Current Events

Profound changes are shaping up in Europe! We report on the convincing election of hardliner Sebastian Kurz in Austria, as other European nations note the emergence of a far-right political presence;

We present an article about French President Macron’s call for new kinds of heroes to lead Europe; and cite the Vatican plans for a high-level Forum to insert its support for the “European Project.”

We report on China’s congress featuring the now powerful place China has taken on the world stage; we conclude with reports of a powerful hurricane hitting Ireland and news about the historic fires in California.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin this special edition with extensive quotes from President Trump’s speech to the United Nations in which he put the world on notice as to what America under his leadership is willing and prepared to do if the UN was unable or unwilling to deal with certain countries. He especially singled out North Korea, Iran and Venezuela. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, “Will the UN Prevent World War III?”

At the same time, Iran announced the development of the “father of all bombs,” and concerns are raised that we are getting closer to worldwide nuclear annihilation.

We report on another attempt by the Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare, which is not given any chance of success, as many of the proposed provisions are highly unpopular and as they would have terrible consequences for a large portion of the American people. We also speak on developments, apparently vindicating President Trump’s claim that the Obama administration did in fact wiretap the Trump campaign.

We report on another devastating hurricane—Maria—just following on the heels of Hurricane Irma; and a big earthquake in Mexico which struck on the anniversary of a devastating 1985 temblor in Mexico, prompting a CNN reporter to ask the question, “Hurricanes and earthquakes… what is going on?”

In the remainder of this edition, we focus on the important parliamentary elections in Germany, which will take place on Sunday, September 24.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin this issue with the commemoration of one of the greatest man-made disasters in American history—the terrorist attack of September 11—and continue with so-called “natural” disasters of earthquakes in Mexico and hurricanes striking the Caribbean and the US mainland, while addressing the question as to whether these hurricanes were indeed caused by man-made global warming or climate change or whether they may have some meaning regarding prophesied end-time events.

We report on North Korea’s nuclear tests and on some strong convictions regarding abortion and less convicted opinions regarding evolution; and speak on the domination within the EU parliament; a call for a stronger Europe; and Sweden’s preparations for war.

We conclude with Russia’s ongoing persecution of minority Christians [in this regard, please view our StandingWatch program from May 17, 2017, “Russia’s Persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses”,] and address an alleged find of Peter’s bones in Rome.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we report on the frightening developments pertaining to North Korea and the extremely limited options which the USA seems to have—short of military actions—while China could do something about North Korea’s ongoing provocations, but seems to be unwilling to do so, due to its economic interests. We also quote several articles, asking the pertinent question as to whether the USA should even have any trade with China in the first place.

We are addressing some of America’s domestic problems, including outrageous fraudulent activities of employees of the Wells Fargo Bank; President Trump’s controversial announcement to cancel DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, commonly referred to as the “Dream Act” or “Dreamers”), and devastating natural disasters of wildfires and hurricanes. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, “WHY Unprecedented Hurricanes and Wildfires?”

We focus on the hostile Brexit negotiations with no friendly relationship in sight; and speak on the insane nonsense of retailers in the UK [and elsewhere] to create genderless labels for young children to avoid enforcing gender stereotypes.

We speak on the upcoming parliamentary elections in Germany; address the interesting phenomenon of the multitude of “non-voters” in Germany; and point out that Europe seems to be unprepared militarily to meet any Russian aggression.

We conclude with an article about the surprising degree of agreement between Catholics and Protestants, which would have “shocked Christians of past centuries.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we are reporting on the dire situation in and pertaining to the USA, with an unprecedented storm hitting Texas and further provocations from North Korea; the plight of most Americans who don’t experience a “booming” economy, but who have to live paycheck to paycheck; and the real danger of a stock market crash, mostly due to the lack of investors’ confidence in Donald Trump. We also report on Mexico’s “unnegotiable” positon that they will not pay for the Wall; filmmaker Michael Moore’s stunning (or not-so-stunning) predictions regarding Donald Trump; Sebastian Gorka’s departure from the White House; and President Trump’s controversial decision to pardon former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio; and we analyze and disagree with a piece in the German left-liberal magazine, Der Spiegel, alleging that a Donald Trump could not rise in Germany. Please view our new StandingWatch program on this topic, titled, “The Important German Elections in September.”

In this context, we would like to state that we are not going to shy away from pointing out unpleasant developments in the USA and around the world, and this includes news which might not place President Trump or other governmental leaders in a flattering light. We emphasize that we do not have any political agenda, and that we are only reporting OBJECTIVELY what is happening, and that in the light of BIBLICAL PROPHECY. We are very careful in what we report, which is more fully explained in our “Acknowledgement and Disclaimer” statement at the bottom of this Current Events section.

We are not impressed by some who wrote us that we should only quote from conservative (right-wing) outlets. We cannot follow this “advice” as this would mean that in far too many cases, we would have to neglect reporting news which does not fit the “conservative” agenda. Furthermore, we are not intimidated by those who are “warning” us not to speak against Trump [what we are not doing anyhow], as in speaking against Trump, we would be speaking against God and against Christ. We realize that some pastors and religious “commentators” have made such preposterous claims, but we are shocked about such absolutely blasphemous and at the same time incredibly dangerous nonsense.

We continue with articles about the upcoming parliamentary election in Germany and a controversial visit of Jewish lawmakers to the Temple Mount; and we conclude with articles on ISIS’s plans in Spain and the dangers of flu vaccinations.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we begin with speaking on developments pertaining to the USA and President Trump, including America’s dilemma in failing to score any international success; North Korea’s provocations; the continuing fear of a nuclear war between the USA and North Korea; President Trump’s isolation after the departure of Steve Bannon; and premature false rumors of Donald Trump’s impeachment or voluntary resignation.

