How’s Your EGO?; This Generation Will Not Pass Away!

On September 8, 2018, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “How’s Your EGO?” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “This Generation Will Not Pass Away!”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

The Feast of Trumpets will be observed and services will be broadcast live on Monday, September 10, 2018. Morning services will begin at 10:00 am Pacific Time, and afternoon services will begin at 3:00 pm Pacific Time. Morning: Sermonette will be presented by Eric Rank, titled, “Gideon’s Faith,” and the sermon will be presented by Dave Harris, titled, “The Sound of the Trumpet!”; Afternoon: Offertory will be presented by Michael Link, titled, “Not for Granted!,” and the sermon will be presented by Norbert Link, titled, “Freedom from Captivity!”

This Week in the News

Trump Bash at McCain Funeral

The Associated Press reported on September 1:

“John McCain’s daughter opened his memorial service by posing her father’s legacy as a direct challenge to President Donald Trump, setting a tone that echoed the senator’s own fighting spirit as former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush eulogized him Saturday at the Washington National Cathedral. Bush and Obama, both challenged by McCain in their bids for the White House, drew on the senator’s legacy at home and abroad to talk of the nation’s values in remarks that at times seemed a clear rebuke of Trump and his brand of politics.

“Obama spoke of the long talks he and McCain would have privately in the Oval Office and the senator’s understanding that America’s security and influence came not from ‘our ability to bend others to our will’ but universal values of rule of law and human rights. ‘So much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse can seem small and mean and petty, tracking in bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage,’ Obama said in another not-so-veiled nod to Trump. ‘It’s a politics that pretends to be brave and tough but in fact is born in fear. John called on us to be bigger than that. He called on us to be better than that.’

“Bush said one of the great gifts in his life was becoming friends with his former White House rival. He said they would in later years recall their political battles like former football players remembering the big game. But mostly Bush recalled a champion for the ‘forgotten people’ at home and abroad whose legacy will serve as a reminder, even in times of doubt, of the power of America as more than a physical place but a ‘carrier of human aspirations.’…

“Trump was not on hand for the ceremony, after McCain’s family made clear he was not invited. But Meghan McCain made sure Trump was part of the memorial in another way, leveling pointed criticism at the president in her eulogy. ‘We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness — the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served,’ she said, her voice first choking back tears then raising to anger. Later, she said to applause, ‘The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.’

“In another clear swipe at Trump, she said some resented her father for being ‘a great fire who burned bright’ and what he revealed about their own characters. Those critics, she said, still have an opportunity to emulate her father’s legacy.

“Those gathered Saturday morning to eulogize the six-term senator included three former presidents, scores of members of Congress, current and former world leaders and family and friends. Among those in the front row were Barack and Michelle Obama, George and Laura Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Dick Cheney and Al Gore… ‘His death seems to have reminded the American people that these values are what makes us a great nation, not the tribal partisanship and personal attack politics that have recently characterized our life,’ said former Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, a longtime friend and fellow global traveler who McCain once considered as his vice presidential running mate…

“Two of [Trump’s] top aides, White House chief of staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis, flanked Cindy McCain as she placed the wreath at the memorial and [joined] the service. Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner [also] attended…”

Also, Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, attended; and others spoke as well, such as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who gave a short address by quoting a passage from the Bible. Especially Graham made recent headlines when he criticized Trump for the “disturbing” way with which he “remembered” McCain after his death, stating, according to Newsmax, dated August 30: “You’re going to have to be a big man in a big office. John McCain was a big man, worthy of a big country. Mr. President, you need to be the big man that the presidency requires.”

In an obvious reply to Meghan McCain’s [questionable] comment that America always was great and does not need to be made great again, Breitbart pointed out on September 3 that Ronald Reagan used the phrase, “Make America Great Again,” on Labor Day 1980: “Ronald Reagan kicked off his 1980 campaign for the presidency on the banks of the Hudson River, overlooking the Statue of Liberty, on Labor Day in 1980 with a promise to ‘make America great again.’ Standing side-by-side with the father of Poland’s Solidarity movement, Lech Walesa, Reagan proclaimed that ‘where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.’ Reagan wrapped up his speech with words that will sound familiar today: ‘Let us pledge to each other, with this Great Lady looking on, that we can, and so help us God, we will make America great again.’”

On a lighter note, here are some funny excerpts from former Sen. Joe Lieberman’s speech:

“Personally, I can tell you that [he] was a real friend in accommodating what were to him my unusual practices as a religiously observant Jew, whether it was walking with me on a Saturday to an important meeting [orthodox Jews don’t use their cars or public transportation on the Sabbath, but they rather choose to walk] or turning down a popular Friday night dinner invitation at the Munich security conference we went to every year because it was too far to walk, we would stay in the hotel and have what John learned to call our shalom dinners. With John they weren’t that peaceful. John naturally in doing these wonderful acts of friendship grumbled all the way about what I was putting him through, you know. Right now I think he is probably deriving some pleasure from the fact it turned out his funeral was held on a Saturday and I had to walk to get here. I’m sure if he were here now, he would tell me that was divine justice.

“He ultimately as he did with so much of his life turned these interfaith interferences into a truly hilarious comedy routine. It began with a solemn pronouncement by John that he was converting to Judaism. Then he explained less solemnly ‘I do this not because of any particularly liking for the religion, it is just that for so many years I had to go along with all of Joe’s religious nonsense, I might as well convert and get the benefits.’”

The problem is, of course, that Joe Lieberman’s “religious nonsense” was and is not in accordance with biblical injunctions or teachings.

Trump vs. Woodward

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 5:

“Veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s new book that describes scenes of chaos in the White House left US President Donald Trump fuming on Wednesday. The book draws on hundreds of hours of taped interviews with current and former aides and officials to paint a damning portrait of the Trump administration. Excerpts from the 420-page book, to be released next week, have been published by various US news outlets. In the book, Woodward reports:

“Top administration staff enacted an ‘administrative coup d’etat’ by frequently hiding documents, or secretly preventing Trump from acting on impulses and causing disaster. Chief of staff John Kelly doubted the integrity of Trump’s mental faculties, declaring during one meeting, ‘We’re in Crazytown’ and calling Trump an ‘idiot.’ Trump wanted to order the assassination of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Defense Secretary James Mattis assured Trump he would get right on it but then told a senior aide they’d do nothing of the kind. Mattis told ‘close associates that the president acted — and had the understanding of — a fifth- or sixth-grader,’ after Trump raged about the cost of the US military presence in South Korea. Trump’s former lawyer in the Russia probe, John Dowd, thought the chances of Trump perjuring himself during an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller were so high that he told him not to testify. ‘Don’t testify. It’s either that or an orange jumpsuit,’ Dowd is quoted as saying. He later called Trump ‘a… liar.’ Trump called Attorney General Jeff Sessions ‘mentally retarded’ and ‘a dumb southerner.’

“Trump insisted he’s ‘the exact opposite’ of the book’s portrayal of him, complaining on Twitter that people can ‘get away with’ such depictions and suggested changing libel laws. He later [said:] ‘It’s just another bad book. He’s had a lot of credibility problems.’ He then suggested Woodward could have made the whole thing up. Several officials quoted in the book issued denials, with Kelly calling the book ‘total BS’ and Mattis labeling it ‘fiction.’ Dowd denied saying Trump would end up in an orange jumpsuit. The US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, cast doubt on the account about Assad. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said: ‘This book is nothing more than fabricated stories, many by former disgruntled employees, told to make the president look bad.’

“In a statement to The Washington Post, Woodward said, ‘I stand by my reporting.’

“… Woodward is one of America’s most respected journalists, with his reporting on the Watergate scandal bringing down President Richard Nixon. Trump himself had previously endorsed his credibility, saying in 2013 ‘Only the Obama WH can get away with attacking Bob Woodward.’… Several damaging accounts of chaos in the White House have been published in recent months, most notably Michael Wolff’s ‘Fire and Fury.’ But Woodward’s account will be particularly difficult to counter as it is based on recorded interviews and comes from a highly respected investigative reporter… The book, titled Fear: Trump in the White House, is scheduled for release on Tuesday, September 11.”

The Week added on September 5:

“President Trump pushed back against excerpts of veteran Washington journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, Fear, claiming statements from Defense Secretary James Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly ‘refuted and discredited’ the book. ‘Their quotes were made up frauds, a con on the public,’ Trump tweeted. He also denied saying Attorney General Jeff Sessions was ‘mentally retarded’ with the accent of a ‘dumb Southerner.’ Kelly and Mattis denied calling Trump an ‘idiot’ and a ‘liar’ with little grasp of global affairs. The book also quotes Trump as saying that condemning white supremacists was his ‘biggest… mistake’ as president, and telling Mattis he wanted to… ‘kill’ Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.”

Reuters and The Algemeiner wrote on September 5:

Israel’s intelligence minister said on Wednesday he had no knowledge of close ally US President Donald Trump ever ordering the killing of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad… While formally neutral on the 7-year civil war in neighboring Syria, Israel has carried out scores of air strikes against suspected attempts by Assad’s Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah allies to set up permanent posts or advanced arms.

“Under decades of Assad family rule, Syria has maintained a Cold War-style hostility toward Israel. Katz said Israel did not see a better alternative to Assad among Syrian rebel groups…”

Don’t Confuse God’s Kingdom with Today’s Politics

Christianity Today wrote on August 31:

“In a Monday meeting with evangelical leaders at the White House, President Trump reportedly warned of violence against conservative Christians if the GOP loses in November. As evangelicals, we would do well to correct the president on this point. If an election can cause us to lose everything, what is it exactly that we have in the first place?… the church does not preach the gospel at the pleasure of any administration or decline to preach it at another administration’s displeasure…

“Something tremendous is at stake here: whether evangelical Christians place their faith more in Caesar and his kingdom than in Christ and his reign. On that one, we do have everything to lose—this November and every other election cycle…

“Let’s face it. Liberal and conservative, Catholic and Protestant, have courted political power and happily allowed themselves to be used by it. This always happens when the church confuses the kingdom of Christ with the kingdoms of this present age…

“At his trial, Jesus told Pontius Pilate that he was indeed a king—but the heir to a greater throne than the Roman prefect could imagine… every New Testament command on the subject calls us to love and pray for our enemies… In his Great Commission, Jesus gave authority to the church to make disciples, not citizens; to proclaim the gospel, not political opinions; to baptize people in [better: into] the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, not in the name of America or a political party; and to teach everything that he delivered, not our own personal and political priorities

“Anyone who believes, much less preaches, that evangelical Christians are ‘one election away from losing everything’ in November has forgotten how to sing the psalmist’s warning, ‘Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save’ (Ps. 146:3).”

We completely agree with the above-quoted statements and observations.

Displacing the US Dollar

Project Syndicate wrote on September 3:

“The benefits [of the US dollar] are diminishing with the rise of the euro and China’s renminbi as competing reserve currencies. And now US President Donald Trump’s misguided trade wars and anti-Iran sanctions will accelerate the move away from the dollar… The euro is the dollar’s main competitor, with the renminbi coming in a distant third.

“The US gains… important economic benefits from the dollar’s key currency role. [One] is the ability to borrow abroad in dollars. When a government borrows in a foreign currency, it can go bankrupt; that is not the case when it borrows in its own currency…

“America’s monetary stewardship has stumbled badly over the years, and Trump’s misrule could hasten the end of the dollar’s predominance… Just as Brexit is undermining the City of London, Trump’s ‘America First’ trade and financial policies will weaken the dollar’s role and that of New York’s role as the global financial hub…

“Germany’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas, recently declared Germany’s interest in establishing a European payments system independent of the US [calling it] ‘indispensable.’…

As we have announced for many years, the euro is predestined to become the strongest currency in the world. We have also stated very clearly that President Trump was placed in charge of the USA to accelerate its downfall.

Chemnitz Symptom for Growing Polarization in Germany over Merkel’s Immigration Policy

The New York Times wrote on August 31:

“Waving German flags, with some flashing Nazi salutes, the angry mob made its way through the streets, chasing after dark-skinned bystanders… A Syrian refugee and father of two… watched horrified from a friend’s fourth-floor balcony. They were hunting in packs for immigrants just like him, he said. ‘Like wolves.’

“For a few perilous hours over two days this week, the mob owned the streets of Chemnitz where anger exploded after word spread that an Iraqi and a Syrian asylum seeker were suspected in a knife attack that killed a German man early Sunday.

“Chemnitz, a city of some 250,000 in eastern Germany, has a history of neo-Nazi protests. Usually they draw a few hundred from the fringes of society… The crowd this time was 8,000-strong. Led by several hundred identifiable neo-Nazis, it appeared to be joined by thousands of ordinary citizens

“The city had never seen anything like this — and, to some degree, neither had post-World War II Germany. The rampage now stands as a high-water mark in the outpouring of anti-immigrant hatred that has swelled as Germany struggles to absorb the nearly one million asylum seekers who arrived in the country after Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to open the borders in 2015.

“That decision sharply divided Germany, with critics soon arguing that Ms. Merkel’s administration had lost control of the situation. Three years later, what the government is struggling to control is an anti-immigrant backlash. Neo-Nazis are growing bolder and stronger, and they are better organized…”

The Associated Press wrote on September 2:

“Germany’s foreign minister [Heiko Maas] told his fellow countrymen Sunday they’re too lazy when it comes to battling racism and fighting for democracy… ‘Our generation was given freedom, rule of law and democracy as a present. We didn’t have to fight for it; (now) we’re taking it too much for granted.’

“Maas’ comments followed Saturday’s demonstrations by about 4,500 far-right protesters in Chemnitz, who were rallying against migration… 4,000 leftist protesters also marched through the city in a counter-protest, and 1,800 police officers were deployed to keep the groups apart…

“The tension that has built up over the past week in Chemnitz, reflects the growing polarization over Germany’s ongoing effort to come to terms with an influx of more than 1 million refugees and migrants seeking jobs since 2015…”

The clashes between extremists from the right and from the left remind us of the violent situation in Germany when Hitler was coming to power. Some commentators in the international press have already pointed out this frightening parallel. Note the next articles as well.

Downplaying the Chemnitz Debacle?

Deutsche Welle reported on September 5:

“Saxony’s state premier Michael Kretschmer [a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU)] has claimed that reports of mob violence at anti-immigrant protests in the city of Chemnitz were exaggerated… ‘One thing is clear. There was no mob, there was no hunt and there were no pogrom in Chemnitz,’ said Kretschmer… [He] condemned the way events in the city had been characterized by media outside Saxony, saying it was ‘astonishing that those who are so far away have passed a particularly sweeping and harsh judgment on this city.’

“… Chancellor Merkel appeared to contradict her party colleague’s assessment of the situation. ‘We saw pictures that very clearly revealed hate and thereby also the persecution of innocent people. One must distance oneself from that,’ said Merkel… Meanwhile, the state premier’s comments drew direct criticism from political opponents. Ralf Stegner, deputy leader of the Social Democrats (SPD), told Germany’s mass-circulation Bild newspaper that Kretschmer was pandering to the right. ‘The CDU in Saxony has apparently not understood that there is no use in playing up to the right. If Mr. Kretschmer still doesn’t understand that, then he is beyond help.’

“Annalena Baerbock, co-leader of Germany’s Green party, accused Kretschmer of not taking the situation seriously enough. ‘By downplaying this, Mr. Kretschmer is just continuing to look the other way, which is exactly what led to Chemnitz. There is obviously a serious problem with the right wing,’ Baerbock told Bild.”

The Good and Bad Germans

Politico wrote on September 4:

“When right-wing mobs marauded through the east German town of Chemnitz last week, attacking foreigners and doing the Hitler salute, Germans elsewhere made sure to put things into context. ‘Saxony again!’ they said, wrote and tweeted. The conservative daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung asked, ‘Is Saxony still a part of Germany?’ Der Spiegel put the word ‘Saxony’ on its cover, with big letters turning into brown, old-German type (translation: Nazi type). A leftist columnist for the magazine suggested sarcastically that Saxony should secede from the country.

“At a time when right-wing populism is on the rise across Germany, the eastern state of Saxony has gotten a particularly bad name. Chemnitz is only the latest in a series of attacks. The towns of Heidenau, Freital and Bautzen have all acquired notoriety for similar reasons…

“Three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rift between the east and west Germany is still palpable — and it keeps evolving. East Germans who struggled after 1989 have long mourned the end of the socialist German Democratic Republic. But lately Ostalgie, the eastern yearning for life under socialism, has found its match in a new variety of Westalgie, a western yearning for a Germany stripped of the east…

“The good Germans in the west… are deeply confused by the rise of right-wing violence… they blame the easterners. They will admit grudgingly that some right-wing violence occurs in western states as well — and then add that Saxony or Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are far worse. The Federal Republic of Germany, they say, would have been better off if the country had not been reunified. That’s wishful thinking. After three decades, the lives of people in the east and west are far too interconnected to allow for such a distinction…

“The notion of a good and a bad Germany is pretty old. It’s found in oft-made juxtapositions: Goethe and Goebbels, Heine and Hitler, Beethoven and Buchenwald. The implication is that the Germans are a special people, capable of extreme good as well as of extreme bad. That may be true. But any suggestion that a good Germany can be found in the west and a bad Germany somewhere further east is stupid. If more and more east Germans embrace the idea that they are the bad Germans, things will get much worse — and not just in Saxony…”

In addition, please note this article by Deutsche Welle, reporting on September 6:

“A survey in Germany reveals… a marked difference between Germany’s western states and those in the east on whether concerns about migration were being taken seriously by the German government… Worries about the government’s approach to migration were high across the board, with 49 percent of Germans overall feeling that the matter was not being properly addressed… 46 percent of respondents in the former West German states and 66 percent of respondents in the former East German states [were] saying they were not satisfied.”

Controversial Verdict against Afghan Murderer of German Teen

Deutsche Welle reported on September 3:

“An asylum-seeker, thought to be from Afghanistan, has been given an 8-and-a-half-year prison sentence for the murder of a teenage German girl… in the town of Kandel in December last year. The murder had been seized upon by many opponents of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy to support their anti-immigration stance…

“Fifteen-year-old Mia V. was stabbed to death in a drugstore by her ex-boyfriend Abdul D… The teen was stabbed seven times with a kitchen knife that had a 20-centimeter (7.9-inch) blade. According to prosecutors, the two dated for several months until Mia V. ended the relationship in early December. After the breakup, both she and her parents went to the police about Abdul D.’s harassing and threatening behavior. Prosecutors believe he acted out of jealousy and was seeking revenge for the breakup.

“Abdul D. entered Germany in the spring of 2016 and was registered as an unaccompanied minor. He first lived in a juvenile care institution in the Germersheim district in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. He was later transferred to a supervised living group in the town of Neustadt and attended school in Kandel, where he met Mia V. As authorities believe Abdul D. was underage at the time of the attack, he was tried as a minor. The maximum penalty for murder under German juvenile law is 10 years.

“However, prosecutors have cast doubt over Abdul D.’s age. Although he says he was 15 when the stabbing occurred, an expert medical assessment ordered by the public prosecutor’s office said that he is likely between 17 and 20 years old… When asked why Abdul D. was convicted of bodily harm along with the murder charge, the court’s press spokesman… said he couldn’t give any further information about the case at this time, as it was closed to the public due to the defendant’s status as a minor…

“The case sparked several months of anti-immigrant rallies and counterprotests in Kandel, a small town near the French border. The population of around 9,000 has been regularly swelled since January as demonstrators from leftist and right-wing groups have descended on the town. Hundreds of people took part in right-wing protest on Saturday… Dozens of counterprotesters from leftist… groups as well as local residents were also present. The focus of the right-wing protests has… become platforms for anti-refugee and anti-Islam sentiments, with demonstrators blaming the media and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government.”

Bild wrote on September 3:

“These are the verdicts which make people doubt judges and the justice system… and that justice is pronounced in our name. The guilt of Mia’s murderer has been proven without a doubt. The court even found that Abdul D. stabbed the 15-year old girl with malice and evil motives. Our laws do not know worse crimes. It is totally incomprehensible why a more serious punishment was not given.

“Even though Abdul D. was, in reliance on a medical assessment, in all likelihood 20 years old, and lied to and deceived this country about his true age in order to gain admission…his deed was tried based on juvenile law. He is a murderer, a liar and he even attacked an official in the court house… How and on what basis the judges could find mitigating circumstances, we will never know. The judgment will not be published because of juvenile law. Maybe that is better this way, because nobody would understand it anyhow.

Sweden’s Upcoming Election in Light of Wildfires and Refugee Crisis

The Local wrote on September 5:

“Sweden is heading for a general election on September 9, with… pressing political issues driving the agenda… More than 50 wildfires raged across Sweden during the summer of 2018 – the warmest summer since 1756… The gravity of the situation brought environmental questions to the fore…

“But the event most defining these elections is the refugee crisis. In the autumn of 2015, Sweden opened its doors to asylum seekers from Syria and elsewhere, taking in more than 100,000 people over a period of just a few months. Managing the influx of people proved difficult… This effectively closed down Sweden’s southern border with Denmark and temporarily suspended the Schengen agreement, which allows free movement through continental Europe…

“The refugee crisis has had a major impact on Swedish politics… The political field has been divided into those who are in favour of a more generous immigration approach (Social Democrats, the Left, the Greens and the Centre Party) and those who prefer a stricter policy (the Conservatives, the Christian Democrats, the Sweden Democrats and to some extent, the Liberals). Disagreements over immigration may even lead to a split within the centre-right Alliance that held power in two consecutive governments (2006-2010 and 2010-2014), with the Centre Party defecting from the group position to embrace a more restrictive immigration approach…

“Integrating non-EU migrants into the labour market has been a slow process. And, if you add into the mix the generous welfare benefits traditionally provided by the Swedish state (long parental leave, free education at all levels, subsidised healthcare), the dilemma faced by Swedish politicians is evident. The biggest issue of this (and coming) elections will really be the future of the welfare state. Parties must either find creative solutions to finance public services – or propose cutting some of them.”

Big Brother: Google, Amazon and Facebook in Cahoots with Your Bank!

Gizmodo wrote on August 31:

“… until recently, you could live without fear that some multibillion-dollar Silicon Valley giant would buy up your banking data in order to serve you more effective ads. Based on new details about an apparent arrangement between Google and Mastercard, those days are over…

“This is a… bombshell… Thanks in part to heavy government regulation, your credit card and banking data has long been private. If you wanted to spend $98 at Sephora on a Tuesday afternoon, that transaction was between you, your bank, and Sephora. It now appears that Google has found a way to weasel its way into the data pipeline that connects consumers and their purchases…

“But when you consider everything else that Google knows about you, the proposition becomes more Orwellian. Google told Gizmodo in a statement, also shared with Bloomberg, that it encrypts and anonymizes the credit card transaction data that it’s using with the new ad tool. There’s no getting around the fact that Google becomes a more powerful, all-seeing ad engine when it can see specific details about people’s spending habits, even if they’re anonymized and used in aggregate, as Google says the data it gets from Mastercard is. This future—one where your email, your search history, your social connections, and now, your spending habits—is one that we should really be scared of

“It’s not so much that Google has been using credit card data to help advertisers run more effective ads. It’s that Google is doing these things on a tremendous scale, and the full nature of what it’s been doing was kept secret. The reported arrangement between Google and Mastercard immediately drew comparisons to the recent saga of Facebook reportedly meeting with banks in an attempt to gain access to its users’ private financial data. According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook wanted detailed financial information, like checking account balances and even individual transactions. Sources said that Facebook wanted to build chatbots for Messenger so that people could ask a robot simple banking questions, like their current checking account balance. Realistically, Facebook could be doing a lot more with that kind of data…

“Amazon certainly knows a lot about the things we buy, and we learned earlier this year that the online retail giant was exploring the possibility of getting into the banking business itself. The Wall Street Journal has also reported that Amazon, like Facebook and Google, has had conversations with banks about gaining access to personal financial information…”

It is truly appalling what is going on behind the scenes, and to what extent BANKS are again “participating villains” in this despicable SECRET scheme with Silicon Valley giants.

Greatest Crisis for Pope Francis

The Guardian wrote on September 3:

“Ever since he was elected as the leader of the world’s Roman Catholics, Pope Francis has been the target of conservative adversaries deeply opposed to… his efforts to reform the church. But in the past week, the war at the heart of the Vatican has exploded into the open, plunging Francis into the worst crisis of his five-year papacy. Cardinals and bishops have openly fired shots; accusations of lies, treachery, score-settling, character assassination and fake news have engulfed the global church…

“Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 77, a former Vatican ambassador to the US and a conservative within the church, said the pope knew that Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, ‘was a corrupt man, [but] he covered for him to the bitter end’. Viganò named a string of cardinals and archbishops who he said also knew about the McCarrick claims. ‘Corruption has reached the very top of the church’s hierarchy’; Francis should resign, he said…

“Viganò’s claims – timed when Francis was already vulnerable – unleashed opposing forces within the church. The old guard of the Curia – the Vatican’s governing bodies, a hotbed of power struggles, intrigue and paranoia – bitterly resents Francis’s efforts to root out what they view as centuries of clerical tradition and he sees as hypocrisy, narcissism and ‘spiritual Alzheimer’s’… Francis loyalists leaped to his defence and lambasted the former diplomat… But others said Viganò’s allegations must be taken seriously…

“In the coming weeks, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the US bishops’ conference, is expected to travel to Rome to press for an Apostolic Visitation – a high-level Vatican inquiry – into the McCarrick case… Any such inquiry is bound to investigate who knew what and whenright up to the Vatican and the [pope] himself. But scepticism about the integrity of a Vatican investigation that could uncover wrongdoing at the pinnacle of the church is inevitable.

“The pope has said little apart from appealing to people to make their own judgment. According to his secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, his mood is ‘serene’ in the face of raging controversy…”

These events are highly remarkable. It remains to be seen as to how this pope’s future role will unfold.

Catholic Church for Unified Europe

On September 1, 2018, Deutsche Welle quoted the following comments by German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising and Chairman of the German Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference:

“Faith tells us we belong to a human family. Patriotism is good, but nationalism is not Catholic. I agree with Franz-Josef Strauss, who has always said: Bavaria is our home, Germany is our fatherland, Europe is our future.

“The path we have taken in the last 50 or 60 years since the Treaty of Rome was also morally connoted. That is why the church has always viewed the unity of Europe positively, even today. The work of unification began with a longing for peace and reconciliation. Let us not forget: Nationalism is one of the biggest causes of war… the church must never cease working or doing something for the unity of Europe.”

The Catholic Church has been heavily involved, from the very outset, in helping to revive, one last time, the ancient Holy Roman Empire in Europe.

Bavarian Conservative Manfred Weber Next Head of European Commission?

Euractiv wrote on August 30:

“Angela Merkel has given her backing to fellow German conservative Manfred Weber’s bid to front the centre-right’s campaign in next year’s European Parliament electionsIf other member parties follow the chancellor in backing Weber… he would be front-runner to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as head of the European Commission. That would make the 46-year-old Bavarian the EU’s day-to-day leader as it attempts to navigate a world in which a Donald Trump-led United States is seen as an unreliable partner, it faces a stiff challenge from Russian and Chinese rivals and reinvents itself following Britain’s departure from the bloc

“It has been decades since a German has headed the Brussels-based Commission, whose 30,000 staff draft and enforce legislation and has been instrumental in driving the process of European integration since the bloc’s beginnings in 1957… While Weber is an ally of Merkel, his Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) party is well to her right on social policy, and he is seen as an ally of strongman East European leaders like Hungary’s Viktor Orbán…

“Weber holds fast to conservative values and is simultaneously pushing for an ‘aggressive and positive Europe policy’ from the CSU…Weber has aligned with a majority in the EPP against Nord Stream 2, despite the fact that the government in Berlin strongly backs this project to bring Russian gas to Germany under the Baltic Sea. Conversely, Weber is a strong backer of the Southern Gas Corridor, a project to bring Azeri gas via Turkey to Europe.”

Euractiv added on August 31:

“Blessed by Chancellor Angela Merkel and backed by big national delegations, Germany’s CSU heavyweight Manfred Weber is expected to soon confirm his candidacy for the post of the new European Commission president, with migration emerging as the top issue on his agenda… Migration is a top concern for… [Austrian] Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, whose country is chairing the EU’s rotating presidency.

“Weber advocated for giving ‘billions of dollars’ in aid to North African countries to cooperate on the migration issue, as Europe already did with Turkey. The goal would be to set up centres in third countries to see who is entitled to asylum protection…

“Weber could have the support of EPP [European People’s Party] members from Germany, Spain, Ireland, Croatia and France, among others… Candidates can throw their hat into the ring between 15 September and 16 October. The party will pick its Spitzenkandidat at a congress in Helsinki in early November.”

In a Fit of Rage, Putin Admitted Russia’s Responsibility for Ukrainian Uprising

Business Insider wrote on September 3:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin became so enraged during a shouting match with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that he revealed he was lying about Russia’s role in a military uprising in eastern Ukraine, former French President Francois Hollande wrote in a book published earlier this year about his time in office.

“In 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine and began to support separatists in the eastern part of the country through information warfare, direct shipments of weapons, and the deployment of Russian fighters posing as Ukrainian separatists… Russia denied responsibility…

“But in a heated argument with Poroshenko at the 2015 talks to form the Minsk Agreement… ‘Poroshenko and Putin constantly raised their voices with each other. The Russian president was so worked up, that he started threatening to decisively crush his counterpart’s forces… This showed that there are Russian troops in eastern Ukraine. Putin suddenly realized, and got a grip on himself,’ Hollande wrote…

“Fighting continues in eastern Ukraine, with more than 10,000 dead. Russia still denies any official involvement in the fighting and remains under the sanctions imposed in 2014.”

This is interesting, as everybody should have known that Putin was lying when he denied Russia’s illegal involvement in Ukraine.

