Update 877

Walk in the Light: The Times and the Seasons

On May 25, 2019, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “Walk in the Light,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Times and the Seasons.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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How They Love to Play with Words to Get Their Own Way!

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

On the website thoughtco, we read: “About 20 percent of the world’s population speaks English as a first or secondary language, about 1.5 billion people. If you include people who use it, that brings the estimate up to about a third of the world, or more than 2 billion of the world’s 7.6 billion people (2017). Only about 360 million people speak it as their first language, though.

“After a certain amount of usage, dictionary editors decide whether a new word has enough staying power to add it to the dictionary. Merriam-Webster notes that its editors spend an hour or two daily reading a cross-section of material looking for new words, new meanings to old words, new forms, new spellings, and the like. The words are logged into a database with their context for documentation and further analysis. Before being added to the dictionary a new word or change to an existing word must have a considerable amount of use over time in a variety of types of publications and/or media (widespread use, not just in jargon).”

The problem is that words can mean different things to different people and can be “massaged” to fit what a person or group want it to mean. Take the word “discrimination” for example. From Wikipedia we read this description of discrimination:

“In human social behavior, discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction towards, a person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong. These include age, colour, criminal record, height, disability, ethnicity, family status, gender identity, generation, general characteristics, marital status, nationality, race, religion, sex and sexual orientation.”

You would think from such a description that discrimination would be understood by most people. However, a new twist has been given to the meaning by adding the word “positive” before it. Merriam-Webster defines positive discrimination as “the practice of improving the educational and job opportunities of members of groups that have not been treated fairly in the past because of their race, sex, etc.” That is certainly fair enough, but it often doesn’t work out that way.

In practice, positive discrimination as “understood” by those who have a particular “diversity” agenda, can certainly mean, in the UK, that members of the indigenous population can be legally discriminated against in their own country.

For example, as reported in the Daily Mail on February 23rd 2019, was the case of a police inspector’s son who tried to join his father’s force but was rejected for being “a white, heterosexual male without disability”. He had applied for his “dream job” as a constable with Cheshire Police, where his father, 52, is a detective inspector. He performed well in tests and at his interview but the force was so desperate for more recruits from ethnic minorities or who were gay or transgender that it refused to hire him.

The article continued:

“He had a degree in particle physics from Lancaster University, and lodged a discrimination claim against Cheshire Police under equality legislation, and won. It is believed to be the first successful case of its kind. In a ruling a judge criticised the force for treating candidates with ‘protected characteristics’ – including those who were gay, transgender, disabled, black or from other ethnic minorities – more favourably than this candidate who was ‘a white, heterosexual male without disability’.”

Interestingly, in spite of this ruling “the case came as the leader of Britain’s police chiefs called yesterday for radical laws to allow police to positively discriminate in favour of ethnic minority candidates.” They can certainly play with words to get their own way!

This case was mentioned in our Update number 866 dated 1st March 2019 with Mr Norbert Link’s comments below the article which stated that “We are told not to discriminate as it is against the law but the police want to discriminate against qualified candidates. Will this kind of nonsense ever stop?“

The playing field should be levelled for all candidates but it patently isn’t working out that way in many other cases of a similar nature. In Deuteronomy 28:43 we read: “The stranger that is among you shall rise up above you higher and higher; and you shall come down lower and lower.” It certainly seems that way as the British, in general, have forsaken the Way of God and are bringing upon themselves destruction on their own country.

Another example of playing with words to get their own way is that of the homosexual/lesbian lobby referring to their “partner” in a way that is ridiculous. For example, with two men, one can describe his partner as his wife even though he is male. Likewise, a lesbian can refer to her partner as her husband with no male in sight! Oh, how they love to refashion the English language to fit in with their perversion.

These are just two of many examples where we can see how long-held meanings are fashioned and shaped to fit in with an ungodly society and “normalise” that which would, not that long ago, have been rejected as abnormal and unacceptable.

It is, in effect, a hijacking of words purely to regulate or enhance specific societal changes and make them acceptable to the prevailing culture!

Even though we are living in this world, we are not to be of this world and its evil practices—and this includes that we are not to fall for the deceptive practices of using words which, upon reflection and scrutiny, refashion the clear meaning to fit in with concepts which are opposed to God’s specific instructions.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with most spectacular events in Austria and its uncertain future in light of the collapse of the Austrian coalition government following the publication of a secretly-taped video just prior to the European elections, picturing Vice-Chancellor Strache and others in a very compromising light; Strache’s resignation and the subsequent resignation of all FPO ministers in protest to Chancellor Sebastian Kurz; the appointment of “apolitical” experts as a temporary new caretaker government; an announcement that new elections would be held in September; and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz facing a no-confidence vote next week.

We also report on the ongoing Brexit disaster and the anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism of Jeremy Corbyn, leader of Britain’s Labour Party.

 Please see in this regard our new StandingWatch program, Are Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism Connected?”

We continue with the European elections; increasingly strained relationships between the USA and Europe, due to stalled or failing tariffs negotiations; and the conflict between the USA and China, as well as Iran.

We speak on America’s worldwide fight against abortion (please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “When Does God Allow Abortions?”); a somewhat surprisingly controversial stance by President Trump regarding same-sex marriages; and his unfortunate desire to change the immigration system to the detriment of parents of US citizens.

We speak on India’s and Pakistan’s military contacts with Russia; India’s election results; challenges in Ukraine; the unexpected victory of Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison; and the challenge to prevent the near-extinction of the Koala bear. We also publish a warning against the consumption of pork.

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Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache Resigns

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 18:

“Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has accepted the resignation of Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache in the wake of the release of a video showing Strache discussing the possibility of exchanging friendly media coverage for lucrative state business deals. In a statement delivered from his office at noon, a visibly angry Strache said he was stepping down to protect the work of the government, but added that he had been the victim of illegal entrapment and a concerted ‘dirty campaign’ to discredit him. He also rejected any suggestion he had committed any crimes. … ‘This was a targeted political assassination,’ he added…

“But the vice chancellor also admitted the video released on Friday showed him in a compromising situation… ‘Yes, it was stupid, it was irresponsible, and it was a mistake,’ he said. ‘It was typically alcohol-induced macho talk, in which, yes, I was probably trying to impress the attractive hostess. I behaved boastfully, like a teenager, and acted embarrassingly over the top.’ He went on to apologize to his wife, ‘the most important person in my life.’…

“The video was reportedly filmed on the Spanish island of Ibiza in July 2017… According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the meeting lasted several hours, with Strache and [FPÖ parliamentary group leader Johann] Gudenus (whose wife was also present) discussing with [hostess] Makarova and a male companion about how indirect donations and friendly media coverage could help the far-right party…”

According to Bild Online, Strache said he had hurt and libeled people with his inconsiderate statements, including allegations about the present chancellor (Sebastian Kurz). He stated that he had passed on “unconfirmed dirty rumors.“ Bild continued:

 “How dirty, ‘oe24’ explains:  Strache had boasted about alleged information in his possession that Kurz was conducting sex orgies in drug backrooms.”

Austrian Government on Verge of Collapse—Kurz Faces No-Confidence Vote

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 21:

“Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, after consultations with President Alexander Van der Bellen on Tuesday, announced he would appoint a new caretaker government to be in place for three months. Kurz, who faces a vote of no-confidence on Monday, was forced to call for new elections in September after his government’s coalition partner, the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), was wiped out…

“Should Kurz lose Monday’s vote, President Van der Bellen would then appoint a new interim chancellor.

“… after [Strache resigned and] Kurz fired Interior Minister Herbert Kickl on Tuesday the remainder of the FPÖ’s members resigned in protest…”

The Times added on May 22:

“Austria’s centre-right chancellor may be driven out of office within days as opposition parties marshal their forces for a parliamentary showdown. In the midst of a scandal that has broken his coalition, Sebastian Kurz could become the first leader in Austrian history to be ejected by a vote of no confidence.

“Yesterday Mr Kurz, 32, was forced to replace the ministers in charge of the civil service, the armed forces, the justice system and the security apparatus with apolitical experts after Mr Strache’s far-right Freedom party (FPO) walked out of the cabinet…”

The European press is wondering: How long will the “apolitical experts” be in office? If Kurz were to lose the non-confidence vote on Monday, they would be discharged as well. Although most feel that the political career of Strache is over, Strache announced in tweets that he will continue to fight. Former FPO deputy Norbert Hofer, who replaced Strache, but then resigned in protest to Kurz, was almost elected as Austrian President in 2016, had a near-fatal paragliding accident in 2013, relying now on a cane to walk, and is wearing a silver-black cross for good luck. He is also a devout and deeply religious Roman Catholic, although he is in his second marriage. According to AFP, dated May 19, 2019, “sceptics say that behind the grin lurks a steely, dyed-in-the-wool ideologue.” The question remains, who will ultimately emerge out of Austria’s ashes as its leader?

Austria’s Ties with Russia

Der Spiegel wrote on May 17:

“All three Austrian intelligence services [were] overseen by ministries under leadership of the FPÖ, a party that has been affiliated with [Putin’s] United Russia [party], which currently controls the Kremlin, since the signing of a cooperation agreement in 2016. Concerns that Moscow may have access to Austrian intelligence has led Western intelligence agencies to limit what they share with Vienna…”

CNN wrote on May 18:

“Strache is an opponent of sanctions on Russia, which were imposed by the EU and the US over Russia’s annexation of the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in 2014… Austria was also one of the few EU countries not to expel Russian diplomats in response to British allegations of Kremlin involvement in the poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter in the English city of Salisbury in March 2018.”

Russian Media Reacts

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 19:

“The Russian tabloid KP described Strache as a ‘promising politician,’ before emphasizing that there is no evidence of any illegal transactions by the far-right politician. ‘This type of trolling will undoubtedly weaken those politicians who call for rapprochement with Russia,’ the paper wrote in a commentary, adding that ‘the constant search [by the West] for a Russian link [including over the Trump administration’s alleged collusion with the Kremlin] is nothing but a joke that citizens can only laugh about.’

The Russian government-published Rossiyskaya Gazeta, meanwhile, cited colleagues of Strache who complained that the former vice-chancellor had been ‘filled up’ with alcohol before being asked about possible illegal activities. ‘Behind this provocation are secret services that have secretly recorded everything,’ it wrote…

“Russian leading liberal business daily Kommersant pointed out that Strache insisted he had met a Latvian, not a Russian… ‘But German media says the opposite,’ it said in a commentary, adding that the timing of the release of the video was likely ‘deliberately planned to keep Strache out of the upcoming European Parliament elections’ on May 23-26. Kommersant also emphasized that Strache’s far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) actively supported Austro-Russian relations.”

These observations might very well have some bearing.

No Brexit Deal between May and Corbyn

Breitbart wrote on May 17:

“Prime Minister Theresa May’s efforts to stitch-up a Brexit deal with hard-left Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn have ended in failure

“The Prime Minister’s own preferred treaty with the European Union would have locked Britain into a lengthy ‘transition period’ with the bloc in which it would have remained an EU member-state in all but name — minus British representation in EU institutions — possibly followed by an indefinite ‘backstop’ relationship in which Brussels would have retained control over British trade policy and swathes of its regulations, with no power to end this relationship unilaterally.

“Labour had initially been seeking to water down this version of ‘Brexit’ even further by establishing a full customs union with the EU, which the Remainer-dominated Tory leadership seemed ready to consider — but subsequent attempts to force May into accepting a ‘confirmatory vote’ (second referendum) as well appear to have been a bridge too far…

“Mrs May’s government is a minority administration, reliant on Northern Ireland’s Brexit-supporting Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to get legislation through Parliament — but it does not back her deal, and nor do a large number of Brexiteer Tory MPs known as ‘The Spartans’… the Prime Minister has reportedly been forced to agree she resign by the end of June...”

Teresa May’s Final New Deal and Push for Second Referendum Rejected

The Guardian wrote on May 21:

“Theresa May’s final attempt to patch together a parliamentary majority for Brexit appears to have backfired after her 10-point ‘new deal’ was rejected by MPs from across the political spectrum… the prime minister laid out a series of promises… including an offer of a binding vote on a referendum if the deal passes.

“But, after a stormy cabinet meeting… more than 20 Conservatives who backed the deal last time rejected it…  The referendum pledge sparked a backlash almost immediately, with several Tories who have supported her in the past… saying they could not back a bill that appeared to open the door to reversing the 2016 vote [in that first referendum, the majority of Brits voted for the UK leaving the EU]…”

Theresa May Faces Mounting Pressure to Quit in Brexit Backlash

The Week wrote on May 23:

British Prime Minister Theresa May faced mounting calls to resign in a backlash against her latest Brexit plan… The resignation of the leader of the House of Commons, Andrea Leadsom, on Wednesday night appeared to have left May with no remaining options.

“Leadsom was scheduled to introduce May’s new Brexit plan on Thursday but she said she could not support it because it could pave the way for a second referendum on whether the U.K. should leave the European Union at all, which she said would be ‘dangerously divisive.’”

“Macron Wants to Avoid Brexit ‘Polluting’ EU after 31 October”

The Guardian wrote on May 22:

“France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, has said he wants to avoid Brexit ‘polluting’ the EU after 31 October, and that European leaders need to know when the UK’s prolonged departure will come to an end. In April, Macron stood alone at a meeting of the EU27 in championing a short Brexit extension in opposition to those willing to give the UK until next year to complete its withdrawal.

“The October deadline for the British government to have ratified the withdrawal agreement or face a no-deal exit was a compromise position brokered with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel.”

According to the Bible, Britain will keep trying to get help from Germany, but ultimately, Germany will be unable and/or unwilling to provide that help.

Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn’s Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism

The Algemeiner wrote on May 20:

“They are not quite conjoined twins, but it’s often the case that where you find antisemitism, you will also find an associated anti-Americanism. Scholars who have studied these two forms of prejudice side by side have remarked on the common patterns of thought and belief. The distinguished sociologist and Professor Paul Hollander… explained that ‘anti-Americanism’ as a political phenomenon should not be confused with ‘being critical of specific aspects or attributes of American society, culture, or American foreign policy.’

“Instead, said Hollander, anti-Americanism should be seen as ‘a particular mindset, an attitude of distaste, aversion, or intense hostility, the roots of which may be found in matters unrelated to the actual qualities or attributes of American society or the foreign policies of the United States.’ Much of the same observation can (and has) been made about Jewish people in relation to antisemitism.

“Anti-Americanism also raises similar allegations against American society and culture that antisemitism does with Jews and Judaism. America is held up as a crass, materialistic society, where money rules politics, and where the most anarchic aspects of capitalism — a system that was disdained as essentially ‘Jewish’ by many Europeans well into the last century — run riot. Look at the standard-bearers of anti-Americanism over the last century and in this one (Venezuela’s dictator Nicolas Máduro, for example), and you will see that they project a similar hostility to Jews, often couched in denunciations of ‘Zionism’ or ‘Israeli crimes.’…

“Many supporters of the opposition Labour Party in Britain subscribe to this broad worldview. So it should not come as a shock, then, that party leader Jeremy Corbyn — a man who can credibly claim to be Europe’s best-known antisemite — is leveraging his visceral anti-Americanism into his country’s internal conflict over Brexit, its departure from the European Union.

“Earlier this month, Corbyn delivered a speech in which he renamed the option of a ‘no-deal Brexit’ (whereby the United Kingdom would cease being a member of the European Union without a deal setting out the divorce terms) a… ‘Donald Trump Brexit leaving us at the mercy of a reckless and bellicose US administration.’

“Corbyn… has said the same thing about every US administration, whether Democratic or Republican. He has worn his anti-Americanism proudly, whether the incumbent in the White House was President Carter or President Reagan, or President Clinton, President Obama, or either President Bush. In his view, cemented by the pro-Soviet, Third Worldly sensibilities of the Western anti-war movement, America is by its very nature ‘reckless and bellicose.’…”

Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism are indeed connected. In fact, the Jews and many Americans are descendants of Jacob or Israel, the grandson of Abraham, and the world hates them all.

Last Chance for Europe?

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 23:

Four days of voting in European Parliament elections are underway in a poll that will decide the EU’s future course: a return to nationalism or more integration to increase its global strength?… ‘The elections taking place on 26 May will decide the destiny of this continent,’ the leader of the Christian Democratic bloc in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, declared at a plenary session last month.

