Current Events

We begin with the stunning state election victory of Germany’s anti-immigration party Afand Angela Merkel’s disastrous debacle; and we cite articles about possible consequences for Chancellor Merkel, Germany’s political landscape and even the established main parties in Europe. We also show that minorities, including the Jewish community, are deeply concerned about AfD’s victory. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled“Election Debacle for Angela Merkel…What’s Next?”

We speak on Turkey’s ongoing dictatorial methods; and we report on troubling developments in and pertaining to the UK.

We continue with the insignificant and irrelevant role which President Obama is playing on the world stage, as could be seen in events occurring and comments made at the G20 summit in China. We speak on stunning “ransom” money payments by the USA to Iran; and report on the national anthem protests by a black and another gay American athlete.

We speak on an ill-advised recommendation by Ben Carson to Donald Trump regarding the controversial “birther” debate pertaining to Barack Obama; and we conclude with an article about the dates and moderators for the upcoming US Presidential debates and the historical roles which these kinds of debates have played in the past; as well as a controversial huge pipeline project.

Current Events

We begin with a series of articles about the possibility of ten horrifying future wars; (please view our new StandingWatch program, “Fear of Nuclear War”); the horrible brain-washing of a child by a murderous ISIS fanatical mother; the push for a European army; and the incredibly illogical policy of allowing weapons to fall into the hands of terrorists.

We continue reporting on failed trade negotiations between Europe and America; Donald Trump’s proposed immigration policy; and Hillary Clinton’s unusual and highly suspicious “precautions” of “super-deleting” thousands of e-mails.

We speak on Turkey’s new $3 billion bridge and its very divisive name; and report on several countries’ “fight” with Muslim asylum seekers and the rejection of burqas, including Australia, Sweden, Austria, Germany, France and The Netherlands.

We conclude with several examples of unconscionable court decisions in the USA and Germany, pertaining to the nonsense of transgender bathrooms; blatant violations of the rights of parents and ministers; an attack on the separation between church and state; incredible restrictions for teachers; and ridiculous mandatory vaccinations for school children.

Current Events

We begin with reports on Germany and Europe, including Germany’s consideration of reinstating the draft and other panic-driven directives “in case of an attack or catastrophe,” (please view our new StandingWatch program, “Germany in Panic Mood,”) as well as its interesting history—and note the startling spy network Turkey has in Germany! The article on Germany’s many capitals shows the influential and leading role Germany has had throughout the existence of the Holy Roman Empire.

We report on a massive earthquake in Italy and quote an article regarding Americans’ increasing lack of faith in God. We continue quoting from the Washington Post, pointing out why the “ransom money” deal between America and Iran really looks quite bad for the Obama Administration. (Please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Obama’s Flat Earth,”) In addition, there may be legal and political trouble for Hillary Clinton because of her email violations. Not to be outdone, Donald Trump aligned himself with Mr Farage of the UK Independence Party—a move Europe will not welcome.

We cite excerpts from a lengthy article by the New York Times, which received much attention in Germany (the German mass tabloid Bild Online discussed the information contained in the article in great detail and linked to the article), summarizing the Russian government’s long-held policy of engaging in political murders of opponents and critics.

We conclude with articles on the new unconstitutional “vaccination madness” (focusing on California and Colorado), which is holding this country hostage; present a new study showing that people are not born gay or transgender; note that syphilis cases are increasing; and highlight man’s fascination with “alien life.”

Current Events

We begin with events pertaining to Israel and the preparation for the building of a third temple; and we continue with developments regarding the US primary election campaigns, with special emphasis on Mr. Trump’s proposals on immigration and NATO, as well as Mrs. Clinton’s health issues.

We continue with America’s abrogation of power regarding the Internet; the left-liberal Washington Post’s strong condemnation of President Obama’s “politics” in Syria; vocal opposition to a “hypocritical” and “mad” Drug Enforcement Administration’s determination on medical marijuana and a ruling of the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals disagreeing with the Justice Department on the matter; and further devastating consequences of President Obama’s ill-advised health care adventure (“Obamacare”), which was destined to failure from the outset.

Turning to Europe, we speak on ISIS sleeper cells in Germany and the government’s attempt to combat terrorism with restrictive and controversial measures; while demands for European military collaboration are getting louder. (Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “The Storm in Europe Has Just Begun!”). We also speak on the concept that free movement of EU workers to Britain might end soon.