Terrible Atrocities by Myanmar Military

Reuters reported on September 3:

“A Myanmar judge on Monday found two Reuters journalists guilty of breaching a law on state secrets and jailed them for seven years, in a landmark case seen as a test of progress toward democracy in the Southeast Asian country… The verdict comes amid mounting pressure on the government of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi over a security crackdown sparked by attacks by Rohingya Muslim insurgents on security forces in Rakhine State in west Myanmar in August 2017. More than 700,000 stateless Rohingya Muslims have fled into Bangladesh since then, according to U.N. agencies.

“The two reporters, who were investigating the killing by the security forces of Rohingya villagers at the time of their arrest, had pleaded not guilty… U.S. ambassador Scot Marciel said the ‘deeply troubling’ verdict could undermine the confidence the Myanmar people had in the justice system… British ambassador Dan Chugg, speaking on behalf of EU members, said the verdict had ‘dealt a hammer blow for the rule of law’. France said it deplored the prison sentences and that the convictions represented a serious violation of press freedom and the rule of law.

“In Bangladesh, Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury, a media adviser to the prime minister, said it was ‘an open secret’ that anyone exposing ‘atrocities of the Myanmar army’ would be persecuted… A U.N mandated fact-finding mission said last week that Myanmar’s military carried out mass killings and gang rapes of Muslim Rohingya with ‘genocidal intent’ and called for top generals to be prosecuted. Myanmar rejected the findings. The International Criminal Court is considering whether it has jurisdiction over events in Rakhine, while the United States, the European Union and Canada have sanctioned Myanmar military and police officers over the crackdown.”

Apart from being accused of mass murders, gang rapes and now a corrupt court system, it is appalling to contemplate that Myanmar’s leader had received the ‘honor” of being a “Nobel laureate,” showing the irrelevant mockery of these institutions.

Turkey—the “Sick Man of Europe”—Returns

Project Syndicate wrote on August 28:

“One of the great geopolitical issues in nineteenth-century Europe was the so-called Eastern Question. The Ottoman Empire, then known as the ‘sick man of Europe,’ was rapidly disintegrating…

‘[Now, modern] Turkey is quickly reclaiming its title as ‘the sick man of Europe.’ Given its strategic location and economic and human potential, the country should be moving toward a brilliant twenty-first-century future. Instead, it is marching backward toward the nineteenth century, under the banner of nationalism… Erdoğan, who assumed the presidency in 2014… failed… [He] has squandered a unique opportunity for both Turkey and the Muslim world generally. His country is now beset by a currency crisis… and it could even face the prospect of national bankruptcy… he risks destabilizing the Middle East even further…

“And yet Turkey’s strategic importance to Europe remains. Millions of EU citizens are of Turkish origin, and the country will continue to bridge the gap between East and West, North and South. Under Erdoğan’s regime, Turkey is no longer a prospective candidate for EU membership… a destabilized Turkey is the last thing Europe needs… Europe’s own security depends heavily on Turkey…”

And so, Europe will overlook dictator Erdogan’s many terrible atrocities, while collaborating with Turkey against Israel, as the Bible predicts.

African Swine Fever Coming Back

The Guardian wrote on September 3:

“In 1957, [African swine fever (ASF)] was introduced into Portugal, reportedly after infected airline food was fed as swill to pigs near Lisbon airport. The disease spread to Spain and France and took until the 1990s to eradicate through concerted surveillance and culling. In southern Spain, where ticks acted as an additional reservoir, old-fashioned farm buildings were destroyed and replaced with modern facilities to keep ticks out…

“This time the spread has been far more rapid… The current outbreak in central and eastern Europe began in January 2014, when cases were first reported in Lithuania, swiftly followed by outbreaks in Poland in February, and in Latvia and Estonia in June and September that year.

“Cases were also confirmed in the east of the Czech Republic in June 2017, and in Romania and Hungary earlier this year. More outbreaks have also been reported in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. In recent weeks outbreaks have been reported in China, home of more than half the world’s pigs, which produces twice as much pork as the EU, and five times more than the United States.

“In Germany, farmers have called for a cull of 70% of the wild boar population, which is thought to be hundreds of thousands strong… They’re very successful animals with a range right across Asia and Europe. They can swim as well… In Denmark, a fence is planned along the border with Germany to prevent the migration of wild boars… it is only a matter of time until the disease reaches Denmark, a major pork exporter…

“ASF presents no risk to humans, but for pigs it is often fatal. With no effective treatment or vaccine, farmers can only guard against outbreaks using tight biosecurity measures and by adding anti-virus drugs into feed. Once it has been diagnosed, entire herds are preventatively culled. In both 2016 and 2017 more than 300,000 pigs were culled in attempts to control the spread of the disease.

“Transmission occurs only through direct contact with infected animals (alive or dead) or meat – the virus is not airborne. However, it is hardy. It can survive for up to 1,000 days in frozen meat and can persist for long periods in boar carcasses, on clothing, boots and soil…”

Of course, pigs were not created by God for human consumption. But in our God-defying world, one can easily contemplate the serious global economic consequences as ASF spreads.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

The Week in the News

German Mandatory Community Service Even for Refugees?

Deutsche Welle reported on August 24:

“Members of Angela Merkel’s conservatives say a year of community service would help integrate refugees. The proposal comes against the backdrop of a larger debate about reinstating mandatory service for Germans.

“A year of [mandatory or voluntary] community service would help refugees and asylum-seekers integrate and promote their acceptance by the public, the general secretary of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives said Saturday. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ignited nationwide debate earlier this month when it brought up the idea of reinstating mandatory military service or a year of community service…

“Military conscription was scrapped in 2011 after Berlin opted for a professionalized army. Prior to this decision, all young men were obliged to either serve in the nation’s military, the Bundeswehr, or perform an alternative service for a limited period of time in civilian areas such as emergency management or medical care… Kramp-Karrenbauer said the CDU would discuss four models for reinstating a community service year for men and women at the party conference in December.”

The sad and crazy idea of mandatory conscription gains more and more attention in a once “pacifistic” country.

German Military Entices Minors

Reuters reported on August 24:

“To help attract new recruits, the [German] military has targeted youngsters with slick online video campaigns, drawing criticism from… child welfare advocates…

“But the campaigns are paying off. In 2017, 2,128 people under 18 joined the German army, up 11.4 percent from 2016 and accounting for 9 percent of new recruits… With lively music and scenes showing the lives of young soldiers, the Bundeswehr’s shows on YouTube… have attracted more than 64 million views. In October, traffic at the Bundeswehr jobs website increased 60 percent during a six-week broadcast of ‘Mali’, a YouTube series centered on eight soldiers serving in the U.N.’s peacekeeping mission in the West African country.

“The Bundeswehr Exclusive YouTube channel has over 330,000 followers and its latest production portrays the lives of a group of young paratroopers. The army is also active on other sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. According to a… survey of 20,000 school students across the country, the military is now considered Germany’s third most attractive employer

“Overall, the army spent about 35 million euros ($40 million) on recruitment last year… More than 30,000 people signed a letter delivered to German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen a year ago that urged the Bundeswehr to stop recruiting minors. ‘This is embarrassing and sends a wrong signal to the world,’ said Ralf Willinger from rights group terre des hommes… ‘It weakens the international 18-year standard, encouraging armed groups and armies from other countries to legitimate the use of minors as soldiers.’

“Recruits under 18 in Germany undergo military training like other adult trainees, but they have special provisions such as not being allowed to participate in guard duty or foreign missions, and weapons are only used for educational purposes. Ilka Hoffmann, a board member at the GEW union… that represents about 280,000 teachers, social workers and education workers, [said:] ‘In no other profession does one learn to kill, and is one confronted with the danger of dying in war. That is the one difference.’”

Young people had better be aware as to what the military is “offering” them.

Huge Dangerous Fire Near Berlin

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 24:

“Three villages were evacuated in the northern German state of Brandenburg as 400 hectares of forest went up in flames outside Berlin… Germany has been suffering under a massive heatwave and drought for weeks, leaving forests and fields extremely dry…

“The German state of Brandenburg, which surrounds Berlin, was dealing with one of the biggest forest fires in the postwar history… The fire produced so much smoke that people in Berlin 60 kilometers away phoned emergency services on Friday morning, while Brandenburg locals heard explosions in the forest as old World War II munitions was set off…

“State Premier Dietmar Woidke [said that] munitions dumped in the forests during World War II and subsequently by the Soviet Army, which once used the surrounding countryside as a training ground, posed a ‘huge danger’ to the firefighters… ‘We in Brandenburg are in a very special situation here,’ he said. ‘We have areas of around 100,000 to 120,000 hectares all around Berlin that have old munitions in the ground…’”

One wonders where else old munitions—and what kind—are still buried throughout Germany and beyond.

Violence in Chemnitz, East Germany

The EUObserver wrote on August 28:

“Far-right activists clashed with police and leftist protestors for a second day in the eastern German city of Chemnitz, demanding foreigners to leave Germany. Monday’s events were a continuation of Sunday’s protests, which were triggered by a stabbing of a 35-year old German. A Syrian and an Iraqi remained under arrest on suspicion of the lethal attack. German chancellor Angela Merkel warned that ‘vigilante justice’ would not be tolerated.”

Der Spiegel wrote on August 28:

“Chemnitz is the third-largest city in the eastern state of Saxony and initially, over a thousand people had gathered on Monday to protest the kind of right-wing violence seen here on Sunday. Later, several thousand participants in a right-wing rally gathered at the city’s iconic monument to Karl Marx. The two camps were separated only by a single road and handful of law enforcement officers. The mood was tense – and turned violent once darkness began to fall. Fireworks were set off and the two groups began throwing projectiles at each other. There were several injuries.

“Later, the police would say that they had underestimated the number of people that would be participating in the two demonstrations. That they were caught off guard. But given the events in the city just one day earlier, that seems unlikely…”

Deutsche Welle added on August 28:

“In response to the events, most lawmakers echoed Merkel’s sentiments in a blanket condemnation of racism and violence… Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who has been in a highly-publicized feud with Merkel over his desire to curb immigration, was more muted in his disavowal of the far-right, and focused instead on the stabbing: ‘My deepest sympathies are with the loved ones of the knife attack victim…but I want to say clearly, that nothing justifies the call to violence or violent riots.’

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was split down the middle, with some inside the party distancing themselves from the right-wing demonstrators and calling off their own planned rally, and others suggesting that the media had blown the situation out of proportion…”

German Police in Chemnitz Under Fire

The Guardian wrote on August 29:

“The leak of an arrest warrant to far-right groups has heightened widespread suspicions of links between German police and xenophobic demonstrators. Authorities have confirmed reports of the leak after the arrest warrant – containing the full name of the main suspect in the murder of a 35-year-old man, which triggered violent anti-foreigner protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz – was tweeted by Lutz Bachmann, the founding member of the far-right protest group Pegida. The suspect is a 22-year-old Iraqi man…

“The police were accused last week of standing up for Pegida protesters after stopping a camera team from the state broadcaster ZDF from filming a demonstration in Dresden for 45 minutes after complaints by a protester, who it later emerged was a police employee. They faced further accusations on Wednesday that they had lied over their claim to have underestimated the numbers who would attend the Chemnitz demonstration, after it emerged that Saxony’s office for protection of the constitution had warned them in advance that a large number of extremists from across Germany – including neo-Nazis, as well as football hooligans and martial artists with a known far-right background – were expected in the city…”

No-Deal Brexit Could See Brits in EU Lose Access to their UK Bank Accounts

The Local wrote on August 23:

“The British government released a list of 25 ‘technical notices’ on Thursday, revealing that Brits living in the European Union could lose access to their UK bank accounts in the event of a no-deal Brexit

“Meanwhile, consumers buying products from the EU would face slower and more expensive credit card payments, and businesses were told that in the event of a no-deal ‘the free circulation of goods between the UK and EU would cease.’”

This is almost too fantastic to believe, and the British government did not give any details as to why Brits, living in the EU, would lose access to their bank accounts in the UK in case of a “no-deal Brexit.” But this news is truly alarming. According to the EUObserver, dated August 28, “French prime minister Edouard Philippe instructed his ministers on Monday to prepare measures in case of a no-deal Brexit.”

Brexit Breakthrough?

The Daily Mail wrote on August 29:

EU negotiator Michel Barnier finally conceded he would have to offer Britain a unique deal on Brexit today… In remarks that sent the pound soaring up against the euro and the dollar, Mr Barnier promised a ‘partnership with Britain such as has never been with any other third country’.

“Mr Barnier has repeatedly insisted Britain must choose from an existing model used by either Norway or Canada – a deal the UK say[s] [is] unacceptable. The Brussels chief still insists Britain cannot have an ‘a la carte’ choice of benefits from the EU single market. Brexiteers welcomed his ‘more optimistic tone’ but warned that actions speak louder and urged the EU to get on with coming up with a new offer… Government sources said they would look at the comments but played down the shift, suggesting Mr Barnier had made ‘similar’ remarks before

“In other developments today, [new Brexit Secretary] Dominic Raab admitted that a Brexit deal could be delayed until after the October (18 or 19) deadline – amid fears the UK could crash out without an agreement… His words are a shift in tone from the Government, which yesterday was still stressing that it is working towards the October deadline.

“Mr Davis quit… in protest at Theresa May’s Chequers proposal – a compromise deal which would mean the UK sticks to EU rules for goods but leaves the single market and customs union. The proposal sparked outcry from Brexiteers and Tory activists who warned it would leave the UK stuck half inside the Brussels bloc and hamper the country’s ability to strike free trade deals globally. And the EU also greeted the plan with scepticism – and it emerged yesterday that Mr Barnier threatened to boycott Brexit talks if Mrs May insisted on basing a deal on her Chequers plans.”

Dramatic U-Turn?

Express reported on August 30:

“Michel Barnier has made a dramatic U-turn and warned the European Union to prepare for a no-deal Brexit only a day after insisting the bloc was preparing to offer the UK a deal like no other third country.”

Deutsche Welle reported on August 30:

“Berlin and Brussels showed a united front on Wednesday delivering a single message to London: There will be no cherry-picking when it comes to the single market…

“[German Foreign Minister Heiko] Maas professed that the ‘last big hurdle’ was the question of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. ‘We are firmly convinced that the exit agreement must guarantee that Brexit must not lead to a hard border in Northern Ireland,’ said Maas. ‘It is important that this guarantee must be valid regardless of how the EU and Britain will shape its new relationship.’

 Should no deal be reached by then, Britain will be subject to the World Trade Organization rules, which include many types of customs and border regulations for any trade with the EU.

“In contrast to all this harmony on the continent, the strife between Barnier and his main counterpart in the UK remains palpable… As if to illustrate this trouble on the high seas, French and British fishermen are currently in the middle of a maritime dispute of their own. Reuters news agency reported on Wednesday that French boats had rammed British scallop dredgers they believed had encroached on their seabed in the Baie en Seine…”

Could America Suffer Outright Military Defeat?

The National Interest wrote on August 25:

“America taunts China by taking needless risks, provokes Russia with military operations on their border that in no way improves our own security, extends military guarantees to small countries that could drag us into a war we should never fight, and engages in active combat operations in scores of countries where no U.S. security interests are at stake.

“…great powers frequently fell because they came to believe they could not be defeated. Without question, we have the greatest air force and navy the world has ever known. We are the dominant global power, both militarily and economically. Much of America’s dominance is based on our modern weapons and the technology that empowers them. Our reliance on technology, however, is a double-edged sword.

“Should an adversary one day use space-based weapons to strip away our navigation and intelligence satellites, we would suffer a substantial and immediate loss of military capability. Many of our precision weapons would be useless, our ability to navigate on the land, in the air, and on the oceans could be temporarily crippled. Communications would be hampered. Even at the tactical level, much of our ground-combat power is predicated on an ability to disperse units and mass fires—all of which requires uninterrupted ability to communicate across great distances…

“We must expect that one day another world power is going to develop a new class of weapon or capability that has never been seen which will allow them [to] either neutralize our greatest offensive weapons or against which our best defenses will be inadequate…

“Maintaining the status quo… will continue the erosion of our strength and increase the chances we may one day suffer outright military defeat.”

The Bible prophesies that the USA WILL suffer outright military defeat, and that the world power bringing this about will be a united core Europe under German leadership (“the beast”).

EU and USA—No Tariffs at All?

Fox Business News wrote on August 30:

“Although European Union officials have said they are supportive of lowering tariffs on automobiles to zero if the U.S. reciprocates, President Trump believes this is not a stand-alone issue or trade deal… Trump wants to see all tariffs removed on all industries, including agriculture, steel aluminum and medical equipment…

“‘We are willing to bring down even our car tariffs to zero, all tariffs to zero, if the U.S. does the same,’ European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom told members of the European Parliament on Thursday in Brussels. But… Malmstrom has said that agriculture would not be included in this deal, and because of this, the White House is not celebrating the comments made today by Malmstrom.”

Europe Supports Turkey against the USA

The EUObserver wrote on August 24:

“The Turkey-US trade spat has led to EU leaders backing Turkey against the US administration’s policies. This not only shows the extent of economic interdependence between Europe and Turkey, but also signals the development of a common stance in the face of a bullying trade partner.

“When US president Donald Trump took to Twitter to celebrate the downward trajectory of the Turkish lira against the US dollar, Europe was concerned about the potential spillover of rapidly growing economic turmoil in Turkey. In particular, Germany, Turkey’s biggest trading partner, came to Turkey’s defence… In Italy, decision makers were equally concerned about contagion from Turkish markets…

“Meanwhile, the European Parliament declared the tariffs as illegitimate and urged the US to solve its problems with Turkey with ‘constructive diplomatic engagement.’ French economy minister Bruno Le Maire vowed to ‘strengthen economic ties between France and Turkey’ signalling that France and Turkey would work together to take a stance against the US

“In the past 12 months alone, the tension between Europe and the US escalated like never before… the US and Europe have found themselves on the opposing sides of global conflicts and major foreign policy issues… There is a growing sense in Europe that collective action is needed for dealing with the US administration… A foreign policy based on ‘America first’ is likely to result in further isolation for the US to the extent that it undermines the US’ major allies across the world.”

Turkey will be aligned with Europe and Arab nations against Israel (the state of Israel as well as the USA and the UK), according to biblical prophecies, and America will become more and more isolated on the world scene.

Trump’s Terrible Week

The Guardian wrote on August 25:

“[On Tuesday, in] New York, Trump’s longtime lawyer and ‘fixer’ Michael Cohen implicated the president in a crime to influence the 2016 presidential election. Pleading guilty to dodging taxes and campaign finance violations, he alleged that Trump directed him to pay hush money to prevent two women – a Playboy model and pornographic actor – speaking out about extramarital affairs.

“In Alexandria, Virginia, Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was found guilty of eight tax and bank fraud charges and could now spend the rest of his life behind bars – unless Trump chooses to pardon him.

“… But the day from hell [August 21] was far from done. The Republican congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife were indicted on corruption charges, namely converting more than $250,000 in campaign money to pay for personal expenses… In 2016, Hunter was the second member of Congress to endorse Trump for president. Earlier this month the first, Chris Collins of New York was indicted for insider trading. The third [member of Congress who endorsed Trump]? Jeff Sessions, now Trump’s out-of-favour attorney general…

“And then, in one more dose of humiliation, the candidate Trump endorsed for governor of Wyoming, Foster Friess, lost the Republican primary to the state treasurer, Mark Gordon…

“Then there was Wednesday… the president gave an interview to Fox News which, as always, had sought to play down the firestorm. He denied instructing to Cohen to commit a crime… He also claimed that he did not find out about the payments until ‘later’, contradicting earlier statements. For the first time, the Washington Post’s factchecker said the president was lying rather than merely misleading or false…

“On Thursday there was no let-up. It emerged that David Pecker, chairman of American Media Inc, which owns the pro-Trump National Enquirer, had been granted immunity to provide information about Cohen and Trump’s involvement with payments to the two women who allege sexual affairs. The Associated Press added fuel to the fire by reporting that the Enquirer kept such secrets locked in a safe…

“On Friday… attention turned back to Trump’s legal crisis as the Wall Street Journal reported that Allen Weisselberg, his longtime financial gatekeeper, was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for providing information about Cohen…”

Just about Cohen? Many feel that the alleged “investigation” regarding “collusion with Russia” has far exceeded its claimed legitimate legal justification and that it does constitute a political witch-hunt of unparalleled historical proportions. At one time, Trump said that if special counsel Robert Mueller should begin to investigate Trump’s or his family’s private financial affairs, he would have crossed the red line. Constitutionally, Trump can’t probably fire Mueller himself or through his Attorney General Sessions who recused himself, after he took the job, without telling Trump ahead of time. But Trump could fire Sessions (which many, such as evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr., a religious adviser to Trump, believe is long overdue) and/or insist that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein fire Mueller, and if he refuses [he had told Congress he would fire Mueller only for clear misconduct and he gave him great latitude regarding the “investigation”], Trump could fire him too until he finds someone who carries out his demands.

Politico pointed out on April 17, 2018, that this man might be Solicitor General Noel Francisco: “Under Justice Department rules, Rosenstein’s successor should be the department’s third-ranking official, the associate attorney general. But the last occupant of that job, Rachel Brand, departed in February and has not been replaced [Presently, Jesse Panuccio is serving as the Acting Associate Attorney General; while the Trump administration has put its search for the Justice Department’s No. 3 official on hold]. Next in line is Francisco, 48, a former George W. Bush White House and Justice Department lawyer whom Trump last year named to be U.S. solicitor general, representing his administration and the U.S. government before the Supreme Court.”

It might not be “politically correct” for Trump to fire Mueller in the way described above, and the Democrats will and many Republicans might revolt and cry foul, but they still may not dare to impeach Trump, as many American citizens would be on his side, going beyond just his loyal base, since he would truly have begun, in the minds of many, to drain the swamp which he had promised to do. After all, many congressional Republicans were never his friends to begin with, nor are they his friends today, and now we see that some of Trump’s long-time loyal “friends” are receiving immunity while turning against him.

Impeach Trump, and the American People Will Revolt

The Washington Post wrote on August 24:

“‘I think impeachment would be totally horrible,’ Giuliani said, later adding, ‘You could only impeach him for political reasons, and the American people would revolt against that.’ On this point, Giuliani is largely correct.

“First, impeachment is indeed a purely political process… it’s also probably true that there would be a revolt of some significant form against an effort to impeach Trump… ‘Revolt’ is a strong word, and ‘the American people’ is overly broad. But a substantial number of Americans would certainly take strong issue with an impeachment effort against Trump…

“We talk a lot about Trump’s base of support, how broadly steady it is and how enthusiastic it is. Talk to Trump supporters and a common theme is that they feel the need to stand with him because he’s constantly embattled by the outside forces of Democrats and government investigators…”

Trump won’t be impeached.

Trump Like Cyrus Helping to Build the Temple?

The Huffington Post wrote on August 30:

“[Roger E.] Olson, a professor of Christian theology… said many evangelicals don’t necessarily believe that Trump is a man of faith. But they view him like Cyrus, the biblical Persian emperor who helped to free the Hebrew people and rebuild their temple in Jerusalem despite not being Jewish himself.

“‘They regard [Trump] as a person who is not one of God’s own people (Jewish or Christian), but an instrument of God to deliver Israel and American evangelical Christianity from persecution…’”

Trump’s role in the building of the Third Temple prior to Christ’s return will be interesting to observe. Please view our StandingWatch program, “Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?”

John McCain and His Farewell Message

The Week wrote on August 27:

“The passing of Sen. John McCain marks the end of an era in American political life… Americans are always hungry for heroes, and McCain served admirably in that role for many years. His service, sacrifice, and suffering as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War was genuinely awe-inspiring and worthy of profound… respect…

“Honor, nobility, courage, public-spiritedness — he esteemed them all and did his best to embody them in his life. That… is the source of the heartfelt tributes that have flowed forth from so many at the news of his death. His life was a reminder of an older, elevated notion of politics that places country before party and self-sacrifice before self-interest. That such displays of public virtue can still move so many, even at such an otherwise tawdry time in our history, is powerful evidence that they grow out of and touch something deep and ineradicable within the human soul.”

JTA wrote on August 28:

McCain reserved two paragraphs in his posthumous farewell for a warning about the dangers of hypernationalism, alluding to the rise of the ‘alt-right,’ the white supremacists whom he reviled. And he invoked a slogan that predates the Nazis, but that was made popular by them: blood and soil… ‘We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil… We have helped liberate more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history. We have acquired great wealth and power in the process… We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe.’

“It was not the first time McCain had referenced the term ‘blood and soil,’ which the Nazis used to justify their theories of racial purity. Last October, receiving the National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal, he used the term to warn against the white supremacism that had led to violence and murder in Charlottesville, Virginia just two months earlier.

“‘To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain “the last best hope of earth” for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,’ McCain said then. ‘We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil.’…

“McCain was furious with President Donald Trump for equivocating following Charlottesville, when the president insisted both sides were to blame for the violence and… declared that there were ‘very fine people’ on both sides. And McCain’s final statement segues from a warning about the term to an indictment of Trump’s policies, particularly the president’s anti-immigrant postures.

“‘We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down,’ McCain said, an allusion to the wall Trump hopes to build along the border the United States shares with Mexico, and which runs through Arizona… Trump despised McCain and had to be pressured into honoring the senator’s memory.”

Earthquake in Southern California

The Los Angeles Times reported on August 29:

“Parts of Southern California were rattled by a 4.4 magnitude earthquake Tuesday evening that was centered near La Verne but felt over a wide area… the epicenter was three miles from San Dimas, four miles from Claremont and five miles from Glendora.

“… Victor Flores, who lives in a two-story house in the hills of La Verne, said the shaking was ‘extremely violent.’ ‘It was moving the whole house,’ he said. ‘It shook hard for what seemed like 10 to 20 seconds, and then it just kept going. It was really loud too, kind of like thunder. It just hit really hard and quick.’ Flores, his wife and daughters ran to their backyard, but when they saw the water in their pool swaying back and forth, they ran back inside…

“Rochelle Puente was watching her 7-year-old son’s football practice at Bonita High School in La Verne when she felt the shaking. She and at least 100 other people at the field looked up at the tall trees and swaying poles. Puente heard people scream… ‘It felt way stronger than a 4.4,’ Puente added.

“The… quake was widely felt, either as a sharp jolt near the epicenter or a rolling motion farther away. It shook buildings for several seconds in downtown Los Angeles.”

Please view our StandingWatch program,  Is California’s Big Earthquake About to Strike?

Further Outrageous Conduct by Bank of America

Miami Herald wrote on August 30:

“Saeed Moshfegh woke up earlier this month to discover the strangest thing: though he had plenty of money in his Bank of America account, he couldn’t access it. An Iranian getting his Ph.D in physics at the University of Miami, Moshfegh used the account for everyday transactions. All he had to do to maintain the account was show proof of legal residency every six months. Moshfegh… has lived in the U.S. for the past seven years. He recently married an American.

“That Thursday, Moshfegh went to his local branch near South Miami. He was told that the documentation he had provided could not be accepted. Bank officials insisted he produce a different form, according to Moshfegh. The bank was wrong, he maintains, because the form he had supplied was the correct one based on his current status as a student nearing graduation. ‘This bank doesn’t know how the immigration system works, so they didn’t accept my document,’ said Moshfegh, 36.  Locked out of his account, Moshfegh couldn’t pay his rent, which was due that week. Credit card payments were suddenly rejected.

“His case isn’t unique. In recent months, Bank of America has been accused of freezing or threatening to freeze customers’ accounts after asking about their legal status in the U.S. In July, the Washington Post reported that multiple customers had been locked out of their accounts after Bank of America questioned whether the account holders were U.S. citizens or dual citizens.

“According to the Post, Kansas-born Josh Collins received an unusual-looking letter purportedly from the bank asking about his citizenship status. He said he thought the mailer was spam and ignored it—only to have his account frozen a few weeks later. After Collins’ story was first reported locally, he and his wife received messages from others who had been locked out of their accounts for weeks, the Post reported.

“Tennessee native David Lewis says he received the same suspicious-looking letter as Collins. In an interview with the Miami Herald, Lewis said he has maintained an account with Bank of America for about 30 years. In the letter, the bank inquired about his citizenship, income, and Social Security number. When he called Bank of America, he was told his account would be frozen if he did not fill out the forms. That phone conversation led him to cancel his account, he said…

Proof of citizenship is not required to open a bank account in the U.S., according to Stephanie Collins, a spokesperson for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the federal agency that supervises branch banking. Banks are merely required to identify and report suspicious transactions and maintain and update customer information, she said…

“Paulina Gonzalez, executive director of the California Reinvestment Coalition, told the Herald: ‘…We have Bank of America customers who we’ve spoken to who have never been asked this before last year…’ In recent months, her group has received several complaints about being asked for proof of citizenship; almost all have come from Bank of America customers, she said. An article in American Banker magazine also highlighted Bank of America as the one institution specifically facing backlash for its policies

“For Moshfegh, the Miami physics student, it was not until he’d had conversations with multiple Bank of America officials that he was able to convince them to let him withdraw all his funds; Bank of America would not let him keep the account.”

This is truly appalling. For more information, please view our StandingWatch program, “Do Banks and the Government Control You?” 

Another Change in Australia’s Government

The Telegraph wrote on August 25:

“Australia’s new prime minister Scott Morrison, a staunch conservative and devout evangelical Christian [who opposes same-sex marriage], yesterday pledged to heal the ruling Liberal party after a week of infighting that outgoing leader Malcolm Turnbull said left his nation ‘dumbstruck and so appalled’. Following a brutal party brawl, Mr Morrison emerged victorious as leader in a 45-40 party-room vote against Peter Dutton, a hardliner who led a coup against Mr Turnbull.

“Mr Morrison, formerly the treasurer, equivalent to Chancellor of the Exchequer, was sworn in on Friday by the Governor-General, the Queen’s representative, to become Australia’s sixth prime minister in eight years. Mr Turnbull, a former investment banker who became leader after toppling Tony Abbott in 2015, was ousted by a group of right-wing MPs who mistrusted his progressive views, even as he veered rightward on issues such as climate change, the republic and same-sex marriage…

“The toppling of Mr Turnbull means that no Australian leader has served a full term since John Howard after the 2004 election… Adding to the turmoil, Mr Turnbull said he planned to leave parliament, which would require a by-election that could threaten the ruling Liberal-National Coalition’s one-seat majority. This could force an early general election, which is currently due by May.