“Weber heads the list of candidates for his political family, the European People’s Party (EPP), and he is not alone: Many politicians from all camps have been using the same terms to describe the upcoming European elections. Weber intends to run for president of the European Commission. He sees the vote as a straight fight between pro-Europeans and nationalists. ‘This Europe that we’re living in today is a good Europe’’ he says. ‘We won’t let today’s nationalists destroy it for us.’…

“Opinion polls are indicating that [nationalists] could get more than 20% of the seats… The Hungarian premier has allied himself with German, French, Danish and Italian right-wing parties. He claims that liberal democrats want to… ‘Islamicize’ it with an influx of migrants. ‘We have to understand that Europe has reached a historic crossroads,’ Orban said in a speech on Hungary’s national holiday…

“The established, Europe-friendly parties say the issues the EU needs to address over the coming years are migration, climate protection, trade policy and establishing a strong international role for Europe

“Decisive question, crossroads, turning point, last chance: Some dramatic imagery is being used in the run-up to the elections, which will take place between 23 and 26 May…”

European Parliament Elections under Suspicion

The Guardian wrote on May 23:

“A nationwide picture is emerging of EU citizens in the UK being denied their democratic right to vote in the European parliament elections… Reports are coming in from across the country of EU nationals turning up at polling booths and finding their names crossed out and being told by officials they are not eligible to vote…

“7am Polls opened on voting for the European elections across the UK and the Netherlands…”

A European Islam?

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 23:

“[German] Health Minister Jens Spahn and Schleswig-Holstein State Premier Daniel Günther published the appeal Thursday in a guest contribution for the Rheinische Post regional daily. ‘Instead of tolerating symbols of a reactionary, misogynistic form of Islam, we must promote the development of a European Islam, which shares our values, in order to preserve our free European way of life,’ penned the two Christian Democrats.

“The topic of burkas is one of particular concern for both Spahn and Günther. ‘When women and girls appear fully-veiled at universities and schools, then we do not just have the option to resist, we must resist,’ they wrote… Both men are members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrat (CDU) party. Spahn, who failed in a bid to become Merkel’s successor, is seen as a conservative, while Günther is on the liberal wing of the party…”

Ambassador Grenell Right or Wrong?

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 17:

“US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell was the subject of German consternation once again on Friday, this time for posting an out-of-context quote from Chancellor Angela Merkel on social media… His misstep on Friday began with a Newsweek magazine summary of an interview with Merkel, a summary that incorrectly implies that the chancellor ‘lumped in the US’ as a global rival that, along with China and Russia, ‘Europe must unite against.’

“However, in the interview that Newsweek is quoting, which is from the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung, it is the interviewer and not Merkel who places Washington alongside Moscow and Beijing, asking how Europe is approaching the ‘global challenges from China and Russia, as well as the USA.’

“Merkel responds by saying that these global challenges ‘are forcing us, time and time again, to find common positions.’ She went on to say that the EU does not always manage to do this as well as she would like, arguing that the bloc’s ‘political power’ still does not match its economic clout…

“Grenell has previously upset the German public and politicians alike by saying in a Fox News interview that Chancellor Merkel’s refugee policy ‘fell apart’ and unfavorably comparing her administration to the far-right government in Austria. He was also criticized by the former leader of the Social Democrats (SPD), Martin Schulz, for his perceived overreach as a foreign diplomat.”

Even though Chancellor Merkel might not have used the phrase in question, the interviewer did in his question, and Angela Merkel did in no way repudiate or “clarify” the statement contained in the question.

German and Japanese Cars Security Threat for USA?

Deutsche Welle reported on May 17:

“The president had previously threatened to raise import tariffs on foreign cars as a matter of national security on May 18. It was announced that the decision over the hikes will be delayed for 180 days… In February, the US Commerce Department presented the president with a report arguing that foreign automobile imports represented a threat to US national security. A White House press release on the president’s Friday proclamation made repeated mention of the issue of national security throughout…

“Germany’s minister for economic affairs, Peter Altmaier, reacted to the announcement by saying, ‘We regret the fact that the US side has now categorized automobile imports as a threat to national security.’ EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malstrom also took umbrage with US national security claims, tweeting, ‘we completely reject the notion that our car exports are a national security threat.’ …

“The tariffs would hit Japanese and European automakers. German carmakers feel particularly threatened by the prospect of such tariffs. Although they export vehicles to the United States, many have major production facilities in the US as well. From there, they export cars to China. Due to Chinese retaliatory tariffs on imports arising from the escalating trade war between the US and China, companies such as VW, Daimler and BMW see themselves caught in a double bind.

“Trump has argued that the EU is unfairly ‘ripping off’ the US by charging higher tariffs on US automobiles than the US does on cars imported from the EU. The WTO says that EU import tariffs on US cars average 5%, whereas the US average on EU cars is 3.4%.”

The tariffs problem and the associated hostility between the USA and Germany will not go away any time soon. As the Express reported on May 18, in conjunction with Mr. Trump’s announcement to delay his decision for six months whether or not to impose tariffs on foreign cars, he “accused the European Union of treating the US ‘worse than China.’ He said: ‘The European Union treats us, I would say, worse than China, they’re just smaller. They have trade barriers. They don’t want our farm products, they don’t want our cars. They send Mercedes-Benzes in here like they’re cookies. They send BMWs here. We hardly tax them at all.’”

Ending Tariffs on Metal Imports and Exports

The Guardian wrote on May 17:

“The Trump administration moved to cool the simmering trade war with its major trading partners on Friday, ending tariffs on metal imports from Canada and Mexico… ‘I’m pleased to announce we’ve just reached agreement with Canada and Mexico,’ Donald Trump said. ‘We’ll be selling our product into those countries without the imposition of tariffs.’ The US imposed tariffs on steel and aluminium last March, arguing cheap imports were an ‘assault on our country’ that was leading to the ‘decimation of entire communities’.

“The tariffs have sparked the largest trade war in a generation and set the US against all its major trading partners including the European Union, China, Canada and Mexico. In a statement, the Canadian government said agreement had been reached for US tariffs to be lifted on Canadian steel and aluminium imports. Retaliatory tariffs imposed on American products will be lifted by Sunday…

“While Friday’s news appeared to signal a breakthrough, China and the US are still locked in an escalating trade war. CNBC reported on Friday that the next round of US-China negotiations were ‘in flux’, with both sides refusing to compromise. US markets have wobbled wildly in the wake of trade news. On Friday all the major US markets ended down – the second straight week of losses.”

Interesting how every side tries to take credit for the outcome of the agreement. The fact of the matter is, there will be no tariffs either way… at least for now.

Freezing Out China’s Giant Company?

npr wrote on May 16:

“A Trump administration decision to restrict the sale of U.S. technology to Chinese telecommunications company Huawei will disrupt global supply chains, say analysts, ramping up pressure on U.S. allies reluctant to join in efforts to shut out Huawei from advanced 5G mobile networks… New Zealand, Australia and Japan have joined the U.S. in freezing out the Chinese company from future 5G plans. But Germany and France have not followed suit. Last month, the U.K. decided to allow Huawei restricted access to its 5G networks…

If interpreted broadly, the controls on U.S. sales to Huawei could prove the biggest move yet to thwart the Chinese telecom company’s ambitions to build the hardware underpinning its global 5G network…”

Trump Threatens Iran but Shows Reluctance to Go to War

The New York Post wrote on May 19:

“President Trump threatened to destroy Iran in a tweet sent in the wake of reports that a rocket was fired into Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone less than a mile away from the US Embassy. ‘If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!,’ Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon. It’s unclear exactly what promoted Trump’s posting, but news outlets reported explosions in Iraq’s capital and that a rocket launcher was discovered in eastern Baghdad, an area that is home to Iranian-backed Shiite militias…

“Amid escalating tensions between the US and Iran there have been concerns that Iraq, where Iranian forces and about 5,000 American troops are stationed, could become entangled in the standoff… Tensions have been heightened between Washington and Tehran after reports said Iran was planning to carry out attacks on American troops and ships in the region.”

Fox News wrote on May 19:

“President Trump vowed, in a wide-ranging interview with Fox News, not to let Iran get nuclear weapons – but reiterated his reluctance to go to war… Trump, during the interview, continued opposing military intervention — something that separated him from others in the 2016 campaign — but indicated Iranian nuclear development would constitute an urgent exception. ‘I don’t want to fight. But you do have situations like Iran, you can’t let them have nuclear weapons — you just can’t let that happen,’ he said.

“… he recounted the costs of war which he said he wanted to avoid. ‘With all of everything that’s going on, and I’m not one that believes — you know, I’m not somebody that wants to go into war, because war hurts economies, war kills people most importantly — by far most importantly,’ he said.”

Very true. And no war, fought by humans, has ever brought lasting peace, nor will it ever do so.

US Worldwide Fight against Abortion

The Guardian wrote on May 17:

“The Trump administration has taken its war on abortion worldwide, cutting off all funding to any overseas organisation or clinic that will not agree to a complete ban on even discussing it. The Mexico City policy, dubbed the ‘global gag’ by its critics, denies US federal funds to any organisation involved in providing abortion services overseas or counselling women about them. It was instituted by the then US president Ronald Reagan and has been revoked by every Democrat and reinstated by every Republican president since.

“But, under Trump, the net has been thrown wider and pulled tighter than ever… In March, the US [stated] that any organisation counselling women on abortion and using funds from elsewhere… will no longer be eligible for any US funding. The diktat applies to all global health organisations…”

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “When Does God Allow Abortions?”

Are Same Sex Marriages “Absolutely Fine, Great and Good”?

npr wrote on May 19:

“Pete Buttigieg isn’t giving President Trump much credit for saying the South Bend, Ind., mayor’s marriage to a man is ‘absolutely fine’ and ‘good.’ ‘That’s nice,’ Buttigieg said dismissively… ‘I’m more interested in policies that affect LGBTQ people.’… Trump… added, ‘I think it’s great… I have no problem with it whatsoever.’

“Buttigieg, who married his husband, Chasten Glezman, last June, has gone from a relatively unknown millennial mayor of a small Midwestern city to a top-tier Democratic presidential candidate in a historically large field…

“Trump has long expressed openness to gay people and said in 2016 that same-sex marriage is settled law. But his administration’s policies have favored religious freedom over gay rights, and early in his presidency he moved to ban transgender service members from the military…”

The Bible disagrees. In our Editorial this week, “How They Love to Play with Words to Get Their Own Way!,” Brian Gale has something to say about this issue.

Trump Wants to Change Immigration System now after His Wife’s In-laws Had Benefitted from It

Express wrote on May 17:

“On Thursday Trump announced a new policy which will give greater priority to highly skilled migrants. Correspondingly the number of immigrants allowed in for family reasons will fall. Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, moved to America at some point after their daughter married Trump in 1996. By the end of 2007 Melania’s father was listed as living at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s private Florida club.

“It is widely believed they came over via a family unification process, as both were retired. On Thursday Trump announced plans to give 57 percent of US green cards, which allow permanent residence, to highly skilled workers with only a third going to family members… Trump has vowed to protect green cards for the spouses and children of US nationals… It’s been suggested that this would leave very few, if any, free cards for parents

Melania’s parents became US citizens last year. David Leopold, formerly president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, claimed Trump is shutting down a route that had benefitted him personally. He said: ‘… Melania has benefited from the immigration system; his in-laws are here because of the immigration system. For them to talk about the immigration system is an absolute joke and it’s shameful.’”

We agree that this is shameful indeed.

India and Pakistan Buy Russian Tanks and Military Machines – “Alarm Bells Ring”

Express wrote on May 9:

“INDIA has acquired 460 Russian tanks to bolster its ‘shock and awe’ capabilities on its western front as Pakistan continues talks to strike a deal with Moscow for an order of 360 of the military machines…

“The Indian army already has around 1,070 T-90 tanks as well as 124 ‘Arjun’ and 2,400 older T-72 tanks in its 67 regiments. The first set of 657 T-90 tanks, now to be upgraded to improved models, were imported from Russia in 2001… The move comes as the 1.3million-strong army seeks to re-format its entire war machinery… Pakistan has plans to upgrade its existing mechanised forces, which includes over 50 armoured regiments of Ukrainian T-80UD and Chinese-origin tanks…

India and Pakistan are not alone in seeking Russian military weaponry.

“NATO has issued a chilling warning after the US said it would impose sanctions on Turkey if it went ahead and purchased missiles from Russia… Turkey admitted it would never bow to the US over its agreement to purchase the Russian S-400 surface to air missile defence system. The deal, which was confirmed by the country’s vice president Fuat Oktay, has increased already strained ties between Turkey and Washington…”

The paradox is that India and Pakistan will ultimately combine their weaponry, together with Russia, China and other Far Eastern nations, in opposition to the Western world, while the relationship between Turkey and the USA will continue to deteriorate.

Modi Reelected as India’s Leader

The Huffington Post wrote on May 23:

“Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), on Thursday won a second consecutive five-year term as prime minister of India, months after bringing India to the brink of war with Pakistan, its nuclear-armed neighbor…

“[Modi believes in] majoritarianism [which] means Hindu nationalism or Hindutva, an ideology that envisions over 170 million Indian Muslims accepting that they are, in effect, second-class citizens…

“Modi’s victory appeared far from assured earlier this year ― the opposition’s efforts to highlight his gross economic mismanagement, as well as public anger over rampant unemployment and agrarian distress, were gathering steam…

“Two days before the final day of polling on May 19, he donned the saffron robes of a Hindu priest and headed to a shrine in the Himalayas with a phalanx of cameras in tow.

“The carefully crafted images of an ascetic Modi ‘meditating’ were faithfully beamed into millions of homes by the media, and lapped up by his followers…

“India’s 172 million Muslims are left wondering how much worse it could get… With the existing political parties trying to boost their Hindu credentials and no party or leaders of their own, Indian Muslims today are practically without a voice…”

The Guardian added on May 23:

“As India’s opposition Congress party went down to a landslide defeat on Thursday, its leader, Rahul Gandhi, was also convincingly beaten in his own parliamentary seat – a north Indian constituency that had sent three of his family members to parliament in the past half-century.

“The loss of the family bastion seat of Amethi underscored the dwindling relevance of south Asia’s most famous political dynasty in Narendra Modi’s ‘new India’, alongside the decline of the pluralistic vision of India that has been synonymous with the Nehru-Gandhi family for the past seven decades…

“Jawaharlal Nehru, Gandhi’s great-grandfather, fiercely opposed Hindu nationalism and sought to establish India as a secular country, a vision the modern party continues to uphold. Under Modi, the staunchest Hindu nationalist ever to occupy the office, that tradition has been recast as a long national nightmare, blaming it even for the breakup of the subcontinent.”

Challenges in Ukraine

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 20:

“Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a 41-year-old comic with no political experience, announced [and carried out the next day] the dissolution of parliament in his inaugural speech as the president of Ukraine on Monday. By… calling early elections, the new head of state is hoping to win the support he needs to tackle a raft of challenges, including a struggling economy and the conflict with Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine

“Zelenskiy… said his first task was to end the separatist conflict in the country’s east near the border with Russia… He added that dialogue with Russia could only happen after the return of Ukrainian territory and prisoners of war…

“Zelenskiy begins his term in office without a parliamentary majority, a fact that will make it difficult for him to pass reforms. His party currently has no seats. Dissolving parliament and calling snap elections ahead of the scheduled date in October could boost support in a chamber currently dominated by Poroshenko allies. Lawmakers have attempted to block these plans — last week, the governing coalition collapsed after a group of MPs from the People’s Front pulled out.”

New elections are scheduled to take place on July 21. 

Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison Will Stay in Power after Surprise Election Victory

The Daily Mail wrote on May 18:

“Scott Morrison will stay on as Prime Minister after the Coalition secured an election win on Saturday night. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has conceded defeat and confirmed he would resign as Labor Party leader. Labor and Mr Shorten went into the night as favourites to win, but suffered unexpected losses in Queensland…

“At the stroke of midnight, following the Labor leader’s concession speech, the Prime Minister delivered a midnight victory speech praising God and the Australian people. ‘I have always believed in miracles and I’m standing with the three biggest miracles in my life tonight (he was referring to his wife and his two children) and tonight we’ve been delivered another one,’ he said…

“In a result which opinion polls and betting markets had failed to predict, the Liberal and the National parties recorded strong swings to them… granting them a possible slim majority or a minority with the support of pro-climate change action independents.”

Saving the Koala Bears

The New York Post wrote on May 16:

“Koala bears have been declared ‘functionally extinct,’ the Australian Koala Foundation reports. The fluffy marsupial is down to just 80,000 wild species members, meaning there aren’t enough breeding adults left to support another generation of the pouched mammals… ‘I know the Australian public are concerned for the safety of koalas and are tired of seeing dead koalas on our roads,’ says AKF chairman Deborah Tabart. ‘I am calling on the new prime minister after the May election to enact the Koala Protection Act (KPA) which has been written and ready to go.

“… The Koala Protection Act is based on the US’s Bald Eagle Act, which was successful in rescuing America’s national symbol from the threatened species list. ‘The Bald Eagle Act was successful because there was political motive to ensure their icon did not go extinct,’ says Tabart. ‘It is time for the koala to be afforded the same respect.’”

Stop Eating Bacon and Pork Sausages

The Sun wrote on May 20:

“A group of campaigning doctors have warned that eating bacon is ‘as likely to cause cancer as asbestos’… Anaesthetist Dr Charlotte Houltram… told the Mirror: ‘Bacon is in the same category as asbestos as far as its potential to cause cancer’… It comes after a new study found that bacon and sausages fuel cancer twice as much as previously thought… Tobacco is also classified in the same group…

“In the UK, more than 23,000 cases of cancer every year are caused by eating processed meats such as bacon, salami, hot dogs and ham.”

