This Week in the News

We begin with the ongoing disconcerting developments in Egypt, even after Hosni Mubarak resigned and left Cairo. After a military putsch or coup, the generals are in control, but are they willing to fulfill their promise to conduct free elections in September, thereby running the risk of losing all their privileges which they enjoy—including tax exemption, possession of free land and high salaries?

Even though the military is respected in the country—much more so than any of the political candidates who have emerged so far and the Muslim Brotherhood—many of the demonstrations were held for the express purpose of establishing a civil government. The additional fear is, of course, that the Muslim Brotherhood—the only organized opposition to the former Mubarak regime—will try to hijack the freedom movement.

We are also reporting on the ongoing turmoil in other Middle Eastern countries.

In other news, we are focusing on equally earth-shaking events in Europe (even though the media has largely ignored those in lieu of the events in the Middle East). We are seeing the emergence of a core or two-speed Europe, under German leadership (as prophesied in Scripture) and, at the same time, a widening rift between Britain and the euro-zone (which is also prophesied to occur). At the same time, more and more European leaders state that multiculturalism has failed, and while people are looking for spiritual help in all the wrong places, we are told about the biggest solar flare in years (compare Luke 21:25), and, as an unpleasant reminder that no country or area is exempt, we report about a rare sizeable earthquake that struck Germany on Monday (compare Matthew 24:7-8).

This Week in the News

We begin focusing on Great Britain’s fight with radical Islamists and terrorists, as well as militant atheists, followed by an article claiming that the US betrayed Britain by secretly divulging confidential information to Russia, and continue with a report, setting forth increasing persecution in Europe of Christian values. Staying in Europe, we concentrate on Germany’s leadership role within the EU, the beginning of greater integration of the Euro-Zone, Spain’s fight for its economic survival, and a proposed merger between German and the American institutions to become the world’s largest exchanges operator.

Turning to the Middle East, we are quoting several articles and interviews to shed light on the real origins and frightening goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, and caution those who want to rush “Egyptian democracy.” We conclude with articles on the situation in Jordan and Iran.

For more information on the developments in the Middle East, please make sure to view our StandingWatch programs,  “The Future of the Middle East,” and “Egypt in Prophecy.” You are also encouraged to watch Norbert Link’s recent video-taped 30-minutes lecture, “The Future of Egypt.”

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on the situation in Egypt and the entire Middle East. All kinds of facts emerge, opinions are uttered, scenarios are being designed and described, but one thing is certain: Egyptian wrath turns on the USA, which is showing itself to be utterly helpless—if not dubious in its dealings—while Europe’s duplicity and the threat of radical Islamist leadership in quite a few Middle Eastern countries will lead to wide-ranging military developments. At the same time, anti-government demonstrations are spreading to countries like Jordan; and Israel is very concerned and in need of new allies. Please make sure to view our new StandingWatch program, “The Future of the Middle East.” 

Turning to Europe, we can clearly see that the euro will survive and that slowly, but surely, a core Europe is developing WITHIN the broader European community… but that countries like Britain and Sweden might not be part of it.

We are reporting about two interesting personalities and their challenges and visions—German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and multi-billionaire Donald Trump—speak of Obamacare, the curse of war, weather conditions in Australia and the USA, scientific endeavors to clone a mammoth, and conclude with an inspiring article proving that the human brain requires the existence of a Designer.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on the most recent terror attack at Moscow’s airport, including the Russian government’s reaction and the long history of violence in that part of the world. Focusing on the volatile and unstable conditions in certain countries, we publish articles on Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon, showing Europe’s increasing influence and involvement, as well as the marginal impact of the United States.

Concentrating on domestic issues within the United States, we report on the still missing and apparently non-existing long-form birth certificate of President Obama; claims of ongoing torture; and the pitiful prayer to “Father Sky” and “Mother Earth” at the memorial service in Tucson, Arizona.

Turning our attention to additional religious issues, we speak of the Adventists’ position on abortion; the Catholic Church’s stance on celibacy; and the Vatican’s cover-up of crimes by pedophile priests.

We conclude with an eye-opening UN report, stating that 2010 was the deadliest year in at least two decades, and warning that worse natural disasters are to come.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to Washington and discussing the fragile relationship between China and the USA; speak of the ongoing mystery of President Obama’s birth place; and point out a new, but largely ignored twist in the Arizona shooting.

Focusing on Europe, we report on the EU’s “vision” of being a “Fatherland of peace”; emphasize German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s commitment to the euro; and show ongoing anti-American feelings in Europe, and especially in Germany.

Speaking of religious and social issues, we report on the Catholic Church’s bizarre plan to beatify Pope John Paul II; explain the unbiblical reasons for the abandonment of the weekly Sabbath; and discuss the continuing mysterious deaths of many animals—including cattle.

