This Week in the News

We begin reporting on Britain’s ongoing and ever-deepening “blagging” and bribery media scandal, and new staggering information is revealed almost on a daily basis.

We continue focusing on America’s debt crisis; the seemingly irreconcilable positions of the Democrats and the Republicans, which mainly seem to be dictated by political considerations; the pressure of the IMF on the USA; and the ongoing difficulties of Europe’s economy, with special emphasis on Italy and Spain.

Frustrated Egyptians still hope that their country may see true reforms; Iran continues to show its true colors of autocratic Islamic dictatorship; and the situation in Syria is escalating. Germany is busy selling its weapons all over the world, with the resulting paradox that in Libya, three hostile parties use German weapons to fight each other. Germany’s good qualities are so often misused for wrong purposes, and its misguided zeal might do more harm than good, as our report on the conviction of a UK bishop shows who denied aspects of the Holocaust.

We report on the German memorial service for the late Otto von Habsburg; speak about the controversy between Denmark and Germany; continue with a report of a most recent national poll showing that by now, most Americans approve of same-sex marriages; list another example as to why true Christians should not serve on a jury, and conclude with a report on famine and disease epidemics in Africa.

This Week in the News

In this issue, we first focus on the USA and Canada, followed by the Middle East, with special emphasis on Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Syria. We continue reporting on Denmark’s controversial decision to reintroduce border controls, which the EU considers as being in violation of EU law, and show from an article in the Wall Street Journal that Germany is THE leader in Europe. At the same time, the article points out that Europe is expecting much more from Germany, including in regard to military action. We also speak of Greece’s loss of much of its sovereignty.

We also focus on the developments regarding the questionable allegations regarding Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the abominable and shameful way in which our legal system has been compromised, pointing out at the same time that none of this excuses his infidelity and adulterous conduct.

We conclude with a report on the death of Otto von Habsburg and a ridiculous piece by CNN, which asks the question as to what is wrong with eating dog meat. We provide the answer from the Bible.

This Week in the News

In this news edition, we are reporting on the fragile and highly volatile situation in Libya, especially in light of continuing charges of NATO’s illegal conduct in that part of the world, the questionable conduct of the German Defense Ministry, and the dissemination of rumors pertaining to a possible American invasion of Libya and Syria; inform our readers on Iran’s plan to start its first nuclear power plant in August; speak about Egypt’s futile attempts to create real democratic change; quote several articles about the interesting relationship between China and Europe, and especially between China and Germany; speak about the pressure which the EU is asserting against Greece; report on a new proposed Dutch law prohibiting Muslims and Jews to ritually slaughter animals; discuss the appointment and the intensions of the French Minister, Mrs. Christine Lagarde, as the new head of the IMF; and conclude with a warning that nuclear power plants are dangerous—including in the USA.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on a disastrous and incredibly stupid program by America’s ATF; continue with the question of the legality or illegality of America’s involvement in the war in Libya; and speak on the extremely uncomfortable and disgusting political landscape in the USA and Bilderberg’s alleged role in the same.

Turning to Europe, we report at length on the Greek crisis and the consequences it might have for the future of Europe; and quote from a revealing interview with Germany’s Defense Minister.

We report on the economic situation in America and China; with the growing cooperation between China and Russia; and conclude with interesting articles on global warming; Dutch Freedom Party Leader Geert Wilders’ acquittal; and a new U.S. Census with surprising—or perhaps not that surprising—results.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on America’s ongoing economic troubles which are, admittedly, not solvable within the next few years. We continue with placing special emphasis on our health crisis, diseases and sicknesses, which are many times caused by ourselves. This includes eating fish and animals which God has forbidden us to eat; eating poisonous seafood; and eating the flesh of usually healthy livestock which became unhealthy due to the consumption of dangerous antibiotics.

We are reporting on the fear that NATO might fall apart, bringing to light Europe’s need to create its own powerful united army, navy and air force; quoting articles about the situation in Libya, Lebanon and Turkey (biblical Edom); speaking of developments in Italy and Greece; addressing the ensuing war of words over the border controversy between Denmark and Germany; highlighting very dangerous developments in Germany; and conclude with the announcement that Germany’s Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and his family plan to leave their fatherland… at least for a while…

This Week in the News

We begin with some shocking articles about the terrible state of affairs and the seemingly inevitable decline and fall of the “American Empire.” Shocking, that is, for the many who have not heard or who have dismissed our past announcements of ancient prophetic revelations showing from the Bible that in these end times, America WILL fall. At the same time, we hear that the relationship between America and Germany is extremely bad—a development that was likewise prophesied to occur thousands of years ago.

As America falls, so Europe rises—under German leadership. Remarkable reports reiterate that the European unity is essentially a “Christian” project, with no separation between church and state (or, as it is being coined, religion and politics), but the tragedy is that the core doctrines of orthodox or traditional Christianity are not in harmony with the teachings of the Bible.

Turning our attention to the US dealings with the Middle Eastern revolution, and focusing on that revolution itself, we are told that the US Congress adopted a non-binding and somewhat meaningless resolution, telling President Obama he has broken the constitutional chain of authority by committing US troops to the international military mission in Libya. We are also told that Russia condemned once again NATO’s activities in Libya, and we are informed that for all practical purposes, the illusionary and naïve dream of a “peaceful” Arab revolution is over, and that increasingly, continued violence is to be expected.

We are specifically focusing on Yemen—a strong ally of the US which might end up in utter chaos—and we are also informed that the US and Israel have failed to keep Iran from developing a nuclear warhead; that airstrikes can no longer stop its nuclear program; and that the US can do nothing short of military occupation, which is not expected to occur, due to America’s unsuccessful military adventures in other parts of the world.

