This Week in the News

We begin with Oklahoma’s devastating tornado, which released an estimated energy of up to 600 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb. We continue with reports on and related to Pope Francis and alleged events involving his election and an alleged exorcism performed by him; and we report on a new controversial religious coronation ceremony of Britain’s monarch. We speak of Jewish controversies about Old Testament concepts and procedures, including the correct date of Pentecost; and we continue with damaging admissions of scientists about Darwin’s evolution theory.

We speak of Russia’s real goals towards Syria, and in focusing on France and Europe, we speak of President Hollande’s ambitious plan to create a political union within two years and his claim that Europe does not need Britain; and while Germany will not leave the eurozone, we find that France is more than willing to continue military operations around the globe.

We conclude with a troubling and, on the face of it, wrong and wide-ranging decision of an American Appeals Court, denying asylum to German parents, even though they seemed to have been clearly persecuted in Germany.

This Week in the News

We begin with explanations on this year’s correct date of the Holy Day of Pentecost (to be observed on Sunday, May 19, 2013).

We continue reporting on, what some have termed, the “trinity of scandals” –unanswered questions regarding the American response to the 9-11 attack on the Libyan embassy in Benghazi and the murder of four American citizens, including Ambassador Chris Stevens; alleged inappropriate conduct of the IRS in targeting certain nonprofit groups; and the Justice Department’s conduct against The Associated Press. Others include (and we address herein) additional scandals, such as the Obamacare debacle and the corresponding role given to the IRS in the context; or the President’s refusal to close Guantanamo Bay (Der Spiegel Online added on May 15 another scandal—the Obama Administration’s ongoing drone warfare).

Turning to events in the Middle East, we speak about the U.N.’s incredible decision regarding Iran; hypocritical reactions of the Arab world regarding Israel’s bombing of Syrian military facilities; an ensuing rift between Israel and Germany over Security Council membership; German feelings that the West needs to do something in Syria; and the perception that the actions of the EU toward Hezbollah are insufficient.

We speak on this year’s award of the Charlemagne Prize to an outstanding European; and we conclude with two articles about God’s dietary laws, which are, sadly, misunderstood and neglected by many in this day and age.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on events pertaining to the Middle East, especially focusing on Egypt, Israel, Syria and Palestine.

Turning to the UK and Europe, we report on changes in the Commonwealth and more and more voices in the UK to leave the EU. We speak about a new EU note and the desire to revive the Weimar Triangle, and address Hungary’s far right and Berlusconi’s conviction.

We conclude with surprising or disturbing claims and allegations regarding President Obama, the US Air Force and members of the US Congress.

This Week in the News

Israel’s request to Pope Francis for help begins our reporting; we continue with reports about Syria’s denial of its use of chemical weapons and the curse of chemical warfare in general; and we speak on the abortions conducted by Planned Parenthood; the American Jewish support of same-sex marriages; and the scandalous behavior of the Child Protective Services in collaboration with certain hospitals and the police in their endeavor to take away children from conscientious parents.

We speak about Germany’s leadership role in Europe and the perceived need to see the Eurozone develop into a fully-fledged political union; we present a report on Italy’s new government, which is not that “new” after all, and conclude with an announcement of the coronation of the new king of the Netherlands.

This Week in the News

We report on the tendency of many to worship the creation rather than the Creator; to use wrong and dangerous methods and techniques to reach personal success; to embrace false and evil values and practices, calling them “good”; and to become complacent victims of the erosion of their privacy and far too tolerant in accepting torture and illegal governmental conduct as “necessary” procedures.

We continue with reporting on the Boston massacre and the many unanswered and disturbing questions; and in turning to Europe, we show that European unification is inevitable, while the lack of national sovereignty seems to be the price which is expected to be paid in the process. Focusing on Israel, we show that due to the new Israeli-US arms deal, the possibility of an Israeli strike on Iran has now become grim reality; and we speak about the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria.

We report on German warnings directed at the UK; speak on same-sex marriages in France and the rise of killer robots; and we identify the mixed messages received from Pope Francis.

We conclude with reporting about natural disasters on earth and in the universe.

This Week in the News

We begin with the terrifying bombing in Boston along with the heart-breaking news of a terrible deadly explosion in Texas; we report on the seemingly unstoppable Iranian and Korean development of nuclear weapons and Israel’s warnings of a pre-emptive strike to prevent Iran; China’s investments in Europe surge while the U.S. and Germany hold differing economic views; President Obama once again snubs the U.K.; the new pope takes control; and we conclude with reporting about earthquakes–large and small–from diverse parts of the world.

This Week in the News

We begin with paying tribute to Margaret Thatcher (87) who died Monday. She was undoubtedly the greatest British leader since Winston Churchill. She was able to restore Britain to temporary greatness. However, after her resignation as Prime Minister, Britain returned to its path of steady decline, and no leader has risen since then who would have been able to reverse the trend… nor will there be any such leader in the future, prior to Christ’s return.

Mrs. Thatcher seems to have had a discerning view regarding political developments in Europe and Germany’s future role—an insight which is lacking these days in most politicians. Her opposition to German reunification and European totalitarian integration made her unpopular in Europe and especially in Germany, but who is to tell whether she was not given an inkling of a perception as to what the Bible prophesies is going to happen in the not-too-distant future.

Turning to other news, we report on the strong economic relationship between Germany and Russia, which is overshadowed by political disunity; quote excerpts from an insightful article on Iraq, showing that America did not win that war by any stretch of the imagination; warn of another potential war in the Middle East pertaining to Iran and Israel; and conclude with more sickening news regarding pork in elk lasagna.

This Week in the News

We begin with interesting developments in Germany, which could also affect the Church of God in the area; report on the prophesied unification of Europe under German leadership and without Great Britain, with special emphasis on the Cyprus crisis; turn to news in the US which shows the ongoing moral decline in the country; and focus on the Middle East and President Obama’s recent visit in the region, which accomplished nothing, but highlighted once again the incapability and incompetency of the US to bring peace to the Middle East. We conclude with some articles about North Korea.

This Week in the News

Our reports open with remarkable changes occurring in governments such as China, Italy, Israel and in Rome–the inauguration of a new pope. We continue with reporting on President Obama’s first international trip since his re-election, this time to the State of Israel. The dark specter of chemical weapons is now making news in Syria as civil war grows more intractable in that country. We report on the tiny island nation of Cyprus heading into financial ruin and even threatening its role within the European Union, and we conclude with commentary on the abysmal failure of the war in Iraq.

This Week in the News

We begin with the attention of the world watching all of the ceremonial trappings of the Catholic Church’s choice of a new Pope–more, as magicians might say, so much “Hocus Pocus”–clearly, nothing supported by the biblical example! We cite news of yet another huge settlement for sexual abuse and cover-up by the Catholic Church. North Korea’s stream of threats and the admission that the U.S. is in a “cyber war” are reported.

Hungary’s defiant move into authoritarian rule and Austria’s somber remembrance of Nazi atrocities are also reported.

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