“Mr Morrison, a father of two and faithful member of an American-style mega-church, did not support the move to topple Mr Turnbull. He was elected after a three-way contest against Mr Dutton and Julie Bishop, the foreign minister, who was defeated in the first round of voting.

“On Friday night US President Donald Trump congratulated Mr Morrison. Trump tweeted, ‘There are no greater friends than the United States and Australia!’ Mr Morrison soon responded, writing on Twitter: ‘Had a great discussion with @realDonaldTrump this morning. We affirmed the strength of the relationship between the US and Australia…’ Known as a shrewd political operator, Mr Morrison developed a reputation as a tough but capable minister after overseeing Australia’s efforts to stem the flow of asylum seekers by boat. This involved detaining refugees on remote offshore islands and towing boats back to Indonesia, measures condemned as unlawful and inhumane by the United Nations.”

If there are no greater friends than the USA and Australia, where do the UK and Israel fit in? The Bible says that God is not pleased with a country’s national sin manifested by the fact that its leaders change constantly and quickly (Proverbs 28:2 says in the Luther Bible 1984: “Because of the sin of the land its leaders change often…”).

Deadly Side Effects of Prescription Medications

ABC News wrote on August 27:

“The authors collected health information of over 23,000 children 19 years and younger using [a survey] from 2003 to 2014. Nearly one in five children and adolescents used at least one prescription medication; approximately 7.5 percent used two or more and the use of prescription medications was the highest among adolescent girls (28 percent) and boys ages 6 to 12 years (26.5 percent).

“Among those using multiple medications, one in 12 was at risk for a major drug interaction, and the vast majority of these potential interactions involved antidepressants. Adolescent girls were at a higher risk of interacting drug regimens compared to other groups, largely because of their higher rate of medication use… side effects related to medications remain a leading cause of injuries and death among children and adolescents in the United States… approximately 200,000 children and teens visit emergency departments each year because of side effects related to medication…”

Hatred for the Bible?

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 17:

“Would you believe it if I told you the mere sight of the Bible is offensive to some people?… Apparently, in our intolerant culture, we no longer can display the Bible in public…

“Harvard, Yale and a number of the other original nine colonial colleges in America were established by people who believed in the Bible. The Salvation Army, which has helped countless vulnerable people, was started by a man who believed in the Bible and lived accordingly. The abolitionist movement was led by men and women who believed the words in the Bible and took them to heart. And let’s not forget Martin Luther King Jr., whose celebrated speeches, which in many ways were really sermons, are now enshrined in our collective consciousness. And yet, here we are, having to tiptoe around some who find it offensive.

“We can find Bibles in nearly every hotel room in America, and most Americans have at least one Bible in their home. In fact, 47% of American adults, including 50% of college graduates, believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. At the same time, there is a significant disconnect. Half of those who claim to read the Bible aren’t able to name the four Gospels in the New Testament…”

The situation in Europe, especially Germany, is much worse. Anyone who dares to read the Bible in public (including in public transportation) is being considered by most as being weird, strange, abnormal or a religious fanatic. You can read any book you want in public, but woe to you if you read the Bible! We need to understand that the author of such hatred for God’s Word is none other than Satan the Devil.

Separation of Catholic Church and State in Italy?

Evangelical Focus reported on August 20:

“The state funeral in Genova for the victims of the Morandi bridge, which killed at least 41 people, was not attended by all the victims. About half of the relatives decided not to take part in the ceremony held on August 16th

“The state funeral followed a Roman Catholic rite… Among those who did not attend the state funeral were the parents, siblings and friends of Stella Boccia (24). They decided to do their own funeral the day before… Francesco Boccia, brother of the victim, is an evangelical pastor of an Assemblies of God…

“This is not the first time a state funeral in Italy is officiated in accordance to the Roman Catholic liturgy, even when those honoured include people of other faiths and non-believers. According to the Italian Evangelical Alliance (AEI), the state funerals after the earthquakes of Aquila (2009) and Amatrice (2016) followed a similar religious framework. ‘The state funeral is delegated to the Catholic church as if the state could not “handle death” apart from “mother” church’, Vice President of the AEI, Leonardo De Chirico, told Evangelical Focus. Therefore, the state funeral becomes ‘actually a Catholic funeral. The distinctions between state and church are blurred… It assumes that everyone is Catholic and that the Catholic Church acts on behalf of the state’…”

We need to note as well that Roman Catholicism was recognized under Mussolini as the state’s official and only religion, and this declaration in a treaty between church and state was never revoked. The same “blurred distinctions” can be observed in other European countries in which Catholics constitute a majority of the people, including Austria, Germany, France and Spain.  

Pope Francis—Change of Mind or Damage Control?

The Guardian wrote on August 27:

“The Vatican has rolled back on a recommendation by Pope Francis that parents seek psychiatric help for children who show homosexual tendencies. The pope made the comments to journalists as he was flying back to Rome from Ireland, but the Vatican later removed his phrase from its official account, saying he had not meant to suggest that homosexuality was a mental illness.

“The pope was asked by a journalist what he would say to parents who observe homosexual traits in their children. ‘When it shows itself from childhood, there is a lot that can be done through psychiatry, to see how things are. It is something else if it shows itself after 20 years,’ he said. He added that ignoring a child who showed homosexual tendencies was an ‘error of fatherhood or motherhood’

“The pope’s trip to Ireland was fraught with controversy amid accusations that he ignored sexual abuse allegations against prominent US cardinal Theodore McCarrick.”

It was even alleged that he knew and covered up alleged sexual abuses of children. The pope has refused to comment to such allegations.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

A Man of Peace; Beautiful Marriage

On September 1, 2018, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “A Man of Peace,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Beautiful Marriage.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 843

A Man of Peace; Beautiful Marriage

On September 1, 2018, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “A Man of Peace,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Beautiful Marriage.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Why So Many Problems Now?

by Norbert Link

As the Fall Holy Days are upon us, many of us find ourselves in unusually stressful situations, experiencing more difficult trials and challenges than usual. These problems might involve health issues; difficulties in marriage or with family members; persecutions at work or in school; threats of termination or failing grades for non-attendance if we celebrate God’s Feast Days; and a myriad of other serious temptations. They all seem to have the goal, in one way or another, to stress us out so that we become disillusioned to the extent that we may not develop the joyful anticipation which we should have in preparation for God’s Holy Days.

None of this is coincidental, of course, and it is most certainly not because of time and chance. Rather, Satan and his wicked army of hateful demons are behind these attacks, as they do not want us to focus on and keep God’s weekly and annual Sabbaths, knowing that they are a sign between God and us which identify us as God’s people. They signify our sanctification and holiness; our future rule in God’s Kingdom; and the replacement of the Devil and his demons. If they can be successful in fooling us to give up our fight for God and His Law and to compromise instead, by not practicing what we must, then they have won, and we have lost our crown. They know, for example, that no one will be in God’s Family who has given up on God’s weekly and annual Holy Days. They know, as we should, that if we love anything or anyone more than Christ, we are not worthy of Him, and He will be ashamed of us at His Coming.

But still, those challenges are never easy to endure. Our human mind focuses with anxiety on a potentially terrible outcome for our loved ones and us, reasoning like this: “What is going to happen if I take time off from work or school in light of drastic threats? Surely, God will understand that I must give in under those circumstances.” However, it is we who must understand that God is stronger and more powerful than the evil spirits which are ruling this rotten world, and that He allows challenges to test us and try us and make us stronger spiritually. At the same time, He IS there to intervene, to help us and to show us the right way out, without compromise, if a temptation or trial would be too difficult for us to handle (1 Corinthians 10:13). But God also knows that we might be much stronger than we may think.

When challenges come through mean-spirited people, we should realize that we are fighting with wicked spirits in high places. Many times, people don’t even know why they are behaving towards us in such a hostile and disapproving manner. Their carnal nature, which is enmity against God and His Law, developed within them because of Satan’s influence. We might become the subjects of contempt by professing “Christians” because they see us stand up for God’s “crazy” rules and these superseded “Old Testament” “Jewish” festivals, while rejecting their beloved Christmas and Easter celebrations. They have no clue as to what the truth is, and do not possess any correct godly comprehension because Satan has blinded them. In most cases, they don’t understand that it is they who reject God and who accept instead ungodly pagan holidays which man adopted under Satan’s inspiration. All the while, we must remember that our spiritual warfare is not with people, but with Satan, the god of this deceived world (Ephesians 6:12-13; Galatians 1:4; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9).

We know of many examples in the Bible when God’s disciples fell into despair. Elijah faced a big problem when Jezebel tried to kill him–he had enough and wanted to die. Jeremiah was also faced with threats on his life, so he complained to God that He could not be relied upon. Job was severely plagued by Satan, but God allowed it, and his response to God was that He treated him unjustly. But in spite of those temporary setbacks and misguided evaluations of their situation, God’s people found renewed strength in God and continued their responsibilities. They knew that the righteous may fall seven times and get up and go on (Proverbs 24:16).

Sometimes, challenges before God’s Feast Days, especially before the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles, may not be earth-shaking events, but they could just be stressful daily occurrences which we might compare with little rocks or with small bricks. After a while, the accumulation of the rocks has become a huge mountain which appears to be unclimbable, or the bricks, taken together, have become a strong wall which does not let us pass through. This condition can become so frustrating for us that we conclude that it is just too much to handle–the problems are piling up with such speed and regularity that we are feeling stressed out and unable to continue. Paul was being threatened many times with death, but he also spoke about daily challenges, including his deep concern for all the churches (2 Corinthians 11:28). He warned us that “in the last days there will come times of stress” (2 Timothy 3:1, Revised Standard Version).

Dear brethren and friends, Satan is very angry right now. He KNOWS, perhaps better than we do, that his time is short and that God will crush him under our feet shortly (Romans 16:20). He is our enemy and wants to destroy us like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). We must resist him, knowing what he has in mind. God will give us renewed strength so that we can mount up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31)—rising high above our problems. And viewing our difficult circumstances from a distance that far away, they will appear very small indeed.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with disconcerting developments in Germany pertaining to ongoing discussions about mandatory military and community service and the increased activities of the military to entice minors; speak of a wildfire near Berlin revealing the existence of many weapons and old munitions which had been dumped in the area at the end of World War II; address violent outbursts in East Germany following the murder of a German by immigrants; and report on some alarming announcements for Brits living in the EU regarding their bank accounts in the UK in case of a no-deal Brexit.

We continue with reports raising the possibility that the USA might be defeated in a coming war [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Will America Be Defeated Soon in WWIII?”]; speak on Turkey’s and Europe’s opposition to the USA; and address President Trump’s bad week as former friends turn against him and as special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation appears to be, more and more, like a totally unjustified witch hunt. We also speculate as to what President Trump could and may (have to) do in this regard, and what the consequences for such a “politically incorrect” move might and might not be. We also report on the late John McCain and his farewell message.

We conclude with further outrageous conduct by Bank of America; another earthquake in Southern California; the governmental upheaval in Australia; deadly side effects of prescription medication; hatred for the Bible; the virtually nonexistent separation between church and state in Italy; and Pope Francis’ recent comments regarding homosexuality and his subsequent change of mind or damage control.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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German Mandatory Community Service Even for Refugees?

Deutsche Welle reported on August 24:

“Members of Angela Merkel’s conservatives say a year of community service would help integrate refugees. The proposal comes against the backdrop of a larger debate about reinstating mandatory service for Germans.

“A year of [mandatory or voluntary] community service would help refugees and asylum-seekers integrate and promote their acceptance by the public, the general secretary of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives said Saturday. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ignited nationwide debate earlier this month when it brought up the idea of reinstating mandatory military service or a year of community service…

“Military conscription was scrapped in 2011 after Berlin opted for a professionalized army. Prior to this decision, all young men were obliged to either serve in the nation’s military, the Bundeswehr, or perform an alternative service for a limited period of time in civilian areas such as emergency management or medical care… Kramp-Karrenbauer said the CDU would discuss four models for reinstating a community service year for men and women at the party conference in December.”

The sad and crazy idea of mandatory conscription gains more and more attention in a once “pacifistic” country.

German Military Entices Minors

Reuters reported on August 24:

“To help attract new recruits, the [German] military has targeted youngsters with slick online video campaigns, drawing criticism from… child welfare advocates…

“But the campaigns are paying off. In 2017, 2,128 people under 18 joined the German army, up 11.4 percent from 2016 and accounting for 9 percent of new recruits… With lively music and scenes showing the lives of young soldiers, the Bundeswehr’s shows on YouTube… have attracted more than 64 million views. In October, traffic at the Bundeswehr jobs website increased 60 percent during a six-week broadcast of ‘Mali’, a YouTube series centered on eight soldiers serving in the U.N.’s peacekeeping mission in the West African country.

“The Bundeswehr Exclusive YouTube channel has over 330,000 followers and its latest production portrays the lives of a group of young paratroopers. The army is also active on other sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. According to a… survey of 20,000 school students across the country, the military is now considered Germany’s third most attractive employer

“Overall, the army spent about 35 million euros ($40 million) on recruitment last year… More than 30,000 people signed a letter delivered to German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen a year ago that urged the Bundeswehr to stop recruiting minors. ‘This is embarrassing and sends a wrong signal to the world,’ said Ralf Willinger from rights group terre des hommes… ‘It weakens the international 18-year standard, encouraging armed groups and armies from other countries to legitimate the use of minors as soldiers.’

“Recruits under 18 in Germany undergo military training like other adult trainees, but they have special provisions such as not being allowed to participate in guard duty or foreign missions, and weapons are only used for educational purposes. Ilka Hoffmann, a board member at the GEW union… that represents about 280,000 teachers, social workers and education workers, [said:] ‘In no other profession does one learn to kill, and is one confronted with the danger of dying in war. That is the one difference.’”

Young people had better be aware as to what the military is “offering” them.

Huge Dangerous Fire Near Berlin

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 24:

“Three villages were evacuated in the northern German state of Brandenburg as 400 hectares of forest went up in flames outside Berlin… Germany has been suffering under a massive heatwave and drought for weeks, leaving forests and fields extremely dry…

“The German state of Brandenburg, which surrounds Berlin, was dealing with one of the biggest forest fires in the postwar history… The fire produced so much smoke that people in Berlin 60 kilometers away phoned emergency services on Friday morning, while Brandenburg locals heard explosions in the forest as old World War II munitions was set off…

“State Premier Dietmar Woidke [said that] munitions dumped in the forests during World War II and subsequently by the Soviet Army, which once used the surrounding countryside as a training ground, posed a ‘huge danger’ to the firefighters… ‘We in Brandenburg are in a very special situation here,’ he said. ‘We have areas of around 100,000 to 120,000 hectares all around Berlin that have old munitions in the ground…’”

One wonders where else old munitions—and what kind—are still buried throughout Germany and beyond.

Violence in Chemnitz, East Germany

The EUObserver wrote on August 28:

“Far-right activists clashed with police and leftist protestors for a second day in the eastern German city of Chemnitz, demanding foreigners to leave Germany. Monday’s events were a continuation of Sunday’s protests, which were triggered by a stabbing of a 35-year old German. A Syrian and an Iraqi remained under arrest on suspicion of the lethal attack. German chancellor Angela Merkel warned that ‘vigilante justice’ would not be tolerated.”

Der Spiegel wrote on August 28:

“Chemnitz is the third-largest city in the eastern state of Saxony and initially, over a thousand people had gathered on Monday to protest the kind of right-wing violence seen here on Sunday. Later, several thousand participants in a right-wing rally gathered at the city’s iconic monument to Karl Marx. The two camps were separated only by a single road and handful of law enforcement officers. The mood was tense – and turned violent once darkness began to fall. Fireworks were set off and the two groups began throwing projectiles at each other. There were several injuries.

“Later, the police would say that they had underestimated the number of people that would be participating in the two demonstrations. That they were caught off guard. But given the events in the city just one day earlier, that seems unlikely…”

Deutsche Welle added on August 28:

“In response to the events, most lawmakers echoed Merkel’s sentiments in a blanket condemnation of racism and violence… Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who has been in a highly-publicized feud with Merkel over his desire to curb immigration, was more muted in his disavowal of the far-right, and focused instead on the stabbing: ‘My deepest sympathies are with the loved ones of the knife attack victim…but I want to say clearly, that nothing justifies the call to violence or violent riots.’

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was split down the middle, with some inside the party distancing themselves from the right-wing demonstrators and calling off their own planned rally, and others suggesting that the media had blown the situation out of proportion…”

German Police in Chemnitz Under Fire

The Guardian wrote on August 29:

“The leak of an arrest warrant to far-right groups has heightened widespread suspicions of links between German police and xenophobic demonstrators. Authorities have confirmed reports of the leak after the arrest warrant – containing the full name of the main suspect in the murder of a 35-year-old man, which triggered violent anti-foreigner protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz – was tweeted by Lutz Bachmann, the founding member of the far-right protest group Pegida. The suspect is a 22-year-old Iraqi man…

“The police were accused last week of standing up for Pegida protesters after stopping a camera team from the state broadcaster ZDF from filming a demonstration in Dresden for 45 minutes after complaints by a protester, who it later emerged was a police employee. They faced further accusations on Wednesday that they had lied over their claim to have underestimated the numbers who would attend the Chemnitz demonstration, after it emerged that Saxony’s office for protection of the constitution had warned them in advance that a large number of extremists from across Germany – including neo-Nazis, as well as football hooligans and martial artists with a known far-right background – were expected in the city…”

No-Deal Brexit Could See Brits in EU Lose Access to their UK Bank Accounts

The Local wrote on August 23:

“The British government released a list of 25 ‘technical notices’ on Thursday, revealing that Brits living in the European Union could lose access to their UK bank accounts in the event of a no-deal Brexit

“Meanwhile, consumers buying products from the EU would face slower and more expensive credit card payments, and businesses were told that in the event of a no-deal ‘the free circulation of goods between the UK and EU would cease.’”

This is almost too fantastic to believe, and the British government did not give any details as to why Brits, living in the EU, would lose access to their bank accounts in the UK in case of a “no-deal Brexit.” But this news is truly alarming. According to the EUObserver, dated August 28, “French prime minister Edouard Philippe instructed his ministers on Monday to prepare measures in case of a no-deal Brexit.”

Brexit Breakthrough?

The Daily Mail wrote on August 29:

EU negotiator Michel Barnier finally conceded he would have to offer Britain a unique deal on Brexit today… In remarks that sent the pound soaring up against the euro and the dollar, Mr Barnier promised a ‘partnership with Britain such as has never been with any other third country’.

“Mr Barnier has repeatedly insisted Britain must choose from an existing model used by either Norway or Canada – a deal the UK say[s] [is] unacceptable. The Brussels chief still insists Britain cannot have an ‘a la carte’ choice of benefits from the EU single market. Brexiteers welcomed his ‘more optimistic tone’ but warned that actions speak louder and urged the EU to get on with coming up with a new offer… Government sources said they would look at the comments but played down the shift, suggesting Mr Barnier had made ‘similar’ remarks before

“In other developments today, [new Brexit Secretary] Dominic Raab admitted that a Brexit deal could be delayed until after the October (18 or 19) deadline – amid fears the UK could crash out without an agreement… His words are a shift in tone from the Government, which yesterday was still stressing that it is working towards the October deadline.

“Mr Davis quit… in protest at Theresa May’s Chequers proposal – a compromise deal which would mean the UK sticks to EU rules for goods but leaves the single market and customs union. The proposal sparked outcry from Brexiteers and Tory activists who warned it would leave the UK stuck half inside the Brussels bloc and hamper the country’s ability to strike free trade deals globally. And the EU also greeted the plan with scepticism – and it emerged yesterday that Mr Barnier threatened to boycott Brexit talks if Mrs May insisted on basing a deal on her Chequers plans.”

Dramatic U-Turn?

Express reported on August 30:

“Michel Barnier has made a dramatic U-turn and warned the European Union to prepare for a no-deal Brexit only a day after insisting the bloc was preparing to offer the UK a deal like no other third country.”

Deutsche Welle reported on August 30:

“Berlin and Brussels showed a united front on Wednesday delivering a single message to London: There will be no cherry-picking when it comes to the single market…

“[German Foreign Minister Heiko] Maas professed that the ‘last big hurdle’ was the question of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. ‘We are firmly convinced that the exit agreement must guarantee that Brexit must not lead to a hard border in Northern Ireland,’ said Maas. ‘It is important that this guarantee must be valid regardless of how the EU and Britain will shape its new relationship.’

 Should no deal be reached by then, Britain will be subject to the World Trade Organization rules, which include many types of customs and border regulations for any trade with the EU.

“In contrast to all this harmony on the continent, the strife between Barnier and his main counterpart in the UK remains palpable… As if to illustrate this trouble on the high seas, French and British fishermen are currently in the middle of a maritime dispute of their own. Reuters news agency reported on Wednesday that French boats had rammed British scallop dredgers they believed had encroached on their seabed in the Baie en Seine…”

Could America Suffer Outright Military Defeat?

The National Interest wrote on August 25:

“America taunts China by taking needless risks, provokes Russia with military operations on their border that in no way improves our own security, extends military guarantees to small countries that could drag us into a war we should never fight, and engages in active combat operations in scores of countries where no U.S. security interests are at stake.

“…great powers frequently fell because they came to believe they could not be defeated. Without question, we have the greatest air force and navy the world has ever known. We are the dominant global power, both militarily and economically. Much of America’s dominance is based on our modern weapons and the technology that empowers them. Our reliance on technology, however, is a double-edged sword.

“Should an adversary one day use space-based weapons to strip away our navigation and intelligence satellites, we would suffer a substantial and immediate loss of military capability. Many of our precision weapons would be useless, our ability to navigate on the land, in the air, and on the oceans could be temporarily crippled. Communications would be hampered. Even at the tactical level, much of our ground-combat power is predicated on an ability to disperse units and mass fires—all of which requires uninterrupted ability to communicate across great distances…

“We must expect that one day another world power is going to develop a new class of weapon or capability that has never been seen which will allow them [to] either neutralize our greatest offensive weapons or against which our best defenses will be inadequate…

“Maintaining the status quo… will continue the erosion of our strength and increase the chances we may one day suffer outright military defeat.”

The Bible prophesies that the USA WILL suffer outright military defeat, and that the world power bringing this about will be a united core Europe under German leadership (“the beast”).

EU and USA—No Tariffs at All?

Fox Business News wrote on August 30:

“Although European Union officials have said they are supportive of lowering tariffs on automobiles to zero if the U.S. reciprocates, President Trump believes this is not a stand-alone issue or trade deal… Trump wants to see all tariffs removed on all industries, including agriculture, steel aluminum and medical equipment…

“‘We are willing to bring down even our car tariffs to zero, all tariffs to zero, if the U.S. does the same,’ European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom told members of the European Parliament on Thursday in Brussels. But… Malmstrom has said that agriculture would not be included in this deal, and because of this, the White House is not celebrating the comments made today by Malmstrom.”

Europe Supports Turkey against the USA

The EUObserver wrote on August 24:

“The Turkey-US trade spat has led to EU leaders backing Turkey against the US administration’s policies. This not only shows the extent of economic interdependence between Europe and Turkey, but also signals the development of a common stance in the face of a bullying trade partner.

“When US president Donald Trump took to Twitter to celebrate the downward trajectory of the Turkish lira against the US dollar, Europe was concerned about the potential spillover of rapidly growing economic turmoil in Turkey. In particular, Germany, Turkey’s biggest trading partner, came to Turkey’s defence… In Italy, decision makers were equally concerned about contagion from Turkish markets…

“Meanwhile, the European Parliament declared the tariffs as illegitimate and urged the US to solve its problems with Turkey with ‘constructive diplomatic engagement.’ French economy minister Bruno Le Maire vowed to ‘strengthen economic ties between France and Turkey’ signalling that France and Turkey would work together to take a stance against the US

“In the past 12 months alone, the tension between Europe and the US escalated like never before… the US and Europe have found themselves on the opposing sides of global conflicts and major foreign policy issues… There is a growing sense in Europe that collective action is needed for dealing with the US administration… A foreign policy based on ‘America first’ is likely to result in further isolation for the US to the extent that it undermines the US’ major allies across the world.”

Turkey will be aligned with Europe and Arab nations against Israel (the state of Israel as well as the USA and the UK), according to biblical prophecies, and America will become more and more isolated on the world scene.

Trump’s Terrible Week

The Guardian wrote on August 25:

“[On Tuesday, in] New York, Trump’s longtime lawyer and ‘fixer’ Michael Cohen implicated the president in a crime to influence the 2016 presidential election. Pleading guilty to dodging taxes and campaign finance violations, he alleged that Trump directed him to pay hush money to prevent two women – a Playboy model and pornographic actor – speaking out about extramarital affairs.

“In Alexandria, Virginia, Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was found guilty of eight tax and bank fraud charges and could now spend the rest of his life behind bars – unless Trump chooses to pardon him.

“… But the day from hell [August 21] was far from done. The Republican congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife were indicted on corruption charges, namely converting more than $250,000 in campaign money to pay for personal expenses… In 2016, Hunter was the second member of Congress to endorse Trump for president. Earlier this month the first, Chris Collins of New York was indicted for insider trading. The third [member of Congress who endorsed Trump]? Jeff Sessions, now Trump’s out-of-favour attorney general…

“And then, in one more dose of humiliation, the candidate Trump endorsed for governor of Wyoming, Foster Friess, lost the Republican primary to the state treasurer, Mark Gordon…

“Then there was Wednesday… the president gave an interview to Fox News which, as always, had sought to play down the firestorm. He denied instructing to Cohen to commit a crime… He also claimed that he did not find out about the payments until ‘later’, contradicting earlier statements. For the first time, the Washington Post’s factchecker said the president was lying rather than merely misleading or false…

“On Thursday there was no let-up. It emerged that David Pecker, chairman of American Media Inc, which owns the pro-Trump National Enquirer, had been granted immunity to provide information about Cohen and Trump’s involvement with payments to the two women who allege sexual affairs. The Associated Press added fuel to the fire by reporting that the Enquirer kept such secrets locked in a safe…

“On Friday… attention turned back to Trump’s legal crisis as the Wall Street Journal reported that Allen Weisselberg, his longtime financial gatekeeper, was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for providing information about Cohen…”

Just about Cohen? Many feel that the alleged “investigation” regarding “collusion with Russia” has far exceeded its claimed legitimate legal justification and that it does constitute a political witch-hunt of unparalleled historical proportions. At one time, Trump said that if special counsel Robert Mueller should begin to investigate Trump’s or his family’s private financial affairs, he would have crossed the red line. Constitutionally, Trump can’t probably fire Mueller himself or through his Attorney General Sessions who recused himself, after he took the job, without telling Trump ahead of time. But Trump could fire Sessions (which many, such as evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr., a religious adviser to Trump, believe is long overdue) and/or insist that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein fire Mueller, and if he refuses [he had told Congress he would fire Mueller only for clear misconduct and he gave him great latitude regarding the “investigation”], Trump could fire him too until he finds someone who carries out his demands.

Politico pointed out on April 17, 2018, that this man might be Solicitor General Noel Francisco: “Under Justice Department rules, Rosenstein’s successor should be the department’s third-ranking official, the associate attorney general. But the last occupant of that job, Rachel Brand, departed in February and has not been replaced [Presently, Jesse Panuccio is serving as the Acting Associate Attorney General; while the Trump administration has put its search for the Justice Department’s No. 3 official on hold]. Next in line is Francisco, 48, a former George W. Bush White House and Justice Department lawyer whom Trump last year named to be U.S. solicitor general, representing his administration and the U.S. government before the Supreme Court.”

It might not be “politically correct” for Trump to fire Mueller in the way described above, and the Democrats will and many Republicans might revolt and cry foul, but they still may not dare to impeach Trump, as many American citizens would be on his side, going beyond just his loyal base, since he would truly have begun, in the minds of many, to drain the swamp which he had promised to do. After all, many congressional Republicans were never his friends to begin with, nor are they his friends today, and now we see that some of Trump’s long-time loyal “friends” are receiving immunity while turning against him.

Impeach Trump, and the American People Will Revolt

The Washington Post wrote on August 24:

“‘I think impeachment would be totally horrible,’ Giuliani said, later adding, ‘You could only impeach him for political reasons, and the American people would revolt against that.’ On this point, Giuliani is largely correct.

“First, impeachment is indeed a purely political process… it’s also probably true that there would be a revolt of some significant form against an effort to impeach Trump… ‘Revolt’ is a strong word, and ‘the American people’ is overly broad. But a substantial number of Americans would certainly take strong issue with an impeachment effort against Trump…

“We talk a lot about Trump’s base of support, how broadly steady it is and how enthusiastic it is. Talk to Trump supporters and a common theme is that they feel the need to stand with him because he’s constantly embattled by the outside forces of Democrats and government investigators…”

Trump won’t be impeached.

Trump Like Cyrus Helping to Build the Temple?

The Huffington Post wrote on August 30:

“[Roger E.] Olson, a professor of Christian theology… said many evangelicals don’t necessarily believe that Trump is a man of faith. But they view him like Cyrus, the biblical Persian emperor who helped to free the Hebrew people and rebuild their temple in Jerusalem despite not being Jewish himself.

“‘They regard [Trump] as a person who is not one of God’s own people (Jewish or Christian), but an instrument of God to deliver Israel and American evangelical Christianity from persecution…’”

Trump’s role in the building of the Third Temple prior to Christ’s return will be interesting to observe. Please view our StandingWatch program, “Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?”