God has been telling us in His Word to avoid eating pork and pork products.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What are the fiery stones mentioned in Ezekiel 28:14, 16?

Ezekiel 28:14, 16 states:

“You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones… And you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing Out of the mountain of God; And I destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the fiery stones.”

Many commentaries completely misunderstand this entire passage and wrongfully assume that a human king is being addressed here. Based on this false assumption, their interpretation of the fiery stones is equally wrong.

We explain the events described, beginning in Ezekiel 28:11 about the “king of Tyre,” in our free booklet, Angels, Demons and the Spirit World, in Part 2 and the sub-chapter on “Lucifer and Satan,” showing that the Bible addresses here Satan, not a human being:

“The Bible reveals that God created all of the angels. They were not created as robots, but as spirit beings with the power to choose and to decide. One high-ranking angel, a cherub by the name of Lucifer, rebelled and sinned against God (Isaiah 14:12–15; Ezekiel 28:11–17). Lucifer wanted to ‘ascend to heaven’ to dethrone God (Isaiah 14:13). He wanted to ‘ascend above the heights of the clouds’ (Isaiah 14:14). This shows us that he was here on earth, because he wanted to ascend above the clouds of the earth to go to heaven. When he sinned, he was thrown back to this earth (Isaiah 14:12). He became Satan, which means enemy or adversary. Lucifer, or Satan, was already here on earth when Adam and Eve were created. We are told that the serpent was already here in order to deceive Eve when Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden. The serpent is identified as Satan the devil (Revelation 12:9). Since Satan appeared to the first man and his wife as the deceiver, he must have lived on this earth prior to man as Lucifer—when he was not yet the deceiver—before he tried to ‘ascend to heaven.’

“Actually, before he was sent to earth, Lucifer had been trained in heaven before the very throne of God, and he had angels under his command. We read in Ezekiel 28:14 that he was the anointed cherub who covers. Recall that the cherubs covered the throne of God when God appeared to Moses in the Tabernacle. Also, we read in Ezekiel 28:14 that Lucifer was on the holy mountain of God in heaven (compare Hebrews 12:22). When he sinned by trying to ascend from this earth to heaven to dethrone God, he was cast out of the mountain of God (Ezekiel 28:16). Christ later said that He saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning (Luke 10:18).

“In the Hebrew, the word translated as ‘Lucifer’ in the Authorized Version and in many other translations, is ‘helel,’ or ‘heylel,’ which means ‘lightbringer,’ ‘shining one,’ ‘morning star,’ or ‘shining star of the dawn.’ The word ‘Lucifer’ is the Latin translation of the Hebrew word ‘helel,’ or ‘heylel,’ conveying exactly the same meaning. It is therefore appropriate to use this word in describing the cherub who later became Satan (‘sawtwan’ in Hebrew).

“Satan, the prince of darkness, is still ruling on this earth. Revelation 2:13 tells us expressly that Satan has a ‘throne’ here on earth. He holds the people of this world captive to do his will (2 Timothy 2:26). He has authority over all the kingdoms of this world (Luke 4:5–7). He is called the ‘ruler of this world’ in John 14:30. He is even called the ‘god of this age’ in 2 Corinthians 4:4. Satan is called ‘the prince of the power of the air’ in Ephesians 2:2.”

Compare also our Q&A, addressing the parallelism between the prince of Tyre (the end-time false prophet) and the king of Tyre (Satan).

Before addressing in particular the “fiery stones,” we need to understand that there are many “things” in heaven, where God dwells, which are spiritual and composed of spirit, but they are very real… in fact, even more real than physical things.

We explain the following in part 3 of our above-mentioned booklet Angels, Demons and the Spirit World about the existence of “things” in heaven, under the sub-chapter, “Spiritual Objects”:

“The Spirit world is not limited to God and His angels. Revelation 3:5 speaks of a ‘Book of Life.’ Revelation 4:2 mentions a ‘throne set in heaven.’ Revelation 4:4 describes several thrones in heaven. Revelation 4:6 speaks of a ‘sea of glass’ before the throne in heaven. In addition, Revelation 5:1 mentions a spiritual scroll, sealed with seven spiritual seals. Revelation 5:8 talks about a spiritual harp and golden bowls. Revelation 8:2–5 reveals the existence of a spiritual golden censer, a spiritual golden altar, and even spiritual fire.

“We are informed in the book of Hebrews that all of these spiritual objects were used as a pattern for the creation of physical objects at the time of Moses. We read in Hebrews 9:23–24, in the Living Bible: ‘That is why the sacred tent down here on earth, and everything in it—all copied from things in heaven—all had to be made pure by Moses in this way…But the REAL things in heavenof which these down here are copies, were made pure with far more precious offerings… It was not in the earthly place of worship that He did this, for that was merely a copy of the REAL TEMPLE IN HEAVEN.’

“So, there is a spiritual temple in heaven (Revelation 11:19; 15:5–6, 8). Further, we read about the temple of the tabernacle. God showed Moses exactly on the mountain how to build the earthly tabernacle. Time and again we read (Exodus 25:9; 25:40; 26:30; and 27:8) that God showed Moses a pattern as to how to build the tabernacle, the altar, the golden lamp stand and the sanctuary. God showed Moses what the real spiritual heavenly things look like. Moses was also instructed to form two cherubim, which were to cover the mercy seat. Again, God showed Moses, if he did not already know, what cherubim look like.

“The Bible even tells us that there is a spiritual mountain in heaven. Isaiah 14:13 reports that Satan, formerly Lucifer, said: ‘I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also sit on the mount of the congregation.’ Ezekiel 28:14 adds what God said about Lucifer: ‘You were the anointed cherub who covers…You were on the holy mountain of God.’ This spiritual mountain of God in heaven is also described in Hebrews 12:18–24.”

“… Ezekiel 28:13–16 adds that Lucifer, who became Satan, was in the garden of God at the time of his creation, long before there ever was a physical world. So we see that there is a spiritual garden of God, a Paradise, in heaven… The physical garden of Eden, which God later created for Adam and Eve, was patterned after the spiritual garden that exists in heaven, and in which is a spiritual tree of life…”

Regarding the fact that Lucifer walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones and that he sinned and was “destroyed” from the midst of the fiery stones, we want to clarify first that the meaning of “destroy” does not convey here the concept of obliteration of extinction.

The word for “destroy” in Ezekiel 28:16 is abad and means, according to Strong’s Hebrew 6: “To wander away, lose oneself, by implication to perish… to fall.”

Here, the word cannot have the meaning of extinction, as Satan was expelled from the spiritual garden of Eden in heaven and thrown down to the earth. His fall from heaven to this earth did not obliterate him; he is still on this earth and called the ruler of this present evil age.

The New International Version renders the verse: “Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.”

The New Living Translation states: “Your rich commerce led you to violence, and you sinned. So I banished you in disgrace from the mountain of God. I expelled you, O mighty guardian, from your place among the stones of fire.”

The Berean Study Bible says: “By the vastness of your trade, you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mountain of God, and I banished you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.”

Many commentaries claim the fiery stones refer to true Christians. This cannot be true, as Satan fell from heaven and was thrown to the earth BEFORE the creation of human beings.

Some commentaries, who seem to understand that the Scripture in Ezekiel 28:14 talks about a spirit being—Lucifer who became Satan the devil—and not a physical king, draw a connection to God, but only in very unspecific terms.

Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers says about the stones of fire that some claim “… the imagery [is] similar to that in Revelation 2:1, and… suppose the prophet to have had in mind such a passage as Exodus 24:10, where a paved work of sapphire stone appears as beneath the feet of God, while His glory is ‘like a devouring fire.’”

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges states that “probably there is some reference to the phenomena attending the divine presence and manifestation.”

The Pulpit Commentary points out: “The words (‘In the midst of the stones of fire’) receive their interpretation partly from Genesis 3:24; partly from 2 Samuel 22:9, 15… The cherub’s sword of fire is identified with the lightning-flash, and that in its turn with the thunderbolts of God. Out of the throne of God went thunders and lightnings (Exodus 19:16).”

Even though especially the last explanation is interesting, none of these explanations seem to get to the crux of the matter, as they neglect to focus on the fiery STONES.

It is true that fire could be an allusion to God’s throne in heaven or its surroundings (Daniel 7:9; Revelation 8:5). God Himself is sometimes associated with fire (Exodus 24:17; Hebrews 12:29; Revelation 2:18; 19:12).

In addition to the cherubim’s fiery sword mentioned in Genesis 3:24, another interesting and more compelling reference can be found in Isaiah 6:6, stating: “Then one of the seraphim [high-ranking angelic beings] flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken from the tongs of the altar…” This live or “burning” coal (Revised Standard Version) or, one might say, this coal of fire, was taken from the altar of God, showing the close proximity of angels to fiery coals or fiery stones.

But coals of fire or fiery stones are also used in the Bible as a reference to attributes of angels or, better yet, angels themselves. In Ezekiel 10:2, 6-7 “coals of fire from among the cherubim” are mentioned, and in Ezekiel 1:13, cherubim are themselves described in this way: “… their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches going back and forth among the living creatures. The fire was bright, and out of the fire went lightning.” Psalm 104:4 describes God’s angels as “a flame of fire” (compare Hebrews 1:7); see also Daniel 10:6 (apparently describing Gabriel in his glory); 2 Kings 2:11 and 2 Kings 6:17 (referring to angels as horses of fire); and Revelation 10:1 (a powerful angel).

Revelation 4:5 describes seven angelic beings as lamps of fire burning before God’s throne. Combined with the fact that especially high-ranking angelic beings such as cherubim are associated in the book of Ezekiel with or even described as “coals of fire,” it is most likely that the allusion to Lucifer walking in the midst of fiery stones refers to the cherub Lucifer walking among and having company with other cherubim and powerful angelic beings, but that he was then banished from their holy presence when he sinned and, as Satan, fell from heaven.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Our newest booklet, “How Can We Know That Christ’s Return is Near?” has been finalized for printing. It is now posted on our website, and copies will be sent to our subscribers once printing is finished.

“Are Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism Connected?” is the title of this week’s new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Algemeiner wrote on May 20: “… it’s often the case that where you find anti-Semitism, you will also find an associated anti-Americanism.” Why is this so, and how do both forms of prejudice manifest themselves? The article uses Britain’s hard-left Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn as a prime example. In addition, there is a third form of prejudice which is closely connected with anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism. Which is it, and why is there such a connection?

“Luzifer inmitten feuriger Steine,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Lucifer in the Midst of Fiery Stones.”

“Von welchem Kelch werden Sie trinken?” is the title of last Sabbath’s German sermonette, presented by Mike Richter. Title in English: “From Which Cup are You Going to Drink?”

“No Other Gods,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The first commandment forms the foundation upon which all godly obedience stands. How long has it been in effect?

“Preparing for Kingship,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We were created to become part of God’s Family.  The world denies this fundamental truth, even among professing Christianity.  Our individual role as part of God’s great plan is to prepare ourselves to become part of the Family of God.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Walk in the Light: The Times and the Seasons

On May 25, 2019, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “Walk in the Light,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Times and the Seasons.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 876

No Other Gods; Preparing for Kingship

On May 18, 2019, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “No Other Gods,”  and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Preparing for Kingship.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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“Prepping” for Our Future

by Robb Harris

Many believe that the current world is not going to remain as it is today. Be it political or racial unrest or even the increase of natural disasters, a subculture of people are preparing for apocalyptic conditions. “Preppers”, as they are called, stockpile food, survival gear and even construction of secure facilities to safeguard against what they perceive as tumultuous times ahead.

A survey taken in 2017 on finder.com lists the following results, “More than 160 million American adults (65.45%) are estimated to have either recently purchased survival gear or, interestingly, are already in possession of survival gear because they always keep them on hand. The remaining 85 million (34.55%) are not preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Of those who report prepping, 36.35% spent up to $400 on survival kits in the past 12 months.”

This “prepping” has become more than safeguarding from a local disaster, it has become a multibillion-dollar business.  Currently, you can go to your local Costco and buy a $6000 1-year food supply pallet for a family of four. An article in Marketwatch.com states, “Preppers shell out impressive cash in the name of survival. One prepper, Bob McDevitt of Reno, Nv., told Moneyish that he’s spent between $150,000 and $200,000 stocking up on supplies, including two years’ worth of medical equipment, food, and water. He now lives full-time in an RV.”

While there is nothing wrong in being prepared for natural disasters, we must understand that there is no escape from the judgment that is going to come upon this earth. “For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

This “prepping” mindset can easily overtake and consume our time and focus. The Jews of Christ’s time fell into this trap with their reliance on the physical instead of the spiritual laws. Christ stated, “‘Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone’” (Matthew 23:23).

We must be “preppers” but not in a physical sense.  Our actions and efforts must build up stores of spiritual fruit, not the foodstuffs that are perishing. Christ gave us advice on the kind of daily focus we must strive toward, “‘Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all his goods’” (Matthew 24:44,46-47).

For those who humble themselves before God, we know that there will be an escape from trials and tribulations. “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

God kept Noah and his family alive as the world was destroyed around them and will likewise guide us through the coming judgment on this world if we keep our focus on satisfying His Will.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with the trade war between the USA and China, which could lead to devastating consequences for both countries with global ramifications; continue with the volatile situation in the Middle East, including, but not limited to, the standoff between the USA and Iran and attacks on Arabian ships; and address unforeseen and dangerous consequences of cyber warfare. We also speak on the deteriorating relationship between the USA and the EU (Note our recent StandingWatch program, “The USA and Britain Are Failing… Who Will Replace Them?”).

We address President Trump’s new immigration proposals which seem to be dead on arrival; and report on the ongoing war against the anti-vaccination movement.

We continue with several articles about the nonsense of political correctness and its ridiculous applications, as well as attempts to censor deviating viewpoints. Culprits insofar would include Twitter and Facebook, publishing companies and the left-liberal mass media such as the BBC.

We conclude with Alabama’s controversial abortion law (note our new StandingWatch program, When Does God Allow Abortions?”) and Pope Francis’ warnings against the evil one.

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China Retaliates… Trade War Escalates

CNBC wrote on May 13:

“[Starting on June 1,] China will raise tariffs on $60 billion in U.S. goods in retaliation for the U.S. decision to hike duties on Chinese goods, the Chinese Finance Ministry said Monday. Beijing will increase tariffs on more than 5,000 products to as high as 25%. Duties on some other goods will increase to 20%. Those rates will rise from either 10% or 5% previously.

“The move follows President Donald Trump’s decision to raise duties on $200 billion in Chinese products to 25% from 10%. The world’s two largest economies have struggled to sign a trade deal and end a widening conflict that threatens to damage the global economy. The latest shot in the trade war rattled investors. Major U.S. stock indexes dove more than 2% Monday [at times about a 700 point nose-dive] amid the escalation…”

However, on Tuesday, the Dow Jones rose by 200 points, when it was announced that “relevant discussions” between China and the USA are continuing. Until the next major dip in this ongoing roller coaster ride!… Note the next article.

“U.S. Prepares Tariffs On Additional Chinese Goods”

npr wrote on May 14:

“The Trump administration is preparing a new list of $300 billion worth of Chinese imports that would be hit with tariffs of up to 25%, after China retaliated Monday in the trade war between the world’s two largest economies. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative published a list of Chinese goods that would be hit with new duties, ranging from artists’ brushes and paint rollers to clocks and watches. The list also includes a wide range of sporting goods, from baseballs to fishing reels. And it dedicates several pages to agricultural products, from livestock to dairy, plants and vegetables. Staples such as rice and tea are on the list… The U.S. proposal will enter a public comment period and could take effect sometime in late June or July…

“Trump is expected to speak directly to China’s President Xi Jinping at the G-20 summit in Japan, which will take place late next month. But while Trump continues to speak favorably about Xi and insist they have a close relationship, those sentiments have yet to translate into a trade deal… China’s retaliations for higher U.S. duties have targeted a list of U.S. products that ranges from sorghum, soybeans, meat and whiskey to airplanes and cars. The ongoing dispute has sparked concern among soybean farmers: Before the tariff war began, China was buying some $14 billion in U.S.-produced soybeans every year — nearly a third of the American crop.”

Such a trade war will hurt both sides. There won’t be any winners, only losers. And the biggest losers will be Chinese and American citizens. But it’s all in line with prophecy, as the next article points out.

“Trade War Pushing Asia Closer Together”

Asia Times wrote on May 8:

“In a joint statement in Fiji [last week], governments ‘agreed to further enhance communication and coordination between China, Japan and Korea to contribute to strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.’… China’s role in bringing Asia together is complicated… But its stabilizing role is unmistakable as Xi’s aggressive stimulus gains traction…

“‘China… is suddenly more important to global economic health than the US,’ says market analyst Dion Rabouin of Washington-based Axios. Recent events in Fiji suggest. ‘America first’ is catalyzing an ‘Asia first’ rejoinder.”