We focus on the tragic murder of heroic Swedish diplomate Raoul Wallenberg by the Russians; speak on concerns that war may break out between Russia and Ukraine; explain why Jordan is different; point out the alarming spread of the Zika virus in Puerto Rico; report on Louisiana’s historic and unprecedented floods and California’s State of emergency due to wildfires; and conclude with mysterious UFO “sightings” in Europe.

Current Events

We begin with an array of reports centering on strategic actions on the part of nations in Asia—especially, China, and its concerned neighbors; we bring yet another example of Donald Trump’s unbridled public rhetoric causing even German leadership to voice strong concerns about a possible President Trump.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policies draw condemnation as Turkey positions itself more and more outside the EU and into the arms of Putin’s Russia; and England worries that it doesn’t have enough jails for pedophiles!

Current Events

We begin with foreboding steps toward a militarized Europe as both France and Germany implement a growing military role within their countries and even London is forced to respond by arming some of their police. Japan seizes headlines with appointment of a new defense chief with far-right sympathies, and Angela Merkel’s immigration policy threatens her premiership in Germany.

We report about the turmoil surrounding candidates Trump and Clinton; highlight Turkey’s contentious actions following the attempted coup; conclude with reports of more acceptance for gay lifestyle in the U.S. (In this context and to understand why the Bible condemns such actions, please see our recent sermon by Norbert Link: Why Will God Punish America?)

Current Events

We begin with reports about ongoing violent attacks in Germany which will lead to a set-back of Angela Merkel’s briefly regained popularity. Unprecedented violence around the world reflects Satan’s great wrath. More and more terrible murderous attacks against innocent victims are being perpetrated by crazy, mentally demented, demon-possessed and radicalized attackers. On Monday, a knifeman hacked at least 19 people to death in Tokyo in the grounds of the Tsukui Yamayuri Garden to “get rid of disabled people.” On Tuesday, a terror attack on a Catholic priest, nuns and parishioners occurred in France. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Can Worldwide Terror Be Stopped?”

We continue with extremely controversial statements by Donald Trump, apparently contemplating the possibility of a potential ban on German and French tourists visiting the USA; and speak on another email scandal, leading to the resignation of the head of the Democratic Party; outrage among Bernie Sanders’ supporters; and turmoil at the Democratic Convention.

We continue with the ongoing brutality of Turkey’s crackdown on any opposition; and we conclude with further development in Europe in respect to the Brexit and the increased interest of Chinese buyers in UK’s residential property after the Brexit.

Current Events

We begin with the failed military coup in Turkey; its terrible consequences for the country under the dictatorship of President Erdogan; and the potential rift between Turkey and the USA. You might want to view our new StandingWatch program on this topic, titled, “Turkey in Chaos… What’s Next?”

We report on drastic measures in France, following another terrorist attack in Nice, France; a terror attack on passengers in a train in Germany; governmental pressure to punish ill-defined “hate speech” in Germany; and we address the potential of a space war with nuclear weapons.

We address Britain’s “nuclear deterrent program”; and a strongly worded article by Piers Morgan about the “Black Live Matters” movement.

We continue with UNESCO’s and European antagonism against Israel.

Turning to the USA, we speak on Newt Gingrich’s “proposal” as to how to deal with Muslims who believe in Sharia law; Donald Trump’s surprising and controversial pick of Governor Mike Pence as his running mate; as well as interesting developments at the Republican Convention, including alleged “plagiarism” by Mrs. Trump. During the convention, Donald Trump was officially nominated as the GOP’s Presidential Candidate.

We conclude with some shameful statistics from Germany, pertaining to pre- and extra-marital sexual conduct; and an article on the reconstruction of Noah’s Ark.

This Week in the News

Breaking News:

According to some news reports, Donald Trump allegedly decided to choose controversial Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate. However, in an interview with Fox News on July 14, Trump stated that he had NOT made a “final final” decision. Conservatives have criticized Pence for “flip-flopping on gay marriage and being soft on immigration,” according to Trump supporter Ann Coulter. Pence had also strongly disagreed with Trump on his plan to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the USA.

Trump had planned to announce his decision Friday morning, but tweeted: “In light of the horrible attack in Nice, France, I have postponed tomorrow’s news conference concerning my Vice Presidential announcement.” 

The Daily Mail reported on July 14 about the attack in France: “At least [77] people are dead and more than 150 injured after they were mown down by a truck in a suspected terror attack during the Bastille Day celebrations in the French city of Nice. Eyewitnesses say there was an exchange of gunfire in the aftermath of the incident… ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, according to unconfirmed reports in the French media. The gunman jumped out of the truck after ploughing through the pedestrians and began opening fire, witnesses said. Officials said the driver was shot dead near the scene.”

