This Week in the News

Revelations about America’s worldwide spying activities do not stop, and now, high-ranking governmental officials and President Obama himself are in the limelight of criticism. The German press is already speaking of Obamagate, and the US President’s reputation among world leaders and even the world population as a whole has been severely damaged. The explanations, denials and admissions of the White House and some NSA officials are contradictory and leave little doubt that America is not going to recover from this most recent scandal. The fact that high-ranking US politicians justify America’s spying activities is not helping either.

In other news, we are reporting on the real dangers of “accidental” detonations of America’s nuclear weapons; another earthquake in Japan near the Fukushima nuclear site; Iran’s progressing nuclear weapons program; the attack on religious freedom in the USA; and new deadlines for Obamacare’s individual mandate requirements; as well as Halloween.

This Week in the News

We begin with the horrible monetary effects of the useless US governmental shutdown and the ever-climbing national debt; speak of the disastrous Obamacare Website; the inevitable next war for an unprepared America; the deepening rift between Saudi Arabia and the USA; the hopelessly unrealistic expectations by some that the USA will be able to get out of the current mess; Arnold Schwarzenegger’s attempts to become the next President; the intent by the Obama administration to give Iran billions of dollars; the allegation that the USA might be guilty of war crimes; and examples of frightening incompetency in the US Air Force.

We continue reporting on alarming figures of worldwide slavery; focus on developments in France and Germany—the two most powerful leading nations of continental Europe; speak of the growing anger of European allies towards the USA about its “totally unacceptable” spying activities; and conclude with an article on the dangers of genetically modified salmons.

This Week in the News

We report on hostile national and worldwide reactions to America’s domestic and international politics, including the disastrous Obamacare legislation and “implementation” and the US Middle Eastern position; speak on US politicians’ failing trust in God and Catholic criticism against the pope; address the German army’s new-found self-confidence; and conclude with frightening natural disasters in India, the Philippines and South Dakota.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the biblical role of government and the lack of confidence of most Americans in the US economy; continue with interesting articles on swearing in court; the devil; immoral America and the soon-coming return of Christ; and the Vatican’s wrong position on divorce and remarriage.

We address America’s controversial military intervention in Libya; while speaking of Germany’s current and future role in world affairs—all in startling compliance with biblical end-time prophecies.

Turning to the environment, we report on the dangers of fracking and the ongoing problems with Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.

This Week in the News

News of the week points to the quagmire that is engulfing the United States government. We report on Iranian overtures for more talk while hard lines are being drawn by Israel against Iran’s nuclear programs; France struggles with Sunday laws while Italy’s government faces continuing crisis; Pope Francis’ bold moves challenge Catholic Europe; a Germany court issues a further problematic decision regarding circumcision; and hornets kill people in China.

This Week in the News

We begin with the astounding up and down events regarding Syria–first, with powerful intervention by the Vatican as world leaders sit on their hands; with a completely unexpected “solution” by Vladimir Putin;and then with reports about President Obama’s attempt to save face and perhaps even his presidency. We continue with reports of the growing strength and leadership of the EU; report on NSA spying along with the continuing quest for a Temple in Jerusalem and new reports that the ice cap is growing.

This Week in the News

Our Current Events this week can be very briefly summarized with these words: The indecisive, isolated, rejected, misguided and deceived United States of America is in trouble as NEVER before.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on developments in Syria and the apparent determination of some Western nations to intervene militarily; point out how Germany is being pressured to lead more forcefully in world affairs; describe the many challenges and dangers which Israel is facing from other nations, including Egypt, Syria, Iran and Turkey; speak on the demise of Christians in the Middle East; address precautionary measures of some Christian churches in light of the US Supreme Court’s re-definition of marriage; and conclude with reporting on the devastating fires in California.

This Week in the News

We report on the volatile situation in Egypt and the different positions taken by the USA, Europe and Israel; and the Middle Eastern respect for Europe.

We are focusing on Lebanon as a new battle ground in the Middle East; America’s culpability of creating the Iran of today; and worldwide terror warnings, especially for Jews, in coming weeks.

We are speaking of Germany’s sad European leadership regarding the determination of gender; an appalling law in California and New Jersey banning therapy that tries to change a minor’s sexual orientation; former Marijuana enthusiast Barack’s Obama’s fight against medical weed; the incredible scope of NSA’s spying activities and the controversial sentencing of Bradley Manning.

We continue reporting on Britain’s latest scandal dealing with the government’s actions towards the Guardian newspaper and the detention of David Miranda at the Heathrow airport under the disguise of a law against terrorism; and address former Pope Benedict’s explanations as to why he resigned.

We conclude with reports on radioactive water leaks at Japan’s nuclear plant in Fukushima; flooding in certain parts of the world; and the mysterious deaths of numerous dolphins from New York to Virginia.

This Week in the News

We report on the ongoing deteriorating relationship between Israel and its Western allies, especially the USA and Europe, and the danger of Israel’s total isolation. We also report on Glenn Beck’s stunning recognition that the American people are in fact part of the lost tribes of the house of Israel.

We report on developments in Egypt and America’s failed diplomacy; and developments in Iran and America’s icy relationship with Russia. We then focus once again on the ongoing NSA spying scandal and its fallout in Germany, which might even jeopardize Angela Merkel’s re-election in September—even though her challenger does not seem to be a valid alternative for many Germans. In any event, trust of the American and German people in their governments is reaching a low level, which is unparalleled in recent history.

We address the century-long and recently rejuvenated dispute between Britain and Spain over Gibraltar—one of the “doors” promised to the modern nations of the house of Israel and especially the modern descendants of Joseph—Ephraim and Manasseh. Another hotly debated issue are the British-controlled Falkland Islands, which Argentina claims to be theirs.

We report that Europe’s recession seems to be over; and we address intriguing and troubling subjects such as “near-death experiences”; California’s decision regarding transgender children; a decision of a Texas court regarding cloned horses; and worsening fires in the USA.

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