We conclude with reporting on developments in the USA pertaining to “Obamacare,” which might not be good for the country in the long run.

This Week in the News

Jared Loughner, 22, was charged with the shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on Saturday, January 8, 2011, in which six people were killed, including a federal judge and a nine-year-old girl, and more than a dozen injured. Some on the political left were anxious to blame “the right” for these horrendous murders. These reactions are not only ludicrous and irresponsible, they are also devoid of any facts. It appears that Loughner dabbled in the occult and devil worship, as well as alcohol and drugs, and he might very well have been demonically inspired, if not possessed, to carry out these heinous crimes.

Our “sophisticated” modern western world does not (want to) believe in a devil and his forces of evil, and while biblical standards are torn down and pushed aside (see our article, “No More Father and Mother in US Passports”), biblical “teachers” discredit the Bible when such abominable and blasphemous conduct helps their political agenda (see our article, “How Religious Liberals Violate Scripture.”). Even the memorial service in Tuscon, Arizona, which was conducted on Wednesday, January 12, for the victims of the shooting, began with the “blessing” of a Native American Indian!

We also observed this week the continuing dismantling of America’s special relationship with Britain, while core Europe–especially Germany and France—proceed to show and use their muscles. We report on the crisis in Lebanon and conclude with articles on floods in Australia and the ongoing worldwide mass deaths of many birds and fish. Despite “scientific speculatory explanations” and attempts by the mass media to “downplay” the issue, the mystery remains.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on worldwide natural disasters and strange occurrences, including the mysterious death of birds and fish and flooding in Australia, and we are reflecting on earthquakes and other catastrophes in 2010. We continue relating the grim and hopeless conditions in California, emphasize reasons as to why the euro will not fail, and warn of rising oil prices and expensive times to come. We speak on Europe’s dismay and anger with Egypt, report on Europe’s helplessness or unwillingness to stand up to Russia’s totalitarian regime, and conclude with a strong article in a Jewish paper on the Coming of the Messiah.

This Week in the News

We begin with a remarkable article in the British paper, Mail On Line, about Hitler’s Christmas observance, identifying it accurately as the pagan celebration of the “winter solstice,” and we conclude with a funny, but telling cartoon on the origins of Christmas, which was circulated on the Internet this week, as well as an eye-opening article on New Year’s celebrations.

An interesting article warns against the consumption of pork, and several reports deal with the West’s gradual unconditional acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle. While a popular evangelist chastises the U.S. army, even liberals begin to wonder why President Obama refuses to publish his birth certificate.

In the light of our unprecedented weather conditions, we publish an article which wonders whether we are observing global warming or the beginning of a mini ice age.

We also learn that 2010 was the worst year for US Bank failures since 1992.

Focusing on the violent history and present developments in Asia, we also report on the current scandalous conduct of totalitarian Russia and the timid, meaningless and inconsequential objections from the West.

While peace in the Middle East is becoming more and more elusive, an insightful article in Deutsche Welle shows how post-war Germany is being drawn into militaristic activities, and that even against the present will of the majority of the people.

This Week in the News

In this issue, we report on worldwide “crazy” weather conditions; President Obama’s “dangerous strategy” regarding WikiLeaks; the repeal of America’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy; and the U.S. ratification of the START treaty with Russia.

While many U.S. cities and some states are facing the distinct possibility of having to declare bankruptcy, Europe is battling with its own financial problems.

However, it is felt that the EU is not facing the same grim prospects as the USA, and while it is grudgingly admitted that Europe needs Germany, Germany and France block Bulgaria and Romania from joining Europe’s Schengen area; Britain is becoming more and more the “odd man out”; and the unpopular and lost Afghan war continues to receive negative media coverage in Germany.

A surprisingly strong stance by Germany’s parliamentary leader, pertaining to the right of homosexuals to adopt children, is angering liberals, and Britain is setting a dangerous precedence of persecuting Christians who happen to disagree with the homosexual lifestyle.

We are focusing on the terrible dictatorship in Belarus; the unsettling developments in the Middle East; and the endeavors of Europe’s far right to fight Islam. We are reporting on Japan’s dynamic defense policy; on frightening “advances” in the name of science; and on the Catholic Church’s wrong policy regarding the use of condoms.

We conclude with articles on the deadly time of Christmas and the misunderstood origins of that festival.

This Week in the News

In this issue, we begin with reports about the Vatican’s political role in world affairs; focus on the Middle East peace process; discuss the future of the euro and Europe; address the suspension of military conscription in Germany and the “royal Guttenbergs”; warn against restrictions of freedom in the West; speak of Silvio Berlusconi’s uncertain future; and conclude with articles relating to the latest terrorist attack in Sweden and the death of Richard Holbrooke.

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