Current Events

We begin with ongoing developments regarding President Trump’s travel ban for seven predominantly Muslim countries and the decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals refusing to lift the stay on the Executive Order; speak on more controversies surrounding President Trump and his administration, including disconcerting reports on Stephen Bannon (please view our new StandingWatch program, Meet the Real Stephen Bannon”); Mr. Trump’s defense of Vladimir Putin and his bogus claim regarding “underreported” terrorist attacks; and the move to bar President Trump from addressing the British Parliament.

We report on Germany’s and Europe’s distrust of Mr. Trump; as well as ideas to unite Europe as a nuclear super power and to establish a Europe with two speeds. We also speak on the mass massacres perpetrated by the Syrian government and the botched raid on Yemen.

We close with frustrating reports on Obamacare and scientific exaggerations regarding global warming, as well as some remarkable words by Pope Francis.

Current Events

America is in turmoil, and the world hates it more and more. In less than two weeks, President Donald Trump, due to controversial executive orders, has managed to turn the world upside down, defiantly seeing to it that America’s already bad reputation in the world has reached an unparalleled low point.

The following information is discussed in our new StandingWatch program, The World Condemns Trump—Why?”  and also in our German AufPostenStehen program, Die Welt Verurteilt Trump—Warum?

Mr. Trump’s executive order blocks for 120 days all refugees from entering the country, with an indefinite ban on those from Syria, and prevents for 90 days entry into the United States by citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Confusion abounded as to whether the ban includes green card holders. First, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security stated that it does, according to Reuters. This was confirmed by the fact that persons with green cards were detained at American airports. Subsequently, courts in New York, Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington ruled that detentions of persons with visas or green cards were unconstitutional, and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly affirmed Sunday night that the ban would not apply to permanent residents. He said that: “In applying the provisions of the president’s executive order, I hereby deem the entry of lawful permanent residents to be in the national interest.”

This declaration came after Washington stated the exact opposite earlier on Saturday, according to Bild, dated January 30. But even after Kelly’s “clarification,” it was apparently stated (according to Bild) that even green card holders needed to undergo a personal interview at the American consulate, before permission could be granted to travel into the USA. Then, on Wednesday, it was stated by the White House that legal permanent residents, or green card holders, “no longer need a waiver because if they are a legal permanent resident they won’t need it anymore.” Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, on Sunday contradicted himself in stating whether the ban applied to permanent residents. He first told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that “as far as green card holders moving forward, it doesn’t affect them.” But minutes later, he said, “Of course it does.”

The Times of Israel reported on January 29 that “The administration walked back the initial inclusion of green card holders in the travel ban, as the United States was hit Sunday by a second day of protests denouncing Donald Trump’s policy of banning travelers from seven Muslim countries. Meanwhile, the president stood unrepentant in the face of judicial stays and global outrage.”

This reversal and backpedaling over the initial inclusion of green card holders must be viewed as an embarrassing defeat of parts of Mr. Trump’s confusing executive order.

It also emerged that the travel ban applied initially to those persons who have dual citizenship. This fact sparked further worldwide outrage. AFP reported on January 29 about the situation in Britain:

“Foreign Minister Boris Johnson said it was ‘divisive and wrong to stigmatise because of nationality’… But later on Sunday Johnson won an exemption for British citizens and dual nationals after he discussed the matter with Washington.

“The foreign ministry subsequently announced the order would only apply to individuals travelling directly to the US from one of the seven listed countries — Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and Sudan. ‘If you are travelling to the US from anywhere other than one of those countries (for instance, the UK) the executive order does not apply to you and you will experience no extra checks regardless of your nationality or your place of birth,’ the foreign ministry said in a statement. ‘If you are a UK national who happens to be travelling from one of those countries to the US, then the order does not apply to you — even if you were born in one of those countries.’

“The foreign ministry added that dual nationals might have extra checks if they are coming from one of the seven named countries, ‘for example a UK-Libya dual national coming from Libya to the US’.”

As this is worded, it should also include waivers for persons in Germany and France, who have dual citizenship—another stated concern in those countries which caused additional outrage and condemnation of Mr. Trump’s new policy. Die Welt reported on January 31 that Germans with dual citizenship are indeed exempted from the ban, but uncertainties remain, as our articles point out. In addition, the statement from Die Welt came one day after a statement from Bild, dated January 30, setting forth the opposite. Both Die Welt and Bild quoted statements from the Trump Administration for their respective reports. This confusion, reversal and backpedaling over the inclusion and ban of persons with dual citizenship must be viewed as another embarrassing defeat of parts of Mr. Trump’s confusing executive order.

