Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with extremely unsettling events in California, threatening Christian churches and our religious freedom and liberty. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, California’s Ongoing Persecution of Churches”.

At the same time, we report on California’s autocratic measures to enforce questionable mandates which will continue to destroy the economy, while pointing out conduct by the governor which appears to be hypocritical to some observers.  

We continue with an article predicting, for thought-provoking reasons, the inevitability of civil war in the USA.

We speak on terrible consequences of governmental conduct regarding the coronavirus in Israel and Australia and quote President Trump’s claim that the coronavirus pandemic is by far not as serious in the USA as propagated by the left-wing mass media. This claim is strongly supported by Dr. Ron Paul, former Congressman and Presidential candidate, citing examples in Texas of deliberate falsifications of the pandemic statistics.

We speak on President Trump’s remarkable speech in celebration of the 4th of July at Mount Rushmore, which, to some observers, was the best speech that he ever gave as President, and come to John Wayne’s defense, by quoting his son’s experiences and impressions of his father. We also cite more examples of the nonsense propagated by the BLM movement.

We point out Germany’s deeply troubling hypocrisy towards Israel; Europe’s desire to “boost” their defense; a new discussion, initiated by the left-liberal SPD party, as to whether or not to re-introduce conscription in Germany; and we speak on collaboration between Russia and China against the USA; and China’s threats towards the UK.

We speak on the American and British embassies’ controversial decision to fly the rainbow flag in Moscow to celebrate “Pride Month”; and we discuss the unconscionable decision in Germany to criminally indict a Protestant pastor for speaking out against homosexuality.

 We conclude with articles about meaningless lip services by the UN and the pope for a “global cease fire” amid the coronavirus pandemic” (with the pope imploring the “virgin Mary” for help); and the uncertain future of the British monarchy.

 Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with articles showing the ongoing alienation between Europe and the USA on many different levels, as well as Europe’s, Iran’s and Turkey’s opposition to Israel. We also report on recommendations to Europe to use military power in Libya and the desire of eastern Ukrainians to belong to Russia.

We point out fears of global damage for the economy; a federal court’s decision holding New York’s Church Lockdown Orders to be illegal; and the US Supreme Court’s decision supporting abortionists.

We publish numerous articles containing different viewpoints on the fight against racism, violent riots, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and the demolition of historical statues and monuments. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Is America Destroying Itself?”

We focus on “Gay Pride Month” celebrations and address the ongoing controversy regarding the accuracy of statistics about the coronavirus and the prospects of safe vaccinations.   

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with a short article containing serious warnings of coming global massive disasters—far worse than the coronavirus; address Israel’s announced annexation of the West Bank; report on Austrian leader Sebastian Kurz’s strong support for Israel and his friendship with Benjamin Netanyahu; Hezbollah’s threat against Israel; the modern Sodom of Tel Aviv; and fears of anti-Israel legislation in Europe.

We continue with an unprecedented civil war-like riot in Germany and the discussion about a European nuclear bomb.

We address the contemplated withdrawal of American troops from Germany and former US ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell’s, “revengeful” involvement in the matter; Americans’ fear of the future; the uncertain destination for DACA; and announcements of more visa restrictions.

We address Anthony Fauci’s attack on “anti-science beliefs” and the “anti-vaccination movement”; and we publish several articles on the highly controversial mandate of wearing face masks, which is dividing the country; the growing movement of destroying America’s heritage under the disguise of “fighting against racism”; and attempts of prohibiting freedom of speech; and address the destruction of America’s monuments and statues. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “The Paradox of BLM and the Fight against Racism.”

We conclude with an eye-opening powerful piece discussing the extremely troublesome agenda and conduct of the “Black Lives Matter Movement” in the UK.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with articles regarding Israel’s anticipated annexation of West Bank lands and the “final” decision not to extend Brexit negotiations beyond 2020. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why the UK’s Downfall Is Certain!” We also address controversial comments by Pope Francis and Poland’s stance against the “LGBT Ideology.” We also report on a controversial and stunning decision by the US Supreme Court regarding the LGBT community; as well as a decision by a federal appeals court regarding the beginning of life, and the US Supreme Court decision on DACA.