The Bible shows that Asian countries will come together and form a powerful alliance against the West.

Trump Declares National Emergency Targeting China

The Washington Post wrote on May 15:

“Amid a deepening trade war with China, President Trump on Wednesday declared a ‘national emergency’ to protect U.S. communications networks in a move that gives the federal government broad powers to bar American companies from doing business with certain foreign suppliers —including the Chinese firm Huawei.

“Trump declared the emergency in the form of an executive order that says foreign adversaries are exploiting vulnerabilities in U.S. telecommunications technology and services. It points to economic and industrial espionage as areas of particular concern… the Commerce Department indicated it had placed Huawei on its ‘entity list,’ effectively barring the sale or transfer of American-made technology to the Chinese telecom giant.

“In a statement, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross… cites an ongoing criminal matter in which the Justice Department has accused Huawei of violating U.S. sanctions against Iran…”

This directive also arguably tries to discourage European firms from doing business with the Chinese firm. Europe has strongly objected to such restrictions in the past.

Europe Will Not Cooperate

Deutsche Welle reported on May 16:

“The leaders of Germany, France and the Netherlands said Thursday that their governments do not plan to follow the lead of the US and ban Chinese telecommunications company Huawei from building up their national 5G high-speed mobile networks… The US has urged allied governments to exclude Chinese companies such as Huawei from the 5G expansion over concerns the Chinese government could use the equipment as a backdoor for spying.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel, however, said Thursday companies could participate in expanding Germany’s 5G network if they met established safety criteria… Speaking alongside Merkel in Berlin, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said the Netherlands would not exclude companies in advance of any auction for 5G networks. French President Emmanuel Macron said separately that it was ‘not appropriate’ to start a trade dispute over technology. The goal is not to exclude Huawei or other companies from network expansion but to provide the necessary security, he said…

“The European Commission, the EU’s executive branch, has not told national governments to avoid using Huawei’s 5G equipment. Nevertheless, the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands has started an investigation into possible ‘secret back doors’ on Huawei products…

“British ministers have discussed giving Huawei a restricted role in building parts of its 5G network. The final decision has not yet been published. However, a former head of Britain’s MI6 foreign spy service said Thursday that Huawei poses such a grave security risk to the United Kingdom that the government should ban it from the expansion…

“Huawei is one of the largest suppliers of telecom equipment in the world. Founded in 1987, the company said on its website that its products reach over a third of the world’s population in 170 countries.”

Tensions Flare in the Middle East

AFP wrote on May 13:

“Saudi Arabia said Monday two of its oil tankers were damaged in ‘sabotage attacks’ in the Gulf as tensions soared in a region already shaken by a standoff between the United States and Iran. It came as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo scrapped a planned visit to Moscow to head to Brussels instead for talks with European officials on Iran… ‘Two Saudi oil tankers were subjected to a sabotage attack in the exclusive economic zone of the United Arab Emirates, off the coast of the Emirate of Fujairah, while on their way to cross into the Arabian Gulf,’ [Saudi Arabia] was saying.

“Fujairah port is the only terminal in the UAE located on the Arabian Sea coast, bypassing the Strait of Hormuz, through which most Gulf oil exports pass. Iran has repeatedly threatened to close the strait in case of a military confrontation with the United States. One of the two tankers that was attacked was on its way to be loaded with crude oil from a Saudi oil terminal for customers in the United States…

“Almost all the oil exports of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and Iran itself, at least 15 million barrels per day, are shipped through the Strait of Hormuz.”

Newsmax wrote on May 14:

“Two editors of Iranian news outlets say Iran is claiming responsibility for the attacks on four ships anchored off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, according to MEMRI, an international media monitoring organization. One editor noted there was also an attack at the Saudi Arabian Port of Yanbu in the Red Sea.”

Blaming the USA

The EUObserver wrote on May 14:

“Europe’s leading diplomats have said US actions risked triggering a conflict with Iran… The UK, America’s main ally in Europe, and Germany, the EU’s most powerful country, issued the warnings in Brussels on Monday (13 May)… ‘We are very worried about the risk of a conflict happening by accident, with an escalation that is unintended really on either side,’ British foreign minister Jeremy Hunt said…

“The German foreign minister, Heiko Maas, said: ‘We are worried in view of the developments and the tensions in the region … We don’t want a military escalation’… But if a conflict were to break out, Europe might be more inclined to blame the US, French president Emmanuel Macron said at an EU summit last week.”

If there was a war between the USA and Iran, America would be blamed by the EU for sure.

War with Iran… What Might Happen

Project Syndicate wrote on May 10:

“For now, both the United States and Iran say they do not want a war. Yet, step by inexorable step, they are moving onto a collision course… In the event of a war, Iran would not have the military capacity to stand up to American firepower. The US could quickly take out Iranian military installations, nuclear sites, and major infrastructure facilities. In addition, it could prevent Iran from blocking the Strait of Hormuz, through which some 30% of the world’s oil is shipped.

“Yet Iran is capable of making any US military assault – with or without Israeli and Saudi Arabian support – very costly for America and the region. The Iranian regime may be able to sink a few ships at the Strait of Hormuz’s narrowest point – where the shipping lanes in either direction are only two miles (3.2 kilometers) wide – in an effort to choke it off. More important, Iran has nurtured an asymmetric-warfare strategy based on both hard and soft power. Although Iran lacks a modern frontline air force, for example, it has made significant progress in developing and producing short-, medium- and long-range missiles, which have the capacity to hit targets as far away as Israel.

“Furthermore, the regime could target landmarks such as the Burj Khalifa in Dubai – the world’s tallest building ‒ in order to trigger a financial meltdown across the region. Even if the accuracy of Iranian missiles cannot be guaranteed, many of them could still evade defensive systems. Israel’s state-of-the-art Iron Dome anti-missile defenses, for example, have been unable even to neutralize all the primitive missiles launched from Gaza.

“Moreover, the Iranian regime has forged a network of proxy forces across the region. Syria and Iraq have become crucial links in an Iran-led Shia strategic arc stretching from Afghanistan to Lebanon. The regime’s proxy forces include segments of Afghanistan’s Shia population, Iraqi Shia militias, and Hezbollah, which controls southern Lebanon and has thousands of rockets ready to target Israel

“In addition, Iran can mobilize thousands of extremely dedicated suicide bombers to sacrifice themselves for the cause of Shia Islam and nationalism that the regime has successfully promoted…  any major military assault could result in an uncontrollable regional inferno…”

The Bible says that the state of Israel will receive a wound, which is presumably some kind of defeat in a war or a massive terror attack, prior to the Great Tribulation.

Heightened Tensions in Iraq

Deutsche Welle reported on May 15:

“Germany’s Bundeswehr has halted its military training exercises in Iraq amid heightened tensions in the region. The US has put troops on high alert and removed nonemergency diplomatic staff from Baghdad and Erbil.

“… the Netherlands… suspended its military training mission because of a security threat…”

USA Threatens Sanctions Against Europe

The EUObserver wrote on May 15:

“Joint EU military projects will not hurt US arms firms, Europe’s top diplomat has said, following yet another American sanctions threat… ‘In the EU there is no “Buy European Act” – and around 81 percent of international contracts go to US firms in Europe today…’

“Mogherini spoke after two senior US defence officials, Ellen Lord and Andrea Thompson, sent her a letter on 1 May which threatened to impose sanctions on European arms firms if new EU schemes for joint military procurement ended up locking out US ones.  ‘It is clear that similar reciprocally imposed US restrictions would not be welcomed by our European partners and allies, and we would not relish having to consider them in the future,’ the letter, leaked to European media in recent days, said.

“The US complaint targeted the European Defence Fund (EDF) and Permanent Structured Cooperation (Pesco) initiatives.  The EDF is a €13bn EU pot to help fund joint military projects. Pesco, launched in 2017, has already outlined 34 schemes, such as the creation of new attack helicopters or armoured infantry vehicles, to be rolled out by small coalitions of member states. They are part of wider plans to create what some have called a future EU ‘army’ for the sake of European ‘strategic autonomy’…

‘The German defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, also defended the EU initiative on Monday, saying it was ‘doing what our American friends have been demanding we do for years…’ But her Dutch counterpart, Ank Bijleveld, said the [EU’s upcoming] June decision ought to contain an ‘emergency brake’ for keeping out non-EU firms if member states did not want them to take part.

“The dispute… comes amid US threats to sanction EU firms who did business with Iran or who built new gas pipelines to Russia. It also comes amid a widening transatlantic rift on trade tariffs, aircraft subsidies, and climate change in what amounts to the worst period in US-EU relations in modern times.”

The rift will continue to widen.

“Merkel: Europe Must Unite to Stand Up to China, Russia and US”

The Guardian wrote on May 15:

“Europe must reposition itself to stand up to the challenges posed by its three big global rivals, China, Russia and the US, Angela Merkel has said before her final European election as German chancellor. Facing challenges that range from Russian interference in elections to China’s economic clout and the US’s monopoly over digital services, Europe needs to get better at putting up a united front, Merkel said…

“‘They [China, Russia and the US] are forcing us, time and again, to find common positions. That is often difficult given our different interests. But we do get this done… Our policies on Africa, too, now follow a common strategy, which a few years ago would have been unthinkable. So we keep putting one foot in front of the other. However, our political power is not yet commensurate with our economic strength.’”

Not yet, but very soon.

Cyber Attacks

European Leadership Network (ELN) wrote on May 9:

“Governments and legislators are struggling to keep pace with the rapid development of cyber capabilities. As military systems become more technically complex it would be easy to assume that they are more secure. The opposite is true. Increased automation and connectivity increases vulnerabilities to cyber attacks. Measures such as air-gapping a system (ie. de-connecting it from the internet) can fall short. A recent US Government Accountability Office (GAO) report assessed the cyber security of US weapons systems and found ‘mission critical cyber vulnerabilities in nearly all weapons systems […] under development.’ While the report does not make reference to any specific system type, one can reasonably assume that nuclear weapons systems are vulnerable to cyber attacks.

“Cyber attacks can take many forms. Activities range from cyber espionage, data theft, infiltration of nuclear command, control and communications (NC3), denial of service/distributed denial of service (DoS/DDoS) attacks, false alarms (jamming and spoofing), sabotage and physical damage. When directed against nuclear weapons systems, in the worst possible case this may escalate to a deliberate or inadvertent exchange of nuclear weapons.”

Trump’s New Immigration Proposals… Dead on Arrival

The Huffington Post wrote on May 16:

“President Donald Trump offered a broad outline of his administration’s new dead-on-arrival immigration plan Thursday…

“The… Democrats… control the House of Representatives and hold enough seats in the Senate to block legislation. Some have already dismissed the proposal, which lacks protections for so-called Dreamers who came to the U.S. as kids…

America’s current system of immigration allows family members to sponsor relatives for immigrant visas, which account for about 65% of immigration visas issued annually… The priority on family unification was set into law with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, but the trend has existed for most of U.S. history. Members of Trump’s own family emigrated to the U.S. to reunite with family members.

“Under Trump’s proposal, however, the legal immigration system would reserve some 60% of immigrant visas for applicants with higher levels of education or job skills the administration views as desirable… Those seeking entry would also have to demonstrate English language fluency and pass a civics test…”

PBS added on May 16:

“The president’s plan would limit the types of family members who can be sponsored to come to the United States to children and spouses. That would eliminate the ability for others, like parents and siblings, to come through family ties.”

The War Against Anti-Vaccination Movement Continues

JTA wrote on May 15:

“Jews are being persecuted as disease carriers amid the outbreak of measles, a New York haredi Orthodox rabbi said at a symposium with leaders of the anti-vaccination movement attended by hundreds of haredim. ‘We Hasidim have been chosen as the target,’ said Rabbi Hillel Handler, a Holocaust survivor… ‘The campaign against us has been successful.’

“The Centers for Disease Control [CDC] pinned the pinned the resurgence [of measles in New York City and state] on the unvaccinated and those who brought back measles from other countries. The outbreaks in Orthodox Jewish communities have been associated with travelers who carried the disease back from Israel and Ukraine, according to the CDC.

“Among the speakers at the Monsey event on Monday were Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British physician whose study [linked] measles vaccines with autism…, appearing via Skype; and pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, who is regularly cited in pamphlets circulated in New York City that urge women not to get their children vaccinated… Palevsky said failed vaccines are being given in the haredi communities…

“The meeting… was denounced by local elected officials, health authorities and some haredi rabbis…

“Last month, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a public health emergency over the measles outbreak in Brooklyn’s haredi Orthodox community. De Blasio ordered unvaccinated people living in four ZIP codes in the Williamsburg neighborhood to get the vaccine or be required to pay fines of up to $1,000.

“Despite institutional pressure, a strain of opposition to vaccines has persisted in haredi communities based on… claims that vaccines are ineffective at best and harmful at worst.

“… on Monday, the Yeshiva of Central Queens was ordered closed after failing to comply with a Health Department order to prevent unvaccinated students from coming to school. It is the ninth Orthodox Jewish school to be ordered closed over the measles epidemic but the first outside of Brooklyn.

“On Tuesday, hundreds of New York parents against vaccinations rallied outside the state capitol in Albany calling on lawmakers to protect a state law that permits people not to vaccinate their children for religious reasons… Some lawmakers have proposed eliminating the religious exemption in light of the current measles outbreak.

“Also Tuesday, de Blasio’s office released a video calling on the Orthodox Jewish community to vaccinate their children…”

The article was written with the goal of discrediting the anti-vaccination movement. We have chosen to omit some of those rather questionable comments while supplying instead some of our own comments in brackets.  Further attempts to discredit the anti-vaccination movement can be expected.

For instance, on May 3, a bill was introduced in the House of Representatives (called “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2019”), stating that for a “State to be eligible to receive a [federal] grant, the State [must require] each student enrolled in one of the State’s public elementary schools or public secondary schools to be vaccinated.”

So, financial pressure is being exerted on States to follow suit.

Anti-Gay Radical US Minister Barred from Entering Ireland

The Guardian wrote on May 13:

“An anti-gay US Christian fundamentalist pastor… has become the first person to be barred from entering Ireland under a 20-year-old immigration law… More than 14,000 people signed an online petition set up by the Christian gay rights campaign group Changing Attitude Ireland calling on the Irish government to block Anderson’s trip to the country…

“It is understood Anderson, 38, was scheduled to give a sermon [on May 26] to 150 followers at a secret location in the Irish capital on the fallout from the legalisation of abortion in Ireland last year. The Anti-Defamation League said a video Anderson posted from his base in Arizona in 2015 showed him arguing that millions of Jews were not gassed and burned in ovens but rather died of hunger and disease in Nazi concentration camps. The video… also repeats the antisemitic trope that Jews lied about the Holocaust in order to create the state of Israel.

“Anderson set up his Faithful Word Baptist Church on Christmas Day 2005. It is not affiliated to any mainstream Christian churches across the world…”

Fox News reported on May 13:

“A controversial anti-gay and anti-Semitic preacher from Arizona [Seven Anderson], the pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, was immediately forbidden to enter the country on Sunday as part of the Immigration Act of 1999… Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan signed the exclusion order — section four of which states: ‘The Minister may, if he or she considers it necessary in the interest of national security or public policy.’ ‘I have signed the exclusion order under my executive powers in the interests of public policy,’ Flanagan said. It was the first time Ireland has banned someone from entering the country since the act was signed, the department told the news outlet…

“The pastor made headlines in 2009 after he delivered a sermon titled, ‘Why I Hate Barack Obama.’ He reportedly told Fox station KSAZ-TV that he ‘hope[s] that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today.’

“Anderson also seemingly praised the Pulse Nightclub shooter, who killed 49 people in Orlando, Fla., in June 2016. ‘The good news is that at least 50 of these pedophiles are not going to be harming children anymore,’ Anderson said in a YouTube video… ‘The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re going to continue to molest children and recruit people into their filthy homosexual lifestyle.’ Anderson continued, ‘The other bad news is that this is going to now be used as propaganda not only against Muslims, but also against Christians.’

“The pastor is also banned from South Africa, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, which he planned to visit May 23.”

As reported, such statements by the pastor would indeed be highly objectionable. The deeper issue is, however: When does it become necessary to prohibit entry in the interest of national security or public policy? In the case at hand, it surely had nothing to do with national security, as the government admitted. It had to do with its interpretation of the vague and undefined clause of “public policy.” Note the next articles.

Twitter Blocks Accounts and Reaps Condemnation

Der Stern reported on May 13:

“The account of the ‘Jüdische Allgemeine,’ the only Jewish weekly newspaper in Germany, was hindered in its functions, after the paper referred to one of its articles per Tweet. In the article, the Israeli Ambassador in Germany explained why he would not want to meet with representatives of the AfD [a right-wing German party].”

Der Stern continued that social media was outraged about this kind of censorship.