Many employers and attorneys advised or instructed their clients or employees with passports from any of the affected countries NOT to leave the USA, even though they may have valid visas, as it is unclear as to whether the practical application of the executive order includes or excludes travelers with temporary visas. In addition, in light of the incredible chaos and confusion caused by Mr. Trump’s executive order, it might be too premature to fully rely on Washington’s current stated position regarding green-card holders and persons with dual citizenship.

The order also includes biometric tracking for all travelers when they arrive and leave the United States. This could see all tourists being finger printed not only when they arrive in the USA, but also on departure.

To clarify, the order suspends immediately the Visa Interview Waiver Program, not the Visa Waiver Program. Quartz wrote on January 27: “The Visa Interview Waiver Program allows travelers to renew travel authorizations without an in-person interview. The action is not expected to have any effect on the widely popular Visa Waiver Program, familiar to many by its front-line system, ESTA. That program allows nationals of 38 countries—including much of Europe—to enter the US without securing a visa at a consulate first.”

But Die Welt Online explained on January 31 that the Visa Waiver Program does not apply to Germans (and arguably to other nationals) who have dual citizenship. They must instead apply in person for a visa.

Many Americans are angry, in uproar and stunned by these new developments. Even though Mr. Trump said very clearly on his campaign trail what he intended to do, many did not take him seriously; thinking that he could not possibly resurrect measures reminiscent of the darkest days in the 20th century. Others cheered and voted for him, not realizing the real consequences of his proposed actions. Then, there were and are many who approve of his conduct. So, we can add another reason for God’s anger against those in the USA with arrogant, unmerciful and ungodly hearts.

It is also widely felt that the order is in compliance with Mr. Trump’s earlier promise during his campaign to ban Muslims from entering the US. President Trump now slammed the media for “dishonestly reporting” that his order constituted a Muslim ban, even though his order bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for the next 90 days, while potentially excluding persons of a minority religion (i.e. Christian). In addition, after repeatedly using the word “ban” in describing the order, the Trump Administration subsequently denied that it is a ban, and blamed the media for using this word.

The following sets forth the worldwide confusion and condemnation which Mr. Trump has caused by his executive order. We will also quote articles about the initial ban of green-card holders and persons with dual citizenship, just to show the incredible confusion of the Trump Administration and the worldwide anger against Mr. Trump, even though he later backpedaled on those categories of people, at least to an extent, as the picture is still somewhat confusing. At the same time, the outrage remains pertaining to the remainder of his order which is viewed by many as unconstitutional for numerous reasons, allegedly including the overstepping of his authority and his applying a religious test; and many lawsuits in this regard are expected to be filed.

We can be very thankful that in the world tomorrow, when Jesus Christ rules this earth, such confusing, unjust, contradictory and unmerciful policies will NEVER be enacted.

Current Events

We report on President Donald Trump’s inauguration and his subsequent actions; continue with special emphasis on the world’s fear of global nuclear war with a frightening report of an alleged “disastrous failure in a nuclear missile test” by the UK; and the determined desire of Europe to create a powerful army, while perceiving President Donald J. Trump as the EU’s enemy, and vice versa. In this context, we point out the historically “unprecedented deterioration in post-war relations between the US and Europe, above all between the US and Germany.”  

In addition, we report on numerous highly controversial anticipated or signed executive orders by President Trump, including on immigration and the border wall with Mexico, the Keystone Pipeline and TTP, as well as potential developments regarding Obamacare and the fear of a coming worldwide financial crisis.

We also speak on interesting events pertaining to Germany and the Vatican.

Current Events

We bring you extensive coverage on Mr. Trump’s lengthy interview with a German and a British paper, Bild and Times. In the interview, he reiterated much of what he said on the campaign trail regarding NATO, the EU and Brexit, even though some of his nominated cabinet members hold quite different opinions.

The reaction of German and continental European politicians was concerned and furious. A common theme developed that in light of Mr. Trump, Europe has to stick together, and the USA will have no say in what Europe decides to do. (In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Trump Declares War on Europe,” as well as our German AufPostenStehen program with the same subject, titled, “Trump Erklärt Europa den Krieg.” )

The German press was also unanimously defiant of Mr. Trump. Der Spiegel wrote: “Divide and conquer. In Trump’s world, there are no allies, only competitors who have to be weakened.”