We publish articles from doctors who are highly critical about governmental restrictions pertaining to the fight against the coronavirus, and address further contemplated measures which, if adopted, might very well create civil unrest and possibly civil war.

We speak on the end of any “friendly” relationship between the USA and North Korea; travel restrictions in Europe; the push for a coronavirus app in Germany; ineffective travel restrictions in the UK; the deteriorating relationship between Germany and the USA; the rush towards the development of vaccines; the dubious role of the Big Pharma industry; and the attempted goal of enforcing vaccinations for school children.

We speak on the terrible locust plague; address worldwide protests with the accompanying goal of destroying confederate monuments and of banning popular movies and TV shows; and we conclude with an article from the United Kingdom, discussing the perceived connection between protests by left-wing radicals and the desire for autocratic governmental control.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with eye-opening articles (for those comparatively few who HAVE eyes to see) regarding Germany’s total disapproval of President Trump and the ongoing and ACCELERATING deterioration of the relationship between Germany and the USA, due to America’s latest announcement to withdraw about 9,500 troops from Germany. In this regard, please view our new program, “Hostility between Germany and the USA Continues—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 6, 2020.” 

Among other developments that are covered in this section, we address the deteriorating relationship between the USA and Russia and China; and the fear that the special relationship between the USA and the UK might also end soon. There are even loud voices to be heard in Israel questioning Trump’s friendship with Israel.

We are focusing on the ongoing protests in the USA regarding the killing of George Floyd; violent movements trying to hijack peaceful demonstrations; the sudden hypocritical shift of opinion by medical experts regarding the danger of the coronavirus and the need to violate “social distancing” regulations; and the irony of aiding and abetting criminals by insisting on wearing face masks. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled  “Do You Disobey God While Accepting the Mark of the Beast?”

We conclude with articles about the certainty of the reelection of Donald Trump in spite of developments which, just based on a human perspective, would seem to make it impossible that Trump would stay in power.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with an article about the distinct possibility of a no-deal Brexit, which would have devastating consequences for the United Kingdom. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Satan’s Wrath Against Britain.” 

We report on America’s ongoing demonstrations and violent riots; heavy criticism from all corners towards President Trump’s “handling” of the volatile situation; and the world’s scornful and threatening reaction to America’s dilemma.

We report on an incomprehensible decision of the US Supreme Court and especially the highly controversial role of Chief Justice John Roberts; and we continue with a further example of alienation between Donald Trump and Angela Merkel. We also publish an article claiming that it is Germany’s declared goal to make “Europe strong again.”

We discuss Britain’s nightmarish self-isolation and quarantine rules and quote scientists alleging that the lockdown was a colossal failure.

We speak on America’s fight with China and the situation in Hong Kong; ambitions of the Eurozone; and Europe’s reactions to Israel’s annexation plans.

 We conclude with an eye-opening article on Facebook’s oversight board.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with America’s strong verbal response to Iran’s call for eliminating Israel’s “Zionist” regime and invoking the “final solution” while Israel announced its decision to annex areas of the West Bank in July.

We continue with America’s grim economic future in the light of the coronavirus which is being described as “the final kick into the abyss.”

 We report on horrible contemplated measures in Germany regarding parents and school children; and really bad and harmful guidelines for school children in the US. We speak on the UK’s rather ridiculous quarantine measures for everyone flying into the UK; and Europe’s threatening response.

We address the controversy regarding wearing masks; further sickening recommendations of the Center for Disease regarding the separation of new-born babies from their mothers; and the UN’s support and advancement of abortions in the midst of the Corona crisis.