John McCain and His Farewell Message

The Week wrote on August 27:

“The passing of Sen. John McCain marks the end of an era in American political life… Americans are always hungry for heroes, and McCain served admirably in that role for many years. His service, sacrifice, and suffering as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War was genuinely awe-inspiring and worthy of profound… respect…

“Honor, nobility, courage, public-spiritedness — he esteemed them all and did his best to embody them in his life. That… is the source of the heartfelt tributes that have flowed forth from so many at the news of his death. His life was a reminder of an older, elevated notion of politics that places country before party and self-sacrifice before self-interest. That such displays of public virtue can still move so many, even at such an otherwise tawdry time in our history, is powerful evidence that they grow out of and touch something deep and ineradicable within the human soul.”

JTA wrote on August 28:

McCain reserved two paragraphs in his posthumous farewell for a warning about the dangers of hypernationalism, alluding to the rise of the ‘alt-right,’ the white supremacists whom he reviled. And he invoked a slogan that predates the Nazis, but that was made popular by them: blood and soil… ‘We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil… We have helped liberate more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history. We have acquired great wealth and power in the process… We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe.’

“It was not the first time McCain had referenced the term ‘blood and soil,’ which the Nazis used to justify their theories of racial purity. Last October, receiving the National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal, he used the term to warn against the white supremacism that had led to violence and murder in Charlottesville, Virginia just two months earlier.

“‘To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain “the last best hope of earth” for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,’ McCain said then. ‘We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil.’…

“McCain was furious with President Donald Trump for equivocating following Charlottesville, when the president insisted both sides were to blame for the violence and… declared that there were ‘very fine people’ on both sides. And McCain’s final statement segues from a warning about the term to an indictment of Trump’s policies, particularly the president’s anti-immigrant postures.

“‘We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down,’ McCain said, an allusion to the wall Trump hopes to build along the border the United States shares with Mexico, and which runs through Arizona… Trump despised McCain and had to be pressured into honoring the senator’s memory.”

Earthquake in Southern California

The Los Angeles Times reported on August 29:

“Parts of Southern California were rattled by a 4.4 magnitude earthquake Tuesday evening that was centered near La Verne but felt over a wide area… the epicenter was three miles from San Dimas, four miles from Claremont and five miles from Glendora.

“… Victor Flores, who lives in a two-story house in the hills of La Verne, said the shaking was ‘extremely violent.’ ‘It was moving the whole house,’ he said. ‘It shook hard for what seemed like 10 to 20 seconds, and then it just kept going. It was really loud too, kind of like thunder. It just hit really hard and quick.’ Flores, his wife and daughters ran to their backyard, but when they saw the water in their pool swaying back and forth, they ran back inside…

“Rochelle Puente was watching her 7-year-old son’s football practice at Bonita High School in La Verne when she felt the shaking. She and at least 100 other people at the field looked up at the tall trees and swaying poles. Puente heard people scream… ‘It felt way stronger than a 4.4,’ Puente added.

“The… quake was widely felt, either as a sharp jolt near the epicenter or a rolling motion farther away. It shook buildings for several seconds in downtown Los Angeles.”

Please view our StandingWatch program,  Is California’s Big Earthquake About to Strike?

Further Outrageous Conduct by Bank of America

Miami Herald wrote on August 30:

“Saeed Moshfegh woke up earlier this month to discover the strangest thing: though he had plenty of money in his Bank of America account, he couldn’t access it. An Iranian getting his Ph.D in physics at the University of Miami, Moshfegh used the account for everyday transactions. All he had to do to maintain the account was show proof of legal residency every six months. Moshfegh… has lived in the U.S. for the past seven years. He recently married an American.

“That Thursday, Moshfegh went to his local branch near South Miami. He was told that the documentation he had provided could not be accepted. Bank officials insisted he produce a different form, according to Moshfegh. The bank was wrong, he maintains, because the form he had supplied was the correct one based on his current status as a student nearing graduation. ‘This bank doesn’t know how the immigration system works, so they didn’t accept my document,’ said Moshfegh, 36.  Locked out of his account, Moshfegh couldn’t pay his rent, which was due that week. Credit card payments were suddenly rejected.

“His case isn’t unique. In recent months, Bank of America has been accused of freezing or threatening to freeze customers’ accounts after asking about their legal status in the U.S. In July, the Washington Post reported that multiple customers had been locked out of their accounts after Bank of America questioned whether the account holders were U.S. citizens or dual citizens.

“According to the Post, Kansas-born Josh Collins received an unusual-looking letter purportedly from the bank asking about his citizenship status. He said he thought the mailer was spam and ignored it—only to have his account frozen a few weeks later. After Collins’ story was first reported locally, he and his wife received messages from others who had been locked out of their accounts for weeks, the Post reported.

“Tennessee native David Lewis says he received the same suspicious-looking letter as Collins. In an interview with the Miami Herald, Lewis said he has maintained an account with Bank of America for about 30 years. In the letter, the bank inquired about his citizenship, income, and Social Security number. When he called Bank of America, he was told his account would be frozen if he did not fill out the forms. That phone conversation led him to cancel his account, he said…

Proof of citizenship is not required to open a bank account in the U.S., according to Stephanie Collins, a spokesperson for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the federal agency that supervises branch banking. Banks are merely required to identify and report suspicious transactions and maintain and update customer information, she said…

“Paulina Gonzalez, executive director of the California Reinvestment Coalition, told the Herald: ‘…We have Bank of America customers who we’ve spoken to who have never been asked this before last year…’ In recent months, her group has received several complaints about being asked for proof of citizenship; almost all have come from Bank of America customers, she said. An article in American Banker magazine also highlighted Bank of America as the one institution specifically facing backlash for its policies

“For Moshfegh, the Miami physics student, it was not until he’d had conversations with multiple Bank of America officials that he was able to convince them to let him withdraw all his funds; Bank of America would not let him keep the account.”

This is truly appalling. For more information, please view our StandingWatch program, “Do Banks and the Government Control You?” 

Another Change in Australia’s Government

The Telegraph wrote on August 25:

“Australia’s new prime minister Scott Morrison, a staunch conservative and devout evangelical Christian [who opposes same-sex marriage], yesterday pledged to heal the ruling Liberal party after a week of infighting that outgoing leader Malcolm Turnbull said left his nation ‘dumbstruck and so appalled’. Following a brutal party brawl, Mr Morrison emerged victorious as leader in a 45-40 party-room vote against Peter Dutton, a hardliner who led a coup against Mr Turnbull.

“Mr Morrison, formerly the treasurer, equivalent to Chancellor of the Exchequer, was sworn in on Friday by the Governor-General, the Queen’s representative, to become Australia’s sixth prime minister in eight years. Mr Turnbull, a former investment banker who became leader after toppling Tony Abbott in 2015, was ousted by a group of right-wing MPs who mistrusted his progressive views, even as he veered rightward on issues such as climate change, the republic and same-sex marriage…

“The toppling of Mr Turnbull means that no Australian leader has served a full term since John Howard after the 2004 election… Adding to the turmoil, Mr Turnbull said he planned to leave parliament, which would require a by-election that could threaten the ruling Liberal-National Coalition’s one-seat majority. This could force an early general election, which is currently due by May.

“Mr Morrison, a father of two and faithful member of an American-style mega-church, did not support the move to topple Mr Turnbull. He was elected after a three-way contest against Mr Dutton and Julie Bishop, the foreign minister, who was defeated in the first round of voting.

“On Friday night US President Donald Trump congratulated Mr Morrison. Trump tweeted, ‘There are no greater friends than the United States and Australia!’ Mr Morrison soon responded, writing on Twitter: ‘Had a great discussion with @realDonaldTrump this morning. We affirmed the strength of the relationship between the US and Australia…’ Known as a shrewd political operator, Mr Morrison developed a reputation as a tough but capable minister after overseeing Australia’s efforts to stem the flow of asylum seekers by boat. This involved detaining refugees on remote offshore islands and towing boats back to Indonesia, measures condemned as unlawful and inhumane by the United Nations.”

If there are no greater friends than the USA and Australia, where do the UK and Israel fit in? The Bible says that God is not pleased with a country’s national sin manifested by the fact that its leaders change constantly and quickly (Proverbs 28:2 says in the Luther Bible 1984: “Because of the sin of the land its leaders change often…”).

Deadly Side Effects of Prescription Medications

ABC News wrote on August 27:

“The authors collected health information of over 23,000 children 19 years and younger using [a survey] from 2003 to 2014. Nearly one in five children and adolescents used at least one prescription medication; approximately 7.5 percent used two or more and the use of prescription medications was the highest among adolescent girls (28 percent) and boys ages 6 to 12 years (26.5 percent).

“Among those using multiple medications, one in 12 was at risk for a major drug interaction, and the vast majority of these potential interactions involved antidepressants. Adolescent girls were at a higher risk of interacting drug regimens compared to other groups, largely because of their higher rate of medication use… side effects related to medications remain a leading cause of injuries and death among children and adolescents in the United States… approximately 200,000 children and teens visit emergency departments each year because of side effects related to medication…”

Hatred for the Bible?

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 17:

“Would you believe it if I told you the mere sight of the Bible is offensive to some people?… Apparently, in our intolerant culture, we no longer can display the Bible in public…

“Harvard, Yale and a number of the other original nine colonial colleges in America were established by people who believed in the Bible. The Salvation Army, which has helped countless vulnerable people, was started by a man who believed in the Bible and lived accordingly. The abolitionist movement was led by men and women who believed the words in the Bible and took them to heart. And let’s not forget Martin Luther King Jr., whose celebrated speeches, which in many ways were really sermons, are now enshrined in our collective consciousness. And yet, here we are, having to tiptoe around some who find it offensive.

“We can find Bibles in nearly every hotel room in America, and most Americans have at least one Bible in their home. In fact, 47% of American adults, including 50% of college graduates, believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. At the same time, there is a significant disconnect. Half of those who claim to read the Bible aren’t able to name the four Gospels in the New Testament…”

The situation in Europe, especially Germany, is much worse. Anyone who dares to read the Bible in public (including in public transportation) is being considered by most as being weird, strange, abnormal or a religious fanatic. You can read any book you want in public, but woe to you if you read the Bible! We need to understand that the author of such hatred for God’s Word is none other than Satan the Devil.

Separation of Catholic Church and State in Italy?

Evangelical Focus reported on August 20:

“The state funeral in Genova for the victims of the Morandi bridge, which killed at least 41 people, was not attended by all the victims. About half of the relatives decided not to take part in the ceremony held on August 16th

“The state funeral followed a Roman Catholic rite… Among those who did not attend the state funeral were the parents, siblings and friends of Stella Boccia (24). They decided to do their own funeral the day before… Francesco Boccia, brother of the victim, is an evangelical pastor of an Assemblies of God…

“This is not the first time a state funeral in Italy is officiated in accordance to the Roman Catholic liturgy, even when those honoured include people of other faiths and non-believers. According to the Italian Evangelical Alliance (AEI), the state funerals after the earthquakes of Aquila (2009) and Amatrice (2016) followed a similar religious framework. ‘The state funeral is delegated to the Catholic church as if the state could not “handle death” apart from “mother” church’, Vice President of the AEI, Leonardo De Chirico, told Evangelical Focus. Therefore, the state funeral becomes ‘actually a Catholic funeral. The distinctions between state and church are blurred… It assumes that everyone is Catholic and that the Catholic Church acts on behalf of the state’…”

We need to note as well that Roman Catholicism was recognized under Mussolini as the state’s official and only religion, and this declaration in a treaty between church and state was never revoked. The same “blurred distinctions” can be observed in other European countries in which Catholics constitute a majority of the people, including Austria, Germany, France and Spain.  

Pope Francis—Change of Mind or Damage Control?

The Guardian wrote on August 27:

“The Vatican has rolled back on a recommendation by Pope Francis that parents seek psychiatric help for children who show homosexual tendencies. The pope made the comments to journalists as he was flying back to Rome from Ireland, but the Vatican later removed his phrase from its official account, saying he had not meant to suggest that homosexuality was a mental illness.

“The pope was asked by a journalist what he would say to parents who observe homosexual traits in their children. ‘When it shows itself from childhood, there is a lot that can be done through psychiatry, to see how things are. It is something else if it shows itself after 20 years,’ he said. He added that ignoring a child who showed homosexual tendencies was an ‘error of fatherhood or motherhood’

“The pope’s trip to Ireland was fraught with controversy amid accusations that he ignored sexual abuse allegations against prominent US cardinal Theodore McCarrick.”

It was even alleged that he knew and covered up alleged sexual abuses of children. The pope has refused to comment to such allegations.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Would you please explain Hosea 5:7. Whom will the “new moon” devour? Does this mean that modern Israel and Judah will be destroyed together within a month consisting of 30 days?

Hosea 5:7 reads, “They have dealt treacherously with the LORD, For they have begotten pagan children. Now a New Moon shall devour them and their heritage.”

In order to understand the context, we need to consider several passages within the entire fifth chapter of the book of Hosea.

Verse 1 speaks to the priests, the house of Israel and the house of the king. Verse 3 says that God knows Ephraim and that Israel is not hidden from Him. Verse 5 says that Israel and Ephraim will stumble in their iniquity, and that Judah will stumble with them. Verse 8 says that the ram’s horn and the trumpet are to be blown, obviously referring to impending war, and verse 9 continues that Ephraim shall be desolate in the day of rebuke. Verse 10 speaks of God’s wrath; and verse 13 says that Ephraim won’t succeed in trying to find help from King Jareb of Assyria. Finally, verse 15 announces that ultimately Ephraim and Judah will earnestly seek God when they are being afflicted, indicating repentance.

The context of the entire chapter describes end-time events and addresses the modern descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah. The reference to Ephraim is to be understood as, foremost, describing the nations and peoples of the United Kingdom; and perhaps Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the white populations of other English-speaking nations belonging to the Commonwealth of Nations [formerly known as the British Commonwealth], such as South Africa and Zimbabwe; and when Israel is mentioned in addition to Ephraim, it would refer to Ephraim’s brother Manasseh whose descendants can be found today in the United States. Judah, of course, is a reference to the state of Israel and the Jews in general, and the modern Assyrians can be found today in Germany and Austria. God speaks of the trumpet of war (referring also to the Feast of Trumpets, as we will see) and of His wrath which He will pour out on all nations during the Day of His Wrath, just prior to Christ’s return. Finally, reference is made to the priests—the religious leadership in all of the above-mentioned countries—and the house of the king, referring to the royal house and monarchy of Great Britain.

Since Verse 5 tells us that Ephraim, Israel (Manasseh) and Judah will all fall together, what then is the meaning of verse 7, telling us that because of their harlotry (verse 3) and the upbringing of pagan children, the “new moon” shall devour them and their heritage or posterity?

Commentaries are quite divided on the meaning of this verse.

In applying the verse strictly to Old Testament times and ignoring the prophetic end-time application, Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers states:

“Some reference is involved to the consequences of intermarriage with heathen. The ‘month’ may be a personification of the period of a month, during which takes place the now closely impending (perhaps already commenced) invasion by Tiglathpileser… This invasion was due in part to Ahaz having sought the aid of Assyria against Pekah and Rezin.”

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary makes the same mistake, pointing out:

“… a month—a very brief space of time shall elapse, and then punishment shall overtake them… The allusion seems to be to money loans, which were by the month, not as with us by the year. You cannot put it off; the time of your destruction is immediately and suddenly coming on you; just as the debtor must meet the creditor’s demand at the expiration of the month. The prediction is of the invasion of Tiglath-pileser, who carried away Reuben, Gad, Naphtali, and the half tribe of Manasseh.”

Other commentaries give similar explanations. Even though some of the statements are helpful, as describing historic forerunners of end-time events, they do not focus on the relevance of these passages for us today, and completely overlook the warning message to the modern DESCENDANTS of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah. However, when reading those comments, we should be able to view them in light of future events which will soon occur, just prior to Christ’s return.

For example, the Matthew Poole’s Commentary states:

“They, the whole house of Israel, priests, people, and princes, and their kings with them, have dealt treacherously; have falsified their word and promise of fidelity and constancy, of love and affection, when they entered covenant with me; have turned idolaters, and worshipped and relied on false gods. They have begotten strange children; as if it were not enough that they were idolaters, they have trained up their children in the same idolatry, partly by their instruction, and more by their examples…

“A month [shall devour them]; either the new moon… or rather, a time not long (as an age); not as to the old world, nor as to Nineveh, forty days, but a shorter time: possibly it may refer to Shallum’s short time of usurpation, which lasted but a month; a month shall devour them, the Assyrians shall make a speedy conquest over you… Shallum slew Zachariah before the people… implying the people’s concurrence herein, and [we know of] their accepting of Shallum with expectation of peace and prosperity, to the increase of their portion under his government, all which was blasted at the month’s end.”

The Benson Commentary says:

“The expression alludes to children not lawfully begotten, or not born in wedlock. Now shall a month devour them — A very short time shall complete their destruction. It shall be sudden and unexpected.”

Barnes’ Notes on the Bible states:

 “The children too of the forbidden marriages with the pagan were, by their birth, strange or foreign children, even before they became so in act; and they became so the more in act, because they were so by birth. The next generation then growing up more estranged from God than themselves, what hope of amendment was there?

“Now shall a month devour – The word ‘now’ denotes the nearness and suddenness of God’s judgments; the term ‘month,’ their rapidity. A ‘month’ is… a brief time… The iniquity was full; the harvest was ripe; ‘now,’ suddenly, rapidly, completely, the end should come…”

Again, even though perhaps not intended by this commentary, its wording clearly points at the end time: the iniquity is full, the harvest is ripe, the complete end is coming. These are all terms used in the Bible to describe end-time events.

Several commentaries do not overlook the fact that the “new moon”—the first day of the month—is mentioned in connection with blowing a ram’s horn and a trumpet; apparently referring to the annual Holy Day of the Feast of Trumpets. This day is of course still to be kept today by Christians and Jews, but without the sacrifices, and it symbolizes especially the seven last trumpets mentioned in the Book of Revelation, culminating in the return of Jesus Christ. The thought seems to be that as Christ will return quickly and unexpectedly at a time of worldwide war, so the destruction in war of modern Israel and Judah will likewise occur quickly and unexpectedly.

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible applies Hosea’s prophecy to the observance of new moons (including the Feast of Trumpets) in general:

 “… now shall a month devour them with their portions; the Jews understand this literally of the month Ab, the time of Jerusalem’s destruction… or the month Tammuz, in which the city was broke up… or rather… it signifies a short time, a very little while before the destruction should come… but others seem better to interpret it of their new moon, or first day of the month, which they observed in a religious way, by offering sacrifice…”

A similar explanation is given by the  Pulpit Commentary:

“If (1) ‘month’ be the right rendering, it is a note of time like ‘the day of the Lord’ and the sense is that a short time shall see the end of them – not only of their persons, but their properties, that is, their hereditary portions in Palestine. But

“(2) if ‘new moon’ be the correct translation, the new moon, or sacrificial feasts celebrated at that season, will only rut, not relieve, them. Their sinful sacrifices and vain oblations, on which they now placed their reliance, will procure, not their salvation, but perdition.”

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges specifically refers to the new moon as including the Feast of Trumpets (compare too Psalm 81:3), which was used to determine the times for the other annual Holy Days—whenever the first crescent of the new moon was observed, it constituted the first day of the new month:

“… now shall a month devour them: The time for punishment has arrived. Instead of watching gladly for the new moon to fix the various hallowed festivals (comp. Hosea 2:11), they should have a ‘fearful looking for judgment’ increasing as each new moon arose…”

Hosea’s end-time prophecy in chapter 5 describes the sudden defeat in war of the USA and the United Kingdom; and perhaps Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the white populations of other English-speaking nations belonging to the Commonwealth of Nations [formerly known as the British Commonwealth], such as South Africa and Zimbabwe; in addition to the state of Israel and many Jews. This will occur through a modern King of Assyria—the “beast” or the “king of the North”—who will be leading a European collaboration of ten nations or groups of nations—referred to as ten kings in the book of Revelation, chapter 17, and ten toes in the book of Daniel, chapter 2.

These ten nations or kings will receive power for “one hour” (Revelation 17:12)—again, a very short time—to share it with the “beast”. They will fight with him, and he will also be accompanied and supported by the “false prophet,” a religious leader of a worldwide organization claiming to be Christian. As the reference in Revelation 17:12 to “one hour” does not mean 60 minutes (it apparently refers to 3 ½ years, note Daniel 7:25, or a somewhat shorter time span than that), the reference to the “month” in Hosea 5:7 does not have to mean a time span of 30 days either—what is expressed here is the very shortness of time. For instance, the day of the Lord will probably last 1 year… not just 24 hours (compare Isaiah 34:8; 61:2; 63:4).

Still, we find an interesting parallel passage in Zechariah 11:8 which reads: “I dismissed the three shepherds in one month. My soul loathed them, and their soul also abhorred me.” There is much speculation about this verse as well, and many apply it only to the time of Zechariah. Commentaries “identify” the three shepherds as three ancient kings, such as Zachariah, Shallum, and Menahem; or as three ancient leaders of factions in the Jewish war, namely John, Simon, and Eleazar; or as three ancient dynasties that oppressed Israel, i.e., the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Greco-Macedonian Empires.

However, as we point out in our free booklet, The Book of Zechariah—Prophecies for Today!,” the prophecies in the book of Zechariah have end-time applications, as is the case with Hosea 5:7, and the reference to “one month” in both passages is striking. Some, understanding this, have suggested that Zechariah 11:8 refers to shepherds or leaders in various splinter groups of the Church of God who make merchandise of the brethren; live an ungodly lifestyle; preach wrong doctrines and practices; misappropriate religious titles to themselves which only belong to Christ; or claim ministerial positions of rank and stature which were not given to them by God, such as being an apostle, a prophet, or one of the two witnesses. Others suggested that the three shepherds might perhaps refer to leaders or influential persons of remnants of previous Church of God eras or of the very last era, whom God will deal with because of their disloyalty and faithlessness.

In light of Hosea 5:7, the reference to the “month” in Zechariah 11:8 could also refer to God’s quick intervention in regard to three ungodly entities which will be responsible, directly or indirectly, for the defeat and destruction of modern Israel and Judah:

One possibility is that God refers here to three leaders of “Ephraim,” “Israel” (Manasseh) and “Judah” (Hosea 5:5), who, due to their ungodly conduct, will inflict God’s wrath and who will thereby indirectly cause or contribute to the defeat of their sinful countries which will be falling together within a short period of time. God will bring about their defeat due to their many national sins, but God places the blame foremost on the ungodly political and religious leaders of those nations (compare Isaiah 1:5, 10; 3:12; 9:14-16; 28:7; Jeremiah 2:8; 23:11-14, 16-22, 26-27; Ezekiel 22:25-27; Micah 3:1-7).

These “three shepherds” might refer to the political leadership of the USA, the UK and the state of Israel at the time of God’s intervention. As God addresses in Hosea 5:1 the priests, the house of Israel and the house of the king, it is also possible that the three shepherds to be dismissed within “one month” could describe the religious, political and kingly leadership of the USA and the UK. In any event, the implication is that the collapse of these institutions and false religious and political leaders will occur suddenly and quickly. [For the defeat of the monarchy in Great Britain, please read our comments in our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” where we state on page 11: “The final king of the house of David, prior to Christ’s return, may cease to rule for a very short period of time: ‘At dawn the king of Israel Shall be cut off utterly’ (Hosea 10:15).”]

This destruction will be caused by modern “Babylon”—the last European revival of the ancient “Holy Roman Empire.” Therefore, another possibility of the dismissal of the three ungodly shepherds could be seen in the three powers or power blocs which will be directly responsible for the defeat of the modern descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah—namely, the beast, the false prophet and the group of ten core European nations or groups of nations. As God will deal with and bring about the defeat of sinful USA, the UK and Judah  in “one month”—in a very short time—so He will also deal with and bring about the defeat of wicked modern Babylon in “one month.” Revelation 18:8, 10, 17 tells us that the ungodly and demonically inspired end-time Babylonian system will be judged and destroyed “in one day” and “in one hour.” Again, the implication is that it will happen unexpectedly within a very short time.

In conclusion, Hosea 5:7 does not necessarily say that the downfall and defeat of the USA, the UK and the state of Israel—the ungodly religious and political leadership as well as the entire nations—will occur within a literal month, consisting of 30 days, but we are clearly warned that it will happen very quickly, and that they will all fall together at approximately the same time; and especially the Feast of Trumpets warns us that a coming ungodly European power bloc will begin a terrible nuclear war which will destroy, defeat and enslave the modern descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

The 2018 USA Feast Brochure is now posted. Designed by Shelly Bruno, this brochure provides a complete schedule of events during the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great observances.

A new Member Letter (September 2018) has been written by Norbert Link to be sent out next week. The letter explains that and how the weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days picture God’s master plan for man.

“Will America Be Defeated Soon in WW III?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Is it even conceivable that the USA, as well as the UK and Israel, could suffer outright military defeat in a coming war which has been described as the most devastating war ever? Some military experts believe so. Will WWIII be finally the war to end all wars? If so, then not in the way you and I would wish. Do end-time biblical prophecies provide us with a clear picture as to what is going to happen soon?

“Werden Amerika, England und Israel in einem Monat zerstört werden?” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Will America, Britain and Israel Be Destroyed in One Month?”

“Trust in the Trials,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Frank Bruno, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Often when one faces a trial such as losing a job, the feeling of hopelessness can be overwhelming. Our bibles can offer a pathway forward through the word of God. David was a man of great faith yet he was still quite human and knew he needed to rely on God to deliver him from the many dangers and plots facing him in his day. Today we too face trials and challenges and the sooner we learn to turn to God, the more secure we will be. This life offers no promises, yet through our trials we can come closer to God—our Creator and our Father.

“WHAT (Not Who) is the Holy Spirit?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Holy Spirit is invisible to humans, but its actions and effects are plainly revealed. Having a relationship with the Father and with Jesus Christ is only possible when we have received the Holy Spirit—do you understand?

Here are the dates for the 2018 Fall Holy Days:

Feast of Trumpets—September 10
Day of Atonement—September 19
Feast of Tabernacles—September 24-30
Last Great Day—October 1

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Getting Ready for the Third Temple!

Breaking Israel News wrote on August 19:

“In the Bible, the Temple Mount is considered a place of prayer for all nations and is commonly understood to be a holy place for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. In Isaiah 56, it is written that, ‘foreigners Who attach themselves to Hashem’ will be brought to his sacred mount to rejoice in his house of prayer: ‘I will bring them to My sacred mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices Shall be welcome on My mizbayach; For My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples’ (Isaiah 56:7).

“However, warn Jewish activists, politicians and rabbis, this Biblical aspiration is not being fulfilled today as prayer on the Temple Mount is restricted for those who are not Muslim. ‘The status quo presently and officially is that Jews and Christians are not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount,’ Member of Knesset Rabbi Yehuda Glick told Breaking Israel News… In 1967, despite thousands of years of yearning for Jewish sovereignty over Judaism’s holiest sites, Moshe Dayan, then Israeli defense minister, relinquished control of the Temple Mount to the Waqf [the Jordanian Waqf is an Islamic religious endowment]…

“Glick called the 1967 Temple Mount relinquishment a naïve move, in which Israel incorrectly believed that relinquishing control of a site holy to Muslims as well as Jews and Christians would create a lasting peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. Joshua Wander, an independent public relations consultant in and around the Old City of Jerusalem, similarly called this event ‘one of the greatest tragedies in Jewish history,’ equal to the sin of the golden calf...

“While the Temple Mount is managed by the Waqf, the Israeli government sets entry limits because of political constraints and security. When entering the Temple Mount, there is also a warning sign by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel that announces, ‘According to Torah Law, entering the Temple Mount area is strictly forbidden due to the holiness of the site.’ But according to Wander, this sign is out of date. After 1967 when Israel reunited Jerusalem and received access to the Temple Mount, Jews began flocking there, unaware of the conditions upon which one is allowed to go up according to Jewish law.

“… Now it is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s obligation to open the site for Jewish prayer, as per Israeli law, maintained Wander. ‘Israeli basic law provides for freedom of worship and anybody has the right to pray freely in this country,’ he said, calling Jewish restriction from prayer at their holiest site in their own country ‘absurd, clear discrimination and completely unacceptable.’…

“Wander said that aspirations should go even farther: The Jews should start building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount. ‘It is the goal of the Jewish nation to come back to the land and resurrect what we once had as a nation, including rebuilding the temple,’ he said. Historically, the Temple has acted as a lightning rod to God and a physical home in this world for Jews and non-Jews to spread blessings throughout the world, such as during Sukkot, when it was common for non-Jews to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem and bring sacrifices from the four corners of the earth. ‘Although there are different laws about service and sacrifice, the Temple is equally important for Jews and non-Jews,’ Wander said.

“Ahead of the Jewish high holidays this year, ‘we are on the way to building the Temple by praying for it three times a day for the last 2,000 years, reclaiming Jerusalem in 1967 and learning all the appropriate laws regarding the Temple Mount since then,’ he added, also citing reenactments of Temple services and sacrifices to bring awareness to the centrality of the Temple. While years in exile has decreased awareness of the centrality of the land of Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple for many Jews, ‘it is a divine movement and anyone who tries to stand in its way will not be successful,’ said Wander.

