Who Is Jesus Christ?—His Many Descriptions in the Bible!

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When reading in the Bible about Jesus Christ, we come across many names, descriptions, attributes, functions and references that apply to Jesus Christ. When analyzing those descriptions in detail, we find out much about the nature and character of Christ—who He was before His human birth, what He is now, and what He always will be.

In this booklet, we begin, in chapter 1, with the wrong concept that we must use Hebrew names to worship God—the Father and Jesus Christ; continue in chapter 2 with the question of what to call Jesus or how to address Him; and discuss in detail in chapter 3 the many descriptions and designations, as well as the roles and functions of Jesus. 

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Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen

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Some time ago, we published a booklet about predestination, addressing the question, among many others, whether YOU have been predestined to be called in this day and age for salvation… and if so, how long ago that decision was made. 

But there are still many additional questions which deserve to be answered… questions like: What does it mean to be “called” for salvation?; Is there a distinction between being called and being chosen, and if so, what is that distinction?; and why does it say that “many” are called,” but “few” are “chosen”? Could “calling” also refer to a selection which is not for the purpose of salvation?

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How Can Young People… Cope with Life?

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This booklet was written for all of our readers, with special emphasis on parents and their children. It addresses the problems with which especially young people are confronted today, and it is meant to help parents to help their children to deal with those problems. In this evil world, it is necessary that parents teach their children God’s values, as set forth in the Bible. But how can the Bible become attractive to young people, and how can Bible study become a joy, rather than “boring” and a “nuisance”? 

Parents have a vital and all-important role in making the Bible known to their children, and so, we offer suggestions in this booklet to the parents as to how to fulfill this critical responsibility of teaching their children God’s Way of Life.

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The Rise and Fall of Germany and Europe

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Surprising as it may seem, the Bible has much to say about the coming destruction of Germany and Europe. To understand those prophecies, we must first of all understand where Germany is mentioned in the Bible. You will not find it with that modern name, but the biblical records, history and archaeology prove that the German and Austrian peoples of today are descendants of the ancient Assyrians. (For proof, please read our free booklet, “Germany in Prophecy.”)

The ancient capital of Assyria was Nineveh. As we will see, Nineveh was destroyed, but not before it was given a warning. That warning was proclaimed through the prophet Jonah, as recorded in the Book of Jonah. When Jonah uttered the warning message of imminent destruction, the Ninevites repented, and the city and the people were spared. But not forever. Subsequent generations of Assyrians engaged again in horrible sinful conduct, and that time, Nineveh was utterly demolished, as recorded, for instance, in the Book of Nahum.

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God the Father Is the Highest

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There is a tendency in many churches to either under- or overemphasize the role and position of God the Father and of Jesus Christ. It is of tremendous importance that we understand the Truth in this regard, as it is revealed in the pages of the Bible. This booklet will show that God is a Family and a hierarchy, and this means, God the Father is the highest in the Godhead; He and Jesus Christ are NOT equal in authority. This understanding has tremendous importance for our daily Christian life.

Jesus Christ told us to pray to God the Father. He emphasized in the prayer outline in Matthew 6:9–13 that “the kingdom and the power and the glory” belong to the Father forever; that we should ask the Father to establish His Kingdom on earth; to give us our bread day by day; to forgive us our sins; to deliver us from evil; and that His Will be done on earth as in heaven.

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God Is… Our Destiny!

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We read in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” The word “gospel” simply means “good news.” 

Jesus Christ was a messenger sent by God the Father to proclaim the Gospel or the good news of the Kingdom of God. But WHAT did He proclaim? What IS the Kingdom of God? What does the “Kingdom” of God have to do with God? 

Who and what IS God? Is He one Person—two Persons—three Persons? Is He an impersonal “blob” without form and shape, and without any emotions? 

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Why This Confusion About Life After Death?

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In the Vatican News, there was a report on August 2, 2020, which read as follows:

“Speaking at the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis invited everyone to receive the ‘Pardon of Assisi’, which can be obtained from the evening of 1 August until midnight on 2 August.

“St. Francis obtained this spiritual gift from God through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. ‘It is a plenary indulgence that may be received by partaking of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist and visiting a parish or Franciscan church, reciting the Creed, the Lord’s prayer and praying for the Pope and his intentions,’ the Pope pointed out.

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Evil Empires and Evil People—Wild Beasts of the Bible

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The Bible has much to say about literal wild beasts and ravenous animals of prey, but it is fascinating to see how God’s Word applies their characteristics and conduct to worldly powers and empires, especially as they are described in their relationship to “Israel,” as well as to ungodly sinners who are persecuting God’s people. 

Attacks against the modern descendants of the ancient Houses of Israel and Judah and against God’s disciples—spiritual Israelites—are prophesied in these end times.

When those attacks are described, the Bible uses metaphors of wild and vicious animals many times to show the nature and character of the persecutors, as well as the kind and severity of their actions, while emphasizing that it is Satan the Devil who is behind such attacks, walking around like a roaring lion to see whom he can devour (see 1 Peter 5:8). 

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Are Jews and Christians at Odds with Jesus Christ?

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Why was the religious establishment usually at odds with Jesus when He was here on earth? Why are the Jews still waiting for their version of a Messiah, and is that expectation biblical? And why is traditional Christianity rejecting Jesus Christ?

In the first part of this booklet, we will endeavor to answer this question, by discussing the different religious groups who were all part of the Jewish establishment at the time of Jesus.

When we read the New Testament, it becomes obvious even to the most casual reader, that Jesus was constantly being followed and questioned by those members of the different religious groupings within the Jewish race during His ministry almost two thousand years ago.

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Obeying God Rather Than Men

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The title for this booklet was inspired by Peter’s famous saying in Acts 5:29 and also in Acts 4:19. The Sanhedrin had prohibited the apostles from teaching the Truth in the name of Jesus Christ, but they steadfastly refused. They were threatened and arrested and in danger of being executed, but were freed by an angel and continued to preach the Truth. They were arrested again and severely beaten, but then let go.

Peter’s saying and the underlying circumstances have been quoted and told endless times over the centuries, and many Christians have suffered martyrdom for obeying God rather than men. But as time went by, the meaning of what this passage actually conveys became more and more blurred in the minds of many, and we are warned that in these last days many would fall away from the Truth, would lose God’s love and be willing to compromise with God’s Word, and even betray others in order to escape punishment from the government. 

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