This Week in the News

We begin with the ongoing controversy over the Obama Administration’s unilateral political move to change Immigration Law—thereby circumventing Congress and reversing its prior position that such a move would be illegal. At the same time, Obama’s challengers shrink away from stating a clear position on their own; and we stress the fact that America’s current Immigration Law (and the execution of the same) is terribly inhumane and in desperate need of revision.

We report on the ongoing investigation of the “Fast and Furious” Scandal and its explosive developments. 

We continue showing that America’s big brother is watching his citizens via drones, which are capable of armed attacks; and that Britain’s prestigious economic institutions are swallowed up by foreign powers, including China, while Britain is facing another recession in the light of “devastating” data.

Focusing on the Greek elections, it has become clear that the institution of the euro has been saved, but it is far from certain whether this will help Greece. And while the world envies and hates German prosperity, they are turning to Germany for help, as the only country which is perceived to be able to “fix” and save the European economy.

The terrible situation in Syria continues, with just about every major and not-so-major power getting involved there militarily, through proxies, and Russia’s announcement that they are willing to send warships to Syria should wake everybody up.

The Arab Spring was destined to failure from the start, and the situation in Egypt has become one of utter disgrace, prompting Israel to go on high alert. At the same time, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince died, creating even more uncertainties and challenges in the Middle East.

We conclude with revealing excerpts from a lengthy German article about Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican and the Curia, showing the intrigue and corruption within the Catholic Church and a pope who seems to be powerless and in a state of deep sadness, if not depression, while influential forces are preparing for his successor.

This Week in the News

We begin with an interesting analysis pertaining to Germany’s current leadership role in Europe, and raise the question whether Germany and Europe are repeating the mistakes of the 1930s. We are already beginning to see potentially frightening developments, which might limit the liberties and freedoms of European citizens, while the Eurozone looks at Germany as their savior and is willing to accept enhanced European (and thereby less national) governance and political EU unification.

At the same time, Germans are becoming disillusioned with President Obama and America, and this is even true, to an extent, for some Jewish voters in the USA.

Turning our attention to the Middle East, we are reporting about the desire of an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood candidate to take over Jerusalem and declare it to be the capital of Egypt, and we report on Russia’s shameful conduct regarding Syria. But while accusations fly between Russia and the USA over weapon deliveries to Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, it appears that neither Russia nor the USA could claim righteousness in the matter.

We conclude with several articles on Russia’s development towards a totalitarian and oppressive police state under Vladimir Putin, while certain Asian nations, including Russia and China, are moving closer together in defiance of European desires and preferences.

This Week in the News

An interesting article is asking the question whether a “German populist” will arise soon, due, in part, to the failure and refusal of the German political “establishment” to deal with pressing issues. We are also focusing on the ongoing euro crisis and show that not only will the euro survive, but Germany is also pushing—or is being pushed—to help in establishing a European monetary or fiscal union which would severely limit the powers of national governments. In that context, the concept of a “two-speed Europe” is being re-visited.

We are continuing with our report on the rocky relationship between Germany and Israel, which we began in the last Update, bring to focus an overlooked development pertaining to the fall of Muammar Gaddafi;  revisit the frightening and suspect developments regarding American drone wars with new prospects that such highly controversial governmental action might very soon affect Americans in their own country; and focus again on the highly secretive meetings of the Bilderbergers.

We speak of Russia’s and China’s desire to move closer together; and conclude with several articles dealing with social and religious issues. While President Obama declares the month of June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month” and Europe has been described as the most “gay-friendly” continent in the world, such “evolving” thought processes are mirrored by quite different developments within the Catholic Church, showing corruption and power struggles, as well as “lies, intrigues and bitter feuds between rival parties” in high places. And finally, we report that drug-resistant strains of Gonorrhea have spread to countries across the world, and speak of a ghost story related to the White House which might make your hair stand on end.

This Week in the News

We begin with a report on the interesting relationship between Germany and Poland on the one hand, and Germany and the Ukraine on the other hand, showing how biblical prophecy is important in this context. Other articles explain the prophesied predominant role of Germany in Europe and the desire of the EU to create a political union.