We point out further developments following the pronouncement of President Trump that Church services are “essential”; Dr. Fauci’s rather strange “change of mind”; and Alan Dershowitz’s rather preposterous attempts to claim that quarantining healthy persons is justified or even demanded in the Bible.

We publish an interesting article about public prayers by women; and we conclude with the allegation that Pope Francis’ promotes the worship of “Mother Earth.”

Regarding the Pope’s rather strange comments, please view our StandingWatch program, “Pope Francis Attacks True Chrisitanity.” 

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with numerous explosive articles regarding the search for and the potential development of a vaccine against the coronavirus and some extremely frightening and disturbing scenarios IF such a vaccine should be created; and we publish articles with controversial allegations regarding Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates which are being blocked outright and dismissed very quickly by the mainstream media.  

 We point out ongoing demonstrations in Germany against governmental restrictions which worry Angela Merkel and question her and her party’s political survival; report on attempts in Germany and elsewhere to silence criticism and any dissenting voices; address EU’s proposed travel recommendations which, if adopted, would lead to inflation; and speak on President Trump’s serious warnings towards the WHO.

We continue with increasing division within the USA; a warning to California by the Justice Department and a controversial decision by the Oregon Supreme Court; Jordan’s, the Palestinians’ and Europe’s collision course with Israel and the USA; legal trouble for Benjamin Netanyahu; Europe’s ongoing efforts to build their own powerful self-sufficient army; Europe’s unwillingness to give any concessions to the UK over Brexit; and we point out that US Ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell, accuses Germany of undermining NATO.

We conclude with Pope Francis’ remarkably wrong understanding of true Christianity. In that regard, please view our powerful advertisement video for our new booklet, “The Ten Commandments.” Please also view our new StandingWatch program on the topic, titled, “Pope Francis Attacks True Christianity!”  

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with an article about alleged experiences with ghosts during self-isolation (please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “Haunted Houses and Ghosts during Self-Isolation?”); and continue with the status of worldwide travel bans and the dire situation of the tourist industry, while focusing especially on the United Kingdom and Germany. We speak on huge demonstrations in Germany against governmental restrictions and a new German law, instigated by openly gay German Health Minister Jens Spahn, prohibiting conversion therapies of minors who are gay. We also report on a highly controversial law in France on “hate speech” and “religious bigotry.”

Turning to the USA, we report, among other events, on the terrible conditions and ever-growing statistics of America’s unemployed. We also point out critical voices in the media questioning the accuracy of Dr. Fauci’s predictions, and the long-term dangers of draconian restrictions and other measures by the US federal and state governments.

We also address a dire warning of bishops, doctors, lawyers and journalists pertaining to reactions to the coronavirus and the possibility of a schism in the Catholic Church; and we report on the worldwide breakdown of our healthcare systems.

We focus on the EU’s warning against Israel in case of annexation, and a frightening development in light of microchips which have been implanted in unsuspecting victims.

We conclude with nationwide opposition of American churches to the governmental prohibitions of personal religious assembly.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with interesting developments within and pertaining to the history and the current situation of the Roman Catholic Church and some of their popes [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Will We Lose Our Freedoms Forever?”]; address the appearance of the bee-devouring “murder hornet” in the USA and a mysterious bee-killing disease in the UK; and point out man’s lust for war and the economic might of the EU.

We speak on censorship of the free media around the world and the suppression of views which are not “politically correct”; ongoing drastic restrictions on travel; the possibility that there will never be a vaccine for coronavirus; and the dangers of a pandemic drone.

We address the unpresented unemployment figures in the USA since the Great Depression; rising beef prices; and the rising anger and defiance of Californians toward Governor Newsom’s stay-at-home orders.

We publish a frightening warning of a leading rabbi regarding civil war in the USA and its pending destruction, as well as rising anti-Semitism in the USA.

We quote strong words from Fox-News anchor Tucker Carlson and Tesla Chief Elon Musk against the controversial undemocratic conduct of some US state governors; and we conclude with China’s role in the spread of the coronavirus.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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