We begin with a “biblical plague” of locusts in Egypt and the Middle East three weeks before Passover; report on radical Hamas’s threats regarding a possible visit of the Temple Mount by President Obama; report on the death of Venezuela’s totalitarian dictator, Hugo Chavez; deal with the US sequestration as a sign of incompetency and lack of leadership and show the terrible signal it sets for the world; speak of America’s ongoing monetary and military support of the radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; report on a modern version of James Stewart’s famous movie, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” regarding the controversy pertaining to the execution of American citizens on American soil through drones; continue with Canada’s losing role in the game of free trade agreements with the USA and the EU; report on the turbulent and convoluted political and economic situation in Italy which is, surprisingly, a recipe for Italy’s success; speak of an interesting discovery pointing at Rome’s spiritual origins and its future; and conclude with further revelations of horse meat in Taco Bell’s restaurants.
Current Events
This Week in the News
We begin with reporting about the ongoing controversies and allegations pertaining to the Catholic Church, following the Pope’s announcement to resign for health reasons; and continue with an article manifesting that church’s desire to bring Jerusalem under its control. We focus on the turmoil in Italy, where “two clowns” won the election, according to Peer Steinbrück, Germany’s former finance minister and the Social Democratic candidate for chancellor in autumn elections; and speak of Germany’s strong advocacy for European unification; show an example of German resistance in Nazi Germany before and during World War II; address the unwillingness of the USA to have any meaningful relationship with Europe; discuss the ongoing and deepening economic misery of the USA; and conclude with several articles about fraudulent mislabeling of meat, poultry and fish products.
This Week in the News
We begin reporting on the recent meteor blast over Russia; tackle the growing problem on drone warfare and the use of drones in general; and address the power struggle in the Catholic Church after the pope’s announcement of his resignation.
We continue reporting on China and its return to the terrible philosophies of Marx and Lenin; speak about the irresponsible conduct of North Korea and the controversial conduct of the Obama Administration regarding Syria; address the EU’s telling ongoing military involvement in other countries, including Mali; and show that European governments are really nervous about the forthcoming election in Italy.
We conclude with an article regarding Islam’s wrong teaching on the consumption of horsemeat.
This Week in the News
We begin with reporting on the Pope’s announcement that he will retire by the end of February; address the ongoing discussion on the controversial and perhaps illegal use of drones and potentially tyrannical and autocratic measures of governments; continue with threats for this earth from outer space; report on a major snow storm hitting the USA and Canada; quote from recent statements comparing the USA with ancient Rome; and speak of further European discoveries of horse meat in “beef” products.
Turning to the Middle East, we address the troubling situation in Egypt and Iraq, as well as America’s planned controversial and potentially ineffective Missile Shield; and conclude with developments in Europe, proving again the leadership role of Germany.
This Week in the News
We begin with quoting controversial statements from President Obama and reporting on the haunting curses of his new Healthcare experiment; address the ongoing controversy regarding drone and cyber wars; continue with America’s foolish endeavor to provide radical Egypt with fighter jets and Egypt’s and Iran’s attempts to unite the Muslim world against Israel; and speak of the brainwashing tactics of Evolution-believing scientists and God-defying secularists.
We report on monumental ecumenical and political developments involving the Catholic Church, Protestant churches and Palestine; report on a dramatic switch of Catholic policy in Germany; continue with a growing trend in Europe to verbally and physically attack “Zionists” and to rid themselves of “unwelcome” Jews, while refusing to identify Hezbollah as a terrorist group; and conclude with articles on a major earthquake and tsunami in the South Pacific; the detestable bribes in major soccer games in Europe, Africa, Asia and South and Central America; and Carnival celebrations in Germany.