Bild wrote about Mr. Trump that he is “disturbingly honest and disturbingly different,” and that “he plays with fire”. The paper added that Mr. Trump is “the biggest political experiment since the end of the cold war.”

Der Tagesspiegel wrote that Mr. Trump has “no clear concept. He reveals himself as a helpless individual. His capability and his unpredictability give opportunity and danger.”

Der Nordbayrische Kurier describes Mr. Trump as someone who disturbs the world. “His recklessness may prompt unforeseen conflicts. Hopefully, there will not be a rude awakening.”

Der Mannheimer Morgen wrote: “The answer to Trump and Putin is a united Europe.” Das Flensburger Tagblatt agreed, saying: “Europe must unify; otherwise, Trump will run all over us.” Der Tierische Volksfreund wrote: “Trump attacks the EU because it is very powerful economically.”

Additional articles on the controversies surrounding Mr. Trump are also included in this special edition, as well as revealing reports about Europe’s “compelled” move to unite militarily; news about Israel; the coming final departure of the UK from the EU; and perceived or real anti-Semitic tendencies in Germany.

Current Events

We begin with a report on Florida’s mass murderer who was apparently directly influenced by demons; continue with Donald Trump’s ambitious wishes to build a wall at the US-Mexican border and to repeal and replace Obamacare; and we speak on Mr. Trump’s reactions to the Russian hacking of Democratic computers and shameful, irresponsible, unsubstantiated und largely disproven allegations against him.

Focusing on Israel, we report on an agreement by the US House of Representatives to condemn the anti-Israel UN resolution; the contemplated move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is expected to take place in May; and the reasons for the world’s hatred of Israel. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, Why the Hatred for Israel and God’s Law?”

Turning to Germany, we publish several articles on the return of American tanks in Germany and the perceived compelling need for Germany and France to lead Europe.

We continue with an article about the controversial and uncomfortable role of Prince Charles as the new British monarch; and speak on the world’s fear of World War III, terrorist attacks and the use of nuclear missiles.

We conclude with a disturbing and highly objectionable decision by the European Court of Human Rights, violating the religious rights of Muslims in Switzerland; and new findings regarding mammograms.

Current Events

We begin with the ongoing controversy regarding the UN resolution condemning Israel, with special focus on Germany’s hostile and the UK’s hypocritical position; report on a new controversial surveillance law in the UK; worldwide Internet shutdowns and hackings; Mr. Putin’s reaction to American sanctions; and Russia’s frightening unmanned killing machines (which could have great significance in the light of biblical prophecy; you might want to view in this context our new StandingWatch program, “2017—a Dangerous Year.”)

Focusing on Donald Trump, we report on an alleged (mysterious) meeting between his national security advisor and Austria’s far-right “Freedom” party; the claim that Mr. Trump was elected due to “divine providence”; the push to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and to declare the city as the eternal capital of Israel; and the fear of rising civil disobedience under a Trump Presidency.

We speak on Mr. Obama’s attempt to cement his legacy which is in conflict to Mr. Trump’s positions; the battle for and against Obamacare; the controversy surrounding the claim of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange that Russia was NOT the source for the release of Democratic documents; and a new (allegedly illegal) quarantine law in the USA.

We address Angela Merkel’s vision for 2017 and her diminishing popularity abroad and domestically; interesting comments by Archbishop of Vienna Schönborn (who has been “tipped” to be the next pope) on Donald Trump, Islamization and European Christianity; and the brutal and demonic terror attack by insane murderer(s) in Istanbul, Turkey.

In the remaining articles, we speak about German superstitions related to New Year’s Eve; a new unbiblical law in France prohibiting the spanking of children, including at home; witchcraft in Rwanda related to soccer games; and the cannibalism of the Neanderthals.

Current Events

The year 2016 ended as it began—with uncertainty, fear, violence and tremendous upheaval. It seems that catastrophes and tragedies are happening on a daily basis. Truly, every objective and astute person should be able to see that the signs of the times point at the very last days of our present evil age, and the soon-coming Return of Jesus Christ.

We begin with the terror attack in Berlin, Germany, and the incredible incompetency of the German security apparatus. At the same time, we see Angela Merkel being attacked from all sides for her ill-conceived and devastating migrant policy.

