This Week in the News

We report on Russia’s decision to grant temporary asylum to whistleblower Edward Snowden, as well as President Obama’s retaliatory response and the resulting deteriorating relationship between Russia and the USA; and we continue reporting on Bradley Manning’s conviction and sentencing and the condemnatory response in Europe. We also speak of Washington’s fear of attacks in Yemen, while granting preferential treatment to same-sex couples.

Turning to Europe, we speak on Silvio Berlusconi’s conviction and the possible consequences for Italy and Europe; Germany’s lucrative arm sales to controversial countries; and Europe’s “fight” with Israel.

We conclude with an article about Japan’s launch of its largest warship since World War II, while commemorating the 68th anniversary of the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This Week in the News

We report on the ongoing und unresolved controversy in the USA and overseas pertaining to the American NSA spying debacle and the Bradley Manning conviction. While the US government is attempting to re-write history or belittle serious scandals as “phony,” further startling events were revealed regarding the “largest offshore oil disaster in US history.”

We continue reporting about the mysterious deaths of dolphins and bees, as well as an unexplained “hum” in America and Britain.

Focusing on Europe and the Middle East, we ask whether Europe is going to rise or fall; and speak on the deteriorating relationship between Europe and Israel; the real goal of the Palestinians; and the ongoing turmoil embroiling Egypt.

We ask whether Angela Merkel’s re-election is in jeopardy; introduce you to Prinz Franz von Bayern, Duke of Bavaria, who, according to some, is entitled to the British throne; and conclude with a series of articles on Pope Francis and the Vatican, and on Archbishop Tutu.

This Week in the News

We begin with reports on the hypocritical conduct of leading German politicians who condemn America’s NSA spying activities, while they themselves were apparently “proactive partners” with an “eagerness and desire” to aid the NSA. We report on Germany’s drone disaster, blaming America for it—at least in part. At the same time, we point out that the NSA activities and the government’s justification of the same might aid and abet dictatorial and freedom-restricting countries to follow America’s lead, while America’s policy of non-intervention in Syria is condemned by the BBC. We also report on Washington’s fight against journalists and the free press, and show the unrealized connection between Obamacare and the country’s spying activities.

In focusing on the Catholic Church, we report about another big scandal of the Vatican bank; the unbiblical, but, historically, very lucrative practice of indulgences and the false belief in the concept of purgatory; and the somewhat declining Catholic membership and the pope’s activities in Brazil.

High-ranking American politicians and influential moderators are still desperately trying to create a connection between the death of Trayvon Martin and racial profiling—in spite of the lack of any shred of evidence—while cases with reversed roles are conveniently ignored. We report on the erroneous thinking of most Americans regarding the evolution theory; politically incorrect crimes in Britain; and the birth of a new British prince.

We report on Japan’s warning to the UK not to leave the EU; ongoing uproar in both Turkey and Bulgaria; Poland’s ban on kosher slaughter and the underlying feelings of anti-Semitism; the deteriorating relationship between the USA and Israel; and the declaration of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church that same-sex marriages are one sign of the end of days or the apocalypse; and we conclude with an article about the occurrence of several major earthquakes in New Zealand and China.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on resurfacing thoughts of building a third temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and address interesting developments within the Catholic Church. We continue with the apparent cluelessness of the American government in respect to Egypt and the Middle East in general, and reveal facts pertaining to the developments in Egypt, which are sometimes overlooked.

We address the shrinking trust of Germans in the truthfulness of the American and British governments, and speak about the often-times unrecognized frightening militarization of the US Police and the appalling increase of criminal prosecutions of innocent US citizens, manifesting the inevitable prophesied fact that America is in the process of destroying itself and its freedoms from within.

We report on an unprecedented and historical naval drill between China and Russia and publish excerpts from an article which uses biblical terms, when speaking of the “beast” of the Euro Zone nations which “bites.”

This Week in the News

We begin with a report on the enlargement of the EU by adding a 28th member state—Catholic Croatia—showing that the EU is not dead, but growing, as prophesied in the Bible.

We continue focusing on tumultuous events in the Middle East—especially Egypt and Syria.

