Current Events

We begin with articles on out-of-control science; reports on the fading international influence of the United States and the United Kingdom and conclude with a report on Finland’s far-right reaction to immigrants.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the broken immigration system in the USA; address President Trump’s chances for reelection (please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Does President Trump fulfill a preordained role?”); and speak on gun glorification and the growing acceptance of sex outside marriage.

We continue with recent developments in the ongoing Brexit saga, which are all bad for Britain; and report on deepening tensions between US and Germany and strong criticism against Pope Francis.

We address frightening and deeply disturbing developments regarding the push for mandatory vaccinations. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, “The Dangerous Vaccination Paranoia.” 

We also speak on developments in Turkey and President Erdogan’s defeat in local elections, as well as tensions between Turkey and the USA; and we conclude with a report confirming the long-held belief that asteroids killed the dinosaurs.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the Mueller report vindicating Trump and his team while politically–motivated Democrats are unhappy, and we are discussing the incredible costs and waste of time for the Mueller investigation. We report on interesting developments pertaining to the Golan Heights and Jerusalem; and address the inconsistent stance of Europeans towards Israel. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, Does President Trump fulfill a preordained role?”

We also report on the renewed never-ending battle (it seems) regarding healthcare insurance without any tangible results, and we speak on the defeat of the Islamic State “caliphate,” but not necessarily of ISIS.

We continue with Theresa May’s isolation and an incredible attack of the British government on the Bible; a dark day for the Internet due to a highly controversial newly-enacted European law; and the desire to build a strong relationship between China and Europe.

 We conclude with outrageous comments by Barbara Streisand about child abuse; and a new push by the pharmacy and politicians to make measles vaccinations mandatory in Germany, as well as incredible measures in the USA.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with a stunning revelation about Saudi Arabia’s long-time brutal methods of crushing dissidents through a special barbaric team… under the direct supervision and command of the Crown Prince. We report on violence in the Netherlands and New Zealand through deranged killers under demonic influence; and focus our attention on the ever-growing Brexit debacle with absolutely no deal or solution in sight. We also publish an insightful article about Europe and especially Germany for the time after Brexit.

We report on another Russian step toward autocracy and censorship; speak on the obscure and changing celebration of the Purim festival; speak on anti-Semitic occurrences in Poland and the fragile relationship between Poland and Israel; and address the cowardly and hypocritical conduct of the vast majority of German Parliamentarians towards the Jewish state.

We publish articles which allege anticipated further alienation between Merkel and Trump; which discuss whether Trump really wants to cut Medicare (while pointing out the incredible hypocrisy in politics); and which raise concern that Trump, if cornered, might propagate violence against his opponents.

We conclude with articles about the poisoning of American citizens; contemplated measures by Democrats to make vaccinations mandatory in Oregon; and a lawsuit by a church against Washington state officials, raising the unconstitutionality of a law, enacted by Democrats, forcing churches to provide “health” insurance for those of their employees who may choose to have an abortion.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with articles pertaining to a new ill-conceived budget proposal by President Trump, asking for $8.6 billion for his wall (for which Mexico was supposed to pay), while proposing a reduction of 5 percent across all non-defense agencies; a clarification on the requirements for Americans traveling to Europe starting in 2021; and the deadly crash of a Boeing 737 Max 8 airplane in Ethiopia with dire consequences for Boeing and America.

While Europeans allege that they won’t allow Trump to blackmail them, the chances for Trump to be reelected in 2020 are viewed by the media as becoming more and more likely.

The most recent Brexit developments have plunged the UK into chaos and have opened up the possibility of the destruction of the UK. It has also emerged that from 2014 to 2019, criminals and terrorists might have entered Germany as migrants; and Italy has begun to enforce its overbearing law for mandatory vaccinations. We also warn that the world is unprepared for the next global economic crash.

We focus on controversial comments by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and caution at the same time not to count him out too quickly; speak on clashes on the Temple Mount which will reach their climax when the prophesied Third Temple will be built there; and we continue with new evidence confirming the initial suspicion that the “coup” in Turkey in 2016 was actually fake news or even initiated by autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdogan himself.

We speak on Finland’s coming hot political season; publish a report on two Fox News moderators who have come under criticism—rightly or wrongly—for controversial comments; and conclude with the sentencing of convicted Australian cardinal George Pell. We also published a new StandingWatch program, dealing with the weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days, titled, Are You Keeping God’s Commandments?”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

All the articles in this section contain headlines which have one word in common. We did not initially plan it this way, but as articles were assembled for this section, it seemed that a common theme developed. You could describe it as lacking support; lacking friendship; lacking success; lacking humor; lacking common sense; lacking true spiritual understanding; and lacking belief in the devil.

We begin with reports concentrating on Israel and the Jewish people. We quote an article confirming the biblically prophesied FACT that a THIRD TEMPLE is going to be built just prior to Christ’s return and point out at the same time the lack of spiritual discernment and understanding in lieu of ludicrous explanations by those who deny the TRUTH of GOD.