Facebook Interfering in EU Election in Italy

Breitbart wrote on May 13:

“Facebook has shut down 23 major populist Italian pages with 2.5 million followers just two weeks before the European elections. According to Italian media, the majority of the pages supported the populist parties La Lega (The League) and the 5-Star Movement (M5S) — who currently govern Italy in a temporary coalition. Facebook has justified its dramatic move by claiming that the sites shared fake news, so-called ‘hate speech’, and ‘divisive content’ regarding immigrants, vaccines, and Jewish people. Facebook used information from a report produced by a left-progressive NGO called Avaaz, which deals with ‘human rights’ and environmental campaigns…

“The most active page in support of the Lega party was among those closed, just as polls are showing that the Lega is currently the party with the most support among Italians for the upcoming elections. Facebook’s efforts in Italy to influence the European elections are just the tip of the iceberg, Italian media noted. According to the Italian daily La Repubblica, on May 2 Facebook opened a ‘war room’ in Dublin devoted full time to the European electoral campaign, with 40 teams of engineers, scientists, researchers, threat specialists, and experts for each country. There are 500 people working on the elections, with the assistance of 21 supposed ‘fact-checkers,’ operating in 14 different languages.”

These are indeed very questionable and troublesome actions by Twitter and Facebook, which appear to be politically motivated.

The Nonsense of Political Correctness—“Will Political Correctness Kill Classic Movies?”

The Hill, May 12:

“The rise of political correctness can be seen across movie screens this weekend… Even older films, and the stars who made them great, are now seen through the PC prism. Just ask the estate of John Wayne. The legendary star got pummeled a few months ago, decades after his passing, for a racially insensitive Playboy interview in 1971. Some critics demanded that his name be stripped from John Wayne Airport in Orange County, Calif.

“Singer Kate Smith’s film career is dwarfed by her radio, TV and stage accomplishments. Yet Smith’s recording of two 1930s songs deemed racist convinced two professional sports teams – the New York Yankees and the Philadelphia Flyers – to strip her iconic rendition of “God Bless America” from their programming.

“It’s easy to imagine the culture attempting to do something similar to films that don’t mirror today’s cultural mores… Even a comedy classic such as 1959’s ‘Some Like It Hot,’ featuring two men dressed in drag, could be insensitive given modern mores.

“Could problematic films eventually be pulled from home video and streaming services? Sound hysterical? It’s currently in vogue to tear down statues that don’t align with current groupthink. So why would pop culture artifacts be spared? In fact, it’s already been done.

“Two years ago, a Memphis theater nixed a screening of the 1939 classic ‘Gone with the Wind’ because of its ‘insensitive’ content. Disney’s Oscar-winning ‘Song of the South’ won’t be seen on the company’s forthcoming streaming platform. The 1946 film’s antiquated, and some say racist, portrayal of black life turned the movie into cultural poison. It’s never made it to home video, and that’s unlikely to change in the near future…”

Plain nonsense rules these days in the USA and elsewhere…  Just enjoy John Wayne movies and other classic pieces, as well as American songs, as long as you can. Perhaps owning them on DVD or CD might be worthy of consideration.

Censorship on the Rise because of Political Correctness

JTA wrote on May 13:

On April 16, Dzanc Books announced its latest release, ‘The Siege of Tel Aviv,’ a novel that imagines an Iran-led attack on Israel that leaves the country decimated. Author Hesh Kestin, a former journalist who had already published two novels with the small independent press, said the book was inspired by his experience living in Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Stephen King contributed a glowing blurb.

“But a week later the Michigan-based nonprofit publisher announced it was axing the book amid a flurry of comments on social media, including from other authors published by Dzanc, alleging that the book is Islamophobic. The book ‘perpetuates harmful narratives regarding Muslims that we cannot support,’ as Dzanc’s publisher and editor in chief, Michelle Dotter, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in an email.

“Meanwhile, the 75-year-old Kestin, who lives in Southampton, New York, but spent two decades in Israel and served in its army, denies the allegations and says nixing the book is an act of censorship… some say the focus on political correctness is stifling artists. They speak of a ‘censor culture’ in which publishers are quick to terminate books at the first whiff of controversy…

“The book imagines a conflict similar to the Yom Kippur War, except this time it is Iran that takes charge when its leaders call for Israel’s destruction, followed by Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, as well as Hamas and Hezbollah fighters…”

The Bible prophesies that Arab nations will collaborate with Europe in an attempt to destroy Israel. So, when is the Bible censored next?

Anti-Israel Imam Gives Invocation on White House Floor—No “Censorship” There

JTA wrote on May 13:

“The Texas imam who gave an invocation on the House floor responded to those who criticized his invitation over social posts in which he demonized Israel…

“Omar Suleiman… wrote that since giving the invocation… ‘I have never attacked the Jewish community or peddled conspiracies about it. So imagine my surprise to be accused of anti-Semitism’ in the wake of his invocation, he wrote…

“Two years ago, however, the German-Israeli researcher Petra Marquardt-Bigman compileda lengthy record of incendiary social media statements about Israel by Suleiman that was posted on the Algemeiner Jewish news site. On multiple occasions, according to the research, Suleiman has wished for a third Palestinian intifada, or uprising, likened Israeli troops to Nazis, and has wished for the end of Zionism, calling Zionists ‘the enemies of God.’ He is a backer of the boycott Israel movement.

“Suleiman’s congresswoman, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, invited him to deliver the prayer through a standard form on the webpage of the Office of the Chaplain of the House, according to a congressional official.”

Shocking indeed!

BBC’s Attack on Nigel Farage Backfires

The Sun wrote on May 13:

“The meteoric rise of the Brexit Party proves increasing numbers of people are fed up with the fashionable values of the ruling elite and its cheerleaders… Nigel Farage is challenging the very basis of the discredited traditional order. His party has soared in polls, with new figures showing that 34 per cent of voters back it.

“Nowhere is the terror of the establishment felt more keenly than in the corridors of the BBC, the lavishly funded state broadcaster which has long acted as a propaganda machine for the creed of political correctness and the Left… Yesterday, in a blatant attempt to turn back the Brexit party’s tide, the BBC called on its interviewer Andrew Marr to perform a hatchet job on Farage. Marr in turn dredged up a long list of quotes from the past, with the aim of exposing Farage as a dangerous extremist.

“Interviews should, of course, be robust and it is the duty of television hosts to question politicians closely about their policies. And there’s no denying that some of the views Farage aired when he was leader of UKIP were questionable. But this was not a hard-hitting exchange, but rather a clear attempt at character assassination. The aim was not to enlighten, only to destroy… Yet Marr’s effort backfired disastrously – not only because Farage is one of the most experienced, eloquent campaigners in Britain, but he was able to give as good as he got…

“If the tables had been turned, and yesterday Farage had been able to highlight some episodes from his interrogator’s past, he could have pointed out that Marr in his youth was a ‘Maoist’…

“That is how the BBC really sees its role: to stamp out certain ideas and reshape the public consciousness to match the outlook of the elite. This crusade can be found everywhere, such as the enthusiasm for open borders, the obsession with cultural diversity and the hysteria over climate change…”

Sadly, the same can be said for the left-liberal mass media in this country and in many other countries around the world.

Alabama’s Controversial Abortion Law

The Sun wrote on May 15:

“ALABAMA lawmakers last night passed a near-total ban on abortions – including in cases of rape and incest… State governor Kay Ivey, a Republican, [signed the] controversial law after local senators voted in favour by 25 to six… the new law [makes] it a felony for a doctor to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy – punishable by up to 99 years in jail. The only exception would be when the woman’s health is at serious risk.

“The historic legislation is designed to go against the US Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalised abortion nationally. This means it will likely be challenged in the courts – but if backed by the current conservative-led US Supreme court, could see abortions banned across America…

“Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio and Georgia have approved bans on abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected – which can occur in about the sixth week of pregnancy. The Alabama bill goes further by seeking to outlaw abortion entirely. Unlike measures in other states, Alabama would punish only the abortion provider – not the woman receiving the abortion… [The new law will] take effect in six months.

“Critics have promised a swift lawsuit and the American Civil Liberties Union of Alabama is drafting a legal complaint.”

Newsmax wrote on May 15:

“Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson said Wednesday that Alabama’s… abortion ban is an ‘extreme law’… Robertson said Alabama lawmakers went ‘too far… my humble view is that this is not the case we want to bring to the Supreme Court because I think this one’ll lose.’”

Deliver Us From the Evil One

Breitbart wrote on May 15:

“[Pope Francis said:] ‘There is a mysterious evil… that penetrates silently into the folds of history… Silent like the snake that carries its poison silently…’… With this expression [‘But deliver us from evil’], the one who prays is not only asking not to be abandoned in the time of temptation, but also begging to be freed from evil…

“‘The original Greek verb is very strong: it evokes the presence of the evil one who tends to grasp and bite us and from whom we ask God for deliverance… The apostle Peter also says that the evil one — the devil — is around us like a furious lion, looking to devour us, and we ask God to deliver us…’

“We are called to place our trust in the Father’s care ‘even and especially at times when the evil one makes his threatening presence felt,’ the pope said.”

Very true. Please read our free booklet, “Teach Us to Pray!”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How will we be able to train and lead unconverted people in the Millennium?

First of all, let us get our bearings as to what we should be doing today as baptised members of the true Church of God and begotten members of the God Family.

In Matthew 20:20-21, the mother of James and John was asking for top positions for her two sons, and this upset the rest of the disciples, because they were probably desirous of those top positions themselves.  Instead, they should have been looking at what they could do, not what position they would like to have had.  In verses 25-28 we read: “But Jesus called them to Himself and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them.  Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.  And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.’”

Jesus Christ told the scribes and Pharisees that their approach was hypocritical (see Matthew 23), which was exactly the opposite approach that He expected His followers to adopt.

Jesus Christ showed just prior to the Passover (see John 13) that His humble attitude which was manifested by His actions was one which they then, and we today, are to follow.   Washing the feet of others was an act of humility, not that of power and position that James and John had pursued, along with their mother.   The actions of Jesus were in complete contrast to that which men, in their self-serving way, can see as important.

We are to have the attitude of love and service towards others. This attitude is shown in many Scriptures.   Here are just a few of them.

“Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  This is the first and great commandment.   And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’” (Matthew 22:37-39).

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12).

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:11).

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:3-4).

“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24).

This is the basis of true Christianity.

In Luke 19:11-27 we read the parable of the minas.  In this parable, the nobleman called the first of his servants to see how much he had gained by his trading.   The answer was 10 minas (verses 16-17), and he was given authority over 10 cities.   The second servant had earned 5 minas (verses 18-19) and was given authority over 5 cities.   “Another one came, saying, ‘Master, here is your mina, which I have kept put away in a handkerchief’” (verse 20).   The Master asked why he did not put his money in the bank to gain interest (verse 23) and was told that he was a wicked servant.   He had made no effort at all.

In Luke 8:9-10 we learn about the purpose of parables: “And He said, ‘To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that “Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.”’”

Then, and today, God’s people can understand the parables that Jesus gave, and in the one quoted above in Luke 19, it is clear that His people ARE to be about their Father’s business, doing whatever they can, whenever they can, not making excuses for inaction.

One online commentator made these observations: “The main idea is that the servant’s responsible use of the master’s mina will be rewarded with increased responsibility in the future kingdom. The servant has shown himself faithful in a little thing; he will thus be faithful in much, and so much is now given to him.  While salvation is by grace alone (the master freely gave the mina to each servant, apart from anything they had done), rewards will be proportionate to our service.   We also learn that the servants’ service here was a test and a preparation for their future service in the kingdom.  The master tested them to see if they would be faithful in a little thing. Their performance of their duties in this little thing was preparing them to graduate from servants to rulers, yet still under the Master.”

Inaction constitutes working against that which is required of us and will lead to serious loss.   The third servant had a negative view of his Master which suggests that a failure to appreciate the Son of God for who He is and what He has done for us, and expects of us, can lead to serious neglect.

In short, God expects a return, that is the growth of all of those who have been called to His service.  Because we all will have to give an account of ourselves at the return of Christ, we must faithfully do business with what we have been given (talents and abilities) until He returns.

God’s servants who have been faithful to Him and endured to the end will be rewarded accordingly.  Those who have not been involved in the Work of God as they should have been, either through complacency or neglect, will suffer the consequences.

We read in Isaiah 2:2-3: “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the LORD’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.”

As born-again Spirit-composed members of the God Family at that time, we will assist Jesus Christ to educate those who will have survived the terrible time of the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord which will have left the world in such a mess.

We will help to turn the world to God through education. Those who did not die during this terrible time will begin to listen to God’s instruction and to practice God’s Way of Life. And we, who have had the responsibility of being involved in announcing God’s message to the world at this time, will then be able to work with those people to show them how to fulfil God’s purpose for their lives.

How are we being prepared to become tomorrow’s teachers?  There are teaching opportunities all around us.  Parents are to teach their children. Employers instruct employees. We teach ourselves by developing our talents. And in a small way, we are all, even now, teaching the world around us about God’s Way by the examples we set.

We are not all called to be ministers or those with big responsibilities in the Church but we can use those talents that God has given us, however meagre we may think they are, in His service.   Everyone has something to give; it may be to help and encourage the brethren each Sabbath when attending Church services; it may be to assist those who need help in many other ways, but we do have to be DOERS. Sitting back and not doing anything or making excuses as to why we shouldn’t do this, that or the other is the inaction of an unprofitable servant and the ending won’t be good.

We all have to do whatever we can, however small that may seem, and God will reward us according to our works.   We must never forget that our abilities that we currently have will be multiplied many times over in the Kingdom of God and we will be up to the job that we are to accomplish in God’s Kingdom.

When God calls us, He knows all about us, and our capabilities, and as long as we do the best we can with the talents that we have been given in this life now, we will be profitable servants for eternity.

In his book “The Wonderful World Tomorrow – What it Will Be Like,” Mr Herbert Armstrong makes these observations about great men in the Bible, but the same principle applies to all of God’s people.   He wrote:

“Take outstanding, superior men, having undergone a human lifetime of this attitude, this training in the ways of success and perfection!  But now change these men by a resurrection into the perfection of immortality!  And consider that immortality will multiply their aptitudes, abilities and powers perhaps a million times above what they achieved as humans, by infusing into them the power and GLORY of God!”

As members of the Family of God at the resurrection, we will be perfect and, therefore, able to deal with any and all situations, and training and leading unconverted people during the Millennium will be just one of the many jobs that we will have to do and will do perfectly, as we will be perfect at that time – and forever!

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Our newest booklet, “How Can We Know That Christ’s Return is Near?” is now finalized for printing. It will be posted on our website in the next few days, and copies will be sent to our subscribers once printing is finished.

A Tech Team meeting was conducted over SKYPE on Sunday, May 11, 2019. Hosted by Eric Rank, discussion for translating our literature into French and Spanish were explored; plans for presenting short YouTube programs in Australia using our literature were established; and, ad campaigns featuring our newest booklet, “How Can We Know That Christ’s Return is Near?” will be run in mid-summer.

“When Does God Allow Abortions?” is the title of this week’s new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Alabama passed a near-total ban on abortion. Other states have approved bans under certain circumstances. Then there are those states which allow abortion under any and all circumstances. Ultimately, the US Supreme Court is bound to decide the issue, re-visiting its 1973 landmark decision, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationally. How does God look at the matter of abortion? And what do the Christian teachings about Born Again, Sexual Relationships and Predestination have to do with the concept of abortion? Our free booklets on these topics will give you the answer.

“The USA and Britain Are Failing… Who Will Replace Them?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

“Foreign Policy” wrote recently that the era of Washington’s unilateralism is over; but most do not recognize how much the worldwide influence of the USA and Great Britain has decreased. Who will play the most influential role on the world scene in the very near future? It is not China or Russia, as some feel. The true and surprising answer can be found in your Bible.

“Die USA und England versagen… wer wird sie ersetzen?” is the title of the program described above, presented in German by Norbert Link.

“Wie kann man rein sein vor Gott?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “How Can One be Pure Before God?”

“Das Kreuz-ein Symbol Jesu Christi?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Thilo Hanstein, is now posted.

“P.R.A.Y.” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted.

“Do You Believe in the True Jesus?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Christ told you: “If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” What did He mean by that? What is it exactly that you have to believe, and what kind of faith is required? What are the most important descriptions, specifications and characteristics of Jesus, in which you have to believe, in order to inherit eternal life?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

No Other Gods; Preparing for Kingship

On May 18, 2019, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “No Other Gods,”  and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Preparing for Kingship.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

China Retaliates… Trade War Escalates

CNBC wrote on May 13:

“[Starting on June 1,] China will raise tariffs on $60 billion in U.S. goods in retaliation for the U.S. decision to hike duties on Chinese goods, the Chinese Finance Ministry said Monday. Beijing will increase tariffs on more than 5,000 products to as high as 25%. Duties on some other goods will increase to 20%. Those rates will rise from either 10% or 5% previously.