“According to Wander, the political environment is ripe for it as well, as ‘Trump has given us a window of opportunity’ of which he hopes the government will take advantage… [Rabbi Pinchas] Winston urged ‘righteous gentiles’ to continue investing in the State of Israel both spiritually and financially. Without a Temple, he explained, non-Jews cannot send sacrifices as they did in the past, but by taking part in bringing geula, they have an opportunity to bring back Temple times…”

Breaking Israel News reported on August 21:

“The Temple of Solomon was filled with the music of 4,000 harps and a remarkable couple [named Harrari] have been on a lifelong journey to return that music in time for the Third Temple…They recently released a video depicting the long-awaited fulfillment of the Psalm [Psalm 33:2]; a Jewish child returning to Israel removing a harp from a willow where her forefathers had hung it upon going out into exile…

“The only harps they were familiar with were the type used to play classical music. They learned that archaeologists had discovered cave drawings of a harp in Megiddo. The drawings were believed to be 3,000 years old, meaning the Megiddo lyre would have been the instrument young David played to soothe a troubled King Saul…

“The first harp took a long time to come together, spending months looking more like scrap wood in their living room than a potential musical instrument worthy to grace the Temple. A random meeting in 1984 with a writer from The Jerusalem Post resulted in an article on the Harrari’s David harp project. The article generated unexpected interest and the Harp Project was begun. As a result of the article, they were contacted by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder of the Temple Institute. ‘He told us that one day there would be a Temple and there would need to be harps ready for the Temple service’

“Rabbi Ariel immediately commissioned a harp for the Temple Institute with the intention that it would be used in the Third Temple. More research revealed that the Temple had both nevel (harp) and kinor (lyre). As donations came in, the Temple Institute commissioned more harps from the [couple]… [They] decided to create a video depicting the role of David’s harp in geula inspired by Psalms. Apparently, interest in the Temple harp is strong since more than 30,000 people have watched the video… The Temple Harp Project is an ongoing non-profit endeavor to create harps and lyres for the Third Temple.”

The Bible shows that the Jews will begin bringing animal sacrifices before Christ’s return. It is true that under Ezra, sacrifices were being given before the Second Temple was built, BUT those sacrifices commenced with the clear understanding that the Second Temple would be built. In spite of overwhelming biblical proof to the contrary, some still deny the FACT that a third temple will be built prior to Christ’s return. Such stubborn refusal in accepting the biblical prophecies is hard to understand; especially when they insist at the same time in the totally unbiblical concept of a seven-year contract involving the “beast”, which will allegedly be broken after 3 1/2 years, signalizing—so they claim–the beginning of the “Great Tribulation.”

 As the Bible does NOT teach such a seven-year contract, the Great Tribulation will overtake proponents of this idea as a thief in the night—they will not even know or realize when the Great Tribulation will begin. There are additional wrong ideas which those proponents proclaim, as one wrong teaching leads to the next. For more information, please view our new broadcast, “Comments on News and Prophecy (August 18, 2018).” Please also view Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?” and “Ancient and Modern Beliefs in the Third Temple” 

The Next War More Devastating Than Anything Before!

The Telegraph wrote on August 20:

“General Stephen Townsend, the head of the US Army’s Training and Doctrine Command, told British military leaders at the annual Kermit Roosevelt lecture in London, that combat in an increasingly urbanised world will result in a ‘scale of devastation beyond our comprehension’… Modern armies have no idea how to fight in these ‘hyper populated [and] literally unboundable’ areas, Gen Townsend told the audience…

“General Townsend, who commanded the coalition effort to defeat Isil from 2016 to March this year, likened the fight to liberate Mosul to Stalingrad, the bloodiest battle of the Second World War. A coalition force of 90,000 soldiers took nine months to finally defeat the 5,000 Isil fighters in Mosul. It took seven days to clear the last pockets of resistance, contained in an area about the size of a premier league football pitch.

“… Gen Townsend questioned whether Western armies had maintained the skills and the stomach for such a fight. ‘Battles are won by young soldiers fighting in sand, mud, heat and cold,’ he said. Hi-tech weapons are largely useless in such battles, Gen Townsend cautioned.

“Ben Barry, Senior Fellow for Land Warfare at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, cautions…[that] Training for such environments is critical, and in this regard the UK has fallen behind… He points to the urban training facilities in Israel, France and Germany as being far superior to the British mock-up town on Salisbury Plain. He says senior army officers are well aware of the relative limitation of the British training facilities…”

This might be one reason for a coming all-encompassing quick NUCLEAR war.

BAD Day for Trump: Manafort Guilty! Cohen: I am Guilty! Trump: Nothing to Do With Me!

The Week wrote on August 21:

“President Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight counts of financial crimes… he admitted to violating campaign finance laws. The charges include five counts of tax evasion and one count of making an ‘excessive campaign contribution.’ Two of the charges relate to payments Cohen made to two women who alleged they had affairs with Trump, in exchange for their silence. Cohen, detailing the crimes he was pleading to, said he’d made the payments ‘in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office’ for the ‘purpose of influencing the election.’ He faces up to five years in prison…

“President Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight counts of financial fraud Tuesday. The judge declared a mistrial on 10 of the counts in the bank and tax fraud trial, as jurors were unable to reach a unanimous verdict on those charges. NBC News reports that Manafort was found guilty on one count of failing to file a foreign bank account, two counts of bank fraud, and five counts of tax evasion. Manafort, 69, faces 240 years in prison for the felony charges, reports CNN, most of which stem from work Manafort did abroad before joining Trump’s campaign. The remaining 10 counts can be retried at a later date.”

Breitbart reported on August 22:

“President Donald Trump reacted Wednesday to the news that his former lawyer Michael Cohen betrayed him in a legal case. ‘If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!’ Trump wrote on Twitter…

“On Tuesday, Cohen pleaded guilty to bank fraud and income tax evasion and campaign finance fraud, claiming that Trump directed him to pay off two women who claimed to have an affair with Trump before he ran for president. The news thrilled Democrats looking for criminal cause to impeach the president.

“Trump also reacted to the news that his one-time campaign manager Paul Manafort was found guilty for crimes committed before he worked for the campaign. ‘I feel very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family,’ Trump wrote, pointing out that prosecutors took a 12-year-old tax case to pressure him into a plea deal, but that Manafort did not ‘break.’ ‘Such respect for a brave man!’ he added, calling the Russia investigation by Robert Mueller a ‘witch hunt.’”

We are confident that Trump will NOT be impeached. Some scholars even state that impeachment is not possible of a President who may be accused of crimes committed before becoming President.

Turkey and the USA

Reuters wrote on August 20:

President Tayyip Erdogan appealed to Turks’ religious and patriotic feelings… promising they would not be brought ‘to their knees’ by an economic crisis that has battered the lira currency. The lira… has tumbled some 40 percent this year, hit by worries about Erdogan’s influence over monetary policy and a worsening diplomatic rift with the United States

“Highlighting the increased tensions, the U.S. embassy in the Turkish capital Ankara came under brief gunfire early on Monday by unknown assailants… the recent tension has centered around a U.S. evangelical Christian pastor, Andrew Brunson, who has been detained in Turkey on terrorism charges, which he denies… On Friday, a Turkish court rejected Brunson’s appeal for release, drawing a stiff rebuke from President Donald Trump…

“The U.S. Embassy in Ankara and the consulate in Istanbul have in the past been the targets of attacks by militants and have faced numerous security threats…”

The relationship between Turkey and the USA is prophesied to deteriorate continuously.

Turkey and Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 20:

“Turkey cannot afford to have multiple battle fronts.  US sanctions and tariffs and a political dispute with Washington… is forcing Ankara to cultivate better relations with Europe… Turkey is willing to normalize relations with Germany and the European Union… However, Erdogan could also turn to Russia or China, and Qatar is yet another option…

“Turkey has NATO’s second-largest military based on number of personnel. It is also strategically important…

“Additionally, Turkey is a buffer between Europe and the Middle East, and an unstable Turkey could unleash a new migration flow… And finally, Turkey’s economic ties with Germany are substantial. More than 7,000 German firms operate in Turkey, making it in both countries’ interest to keep German investment from fleeing the country…

“Erdogan’s upcoming state visit in Berlin could be an important step in improving German-Turkish relations —and bringing Turkey closer to Europe, if the cards are played right.”

Carnegie Europe added on August 21:

“Diplomacy is not one of U.S. President Donald Trump’s strong suits. Rather, it is his use of sanctions, believing that they can change a leader’s behavior… But for Europe, especially for Germany, the sanctions are… the worst possible way to deal with a leading NATO ally…

“Reacting to the rapid deterioration of the Turkish economy and the stand-off between Washington and Ankara, German politicians (not Merkel) said both Berlin and the European Union must not isolate Turkey

“Perhaps the American sanctions could provide the Europeans with a chance, over time, to get Turkey back on the European track…”

Turkey will indeed become a close ally to Europe… in opposition to the USA and the state of Israel.

Merkel and Putin Meet

Handelsblatt Global wrote on August 20:

“Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel… have a contentious relationship but the meeting was framed by the duo’s even more fraught relation with that wild-haired leader of the US, which made their meeting seem normal and good news. Mr. Putin flew in fresh from the wedding of the Austrian foreign minister and was set to address Ukraine, Syria, and natural gas with Merkel.

“On Saturday night, the leaders committed to work on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and expressed concern about Syria… Though Mr. Trump criticized the pipeline as increasing Germany’s energy dependence on Russia, and advised Berlin to buy (his) LNG instead, that’s an expensive option. Berlin will beef up its terminals to be able to import liquid natural gas from the United States but in the meantime, Nord Stream 2 will increase Europe’s energy security, given the ongoing tensions in the Middle East.

“But there are major differences between Merkel and Putin, from Russia’s failure to withdraw from Ukraine to Moscow’s continuing support for Syria’s Assad. No amount of waltzing at weddings or Cossack choirs can distract us from the fact that Moscow causes more problems than Mr. Putin pretends to resolve.”

The relationship between Germany and Russia will never become friendly or harmonious, but their common desire to stand up to President Trump needs to be noticed.

Germany with Biggest Account Surplus in the World

The Local wrote on August 20:

“According to the Institute of Economic Research (IfO), Germany will have the biggest account surplus in the world for the third successive year in 2018…

“Germany’s trade surplus will lie at around $299 billion this year, miles ahead of Japan, the Netherlands and China… That is mostly [due] to an enormous import-export imbalance when it comes to goods… Germany is set to export around $265 million worth more of goods than it will import in 2018… the country with the largest trade deficit in 2018 was set to be the USA.

“Germany’s famously export-heavy economy has come under fire in recent years from US president Donald Trump, who has called the trade surplus ‘very, very bad’, and has threatened Germany with high import tariffs on cars. Those plans were put on hold after Trump’s meeting with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker earlier this summer, but the US president is not the only one who has taken issue with Germany’s trade surplus.

“The European Commission itself has repeatedly warned Germany against relying on exports… With the surplus now at 7.8 percent, Germany remains under heavy criticism, including from the IfO itself…”

Could jealousy and greed play a part in those who criticize Germany for their account surplus, as they are not as successful as the Germans?

“Making Plans for a New World Order”

On August 22, Handelsblatt Global published the following opinion piece by Heiko Maas, Germany’s foreign minister:

“The fact that the Atlantic has widened politically is by no means solely due to Donald Trump. The US and Europe have been drifting apart for years… The binding force of the East-West conflict is history

“Let’s use the idea of a balanced partnership as a blueprint, where… we form a counterweight when the US crosses the line. Where we put our weight when America retreats… The outstanding aim of our foreign policy is to build a sovereign, strong Europe… ‘Europe United’ means this: We act with sovereignty at those points where nation-states alone cannot muster the level of power a united Europe can…

“Now it is important to build a European security and defense union… as a separate European project for the future… it is of strategic importance that we make it clear to Washington that… we will not allow you to go over our heads, and at our expense… It is therefore essential that we strengthen European autonomy by establishing payment channels independent of the US, a European monetary fund and an independent SWIFT [payments] system…

“We are striving for a multilateral alliance, a network of partners who, like us, are committed to sticking to the rules and to fair competition. I have made my first appointments with Japan, Canada and South Korea; more are to follow…

“Starting in October, we will be hosting a ‘German Year in the US’ for the first time ever. Not to celebrate the German-American friendship as nostalgia but to enable encounters that make people feel that we are moved to ask similar questions… A young US soldier used an unobserved moment to whisper to me: ‘Please, don’t abandon America.’ An American soldier was asking a German politician not to let America down…”

Subsequently, Handelsblatt Global wrote:

“An opinion piece by German foreign minister Heiko Maas… has drawn criticism as being ‘too anti-American’ from other politicians. Chancellor Angela Merkel said the editorial was Mr. Maas’ opinion and not government policy.”

But was it? Was it really?

USA “Deports” 95-Year-old “War Criminal” to Germany

The Associated Press wrote on August 21:

“The last Nazi war crimes suspect facing deportation from the U.S. was taken from his New York City home and spirited early Tuesday morning to Germany, following years of efforts to remove him from the United States. The deportation of the 95-year-old former Nazi camp guard, Jakiw Palij, came 25 years after investigators first confronted him about his World War II past and he admitted lying to get into the U.S., claiming he spent the war as a farmer and factory worker.

“Palij lived quietly in the U.S. for years, as a draftsman and then as a retiree… A judge stripped Palij’s citizenship in 2003 for ‘participation in acts against Jewish civilians’ while an armed guard at the Trawniki camp in Nazi-occupied Poland and was ordered deported a year later.

“But because Germany, Poland, Ukraine, and other countries refused to take him, he continued living in limbo in the two-story, red brick home in Queens he shared with his wife, Maria, now 86…

“Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador… told reporters that there were ‘difficult conversations’ because Palij is not a German citizen and was stateless after losing his U.S. citizenship, but ‘the moral obligation’ of taking in ‘someone who served in the name of the German government was accepted.’”

That rationale is unheard of and dubious at best. Note the next section of articles.

War Crime Evidence Not Sufficient

JTA wrote on August 21:

“A statement released by the White House after Palij landed in Germany early Tuesday commended President Donald Trump and Immigration and Customs Enforcement for ‘removing this war criminal from United States soil.’”

However, that assessment is far from clear.

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 21:

“The 95-year-old Palij arrived in a military airplane at Düsseldorf Airport on Tuesday morning. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) newspaper reported that he was taken by ambulance to a nursing home in the Münsterland region [which is in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia which will also pay for his living expenses.]

“According to the FAZ, the German Interior Ministry issued an order to allow Palij’s entry based on a special dispensation of its residency law allowing a foreign national to enter the country ‘to preserve the political interests of the Federal Republic of Germany’ or for ‘international legal reasons.’ But what happens to Palij now remains far from clear. Jens Rommel, the German state prosecutor… told DW that the case against Palij was not strong.

“There is no evidence that Palij had served anywhere other than Trawniki, and it is, according to Rommel, impossible to establish a case against him without fresh evidence. The German state’s own investigations into Pajiv were halted in 2016 for lack of evidence. ‘We need a connection between the service and the actions of the individual in question and murder itself,’ Rommel said. ‘If we knew that he was in a certain company which had rounded up prisoners or shot prisoners, that would be enough – but we don’t have that evidence’…”

It appears the “deportation” by the US was more like a political move than anything else. Germany’s voluntary willingness to accept Palij because of moral grounds, without sufficient evidence for prosecution, is more than strange and is bound to backfire.

How Hungary Starves Asylum Seekers

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 22:

“Human Rights Watch on Wednesday became the latest group to accuse Hungarian authorities of violating basic international asylum standards and human decency by using hunger as an anti-immigration tactic. ‘The government has stooped to a new inhumane low by refusing food to people in their custody, apparently reveling in breaching human rights law, including its obligations as a European Union member,’ said Lydia Gall, Eastern EU and Balkans researcher at Human Rights Watch. ‘This disregard for people’s well-being smacks of a cynical move to force people to give up their asylum claims and leave Hungary.’

“The move to use starvation as a bludgeon against asylum-seekers was implemented in mid-August… The hunger policy aims to force rejected asylum-seekers moved to transit camps to voluntarily return to Serbia or travel to another ‘third country.’

“… the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)  this month ordered Hungarian authorities to resume feeding asylum-seekers in five cases. Andras Lederer, an advocacy officer with the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, told DW: … ‘the Immigration and Asylum Office only does so after each individual applied to the court and the court made such a decision’…”

This is indeed inhumane and terrible. Shame on those who are responsible.

Stoning the Devil

The Algemeiner and Reuters wrote on August 21:

“More than two million Muslim pilgrims hurled pebbles at a giant wall in a symbolic stoning of the devil on Tuesday, the start of the riskiest part of the annual haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia where hundreds [maybe thousands, many of them Iranians] died in a crush three years ago… The kingdom stakes its reputation on its guardianship of Islam’s holiest sites — Mecca and Medina — and organizing the world’s largest annual Muslim gathering…

“Some 86,000 Iranians are attending this year amid a diplomatic rift between Tehran and Riyadh, which are locked in a struggle for regional supremacy…

“More than 2.37 million pilgrims, most of them from abroad, have arrived this year for the five-day ritual, a religious duty once in a lifetime for every able-bodied Muslim who can afford the journey…

“Saudi authorities have urged pilgrims to set aside politics during the haj but violence in the Middle East, including wars in Syria, Yemen and Libya — and other global hotspots — remain on the minds of many…

“Pilgrimage is also the backbone of a Saudi plan to expand tourism under a drive to diversify the economy away from oil. The haj and year-round umrah generate billions of dollars in revenue from worshippers’ lodging, transport, fees, and gifts…”

Saudis and Iranians are also religiously divided in that they follow two different concepts of their understanding of the Koran and its interpretations. Most Saudis adhere to the Sunni faith, whereas most Iranians follow the Shiite faith. But they are united in their desire to stone the devil and participate in the pilgrimage, as well as in certain economic endeavors related to the haj.

South Africa—Stealing Land from White Farmers

Newsmax wrote on August 20:

“The South African government has started the controversial process of seizing farms owned by white people after talks with the owners to buy the properties collapsed… The South African… National Congress announced in late July it would push ahead with plans to amend the constitution to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation

“Two game farmers in Limpopo province are being targeted for seizure… after the owners wouldn’t agree to one-tenth of their asking price. The owners obtained an injunction to hold off eviction until a court had ruled on the case, but the application was opposed by the [government].

“The [government] said the seizures would ‘test the argument’ that land redistribution without compensation is permitted under current laws, which it has previously stated is allowable if ‘in the public interest.’”

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 23:

“The South African government slammed US President Donald Trump on Thursday after he… tweeted that he had asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to ‘closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers.’

“The US president isn’t the first politician to clash with South Africa over the issue of land. In April, Australia’s former Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton… said white South African farmers seeking asylum should receive special treatment because they faced a ‘horrific” situation.”’

When under British rule, South Africa (as well as Zimbabwe, formerly known as Rhodesia) belonged to those modern descendants of the house of Israel who are summarized in the Bible as “Ephraim”—a commonwealth of English-speaking nations. Even though Britain has long lost any influence on South Africa and Zimbabwe, due to the change in the governments of those countries, biblical end-time prophecies pertaining to Ephraim might very well include the fate of South Africa and Zimbabwe and especially the white population in those countries.

Pesticide Responsible for Autism?

On August 18, the Drudge Report provided a link to the following article by Study Finds:

“Pregnant women with higher levels of a banned pesticide that’s still found in many foods today are more likely to have children diagnosed with autism, a new study finds… The pesticide [DDT] became commonly used across the world, but by the late 1950s, its dangerous effects on the environment and wildlife began to come into light; consequently in 1972, as it became clearer that it was unhealthy for human exposure, the Environmental Protection Agency banned its use in America.

“Despite the ban, DDT is still showing up in our food decades later… It continues to be found across the food chain, particularly in vegetables, fish, meat, and dairy products… DDT is of particular concern to unborn children because it can still transfer across the placenta.”

The abominable conduct of those manufacturing and producing these poisonous pesticides will not go unpunished.

Misguided and Deceived Turkey Wants to Punish Parents for Not Vaccinating their Children

Daily Sabah wrote on August 22:

“As the anti-vaccination trend [is] on the rise in Turkey, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) deputy chairman Sefer Aycan proposed a new legislation on Thursday, introducing a minimum mandatory prison sentence [of six months to two years] for parents [or guardians] who don’t vaccinate their children… In Turkey, the number of people refusing to get vaccinations has grown rapidly…

“Due to organized anti-vaccine movements alleging that vaccines cause autism and other illnesses a lot of people have also chosen to skip inoculations but in reality there is overwhelming scientific evidence that there is no link.”

Sadly, there CLEARLY IS a link. Contrary scientific “evidence” is nothing but “fake news,” which is very dangerous and irresponsible.

The Propaganda and Threats Continue…

The Guardian wrote on August 21:

“A huge surge in measles cases across Europe has been reported by the World Health Organisation, which says low MMR vaccination rates are to blame… ‘We are seeing a dramatic increase in infections and extended outbreaks,’ said Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO regional director for Europe. ‘We call on all countries to immediately implement broad, context-appropriate measures to stop further spread of this disease.’…

“The cause of the vaccine doubters has been embraced by some political movements, who advocate ‘parent choice’. The Five Star movement in Italy opposes a law that would have fined parents who do not immunise their children, while in France, Marine le Pen of the newly-renamed National Rally party is against mandatory vaccination.”

In this case, we agree with the position of the Five Star Movement and Marine le Pen.

Indonesia’s Religious Body Declares Vaccinations as Forbidden

abc reported on August 21:

Indonesia’s peak Islamic body has issued a religious decree — or fatwa — declaring the Rubella-Measles vaccine to be ‘haram’ or religiously forbidden… The Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) justified the ruling by claiming the vaccine contains traces of pork and human cells, which are banned in the Muslim religion… However, the fatwa also states that the use of the product will be allowed for the time being due to the lack of viable alternatives

“He said the religious organisation understood the dangers associated with not getting children immunized. However, CNN Indonesia reported that a number of towns had already suspended the vaccine before the MUI even announced their decision. Tim Lindsey, the director of the Centre for Indonesian Law in the University of Melbourne, told the ABC the fatwa would undoubtedly make accessing the vaccination more difficult in Indonesia. Fatwas are not legally binding in Indonesia, however declarations from the MUI are highly influential…

“The MUI is a non-government organisation which receives funding from the government of Indonesia. It oversees all Muslim organisations in the country, and has powers to issue halal certifications and regulate Islamic banking.”

Sadly, this religious ruling against vaccinations misses the crux of the matter by acknowledging the “danger” associated with not getting children immunized, while ignoring the danger of getting them immunized.

China’s Vaccine Scandal

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 21:

“A health scandal in China has seen dozens of officials sacked or disciplined because of problems with vaccines… The scandal has exposed lax standards and corruption common in China’s drug manufacturing sectors, as some companies put profit above the health of consumers, and officials responsible for enforcement tend to look the other way.

“Changsheng Biotechnology… is a major drug manufacturer, and one of the largest producers of rabies and chickenpox vaccines. The scandal initially emerged in November when the national drug regulation authority found that vaccines produced by Changsheng Biotechnology and a second company, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, designed to protect children against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, were not potent enough.

“Last month drug regulators checked drug production at Changsheng Biotechnology and discovered that the company had used expired materials and falsified inspection records and production dates for rabies vaccinations. The government also announced stiff penalties against the company for its sales of ineffective DPT vaccines

“A third company, Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical, recently issued a worldwide recall for an ingredient used in a heart medicine, valsartan, because thousands of batches were found to contain a potentially carcinogenic chemical

“The scandals have not only damaged the trust consumers have in Chinese vaccines but tainted the country’s global reputation as a drug manufacturer.”

Sadly, ineffective or dangerous vaccinations are NOT limited to China.

E-Cigarettes Could Cause Cancer

Medical Express wrote on August 20:

“The popularity of electronic cigarettes continues to grow worldwide, as many people view them as a safer alternative to smoking. But the long-term effects of e-cigarette usage, commonly called ‘vaping,’ are unknown. Today, researchers report that vaping may modify the genetic material, or DNA, in the oral cells of users, which could increase their cancer risk… To characterize chemical exposures during vaping, the researchers recruited five e-cigarette users. They collected saliva samples before and after a 15-minute vaping session and analyzed the samples for chemicals that are known to damage DNA.

“… three DNA-damaging compounds [were found], formaldehyde, acrolein and methylglyoxal, whose levels increased in the saliva after vaping. Compared with people who don’t vape, four of the five e-cigarette users showed increased DNA damage related to acrolein exposure. The type of damage, called a DNA adduct, occurs when toxic chemicals, such as acrolein, react with DNA. If the cell does not repair the damage so that normal DNA replication can take place, cancer could result.”

The Algemeiner and Reuters wrote on August 22:

“Israel on Tuesday outlawed the import and sale of e-cigarettes made by Silicon Valley… citing public health concerns given their nicotine content… Since launching in 2015, the flash drive-sized vaping device has transformed the market in the United States, where it now accounts for nearly 70 percent of tracked e-cigarette sales. The company is valued at $15 billion…

“The Israeli move was consistent with similar restrictions in Europe, the ministry’s statement said. The ban… goes into effect in 15 days…”

It is just foolish to use e-cigarettes in lieu of smoking, thinking that one is thereby safe from cancer.

Ring of Fire Rattled by Multitude of Earthquakes

Daily Mail wrote on August 21:

“Sixteen ‘significant’ tremors – those at magnitude 4.5 or above – shook the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’ on Monday, following a spate of 53 that hit the region Sunday. The quakes rattled Indonesia, Bolivia, Japan and Fiji, but failed to reach the western coast of the United States, which also falls along the infamous geological ring. The tremors have raised concerns that California’s ‘Big One’ – a destructive earthquake of magnitude 8 or greater – may be looming.

“Scientists have previously warned that Ring of Fire activity may trigger a domino effect that sets off earthquakes and volcanic eruptions elsewhere in the region. California, which straddles the huge San Andreas Fault Line and sits on the eastern edge of the ring, is long overdue a deadly earthquake, researchers claim…

“An enormous 8.2 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean close to Fiji and Tonga on Sunday, but was too deep to cause any significant damage…”

The Sun reported on August 22:

“A HUGE 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Oregon on America’s West Coast today. The quake, which registered 188 miles from the coastal city of Bandon, has sparked fears the so-called ‘Big One’ could hit California any time now… Scientists say that when it returns (and we are apparently overdue), the shocks will last for as long as six minutes and aftershocks could last for months. Terrifyingly, they also predict the Cascadia could trigger a tsunami of 85-foot-high waves which could drown as many as 33,000 on the West Coast…

“Richard Aster, Professor of Geophysics at Colorado State University, wrote recently: ‘The earthquake situation in California is actually more dire than people who aren’t seismologists like myself may realise.’”

The countries in the Pacific Ring of Fire include:

Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, East Timor, El Salvador, Micronesia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, United States.

Huge earthquakes are prophesied to happen prior to Christ’s Second Coming, and the possibility of the “Big One” striking California soon is very real indeed. Earthquake activity is of course not limited to the “Ring of Fire.” Deutsche Welle wrote on August 21: “A powerful magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit the coast of Venezuela on Tuesday, forcing people to evacuate their homes and offices as far away as the capital, Caracas.”

More Attacks by US Banks on Their Customers

The Washington Post reported on August 20:

“Democrat Nikki Fried, running to be the state’s agriculture commissioner, is a former lobbyist who worked on behalf of a number of industries, including medical marijuana… not long after opening a campaign account with Wells Fargo, the bank inquired about her stance on medical marijuana and her intent to accept donations from the medical marijuana industry. The bank subsequently closed her account, citing its ‘responsibility to oversee and manage banking risks.’

“… on Aug. 3, it received a phone call from Wells Fargo indicating that its account would be terminated ‘because of [Fried]’s relationship to the medical marijuana industry.’ The bank mailed a formal notice dated Aug. 3, stating that…. the account would be closed within 30 days… Fried said that ‘Wells Fargo’s actions against my campaign are emblematic of what is wrong with our government and politics today,’ adding that she was ‘kicked out of a bank for voicing support of a law that is literally codified in the Florida constitution.’

“… While medical and recreational marijuana are legal in dozens of states, the drug remains illegal for nearly all purposes at the federal level. This has made banks wary of dealing with state-legal marijuana businesses for fear of running afoul of federal law. In closing Fried’s account, Wells Fargo appears to be taking that skittishness one step further by denying banking access not to a marijuana business but to a political candidate who may receive donations from the marijuana industry…”

Newsmax added on August 21:

“[Nikki Fried said] that the incident was an example of the challenges legal cannabis businesses face from the U.S. financial system… Fried said that when Wells Fargo contacted her, she initially thought it was a joke. She said her campaign is moving its accounts to BB&T Corp., which hasn’t yet raised concerns about the marijuana issue…

“Fried seized on the development to blast businesses and officials who she said were discriminating against a legal industry…  Among other challenges, she said medical marijuana workers can be targeted… because financial institutions refuse to work with them, forcing them to run cash businesses. ‘At a time when 30 states including Washington, D.C., have legalized medical marijuana and licensed businesses to practice and distribute marijuana to patients and caregivers, access to basic financial stability is virtually impossible for these legal businesses,’ Fried said. ‘Outdated federal laws allow for this sort of discrimination.’”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ uninformed stance on medical marijuana does not help either. The government’s influence on banks can clearly be felt more and more. Please view our StandingWatch program, “Do Banks and the Government Control You?” 

Pope Francis Apologizes for Despicable Sexual Child Abuse Cases in Catholic Church

The Guardian wrote on August 20:

“Pope Francis’s letter to his church on the scandals of sexual abuse is full of anger and remorse, but empty of specific policies beyond a call to prayer and fasting… it is also horrifyingly late and grimly familiar. Not only have successive popes and prelates been expressing their anguish and their shame at child abuse all this century, but the scandals themselves have continued with numbing regularity. It’s almost as if the culture of the church ran deeper than the wishes of any pope.

“This year opened particularly badly with Francis himself defending with angry scorn a Chilean bishop credibly accused of abuse. This did huge damage to the church’s reputation there; to his credit, he realised this and later took the accusations seriously. Since then he has sacked the bishop in question and four others, among them the man who was in charge of dealing with abuse reports, although the affair still festers: a priest involved in the reporting of abusers is now in criminal custody, but though he had confessed his crimes to his superiors in January, they somehow overlooked the possibility of reporting him to the civil authorities for six months while the scandal raged all around them.

