Current Events

We begin with news of the impeachment of President Trump; point to warnings about widespread armed protests during Joe Biden’s inauguration.

We present several articles about the power of Big Tech and the growing alarm by world leaders and many others about the loss of free speech.

We report on Pope Francis changing church law to allow women to have more participation in Catholic Church functions; we report on the growing movement for Catholic and Lutheran reconciliation.

We conclude with reports about Brexit and the frightening specter of widespread food shortages in the UK.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

We begin with articles about the mob attack in Washington, D.C., and the stunned reaction of other nations; note the confirmation of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ full control of the US government.

We present reports about the growing movement by nations to legalize abortion.

We report on demonstrations against America in Iraq, and note threats from Iranian-backed elements against President Trump and US leaders.

We present articles showing the overwhelming outbreaks of Covid-19 in many countries.

We conclude with an article reporting on an absolutely blasphemous prayer given in the US Congress.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on the top European Court’s highly controversial decision to allow the prohibition of ritual slaughter (Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Europe’s Attack on Religious Freedom and the coming Great Tribulation”).

We continue with reports on the appalling “coronavirus relief bill” adopted by a thoroughly corrupt Congress; and the frustration of many Americans regarding dictatorial corona measures by hypocritical state governors leading to the destruction of especially small businesses and a growing will to resist.  

We speak on a massive hacking attack on US companies and governmental agencies; the growing military cooperation between China and Russia; Donald Trump’s ongoing challenge of the accuracy of the outcome of the presidential election; the troubles of Joe Biden; the fight for and against abortion; and the shaky relationship between the UK and the USA.  

We address the announcement of a Brexit deal, due to Boris Johnson’s alleged spineless willingness to compromise; point out numerous and diverse issues connected with coronavirus vaccinations; attempts to bring about “reconciliation” between the Catholic and the Protestant Lutheran churches; the collapse of the Israeli government (again); speak on the Third Temple; and address the isolation of the UK and travel bans, due to an alleged “dangerous” mutation of the coronavirus.  

We address discussions about Europe’s intervention in Ethiopia; the Catholic Church’s criticism of Europe’s restrictions of religious freedom; religious persecution of the wife of a Christian minister in Finland; and the concerted efforts of more than 300 religious leaders to fight conversion therapies.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with a short overview of important events in 2020, continue with the apparent motives of the left-liberal mass media’s suppression of the Hunter Biden scandal, and speak on developments surrounding the presidential election and possible short-term and long-term consequences for the USA.

We speak on the top European Court’s decision to allow  the prohibition of ritual slaughter (please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Europe’s Attack on Religious Freedom and the coming Great Tribulation”).

We address the dangerous controversy over fishing rights between the UK and EU; an interesting article about Merkel’s successor; and we discuss the new devastating hard lockdown in Germany; the German government’s fight against anti-lockdown demonstrators; and different positions in Germany, the UK, the USA and Israel regarding coronavirus vaccinations.

We conclude with Pope Francis’ plea for a world authority and global governance; and further “adjustments” for the remission of temporal punishment through indulgences, in connection with an apparition of “Our Lady of Guadalupe.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with mounting evidence of voter fraud during the Presidential election and the desperate attempts by the left-wing mass media, as well as state courts, to suppress or deny the facts in an effort to declare Joe Biden as the next President. We also report on many lawsuits by the Trump legal team and others, all of which have been unsuccessful so far.. but this still could change. We publish an article from an Israeli news outlet pointing at the terrible consequences of a Biden Presidency, by just focusing on his contemplated choice of leaders within the Health Department and his proposed Coronavirus Taskforce.

We speak on side effects of coronavirus vaccinations. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Should you get vaccinated against Coronavirus?” 

We also address the “cruel illogic” of new devastating lockdowns, including in California and Germany. Violence because of frustration and desperation has broken out, for instance in Los Angeles, and more might follow. Also, we report on Germany’s descent into a dictatorship.

We are reporting on a surprisingly strong verbal attack on Israel by a Saudi prince; and the increasingly hostile assaults between the UK and the EU, combined with the clear threat of military action.

We conclude with an eye-opening article regarding planned worldwide mind control and censorship by powerful “actors.” The attempt by the left-wing media to discredit the news agency publishing the article speaks for itself.

