Current Events

by Norbert Link

While especially the American media is obsessed with every little nuance of the impeachment circus against the President, we have chosen to ignore “reporting” on this, except for a passing reference in an article on Israel and one article claiming that President Trump will be reelected because of the attempt by Democrats to impeach him, which is, of course, doomed to fail in the Senate at the latest.

Instead, we are showing, among other things, how terribly divided the nation is; that many Americans are tired of their country’s endless wars; and that the dollar is under attack.

We also speak on an important defeat of the Trump Administration regarding a contemplated change in the immigration law; and report on President Trump’s obsession with the ancient emperor Cyrus. We also ask what America would do in case of a war between Israel and Iran.

We address – briefly – the ongoing Brexit debacle and the EU’s resolve to become more relevant on the world scene and build a powerful army [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Europe—the Coming New Superpower,”] and speak of alarming signs of increasing anti-Semitism in Germany. We also address the horrible violent situation in Mexico, due to the government’s inability to deal with its drug cartels.

We speak on more scientific foolishness; a long-overdue decision by Austria to ban public smoking; the way in which governments control their citizens; and the new trend of microchipping; and we conclude with ongoing paganism in the Roman Catholic Church.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with this week’s election results in the German state of Thuringia which do not look good for established parties and Angela Merkel, while favoring extremist parties such as the Left and the right-wing AfD. We continue with another delay in the Brexit debacle, which seems to signalize defeat for Boris Johnson, while the Germans are growing more and more impatient with the Brits. However, the outcome of the new elections on December 12 might or might not change everything for Johnson.

Turning to the USA, we point out that the predicted housing crash is already here; wonder whether we will be facing civil war; give an update on the Trump Administration’s attempts to close US borders to most immigrants; and address America’s growing illegal drug problem and the devastating consequences for America’s relationship with Mexico. We also ask whether President Trump is finally losing support from white Evangelicals.

Addressing Israel, we report that the country feels betrayed by the USA; address the ongoing zeal to build a third temple; and publish an article advocating that Europe MUST intervene now in the Middle East. We also focus on Pope Francis’ remarkable statements, while pointing out his fragile relationship with traditionalist Catholics and the Vatican.

We conclude with a series of articles on the next inevitable pandemic for which the world is unprepared; the prophesied pure language of the future; historic events explaining how the world might have become “void and empty”; and warnings against Satan’s festival of Halloween—one of the most important days for Devil worshippers. Please view our new StandingWatch program in this regard, titled, “Do You Keep Satan’s Feast of Halloween?”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the explosive news about the re-emergence of former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz; and we talk about Hungary’s and Britain’s future, as well as the future of the Euro.

We are reporting on the death and funeral of France’s former President, Jacques Chirac; the end of the German-American affair; and we show some frightening parallels between the time just before World War 2 and our current situation. We also speak on China and its brutal dictatorial rule for the past 70 years.

We publish an absolutely astonishing article about Israel which the main stream media completely missed. (Please see our new StandingWatch program, “Bombshell News—Coming…The Third Temple and Animal Sacrifices in Israel.”)

We speak on the ongoing impeachment circus against Donald Trump and his expected reaction; and we point out that most Americans are woefully unprepared for the coming recession.

We conclude with Pope Francis’ highly controversial conduct regarding an anti-American article attacking American Evangelicals; and the disturbing fact that more than half of unique European trees and other rare plants are facing extinction.  

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with renewed attempts to impeach Donald Trump and we explain as to why they will fail, no matter what. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Impeaching Donald Trump? No Way—and here Is WHY!”

We also report on the UK Supreme Court’s decision finding that Boris Johnson’s conduct to suspend Parliament was unlawful. We report on Russia’s ongoing persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses and on a ridiculous, but quite alarming, unbinding resolution of California’s state legislature.

We speak on Italy’s and Germany’s popular far-right parties; and address the dangerous escalation involving the USA, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, as well as, potentially, other countries such as Israel, China and Russia.   

We report on Netanyahu’s fight for political survival and his desperate attempt to form a coalition government; Egypt’s dictatorship; and the collapse of the Thomas Cook airline and its devastating consequences for hundreds of thousands of customers and employees.

We conclude with the “blackface” and the “gender fight” nonsense.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with historical and potentially wide-ranging elections in Israel; continue with a discussion about a defense treaty between Israel and the USA; and address Europe’s reaction to Netanyahu’s announced desires to annex the Jordan Valley and parts of the Dead Sea.

We continue with the attack on Saudi Arabia’s crude oil facilities and the consequences for the world economy; speak on Boris Johnson’s humiliating defeat in Luxembourg which makes a no-deal Brexit on Halloween more likely; and point out parallels between Europe’s ambitions and the Roman Empire.