We continue with the rocky relationship between Israel and Turkey, and between Israel and Germany; we address the situation in Iran and Syria; and we focus on a traumatic power struggle and corruption in the Vatican, which might include most important and influential cardinals. This earthquake in the Catholic Church might be mirrored by real earthquakes in Italy which struck again this week.

We conclude with three articles of a diverse nature—the suspicious and secretive dealings of the Bilderberg group; the ongoing controversial US drone attacks in other countries; and the “natural born citizen” controversy regarding Barak Obama, which had been raised before—in regard to Mitt Romney’s father, presidential candidate George Romney, who was born in Mexico.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on continuing nagging questions regarding the actual birthplace of President Obama and the shocking and incredible attempts of the mainstream media to hide the issue or misinform the public regarding it. We speak of the apparent willingness of the US President and his Republican challenger, as well as the two major parties, to trample all over the 10th Amendment; and congratulate a federal judge in New York for her courageous decision to declare a dangerous portion of the 2012 NDAA unconstitutional.

We address the question why Christians should be concerned about homosexuality; relate the inability of the Catholic Church to explain how someone could be saved without accepting Jesus Christ as personal Savior; and report on a major earthquake in Italy.

We conclude with articles pertaining to the G8 summit and the NATO summit and address the fact that the most important issues are not being solved, while the go ahead is given for a new controversial European missile shield, which will be partly hosted in Germany, provoking anger in Russia.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on Angela Merkel’s defeat in the most recent state election, but we should not be too quick to jump to premature conclusions regarding her political survival or her goal to save the euro. We also address the ongoing crisis in Greece and introduce you to the exciting life of German Finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble.

Turning our attention to the USA, we quote from an article, written by a homosexual author, stating that Mr. Obama became the first “gay president,” and we also report on the worldwide disappointment over his presidency, as well as the difference between the European approach and the American approach to the financial crisis.

We focus on attempts of some Arab nations to unite, trying to use the EU as a pattern; and we speak of dangerous developments in the Far East, including in Pakistan, India and China.

We conclude with articles of diverse topics: The mysterious death of many dolphins and seabirds defies scientific explanations; and the incredible increase of repeat abortions and preparations to implant microchips in humans irrespective of the obvious dangers–something which defies sound human reasoning and boggles the mind!

This Week in the News

Our reporting centers on unprecedented upheaval in Europe’s governments and the disturbing emergence of more powerful voices from the far-right; France realigns its politics by electing a Socialist president; Germany’s leadership stands firm with both France and Greece–as Greece is unable to govern itself; the EU seeks a more powerful leader; Vladimir Putin becomes president of Russia (again); Benjamin Netanyahu secures his own leadership over Israel; and we conclude with two reports about the blatant role the gay and lesbian movement now exerts in America.

This Week in the News

We begin with reports from Germany and Greece which highlight the growing anti-migrant feelings throughout Europe; Russia warns NATO against placing defensive missiles; Germany flexes its influence against Ukraine injustice; Europe challenges U.S. drone strikes; UK again takes its stand apart from the EU; and Israeli leaders take their disagreements public.

This Week in the News

From Asia, Europe and Africa, war and the mad race to build more armaments take center stage in our reporting; immigration issues lie behind the call for new border controls in the EU; far right extremist parties influence the French elections and austerity measures tople the Dutch government; Britain suffers more recession woes; Israel entrenches its hold in settlements; and we conclude with a report about the sale of a Latin copy of the Book of John, which dates from the seventh century A.D.

This Week in the News

In wide-ranging reports, we begin with a focus on Europe; report on a new “cold war” in the Artic; cover Great Britain’s military agreements with Japan (and others); address the crumbling financial position of U.S. cities; note yet another outrage by U.S. soldiers; report on the persistent and growing rumors of an Israeli strike on Iran. We conclude with articles about aging nuclear power plants; cover more controversy concerning global warming; and relate the state of the use of livestock antibiotics in the United States.

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