Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reports on the current turmoil in Germany and the ongoing downfall of Angela Merkel and her designated successor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK) who announced her resignation as head of the party and her refusal to run for Chancellorship. The search for a new candidate for Chancellorship is wide open, while the right-wing AfD party is gaining more and more support. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled,  “Germany in BIG Turmoil.” 

We report on the beginning of the hostile transition period between Britain and Europe after Brexit; the interesting future of Ireland, and the attempts of France to lead Europe, which will fail.

In light of the rapid speed of the coronavirus, we address lessons from leprosy; the lack of preparation in Africa; China’s belated actions and subsequent radical measures; and potentially disastrous economic consequences for the USA.

In other news, we report on the brutal origin of Valentine’s Day; interesting developments within the Catholic Church and in Israel; as well as the lack of freedom of speech in England and Switzerland.

We conclude with reports on a most powerful winter storm in Europe which could be a preview of the political storm awaiting the continent.  

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on the UK and Brexit. It has been a long journey from joining to leaving, with a foreordained result.

Britain joined the EEC (an economic unity and the predecessor of the political and military EU) in 1973, the same year as Denmark and Ireland. The original members were Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. In 1992 the European Union (EU) was officially formed, with Britain’s membership becoming effective in November 1993.

There are now 27 members of the EU. Prior to the UK, no member state had left the EU, though Greenland (an autonomous province of Denmark) withdrew in 1985. Ultimately, 10 nations or groups of nations will emerge out of the EU, which will rule Europe and give their power and authority to the “beast”—an economic, political and military leader of German or Austrian descent, also referred to in the Bible as the King of the North and King Jareb of Assyria.

This European power bloc will be hostile towards Britain, and verbal fights and threats have already begun on the first day of the “transition period.” For more information, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “Watch powerful Germany!”

We continue with a political scandal in East Germany which has all of Germany up in arms; repeated calls for Germany’s increased military involvement; and the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, while warning against panic-stricken overreactions which, if unchecked, could even destroy the world economy.  We also speak on the unsuccessful search for a vaccine against AIDS.

We address throughout this issue Wednesday’s acquittal of Donald Trump in the impeachment circus which was a hoax and which has hurt the Democrats beyond repair. They wasted time and America’s tax payer’s money, knowing from the outset that they could never be successful, as Trump’s conduct simply did not give rise to an impeachable offense. Trump won “overwhelmingly,” as Politico wrote. A majority of Senators acquitted Trump on both counts (to convict, the Senate would have had to have a 2/3 majority).

Trump’s re-election is assured. At the same time, the impeachment fiasco and the events during Trump’s “State of the Union” Address on Tuesday (with, for example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly tearing up her copy of the speech) proved again how incurably divided the United States of America is.

We also speak on Trump’s unsuccessful “deal of the century” peace plan for the Middle East, which nevertheless has been compared with King Cyrus’s preparations for allowing the Jews to build the Second Temple; point out the deteriorating relationship between the EU and Israel; reflect on the battle between Pope Francis and the German Catholic Church; address demonic carnival activities; and conclude with the frightening “biblical” plague of devastating devouring locusts in large parts of the world and a sickening annual trophy hunt sponsored by Donald Trump Jr.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with serious reports about the new coronavirus which originated in China, apparently due to irresponsible and sickening human conduct, and which has by now spread to many countries around the world; report on several powerful earthquakes which struck within the last few days; point out that American troops were injured during the missile strikes by Iran on a base in Iraq, “totally belying President Donald Trump’s initial claim that no Americans were harmed” and prompting the largest Veterans organization in the USA to demand an apology from Trump for belittling the injuries.

We continue to speak on the explosive situation in Iraq and Iran and on Trump’s “deal of the century” peace plan which is dead on arrival, with absolutely NO chance for success.

We speak on Russia’s ongoing persecution of religious minorities; and address the rocky relationship between the UK and the EU which made Brexit inevitable. For much more information on this development, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, BREXIT DONE! The UK GONE! Was It Inevitable?” 

We address an unusual locust plague in parts of Africa; an interesting development in Germany’s Protestant Church regarding Carnival celebrations for children; the continuing rivalry between Pope Benedict and Pope Francis and their respective supporters.

We speak on corrupt Italy; right-wing extremism in Germany and the failure to learn from history; and the startling announcement that the doomsday clock has moved within 100 seconds of midnight (midnight meaning the end of the world as we know it).

