Current Events

We begin with reporting on the “Panama Papers”—the “biggest financial data leak in history” of over 11 million files, revealing the dubious and potentially criminal activities of literally hundreds upon hundreds of mega-rich and powerful people and institutions around the world.

We comment on a mind-boggling crazy law in Germany; the Dutch vote against a deal between the EU and Ukraine; the prognosis of most economists that a Brexit would prove disastrous for Britain’s economy; and Donald Trump’s stern (and mostly rejected) warning that the USA is heading towards a “very massive recession.”

We continue with Hillary Clinton’s statement that an unborn child or person does not have constitutional rights, leading to criticism from pro-choice groups claiming that an aborted fetus is neither a child nor a person. 

We focus on the pain and suffering of migrants who are being deported from Greece to Turkey, facing a very uncertain future; and publish an article by the New York Times speculating whether Russia was steering migrants toward Europe. Additional articles discuss Russia’s nuclear ambitions and the bad relationship between Russia and Germany.

We also quote David Cameron’s warning that “Isil terrorists are planning to use drones to spray nuclear material over Western cities in a horrific ‘dirty bomb’ attack.” We refer to an article by Reuters, wondering whether Europe will reintroduce requirements for visiting Americans and Canadians to obtain a visa.

We conclude with articles on transgender Jews and a sickening transgender “dragon lady”; the sad reputation of Palm Springs; Muslim “sensitivities” in Switzerland; and a rather foolish “finding” by scientists concluding that “chimpanzees may believe in God.”Please view our new StandingWatch program, Do Chimpanzees Believe in God?”  which addresses this ridiculous concept.

Current Events

We begin with a report about secret meetings of the G-20 with the goal to “knock out the US dollar.” Business Insider calls this new effort “the most important financial development of 2016, with enormous implications,” and “a major turning point in the international monetary system.” We also report on mass demonstrations in Germany against German troops in foreign countries and American nuclear weapons on German soil. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, Will Europe Face a Nuclear Attack?”

Turning to the Middle East, we speak on the King of Jordan’s and Israel’s warning against Turkey as well as a bill in Israel to grant more Sabbath protection; American “allies” which turn against each other in Syria; and Iran’s continuing development of ballistic missiles. We also report on Cuba’s rejection of American influence.

We speak on embarrassing problems with artificial intelligence and another shameful victory of the vaccination lobby, and the ongoing battle between the FBI and Apple. In this regard, please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?”   

We continue to focus on the presidential election campaigns in the USA, including an article claiming that “Heidi Cruz is to be feared the most after Hillary Clinton”; several articles explaining the controversial world views of Donald Trump [in this regard, please view our new special StandingWatch program, Why ALL Candidates are WRONG on Abortion!”]; Glenn Beck’s bizarre claim that “no real Christian” would vote for Donald Trump and that a presidency under Ted Cruz would be the “fulfillment of prophecy”; allegations apparently “steaming” from the Rubio camp (as “reported” by the National Enquirer) that Ted Cruz has been having numerous extramarital affairs (these allegations, whether true or not, might very well contribute to his downfall); and the strongly worded opinion of Dr. Ben Carson that Christianity and the very concept of the God of the Bible are under worldwide attack, including in the United States.

We conclude with the suspension of a Professor at an American Catholic University for objecting to their prohibition of debating same-sex marriages, and with a court decision in Germany, punishing a landlord for not renting his place to a gay couple.

Current Events

We begin with a Russian warning hinting at a coming nuclear war in Europe (which, sadly, will indeed occur in the future), speak on Russia’s desire to complete the building of an historic bridge between Crimea and Russia (which has been a long-time dream and ambition of Russian leaders); and point out that in accordance with some strategists, the employ of more than 450,000 Western soldiers would be needed to prevent a chaos in the Middle East (The Bible predicts that a huge European military intervention will occur soon.)

We continue with disturbing accounts on Israel’s involvement in toppling Egypt’s president Morsi and President Obama’s controversial accusations that the current Libyan crisis was caused by European leaders, especially David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy.

We report on the troublesome popularity of Germany’s right-wing anti-migrant party AfD (Alternative for Germany), and of Geert Wilders, the Dutch leader of the right-wing anti-immigration Freedom Party.

We quote the most recent unintelligible comments by Pope Francis pertaining to the European migrant crises, and we discuss extensively the deal reached between the EU and Turkey, which many observers feel is not only immoral, but also patently illegal.