Regarding some of our articles in this issue, please watch our recent presentation, titled, “America in Crisis—Voter Fraud, Lockdowns and Harmful Vaccinations.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with further developments on the hotly-contested US election, due to alleged voter fraud and appalling “manipulations” and “irregularities.”

We continue with the assassination of a top scientist in Iran; the speculations as to who was responsible for the killing; and the potential consequences for the Middle East.

We also address the opposition to and the physically and spiritually damaging consequences of lockdowns; the unreliability of coronavirus tests; and the polarization of mask-wearing and other alleged “means” of combating the coronavirus; as well as a new vaccine against the pandemic.

Regarding our articles on voter fraud and the coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions, please watch our recent presentation, titled, “Expose the Many Lies to My People!”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with a report on the current “unsatisfactory” status of Europe’s fragmented and unprepared defense abilities and the renewed push for a unified European army; French President Macron’s “Napoleon Moment”; and Poland’s and Hungary’s warning of European dictatorship reminiscent of the “communist regime of old.”

We continue with events in or related to the USA, including the sad likelihood of and preparation for civil unrest or even civil war (please view our new StandingWatch program in this context, titled, “Are You Prepared for Civil War?”); the ongoing attempts of the Trump legal team to prove massive voter fraud, which, if true, would reveal an appalling degree of political corruption within the USA; and we report on a lone voice in the wilderness and a mission by the US Air Force to the Middle East. We also speak of a “report” about “storming” the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and Pope Francis’s rather strange ideas and positions.

Focusing on governmental restrictions because of the coronavirus, we publish an eye-opening article of Britain’s Daily Mail, questioning the official data and predictions of the British government, and the subsequent attempt of the government to ridicule or even silence the paper, which attempt backfired; and we speak on Britain’s intention to create “freedom passes” and coronavirus certificates.

We also address ongoing demonstrations in Germany against the coronavirus restrictions; the German government’s harsh and polemic response; and California Governor Newsom’s incredible hypocrisy and a warning to people in Oregon not to become “rats.” We speak on corona vaccines’ side-effects and the coming vaccination mandate for (at least) international travelers; publish an article claiming that, based on science, “lockdowns are the greatest policy error of this generation,” and conclude with interesting discoveries regarding Mars.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with a startling report from Israel about a potential soon-coming attack of Israel and the USA on Iran; Trump’s unique relationship with Israel; and the ongoing developments and conflicting reports regarding the outcome of the Presidential Election.  We also speak on the outbreak of violence in Washington D.C. between dissenting factions.  

We continue with an eye-opening article about the hypocritical and political stance of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops towards Biden; further lockdowns and other governmental restrictions in the USA and Europe; a controversial and highly dangerous new law in Germany which has been compared to a law paving the way to Hitler’s dictatorship, “temporarily” limiting or abandoning individual rights and liberties granted in the German Constitution [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Germany’s March to Dictatorship and its Corona Chancellor”];blatant hypocrisy of governmental leaders; religious discrimination in the USA; and some controversial anti-Semitic comments by a CNN moderator.

We conclude with the establishment of the world’s largest trade pact and the U.N.’s fear of wide-spread hunger and famine in 2021, due, in part, to new lockdowns and the consequential rippling economic impact.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

In the morning of November 7, America’s mass media and networks, including CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, AP and Fox News all declared, in unison and at the same time, that Joe Biden is the next president.

Newsmax did not, pointing out that such declaration is premature in light of ongoing vote counts, mandatory recounts and legal challenges. While governmental leaders in Canada, Germany, France, the UK ,Turkey and Israel have “recognized” and congratulated Biden as the new president, Russia, China and Mexico have not.

We point out in this edition the irresponsible and totally premature announcements by the networks and the mass euphoria by certain politicians in the USA and around the world to “accept” what is a misleading conclusion. No matter what one thinks about President Trump, he has at this point not been defeated. Statements to the contrary simply constitute an appalling corrupt propaganda machine, worthy of the worst dictatorships, designed to create a scenario as a “fait accompli” which is simply untrue.

In this context, please watch Norbert Link’s recent message on the topic, titled, “Biden the President-elect? Not so Fast!—Comments on News and Prophecy (November 7, 2020).”

In other news, we report on developments in Europe and the UK, and conclude with articles on frightening and disgusting developments associated with autocratic governmental measures regarding the coronavirus.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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