“Two of the countries where the abuse scandal has done the most damage to the church’s moral authority are the US and Ireland. Pope Francis arrives in Ireland for a two-day conference on strengthening the family on Friday… His visit there seems likely to provide another graphic demonstration of the collapse in the church’s popularity. In the US, the publication last week of a long, horrifying report on the behaviour of the church in the state of Pennsylvania followed the exposure of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick… as a serial predator on boys and young men. Pope Francis removed McCarrick as a cardinal…

“But why have there been so many starts before, none of them leading anywhere? Unless statistics lie, the Catholic church is not an organisation uniquely hospitable to sexual predators or even to paedophiles. Other churches have their own horrendous scandals and cover-ups. So do other professions. But the Catholic church does seem remarkably resistant to reform. Two explanations are offered in a divided church. Conservative Catholics blame the prevalence of gay men in the priesthood; Francis, and the liberals, blame the clerical culture which leaves bishops and archbishops responsible to no one outside the church… Changing that, which his letter demands, would threaten the power structure of the whole church and would be very fiercely resisted…”

Fire Them All!

The Week wrote on August 21:

“The Catholic Church in this country is led by villains and cowards. It would be a good thing if most, if not all, of our bishops resigned or were deposed… For someone who has long regarded himself as a traditional-minded but sane Catholic, tales of satanic sex cults to which the clergy belonged and other unspeakable blasphemies… have seemed like the products of lurid, diseased imaginations.

“But having spent nearly a week reading slowly through all 1,400 pages of the report [about sex abuse of more than 1000 children by over 300 priests in Pennsylvania], I can say I was wrong. All of these things exist. When… Pope Paul VI said that the ‘smoke of Satan had entered the Church’ half a century ago, he meant it quite literally.

“On Sunday, virtually every American Catholic who attended Mass heard a letter from his or her bishop read aloud. Some of these letters… contained some lucid and even admirable sentences. Most did not… [They] did not contain a single reference to sin or God…”

Please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Worldwide Attack on Our Innocent Children” 

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 842

Trust in the Trials; WHAT (Not Who) is the Holy Spirit?

On August 25, 2018, Frank Bruno will present, “Trust in the Trials,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “WHAT (Not Who) is the Holy Spirit?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Paul Niehoff (Australia)

We read in Matthew 10:22, after listing a number of warnings of trials: “… But he who endures to the end will be saved.”

Endurance is a very important concept for us living God’s Way. In fact, it is essential. At first thought, endurance may be considered similar to perseverance and yet God gives greater emphasis to endurance than He does to perseverance. In the Bible, perseverance or persevere occurs about 9 times while endure or enduring occurs over 30 times, not counting the over 45 occurrences in italics. When we look at endurance, it certainly includes the element of perseverance but it entails much more.

A definition of perseverance is to continue on, even though there may be difficulties and failures on the way, whereas endurance is more like surviving pain or hardship or opposition.

Matthew 24:9-13 is a very important message for the end-time Church, although it has applied during much of the history of the Church. It shows the importance of enduring:

“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended…” Some versions have “fall away” in place of “be offended.” According to Ellicot’s commentary, the reference to “the many” points primarily to “believers in Christ” who found a stumbling block which caused them to be offended. Continuing: “… betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love [agape or godly love that true Christians have] of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

This passage shows that we may have to endure trials such as tribulation, killing, hatred, deception, offences, betrayal and lawlessness. But it ends on a very positive theme, an absolute promise from God who cannot lie, that the person who endures to the end through all of this shall be saved. “Shall,” in contractual terms, means: It is mandatory, it must happen.

Let us focus on our example, Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 12:2 we read, “… looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

When we look at His life, we find that it required great endurance. His life was threatened a number of times, even from when He was a young child. He had to fight the temptations of Satan. He was accused of blasphemy and even called illegitimate. He was accused of casting out demons by Beelzebub. He went through an illegal trial whose guilty outcome was already predetermined. And to top it off, He was beaten and executed in a manner usually applied to the worst criminals. In those days, it was a shameful thing to be crucified.

So why did He do it? Why did He come to earth and take the form of a human, knowing all this was prophesied to happen to Him? As we just read, it was for the joy that was set before Him. The joy of making possible that many brethren would join the God Family. He and His Father knew that this was the only way possible, and the outcome was so wonderful that no trial was too much for Him to achieve this outcome.

So how does this apply to us? We also have to endure many trials in life. But the outcome is stated in Psalm 16:11: “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures evermore.” There is a wonderful life set out before us if we endure. Nothing could be more worthwhile.

God certainly offers us help and He gives us a promise in Romans 8:38-39: “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We have God’s promise of help. We read what the apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” We can also have faith in God who shows no partiality, that we can endure to the end through Christ who strengthens us.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with another report clearly establishing the biblically prophesied FACT that a third temple WILL BE BUILT prior to Christ’s return, even though some who are ill-informed and willfully ignorant deny the Truth on the matter; continue with a warning from military experts that the next war will be more devastating than anything that man has experienced before; and address President Trump’s REALLY bad day (August 21) and Turkey’s present and future relationship with the USA and with Europe, especially Germany.

We continue with a meeting between Merkel and Putin and the announcement that Germany has the biggest account surplus in the world, while the USA has the largest trade deficit, which angers President Trump to no end. We are also quoting from a controversial “anti-American” opinion piece by Germany’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas.

We address the deportation of a 95-year old “war criminal” from the USA to Germany, which is highly controversial, as the person is not German and as the evidence of a war crime is insufficient. We also report on Hungary’s inhumane policy towards asylum seekers.

We speak on this year’s huge pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca and point out the South African government’s policy of stealing land from white farmers; and we address one possible cause for autism; the propaganda and scandals pertaining to vaccinations; the danger of e-cigarettes; the scientific fear of the “Big One” striking California very soon(please view our new StandingWatch program, Is California’s Big Earthquake About to Strike?); and further attacks of American banks on their customers.

We conclude with the Catholic Church’s scandal pertaining to sexual abuse of children by priests, wondering whether these atrocities will ever stop due to the “culture” and “power structure” of that organization with its “villains and cowards.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Getting Ready for the Third Temple!

Breaking Israel News wrote on August 19:

“In the Bible, the Temple Mount is considered a place of prayer for all nations and is commonly understood to be a holy place for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. In Isaiah 56, it is written that, ‘foreigners Who attach themselves to Hashem’ will be brought to his sacred mount to rejoice in his house of prayer: ‘I will bring them to My sacred mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices Shall be welcome on My mizbayach; For My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples’ (Isaiah 56:7).

“However, warn Jewish activists, politicians and rabbis, this Biblical aspiration is not being fulfilled today as prayer on the Temple Mount is restricted for those who are not Muslim. ‘The status quo presently and officially is that Jews and Christians are not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount,’ Member of Knesset Rabbi Yehuda Glick told Breaking Israel News… In 1967, despite thousands of years of yearning for Jewish sovereignty over Judaism’s holiest sites, Moshe Dayan, then Israeli defense minister, relinquished control of the Temple Mount to the Waqf [the Jordanian Waqf is an Islamic religious endowment]…

“Glick called the 1967 Temple Mount relinquishment a naïve move, in which Israel incorrectly believed that relinquishing control of a site holy to Muslims as well as Jews and Christians would create a lasting peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. Joshua Wander, an independent public relations consultant in and around the Old City of Jerusalem, similarly called this event ‘one of the greatest tragedies in Jewish history,’ equal to the sin of the golden calf...

“While the Temple Mount is managed by the Waqf, the Israeli government sets entry limits because of political constraints and security. When entering the Temple Mount, there is also a warning sign by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel that announces, ‘According to Torah Law, entering the Temple Mount area is strictly forbidden due to the holiness of the site.’ But according to Wander, this sign is out of date. After 1967 when Israel reunited Jerusalem and received access to the Temple Mount, Jews began flocking there, unaware of the conditions upon which one is allowed to go up according to Jewish law.

“… Now it is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s obligation to open the site for Jewish prayer, as per Israeli law, maintained Wander. ‘Israeli basic law provides for freedom of worship and anybody has the right to pray freely in this country,’ he said, calling Jewish restriction from prayer at their holiest site in their own country ‘absurd, clear discrimination and completely unacceptable.’…

“Wander said that aspirations should go even farther: The Jews should start building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount. ‘It is the goal of the Jewish nation to come back to the land and resurrect what we once had as a nation, including rebuilding the temple,’ he said. Historically, the Temple has acted as a lightning rod to God and a physical home in this world for Jews and non-Jews to spread blessings throughout the world, such as during Sukkot, when it was common for non-Jews to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem and bring sacrifices from the four corners of the earth. ‘Although there are different laws about service and sacrifice, the Temple is equally important for Jews and non-Jews,’ Wander said.

“Ahead of the Jewish high holidays this year, ‘we are on the way to building the Temple by praying for it three times a day for the last 2,000 years, reclaiming Jerusalem in 1967 and learning all the appropriate laws regarding the Temple Mount since then,’ he added, also citing reenactments of Temple services and sacrifices to bring awareness to the centrality of the Temple. While years in exile has decreased awareness of the centrality of the land of Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple for many Jews, ‘it is a divine movement and anyone who tries to stand in its way will not be successful,’ said Wander.

“According to Wander, the political environment is ripe for it as well, as ‘Trump has given us a window of opportunity’ of which he hopes the government will take advantage… [Rabbi Pinchas] Winston urged ‘righteous gentiles’ to continue investing in the State of Israel both spiritually and financially. Without a Temple, he explained, non-Jews cannot send sacrifices as they did in the past, but by taking part in bringing geula, they have an opportunity to bring back Temple times…”

Breaking Israel News reported on August 21:

“The Temple of Solomon was filled with the music of 4,000 harps and a remarkable couple [named Harrari] have been on a lifelong journey to return that music in time for the Third Temple…They recently released a video depicting the long-awaited fulfillment of the Psalm [Psalm 33:2]; a Jewish child returning to Israel removing a harp from a willow where her forefathers had hung it upon going out into exile…

“The only harps they were familiar with were the type used to play classical music. They learned that archaeologists had discovered cave drawings of a harp in Megiddo. The drawings were believed to be 3,000 years old, meaning the Megiddo lyre would have been the instrument young David played to soothe a troubled King Saul…

“The first harp took a long time to come together, spending months looking more like scrap wood in their living room than a potential musical instrument worthy to grace the Temple. A random meeting in 1984 with a writer from The Jerusalem Post resulted in an article on the Harrari’s David harp project. The article generated unexpected interest and the Harp Project was begun. As a result of the article, they were contacted by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder of the Temple Institute. ‘He told us that one day there would be a Temple and there would need to be harps ready for the Temple service’

“Rabbi Ariel immediately commissioned a harp for the Temple Institute with the intention that it would be used in the Third Temple. More research revealed that the Temple had both nevel (harp) and kinor (lyre). As donations came in, the Temple Institute commissioned more harps from the [couple]… [They] decided to create a video depicting the role of David’s harp in geula inspired by Psalms. Apparently, interest in the Temple harp is strong since more than 30,000 people have watched the video… The Temple Harp Project is an ongoing non-profit endeavor to create harps and lyres for the Third Temple.”

The Bible shows that the Jews will begin bringing animal sacrifices before Christ’s return. It is true that under Ezra, sacrifices were being given before the Second Temple was built, BUT those sacrifices commenced with the clear understanding that the Second Temple would be built. In spite of overwhelming biblical proof to the contrary, some still deny the FACT that a third temple will be built prior to Christ’s return. Such stubborn refusal in accepting the biblical prophecies is hard to understand; especially when they insist at the same time in the totally unbiblical concept of a seven-year contract involving the “beast”, which will allegedly be broken after 3 1/2 years, signalizing—so they claim–the beginning of the “Great Tribulation.”

 As the Bible does NOT teach such a seven-year contract, the Great Tribulation will overtake proponents of this idea as a thief in the night—they will not even know or realize when the Great Tribulation will begin. There are additional wrong ideas which those proponents proclaim, as one wrong teaching leads to the next. For more information, please view our new broadcast, “Comments on News and Prophecy (August 18, 2018).” Please also view Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?” and “Ancient and Modern Beliefs in the Third Temple” 

The Next War More Devastating Than Anything Before!

The Telegraph wrote on August 20:

“General Stephen Townsend, the head of the US Army’s Training and Doctrine Command, told British military leaders at the annual Kermit Roosevelt lecture in London, that combat in an increasingly urbanised world will result in a ‘scale of devastation beyond our comprehension’… Modern armies have no idea how to fight in these ‘hyper populated [and] literally unboundable’ areas, Gen Townsend told the audience…

“General Townsend, who commanded the coalition effort to defeat Isil from 2016 to March this year, likened the fight to liberate Mosul to Stalingrad, the bloodiest battle of the Second World War. A coalition force of 90,000 soldiers took nine months to finally defeat the 5,000 Isil fighters in Mosul. It took seven days to clear the last pockets of resistance, contained in an area about the size of a premier league football pitch.

“… Gen Townsend questioned whether Western armies had maintained the skills and the stomach for such a fight. ‘Battles are won by young soldiers fighting in sand, mud, heat and cold,’ he said. Hi-tech weapons are largely useless in such battles, Gen Townsend cautioned.

“Ben Barry, Senior Fellow for Land Warfare at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, cautions…[that] Training for such environments is critical, and in this regard the UK has fallen behind… He points to the urban training facilities in Israel, France and Germany as being far superior to the British mock-up town on Salisbury Plain. He says senior army officers are well aware of the relative limitation of the British training facilities…”

This might be one reason for a coming all-encompassing quick NUCLEAR war.

BAD Day for Trump: Manafort Guilty! Cohen: I am Guilty! Trump: Nothing to Do With Me!

The Week wrote on August 21:

“President Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight counts of financial crimes… he admitted to violating campaign finance laws. The charges include five counts of tax evasion and one count of making an ‘excessive campaign contribution.’ Two of the charges relate to payments Cohen made to two women who alleged they had affairs with Trump, in exchange for their silence. Cohen, detailing the crimes he was pleading to, said he’d made the payments ‘in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office’ for the ‘purpose of influencing the election.’ He faces up to five years in prison…

“President Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight counts of financial fraud Tuesday. The judge declared a mistrial on 10 of the counts in the bank and tax fraud trial, as jurors were unable to reach a unanimous verdict on those charges. NBC News reports that Manafort was found guilty on one count of failing to file a foreign bank account, two counts of bank fraud, and five counts of tax evasion. Manafort, 69, faces 240 years in prison for the felony charges, reports CNN, most of which stem from work Manafort did abroad before joining Trump’s campaign. The remaining 10 counts can be retried at a later date.”

Breitbart reported on August 22:

“President Donald Trump reacted Wednesday to the news that his former lawyer Michael Cohen betrayed him in a legal case. ‘If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!’ Trump wrote on Twitter…

“On Tuesday, Cohen pleaded guilty to bank fraud and income tax evasion and campaign finance fraud, claiming that Trump directed him to pay off two women who claimed to have an affair with Trump before he ran for president. The news thrilled Democrats looking for criminal cause to impeach the president.

“Trump also reacted to the news that his one-time campaign manager Paul Manafort was found guilty for crimes committed before he worked for the campaign. ‘I feel very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family,’ Trump wrote, pointing out that prosecutors took a 12-year-old tax case to pressure him into a plea deal, but that Manafort did not ‘break.’ ‘Such respect for a brave man!’ he added, calling the Russia investigation by Robert Mueller a ‘witch hunt.’”

We are confident that Trump will NOT be impeached. Some scholars even state that impeachment is not possible of a President who may be accused of crimes committed before becoming President.

Turkey and the USA

Reuters wrote on August 20:

President Tayyip Erdogan appealed to Turks’ religious and patriotic feelings… promising they would not be brought ‘to their knees’ by an economic crisis that has battered the lira currency. The lira… has tumbled some 40 percent this year, hit by worries about Erdogan’s influence over monetary policy and a worsening diplomatic rift with the United States

“Highlighting the increased tensions, the U.S. embassy in the Turkish capital Ankara came under brief gunfire early on Monday by unknown assailants… the recent tension has centered around a U.S. evangelical Christian pastor, Andrew Brunson, who has been detained in Turkey on terrorism charges, which he denies… On Friday, a Turkish court rejected Brunson’s appeal for release, drawing a stiff rebuke from President Donald Trump…

“The U.S. Embassy in Ankara and the consulate in Istanbul have in the past been the targets of attacks by militants and have faced numerous security threats…”

The relationship between Turkey and the USA is prophesied to deteriorate continuously.

Turkey and Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 20:

“Turkey cannot afford to have multiple battle fronts.  US sanctions and tariffs and a political dispute with Washington… is forcing Ankara to cultivate better relations with Europe… Turkey is willing to normalize relations with Germany and the European Union… However, Erdogan could also turn to Russia or China, and Qatar is yet another option…

“Turkey has NATO’s second-largest military based on number of personnel. It is also strategically important…

“Additionally, Turkey is a buffer between Europe and the Middle East, and an unstable Turkey could unleash a new migration flow… And finally, Turkey’s economic ties with Germany are substantial. More than 7,000 German firms operate in Turkey, making it in both countries’ interest to keep German investment from fleeing the country…

“Erdogan’s upcoming state visit in Berlin could be an important step in improving German-Turkish relations —and bringing Turkey closer to Europe, if the cards are played right.”

Carnegie Europe added on August 21:

“Diplomacy is not one of U.S. President Donald Trump’s strong suits. Rather, it is his use of sanctions, believing that they can change a leader’s behavior… But for Europe, especially for Germany, the sanctions are… the worst possible way to deal with a leading NATO ally…

“Reacting to the rapid deterioration of the Turkish economy and the stand-off between Washington and Ankara, German politicians (not Merkel) said both Berlin and the European Union must not isolate Turkey

“Perhaps the American sanctions could provide the Europeans with a chance, over time, to get Turkey back on the European track…”

Turkey will indeed become a close ally to Europe… in opposition to the USA and the state of Israel.

Merkel and Putin Meet

Handelsblatt Global wrote on August 20:

“Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel… have a contentious relationship but the meeting was framed by the duo’s even more fraught relation with that wild-haired leader of the US, which made their meeting seem normal and good news. Mr. Putin flew in fresh from the wedding of the Austrian foreign minister and was set to address Ukraine, Syria, and natural gas with Merkel.

“On Saturday night, the leaders committed to work on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and expressed concern about Syria… Though Mr. Trump criticized the pipeline as increasing Germany’s energy dependence on Russia, and advised Berlin to buy (his) LNG instead, that’s an expensive option. Berlin will beef up its terminals to be able to import liquid natural gas from the United States but in the meantime, Nord Stream 2 will increase Europe’s energy security, given the ongoing tensions in the Middle East.

“But there are major differences between Merkel and Putin, from Russia’s failure to withdraw from Ukraine to Moscow’s continuing support for Syria’s Assad. No amount of waltzing at weddings or Cossack choirs can distract us from the fact that Moscow causes more problems than Mr. Putin pretends to resolve.”

The relationship between Germany and Russia will never become friendly or harmonious, but their common desire to stand up to President Trump needs to be noticed.

Germany with Biggest Account Surplus in the World

The Local wrote on August 20:

“According to the Institute of Economic Research (IfO), Germany will have the biggest account surplus in the world for the third successive year in 2018…

“Germany’s trade surplus will lie at around $299 billion this year, miles ahead of Japan, the Netherlands and China… That is mostly [due] to an enormous import-export imbalance when it comes to goods… Germany is set to export around $265 million worth more of goods than it will import in 2018… the country with the largest trade deficit in 2018 was set to be the USA.

“Germany’s famously export-heavy economy has come under fire in recent years from US president Donald Trump, who has called the trade surplus ‘very, very bad’, and has threatened Germany with high import tariffs on cars. Those plans were put on hold after Trump’s meeting with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker earlier this summer, but the US president is not the only one who has taken issue with Germany’s trade surplus.

“The European Commission itself has repeatedly warned Germany against relying on exports… With the surplus now at 7.8 percent, Germany remains under heavy criticism, including from the IfO itself…”

Could jealousy and greed play a part in those who criticize Germany for their account surplus, as they are not as successful as the Germans?

“Making Plans for a New World Order”

On August 22, Handelsblatt Global published the following opinion piece by Heiko Maas, Germany’s foreign minister:

“The fact that the Atlantic has widened politically is by no means solely due to Donald Trump. The US and Europe have been drifting apart for years… The binding force of the East-West conflict is history

“Let’s use the idea of a balanced partnership as a blueprint, where… we form a counterweight when the US crosses the line. Where we put our weight when America retreats… The outstanding aim of our foreign policy is to build a sovereign, strong Europe… ‘Europe United’ means this: We act with sovereignty at those points where nation-states alone cannot muster the level of power a united Europe can…

“Now it is important to build a European security and defense union… as a separate European project for the future… it is of strategic importance that we make it clear to Washington that… we will not allow you to go over our heads, and at our expense… It is therefore essential that we strengthen European autonomy by establishing payment channels independent of the US, a European monetary fund and an independent SWIFT [payments] system…

“We are striving for a multilateral alliance, a network of partners who, like us, are committed to sticking to the rules and to fair competition. I have made my first appointments with Japan, Canada and South Korea; more are to follow…

“Starting in October, we will be hosting a ‘German Year in the US’ for the first time ever. Not to celebrate the German-American friendship as nostalgia but to enable encounters that make people feel that we are moved to ask similar questions… A young US soldier used an unobserved moment to whisper to me: ‘Please, don’t abandon America.’ An American soldier was asking a German politician not to let America down…”

Subsequently, Handelsblatt Global wrote:

“An opinion piece by German foreign minister Heiko Maas… has drawn criticism as being ‘too anti-American’ from other politicians. Chancellor Angela Merkel said the editorial was Mr. Maas’ opinion and not government policy.”

But was it? Was it really?

USA “Deports” 95-Year-old “War Criminal” to Germany

The Associated Press wrote on August 21:

“The last Nazi war crimes suspect facing deportation from the U.S. was taken from his New York City home and spirited early Tuesday morning to Germany, following years of efforts to remove him from the United States. The deportation of the 95-year-old former Nazi camp guard, Jakiw Palij, came 25 years after investigators first confronted him about his World War II past and he admitted lying to get into the U.S., claiming he spent the war as a farmer and factory worker.

“Palij lived quietly in the U.S. for years, as a draftsman and then as a retiree… A judge stripped Palij’s citizenship in 2003 for ‘participation in acts against Jewish civilians’ while an armed guard at the Trawniki camp in Nazi-occupied Poland and was ordered deported a year later.

“But because Germany, Poland, Ukraine, and other countries refused to take him, he continued living in limbo in the two-story, red brick home in Queens he shared with his wife, Maria, now 86…

“Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador… told reporters that there were ‘difficult conversations’ because Palij is not a German citizen and was stateless after losing his U.S. citizenship, but ‘the moral obligation’ of taking in ‘someone who served in the name of the German government was accepted.’”

That rationale is unheard of and dubious at best. Note the next section of articles.

War Crime Evidence Not Sufficient

JTA wrote on August 21:

“A statement released by the White House after Palij landed in Germany early Tuesday commended President Donald Trump and Immigration and Customs Enforcement for ‘removing this war criminal from United States soil.’”

However, that assessment is far from clear.

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 21:

“The 95-year-old Palij arrived in a military airplane at Düsseldorf Airport on Tuesday morning. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) newspaper reported that he was taken by ambulance to a nursing home in the Münsterland region [which is in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia which will also pay for his living expenses.]

“According to the FAZ, the German Interior Ministry issued an order to allow Palij’s entry based on a special dispensation of its residency law allowing a foreign national to enter the country ‘to preserve the political interests of the Federal Republic of Germany’ or for ‘international legal reasons.’ But what happens to Palij now remains far from clear. Jens Rommel, the German state prosecutor… told DW that the case against Palij was not strong.

“There is no evidence that Palij had served anywhere other than Trawniki, and it is, according to Rommel, impossible to establish a case against him without fresh evidence. The German state’s own investigations into Pajiv were halted in 2016 for lack of evidence. ‘We need a connection between the service and the actions of the individual in question and murder itself,’ Rommel said. ‘If we knew that he was in a certain company which had rounded up prisoners or shot prisoners, that would be enough – but we don’t have that evidence’…”

It appears the “deportation” by the US was more like a political move than anything else. Germany’s voluntary willingness to accept Palij because of moral grounds, without sufficient evidence for prosecution, is more than strange and is bound to backfire.

How Hungary Starves Asylum Seekers

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 22:

“Human Rights Watch on Wednesday became the latest group to accuse Hungarian authorities of violating basic international asylum standards and human decency by using hunger as an anti-immigration tactic. ‘The government has stooped to a new inhumane low by refusing food to people in their custody, apparently reveling in breaching human rights law, including its obligations as a European Union member,’ said Lydia Gall, Eastern EU and Balkans researcher at Human Rights Watch. ‘This disregard for people’s well-being smacks of a cynical move to force people to give up their asylum claims and leave Hungary.’

“The move to use starvation as a bludgeon against asylum-seekers was implemented in mid-August… The hunger policy aims to force rejected asylum-seekers moved to transit camps to voluntarily return to Serbia or travel to another ‘third country.’

“… the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)  this month ordered Hungarian authorities to resume feeding asylum-seekers in five cases. Andras Lederer, an advocacy officer with the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, told DW: … ‘the Immigration and Asylum Office only does so after each individual applied to the court and the court made such a decision’…”

This is indeed inhumane and terrible. Shame on those who are responsible.

Stoning the Devil

The Algemeiner and Reuters wrote on August 21:

“More than two million Muslim pilgrims hurled pebbles at a giant wall in a symbolic stoning of the devil on Tuesday, the start of the riskiest part of the annual haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia where hundreds [maybe thousands, many of them Iranians] died in a crush three years ago… The kingdom stakes its reputation on its guardianship of Islam’s holiest sites — Mecca and Medina — and organizing the world’s largest annual Muslim gathering…

“Some 86,000 Iranians are attending this year amid a diplomatic rift between Tehran and Riyadh, which are locked in a struggle for regional supremacy…

“More than 2.37 million pilgrims, most of them from abroad, have arrived this year for the five-day ritual, a religious duty once in a lifetime for every able-bodied Muslim who can afford the journey…

“Saudi authorities have urged pilgrims to set aside politics during the haj but violence in the Middle East, including wars in Syria, Yemen and Libya — and other global hotspots — remain on the minds of many…

“Pilgrimage is also the backbone of a Saudi plan to expand tourism under a drive to diversify the economy away from oil. The haj and year-round umrah generate billions of dollars in revenue from worshippers’ lodging, transport, fees, and gifts…”

Saudis and Iranians are also religiously divided in that they follow two different concepts of their understanding of the Koran and its interpretations. Most Saudis adhere to the Sunni faith, whereas most Iranians follow the Shiite faith. But they are united in their desire to stone the devil and participate in the pilgrimage, as well as in certain economic endeavors related to the haj.

South Africa—Stealing Land from White Farmers

Newsmax wrote on August 20:

“The South African government has started the controversial process of seizing farms owned by white people after talks with the owners to buy the properties collapsed… The South African… National Congress announced in late July it would push ahead with plans to amend the constitution to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation

“Two game farmers in Limpopo province are being targeted for seizure… after the owners wouldn’t agree to one-tenth of their asking price. The owners obtained an injunction to hold off eviction until a court had ruled on the case, but the application was opposed by the [government].

“The [government] said the seizures would ‘test the argument’ that land redistribution without compensation is permitted under current laws, which it has previously stated is allowable if ‘in the public interest.’”

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 23:

“The South African government slammed US President Donald Trump on Thursday after he… tweeted that he had asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to ‘closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers.’

“The US president isn’t the first politician to clash with South Africa over the issue of land. In April, Australia’s former Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton… said white South African farmers seeking asylum should receive special treatment because they faced a ‘horrific” situation.”’

When under British rule, South Africa (as well as Zimbabwe, formerly known as Rhodesia) belonged to those modern descendants of the house of Israel who are summarized in the Bible as “Ephraim”—a commonwealth of English-speaking nations. Even though Britain has long lost any influence on South Africa and Zimbabwe, due to the change in the governments of those countries, biblical end-time prophecies pertaining to Ephraim might very well include the fate of South Africa and Zimbabwe and especially the white population in those countries.

Pesticide Responsible for Autism?

On August 18, the Drudge Report provided a link to the following article by Study Finds:

“Pregnant women with higher levels of a banned pesticide that’s still found in many foods today are more likely to have children diagnosed with autism, a new study finds… The pesticide [DDT] became commonly used across the world, but by the late 1950s, its dangerous effects on the environment and wildlife began to come into light; consequently in 1972, as it became clearer that it was unhealthy for human exposure, the Environmental Protection Agency banned its use in America.

“Despite the ban, DDT is still showing up in our food decades later… It continues to be found across the food chain, particularly in vegetables, fish, meat, and dairy products… DDT is of particular concern to unborn children because it can still transfer across the placenta.”

The abominable conduct of those manufacturing and producing these poisonous pesticides will not go unpunished.

Misguided and Deceived Turkey Wants to Punish Parents for Not Vaccinating their Children

Daily Sabah wrote on August 22:

“As the anti-vaccination trend [is] on the rise in Turkey, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) deputy chairman Sefer Aycan proposed a new legislation on Thursday, introducing a minimum mandatory prison sentence [of six months to two years] for parents [or guardians] who don’t vaccinate their children… In Turkey, the number of people refusing to get vaccinations has grown rapidly…

“Due to organized anti-vaccine movements alleging that vaccines cause autism and other illnesses a lot of people have also chosen to skip inoculations but in reality there is overwhelming scientific evidence that there is no link.”

Sadly, there CLEARLY IS a link. Contrary scientific “evidence” is nothing but “fake news,” which is very dangerous and irresponsible.

The Propaganda and Threats Continue…

The Guardian wrote on August 21:

“A huge surge in measles cases across Europe has been reported by the World Health Organisation, which says low MMR vaccination rates are to blame… ‘We are seeing a dramatic increase in infections and extended outbreaks,’ said Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO regional director for Europe. ‘We call on all countries to immediately implement broad, context-appropriate measures to stop further spread of this disease.’…

“The cause of the vaccine doubters has been embraced by some political movements, who advocate ‘parent choice’. The Five Star movement in Italy opposes a law that would have fined parents who do not immunise their children, while in France, Marine le Pen of the newly-renamed National Rally party is against mandatory vaccination.”

