Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we publish many warnings of a coming nuclear war between Russia and the West, in light of developments pertaining to Russia, Ukraine, Finland and Sweden. Even though the Bible does NOT prophesy a nuclear war between Russia and the West at this time, nuclear war between Europe and the USA and the United Kingdom IS prophesied, which will be FOLLOWED by nuclear war between Russia, China and other Far Eastern nations (the “kings of the East”) and a united Europe under the dictatorship of the “beast”. Sadly, most observers do not understand any of this and are thereby totally ignorant as to what is and will be happening soon. At the same time, demands for restrictions of free speech in the USA are getting louder, also and especially in light of the Buffalo massacre. Please view our new message, “Biden’s Ministry of Truth and Consequences of the Ukraine War—Comments on News and Prophecy, May 14, 2022” .

We also focus on Israel and Iran; the ongoing downfall of Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz; a “promise” by Dr. Fauci that may sound to be too good to be true; a new ridiculous definition of “woman”; and some sad “accomplishments” by the United Kingdom.

Current Events

In this issue, we devote many articles to the formation of the new “Disinformation Governance Board” in the USA, warning of the dangers of such a body and of the people involved who are being accused of having a history of spreading lies and misinformation… which, according to some quoted articles, can also be said, allegedly, of the US government itself over many years. It is contended that the formation of the new body is another unconstitutional step toward suppression of “unpopular” opinions, manifesting the ever-growing move towards total dictatorship within the USA.

We address efforts in some US states and by US companies, as well as in Canada, to continue the murder of abortion [please view our NEW StandingWatch program, titled, “(When) Is Abortion Murder in the Eyes of God?” and our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Free Abortions in California… ‘Repent or Perish!’”]; the hopeless and incurable division within the USA; the obvious conflict of interest of Joe Biden’s new Press Secretary; and we publish some tough questions for Joe Biden and speak on the mysterious bewilderment pertaining to his presidency. We also address the curse of inflation for the American people and the opinion that the EU needs an army; as well as the surprising victory of the nationalist party Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland, which seeks unification with Ireland.

We speak on political propaganda relating to Russia, Ukraine and Germany [please view in this context our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Did Hitler Have Jewish Blood?”]; Russia’s May 9 “Victory Day”; the consequences of the war in Ukraine; and we conclude with frictions between the Pope and the Russian Orthodox Church and the obvious attempt of the Pope to cave in by taking certain political positions.

Current Events

We begin with the leak of a draft majority opinion of the US Supreme Court, overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade decision which had legalized abortion across the country.

We continue with controversial comments by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, stating, among other things, that Hitler had “Jewish blood,” causing strong condemnation from Israel which had been very careful, up to this point, not to upset Russia. Please view in this regard our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Did Hitler Have Jewish Blood?”

We also report on Hamas’ threats against Israel and Iran’s international terrorist activities.

We report on Putin’s alleged forthcoming operation and threats from Russia to destroy major cities in Europe, including London, Berlin and Paris, through the use of nuclear weapons and a “radioactive tsunami.”

We continue with the growing dissatisfaction and criticism against Germany’s chancellor Olaf Scholz—and the entire German elite—claiming, among many charges, that Scholz is acting due to pressure and not because of conviction, and asking whether Germany has a true leader. In this regard, please view our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Weak German Government under Attack” . We also report on another “change of heart” by Germany regarding an embargo on Russian oil imports, while Hungary, Slovakia and other European nations are strongly opposed to such action.

We speak on Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Ukraine, while Joe Biden is being told not to visit, apparently because of his many unpredictable and embarrassing blunders. We also speak on Putin’s allies around the world, who, to a large extent, will ultimately be part of the prophesied “kings of the East.”

We conclude with further evidence of the godlessness of Canada and the terrible American school system.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with Emanuel Macron’s victory over Marine Le Pen, continuing his role as French president, causing a sigh of relief in Europe but the joy might be short-lived.

We continue with several articles about Germany’s duplicity and troublesome relationship with Russia; the perceived downfall of Germany’s new weak chancellor, Olaf Scholz; and the allegation that Germany is complicit in Russia’s war crimes. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Weak German Government under Attack” 

We also report on fears of a coming nuclear war and Moscow’s alleged goal to conquer all of southern and eastern Ukraine.  We also speak on Austria’s surprising position on Ukraine’s desired EU membership.

We report on tensions in Jerusalem between Israel and Christians, and the claim that the recent violence on the Temple Mount was carefully staged by Abbas’ ruling party. Please view in this regard our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Time to Build the Third Temple in the Face of Violence?”