We speak of the deteriorating relationship between America under President Obama and the Europeans—especially the Germans. Triggered by the historical revelation of unparalleled spying activities of the American government on its supposed allies, German and European anti-Americanism is sky-rocketing.  One telling comment by a German politician, which was published in a guest editorial in the New York Times, says it all: “Germans Loved Obama. Now We Don’t Trust Him.”

We report on a major defeat of the Obama Administration regarding the new health care law and the mixed reactions to the outlandish US Supreme Court decisions pertaining to gay marriages, and conclude with news articles on the terrible wild fire in Arizona, the timing of the discovery of Australia’s East Coast, and Belgium’s future king.

This Week in the News

We report on the ongoing worldwide spying scandal, which also involves the UK and Germany. We concentrate on controversial American activities, including the use of drones in U.S. airspace, and report on alleged NSA spying activities directed against (then) Senator Obama and other high-ranking officials, including Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

We continue with a major embarrassment for President Obama, as pertaining to the failed attempt of the US to extradite Edward Snowden from Hong Kong. We also focus on an incredible “mistake” by a White House reporter, referring to Kenya as President Obama’s birthplace; address the conflict between the Catholic Church and some US Catholic Democrats; and speak of the Supreme Court decisions regarding same-sex “marriages”.

We explain why the Afghan war is lost, and why it was an ill-conceived adventure destined to failure from the very beginning. We show why the “Arab Spring” has become a freezing-cold Winter, by focusing on Egypt’s troubled situation, which is preparing for potential civil war under the brutal dictatorship of President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood organization. We also report on Iran’s frightening powers and ask the question whether Europe will do something about it.

This Week in the News

In this issue, we first concentrate on events in the Middle East, especially Syria, Iran and Turkey.

We continue reporting on the ongoing investigation into the US government’s secret spying activities, and the resulting dark cloud being cast over President Obama’s visit in Germany, even though Germany is not without hypocrisy either.

We speak about the activities of the IRS for many years, targeting religious groups; address the growing “gay movement” in the USA and Europe, which now even involves very young children; and conclude with articles on the Colorado wildfire and the invasion of huge birds in California.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the ongoing controversy regarding the US government’s secret spy activities conducted against innocent and unsuspecting American citizens and others, which has Europeans and some left-wing and right-wing US politicians and reporters up in arms, but most US “politicians”—being true to that term—and representatives from both parties try to justify and explain the unjustifiable and unexplainable. 

We continue with an interesting development in Germany. While many young Germans desire the return of the monarchy, they are also in favor of homosexual equality. This apparent paradox is only contradictory at first glance. Interestingly, at the same time, Pope Francis seems to be admitting to a “gay lobby” in the Vatican.

Focusing on other matters dealing with the US government’s ill-conceived actions, we are reporting on the Justice Department’s switch, under liberal court pressure, to allow morning-after pills for girls of any age, and Obamacare and IRS absurdities. We continue with articles on the debacle in Turkey and Israel’s growing isolation, and conclude with a report about an invasion of “crazy ants.”

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the world’s fascination with nuclear weapons and drone warfare; focus on the volatile situation and sectarian strife in Syria, Iran, Iraq and the entire Middle East, while showing Russia’s objectionable and potentially self-destructive policy; and report on what may become Turkey’s “Arab Spring.” We also report on growing tensions between Egypt and Germany.

We continue with an article about a conflict between the new Pope and the Vatican and the ongoing controversy over circumcision in Europe, leading to more and more public statements of anti-Semitic sentiments.

Turning to the USA, we report on the terrible debacle of Obamacare which will hit this country’s economy very hard, beginning with 2014; the growing scandal involving highly controversial conduct of the US Justice Department and the IRS; and the indiscriminate spying activities of the Obama Administration on potentially every American citizen.

While the Eurozone countries, under German and French leadership, are contemplating the creation of a full-time Euro President, Europe is being plagued by ongoing flooding of perhaps unparalleled proportions. One may wonder whether God is beginning to warn Europeans through natural disasters of the terrible times ahead of them, due, in part, to their own making.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on the escalating volatile situation in Syria and Iran’s and China’s cyber-attacks on America. We continue with Germany’s worldwide small arms sales and Europe’s fascination with the homosexual movement, and we speak of Africa’s future.

We report on America’s natural disasters and its preoccupation with the legalization of pot; address the discovery of a new SARS virus which could be a threat for the entire world; and conclude with an article showing that God’s Word does in fact stand forever.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God