Our reporting centers on unprecedented upheaval in Europe’s governments and the disturbing emergence of more powerful voices from the far-right; France realigns its politics by electing a Socialist president; Germany’s leadership stands firm with both France and Greece–as Greece is unable to govern itself; the EU seeks a more powerful leader; Vladimir Putin becomes president of Russia (again); Benjamin Netanyahu secures his own leadership over Israel; and we conclude with two reports about the blatant role the gay and lesbian movement now exerts in America.
Current Events
This Week in the News
We begin with reports from Germany and Greece which highlight the growing anti-migrant feelings throughout Europe; Russia warns NATO against placing defensive missiles; Germany flexes its influence against Ukraine injustice; Europe challenges U.S. drone strikes; UK again takes its stand apart from the EU; and Israeli leaders take their disagreements public.
This Week in the News
From Asia, Europe and Africa, war and the mad race to build more armaments take center stage in our reporting; immigration issues lie behind the call for new border controls in the EU; far right extremist parties influence the French elections and austerity measures tople the Dutch government; Britain suffers more recession woes; Israel entrenches its hold in settlements; and we conclude with a report about the sale of a Latin copy of the Book of John, which dates from the seventh century A.D.
This Week in the News
In wide-ranging reports, we begin with a focus on Europe; report on a new “cold war” in the Artic; cover Great Britain’s military agreements with Japan (and others); address the crumbling financial position of U.S. cities; note yet another outrage by U.S. soldiers; report on the persistent and growing rumors of an Israeli strike on Iran. We conclude with articles about aging nuclear power plants; cover more controversy concerning global warming; and relate the state of the use of livestock antibiotics in the United States.
This Week in the News
This week powerful earthquakes have once again occupied the news cycle. Strident views calling for “Islamization of life” are reported; Syria stays front and center for its neighbors as well as world leaders; Iran warns of terror responses to attacks on its nuclear program; Tennessee passes a surprising law, while Russia creates controversy with its anti-gay enforcement; we conclude by quoting a frightening article that addresses bee colony collapse–which also reveals the questionable safety of the products we eat!
This Week in the News
We open with a report on the dismal outlook for the U.S. being able to budget itself–ever! The ongoing struggles to unify the EU remain in the headlines; Immigrants in France become political fodder; The Muslim Brotherhood backtracks and will run a candidate for president of Egypt; Israel makes news as it is accused of threatening world peace–and revelations about its strategic relationship with Azerbaijan are published; Korea rattles its neighbors; and the papal visits to both Mexico and Cuba bear fruit–for Catholicism.
This Week in the News
We begin with articles showing the economic and governing strength of Germany–which is starkly in contrast to the U.S. We report on the growing resistance from India and China over EU carbon taxes, and discuss the Russian rejection of U.S. and European plans for a missile shield.
Warnings of a lost war against international computer hackers are presented, while others warn about the surging sale of guns in the U.S.
We also point out that pro-abortion training is now taking hold in the U.S.; American soldiers are being classified as “demons” by Afghanistan’s leadership; A commune prepares for the apocalypse (this year!); Extensive and prolonged drug abuse revealed as cause of death of Whitney Houston; and Pope Benedict travels to Mexico and Cuba.
This Week in the News
We begin with an article in Deutsche Welle, describing in almost biblical terms the present state of affairs of the United States—as a frail patient, permanently confined to his sick bed. We continue with alarming reports about alleged forged records pertaining to President Obama, claiming that his Long Form was “likely a digitally created forgery,” and that “the President’s Selective Service Card (Draft Card)… was also a forgery.” The deafening silence of the entire American main stream media on this extremely important issue is appalling, but not that terribly surprising.
We continue reporting on the terrible tragedy of the latest incident in Afghanistan, involving the senseless mass murder of Afghan civilians through an American soldier who might or might not have been mentally disturbed; point out the difference in approach of the American and the German government in regard to the Afghan war; speak of Germany’s desire for a European constitution; raise the issue of a future monarchy in Germany; report on Europe’s “awakening” to the Iranian nuclear threat; address the ambitions of the new EU Parliament Chief Martin Schulz; speak on Russia’s dubious role in world affairs; and focus on the ongoing collision course between the USA and Israel, which is sometimes provoked by seemingly unnecessary conduct of American agencies.
We conclude with two articles about sickening US government approval of “pink slime” for students and of the Pepsi Company’s “use of cells derived from an aborted fetus in flavor-enhancing research.”
This Week in the News
We begin with reporting on the victory of Vladimir Putin and the shameful reaction of Western powers; speak about Syria’s massive weapons of mass destruction in the light of ensuing chaos; address the growing confrontation between Israel and Iran with the increasing likelihood of an outright war in the region and beyond; report on Europe’s ambition to become a politically and militarily unified power bloc, under Germany’s leadership; speak of Germany’s Nazi presence AFTER World War II and America’s failure to efficiently deal with solving the lingering problems; and talk about the disgusting fact of America’s and Europe’s worldwide sales of weapons.
We continue reporting on the not-so-super U.S. Republicans’ “Super Tuesday” elections; address the controversy surrounding Rush Limbaugh’s offensive and tasteless comments; warn of the real possibility of a major collision between an asteroid and the Earth, perhaps as early as February of 2013, as well as increasing solar activity; speak of horrible recommendations in Britain to kill newborn babies when, among other proposals, the mother’s “circumstances have changed and she no longer has the time, money or energy to care for” the child; speak of attacks on Christian actor Kirk Cameron for his expressed views on marriage and Britain’s discussion on same-sex marriages; and conclude with a medical article showing that the consumption of pork is hazardous to your health.
This Week in the News
We begin with a troubling report on America’s war in Afghanistan, which claims that the US military and the government have consistently misled the American public about the true conditions on the ground. We continue with frightening articles on the terrible state of affairs of the American economy, and even though optimists proclaim a bright future, several analysts predict another recession.
We also point out that Britain faces similar dire conditions; that the government is out of money; and that a devastating new virus is killing British lambs with potentially terrible consequences for the farmers.
Turning to the European continent, the German Parliament approved another bail-out for Greece AGAINST the wish of the majority of the German people, and in spite of its generosity, Germany is being libeled and slandered by the Greek media and the Greek people, which the Germans will not tolerate for much longer.
Focusing on the Middle East, the sabre rattling in preparation of a coming war in the Middle East must not be ignored, and as so often, politics and fanaticism seem to have again the upper hand—not what may be the right or wrong course of action. But God has long determined the outcome of any such war, which would have critical prophetic consequences.
After speaking on North Korea and Japan, we continue with reports on Yoga and Homeschooling in Canada; a possible violation of privacy rights in Europe; an article about hopelessly false and ignorant concepts by most famous atheist Richard Dawkins and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, about the origin of life; and we conclude with a discussion on when human life begins. Sadly, even those who believe that human life begins with conception are unwilling to draw the correct practical consequences from such knowledge.