In this case, we agree with the position of the Five Star Movement and Marine le Pen.

Indonesia’s Religious Body Declares Vaccinations as Forbidden

abc reported on August 21:

Indonesia’s peak Islamic body has issued a religious decree — or fatwa — declaring the Rubella-Measles vaccine to be ‘haram’ or religiously forbidden… The Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) justified the ruling by claiming the vaccine contains traces of pork and human cells, which are banned in the Muslim religion… However, the fatwa also states that the use of the product will be allowed for the time being due to the lack of viable alternatives

“He said the religious organisation understood the dangers associated with not getting children immunized. However, CNN Indonesia reported that a number of towns had already suspended the vaccine before the MUI even announced their decision. Tim Lindsey, the director of the Centre for Indonesian Law in the University of Melbourne, told the ABC the fatwa would undoubtedly make accessing the vaccination more difficult in Indonesia. Fatwas are not legally binding in Indonesia, however declarations from the MUI are highly influential…

“The MUI is a non-government organisation which receives funding from the government of Indonesia. It oversees all Muslim organisations in the country, and has powers to issue halal certifications and regulate Islamic banking.”

Sadly, this religious ruling against vaccinations misses the crux of the matter by acknowledging the “danger” associated with not getting children immunized, while ignoring the danger of getting them immunized.

China’s Vaccine Scandal

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 21:

“A health scandal in China has seen dozens of officials sacked or disciplined because of problems with vaccines… The scandal has exposed lax standards and corruption common in China’s drug manufacturing sectors, as some companies put profit above the health of consumers, and officials responsible for enforcement tend to look the other way.

“Changsheng Biotechnology… is a major drug manufacturer, and one of the largest producers of rabies and chickenpox vaccines. The scandal initially emerged in November when the national drug regulation authority found that vaccines produced by Changsheng Biotechnology and a second company, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, designed to protect children against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, were not potent enough.

“Last month drug regulators checked drug production at Changsheng Biotechnology and discovered that the company had used expired materials and falsified inspection records and production dates for rabies vaccinations. The government also announced stiff penalties against the company for its sales of ineffective DPT vaccines

“A third company, Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical, recently issued a worldwide recall for an ingredient used in a heart medicine, valsartan, because thousands of batches were found to contain a potentially carcinogenic chemical

“The scandals have not only damaged the trust consumers have in Chinese vaccines but tainted the country’s global reputation as a drug manufacturer.”

Sadly, ineffective or dangerous vaccinations are NOT limited to China.

E-Cigarettes Could Cause Cancer

Medical Express wrote on August 20:

“The popularity of electronic cigarettes continues to grow worldwide, as many people view them as a safer alternative to smoking. But the long-term effects of e-cigarette usage, commonly called ‘vaping,’ are unknown. Today, researchers report that vaping may modify the genetic material, or DNA, in the oral cells of users, which could increase their cancer risk… To characterize chemical exposures during vaping, the researchers recruited five e-cigarette users. They collected saliva samples before and after a 15-minute vaping session and analyzed the samples for chemicals that are known to damage DNA.

“… three DNA-damaging compounds [were found], formaldehyde, acrolein and methylglyoxal, whose levels increased in the saliva after vaping. Compared with people who don’t vape, four of the five e-cigarette users showed increased DNA damage related to acrolein exposure. The type of damage, called a DNA adduct, occurs when toxic chemicals, such as acrolein, react with DNA. If the cell does not repair the damage so that normal DNA replication can take place, cancer could result.”

The Algemeiner and Reuters wrote on August 22:

“Israel on Tuesday outlawed the import and sale of e-cigarettes made by Silicon Valley… citing public health concerns given their nicotine content… Since launching in 2015, the flash drive-sized vaping device has transformed the market in the United States, where it now accounts for nearly 70 percent of tracked e-cigarette sales. The company is valued at $15 billion…

“The Israeli move was consistent with similar restrictions in Europe, the ministry’s statement said. The ban… goes into effect in 15 days…”

It is just foolish to use e-cigarettes in lieu of smoking, thinking that one is thereby safe from cancer.

Ring of Fire Rattled by Multitude of Earthquakes

Daily Mail wrote on August 21:

“Sixteen ‘significant’ tremors – those at magnitude 4.5 or above – shook the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’ on Monday, following a spate of 53 that hit the region Sunday. The quakes rattled Indonesia, Bolivia, Japan and Fiji, but failed to reach the western coast of the United States, which also falls along the infamous geological ring. The tremors have raised concerns that California’s ‘Big One’ – a destructive earthquake of magnitude 8 or greater – may be looming.

“Scientists have previously warned that Ring of Fire activity may trigger a domino effect that sets off earthquakes and volcanic eruptions elsewhere in the region. California, which straddles the huge San Andreas Fault Line and sits on the eastern edge of the ring, is long overdue a deadly earthquake, researchers claim…

“An enormous 8.2 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean close to Fiji and Tonga on Sunday, but was too deep to cause any significant damage…”

The Sun reported on August 22:

“A HUGE 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Oregon on America’s West Coast today. The quake, which registered 188 miles from the coastal city of Bandon, has sparked fears the so-called ‘Big One’ could hit California any time now… Scientists say that when it returns (and we are apparently overdue), the shocks will last for as long as six minutes and aftershocks could last for months. Terrifyingly, they also predict the Cascadia could trigger a tsunami of 85-foot-high waves which could drown as many as 33,000 on the West Coast…

“Richard Aster, Professor of Geophysics at Colorado State University, wrote recently: ‘The earthquake situation in California is actually more dire than people who aren’t seismologists like myself may realise.’”

The countries in the Pacific Ring of Fire include:

Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, East Timor, El Salvador, Micronesia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, United States.

Huge earthquakes are prophesied to happen prior to Christ’s Second Coming, and the possibility of the “Big One” striking California soon is very real indeed. Earthquake activity is of course not limited to the “Ring of Fire.” Deutsche Welle wrote on August 21: “A powerful magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit the coast of Venezuela on Tuesday, forcing people to evacuate their homes and offices as far away as the capital, Caracas.”

More Attacks by US Banks on Their Customers

The Washington Post reported on August 20:

“Democrat Nikki Fried, running to be the state’s agriculture commissioner, is a former lobbyist who worked on behalf of a number of industries, including medical marijuana… not long after opening a campaign account with Wells Fargo, the bank inquired about her stance on medical marijuana and her intent to accept donations from the medical marijuana industry. The bank subsequently closed her account, citing its ‘responsibility to oversee and manage banking risks.’

“… on Aug. 3, it received a phone call from Wells Fargo indicating that its account would be terminated ‘because of [Fried]’s relationship to the medical marijuana industry.’ The bank mailed a formal notice dated Aug. 3, stating that…. the account would be closed within 30 days… Fried said that ‘Wells Fargo’s actions against my campaign are emblematic of what is wrong with our government and politics today,’ adding that she was ‘kicked out of a bank for voicing support of a law that is literally codified in the Florida constitution.’

“… While medical and recreational marijuana are legal in dozens of states, the drug remains illegal for nearly all purposes at the federal level. This has made banks wary of dealing with state-legal marijuana businesses for fear of running afoul of federal law. In closing Fried’s account, Wells Fargo appears to be taking that skittishness one step further by denying banking access not to a marijuana business but to a political candidate who may receive donations from the marijuana industry…”

Newsmax added on August 21:

“[Nikki Fried said] that the incident was an example of the challenges legal cannabis businesses face from the U.S. financial system… Fried said that when Wells Fargo contacted her, she initially thought it was a joke. She said her campaign is moving its accounts to BB&T Corp., which hasn’t yet raised concerns about the marijuana issue…

“Fried seized on the development to blast businesses and officials who she said were discriminating against a legal industry…  Among other challenges, she said medical marijuana workers can be targeted… because financial institutions refuse to work with them, forcing them to run cash businesses. ‘At a time when 30 states including Washington, D.C., have legalized medical marijuana and licensed businesses to practice and distribute marijuana to patients and caregivers, access to basic financial stability is virtually impossible for these legal businesses,’ Fried said. ‘Outdated federal laws allow for this sort of discrimination.’”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ uninformed stance on medical marijuana does not help either. The government’s influence on banks can clearly be felt more and more. Please view our StandingWatch program, “Do Banks and the Government Control You?” 

Pope Francis Apologizes for Despicable Sexual Child Abuse Cases in Catholic Church

The Guardian wrote on August 20:

“Pope Francis’s letter to his church on the scandals of sexual abuse is full of anger and remorse, but empty of specific policies beyond a call to prayer and fasting… it is also horrifyingly late and grimly familiar. Not only have successive popes and prelates been expressing their anguish and their shame at child abuse all this century, but the scandals themselves have continued with numbing regularity. It’s almost as if the culture of the church ran deeper than the wishes of any pope.

“This year opened particularly badly with Francis himself defending with angry scorn a Chilean bishop credibly accused of abuse. This did huge damage to the church’s reputation there; to his credit, he realised this and later took the accusations seriously. Since then he has sacked the bishop in question and four others, among them the man who was in charge of dealing with abuse reports, although the affair still festers: a priest involved in the reporting of abusers is now in criminal custody, but though he had confessed his crimes to his superiors in January, they somehow overlooked the possibility of reporting him to the civil authorities for six months while the scandal raged all around them.

“Two of the countries where the abuse scandal has done the most damage to the church’s moral authority are the US and Ireland. Pope Francis arrives in Ireland for a two-day conference on strengthening the family on Friday… His visit there seems likely to provide another graphic demonstration of the collapse in the church’s popularity. In the US, the publication last week of a long, horrifying report on the behaviour of the church in the state of Pennsylvania followed the exposure of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick… as a serial predator on boys and young men. Pope Francis removed McCarrick as a cardinal…

“But why have there been so many starts before, none of them leading anywhere? Unless statistics lie, the Catholic church is not an organisation uniquely hospitable to sexual predators or even to paedophiles. Other churches have their own horrendous scandals and cover-ups. So do other professions. But the Catholic church does seem remarkably resistant to reform. Two explanations are offered in a divided church. Conservative Catholics blame the prevalence of gay men in the priesthood; Francis, and the liberals, blame the clerical culture which leaves bishops and archbishops responsible to no one outside the church… Changing that, which his letter demands, would threaten the power structure of the whole church and would be very fiercely resisted…”

Fire Them All!

The Week wrote on August 21:

“The Catholic Church in this country is led by villains and cowards. It would be a good thing if most, if not all, of our bishops resigned or were deposed… For someone who has long regarded himself as a traditional-minded but sane Catholic, tales of satanic sex cults to which the clergy belonged and other unspeakable blasphemies… have seemed like the products of lurid, diseased imaginations.

“But having spent nearly a week reading slowly through all 1,400 pages of the report [about sex abuse of more than 1000 children by over 300 priests in Pennsylvania], I can say I was wrong. All of these things exist. When… Pope Paul VI said that the ‘smoke of Satan had entered the Church’ half a century ago, he meant it quite literally.

“On Sunday, virtually every American Catholic who attended Mass heard a letter from his or her bishop read aloud. Some of these letters… contained some lucid and even admirable sentences. Most did not… [They] did not contain a single reference to sin or God…”

Please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Worldwide Attack on Our Innocent Children” 

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Who makes the decisions regarding Feast of Tabernacles sites?

It is interesting to note that, particularly in the last two decades, “independent” Feast of Tabernacles sites have been established. We read in Deuteronomy 16:13-16: “You shall observe the Feast of Tabernacles seven days, when you have gathered from your threshing floor and from your winepress. And you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant and the Levite, the stranger and the fatherless and the widow, who are within your gates. Seven days you shall keep a sacred feast to the LORD your God in the place which the LORD chooses, because the LORD your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you surely rejoice. Three times a year all your males shall appear before the LORD your God in the place which He chooses: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles; and they shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed.”

God is very clear when He instructs His people to keep the annual Feasts “in the place which He chooses.” How does He do that? The question is about who decides where a Feast of Tabernacles site should be and the same principle applies to the other Feast days.

Originally, God placed His Name in Jerusalem when the Feasts were revealed to the ancient nation of Israel.  At that time, the Truth of God was given to Israel but as the Word of God spread, particularly after the inception of the New Testament church at Pentecost in 31 AD, it became obvious that the Feast of Tabernacles would have to be kept in other parts of the world.  In recent times, there have been the people of God in most nations around the world who had to be accommodated by Feast sites within reasonable distance for them to be able to attend.

How is this achieved, and by whom?

We read in Ephesians 4:11-16 the following:  “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”

Unfortunately, these verses don’t appear to sit well at all with some who seem to reject the authority of the ministry.

The Bible clearly reveals that in God’s plan for mankind, the Father is in charge, that Christ is the Head of every church organization and congregation, and under Christ are God-appointed leaders, as we read in Ephesians 4:11-16.  We read in Hebrews 13:17 that we are to “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.” Church members are to be subject to God’s delegated authorities in the church which comprise the ministry.

In 1 Peter 5:1-3, we read about how the ministry are to act:  “The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.”

Those who are in authority in the church are not to lord it over members but are to serve them and to be examples, and they are given responsibilities to fulfil, one of which is to organise Feast sites.

In the past, God gave responsibilities to man directly – for example, Adam was instructed to name the animals (Genesis 2:19); Moses was spoken to at the burning bush (Exodus 3) and on other occasions; the prophet Samuel was told to anoint Saul as king (1 Samuel 9) and David as king (1 Samuel 16); the word of the LORD came to Jehu against king Baasha (1 Kings 16:1); the word of the LORD came to Elijah to present himself to Ahab (1 Kings 18:1): the word of the LORD came to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 12) and Haggai (Haggai 1 and 2).   These are just some of the examples of God instructing some of His servants.

We read in Matthew 16:16-19: “Simon Peter answered and said, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’  Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.  And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.’” (We read this same principle in Matthew 18:18.)

In our Q&A “Could you explain the extent of the power that Christ gave in Matthew 16:19, to ‘bind and loose’?” we state: “Christ empowered the leadership of the Church, throughout the Church’s history and existence, to discern God’s Will regarding binding Church decisions as to what God permits and prohibits, based on His law, and who is to be excommunicated and reinstated, based on the Church leadership’s discernment of the person’s repentance and God’s forgiveness. This is not to say that Church decisions are to be considered infallible. God does not bind in heaven a Church decision which is against His Will and His Law. We are told that all of us have to GROW in the KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST (2 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 4:13). Therefore, when God, through the power and wisdom of His Holy Spirit, clearly reveals to the Church leadership that a wrong decision was made in the past, perhaps by not fully submitting to, or understanding the Will of God, such a wrong decision must be corrected immediately.”

The Bible here clearly reveals that God works through the ministry.

God has delegated anointing (James 5:13-15) and baptism (see Acts 19:1-6) through the laying on of hands by elders in the Church of God, not by non-ordained church members, not even deacons.  Please read our Q&A on the concept of the laying on of hands which proves that God has given His ordained ministers the exclusive right to lay hands on anyone for the purpose of “sanctification,” including in areas of baptism, healing, marriage, blessing of little children and ordinations.

It should now be apparent that God works through His ministry and one of their responsibilities is to follow God’s lead in finding and deciding on suitable Feast of Tabernacles sites, and if any baptised members are unwilling to go to a Feast site where GOD has placed His name, then they are being self-willed by either not attending the Feast or by attending a site that has not been chosen, approved of and organised by the Church of God ministry.   In short, they are not willing to submit to God!  They are in effect showing that they are self-willed!

Of course, non-ordained members can be used to search for a site, and once a site has been chosen and approved of by the ministry, many non-ordained members may be used to help in the organisation and the effective running of the Feast.

It appears that, at times, a Feast site may be organised by non-ordained members for which no ministerial approval has been given, and the Feast is then being conducted without ministerial blessing. God is not going to bless and support such an approach and arrangement.  Matthew 7:21-23 is relevant to this situation: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’  And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”

As we read earlier in Deuteronomy 16:13-16, the key words were “in the place which the LORD chooses” which is mentioned twice and so it must be important to God.  It is important to understand and realise that elders in the Church of God have been given God-ordained responsibilities and choosing and approving of a Feast of Tabernacles site is one of them, and such a site then will be “in the place which the LORD chooses” through their actions and any arrangement other than this will not be acceptable to God.

You might want to review a previous Q&A entitled “Why do we attend God’s annual Feast and Sabbath services in the place where God makes His Name to be known?” which was published in our Update 657 dated September 19th 2014.

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Is California’s Big Earthquake About to Strike?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Numerous significant earthquakes occurred this week all over the world, and many of these in countries which are part of the “Ring of Fire.” These tremors have raised concerns that California’s “Big One”—a destructive earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or greater—may be looming. How real is that danger? Scientists, history and biblical prophecy confirm that the distinct possibility of such a devastating earthquake is much more imminent than many may realize.

“Sexualkunde für unsere Kinder,” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Sexual Education for Our Children.”

Comments on News and Prophecy (August 18, 2018),” a presentation last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In this new feature, we are commenting on our age of selfishness; the worst-case chaotic scenario of a “no deal Brexit”; the biblical prophecy of a third temple prior to Christ’s return and the ignorance of those who reject this truth; the reasons for Turkey’s fight with the USA; the future of Romania; military parades and the Millennium; Florida’s red tide; and the autocratic rule of the “dictator pope.” We also address the biblical reasons for ordinations.

“Deception Before Defeat,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The times we are living in now are very interesting in light of biblical prophecy. What is happening around the world, especially in this nation, should not be ignored, but rather should be a warning to us so that we do not fall into deception.

Here are the dates for the 2018 Fall Holy Days:

Feast of Trumpets—September 10
Day of Atonement—September 19
Feast of Tabernacles—September 24-30
Last Great Day—October 1

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Trust in the Trials; WHAT (Not Who) is the Holy Spirit?

On August 25, 2018, Frank Bruno will present, “Trust in the Trials,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “WHAT (Not Who) is the Holy Spirit?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 841

Comments on News and Prophecy; Deception Before Defeat

On August 18, 2018, Norbert Link will present, “Comments on News and Prophecy,” and Michael Link will present the sermon, titled, “Deception Before Defeat.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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At Your Service

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

Service – what is it? Today we live in an age of selfishness where the prevailing ethos is “I, me and mine” – and don’t forget “myself!” Service is “work done to meet some general, or specific, need”. In brief, it can be defined as “work done by one person or group that benefits another” and “an act of help or assistance”.

Being of service to others means that we want the best for them and that we are not concentrating on ourselves.

In the Old Testament, Jonah wanted to flee from an act of service that would save people’s lives – and he tried to get out of it (see Jonah 1:1-3).

In the book of Luke 22, verses 24-27, there was a dispute among the disciples who should be the greatest. Again, we see the problems associated with human nature. It is today, as it was then, that the top table contained the most important people – the VIPs – and yet Jesus said that He was One Who served. As we have to emulate the Saviour of mankind, we should take exactly the same stance – and be servers. What was the motivation among the disciples? To serve or be served? Obviously to be served and therefore the fruits were those of selfishness, but Christ told them to be servants. That was about 2,000 years ago, and the same is true today.

We have long understood in the Church of God that this life is our training ground for the Kingdom of God, and we must develop those Godly attributes that we will need to use after Christ’s return. And service is right there at the top of such requirements!

We are to be of service today – we are being trained as God prepares us for the Kingdom. Service is required – not being served. Do we look for jobs to do? Or are we so concerned with caring for self that we miss opportunities to serve now, or is it an afterthought?

In Philippians 2:5 we read: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,” and if we have the mind of Christ, which this verse exhorts us to have, we will be following His example of service – a lowliness of mind so essential in the life of a true Christian.

Christ has been highly exalted and He is our elder brother. When we become spirit-born members of the Family of God, we will be working for and with Christ in the Kingdom of God for the good and welfare of humanity.

With the autumnal Holy Days only a few weeks away, there may be opportunities to be of service to the brethren at this time and particularly when we are all together at the Feast of Tabernacles. It might be that such things as providing transport or help in other ways could prove to be invaluable to some, and support, help and encouragement to others might just make the difference to someone to really appreciate and enjoy the Feast. Opportunities to be of service in such ways might present themselves where we can provide service that may not have been anticipated.

Let service become a habit – one that we will be able to use to a much greater degree in the near future when Christ returns.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on the increasing possibility that the worst-case scenario of a “no-Brexit” will become reality, which would constitute a disaster and create chaos for Britain; continue with an insensitive or intentionally sinister decision of the EU to schedule its next summit on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur); and run a short article on developments and perceptions regarding the future of the Temple Mount.

We speak on Turkey’s deep economic trouble and its increasing hostility towards the USA; Iran’s continuing nuclear ambitions; Germany’s “warning” for the USA; and the government of Romania’s brutal conduct towards its own people.

We continue with several articles showing the “perverse” hypocrisy of America’s immigration policy; address the revocation of the former CIA Director’s security clearance; and focus on ungodly and despicable developments pertaining to euthanasia in Belgium and The Netherlands; legal assisted suicide in Belgium and Canada; experiments in the USA with human tissue from late-term abortions; and a huge San Francisco court decision against Monsanto, a unit of the controversial Bayer AG, producing and selling glyphosate-based cancer-causing herbicides.

We conclude with articles about massive destruction of marine life in Florida; harmful e-cigarettes; the first nomination by the Democratic Party of a transgender candidate for a governorship in Vermont; a report about terrible sex abuse of children and teens by Catholic priests in Pennsylvania; and Pope Francis’ controversial rule within and over the Catholic Church. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Worldwide Attack on Our Innocent Children.” 

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Brexit: The Worst-Case Scenario Increasingly Likely

The Week wrote on August 13:

“Britain is still trying to figure out how to pack its bags. Back in 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union, but the departure won’t take place until March 2019. The big question in the interim has been how exactly ‘Brexit’ will go down. While the moment of truth remains a few months off, a worst-case scenario looks increasingly likely.

“British Prime Minister Theresa May and many other mainstream leaders would prefer a ‘soft’ Brexit. This would entail hanging on to some aspects of the old Britain-EU relationship, particularly around trade.

“… the EU won’t agree unless Britain also holds onto other rules, particularly around open immigration. That’s anathema to the British hardline conservatives who wanted Brexit in the first place. They push for a ‘hard’ Brexit — a clean break with the EU’s trade regime… even a hard Brexit requires all parties involved to actually agree to a plan ahead of time. But May’s own majority coalition is riven by disagreements between the Hard Brexiters and the Soft Brexiters…

“That’s all increasing the possibility that the March 2019 deadline is reached without an agreement in place. That’s the third option: the ‘no deal Brexit.’ It’s the aforementioned worst-case scenario.

“Liam Fox, Britain’s international trade secretary, recently said he thinks the chances of a no-deal Brexit are 60-40. A few days ago, Bank of England Gov. Mark Carney, told the BBC, ‘I think the possibility of a no-deal is uncomfortably high at this point’… what would a no-deal Brexit actually look like? Basically, it would be… chaos… rules governing everything from food standards to medicines to aviation and more would suddenly disappear in March 2019. And there would be nothing to replace them.

“Almost a third of Britain’s fresh food supply is imported from the EU, for example. The possibility of a no-deal Brexit is raising concerns that many of those shipments would get stuck at the border, with no clear rules or processes for getting them across. Then they’d rot in the ensuing confusion.

“Businesses’ passporting rights would also vanish: British companies couldn’t sell their services in the EU, or EU companies in Britain, without first securing licenses from each individual country. Estimates suggest that around 130,000 British businesses that export to the EU would suddenly find themselves facing customs for the first time.

“Arrangements governing aviation would also go away, potentially grounding planes until it’s all sorted, leaving both air travel and shipping in chaos… And none of this even gets into the precarious legal situation many EU nationals living in Britain would find themselves in.

“… if you’re wondering why reports are filtering in of the British government stockpiling food and medicine and other supplies, this is why… No one wants a no-deal Brexit… The assumption is that someone will swerve in time for an actual orderly Brexit to be arranged. But the closer the deadline gets, the less time there is to actually make that deal. And no one’s blinked yet.”

The Bible prophesies that the relationship between continental Europe and Britain will completely deteriorate and even become extremely hostile.

EU Summit on Day of Atonement—Insensitive or Sinister?

JTA wrote on August 13:

“Is it insensitivity or something more sinister? Some European Jewish leaders have expressed concerns about the scheduling of a European Union leaders’ summit in Austria on Yom Kippur. The date is Sept. 20, the day after Judaism’s holiest day, but the Austrian hosts have acknowledged that some of the events will indeed take place on Yom Kippur.

“Many Jewish leaders have cited the move as indicative of the lack of attention paid to their concerns, according to Politico Europe, and some see the meeting’s date as an intentional slight. The informal meeting of heads of state or government will be held in Salzburg

“Péter Niedermuller, a Jewish member of the European Parliament from Hungary… noted that Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache is a member of the far-right Freedom Party, which has a long history of anti-Semitism. ‘OK, we will just signal that this is a Christian Europe,’ he said. ‘The main voices you can hear from the far right in Europe is that this is Christian unity, Christian Europe, Christian culture, and they never mention the Jewish culture or Jewish Europe. There is a lot of hidden and open anti-Semitism.’”

Politico added on August 13:

“The situation is especially awkward for Austria, which holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU and has long struggled with allegations of state-sponsored intolerance… The EU leaders’ summit… is set to begin with a dinner on September 19. Yom Kippur, when Jews fast and pray to repent for their sins, begins on the evening of September 18 and ends at sundown the following day when families typically gather to break the fast. For the observant, work and travel on the holiday is prohibited…”

One must indeed wonder whether this scheduling was just an unintentional oversight.

The Battle for the Temple Mount

Breaking Israel News wrote on August 10:

“It is well-known that Jews are restricted from praying on the Temple Mount… [The] battle for religious equality will determine whether the Temple Mount will take to its Biblical and prophesied role as a ‘House of Prayer for all Nations.’…

“‘Despite the conflict brewing on Israel’s southern border and the threats in the north [Caleb Waller, director of public relations for a Christian volunteer organization, feels that] the ‘real conflict is for the Temple Mount, the heart of Israel… ‘we are living in a time when there is actually Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount. It is clear that God’s plan centers on that place and it is going to happen soon.’”

Indeed, it will be. The Temple Mount will end up in Jewish hands for a while, and animal sacrifices will be given and a third Temple will be built there. This then will lead to European military intervention in the Holy Land and the Great Tribulation.

Turkey’s Economy in Deep Trouble—Also in Light of US Tariffs

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 10:

“Donald Trump said Friday his administration had doubled steel and aluminum tariffs on Turkey, imposing a 20 percent duty on aluminum and a 50 percent levy on steel… Trump’s announcement saw the Turkish lira drop even further, crashing to a 19 percent daily loss against the greenback. Minutes before Ankara learned about the higher tariffs, the lira had already hit an all-time low of 6.87 against the dollar…

“The marked drop came as Turkey’s current strains with the United States showed no sign of abating. Turkey remains at loggerheads with the US in one of the worst spats between two NATO allies in years over the detention of American pastor Andrew Brunson and a host of other issues. The accelerated lira sell-off also deepened concerns about the exposure of banks to Turkey, particularly whether highly indebted companies would be able to pay back loans taken out in dollars and euros after years of overseas borrowing to fund a construction boom under Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

“Erdogan on Friday once again urged Turks to exchange gold and dollars into lira to stop the currency from plunging…”

Reuters wrote on August 10:

“Food, rents and fuel prices in Turkey have all surged. The state pipeline operator last week raised the price of natural gas for electricity production by 50 percent… [Erdogan’s] loyal supporters see the currency sell-off as a U.S. attempt to undermine their country and president. ‘If they have their dollars, we have our people, our God,’ Erdogan said in a speech overnight…

“Newspapers and TV stations have cast the lira crisis as a political assault [by the USA]… The lira sell-off, driven by fears about Erdogan’s influence over monetary policy and Turkey’s worsening relations with the United States, has sent tremors through global emerging markets and dominated international financial headlines…

“Further U.S. measures are expected… over issues including U.S. sanctions on Iran and Ankara’s plans to buy a Russian missile defense system…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 14:

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned his country would boycott electronic goods from the United States in retaliation for recent sanctions imposed by Washington over the detention of an American pastor… ‘If the US has the iPhone, there’s Samsung on the other side,’ Erdogan said, referring to the top South Korean smartphone maker. ‘And we also have our Venus and Vestel,’ he said, with regards to Turkey’s own domestic brands.”

Newsmax wrote on August 15:

“Turkey announced Wednesday it is increasing tariffs on imports of certain U.S. products, escalating a feud with the United States that has helped trigger a currency crisis… Ankara said it was imposing extra tariffs on imports of products, including rice, vehicles, alcohol, coal and cosmetics.

“At the same time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government turned toward Russia. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu of Turkey lashed out against Western sanctions Tuesday, and was joined by Russia’s top diplomat, Sergei Lavrov. ‘This era when we are being bullied must end,’ Cavusoglu said… Lavrov added, ‘They are using methods of sanctions, threats, blackmail and diktat.’”

According to biblical prophecy, Turkey (“Edom” or “Esau”) will become an enemy to both the state of Israel and the USA.

Iran Receives More Uranium from Russia

Israel National News reported on August 12:

“Iran announced on Saturday that it will bring back a second batch of the 20%-enriched uranium which it sent to Russia in 2015 as part of its commitments under the nuclear deal signed with world powers.

“The uranium… is to be used in the Tehran Research Reactor… [B]ased on the nuclear deal, Iran is entitled to resume production of 20% fuel 15 years after the date on which the deal was endorsed… Iran recently reopened a nuclear plant that was idle for nine years as it prepared to increase uranium enrichment capacity in response to Trump leaving the 2015 deal…”

According to biblical prophecy, the collaboration between Russia and Iran will continue.