We speak on Trump’s participation in the anti-abortion “March to Life,” during which he gave lip service to the opposition of abortion (but not totally); while scoring a victory by the Republican majority within the Supreme Court pertaining to his unchristian immigration policy about the new “public charge rule.”  

We conclude with a remarkable article about the Third Temple and the developing history of Muslim thinking regarding Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on the deteriorating relationship between Europe, on the one hand, and the UK and the USA on the other hand, with no realistic prospects that the situation might improve. We also show Europe’s desire to become more active in military matters, especially in the Middle East.

We continue with addressing interesting developments regarding Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa mosque [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “China’s Deadly Virus and other Prophetic Events”; growing world-wide anti-Semitism in the light of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp; and Turkey’s plans for Libya and Israel.

We conclude with the spread of a deadly virus originating in China [please view our StandingWatch program, mentioned above]; the dire situation in Australia; and interesting developments within the Catholic Church, pertaining to German Cardinal Reinhard Marx.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We report on explosive events in and pertaining to Iraq and Iran; Germany’s dubious role in handling or mishandling the situation in the Middle East; Angela Merkel’s far-too-cozy relationship with Vladimir Putin (please see our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Does Germany Have Nuclear Weapons?”); and the resignation of the entire Russian government after Putin’s latest attempt of a power grab.

We speak on the concern of a break-up of the UK; and the world’s unparalleled debt load.

We address the controversy between “the two popes” and conclude with an interesting article on volcanoes and earthquakes.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In the last Update, dated January 3, prior to America’s assassination of Iran’s mass murderer Gen. Qassem Soleimani, we spoke on “the turmoil in Iraq which might become one of President Trump’s biggest foreign policy crises.” We quoted from an article which had stated: “If Trump strikes back hard against Iran, he may get a new Middle East war he never wanted. If he does nothing, he may show… weakness he has long derided… But there’s another possibility that cannot be entirely dismissed… what if Trump made a flip decision and totally withdrew American forces from Iraq?… Trump has long wanted out of Iraq and believes the American presence in Iraq is an unmitigated disaster that was the worst mistake in U.S. history…” We added our comments, as follows: The further development of this dangerous crisis will be interesting to watch. Ultimately, the USA will withdraw completely, and the ensuing power vacuum will be filled. Players who are not suspected by many, will finally step in to do just that.”

Now, the situation in the Middle East has become more volatile. Iran’s retaliatory missile attacks at U.S. military targets in Iraq and America’s response did not really defuse the situation either.

The demands for withdrawal of American troops in the Middle East become louder, while the position of Europeans is, for the most part, pathetic; this is especially true for France and Germany. Without knowing this, their prophetic role and that of some Muslim countries come more and more into focus. It appears, again, that the only true alliance is being formed between the USA, the UK and Israel.

Russia’s connection with Iran and the hysterical opposition of American Democrats to Soleimani’s assassination are not without suspicion; and concerns of the re-institution of the draft by thousands of young Americans caused the website of Selective Services to crash.

We also report on a split within the Methodist Church over homosexuality and same-sex marriages; governmental orders in Canada to conduct euthanasia; and Australia’s ongoing horrible deadly wildfires. We conclude with yet another reminder of just how persistent the focus for a third Temple is in the State of Israel.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on alarming developments about and pertaining to authoritarian Russia under ex-KGB spy Vladimir Putin (please view our new StandingWatch program, “Putin—the Overlooked Threat to World Peace”); speak on the turmoil in Iraq which might become one of President Trump’s biggest foreign policy crises; address record-high mass shootings in the USA; and warn of the distinct possibility of an economic crash in 2020.

We speak on the question as to whether the alleged whistleblower leading to the impeachment circus was even a real whistleblower; point out substantial disagreements between older and younger Evangelicals in the USA; and report about the hypocritical conduct of left-wing anti-Semitics in the USA and elsewhere.

We speak on the strange worldview of many Germans; Germany’s record-high arms exports; the EU’s military plans for 2020; a possible comeback of Italy’s right-wing former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini; and the risky experiment of Austria’s conservative former chancellor Sebastian Kurz to form a government with the left-liberal Green Party.