We conclude with an article on the terrible consequences of Japan’s nuclear crisis, and two articles on the Bilderbergs’ secret meeting in Switzerland. What these articles describe is indeed frightening and eye-opening, if true.

This Week in the News

We begin focusing on events in the Middle East, including Egypt’s opening of the Gaza Strip’s main gateway and the accompanying potential dangers for Israel; the ongoing turmoil in Libya and the failure of the African Union to bring peace; the ongoing turmoil in Syria and Iran’s eager willingness to support the regime and provoke Germany; and the biting analysis of Britain’s Telegraph to the effect that no one cares in the Middle East what President Obama and the USA say.

We continue with reporting on the ugly side of the Afghan war and its astronomical costs for the US; and point out that the relationship between the USA and EU is in need of “redefining.” At the same time, Europe and especially Germany are unhappy with Baroness Ashton, the EU’s foreign policy chief, as she “does not have the power to portray Europe on the world stage,” and as she had “not spoken with one voice for Europe.”

We also remind our readership that slavery in civilized Europe is not necessarily a thing of the past; speak of the dangers of radiation in Japan and Germany’s controversial decision to abandon nuclear power; report on the outbreak of a deadly disease in Germany which might or might not have originated in Spain; focus on the network of tunnels under the city of Jerusalem; and conclude with the enigma of why our childhood memories are so selective.

This Week in the News

Due to immense criticism from Israel and her supporters for his demand to re-institute the 1967 borders of Israel and a Palestinian state, President Obama attempted to “clarify” his position, but in doing so, he engaged in confusing double-talk. He reiterated his position “that any two-state solution must be based on the 1967 lines,” while adding that the two sides “will renegotiate” the borders. In a subsequent speech addressing a joint session of the U.S. Congress, while President Obama was visiting Ireland, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu “repeated his insistence that Israel would not accept a return to ‘indefensible’ borders that existed before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war… He also vowed that Israel would not negotiate with a Palestinian government that includes the Islamist militant group Hamas” (The Associated Press, May 24, 2011). However, on May 25, 2011, Netanyahu likewise engaged in double-talk during an interview with CNN, praising President Obama for his unwavering commitment towards Israel. One wonders in what kind of a political and “diplomatic” world we are living…? But Messrs. Obama’s and Netanyahu’s “back pedaling” could not prevent sharp criticism from Israel, conservative America, Europe and the Palestinians.

In an interesting development, Pakistan is asking China for military assistance, showing their growing distrust of American accomplishments. And while America’s debt is of staggering and incomprehensible proportions, and while it has been announced that the EU is already richer than the USA, deadly tornadoes ravage the “New World,” but another volcanic outbreak in Iceland brings back unpleasant memories of last year’s eruption, leading to a shutdown of European air travel.

On the political front, we are observing remarkable local, regional and state elections in Germany and Spain, strongly indicating the coming of a drastic change in the political landscape of these countries and Europe as a whole. At the same time, we note that the EU becomes more assertive toward its own member states, and in foreign lands, such as Libya.

We conclude with ridiculous predictions regarding the end of the world.

This Week in the News

So much important news was reported this week from all over the world, that it is impossible to discuss all of it. The following is just meant to be a synopsis as to what is happening, but we are confident that it will show the speed with which biblical prophecies are being fulfilled.

We begin with reporting on President Obama’s siding with the Palestinians against Israel, as well as Europe’s condemnation of Israel (notwithstanding some lip services to the contrary), and continue with writing about ongoing violence in Egypt against Christians and Israelis. Turning to the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden, the Taliban in Pakistan launched a deadly revenge attack, and while the US raid and perceived murder of Osama has been found to be in violation of international law, shocking news has emerged that the US was reputedly prepared to bomb Pakistan in the aftermath of the raid. We are also focusing on the complex situation in Syria, and the “strange” relationship between Iran, Venezuela and Germany.

Turning to eventful occurrences in Europe, we report on European disunity and fear of growing nationalism, and, at the same time, on “astonishing” economic growth of the Eurozone countries and Germany’s tremendous recovery. Sadly, the US seems to be facing the distinct possibility of bankruptcy by August 2, and we hear about a very pessimistic forecast of British growth.

We are also reporting on the Queen’s historic visit to Ireland and Scotland’s Protestant-Catholic rift; pointing at a renewed fear of a trade war between China and the EU; highlighting the arrest of IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn because of alleged rape, which probably ends his political career and his hope for a run for the French Presidency; discuss the grim outlook for some of the Republican candidates for the US Presidency; and conclude with a shameful article advocating against laws prohibiting adultery.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on ongoing natural disasters affecting the USA and continue with Pakistan’s and the UN’s reaction to the US raid allegedly killing Usama Bin Laden. And while another US attempt to kill one of the perceived new Al Qaida leaders in Yemen failed, it appears that Al Qaida is “alive and well.” At the same time, the chaos in Syria continues, and a power struggle is developing in Iran.

An interesting article by the Economist about Germany’s willingness to employ military force in Libya needs to be read in conjunction with European attempts to strengthen their “defense policy,” and to establish a powerful EU leader, within the confines of orthodox Christianity.

While Germany’s prosperity grows, Greece is in big economic trouble, but speculations that Greece may leave the Eurozone seem to be premature at best–as seems to be the postulation that former German Defense Minister Guttenberg’s political career is definitely over.

We conclude with developments in the USA and Europe, pertaining to homosexuals, and the results of new research regarding the benefits of breastfeeding.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God