A British research organization (“Economist Intelligence Unit”) found that Donald Trump, if he became president, would be a global danger to the economy and security. Others disagree, especially in light of the most recent terrorist attack in Belgium, for which the barbarous murderers of ISIS claimed responsibility. Quite a few articles are published in this edition on this controversial man, as well as President Obama’s failure in dealing with ISIS. You might also view our most recent StandingWatch program on this issue, titled, “Why the West Is to Be Blamed for ISIS Terror Attacks.”  

We also publish articles on Hillary Clinton’s problems. We continue with articles on President Obama’s visit in Cuba; China’s financial troubles; the controversial Easter dating; transgender ideology (which has been labeled as mental disorders); religious change in the USA; and the long history of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

We conclude with an article about the Neanderthals, proving again their truly modern human origin.

Current Events

We begin with staged and organized anti-Trump “demonstrations” by the (radical) left and gullible students at the Trump rally in Chicago and at other places, while commenting on the dishonest reporting of the mass media and the pitiful attempts of Donald Trump’s competitors to get a political advantage, showing again the deeply corrupt and despicable methods of politics at its lowest level. The irony is that all of these events might help, rather than hurt Trump. It is becoming more and more certain that Trump will win the popular vote as the Republican nominee. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “How NOT to Stop Trump!” We also report on China’s and Japan’s views on America. 

We continue with surprising and disturbing facts on Ted Cruz and the stunning success of Germany’s anti-migrant party AfD, while Angela Merkel suffered a devastating defeat.

We report on the continuing rift between the USA and Israel and point at an article by the Telegraph about the undesired effects of the terrible deal between President Obama and Iran. We speak on the horrible fruits of war in Syria; Putin’s surprising announcement to withdraw troops from Syria; and the curse of nuclear power plants, by pointing at the failed attempts by the Japanese to come to grips with the highly radioactive fuel at the damaged Fukushima’s nuclear reactors.

We conclude with interesting articles about the Catholic Church and the origin of the name “America.”

Current Events

We begin with quoting from some revealing articles about the European perception of the American status quo… and its foreseeable future. We also report on the fights within the Republican Party (GOP) and the desperate attempt by the GOP establishment to stop Donald Trump… being willing to use whatever means they deem to be necessary. However, this has already seriously backfired on the GOP establishment.

We speak on Hillary Clinton’s legal troubles and continue with more controversial comments by Pope Francis and the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe which has led to decreasing support for Angela Merkel and the German political establishment and an increase of popularity for the German AdF, a right-wing populist anti-migrant party.

We report on the EU’s shaky deal with Turkey and dictatorial measures by Turkey under its autocratic ruler. We speak on deeply troublesome measures of the FBI; report on Nancy Reagan’s death; vaccination requirements in Jewish camps; Israel’s first transgender beauty pageant; and a new Israel study claiming that “forty-eight percent of Jewish-Israelis agreed or strongly agreed with the statement ‘Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel.’”

We discuss the retraction of a scientific paper daring to speak of a “Creator,” showing again the attempts of the scientific community to brain-wash gullible people; and we conclude with a revealing article about fraud committed by the vast majority of “street beggars.”

Current Events

We begin with reports about the UK and the ongoing battle pertaining to a Brexit, which becomes a similar mud-slinging contest as the presidential campaign in the USA.

We speak about the election in Iran—which is just tantamount to a change of labels for the same product—and point out a looming catastrophe for Iraq and surrounding areas.

We continue with the migrant crisis in Germany and Europe, which is bound to become worse—with Finland, Hungary, Greece and France facing tough choices. One newspaper coined the phrase, “the Great Wall of Europe.”

Pope Francis is again in hot water with his controversial praise for an Italian politician who was responsible for 10,000 abortions. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, “False Christianity and Blasphemous Abominations in our Societies.”

Turning to the USA, we speak on disgusting political maneuvering in Colorado regarding unvaccinated students; report on the sad state of world affairs “while Obama fiddles”; and continue with several articles on Donald Trump, including his desire to make legal changes pertaining to libel and tax exemption of churches; a compelling scientific study prognosticating with 97 percent certainty that he will be the next American President; an article showing some interesting differences between Trump and Hitler; and a “brand-new” report by the New York Times from February 28, expressing Europe’s reaction of SHOCK to a Trump presidency—something which we already pointed out some time back in our StandingWatch program from February 10, titled “Trump SHOCKS Europe.”  In addition, we addressed Donald Trump’s surprising victories in our StandingWatch program of August 13, 2015, titled “The Trump Phenomenon—How to Explain It.”   