We address a frightening scenario regarding the consequences of a worldwide nuclear war which will not happen in the way proposed in the quoted article, but which WILL happen in the near future. We give you updates on President Trump’s new public charge rules; America’s crazy healthcare system; and the abominable abortion practices of Planned Parenthood and others involved [please view our new StandingWatch program,“Our Scandalous Corrupt Abortion Industry”]; and we conclude with appalling examples of the hypocritical dishonesty of the mainstream media which can easily destroy the reputation of innocent people; as well as failed doomsday predictions and the “lucky” number 13.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with an insightful article which argues that no lessons were learned from the terrorist attack of September 11; and we continue with the bombshell news that President Trump fired his security advisor John Bolton—or accepted his resignation—revealing again deep divisions within the US government. We also speak on America’s shameful unwillingness to help Bahamian refugees.

We continue with the ongoing Brexit debacle and Boris Johnson’s wins and losses and the interesting prospects of the UK leaving Europe without a deal on Satan’s festival of Halloween.

We report on the alarming worldwide rise of nationalism and populism and focus especially on Germany. We also address Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial announcement of his intention to annex the Jordan Valley.

On social and historical issues, we speak on the increase of suicides in the USA [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Suicide—Why… and How to Prevent  It?”]; anti-Semitism in Canada’s Christian Orthodox Church; California’s mandatory vaccination debacle; the nonsense of gender neutrality in the UK; and the day when a huge asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on two eastern German states elections and the shocking success of the far-right populist AfD party; discuss Austria’s upcoming election by the end of September and Sebastian Kurz’s future; and address Italy’s fragile 66th government since World War II; and new developments in the Brexit debacle which could “make or break” Boris Johnson.   

We speak on dramatic consequences for Europe, stemming from the ongoing war in Syria; address the 80th anniversary events in Poland, memorializing the beginning of World War II; [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, How Did the Second World War REALLY Start–Any Lessons Learned?”] and point out dangerous and at the same time prophetically relevant developments in the Middle East, involving Israel and Iran.

 We specifically focus on Israel’s desire to help Ethiopia; allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount; and build the Third Temple, as prophesied in the Bible.   

We conclude with a startling comment by Pope Francis regarding the American Catholic Church; the scientific confirmation that there is no gay gene; and hurricane Dorian, the second strongest Atlantic storm in history.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We address Russia’s fascination with Stalin and the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian non-aggression pact which led to Russia’s and Germany’s conquest of many nations, sparking World War II and dooming half of Europe to a decade of misery; address the terrible wildfires in the Amazon rainforest and elsewhere, including in vast areas of Africa; and address Israel’s attack on targets in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon; and serious warnings from Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

We speak on the awful conditions of almost 1 million asylum seekers in Europe; and we report on the terrible relationship between the USA and Europe; the fragile relationship between President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson; Johnson’s controversial move to suspend the British Parliament; the likelihood of America’s defeat in its Yemen war; and the ongoing trade war between China and America which will cost American consumers dearly and might trigger a recession.

We also address the legality and practicality of President Trump’s order to American companies to leave China; and his ominous announcement pertaining to the 2020 presidential elections… and beyond.

We report on the situation in Italy [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Italy in Prophecy”,] and conclude with articles about the Catholic Church which should make us think. 

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the tumultuous and chaotic situation in Italy and the real danger that far-right populist Matteo Salvini might manifest himself as the new “Il Duce”; address the distinct possibility of a no-deal Brexit on Satan’s festival, Halloween, by the end of October; speak on Gibraltar’s defiance of the USA and the call for Europe’s unified opposition to President Trump; the reactions to Trump’s cancellation of his visit to Denmark; the troublesome descriptions which Trump applies to himself or which he embraces of himself [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Donald Trump–America’s Savior or Destroyer?”], and we address a potential rift between the USA and Israel.

We speak on Israel’s antagonists, including Jordan and Europe; and address at length further developments towards the building of the biblically prophesied Third Temple. We also address the interesting phenomenon that more and more Christians have begun to celebrate “Jewish” holidays.

We focus on Trump’s trade war and the fear of a worldwide recession; speak on immigration issues in Germany and the USA; point out frictions between Trump and Fox News; and conclude with an appalling statement by Putin regarding Russia’s most recent nuclear disaster.  

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with renewed American threats to withdraw its troops from Germany; report on Russia’s nuclear catastrophe; address the background of the Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, murderers; and address the belief of many Evangelicals in their “God-given” right to bear arms.

We continue with past persecutions of Jews in Italy; and speak on turmoil on the Temple Mount which is only bound to increase, as well as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s claim that modern Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Canaanites.

We address the plight of immigrants in the Mediterranean Sea and the political turmoil caused by Italy’s extreme right-wing Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini; and we continue with the double-talk of Britain’s “Chameleon” Boris Johnson and the surprising fact that most Brits are for a Brexit from the EU without a deal.

We address the USA-China trade war and its real winners and losers as well as “Trump’s deficit economy” and the reckless spending of the federal government and American citizens [please see our new StandingWatch program, titled, “America’s Fragile Economy–the Calm before the Storm!”]address new ungodly immigration restrictions by the Trump administration for LEGAL immigrants; speak on the fishy “suicide” of sex offender and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein; and conclude with the prohibition to conduct a straight parade in California.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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