mixa.

This Week in the News

While President Obama is hosting a nuclear proliferation summit, being aware that “nuclear terrorism is an urgent threat” to U.S. and world security, and while Burma is arising as a new potential nuclear foe, the highly prestigious German paper, “Die Zeit,” warns that the US is stirring towards another recession (or to say it more accurately, that the US is actually facing a prolonged continuation of its current recession). And while the new health care bill poses more questions than it answers, concerns are raised again regarding Barack Obama’s eligibility as President, given the fact that the Kenyan Parliament and the Kenyan Ambassador to the US claim that Mr. Obama was not born in Hawaii, but in Kenya.

In addition, the relationship between President Obama and German Chancellor Merkel leaves much to be desired. Der Spiegel Online wrote on April 14: “US President Barack Obama came to power promising to unite the nation. Now he has divided it even more than his predecessor George W. Bush.”

Germany is confronted with the grim reality of having to admit its active participation in the “unjust” and highly unpopular Afghan war, which is increasingly costing lives.

Turning our attention to the tragedy involving the death of the Polish elite, commentators have a hard time agreeing on what the future will hold for the grief-stricken country of Poland. Up until now, Poland has been considered as a strong ally of the United States, Israel and Europe. With a new Polish leadership, relationships with Europe will become even stronger, but the Bible predicts that the friendship between Europe, including Poland, and the United States and Israel will soon grow cold.

While Israel mourns the death of a strong ally, preparations in Israel are ongoing for the building of the Third Temple and the beginning of weekly sacrifices. At the same time, voices are heard warning against Obama’s attacks on Israel and a dramatic shift of Obama’s policy against Israel.

Hungary is experiencing a move to the right, and as if to silence the critics and gainsayers of the euro, Europe’s currency surged to a one-month high against the U.S. dollar. At the same time, the “BRIC” nations are emerging as a new power bloc and a potential threat for Europe.

More strong earthquakes were experienced in the Solomon Islands, in Spain and in China, prompting Sky Channel to ask: “Is it almost time for the big one?… We’re wondering if these quakes will continue, and where the Earth will decide to shake next…” And the eruption of a volcano in Iceland shows how fragile our civilization is, and how natural disasters can easily paralyze our way of living.

We report about the ongoing sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church; the continuing failure of that church to effectively deal with the issue; and an announcement that atheists in England are supporting efforts to ascertain whether Pope Benedict XVI can be arrested and tried when he comes to Britain in September, for “having committed a crime against humanity” in respect to the sex abuse scandal. In this world of political intrigue, it is of course highly doubtful that a British court would allow those claims to go forward and for the pope to be prosecuted, as so far, no American court has been found which is actively pursuing to try the nagging question whether Barack Obama is even eligible to be President under the U.S. Constitution.

We conclude with reports on contaminated vaccines and poisons and heavy metals in our meat–showing how fragile and destructive our “civilization” really is.

This Week in the News

Earthquakes this week, including those in Mexico on April 4 (7.2) and in Indonesia on April 6 (7.8), were again a sobering reminder of Christ’s words about “the beginning of sorrows.”

Adding to this President Obama’s announcement of a major shift in America’s defense policies, which will potentially weaken the US military substantially; the incredible confusion surrounding President Obama’s “one and only” supposed accomplishment so far–the new health care legislation; ongoing violence in Iraq and Afghanistan; the increasing desire to build a third temple in Jerusalem; deteriorating relationships between Israel and Turkey; Britain’s unfounded hope for a brighter future as the result of their upcoming general election in May; the celebration of the pagan Easter festival; and the ongoing discussion of the sex scandal within the Roman Catholic Church; and it should not be too difficult to decipher the “signs of the times.” We can expect further tumultuous events to occur in the near future, culminating in the RETURN of Jesus Christ.

Especially the apparent present crisis of the Catholic church is noteworthy. The Vatican and bishops and Catholic newspapers and agencies have begun to deny any culpability of the church or the pope and have instead gone on the attack against those who report the criminal activities and the cover-ups within the organization. This strategy may prove to be “successful”: Many believing Catholics may indeed be caught unawares. As the old saying goes: If one tells a lie or denies the truth long enough, many will believe it.

This Week in the News

The U.S. House passage of sweeping health care legislation has by no means ended the political battle. Apart from the fact that some of the more critical changes won’t become effective for at least four or more years, Republicans have already announced that they will try to get the entire legislation repealed and that they are challenging major provisions in court. Der Spiegel argues that the continuing US health care debate may not be that positive for President Obama himself, and it may be very bad for the rest of the world. 

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a strong warning to Israel, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ruled out halting settlement construction in the city of Jerusalem. Israel is facing total isolation. French President Sarkozy suffered a bruising defeat in regional elections, and the political upheaval surrounding German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg continued.

Finally, the pope’s letter of apology, strictly directed to the Irish church, was deeply disappointing–and no confidence was restored in the Vatican’s willingness to really deal with the mounting problems regarding their pedophile priests. Especially in Germany and Austria, the pope’s silence on the WORLDWIDE sex scandal was highly condemned. But even the reputation of the very person of the pope is at stake. As Die Tageszeitung wrote: “…the pope shies away from any debate about sexual morality in the church. And one can only hope that his public silence about the abuse cases in Germany, is not because the pope himself was unhappily involved in such a case when he was the archbishop of Munich…”

This Week in the News

The controversy surrounding Greece’s problems continues, and even though some critics suggest that the euro will be abandoned, we can safely say, based on biblical prophecy, that this won’t happen. Several articles, quoted below, state quite categorically that the euro is here to stay, even though they do not conceal the fact that the euro is built on lies, and that some EU countries–especially Germany–will emerge within the EU, “calling the shots as Europe’s de facto lender”… and leader. 

At the same time, we see Germany’s current government in disarray, and the popularity of Germany’s recent “rising star”–Defense Minister Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg–is diminishing. Time magazine informs us that “Germans are disgruntled.” Nevertheless, Germany has become the world’s third largest weapons dealer.

The sex scandal of the Roman Catholic Church is continuously widening. In a feeble attempt to counteract the charges, “the Vatican has rallied around the pontiff, claiming that ‘certain elements’ had launched a targeted campaign to discredit the Catholic Church.” This reaction was undermined by the statement of the chief exorcist of the Catholic Church, claiming that “the devil is in the Vatican.”

The British Telegraph wonders whether President Obama has reached the end of his road; other articles report that US-Israeli relations are at an all-time low; an article by the Sacramento Bee magnifies the incredible incompetence of U.S. governmental agencies; The Times warns of Putin’s desire for a resurging powerful Soviet Union; and media reports suggest that the USA and/or the EU will take military action against Iran with or without U.N. approval.

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