Germany Warns Trump

The Week wrote on August 12:

“President Trump’s trade war on allies and rivals alike is ‘slowing down and destroying economic growth, and producing new uncertainties,’ said German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier in an interview published Sunday. ‘The past has shown that during trade wars, consumers suffer above all because products get more expensive,’ Altmaier argued. ‘A global trade war would not know winners, only losers.’

“The economic minister also addressed Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and re-impose punitive sanctions on Iran. Germany is among the other signatory nations that remain party to the deal. ‘We won’t let Washington dictate us with whom we can do business,’ Altmaier said, ‘and we therefore stick to the [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] so that Iran cannot build atomic weapons.”

However, many German firms buckled to Trump and decided to stop doing business with Iran.

Governmental Violence against the Romanian People

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 11:

“By deploying huge numbers of police and gendarmes, the authorities in Bucharest wanted to show the whole world who is in charge in Romania. Around 100,000 people had gathered in Victoriei (Victory) Square in front of the seat of government to demonstrate against corruption and despotism and call for a functioning constitutional state and an independent judiciary…

“It was an urgent call for democracy and normality… This kind of demonstration was an absolute first in Europe: Tens of thousands of expatriate Romanian citizens returned home during their holidays to show, together with their families, friends and acquaintances, that they have not forgotten their homeland. Romanians at home and abroad wanted to send a clear signal together: Stop Romania’s downfall!

“The government’s response was brutal. The police used tear gas, water cannon and truncheons indiscriminately… against families with children, against the elderly, against journalists… Such things just do not happen in a democracy… This was an open declaration of war against the Romanian people. The responsibility for this undoubtedly lies with the government. And with Liviu Dragnea, the powerful leader of the ruling Social Democrats…”

The future role of Romania is not clear. It has joined the EU, but it is not part of the custom- and border-free Schengen agreement, nor did it accept the euro. It could very well re-establish strong ties with Russia. Balkan Insight wrote on May 31: “Despite its historic anti-Russian outlook and strong support for NATO, Romania’s relations with Moscow are not as straightforwardly hostile as they sometimes appear.”

America’s Hypocritical Immigration Policy

The Week wrote on August 10:

“First lady Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, became U.S. citizens on Thursday, taking advantage of a program that President Trump has long railed against. Trump has decried ‘chain migration,’ where adult U.S. citizens can obtain residency for their relatives. In November 2017, for example, Trump tweeted: ‘CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE!’… The Knavses are from Slovenia, and the first lady, who became a citizen in 2006, sponsored them for their green cards.”

The New York Times wrote on August 9:

“News of the ceremony prompted an immediate response on Twitter. Ana Navarro, a Republican strategist and political commentator, tweeted, ‘I guess when it’s Melania’s Family, it’s “family reunification” and should be applauded. Everybody else, it’s “chain migration” and must be stopped.'”

The blanket and unqualified opposition to chain immigration is quite inhumane and unconscionable. But it gets worse. Note the next article.

Government Tries to Deport Asylum-Seekers in Breach of Promise

 The Wall Street Journal wrote on August 10:

“A federal judge on Thursday stopped the deportations of an asylum-seeking woman and her young daughter who were already aboard a plane to El Salvador, criticizing the Trump administration for trying to remove them while they were challenging their cases in court. In Washington, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan… threatened to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt of court if U.S. officials didn’t immediately return the pair to the U.S. ‘It’s outrageous,’ Judge Sullivan said, according to a transcript of the hearing. ‘I’m also directing the government to turn that plane around either now or when it lands… and bring those people back to the United States.’

 “An official at the Department of Homeland Security said the agency was complying with the judge’s order. ‘Upon arrival in El Salvador, the plaintiffs didn’t disembark and are currently en route back to the United States,’ the official said. They were back in the U.S. on Thursday night…

“The government had agreed not to deport Carmen and her daughter before 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, but the judge learned Thursday morning that the pair was already on a plane back to Central America. He [said] it was unacceptable that immigrants who alleged credible fear should be ‘spirited away’ while their attorneys argued their cases…

“Carmen and her daughter fled their home in El Salvador seeking refuge from years of sexual abuse by her husband and death threats from a gang, the ACLU said in its lawsuit…”

The federal government contends that these threats, even if true, do not justify asylum. What is especially troublesome in this case is the blatant breach of the government’s promise.

But this is still not all. A most shocking development is being described in the next article.

USA Plans to Persecute LEGAL Immigrants

The Week wrote on August 9:

“Trump… has slammed literally every law-abiding legal immigrant group — refugees, asylum seekers, foreign family members of Americans, low-skilled immigrants, high-skilled foreign workers on H-1Bs, their wives, foreign students, and even naturalized citizens. Still, none of that compares with what the administration is planning next

“The proposed guidance, evidently the brainchild of Stephen Miller… is relying on an 1891 law that barred immigrants ‘likely to become public charges’…  Miller’s scheme would brand anyone who receives — or is likely to receive — services or subsidies (barring a few explicitly exempted) worth greater than 3 percent of the poverty line a public charge… immigrants don’t actually have to avail of these benefits to have their petitions rejected. They or their family simply have to be eligible for these subsidies because they are sick, old, have young children, or don’t have unsubsidized coverage — unless they make 250 percent of the poverty level, in which case they’d be exempted.

“The perversity of this cannot be overstated. An immigrant would be barred from upgrading his status if he married, say, an American woman on Social Security disability till he crossed the 250 percent earning threshold. Or consider, a real-life example of a Haitian green-card holder who works 80 hours a week as a nursing assistant but has a severely disabled American daughter who receives public assistance. His citizenship petition may not have a prayer. In effect, Miller’s plan would penalize immigrants not because they are needy but because they have Americans in their lives who are.

“What’s particularly unfair about this is that it’s not like legal immigrants get any reprieve from taxes. With very, very few exceptions, they pay all the taxes that Americans do and then some…  A recent study by the National Academy of Sciences estimated that an average immigrant arriving today would contribute $150,000 more in taxes than he or she would consume in benefits over their lifetime…”

We totally agree: “The perversity of this [scheme] cannot be overstated.” As the next article shows, a very interesting author shares this sentiment, with an astonishing and deeply disturbing revelation.

Stephen Miller an Immigration Hypocrite

On August 13, Politico published an article by Dr. David S. Glosser, a retired neuropsychologist, formerly a member of the Neurology faculties of Boston University School of Medicine and Jefferson Medical College:

“Let me tell you a story about Stephen Miller and chain migration. It begins at the turn of the 20th century… Beset by violent anti-Jewish pogroms and forced childhood conscription in the Czar’s army… Wolf-Leib Glosser… fled a village where his forebears had lived for centuries and took his chances in America.

“He set foot on Ellis Island on January 7, 1903, with $8 to his name. Though fluent in Polish, Russian and Yiddish, he understood no English. An elder son, Nathan, soon followed. By street corner peddling and sweatshop toil, Wolf-Leib and Nathan sent enough money home to… buy the immediate family’s passage to America in 1906. That group included young Sam Glosser, who with his family settled in the western Pennsylvania city of Johnstown…

“The Glosser family quickly progressed from selling goods from a horse and wagon to owning a haberdashery in Johnstown run by Nathan and Wolf-Leib to a chain of supermarkets and discount department stores run by my grandfather, Sam, and the next generation of Glossers, including my dad, Izzy. It was big enough to be listed on the AMEX stock exchange and employed thousands of people over time. In the span of some 80 years and five decades, this family emerged from poverty in a hostile country to become a prosperous, educated clan of merchants, scholars, professionals, and, most important, American citizens.

“What does this classically American tale have to do with Stephen Miller? Well, Izzy Glosser is his maternal grandfather, and Stephen’s mother, Miriam, is my sister.

 “I have watched with dismay and increasing horror as my nephew, an educated man who is well aware of his heritage, has become the architect of immigration policies that repudiate the very foundation of our family’s life in this country. I shudder at the thought of what would have become of the Glossers had the same policies Stephen so coolly espouses— the travel ban, the radical decrease in refugees, the separation of children from their parents, and even talk of limiting citizenship for legal immigrants — been in effect when Wolf-Leib made his desperate bid for freedom. The Glossers came to the U.S. just a few years before the fear and prejudice of the ‘America first’ nativists of the day closed U.S. borders to Jewish refugees. Had Wolf-Leib waited, his family likely would have been murdered by the Nazis along with all but seven of the 2,000 Jews who remained in Antopol…

“Stephen and Trump may have become numb to the resultant human tragedy and blind to the hypocrisy of their policy decisions. After all, Stephen’s is not the only family with a chain immigration story in the Trump administration. Trump’s grandfather is reported to have been a German migrant on the run from military conscription to a new life in the United States, and his mother fled the poverty of rural Scotland for the economic possibilities of New York City. (Trump’s in-laws just became citizens on the strength of his wife’s own citizenship.)…

“When confronted by the deaths and suffering of thousands, our senses are overwhelmed, and the victims become statistics rather than people…”

This article is extraordinary in that it tries to appeal to the conscience and decency of those involved in formulating and enacting their highly controversial immigration policies. And paradoxically, most Americans are NOT in favor of these policies. Note the next article.

Patriotism and Immigration

The Week wrote on August 11:

“75 percent of Americans think immigration is ‘generally a good thing‘ for the country… More patriotic Americans also tend to be more pro-immigration… for most Americans, there is no contradiction between love of country and a welcoming attitude toward those who wish to move here. The idea that we are ‘a nation of immigrants’ has deep roots, and it won’t be undone easily.”

This is encouraging and astonishing. Most patriotic Americans are pro-Immigration. What does this mean for those, then, who are anti-Immigration?

Trump Revokes Security Clearance of former CIA Director

Politico wrote on August 15:

“President Donald Trump on Wednesday revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, who has become a harsh critic of the president, and appeared to be targeting others who have disagreed with the administration. ‘Mr. Brennan’s lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nation’s most closely held secrets and facilities, the very aim of our adversaries which is to sow division and chaos,’ White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, reading a statement from Trump while briefing reporters on Wednesday. ‘Mr. Brennan has recently leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations — wild outbursts on the internet and television — about this Administration,’ the president‘s statement continued.

“In addition, Sanders said, the administration is evaluating clearances for former FBI Director James Comey, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden, former national security adviser Susan Rice, former FBI attorney Lisa Page, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, former FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose security clearance was deactivated after he was fired earlier this year, and Bruce Ohr, who is still in the Justice Department although he was demoted from associate deputy attorney general. ‘More broadly, the issue of Mr. Brennan’s security clearance raises larger questions about the practice of former officials maintaining access to our nation’s most sensitive secrets long after their time in government has ended,’ Sanders said.

“Brennan later responded on Twitter. ‘This action is part of a broader effort by Mr. Trump to suppress freedom of speech & punish critics,’ he wrote. ‘It should gravely worry all Americans, including intelligence professionals, about the cost of speaking out. My principles are worth far more than clearances. I will not relent,’ he wrote. In a later phone interview on MSNBC, Brennan added that if the president believed that the action would lead the former CIA director ‘to just go away and be quiet, he is very badly mistaken.’ ‘I‘ve seen this type of behavior and actions on the part of foreign tyrants and despots and autocrats during my CIA and national security career,’ he said. ‘I never thought I would see it here in the United States. And so I do believe that all Americans really need to take stock of what is happening right now in our government, and how abnormal and how irresponsible and how dangerous these actions are.’… ‘I must tell you that Mr. Trump‘s dishonesty, his lack of integrity, his nastiness, mean-spiritedness, the types of things that he has just tweeted out the past 72 hours, the terms that he uses, this is not what I think of an American president, nor of America,’ Brennan said. ‘We’re better than this. We have to be better than this. We have been a shining example to the world, and Mr. Trump is letting this country down’…

“John McLaughlin, a former acting director of the CIA, who was not listed as having his clearance under review but has criticized the president’s policies in the past, said on Wednesday that he thought the choice to revoke the clearance was to ‘silence critics.’ ‘This really has the feel of someone simply trying to do two things: silence critics and also distract from another damaging political event that‘s going on with Omarosa,’ he said during a phone interview on MSNBC, referring to former presidential adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman, whose new book includes scathing criticism of Trump and his administration.”

How the average American citizen can make head or tail of all of this is hard to decipher. Arguments are advanced pro and con on different news channels, on the Internet and in newspapers and magazines, and when viewing, reading and listening to the different viewpoints and contradictory “statements of fact,” one is left with the fundamental question as to who IS telling the truth, if anyone.

Newsmax wrote on August 15:

“Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said President Donald Trump’s revocation of ex-CIA chief John Brennan’s security clearance could be the basis for constitutional violations…  ‘I do think if the president denies security clearance only to his critics, he will be in court on the wrong side,’ Dershowitz [said]. The professor conceded ‘it would be a close question.’…

“’If the case went up to the Supreme Court, it would be like the case involving the travel ban,’ he added. ‘The court would ask the question: “Are we allowed to look at the motive of the president in doing this, or do we look at the action?” The president clearly has the power to revoke security clearance . . . but if he does it for an impermissible basis . . . it would be a basis for constitutional violations.’

“…’But I think he’s [Brennan] gone overboard in his criticism’ of Trump, he said. ‘It makes it sound, when he makes criticism, that he knows it because he was in the CIA– he has some special information,’ he said. ‘I think a former director of the CIA has to be much more discreet in his level of criticism.”

For instance, Brennan called Trump quite inappropriately a traitor and guilty of treason after he met with Putin in Helsinki.

Euthanasia of Children in Belgium!

The Washington Post wrote on August 6:

“Deliberately taking a small child’s life is unlawful everywhere in the world, even when the child is terminally ill and asks a doctor to end his or her suffering once and for all. There is an exception to this rule: Belgium. In 2014, that country amended its law on euthanasia, already one of the most permissive in the world, authorizing doctors to terminate the life of a child, at any age, who makes the request

“Between Jan. 1, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2017, Belgian physicians gave lethal injections to three children under 18… The oldest of the three was 17; in that respect, Belgium was not unique, since the Netherlands permits euthanasia for children over 12. Belgian doctors, however, also ended the lives of a 9-year-old and an 11-year-old

“… the Belgian public’s support for euthanasia remains undiminished. The precedent for euthanizing children has been established, and more will almost certainly receive lethal injections this year, next year and the year after that.”

This is insane. And note the next article as well.

Euthanasia and Legal Assisted Suicide in Belgium and Canada

CBN News wrote on August 8:

“… it’s not only children who are being euthanized.  According to The Telegraph, the annual number of euthanasia cases across all age groups has multiplied almost five-fold in 10 years in Belgium. From 2016 to 2017, that number was 4,337 who requested assistance with their suicides. Most were cancer patients.

Canada runs a close second in the world for legal assisted suicides. Physicians and nurse practitioners have killed almost 4,000 patients since euthanasia was legalized in Quebec in December 2015 and ultimately throughout the country… Ontario recently passed a law requiring all doctors to kill a legally qualified patient even though the judge acknowledged it violated the religious and conscience rights of doctors who did not want to perform legally assisted suicides.”

Legal assisted suicide is murder and a grave sin in the eyes of God. So is, of course, euthanasia.

Experiments with “Fresh” Human Tissue from Late-Term Abortions

The Catholic Medical Association wrote on August 9:

“… the U.S. Food and Drug Administration signed a new contract last month to acquire ‘fresh’ human fetal tissue to transplant into ‘humanized mice’ proving the animals to have functioning ‘human immune systems’… The experiments would be funded with federal tax dollars. ‘The FDA says the research using aborted babies is critical to understanding how the human immune system responds to certain drugs and biologics, helping to better understand diseases that affect millions of Americans. We strongly disagree. We oppose sacrificing any human life that justify this form of human experimentation,’ said Stephen White, Chair of the CMA’s Health Care Policy Committee.

“The FDA claims the experimentation requires tissue from late-term aborted babies, not miscarried ones to create its ‘humanized mice.’…”

Abortion is another example of a grave sin in the eyes of God, as is the capitalization of it by conducting highly-questionable experiments in deference to the “god” of science.  

Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Cause Cancer

The Guardian wrote on August 11:

“It was a verdict heard around the world. In a stunning blow to one of the world’s largest seed and chemical companies, jurors in San Francisco have told Monsanto it must pay $289m in damages to a man dying of cancer which he claims was caused by exposure to its herbicides. Monsanto, which became a unit of Bayer AG in June, has spent decades convincing consumers, farmers, politicians and regulators to ignore mounting evidence linking its glyphosate-based herbicides to cancer and other health problems. The company has employed a range of tactics – some drawn from the same playbook used by the tobacco industry in defending the safety of cigarettes – to suppress and manipulate scientific literature, harass journalists and scientists who did not parrot the company’s propaganda, and arm-twist and collude with regulators…

“Now… Monsanto’s secretive strategies have been laid bare for the world to see… The jury’s verdict found not only that Monsanto’s Roundup and related glyphosate-based brands presented a substantial danger to people using them, but that there was ‘clear and convincing evidence’ that Monsanto’s officials acted with ‘malice or oppression’ in failing to adequately warn of the risks…

“Glyphosate-based herbicides are so widely used around the globe… that residues are commonly found in food and water supplies, and in soil and air samples. US scientists have even recorded the weed killer residues in rainfall. Exposure is ubiquitous, virtually inescapable…”

Handelsblatt Global added on August 14:

“Everyone knew Bayer was taking a calculated risk in acquiring Monsanto for $63 billion (€55 billion) because of more than 5,000 pending lawsuits charging that its glyphosate-based pesticide Roundup causes cancer. Nonetheless, investors reacted with shock to a California jury verdict awarding $289 million to a plaintiff claiming Roundup caused his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the cancer of white blood cells. The share price fell nearly 14 percent Monday… This slashed Bayer’s stock-market value by more than €10 billion.

“… analysts also noted Bayer’s numerous problems beyond the glyphosate liabilities. There have been issues with over-the-counter drugs in the US, as well as a weak drug pipeline. The US Food and Drug Administration recently found fault with Bayer’s production facilities in Germany and ordered the company to clean them up…”

In an article by EcoWatch, dated September 10, 2016, it was stated that glyphosate has also been found in vaccines. Many famous German companies, including Bayer, have a sad reputation of having cooperated with and worked for the Nazis. For instance, I.G. Farben was the big corporation that owned the Auschwitz concentration death camps. I.G. Farben was a merger between Bayer, BASF, AGFA, Hoechst, and other German companies. IG Farben also manufactured the cans of Zyklon B gas that were used in Auschwitz’s gas chambers.

 CBS wrote on August 15:

“A new report found glyphosate, a weed-killing chemical that some health authorities link to cancer, in a number of popular breakfast foods and cereals marketed to children. The study… discovered trace amounts of the most widely used herbicide in the country in oats, granolas and snack bars. Thirty-one out of 45 tested products had levels higher than what some scientists consider safe for children…

“The World Health Organization says glyphosate is a ‘probable carcinogen,’ and California lists it as a chemical ‘known to the state to cause cancer.’”

Massive Destruction of Marine Life in Florida

Fox News reported on August 14:

“A blanket of red tide along Florida’s Gulf Coast that’s killing marine life in addition to emptying normally packed beaches with an unrelenting stench has caused the state’s governor to declare a state of emergency for parts of the region…

“Red tide — a naturally occurring toxic algae bloom that can be harmful to people with respiratory problems — has spread throughout the region since October and stretches about 150 miles from Naples to Anna Maria Island. The algae turns the water toxic for marine life, and in recent weeks beachgoers have discovered turtles, large fish, and even manatees washed up dead. In Sarasota County, 11 dead dolphins have been found and marine biologists are investigating if their deaths are linked to red tide…

“Officials are now trying to figure out why this year’s red tide is so intense…”

The Huffington Post added on August 15:

“Fish and other wildlife have been washing up dead on beaches throughout Florida, including more than 300 sea turtles, manatees and even a whale shark that may have been killed by the phenomenon… The bloom of algae began last October and extends from Naples to the Everglades region, with no sign of slowing down… More than 100 tons of dead fish have been removed from area beaches…”

The Bible warns that the fish of the sea will be taken away (Hosea 4:3).

E-Cigarettes More Harmful Than Many Might Have Thought…

Newsmax wrote on August 14:

“While vaping has regularly been touted as a safer alternative to cigarette smoking, emerging research is starting to paint a different picture [showing] that vaping could ultimately destroy the important immune cells in the lungs that help keep the air spaces clear of potentially harmful particles… Vapor contained in e-cigarettes can damage the alveolar macrophages, which are responsible for engulfing and removing dust particles, bacteria, and allergens that can enter the respiratory tract…

“Lead author Professor David Thickett said that… e-cigarettes… may… be harmful in the long term… Vaping is becoming increasingly common among youth… more than 2 million U.S. middle and high school students used e-cigarettes just 30 days during 2016. A separate study previously found that vaping delivers potentially cancerous chemicals found in tobacco cigarettes to teens, even if an e-cigarette has no nicotine.”

The Church of the Eternal God rejects the use of e-cigarettes, as it does, of course, the smoking of cigarettes.

Transgender Woman Wins Vermont Governor’s Primary

The New York Times wrote on August 14:

“Christine Hallquist… listened closely as Danica Roem, the Virginia state delegate who won national recognition when she became the first transgender person elected to her state’s Legislature… Ms. Hallquist is transgender, too…

“Ms. Hallquist, a Democrat, made history of her own. She became the first transgender candidate to be nominated for a governorship by a major party [in Vermont]… It is a remarkable milestone, even for an election year already dominated by an influx of women and a record number of candidates who identify as lesbian, gay, transgender or queer

“Ms. Hallquist was not the only transgender candidate on the ballot in the country in recent days. In Hawaii on Saturday, Kim Coco Iwamoto, a lawyer, lost her bid to be the Democrats’ nominee for lieutenant governor.

“And more transgender candidates will be on the ballot soon, including Alexandra Chandler, a former naval intelligence analyst who is running in Massachusetts’s Third District… ‘I’m running for Congress,’ she said in a recent campaign video, ‘to be a voice for trans kids out there.’…

“Ms. Hallquist… is likely to draw national attention — and fund-raising dollars — because of the historic potential of her candidacy…”

The signs of the times…

Child Abuse by Catholic Priests

The Washington Post wrote on August 14:

“More than 300 Catholic priests across Pennsylvania sexually abused children over seven decades, protected by a hierarchy of church leaders who covered it up, according to a sweeping grand jury report released Tuesday. The investigation, one of the broadest inquiries into church sex abuse in U.S. history, identified 1,000 children who were victims, but reported that there probably are thousands more

“The grand jury reviewed more than 2 million documents, including from the ‘secret archives’ — what church leaders referred to the reports of abuse they hid from public for decades, state Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at a news conference Tuesday… Shapiro said… that he was bound by the state’s statutes of limitation. In Pennsylvania, victims of child sex abuse have until they are 30 to file civil suits and until they are 50 to file criminal charges. The oldest victim who spoke to the grand jury was 83.

“… The investigation has helped renew a crisis that many in the church thought and hoped had ended nearly 20 years ago after a church scandal erupted in Boston. But recent abuse-related scandals, including in Australia and Chile, have reopened questions about accountability and whether church officials at the highest levels are still covering up crimes…

“The new allegations have focused attention on Pope Francis and his handling of abuse as many Catholics look to him to help the church try to regain some of its credibility… The grand jury’s report follows the resignation last month of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a towering figure in the U.S. church and a former archbishop of Washington who was accused of sexually abusing children and adults for decades…

“In France, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin is facing a trial on criminal charges of not reporting sexual abuse. In Australia, one archbishop was recently convicted in a criminal court for concealing sexual abuse, and Cardinal George Pell, a top Francis lieutenant, will soon stand trial on charges related to sexual offenses…”

Pope Francis—the Dictator Pope?

Life Site News wrote on August 14:

“A Vatican consultant who leads the Canadian Catholic media organization Salt and Light Television [CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica] has issued a statement publicly recognizing… that Pope Francis ‘breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants’ and that he rules by his own personal authority, rather than the… tradition of the Catholic Church…

“‘The pope’s openness, however, also a signature of his Jesuit training and development, means that not even he is sure where the spirit will lead,’ writes Rosica… Rosica’s open proclamation of Francis’ rule as an ‘individual’ apart from the authority of historic Catholic doctrine is reminiscent of H. J. A. Sire’s portrayal of Francis as ‘the dictator pope’… According to Sire…  Francis rules as an aloof and ‘arrogant’ autocrat, indifferent to Catholic doctrine.”

 Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What is the basis or reason for ordination?

Ordination, as a practice, is clearly set forth in the Bible. In the Old Testament, Aaron and his sons were chosen by God to serve as priests (Exodus 28:1), and they were specifically ordained for this responsibility:

“Then Moses took some of the anointing oil and some of the blood which was on the altar, and sprinkled it on Aaron, on his garments, on his sons, and on the garments of his sons with him; and he consecrated Aaron, his garments, his sons, and the garments of his sons with him” (Leviticus 8:30).

Quoting from the NASB:

“‘The holy garments of Aaron shall be for his sons after him, that in them they may be anointed and ordained’” (Exodus 29:29).

The priestly responsibility was to serve as God’s representative to the Israelites. Note Malachi 2, verse 7:

“‘For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, And people should seek the law from his mouth; For he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.’”

The Book of Hebrews speaks of the duties of the High Priest and shows that God commissions this office:

“For every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. He can have compassion on those who are ignorant and going astray, since he himself is also subject to weakness. Because of this he is required as for the people, so also for himself, to offer sacrifices for sins. And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was. So also Christ did not glorify Himself to become High Priest, but it was He who said to Him: ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.’ As He also says in another place: ‘You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek’” (Hebrews 5:1-6).

In another example, God told Moses to choose Joshua to lead Israel in his place:

“So Moses did as the LORD commanded him. He took Joshua and set him before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation. And he laid his hands on him and inaugurated him (better: commissioned him, so NIV and RSV), just as the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses” (Numbers 27:22-23).

In the New Testament, we note that Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Church of God (Ephesians 1:22), has established ministerial positions:

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11).

Speaking of the Church, Paul writes:

“Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:27-28).

From the outset, the process of choosing ministers and deacons for particular service in the Church has been the result of careful consideration. Note what is said about how Jesus selected the original apostles:

“Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles” (Luke 6:12-13).

Paul and Barnabas were prophets and teachers. They were subsequently ordained to the rank and function of apostles (Acts 14:14) for the particular job they would then fulfill in the Church:

“Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away” (Acts 13:1-3).

Paul specifically acknowledges this ordination for the proclaiming of the gospel, saying, “to which I was appointed a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles” (2 Timothy 1:11; compare, also, Romans 11:13).

While the Church of God began in Judea on the Day of Pentecost, the message of the gospel was to be proclaimed to all nations (compare Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8; 10:44-48; 11:18). Paul addressed the unique responsibilities given in preaching the gospel:

“But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel for the uncircumcised had been committed to me, as the gospel for the circumcised was to Peter (for He who worked effectively in Peter for the apostleship to the circumcised also worked effectively in me toward the Gentiles), and when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised” (Galatians 2:7-9).

However, neither Peter nor Paul were able to do all of the work their commissions required. They ordained others to help in administering the Church of God. For example, following the establishment of the Church on the Day of Pentecost, it became apparent that more help was needed, as noted in Acts 6, verses 1-7. Likewise, Paul instructed Titus to “appoint elders in every city” (Titus 1:5).

However, this was not done in a random fashion, as Paul continues to explain in his letter to Titus, charging him to appoint or ordain elders:

“…if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination. For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict” (Titus 1:6-9; compare, also, 1 Timothy 3:1-13).

Throughout the Church of that day, there was a need for ordained servants, and this is why Jesus Christ gave structured leadership to the Church:

“[F]or the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head–Christ–from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love” (Ephesians 4:12-16).

Jesus spoke of the Work which lay before His servants:

“Then He said to them, ‘The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest’” (Luke 10:2).

Finally, consider that God emphatically promises to help those who are ordained in His service, as Jeremiah was told:

“Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.’ Then said I: ‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.’ But the LORD said to me: ‘Do not say, “I am a youth,” For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,’ says the LORD” (Jeremiah 1:4-8).

Therefore, in like manner, the Church of the Eternal God in the USA and its international affiliates, both have and will ordain people as the need is made apparent to further the Work of God given to His Church.

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Worldwide Attack on Our Innocent Children,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

This program gives you several abominable examples of the society’s attack on our children and encourages you to counteract such vicious and immoral deceptions, from euthanasia of young children at any age, to late-term abortions in the name of science, to cancer-causing glyphosate in vaccines and children’s food, to harmful e-cigarettes, to promotion of transgender, to sexual child abuse by Catholic priests. None of these examples are in line with the biblical admonition to train up our children in the fear of God and allow them to come to Christ.

“Besiegen Sie Ihre Sucht nach Rauchen, Saufen, Kiffen, Alkoholmissbrauch, illegalen Drogen und Sex!” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Conquer your Addiction with Smoking, Pot, Alcohol Abuse, Illegal Drugs and Sex.”

Our new Member Letter for August, which was written by Kalon Mitchell, has been mailed and it has been posted on the Web.

Our new Feast Flyer for the Feast of Tabernacles in Germany has been posted on the Web.

“A Few More Things about the Two Witnesses,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Will the two witnesses help in preparing the spiritual temple for Christ’s return? What connection exists between the two witnesses and God’s angels? Why are the two witnesses clothed in sackcloth? Does the Bible tell us where they will operate prior to their death; where they will be killed; and how long they will be dead? Will they work alone, or may others support them? If so, who might those supporters be?

“In the Presence of God,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We all come before God in prayer. But do we ever take the time to think about what that really means? Are we cognizant when we are praying that we are actually coming before God’s throne? How should this affect us and our thinking? How important do we consider the time that we spend with God? What do we expect the outcomes to be?

Here are the dates for the 2018 Fall Holy Days:

Feast of Trumpets—September 10
Day of Atonement—September 19
Feast of Tabernacles—September 24-30
Last Great Day—October 1

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Comments on News and Prophecy; Deception Before Defeat

On August 18, 2018, Norbert Link will present, “Comments on News and Prophecy,” and Michael Link will present the sermon, titled, “Deception Before Defeat.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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