We report on ridiculous and dangerous reactions to Charlottesville; speak on the new American strategy regarding Afghanistan, and warn of an impending market crash.

For many of the topics mentioned herein, please view our new StandingWatch program, “America’s Afghan War and Isolation.”

Turning to the UK and continental Europe, we speak on Queen Elizabeth’s intentions NOT to step down and report on anti-Semitism in the UK and in Spain; address the real reasons for the barbaric actions of ISIS fighters; and introduce to you Sebastian Kurz, the rising star in Austria and the “most recognizable face in Austrian politics.”

We speak on the battle between Martin Schulz and Angela Merkel regarding next month’s parliamentary elections in Germany and show that both competitors are “unified” in their opposition to Donald Trump; continue with the ongoing rift between Germany and Turkey and focus on the Temple Mount; developments in the Philippines; and contaminated pig meat in the UK.

We conclude with two articles on the solar eclipse in August and the astronomical alignment in September, pointing out that false prophetic predictions of fundamental “Christians” play right into the hands of Satan, the author of confusion.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the violent events in Virginia and the appalling action of a murderer which has been described as domestic terrorism. The discussion in the press evolves around responsibility, blaming the deplorable conduct and anti-black and anti-Semitic philosophy of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and hate-filled Ku Klux Klan members, while some, including President Trump, don’t forget to mention the violent militant radical left anti-Fascist movement.

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled,Charlottesville—Is Condemnation of Trump Justified?”

We also focus on a very controversial attempt by the US Justice Department to undermine individual privacy, liberty and freedom.

Following President Trump’s announcement of potential military action in Venezuela, attention has been drawn to the events in that South-American country, while the looming threat of a nuclear confrontation between America and North Korea has not really diminished. Questions are being raised who, if anybody, would actually support the USA militarily in case of war.

We focus on former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s rehabilitation in Germany, while he continues his dubious role as a high-ranking director of Russia’s largest oil company. As a close friend to Vladimir Putin, he strongly criticizes Donald Trump, as does Angela Merkel’s challenger, Martin Schulz. We also address the anticipated success of Germany’s “far-right” AfD Party in the parliamentary election in September.

We speak on another terror attack in Spain and America’s and Britain’s role as the biggest arms dealers in the world, and address ongoing discussions pertaining to a European army and the future of a “dictatorial” Europe.

We point at Satan’s role in the commitment of capital crimes, and Pope Francis’s correct warning against astrology and fortune telling.

We conclude with two articles dealing with the spread of tropical diseases through mosquitos and aggressive behavior of hornets, wasps and bees in Europe.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reports on the ongoing and so far failing Brexit negotiations; speak on continued desires to create a powerful autocratic European army; and focus on President Macron of France (the “Jupiter of the Roman gods”), and Angela Merkel as well as her challenger, former President of the EU Parliament Martin Schulz (the German “Donald Trump”).  

We point out Turkey’s threats towards Germany and ISIS’s determination to bring chaos and destruction to Europe.

We continue with reporting on new American-drafted UN economic sanctions against North Korea (which have been considered to be meaningless) and the close collaboration between North Korea and Iran; as well as the escalating situation between the USA and North Korea; the fear of a nuclear confrontation in the region; and perverted alleged “biblical” reasoning justifying nuclear war. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Nuclear War Between North Korea and the USA?”

We point out the strained relationship between Jordan and Israel over the Temple Mount crisis and quote articles discussing Mr. Netanyahu’s political future in the light of several investigations against him, his family and close associates.

We conclude with the real possibility of a global stock market crash; speak on Glen Campbell’s death and his “demons” of alcoholism and drug addiction; and quote from an article about the unprecedented heat wave in large parts of Europe, called “Lucifer” and being compared with “hell on earth.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

We are reporting on terror attacks and violence in Germany, committed by foreigners, which may have some influence on the outcome of German elections in September; incredible incompetency of American agencies regarding illegal aliens; turmoil in the White House and the potentially disastrous consequences for many Americans of the inability of the Senate to repeal and replace Obamacare; threatening and dangerous actions by North Korea and the intimate collaboration between North Korea and Iran; troublesome comments regarding the willingness of the US military to launch a nuclear attack (note in this regard our new StandingWatch program, Obeying Trump to Launch Nuclear Strike?”; Russia’s and Europe’s willingness to retaliate against the USA which assures a most serious conflict between these countries; and the alignment of the USA and Jordan against Israel in the Temple Mount conflict and other matters.

We continue with interesting information about the Canaanites and modern Lebanese; report on chaotic conditions directed against British air travelers and appalling state-and court-sponsored violations of parents’ rights in Britain; and conclude with interesting developments regarding the Russian Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Church pertaining to the “relic” of a legendary figure, referred to as “Saint Nicholas,” who is idolized and worshipped by followers of both churches and who is erroneously viewed today as Santa Claus.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events 

by Norbert Link

We are reporting on ongoing violence and turmoil in the Middle East and especially the Temple Mount, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iran; continue with terrorist activities in the Philippines and threats from North Korea; US sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea; and the danger of biological and chemical weapons in the hands of terrorists.

We continue with focusing on the coming parliamentary elections in Germany and the fact that Angela Merkel’s re-election might not be as assured as many may think. We report on the US Senate’s vote to permit a debate on repealing and replacing Obamacare; and on President Trump’s announcement not to allow transgender people in the military.

We conclude with an insightful article on why Putin’s Russia is so frightened about the Jehovah’s Witnesses. 

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God