We continue with the Obama Administration’s “complicity” in the “Aleppo tragedy,” as John McCain put it; the fear of a new nuclear arms race between USA, Russia and China; a fatal Russian plane crash which could have been caused by a terrorist attack; and the troubling relationship between the Obama Administration and Putin’s Russia.

We are focusing on the betrayal of Israel by the Obama Administration. (Please see our StandingWatch program on this topic, titled, Israel Betrayed by USA and Forsaken by the World.”) President Obama’s actions have been condemned in the USA by Democrats and Republicans alike. President Obama is accused of having actively worked with autocratic governments to condemn Israel’s settlement policy, and having instructed his ambassador to abstain from the vote of the UN Security Council, rather than vetoing it, thereby breaking with a long-standing US tradition. It is also felt that President Obama did this in order to prevent President-elect Donald Trump from working with Israel on a peace treaty with the Palestinians, potentially causing great upheaval regarding the Temple Mount and the status of Jerusalem. Germany’s support of the resolution will continue to destroy any friendly relationship between Angela Merkel and Donald Trump. At the same time, Israel has vowed to disregard the resolution; Prime Minister Netanyahu has summoned the ambassadors of the countries responsible for the resolution, and he has begun to stop funding UN projects.

We also report on a controversy in Israel about the pagan Christmas tree; a pre-Christian find of a Nativity scene in Egypt; and public Hanukkah events in Europe with the attempt to “drive out darkness.” We conclude with a dire warning of Britain’s clergymen and Prince Charles regarding the dangers we may face in 2017, as well as a summary of events and developments in 2016, which do not indicate a bright future in 2017.

Current Events

We begin citing news of the horrible terrorist attack in Germany and the assassination of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey; report new scientific evidence showing that Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate was a forgery. The question is whether this will have any consequence whatsoever for those responsible; and whether they will be held accountable in any way. We continue with an interesting article showing that the American President is subject to conflict of interest laws; proving again how the mass media consistently misinforms the American people.

We address the position of the CIA and the new-found altered position of the FBI regarding the email hacking scandal, claiming (now) that Russia was behind it to help Donald Trump win the White House.

We speak on the rising tensions between China and the USA; Europe’s concerns and “responsibilities” in light of a Trump administration; developments in Germany and Italy; and the frosty relationship between the UK and continental Europe.

We also address interesting developments pertaining to Russia and Japan.

We conclude with new comments by Pope Francis regarding the Bible and Evolution, which must be strongly rejected.

Current Events

We begin with Donald Trump’s fight with the CIA; his controversial nominations; his explosive plan to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; his fight with China; and his comments on the Paris “climate change agreement”; and we continue with an alarming article about the possible economic downfall of the USA in the very near future.

We speak on the revival of Roman Catholicism in France; challenges of a new government in Italy; recent terror attacks in Turkey; and the conviction without punishment of Geert Wilders for “insulting” Moroccans.

We address the love of Italian school children for Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”; speak on outgoing European Parliament President Martin Schulz who could became a serious challenger to Chancellor Angela Merkel in the 2017 German election; and report on some interesting facts about Mr. Schulz.

We conclude with articles about the terrible situation in Aleppo, Syria; and the astonishing recognition of God as the Creator of the universe by a highly regarded scientist.

Current Events

In this issue, we are reporting on the presidential election in Austria and the referendum in Italy. Both outcomes have been deeply misunderstood and misinterpreted by the media. While the defeat of Norbert Hofer in Austria has been – wrongly – celebrated as a vote against “right-wing populism” and as a victory for the “establishment,” the defeat of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has been – wrongly – portrayed as a victory of populist voices against the establishment and – even worse – a vote by the Italian people against the euro and the EU. Nothing could be further from the truth, as many articles in this issue will explain. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Why Italy Will NOT Leave the EU!” 

We continue to focus on developments in and pertaining to Germany and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. We speak on the West’s condemnation of Russia, China and Syria; and we address Time’s choice of Mr. Trump as the “person of the year”—which is by no means the magazine’s endorsement of Mr. Trump, but rather the opposite. We also speak on Mr. Trump’s “twitter fight” with China and his meeting with Al Gore regarding “climate matters.”

We conclude with an essay asking the pertinent question whether under the law, an American President could shut down the U.S. Internet.

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