“The move follows President Donald Trump’s decision to raise duties on $200 billion in Chinese products to 25% from 10%. The world’s two largest economies have struggled to sign a trade deal and end a widening conflict that threatens to damage the global economy. The latest shot in the trade war rattled investors. Major U.S. stock indexes dove more than 2% Monday [at times about a 700 point nose-dive] amid the escalation…”

However, on Tuesday, the Dow Jones rose by 200 points, when it was announced that “relevant discussions” between China and the USA are continuing. Until the next major dip in this ongoing roller coaster ride!… Note the next article.

“U.S. Prepares Tariffs On Additional Chinese Goods”

npr wrote on May 14:

“The Trump administration is preparing a new list of $300 billion worth of Chinese imports that would be hit with tariffs of up to 25%, after China retaliated Monday in the trade war between the world’s two largest economies. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative published a list of Chinese goods that would be hit with new duties, ranging from artists’ brushes and paint rollers to clocks and watches. The list also includes a wide range of sporting goods, from baseballs to fishing reels. And it dedicates several pages to agricultural products, from livestock to dairy, plants and vegetables. Staples such as rice and tea are on the list… The U.S. proposal will enter a public comment period and could take effect sometime in late June or July…

“Trump is expected to speak directly to China’s President Xi Jinping at the G-20 summit in Japan, which will take place late next month. But while Trump continues to speak favorably about Xi and insist they have a close relationship, those sentiments have yet to translate into a trade deal… China’s retaliations for higher U.S. duties have targeted a list of U.S. products that ranges from sorghum, soybeans, meat and whiskey to airplanes and cars. The ongoing dispute has sparked concern among soybean farmers: Before the tariff war began, China was buying some $14 billion in U.S.-produced soybeans every year — nearly a third of the American crop.”

Such a trade war will hurt both sides. There won’t be any winners, only losers. And the biggest losers will be Chinese and American citizens. But it’s all in line with prophecy, as the next article points out.

“Trade War Pushing Asia Closer Together”

Asia Times wrote on May 8:

“In a joint statement in Fiji [last week], governments ‘agreed to further enhance communication and coordination between China, Japan and Korea to contribute to strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.’… China’s role in bringing Asia together is complicated… But its stabilizing role is unmistakable as Xi’s aggressive stimulus gains traction…

“‘China… is suddenly more important to global economic health than the US,’ says market analyst Dion Rabouin of Washington-based Axios. Recent events in Fiji suggest. ‘America first’ is catalyzing an ‘Asia first’ rejoinder.”

The Bible shows that Asian countries will come together and form a powerful alliance against the West.

Trump Declares National Emergency Targeting China

The Washington Post wrote on May 15:

“Amid a deepening trade war with China, President Trump on Wednesday declared a ‘national emergency’ to protect U.S. communications networks in a move that gives the federal government broad powers to bar American companies from doing business with certain foreign suppliers —including the Chinese firm Huawei.

“Trump declared the emergency in the form of an executive order that says foreign adversaries are exploiting vulnerabilities in U.S. telecommunications technology and services. It points to economic and industrial espionage as areas of particular concern… the Commerce Department indicated it had placed Huawei on its ‘entity list,’ effectively barring the sale or transfer of American-made technology to the Chinese telecom giant.

“In a statement, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross… cites an ongoing criminal matter in which the Justice Department has accused Huawei of violating U.S. sanctions against Iran…”

This directive also arguably tries to discourage European firms from doing business with the Chinese firm. Europe has strongly objected to such restrictions in the past.

Europe Will Not Cooperate

Deutsche Welle reported on May 16:

“The leaders of Germany, France and the Netherlands said Thursday that their governments do not plan to follow the lead of the US and ban Chinese telecommunications company Huawei from building up their national 5G high-speed mobile networks… The US has urged allied governments to exclude Chinese companies such as Huawei from the 5G expansion over concerns the Chinese government could use the equipment as a backdoor for spying.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel, however, said Thursday companies could participate in expanding Germany’s 5G network if they met established safety criteria… Speaking alongside Merkel in Berlin, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said the Netherlands would not exclude companies in advance of any auction for 5G networks. French President Emmanuel Macron said separately that it was ‘not appropriate’ to start a trade dispute over technology. The goal is not to exclude Huawei or other companies from network expansion but to provide the necessary security, he said…

“The European Commission, the EU’s executive branch, has not told national governments to avoid using Huawei’s 5G equipment. Nevertheless, the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands has started an investigation into possible ‘secret back doors’ on Huawei products…

“British ministers have discussed giving Huawei a restricted role in building parts of its 5G network. The final decision has not yet been published. However, a former head of Britain’s MI6 foreign spy service said Thursday that Huawei poses such a grave security risk to the United Kingdom that the government should ban it from the expansion…

“Huawei is one of the largest suppliers of telecom equipment in the world. Founded in 1987, the company said on its website that its products reach over a third of the world’s population in 170 countries.”

Tensions Flare in the Middle East

AFP wrote on May 13:

“Saudi Arabia said Monday two of its oil tankers were damaged in ‘sabotage attacks’ in the Gulf as tensions soared in a region already shaken by a standoff between the United States and Iran. It came as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo scrapped a planned visit to Moscow to head to Brussels instead for talks with European officials on Iran… ‘Two Saudi oil tankers were subjected to a sabotage attack in the exclusive economic zone of the United Arab Emirates, off the coast of the Emirate of Fujairah, while on their way to cross into the Arabian Gulf,’ [Saudi Arabia] was saying.

“Fujairah port is the only terminal in the UAE located on the Arabian Sea coast, bypassing the Strait of Hormuz, through which most Gulf oil exports pass. Iran has repeatedly threatened to close the strait in case of a military confrontation with the United States. One of the two tankers that was attacked was on its way to be loaded with crude oil from a Saudi oil terminal for customers in the United States…

“Almost all the oil exports of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and Iran itself, at least 15 million barrels per day, are shipped through the Strait of Hormuz.”

Newsmax wrote on May 14:

“Two editors of Iranian news outlets say Iran is claiming responsibility for the attacks on four ships anchored off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, according to MEMRI, an international media monitoring organization. One editor noted there was also an attack at the Saudi Arabian Port of Yanbu in the Red Sea.”

Blaming the USA

The EUObserver wrote on May 14:

“Europe’s leading diplomats have said US actions risked triggering a conflict with Iran… The UK, America’s main ally in Europe, and Germany, the EU’s most powerful country, issued the warnings in Brussels on Monday (13 May)… ‘We are very worried about the risk of a conflict happening by accident, with an escalation that is unintended really on either side,’ British foreign minister Jeremy Hunt said…

“The German foreign minister, Heiko Maas, said: ‘We are worried in view of the developments and the tensions in the region … We don’t want a military escalation’… But if a conflict were to break out, Europe might be more inclined to blame the US, French president Emmanuel Macron said at an EU summit last week.”

If there was a war between the USA and Iran, America would be blamed by the EU for sure.

War with Iran… What Might Happen

Project Syndicate wrote on May 10:

“For now, both the United States and Iran say they do not want a war. Yet, step by inexorable step, they are moving onto a collision course… In the event of a war, Iran would not have the military capacity to stand up to American firepower. The US could quickly take out Iranian military installations, nuclear sites, and major infrastructure facilities. In addition, it could prevent Iran from blocking the Strait of Hormuz, through which some 30% of the world’s oil is shipped.

“Yet Iran is capable of making any US military assault – with or without Israeli and Saudi Arabian support – very costly for America and the region. The Iranian regime may be able to sink a few ships at the Strait of Hormuz’s narrowest point – where the shipping lanes in either direction are only two miles (3.2 kilometers) wide – in an effort to choke it off. More important, Iran has nurtured an asymmetric-warfare strategy based on both hard and soft power. Although Iran lacks a modern frontline air force, for example, it has made significant progress in developing and producing short-, medium- and long-range missiles, which have the capacity to hit targets as far away as Israel.

“Furthermore, the regime could target landmarks such as the Burj Khalifa in Dubai – the world’s tallest building ‒ in order to trigger a financial meltdown across the region. Even if the accuracy of Iranian missiles cannot be guaranteed, many of them could still evade defensive systems. Israel’s state-of-the-art Iron Dome anti-missile defenses, for example, have been unable even to neutralize all the primitive missiles launched from Gaza.

“Moreover, the Iranian regime has forged a network of proxy forces across the region. Syria and Iraq have become crucial links in an Iran-led Shia strategic arc stretching from Afghanistan to Lebanon. The regime’s proxy forces include segments of Afghanistan’s Shia population, Iraqi Shia militias, and Hezbollah, which controls southern Lebanon and has thousands of rockets ready to target Israel

“In addition, Iran can mobilize thousands of extremely dedicated suicide bombers to sacrifice themselves for the cause of Shia Islam and nationalism that the regime has successfully promoted…  any major military assault could result in an uncontrollable regional inferno…”

The Bible says that the state of Israel will receive a wound, which is presumably some kind of defeat in a war or a massive terror attack, prior to the Great Tribulation.

Heightened Tensions in Iraq

Deutsche Welle reported on May 15:

“Germany’s Bundeswehr has halted its military training exercises in Iraq amid heightened tensions in the region. The US has put troops on high alert and removed nonemergency diplomatic staff from Baghdad and Erbil.

“… the Netherlands… suspended its military training mission because of a security threat…”

USA Threatens Sanctions Against Europe

The EUObserver wrote on May 15:

“Joint EU military projects will not hurt US arms firms, Europe’s top diplomat has said, following yet another American sanctions threat… ‘In the EU there is no “Buy European Act” – and around 81 percent of international contracts go to US firms in Europe today…’

“Mogherini spoke after two senior US defence officials, Ellen Lord and Andrea Thompson, sent her a letter on 1 May which threatened to impose sanctions on European arms firms if new EU schemes for joint military procurement ended up locking out US ones.  ‘It is clear that similar reciprocally imposed US restrictions would not be welcomed by our European partners and allies, and we would not relish having to consider them in the future,’ the letter, leaked to European media in recent days, said.

“The US complaint targeted the European Defence Fund (EDF) and Permanent Structured Cooperation (Pesco) initiatives.  The EDF is a €13bn EU pot to help fund joint military projects. Pesco, launched in 2017, has already outlined 34 schemes, such as the creation of new attack helicopters or armoured infantry vehicles, to be rolled out by small coalitions of member states. They are part of wider plans to create what some have called a future EU ‘army’ for the sake of European ‘strategic autonomy’…

‘The German defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, also defended the EU initiative on Monday, saying it was ‘doing what our American friends have been demanding we do for years…’ But her Dutch counterpart, Ank Bijleveld, said the [EU’s upcoming] June decision ought to contain an ‘emergency brake’ for keeping out non-EU firms if member states did not want them to take part.

“The dispute… comes amid US threats to sanction EU firms who did business with Iran or who built new gas pipelines to Russia. It also comes amid a widening transatlantic rift on trade tariffs, aircraft subsidies, and climate change in what amounts to the worst period in US-EU relations in modern times.”

The rift will continue to widen.

“Merkel: Europe Must Unite to Stand Up to China, Russia and US”

The Guardian wrote on May 15:

“Europe must reposition itself to stand up to the challenges posed by its three big global rivals, China, Russia and the US, Angela Merkel has said before her final European election as German chancellor. Facing challenges that range from Russian interference in elections to China’s economic clout and the US’s monopoly over digital services, Europe needs to get better at putting up a united front, Merkel said…

“‘They [China, Russia and the US] are forcing us, time and again, to find common positions. That is often difficult given our different interests. But we do get this done… Our policies on Africa, too, now follow a common strategy, which a few years ago would have been unthinkable. So we keep putting one foot in front of the other. However, our political power is not yet commensurate with our economic strength.’”

Not yet, but very soon.

Cyber Attacks

European Leadership Network (ELN) wrote on May 9:

“Governments and legislators are struggling to keep pace with the rapid development of cyber capabilities. As military systems become more technically complex it would be easy to assume that they are more secure. The opposite is true. Increased automation and connectivity increases vulnerabilities to cyber attacks. Measures such as air-gapping a system (ie. de-connecting it from the internet) can fall short. A recent US Government Accountability Office (GAO) report assessed the cyber security of US weapons systems and found ‘mission critical cyber vulnerabilities in nearly all weapons systems […] under development.’ While the report does not make reference to any specific system type, one can reasonably assume that nuclear weapons systems are vulnerable to cyber attacks.

“Cyber attacks can take many forms. Activities range from cyber espionage, data theft, infiltration of nuclear command, control and communications (NC3), denial of service/distributed denial of service (DoS/DDoS) attacks, false alarms (jamming and spoofing), sabotage and physical damage. When directed against nuclear weapons systems, in the worst possible case this may escalate to a deliberate or inadvertent exchange of nuclear weapons.”

Trump’s New Immigration Proposals… Dead on Arrival

The Huffington Post wrote on May 16:

“President Donald Trump offered a broad outline of his administration’s new dead-on-arrival immigration plan Thursday…

“The… Democrats… control the House of Representatives and hold enough seats in the Senate to block legislation. Some have already dismissed the proposal, which lacks protections for so-called Dreamers who came to the U.S. as kids…

America’s current system of immigration allows family members to sponsor relatives for immigrant visas, which account for about 65% of immigration visas issued annually… The priority on family unification was set into law with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, but the trend has existed for most of U.S. history. Members of Trump’s own family emigrated to the U.S. to reunite with family members.

“Under Trump’s proposal, however, the legal immigration system would reserve some 60% of immigrant visas for applicants with higher levels of education or job skills the administration views as desirable… Those seeking entry would also have to demonstrate English language fluency and pass a civics test…”

PBS added on May 16:

“The president’s plan would limit the types of family members who can be sponsored to come to the United States to children and spouses. That would eliminate the ability for others, like parents and siblings, to come through family ties.”

The War Against Anti-Vaccination Movement Continues

JTA wrote on May 15:

“Jews are being persecuted as disease carriers amid the outbreak of measles, a New York haredi Orthodox rabbi said at a symposium with leaders of the anti-vaccination movement attended by hundreds of haredim. ‘We Hasidim have been chosen as the target,’ said Rabbi Hillel Handler, a Holocaust survivor… ‘The campaign against us has been successful.’

“The Centers for Disease Control [CDC] pinned the pinned the resurgence [of measles in New York City and state] on the unvaccinated and those who brought back measles from other countries. The outbreaks in Orthodox Jewish communities have been associated with travelers who carried the disease back from Israel and Ukraine, according to the CDC.

“Among the speakers at the Monsey event on Monday were Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British physician whose study [linked] measles vaccines with autism…, appearing via Skype; and pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, who is regularly cited in pamphlets circulated in New York City that urge women not to get their children vaccinated… Palevsky said failed vaccines are being given in the haredi communities…

“The meeting… was denounced by local elected officials, health authorities and some haredi rabbis…

“Last month, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a public health emergency over the measles outbreak in Brooklyn’s haredi Orthodox community. De Blasio ordered unvaccinated people living in four ZIP codes in the Williamsburg neighborhood to get the vaccine or be required to pay fines of up to $1,000.

“Despite institutional pressure, a strain of opposition to vaccines has persisted in haredi communities based on… claims that vaccines are ineffective at best and harmful at worst.

“… on Monday, the Yeshiva of Central Queens was ordered closed after failing to comply with a Health Department order to prevent unvaccinated students from coming to school. It is the ninth Orthodox Jewish school to be ordered closed over the measles epidemic but the first outside of Brooklyn.

“On Tuesday, hundreds of New York parents against vaccinations rallied outside the state capitol in Albany calling on lawmakers to protect a state law that permits people not to vaccinate their children for religious reasons… Some lawmakers have proposed eliminating the religious exemption in light of the current measles outbreak.

“Also Tuesday, de Blasio’s office released a video calling on the Orthodox Jewish community to vaccinate their children…”

The article was written with the goal of discrediting the anti-vaccination movement. We have chosen to omit some of those rather questionable comments while supplying instead some of our own comments in brackets.  Further attempts to discredit the anti-vaccination movement can be expected.

For instance, on May 3, a bill was introduced in the House of Representatives (called “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2019”), stating that for a “State to be eligible to receive a [federal] grant, the State [must require] each student enrolled in one of the State’s public elementary schools or public secondary schools to be vaccinated.”

So, financial pressure is being exerted on States to follow suit.

Anti-Gay Radical US Minister Barred from Entering Ireland

The Guardian wrote on May 13:

“An anti-gay US Christian fundamentalist pastor… has become the first person to be barred from entering Ireland under a 20-year-old immigration law… More than 14,000 people signed an online petition set up by the Christian gay rights campaign group Changing Attitude Ireland calling on the Irish government to block Anderson’s trip to the country…

“It is understood Anderson, 38, was scheduled to give a sermon [on May 26] to 150 followers at a secret location in the Irish capital on the fallout from the legalisation of abortion in Ireland last year. The Anti-Defamation League said a video Anderson posted from his base in Arizona in 2015 showed him arguing that millions of Jews were not gassed and burned in ovens but rather died of hunger and disease in Nazi concentration camps. The video… also repeats the antisemitic trope that Jews lied about the Holocaust in order to create the state of Israel.