We address the possible future of the UK after Brexit; Jordan’s lies about Israel and its two temples; the pagan origin of New Year’s Day on January 1; and the terrible and tragic wildfires in Australia; and we conclude with Canada’s plans to criminalize so-called “conversion of homosexuals” therapies which, if they become law, could mean that Christians will be punished and incarcerated in Canada for “just being Christians.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin this section with further reports on US sanctions against the controversial Russian-German gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 and Putin’s opening of a commuter rail bridge between the Crimea and the Russian mainland. Both events will lead to further deterioration between Russia, Europe and the USA.

We address the sentencing of eight Saudi-Arabians for the gruesome murder of an American journalist, while many believe that the real villains who are responsible for the grisly crime are being protected.

We also point out new developments indicating a further rift between the UK and Germany, and report on the alarming increase of anti-Semitism in Germany in all of its parties and the population as a whole. We also address the controversial anti-Israel proposal of the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor.

We speak on the highly questionable impeachment procedure against Donald Trump and his support by 200 influential Evangelicals. We also point out the rise of homelessness in the USA and warn against the illusion of a booming US economy which is allegedly immune from total collapse, while financial experts claim the exact opposite.  

We publish many articles on Christmas and other religious concepts, including the concern that Christmas is being forced on those who do not want to keep it; its pagan origins which are undeniable; and the alleged attempt of highly controversial Pope Francis to enforce Sunday observance under the disguise of climate change.

We speak on the growing danger of occultism and Satanism, especially for young children [please view our new StandingWatch program in this regard, titled, “How our Wrong Values Destroy our Children”] and we conclude with ongoing vocalized desires in the state of Israel to begin with animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount and to build the Third Temple.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

While this world keeps Christmas, it seems to be oblivious to what has occured in 2019 and what will happen in 2020. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “What’s Ahead for 2020?”

In this section, we report on the continuing frictions between the EU and Britain regarding Brexit and its aftermath; the interesting fall and potential rise of Austria’s right-wing politician Heinz-Christian Strache; the latest developments in the impeachment circus; the somewhat meaningless US sanctions on companies and governments working on the German-Russian pipeline; and the contemplated astronomical and unprecedented US $1.4 trillion spending package to prevent a government shutdown before midnight on Friday.

We report on the desire of bringing animal sacrifices in a newly-constructed temple on the Temple Mount; Donald Trump’s proposed “Deal of the Century” peace plan for the Middle East which would be doomed to fail; and the ongoing escalation between Turkey and Israel.

We point out sober warnings regarding a coming nuclear World War; Russia’s appalling persecution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses; and the drive in especially left-liberal states in the USA to abolish religious exemptions to vaccination requirements. We also speak on the dangerous implications of the radical LGBTQ agenda.

We conclude with articles reporting on attempts to blaspheme Christ; the custom of liberal Jews to bring Christmas trees into their homes; and the Catholic Church’s ambiguous decision to abolish the “pontifical secret” in child abuse cases.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with covering the “most history-shaping election in the UK since World War II,” speak on the ongoing shaky relationship between Ukraine and Russia and Europe’s failure to intervene effectively; address the House Democrats’ decision to introduce two articles of impeachment against President Trump, thereby committing political suicide; and report on the revised AFTA agreement; the possible escalation of the Chinese-American trade war; and NATO’S uncertain future and Europe’s destiny.

We speak on Israel’s desire to annex the Jordan Valley; prayers on the Temple Mount; new elections in March; and the Pope’s incredible comparison of President Trump with King Herod.

We address Angela Merkel’s visit to Auschwitz and the youth organization of Germany’s Social Democratic Party’s condemnation of anti-Semitism manifested by German politicians.

We point out the status of the Trump administration’s new dangerous interpretation of the “public charge” immigration requirement; the ongoing lawsuit AGAINST undercover journalists exposing the terrible practices of Planned Parenthood; and ever-increasing criminal robocalls.

We also address the deadly volcanic eruption on an island belonging to New Zealand; the appalling creation of animal-human embryos by sick scientists; Samoa’s criminal persecution of an anti-vaccine campaigner; a deadly deer disease which could infect humans; new developments pertaining to the ever-increasing liberal position on homosexuality and sexual “education”; and a somewhat disturbing encounter with scorpions on airplanes.

We conclude with several articles on “Saint Nicholas” and the devil; Austria’s demons; new attitudes towards Christmas celebrations; and the re-building of the temple of Baal.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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