This Week in the News
We begin with reporting on the continuing debate regarding Britain’s future in or outside the EU; concentrate on “religion” in its several facets and the danger of “collaboration” between any religion and state in this day and age; pose the question as to whether gun ownership and gun violence are in accordance with either the New or the Old Testament of the Bible; address briefly the issue of violence in sports; speak of appalling and/or frightening developments in and pertaining to Iran and Egypt, as well as Israel; address events in The Netherlands and Germany; and conclude with despicable, but telling comments by Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi.
This Week in the News
We begin with the terrible events in Algeria and the failure of the US foreign policy in that part of the world as well; continue with Egypt’s move towards an Islamist dictatorship—with the tacit approval of the USA; report on the unparalleled frictions between the USA and Israel; and quote articles documenting blasphemous praise for President Obama by the left-liberal press, coupled with incredible lies, while the future of the USA under the President’s second term looks terribly grim and hopeless.
We turn to Germany and continental Europe and its relationship with Great Britain; report again on further developments regarding the sickening discovery that meat products were sold in Ireland, Britain and The Netherlands, which were contaminated with horse and pig meat; and address the dangerously crazy world of scientists and the sect of Scientology.
This Week in the News
We begin with ongoing troublesome developments regarding Obamacare and the American healthcare system, which will, without doubt, contribute to America’s economic downfall; address again the issue of Marijuana and bring you telling reports from some of our readers about the dangers of this addictive drug; continue with further health-concerns regarding mislabeled or contaminated food and controversial actions by the NRA; pose the question as to the real murderers of John F. Kennedy; and point out that our meddling with the Mississippi River might only increase frightening problems and concerns.
Turning to Europe, we report on the ongoing controversy between the EU and Britain, and address the decision of France to go to war with Islamists extremists in Mali, while American attempts to bring peace to that country have failed miserably. Germany was quick to support France, but might get involved in an unpredictable and lengthy endeavor. Most recent events in Algeria might confirm this concern. While Europe’s fight with Islamists will continue, its ongoing “fight” against Jews should not be overlooked.
We conclude with articles on superstition in India and Greece, and a report on the fate of ancient Shiloh, the spiritual capital of the house of Israel.
This Week in the News
We begin with reporting on biblically-relevant developments in Japan and Germany and continue with the ongoing controversy involving the definition and application of anti-Semitism, using as examples the recent controversial decision of the Wiesenthal Center and the discussion regarding circumcision.
Focusing on Israel and Egypt, we report on shifting standards and the rise of a new superstar in the state of Israel, and the outspoken condemnation of Israel’s policy through Egypt’s President Morsi, calling for force against “the Zionists”.
We are reporting on the debt crisis in Europe, which–according to most European politicians–has left the worst behind, while at the same time, mounting problems for the USA seem to be ever-increasing. As example, we present articles on the outbreak of a deadly flu, the terrible consequences of America’s recent drought, and the high unemployment rates and the incredibly weak job market.
We conclude with a lengthy section on the use of marijuana, while clarifying and elaborating in detail on the Church’s position in this regard.
This Week in the News
We are beginning with the embarrassing, confusing and contradictory reporting of the media on the fiscal cliff—first, there was a deal, then there was none, then there might have been one after all… and on and on it went. Finally, a “deal” was agreed to by the Senate and the House, but the problems are far from over. We are presenting just a few excerpts of the convoluted mess and the still looming nightmare, showing America’s inability to govern itself. In any event, it became obvious that regardless of the deal, the Obamacare regulations—highly praised by the left and liberals—are going to prove disastrous for those who need health-care assistance the most.
We are focusing on governmental laws and regulations in the USA which are—in the opinion of some—dangerous and unworthy of America, and continue with a warning that the leadership role of America will be taken away from it, as it was previously taken away from Great Britain.
In other news, we are reporting on Germany’s correct view on the survival of the euro, even though some feel that there is still trouble ahead for the Eurozone; and we conclude with CNN moderator Piers Morgan’s flawed understanding of the Bible and the rise of interreligious marriages among Muslims, Jews and Christians.