“Anderson set up his Faithful Word Baptist Church on Christmas Day 2005. It is not affiliated to any mainstream Christian churches across the world…”

Fox News reported on May 13:

“A controversial anti-gay and anti-Semitic preacher from Arizona [Seven Anderson], the pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, was immediately forbidden to enter the country on Sunday as part of the Immigration Act of 1999… Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan signed the exclusion order — section four of which states: ‘The Minister may, if he or she considers it necessary in the interest of national security or public policy.’ ‘I have signed the exclusion order under my executive powers in the interests of public policy,’ Flanagan said. It was the first time Ireland has banned someone from entering the country since the act was signed, the department told the news outlet…

“The pastor made headlines in 2009 after he delivered a sermon titled, ‘Why I Hate Barack Obama.’ He reportedly told Fox station KSAZ-TV that he ‘hope[s] that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today.’

“Anderson also seemingly praised the Pulse Nightclub shooter, who killed 49 people in Orlando, Fla., in June 2016. ‘The good news is that at least 50 of these pedophiles are not going to be harming children anymore,’ Anderson said in a YouTube video… ‘The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re going to continue to molest children and recruit people into their filthy homosexual lifestyle.’ Anderson continued, ‘The other bad news is that this is going to now be used as propaganda not only against Muslims, but also against Christians.’

“The pastor is also banned from South Africa, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, which he planned to visit May 23.”

As reported, such statements by the pastor would indeed be highly objectionable. The deeper issue is, however: When does it become necessary to prohibit entry in the interest of national security or public policy? In the case at hand, it surely had nothing to do with national security, as the government admitted. It had to do with its interpretation of the vague and undefined clause of “public policy.” Note the next articles.

Twitter Blocks Accounts and Reaps Condemnation

Der Stern reported on May 13:

“The account of the ‘Jüdische Allgemeine,’ the only Jewish weekly newspaper in Germany, was hindered in its functions, after the paper referred to one of its articles per Tweet. In the article, the Israeli Ambassador in Germany explained why he would not want to meet with representatives of the AfD [a right-wing German party].”

Der Stern continued that social media was outraged about this kind of censorship.

Facebook Interfering in EU Election in Italy

Breitbart wrote on May 13:

“Facebook has shut down 23 major populist Italian pages with 2.5 million followers just two weeks before the European elections. According to Italian media, the majority of the pages supported the populist parties La Lega (The League) and the 5-Star Movement (M5S) — who currently govern Italy in a temporary coalition. Facebook has justified its dramatic move by claiming that the sites shared fake news, so-called ‘hate speech’, and ‘divisive content’ regarding immigrants, vaccines, and Jewish people. Facebook used information from a report produced by a left-progressive NGO called Avaaz, which deals with ‘human rights’ and environmental campaigns…

“The most active page in support of the Lega party was among those closed, just as polls are showing that the Lega is currently the party with the most support among Italians for the upcoming elections. Facebook’s efforts in Italy to influence the European elections are just the tip of the iceberg, Italian media noted. According to the Italian daily La Repubblica, on May 2 Facebook opened a ‘war room’ in Dublin devoted full time to the European electoral campaign, with 40 teams of engineers, scientists, researchers, threat specialists, and experts for each country. There are 500 people working on the elections, with the assistance of 21 supposed ‘fact-checkers,’ operating in 14 different languages.”

These are indeed very questionable and troublesome actions by Twitter and Facebook, which appear to be politically motivated.

The Nonsense of Political Correctness—“Will Political Correctness Kill Classic Movies?”

The Hill, May 12:

“The rise of political correctness can be seen across movie screens this weekend… Even older films, and the stars who made them great, are now seen through the PC prism. Just ask the estate of John Wayne. The legendary star got pummeled a few months ago, decades after his passing, for a racially insensitive Playboy interview in 1971. Some critics demanded that his name be stripped from John Wayne Airport in Orange County, Calif.

“Singer Kate Smith’s film career is dwarfed by her radio, TV and stage accomplishments. Yet Smith’s recording of two 1930s songs deemed racist convinced two professional sports teams – the New York Yankees and the Philadelphia Flyers – to strip her iconic rendition of “God Bless America” from their programming.

“It’s easy to imagine the culture attempting to do something similar to films that don’t mirror today’s cultural mores… Even a comedy classic such as 1959’s ‘Some Like It Hot,’ featuring two men dressed in drag, could be insensitive given modern mores.

“Could problematic films eventually be pulled from home video and streaming services? Sound hysterical? It’s currently in vogue to tear down statues that don’t align with current groupthink. So why would pop culture artifacts be spared? In fact, it’s already been done.

“Two years ago, a Memphis theater nixed a screening of the 1939 classic ‘Gone with the Wind’ because of its ‘insensitive’ content. Disney’s Oscar-winning ‘Song of the South’ won’t be seen on the company’s forthcoming streaming platform. The 1946 film’s antiquated, and some say racist, portrayal of black life turned the movie into cultural poison. It’s never made it to home video, and that’s unlikely to change in the near future…”

Plain nonsense rules these days in the USA and elsewhere…  Just enjoy John Wayne movies and other classic pieces, as well as American songs, as long as you can. Perhaps owning them on DVD or CD might be worthy of consideration.

Censorship on the Rise because of Political Correctness

JTA wrote on May 13:

On April 16, Dzanc Books announced its latest release, ‘The Siege of Tel Aviv,’ a novel that imagines an Iran-led attack on Israel that leaves the country decimated. Author Hesh Kestin, a former journalist who had already published two novels with the small independent press, said the book was inspired by his experience living in Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Stephen King contributed a glowing blurb.

“But a week later the Michigan-based nonprofit publisher announced it was axing the book amid a flurry of comments on social media, including from other authors published by Dzanc, alleging that the book is Islamophobic. The book ‘perpetuates harmful narratives regarding Muslims that we cannot support,’ as Dzanc’s publisher and editor in chief, Michelle Dotter, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in an email.

“Meanwhile, the 75-year-old Kestin, who lives in Southampton, New York, but spent two decades in Israel and served in its army, denies the allegations and says nixing the book is an act of censorship… some say the focus on political correctness is stifling artists. They speak of a ‘censor culture’ in which publishers are quick to terminate books at the first whiff of controversy…

“The book imagines a conflict similar to the Yom Kippur War, except this time it is Iran that takes charge when its leaders call for Israel’s destruction, followed by Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, as well as Hamas and Hezbollah fighters…”

The Bible prophesies that Arab nations will collaborate with Europe in an attempt to destroy Israel. So, when is the Bible censored next?

Anti-Israel Imam Gives Invocation on White House Floor—No “Censorship” There

JTA wrote on May 13:

“The Texas imam who gave an invocation on the House floor responded to those who criticized his invitation over social posts in which he demonized Israel…

“Omar Suleiman… wrote that since giving the invocation… ‘I have never attacked the Jewish community or peddled conspiracies about it. So imagine my surprise to be accused of anti-Semitism’ in the wake of his invocation, he wrote…

“Two years ago, however, the German-Israeli researcher Petra Marquardt-Bigman compileda lengthy record of incendiary social media statements about Israel by Suleiman that was posted on the Algemeiner Jewish news site. On multiple occasions, according to the research, Suleiman has wished for a third Palestinian intifada, or uprising, likened Israeli troops to Nazis, and has wished for the end of Zionism, calling Zionists ‘the enemies of God.’ He is a backer of the boycott Israel movement.

“Suleiman’s congresswoman, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, invited him to deliver the prayer through a standard form on the webpage of the Office of the Chaplain of the House, according to a congressional official.”

Shocking indeed!

BBC’s Attack on Nigel Farage Backfires

The Sun wrote on May 13:

“The meteoric rise of the Brexit Party proves increasing numbers of people are fed up with the fashionable values of the ruling elite and its cheerleaders… Nigel Farage is challenging the very basis of the discredited traditional order. His party has soared in polls, with new figures showing that 34 per cent of voters back it.

“Nowhere is the terror of the establishment felt more keenly than in the corridors of the BBC, the lavishly funded state broadcaster which has long acted as a propaganda machine for the creed of political correctness and the Left… Yesterday, in a blatant attempt to turn back the Brexit party’s tide, the BBC called on its interviewer Andrew Marr to perform a hatchet job on Farage. Marr in turn dredged up a long list of quotes from the past, with the aim of exposing Farage as a dangerous extremist.

“Interviews should, of course, be robust and it is the duty of television hosts to question politicians closely about their policies. And there’s no denying that some of the views Farage aired when he was leader of UKIP were questionable. But this was not a hard-hitting exchange, but rather a clear attempt at character assassination. The aim was not to enlighten, only to destroy… Yet Marr’s effort backfired disastrously – not only because Farage is one of the most experienced, eloquent campaigners in Britain, but he was able to give as good as he got…

“If the tables had been turned, and yesterday Farage had been able to highlight some episodes from his interrogator’s past, he could have pointed out that Marr in his youth was a ‘Maoist’…

“That is how the BBC really sees its role: to stamp out certain ideas and reshape the public consciousness to match the outlook of the elite. This crusade can be found everywhere, such as the enthusiasm for open borders, the obsession with cultural diversity and the hysteria over climate change…”

Sadly, the same can be said for the left-liberal mass media in this country and in many other countries around the world.

Alabama’s Controversial Abortion Law

The Sun wrote on May 15:

“ALABAMA lawmakers last night passed a near-total ban on abortions – including in cases of rape and incest… State governor Kay Ivey, a Republican, [signed the] controversial law after local senators voted in favour by 25 to six… the new law [makes] it a felony for a doctor to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy – punishable by up to 99 years in jail. The only exception would be when the woman’s health is at serious risk.

“The historic legislation is designed to go against the US Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalised abortion nationally. This means it will likely be challenged in the courts – but if backed by the current conservative-led US Supreme court, could see abortions banned across America…

“Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio and Georgia have approved bans on abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected – which can occur in about the sixth week of pregnancy. The Alabama bill goes further by seeking to outlaw abortion entirely. Unlike measures in other states, Alabama would punish only the abortion provider – not the woman receiving the abortion… [The new law will] take effect in six months.

“Critics have promised a swift lawsuit and the American Civil Liberties Union of Alabama is drafting a legal complaint.”

Newsmax wrote on May 15:

“Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson said Wednesday that Alabama’s… abortion ban is an ‘extreme law’… Robertson said Alabama lawmakers went ‘too far… my humble view is that this is not the case we want to bring to the Supreme Court because I think this one’ll lose.’”

Deliver Us From the Evil One

Breitbart wrote on May 15:

“[Pope Francis said:] ‘There is a mysterious evil… that penetrates silently into the folds of history… Silent like the snake that carries its poison silently…’… With this expression [‘But deliver us from evil’], the one who prays is not only asking not to be abandoned in the time of temptation, but also begging to be freed from evil…

“‘The original Greek verb is very strong: it evokes the presence of the evil one who tends to grasp and bite us and from whom we ask God for deliverance… The apostle Peter also says that the evil one — the devil — is around us like a furious lion, looking to devour us, and we ask God to deliver us…’

“We are called to place our trust in the Father’s care ‘even and especially at times when the evil one makes his threatening presence felt,’ the pope said.”

Very true. Please read our free booklet, “Teach Us to Pray!”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

P.R.A.Y.; Do You Believe in the True Jesus?

On May 11, 2019, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “P.R.A.Y., and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Do You Believe in the True Jesus?

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 875

P.R.A.Y.; Do You Believe in the True Jesus?

On May 11, 2019, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “P.R.A.Y., and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Do You Believe in the True Jesus?

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Counting Costs and Blessings

by Michael Link

Which is better? Are counting the costs and obtaining blessings both necessary? Indeed they are! Trials are essential to our potential for reaching perfection. In order for us to receive the blessings that God promises us, we also need to count the costs and consider trials which we will encounter. This is what we should have been aware of when we answered God’s calling and took the necessary step to become baptized, choosing to live a life pleasing to God. We are to learn and grow so that we don’t keep on stumbling, and when we do, what we have learned is supposed to help us to overcome quickly.

We look around the world and we see many people who appear far more blessed than we are with their riches and success. How then are we more blessed than they? We may not be more physically blessed, but we certainly are more spiritually blessed. We have been selected by God the Father to have the opportunity to be in His Kingdom and receive everlasting life. We have more knowledge than the world when it comes to spiritual matters and what the Bible has to say, because our minds have been opened. The riches and physical things could very well be considered a distraction from what is really important. These physical blessings that the world dwells on now are only temporary, and the time will come when they will mean nothing anymore. Times will get terrible and money won’t be able to buy anything (compare Ezekiel 7:19).

Have we ever tried to count our blessings? Have we ever realized just how very blessed we are? If we live God’s Way and do what God says, there would be no reason for us not to be blessed, right?  We go through trials because God tests us to see just how strong we are and just how willing we are to keep His Law. These trials may be difficult at times but they are definitely not too difficult for us to handle, with God’s help. Remember, if we get through these trials, we get rewarded for them with blessings. This is only the beginning. Ultimately, we will have far more blessings than we can ever imagine—spiritual blessings that no one on this earth has ever experienced so far with the exception of Jesus Christ. How many people in the world today can say that?

At times, it may be a little difficult to comprehend this, but history has shown through the Bible how several people have even been blessed tremendously in their physical lives, and all it took was faith and following God’s instruction. Abraham was given many promises by God in response to what he had done, and God had put him to the test many times to see if he would obey Him (Genesis 12). He passed the tests even though they were difficult at first, because his faith had to grow. We have all been there as well. Haven’t we tried to take matters into our own hands, inadvertently forgetting about God at times? It’s our human nature.

Abraham was well blessed (Genesis 17:1-10). Yet, there were still times after all the things that God had promised him that he still had doubt; for example, when God told him that his wife Sarah would give birth to a son (Genesis 17:15-19; 18:10-15). We may sometimes be in a similar situation, forgetting how God continues to bless us. Sometimes we may even take things for granted but as soon as a trial comes along we start to remember more and more that only God can help us and that He blesses us when we get through those trials.

When Abraham pleaded with God not to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, he tried to advise Him what He should do. Believe it or not, we may sometimes do the same thing today when we pray (compare Matthew 7:7-11). We may try to reason with God when there is something very important to us which we want God to “understand.” But God knows already what we think about. Still, He wants to see that we have faith in Him and that we have a relationship with Him. Abraham clearly had a relationship with God, and he pleaded with God about saving Sodom (Genesis 18). But he understood that he could only go so far, and even though God was willing to “listen” to Abraham up to a point, He still decided to destroy Sodom as He could not even find ten righteous people there, and we all know that something similar will happen again in the future, but this time the whole world will be affected in a much more serious manner.

Throughout Abraham’s life, he was tested, just as we are continuously tested, and his faith would be confirmed in Genesis 22:1-3, 6-12, 16-18, when he was asked to sacrifice his only son. Yet again, he was blessed for his willingness to obey, and if we follow God by counting the costs, we too will be blessed continuously. Even though Abraham was not perfect, he pleased God in many ways, and he really proved to God just how faithful he was. God does the same with us today! He continues to test us to see how strong we are in our hearts (1 Thessalonians 2:4). We should never forget but always remember what blessings we will receive when we continue faithfully in our trials. We will be rewarded!

We are reminded of Abraham’s faith in Hebrews 11:8-12, 17-19. Since we also should follow in his footsteps, God promises the same to us in Hebrews 12:1-2, and also in James 1:12: “Blessed is the man who endures temptation [or trials]; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”

This is a tremendous blessing for us, something that we should continue to strive for, and it is indeed God’s plan for each and every one of us to receive that crown of life. We have already been greatly blessed by having the wisdom and knowledge about His plan, before anybody else in the world will be given that understanding. We have the sneak preview of what God has in store for this world and what He has in store for us. The time will come when we will be blessed far more than we, as human beings, could imagine–far more than we could even begin to count now.

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by Norbert Link

We begin this report with articles about America’s shrinking power and worldwide influence; questions regarding the duration of Donald Trump’s presidency; the perceived or real threat from Iran; new developments in North Korea; and the end of the USA-China trade truce.

We continue with Germany’s condemnation of Turkey’s President Erdogan; and the discussions about the need for a European army.

We address Europe without Britain as well as Sweden’s “cashless” society with its inherent dangers; and we publish several articles about the growing vaccination hysteria with some crazy consequences.

We conclude with a sober warning regarding the possible extinction of plant and animal life on earth.

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US Power Severely Limited—but the USA Does Not Notice it.

Foreign Policy wrote on April 26:

“The era of unilateralism is over—and Washington is the last to realize it.