We speak on the continuing fight between the left-liberal Disney organization and the conservative government in Florida; Dr. Fauci’s ignorant comments; Google’s new “inclusive language function design”; and Obama’s hypocritical statements.   

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with renewed violence at the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem (please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Time to build the Third Temple in the face of Violence?” ); discuss numerous failed attempts to end the war in Ukraine; report about the war’s ongoing and accelerating destruction; point out Ukraine’s disappointment with Germany and some German politicians; and focus on questions raised by Ukraine regarding American help.

We speak on events pertaining to Denmark, Finland, Sweden and France; and publish an article claiming that both the mass media and the CIA are lying to us.

We conclude with highly controversial mask mandates; a surprising but overdue decision by a federal court judge and reactions; and the planned release of engineered mosquitos in California.  

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reports about Disney’s hypocritical conduct and its fight for the “woke” culture, and the serious consequences it might have for Disney regarding its “special benefits” in Florida. When one observes the incredible change from the times Walt Disney lived, and the destruction of his legacy by the Disney Company, one must conclude that he would turn in his grave if he only knew. We also cite Joe Biden’s ever changing comments on gay and transgender people.

We report good news from Finland and bad news from Canada, when addressing religious persecution in both countries; and speak on the ongoing debacle regarding Europe’s “fight” with Russia over Ukraine. We also report on elections in Hungary and Serbia.

We address Europe’s rapid reaction force and the fear that America is losing the Middle East, as well as most recent developments in Israel.

Speaking about the ongoing insane concepts, rules and regulations by medical “experts” and governmental officials regarding the “fight” against the coronavirus, we report on former German health minister Jens Span and current German “lockdown” health minister Kurt Lauterbach, as well as on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s extremely controversial conduct in several respects.

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Germany Was Never a Pacifist Power.” 

Please also watch our new message,Natural Immunity and Nuclear Bombs in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy, April 2, 2022.”

We conclude with the ongoing abortion war with at least four American states allowing abortion for any and no reason; and the curse of the bird flu on American exports.   

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with incredible idolatry in the Catholic Church and remarkable comments by Pope Francis. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Pope Francis and War… Right or Wrong?”

We also speak on Justin Trudeau’s hypocrisy.

We continue with an alleged but inconsequential deal between the USA and the EU; American nuclear weapons in Germany and the rest of Europe; and Germany’s ongoing typical blunders.

We speak on Biden’s devastating gaffes; and America’s “most dangerous time in its history.”

We speak on Putin’s threat to “unfriendly” countries to have to pay Russian natural gas exports only in rubles; questions whether Russia will retreat from parts of Ukraine; and dangerous Chinese propaganda.

We also speak on the dangerous Iran deal and include a warning to watch the Middle East. We also focus on Afghanistan and North Korea.

We conclude with articles on Covid vaccines; fossil fuels; and abortion. In this context, please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Free Abortions in California…’Repent or Perish!’”

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with further evidence of Putin’s mental sickness and demonic possession while explaining that his real goals go far beyond Ukraine; and continue with Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s desire to meet with Vladimir Putin (see our new message, “Ukraine Disappointed with NATO and Europe—Comments on News and Prophecy, March 19, 2022”). We point out dubious and disappointing “reporting” on the Russian invasion of Ukraine; speak about a stunning statement by Pope Francis on the situation in Ukraine which completely contradicts the Roman Catholic Church’s doctrine on “just wars”; and publish a remarkable article on abortion. In this context, view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Free Abortions in California… ‘Repent or Perish!’”.

We speak about ongoing persecution of religious liberties and freedoms in Canada and America.

We report on the Biden administration’s hypocrisy as it relates to contemplated actions pertaining to Iran; and the shameful conduct of the US mass media regarding the Hunter Biden scandal. We also publish a truly remarkable article on abortion.

Turning to Germany, we discuss the country’s military ambitions; its embarrassing “help” for Ukraine; its “green policy”; dangerous developments regarding a threat to democracy; and dubious discussions regarding vaccination mandates.

We conclude with new mask mandates in Austria and Austria’s “neutrality,” and a report on the danger of mental illness caused by lockdowns.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

Recently, we received several comments—some of them quite hateful– disagreeing with our articles and StandingWatch messages pertaining to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, calling Ukraine a “satanic state” and exonerating Putin, while seeing in him a righteous tool in God’s hands to punish evil Ukrainians. Others wrote that we do not like Russians. Some even tried to defend Hitler’s invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland, claiming that these two nations were not innocent. Others accused “wicked” Zelenskyy [also spelled Zelensky] of being pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality and pro-transgenderism, while Putin was more righteous than he, and blamed the wicked USA for Putin’s war.