We speak on Benjamin Netanyahu’s shrinking support due to his contemplated indictment; the failing Middle East peace process; the pro-Palestinian Arab conference being hostile towards Israel; and alarming rising anti-Semitism from all political corners in Europe and throughout the world. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why the Rise of Anti-Semitism?” 

We continue with the inevitable Brexit debacle and the attempt by some to prolong the inevitable agony; the deteriorating relationship between Germany and Turkey; the lack of true partnership and friendship between the USA and the EU; President Trump’s failing emergency declaration on border security in Congress, which will be vetoed and therefore still be enforceable, as well as record-high illegal immigration on the southwestern border; and Russia’s new autocratic laws.

We speak on the atrocities of schools pushing homosexuality on young pupils; as well as the damnable “support” by judges, politicians, Clinicians and pro-trans therapists for intersex and transgender people.

We conclude with articles pertaining to America’s most influential and largest religious denominations and Pope Francis’ recognition of the existence of the devil, even though most people around the world deny his reality or are unsure about it. At least, they do not believe in the devil as revealed in the Bible.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with several articles explaining man’s desire in warfare [as well as notable objections to such wrong endeavors by some] and new inventions of weapons and equipment which make it easier to kill; the concern of the institution of the draft for men and women in the USA; and fears of coming American wars with countries such as Venezuela, Iran and even Europe and Russia.

We continue with President Trump’s former attorney’s explosive testimony before a deeply divided Congress; a new but unsuccessful meeting between Trump and dictator Kim Jong Un; trouble for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; and more turmoil on the Temple Mount and the ongoing efforts to build a Third Temple, which is indeed necessary in the light of biblical prophecy, even though some stubbornly and willfully refuse to accept this FACT. In this context, you might want to view or revisit our very popular StandingWatch program, titled, “Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?”  

We speak on trouble for Benjamin Netanyahu and the dangerous India-Pakistan Military Conflict; and we address the concern of Europe’s swift move towards the extreme right and the perceived need for German rearmament; further developments in the Brexit debacle; and China’s restrictive totalitarian government.

We continue with the stupid and at times frightening consequences of “politically correct” conduct in the UK and France.

We conclude with an interesting decision by the Church of England regarding Sunday worship services and the “fight” of the pope against pedophiles within the priesthood of the Catholic Church which does not seem to have a prayer by any stretch of the imagination. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Widespread Sexual Abuse Within Catholic Church… Could It Ever Be Stopped?”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with insightful reports on the Security Conference in Munich, Germany, [please note our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why are US-European Relationships at their Worst?”] showing an unprecedented and historical rift between Europe and the USA; speak on distressing and Satanic attempts to create a terrible European copyright law; further disconcerting developments in Austria and the Vatican; and the big surprise awaiting American tax payers who falsely thought the Trump tax cuts would help them; address the legal battle between President Trump and Democrats regarding the President’s national emergency declaration; [please note our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Trump’s National Emergency… Will It Work?”]  the unparalleled national debt which no one cares about; and Trump’s political move to decriminalize homosexuality abroad, while lacking the same “zeal” for homosexuals inside the USA. We also address the shocking arrest of an insane US Coast Guard lieutenant.

We speak on the forming alliance between Russia and China; drone swarms and robots to be fighting in man’s wars; further news on the attempts and desires to build the prophesied Third Temple on the Temple Mount prior to Christ’s return and ongoing turmoil on the Temple Mount; and we conclude with man’s destruction of the animal world.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with an article about the current crisis in which the world finds itself; speak on Austria’s chancellor Sebastian Kurz; address developments in Europe, especially pertaining to Sweden and Germany; and point out concerns about European dependency on Russia and further totalitarian measures under Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

We address the bi-partisan deal between US Democrats and Republicans to avoid a new shutdown and President Trump’s controversial announcement to declare a national emergency; and we speak on the astronomical and unprecedented public debt of the US government. We also address the terrible situation in Venezuela and attempts to effectively ban smoking in Hawaii in the face of the powerful and rich tobacco industry; further attempts by left-wing politicians and the powerful and rich pharmaceutical industry in California to promote flu shots and prohibit exemptions to vaccinations; the nonsense of the flat earth conspiracy; the drift of the north magnetic pole; the decline in insect populations; sick trophy hunting; devastation in Australia; gay power in the Vatican; and Canada’s ungodly agenda.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We report comments about President Trump’s State of the Union address; point out America’s and Russia’s withdrawal from the Nuclear Arms Treaty and Europe’s fear of a nuclear arms race and that it may become the battleground of superpowers, while lacking in combat tanks and facing the danger of being overtaken by right- and left-wing populist parties. We also point out that Europe and Japan entered into the world’s largest free trade agreement; and speak on troublesome Brexit developments. 

We report on events in Iran and address the controversial question as to how to view the practice of homosexuality. We raise the issue as to whether God appointed Donald Trump to the office of president; address the dangers of contraceptive pills; speak on abortions and artificial intelligence; and conclude with once-in-a-century floods in Australia. “Persecutions of Homosexuals and Conversion Therapies,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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