In this issue, we begin with the insane murders of police officers in Dallas; the “Black Lives Matter” movement and the regrettable comments by politicians; and we focus again on the Hillary Clinton email scandal, as more information has come to light. We also report on Donald Trump’s perceived isolation in the world, if he was to become President.

We continue with rapid developments in Britain, including David Cameron’s resignation and Theresa May’s inauguration as the new Prime Minister; focus on the British pound’s decrease in value; and speak on the desire of Europeans to create a core Europe and on European anger with the UK.  

We point out Mr. Hollande’s naïve stance on Russia; Vladimir Putin’s scandalous persecution of religious minorities in Russia; and Poland’s accusations against Ukraine. In this regard, you might want to view our new StandingWatch program, Russia’s Persecution of Minority Christians.” We predict that Vladimir Putin’s die-hard supporters won’t like the program and its German version, “Empörende Christenverfolgung in Russland.” 

We also focus on the resignation of Austria’s chancellor; Germany’s frightening anti-Semitism; and Iran’s ongoing goal to annihilate Israel.

We conclude with interesting findings of a sizable Philistine cemetery; and the phenomenon of the formations of unions and power blocs around the world.

Current Events

We begin with interesting developments in Austria where the presidential election must be repeated, due to irregularities and electoral fraud. New elections are anticipated in September or October. It will be interesting to see whether this time Norbert Hofer from the anti-immigration Freedom Party will secure victory, after he lost in May to Green-backed candidate Alexander Van der Bellen by a mere 0.6 percent of the vote. The new vote for the Austrian Presidency will only be held between Van der Bellen and Hofer.

We continue with Hillary Clinton’s email-scandal. (In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, “FBI’s Recommendation in Clinton Scandal Suggests Corrupt and Rigged System.”) We start with reporting on a clandestine meeting between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, while criminal investigations against Hillary Clinton (and by extension, Bill Clinton) were still pending, and the subsequent controversial declarations of Mrs. Lynch, followed by the stunning and incomprehensible announcement by the FBI that in spite of Hillary Clinton’s proven reckless conduct, potentially placing in jeopardy the security of this country, they still do not recommend criminal charges against her. Donald Trump was quick in pointing out quite correctly how rigged our corrupt political system is. House Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted this: “While I respect the professionals at the FBI, this announcement defies explanation. No one should be above the law.”  

As Newsmax reported on July 5, “Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani Tuesday blasted FBI Director [and Obama appointee] James Comey… saying ‘this is the special exemption for the Clintons.’ ‘It would be unreasonable for a prosecutor not to go forward with it and almost an abdication of duty,’ Giuliani [said], who was in office during the 9/11 attacks… ‘What was just laid out is what we would call a no-brainer in the attorney’s office that Jim Comey worked at, he was one of my assistants… The minute you say someone is extremely careless, you are saying they’re grossly negligent,’ he told Fox. ‘What do we mean by gross negligence? We mean extremely careless.’”

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, stated in an interview with Breitbart News: “‘We are in a crisis,’ and Hillary Clinton is a ‘criminal involved in a criminal enterprise’.”

As CNN reported on July 5, even some of Bernie Sanders most die-hard supporters were also extremely upset about the FBI’s recommendations not to indict Hillary Clinton.

One does not have to believe in conspiracy theories to see the incredible development in this case:

First, a private meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch; followed by Mrs. Lynch’s refusal to recuse herself and saying instead that she will abide by the recommendations of the FBI; followed by Hillary Clinton’s lengthy 3 ½ hour interview with eight federal agents on Saturday, being accompanied by at least four attorneys; followed by President Obama’s announcement that he would fly together with Hillary Clinton on Airforce One in order to campaign for her in North Carolina; followed by the publicly announced recommendation by the FBI on Tuesday not to indict Hillary Clinton, while Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were on the plane. And we are to believe that before the FBI’s announcement on Tuesday, nobody “knew” what would be recommended by the FBI? As the New York Post wrote: “The fix was in.” Subsequently, as was to be expected, the Attorney General made it official on Wednesday that the email investigation against Hillary Clinton was closed, and that no charges will be filed against her.

We also report on Donald Trump’s possible running mates and a sharp attack by French President François Hollande against Mr. Trump, while Europe is preparing for its own military empire.

We continue with the concept of “Brexecution”; the European position that Brexit cannot be cancelled; and the growing concept for a Nordic power bloc in competition to the EU.

We speak on ISIS terrorism in Bangladesh and Iraq; and we conclude with transgender mania in the USA and revelations from former Pope Benedict pertaining to the reasons for his resignation.

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