Frankly, we were not that much surprised about comments like these, knowing full well the pro-Russian and anti-American propaganda in large parts of the world.

We need to understand that this is Satan’s world. He and his demons are the rulers over ALL nations and kingdoms. Sometimes they literally possess certain leaders. God allows Satan to rule, and He does not intervene, unless potential developments would prevent His plan to be carried out. Even though it says that God will use a future king of Assyria—the beast—to punish ungodly nations, such as the USA, the UK, Canada and other English-speaking countries, it is still Satan who raises up that king and gives him his power and authority. He and his demons will possess the beast (a future European leader of German or Austrian descent) and the false prophet, who will persecute and massacre true Christians. God does not hold these demonically possessed leaders guiltless, but rather, they will be thrown in a lake of fire at the return of Jesus Christ.

We in the Church of the Eternal God do not take sides or endorse political leaders or advocate war in any manner. We are simply reporting world events in the light of biblical prophecy.  When this means that we must report the fact that Putin is possessed, then we will do so, whether pro-Putin and anti-American readers or viewers like it or not. The fact that Putin might be against homosexuals does not negate the fact of his possession—Hitler, who was likewise possessed, was against homosexuals too, but that did not make him a tool in God’s hands. We also hasten to add that neither Hitler nor Putin claimed that their invasion of foreign lands was because of homosexual conduct of their citizens.

We are not against “the Russians” (otherwise, we would not have published a booklet in the Russian language on marriage and family), but we are pointing out the evil deeds of Putin and those who support him. We do the same in respect to other leaders and their supporters if they fulfill biblical prophecies through their actions.

What we see right now are developments which will ultimately lead to a unification of Russians and Ukrainians and others to conquer and destroy Europe, and invade the Middle East. Again, even though it says that God will use the modern “Medes” to do these things, after HE has raised up the modern Chaldeans (“the most terrible of the nations”–the last European revival of the ancient Roman Empire), it is still Satan who actually does all of it, but God allows it and sees to it that His prophesied purposes are fulfilled. In fact, the kings of the East, together with the beast and their armies, will be destroyed by Christ at His return.  

God accepts everyone from every nation or ethnic background who turns to Him, fears Him and works righteousness. But those who support this evil world and its leaders are doomed.  

For more information, please view our StandingWatch programs, “Putin—the Devil’s Tool”; “Putin’s War against Ukraine… How It Happened!”; and “What Does the Bible Say about Russia’s Future?” .

Also, please view our most recent StandingWatch program, “The Ukraine War and America’s Unreliability and Decline.”

In this edition, we speak on further similarities between Putin and Hitler, as well as NATO’s, America’s and Europe’s unwillingness to really stand up to Putin, while it is feared that Putin will not stop at Ukraine and while Zelenskyy becomes more and more frustrated with NATO and the EU. We also address the unreliability and decline of the USA; the close relationship between Russia and China; and the rise of hypocritical Europe. In addition, we report on a terrible famine in Ukraine, caused by Stalin, and frightful modern-day similarities.  

We conclude with further mask mandates in the USA and Biden’s refusal to accept responsibility for inflation.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reports on the unification of Europe and Europe’s military buildup; speak on Biden’s decision to stop the import of Russian oil and natural gas, while much of Europe will not follow suit; address Germany’s continuing dependence on Russian oil; Germany’s embarrassing “help” for Ukraine; and Zelenskyy’s frustration with NATO over the ongoing debate regarding fighter jets and a no-fly zone and his willingness to compromise with Russia, while a debacle between the USA and Poland was revealed.  

We address Russia’s attack on a nuclear power plant; the recommendation to assassinate Putin; the broken “cease-fire”; Putin’s fight against the free press; and Putin’s mental disability which might have spiritual causes. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Putin—the Devil’s Tool.”

We publish a frightening article, raising the possibility of worldwide famine due to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

We speak on the “important partnership” between Russia and China; persecution of Christians in Russia and Canada; the devastating floods in Australia, and we conclude with the dangerous prospect of a new Iran deal; the White House’s misrepresentations regarding a bill in Florida; and an ongoing fight between Barr, Pence and Trump.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God