We conclude with articles pertaining to Apple’s Fight with the FBI and the danger of smartphones.

Current Events

We begin with reporting on a “battle” between Pope Francis and Donald Trump, while emphasizing astonishing facts pertaining to the Catholic Church as well as Donald Trump. We are also reporting on the curious and undemocratic institution of American superdelegates.

We continue with articles about Apple’s fight with the FBI; the fragile Syria deal; Turkey’s relationship with Israel; and the fear that Russia might continue its aggressions against countries outside the former Soviet empire.

We also focus on the extremely controversial “deal” between Mr. Cameron and the EU, which was “reached” in Brussels on February 19, and the question as to whether or not the British people will vote for a Brexit in the referendum on June 23, 2016.

We conclude with an article about “fireballs from heaven.”

Current Events

We begin with reports on the national and international downfall of Angela Merkel, once called the “Queen of Europe” and “Europe’s Iron Lady,” and the questions regarding a possible successor who might come “out of nowhere,” as Merkel once did; speak on the blatantly obvious lack of European trust and confidence in the USA; and address the ongoing debate regarding a possible Brexit.

Turning to a critical legal battle between Apple and the FBI [please view our new StandingWatch program on the issue, titled, “Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?”and the heated and brutal run for the American Presidency, we report on the fight between the Republican “establishment” and “outsiders”; speak on the less than fair methods by the GOP to support “their” candidates against the will of the people; point out a new fight between Pope Francis and Donald Trump; and address the sudden and unexpected death of conservative U.S. Supreme Court Judge and Ronald Reagan appointee, Antonin Scalia.

We conclude with reporting on an agreement between Russia and Iran, violating a UN ban, Muslim opposition to Valentine ’s Day (even though they are right in objecting to it, they are wrong in their motives), and a revealing article of a medical doctor, showing the UNDENIABLE health risks of vaccinations in babies and young children.  

Current Events

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders won big in New Hampshire’s primary Tuesday. The Weekly Standard wrote on February 10: “Donald Trump got everything he wanted… and a whole lot more. He’s not only a stronger frontrunner in the Republican race than ever; he’s now in the driver’s seat on the road to the presidential nomination.”

What does all of this mean? Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “Trump Shocks Europe.” See also our announcement and the summary of the program in our “Preaching the Gospel” section in this Update.

In this issue of the Current Events, we begin focusing on interesting developments within and pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church, including a planned historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill I, the highly controversial leader of the Russian Orthodox Church; a potential Vatican cover-up; extremely dangerous beliefs within the Catholic Church; and the positon of the German Catholic Church on refugees.

We continue presenting information about events in Europe which may hint at the fortification of Europe and the creation of a European army as well as a closer economic relationship with Iran (also showing Iran’s confidence in the euro). At the same time, the relationship between the EU and Britain continues to deteriorate.

While the USA seems to lose more and more on the domestic and international economic front, interesting thoughts are raised as to what Donald Trump might do regarding the national debt, if he became president.

We also turn our attention to the ongoing hotly debated issue of illegal aliens in the USA and Europe; address North Korea’s latest provocation; speak on gender identity and most ridiculous ideas and experiments of scientists; and report on a remarkable decision in Hawaii pertaining to vaccinations.

We conclude with an interesting article on the Kidron Valley, which has immense prophetic significance for the future.

Current Events

We begin with troublesome events in the USA, pertaining to attempts to compel men AND women to register for the draft. We also speak about the stunning election results in Iowa.

We are focusing on developments pertaining to Donald Trump and speak on Hillary Clinton’s growing email scandal which should normally result in an indictment and her resignation from the democratic race for the presidency (although most commentators do not expect this to happen); and we report on President Obama’s “complicated” relationship with Muslims (also in light of the fact that almost 30 percent of Americans believe that he is a Muslim).

We continue with revealing articles about the growth of European armies and the “comeback” of an interesting German politician. We continue with Angela Merkel’s attempts to placate Germans, while Germany’s third-strongest party causes uproar and a storm of criticism.

We report on America’s and Britain’s apparent 18-year-long spying activities on their “friend” Israel and on the fragile relationship between the EU and Britain, as well as on more violence in Israel.

We conclude with an article on America’s, Russia’s and China’s moon landings and on striking color photos of the moon landing by the Chinese, which should convince every honest and unprejudiced observer that the moon landings were real and not hoaxes.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God