“Just how powerful is the United States? Is it still the unipolar power, able to impose its will on adversaries, allies, and neutrals, and force them—however reluctantly—to go along with policies they think are foolish, dangerous, or simply contrary to their interests? Or are there clear and significant limits to U.S. power…?

“The Trump administration has embraced the first position, especially since John Bolton became White House national security advisor and Mike Pompeo took over as secretary of state. Whatever President Donald Trump’s initial instincts may have been, their arrival marked a return to the unilateralist… approach to foreign policy that characterized George W. Bush’s first term as president, when Vice President Dick Cheney and the neoconservatives held sway. A key feature of that earlier period was the assumption that the United States was so powerful that it could go it alone on many issues and that other states could be cowed into submission by demonstrations of U.S. power and resolve…

“The Bush-Cheney approach produced a string of failures, but the same unilateral arrogance lives on in the Trump administration… The underlying assumption… is… that other states won’t find ways to evade, obstruct, divert, dilute, hedge, hinder, or otherwise negate what Washington is trying to do…  Plus, most Americans don’t care all that much about foreign policy and are usually willing to go along with whatever the executive branch is doing, provided that it doesn’t prove too costly or embarrassing…”

Not only don’t most Americans care about foreign policy, they are also woefully uninformed about what is happening in the world outside the borders of the USA. And even then, most don’t realize what is really happening within the borders of the USA either. The Bible has prophesied that the UK and, by extension the USA, will become burned cakes which have not been turned, and they will not notice it.

Extending Trump’s Presidency?

Axios wrote on May 5:

“President Trump retweeted Liberty University President Jerry Falwell’s Twitter post calling for the first term of his presidency to be extended by 2 years for ‘time stolen’ and tweeted his own thoughts on the Mueller investigation Sunday. ‘Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stollen [sic] two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back…’

“Trump made the remarks after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi… told The New York Times she worried the president might not give up power voluntarily if he lost the 2020 election by a narrow margin.”

It’s a moot question as Donald Trump will win the 2020 election. The issue is, however, what might happen in 2024.

650 Former Federal Prosecutors Charge Trump with Obstruction of Justice

Axios wrote on May 7:

“More than 650 former federal prosecutors have signed onto a statement asserting that if the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) did not prohibit a sitting president from being indicted, President Trump would be charged with obstruction of justice…

“Special counsel Robert Mueller laid out extensive evidence of possible obstruction by Trump in volume 2 of his report, though he ultimately opted not to make a ‘traditional prosecutorial judgment’ in part because of the OLC opinion. Attorney General Bill Barr’s decision to clear Trump of obstruction has drawn the ire of many Democrats and former prosecutors who believe he is acting as the president’s personal lawyer, rather than the country’s top law enforcement official.

“The statement is signed by more than 20 former U.S. attorneys and more than 100 career Justice Department officials who worked in every administration dating back to President Eisenhower. It cites a number of episodes Mueller detailed in his report as ‘acts that satisfy all of the elements for an obstruction charge’ — meaning obstructive conduct and ‘corrupt intent.’ Specifically, the prosecutors point to: ‘The President’s efforts to fire Mueller and to falsify evidence about that effort; The President’s efforts to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation to exclude his conduct; and The President’s efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign.’”

None of this matters, because Trump will not be indicted, and he will win the re-election in 2020.

Placing Iran on Notice

JTA wrote on May 5:

“The Trump administration is deploying air and sea strike forces to the Middle East in response to what it described as ‘troubling and escalatory indications and warnings’ from Iran… Israel blames a deadly escalation over the weekend on the Gaza Strip border in part on Iranian arming and funding of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the hostilities were not related to the military ramp-up in the Persian Gulf…

“[National Security Adviser, John] Bolton said the U.S. was deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force to the U.S. Central Command region ‘to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.’ ‘The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime,’ he said, ‘but we are fully prepared to respond to any attack, whether by proxy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or regular Iranian forces.’

“The Trump administration is also backing Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, and the Saudis say the Houthi forces they are engaging in that country are a proxy for Iran. The Syrian civil war is in its final stages and parties to that conflict, including Iran and its ally, the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, are seeking to establish permanence in that country. The United States also wants to diminish Iranian influence in Iraq.”

Deutsche Welle reported on May 7:

“US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a surprise visit to Baghdad over concerns Iran ‘is escalating their activity.’… Pompeo had been on his way to Germany where he was due to meet both Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, but suddenly canceled the trip due to ‘pressing issues,’ the State Department initially said…

“Pompeo said he made the trip to Iraq because Iranian forces are ‘escalating their activity’ and the threat of attacks were ‘very specific.’ ‘These were attacks that were imminent,’ Pompeo said without discussing the intelligence in detail.”

North Korea vs. USA?

Donald Trump has said he does not think North Korea is ‘ready to negotiate’ after it launched suspected short-range missiles, in the second such weapons test in five days. ‘We’re looking at it very seriously right now,’ Trump told reporters in the White House. ‘Nobody’s happy about it.’…

“In another development likely to dent hopes of a resumption of talks, the US justice department said it had taken custody of a North Korean cargo ship it alleged had been involving in sanctions-busting by smuggling coal from Russia in defiance of a UN embargo.”

Ending USA-China Trade Truce?

Breitbart wrote on May 5:

“President Donald Trump said Sunday that he will hike the tariffs on $200 billion of imports from China to 25 percent from 10 percent on Friday…

“Trump’s tweets essentially end the so-called trade truce that has been in effect since December, when the president agreed with his Chinese counterpart to hold off on higher tariffs while the two nations negotiated a trade deal…”

The Sun wrote on May 9:

“Donald Trump wiped nearly $1.5 TRILLION off global markets in a single tweet after threatening to double China trade tariffs. Analysts have now pointed out that the President’s message cost a staggering $13bn a word.”

CNBC added on May 9:

“Dow falls 138 points, S&P drops for a fourth day as new China tariffs set to kick in at midnight.”

Germany Condemns Turkey

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 7:

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday condemned a controversial order to scrap the results of Istanbul’s mayoral election. Turkey’s top election body on Monday ordered a rerun of the vote after the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan alleged Ballot ‘irregularities’ and ‘organized corruption.’ Although AKP won most races in the March local polls, it lost the major cities of Ankara and Istanbul to the opposition.  Maas called the election body’s decision… ‘incomprehensible to us.’…

“The electoral board’s decision means a new Istanbul vote will be held on June 23. Erdogan described the planned rerun as an ‘important step’ for the country… Former German Greens leader Cem Özdemir, who has Turkish roots, told Agence France-Presse the annulment had ‘nothing to [do] with democracy,’ but rather proves that Erdogan is a ‘bitter old man, who has long passed the zenith of his power.’ ‘In the world of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, everyone who thinks differently to him is a terrorist, and every election he loses is a sham election,’ he said…

“Turkey’s opposition called the election board’s decision undemocratic and a sign the country had become a ‘dictatorship.’ Critics have long accused Erdogan of using his power to repress political opponents and silence critical voices in the media. The local elections in March were seen as his first test at the polls since last year’s currency crisis, which led to skyrocketing inflation and recession. And although his AKP won overall, the loss of the capital, Ankara, and economic powerhouse Istanbul, served a huge blow

“The defeat in Turkey’s largest city, home to 16 million people, came as a major shock to Erdogan and his AK party. Istanbul had been held by the AKP and its Islamic predecessors for more than two decades. It was also a personal loss for Erdogan, who grew up in the city and began his rise to political prominence as mayor there in the early 90s…”

Even though Turkey is becoming more and more alienated from the rest of Europe, due to Erdogan’s dictatorship, the Bible shows that in the future, Turkey will collaborate with Europe against Israel.

A European Army

Euractiv wrote on May 3:

“The controversial subject of the EU’s future plans for a common army provoked lively exchanges during the second Spitzenkandidaten debate on Thursday (2 May), just three weeks before the European polls. With security and defence likely to become one of the main priorities for the next European Commission, the most confrontational moment revolved around the question of whether the EU should pool its military resources.

“The idea has gained political momentum in recent months, floated by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. However, the issue exposed a rift along party lines, with both Verhofstadt and Weber speaking out in favour, while Timmermans and Keller [voiced] their opposition against the plans.

“Liberal Verhofstadt called for Europe’s armies to merge within five years… ‘We spend nearly half of the Americans, we spend three times more than the Russians on the military in Europe, but I am not sure if the Russians come this way that we are capable to stop them…’

“His comments feed into the current state of play around the bloc, whereas there are currently approximately 178 different weapon systems in the EU, compared to only around 30 in the US… In a nod to Verhofstadt, Weber defended the vision of the EU army and called for ‘great ambitions’ when talking about the future of European defence…

“Green candidate Keller responded. ‘… if the one, big dream for Europe is about an army… [who] would send such an army into action?’… Timmermans, former Dutch foreign minister… declared the project unrealistic. He scolded Verhofstadt, telling him not to ‘over-promise’, and that ‘there will be no EU army for the foreseeable future.’”

Well, Keller and Timmermans will be proven to be wrong. A European army will exist, and a charismatic figure, called the beast in the Bible, will ultimately be in complete command of the army and send it into action.

Sebastian Kurz—“No EU Army, Need for a New Treaty”

Politico wrote on May 4:

“The EU must negotiate a new treaty with stronger collective rules and tougher sanctions for member countries that step out of line while at the same time reining in expansive projects such as an EU army, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (32) told Die Presse…

“His comments in a wide-ranging interview with the Vienna-based newspaper on the day his party launched its European election campaign are particularly crucial because he occupies an unusually strategic spot within the European Council, which must nominate the next European Commission president. He is a member of the center-right European People’s Party (EPP), which is projected once again to win the most seats in the European Parliament. He is a fierce supporter of the EU, but has also taken a tough line on immigration that makes him something of a bridge to more conservative leaders to Austria’s east…

“Kurz’s most substantive argument was that the Lisbon Treaty, which came into force in 2009, needs to be renovated to meet modern challenges, including stiff punishment for countries that violate rule of law and democracy standards or penalties for those that fail to enforce immigration laws. ‘Since the Lisbon Treaty, much has changed in Europe,’ Kurz said. ‘We had a debt crisis, a euro crisis, the migration crisis, the climate crisis and also the Brexit chaos.’…

“On the EU army, for which there is little appetite in Austria, Kurz said Brussels should better focus on increasing military and defense cooperation. ‘There will be no EU army, with member states giving up command,’ he said.

“Kurz has endorsed Manfred Weber, the EPP lead candidate for Commission president, but the interview offered some warnings for Weber, particularly the cautionary note on an EU army. Weber strongly endorsed the idea of an EU army, at least as an aspiration…

“The Austrian leader also issued a particularly pointed challenge to Emmanuel Macron. He demanded that the French president back up his claims to be an EU reformer by agreeing to a single seat for the European Parliament in Brussels, and ending the monthly plenary sessions in Strasbourg, which remains the Parliament’s official base. ‘We have to end the EU Parliament’s wandering circus,’ said Kurz.

“In the interview, Kurz also criticized right-wing populists — a point that some might view as hypocritical given that his governing coalition in Austria includes the far-right Freedom Party…”

Die Welt reported on May 7 that anti-Semitic statements were shouted during a demonstration in Vienna, Austria, and indirectly, the demand for theextinction of Israel, but that nothing happened. However, when an Israeli flag was shown in a counter-demonstration, the police intervened.

In addition, Sebastian Kurz is a mixed bag. Some of his proposals would be in line with biblical prophecy, while others would clearly not be. His young age might explain the occasional shortsightedness of his positions.

EU Life Without Britain

Express wrote on May 7:

“EU leaders this week will focus on ‘far more important’ issues as they ignore Brexit at a crunch gathering in the Romanian town of Sibiu without Theresa May… On Thursday, the EU27 will hold the informal gathering to discuss life without Britain, despite Mrs May’s failure to quit the Brussels bloc. Brussels hopes a show of unity will send a strong message to Britain that the Prime Minister’s hated Brexit deal is not up for negotiation and there is no room for compromise on the terms of the divorce.

“Diplomats and officials are looking forward to the event as it gives them an opportunity to discuss anything but Britain’s divorce, which has prominently featured on their agenda for the last three years…

“Shunning Brexit, they will instead focus on migration, the European Commission’s role and potential candidates for top jobs after the European elections at the end of [this] month.”

The EUObserver wrote on May 9:

“EU leaders pledged at a meeting in Romania on Thursday (9 May) to stay united… after Brexit and amid a geopolitical shake-up… ‘We reaffirm our belief that united, we are stronger in this increasingly unsettled and challenging world,’ the broad-brush statement said. ‘We have been able to go thick and thin, we have proved this in numerous crises, […] we know the rest of the world is not asleep and we need to work hard to make it flourish,’ German chancellor Angela Merkel concluded to reporters after the meeting.

“‘One country on its own cannot solve the great global problems,’ Merkel added, saying leaders discussed defining the EU’s role in the world, and that multilateral cooperation needs to be translated into the way the EU grapples with the big issues.

“In the declaration, leaders said: ‘we will show each other solidarity in times of need and we will always stand together. We can and we will speak with one voice…’ The declaration vows that the EU will act where it matters…”

Stockpiling Coins and Banknotes in a “Cashless” Society

The Sunday Times wrote on May 5:

“Sweden, [a] nation that pioneered living without cash, warns: Hoard your banknotes. As Britain edges towards a cashless future, Sweden has urged its citizens to stockpile change in case of power cuts, a cyber-attack or war.

“Everyone in Sweden has been urged to stockpile coins and banknotes in case the country’s move towards a cashless society leaves them without money in a cyber-crisis. In a move that will sound alarm bells in the UK, Sweden – one of the most advanced nations for digital payments – has warned that its people could be unable to buy anything if its computer networks were put out of action.

“The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, an arm of the government, has sent guidance to every home telling residents to squirrel away ‘cash in small denominations’ in case of emergencies ranging from power cuts or technology glitches to terrorism, cyber-attacks by a rogue government or war.”

It is always good advice to have some cash at home in case of unforeseen emergencies, including power outages, earthquakes and other natural catastrophes.

The Vaccination War against Religious Freedom

NPR wrote on May 6:

“Oregon is one of more than 10 states considering tightening their vaccine laws this year… Currently, parents in Oregon and most other states can cite religious or philosophical reasons if they don’t want to vaccinate their kids… Oregon kindergartners claim vaccine exemptions at the highest rate in the nation.

“But a bill in the state Legislature would do away with those nonmedical exemptions. Parents who didn’t secure a doctor’s permission would face a choice between vaccination or not sending their kids to school… If passed, Oregon would become the fourth state to eliminate nonmedical exemptions. Opponents are keen on preventing that. In the two months since the bill was filed, it has spurred thousands of letters and phone calls, and hours of passionate testimony…

“States such as Colorado, Maine and New York have considered bills this year to tighten vaccine laws, with varying outcomes. Colorado’s effort reportedly stalled when it failed to pass the state’s Senate, while Maine recently pared back a bill that would have eliminated all nonmedical exemptions…

“In Oregon, doctors and other health care professionals have come out overwhelmingly in favor of the vaccine bill, which is among the broadest proposed nationwide. They point out that vaccines have been proved safe for the vast majority of the population and effective at stopping the spread of disease. Opponents are far less trusting. Many are parents who worry that their children could be harmed by vaccines. Though rare, some claim their kids have already been injured by the shots. They also make an overarching argument: that lawmakers are taking away their medical choice…”

Even though the scientific world is anxious to claim that vaccines are harmless and do not cause any side effects, this is CLEARLY untrue, especially for those with a weakened immune system.

As Time reported on May 8, “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [an attorney, author, environmental activist and son of Bobby Kennedy] has become a hero of the anti-vax crowd with his persistent claims that vaccines contain deadly ingredients, particularly a mercury-based preservative known as thimerosal, and that they are linked to autism.”

Some of Kennedy’s relatives [a brother, a sister and a niece] disagree with him, stating he is wrong on both counts and that he is spreading “dangerous misinformation,” and so does most of the main-stream media. But the question is, who IS right in this emotionally charged battle? The mere fact that scientists and pharmaceutical doctors, who have been proven wrong many times, take the position of mandatory vaccinations does not have to mean that the vaccinations are harmless and without dangerous complications and side effects.

Crazy! Cruise Ship Quarantined Because of Measles

The Guardian wrote on May 6:

“A Church of Scientology cruise ship docked in the Caribbean island of Curaçao will remain under quarantine until government authorities determine how many of the ship’s 318 passengers are infected with measles. Health officials have taken 277 blood samples from those onboard the ship and sent them to the Netherlands… Ten passengers and 31 crew members were able to provide proof of vaccination.

“Health officials in St Lucia were notified on 30 April that a female crew member onboard the ship had been diagnosed with measles. The crew member had traveled to Europe, arrived on Curaçao on 17 April and visited a doctor for cold symptoms on 22 April. A blood sample sent to Aruba confirmed she had measles on 29 April, a day after the ship departed for St Lucia, according to the Associated Press.

“After deliberations with the Pan American Health Organization, St Lucia health officials put the ship under quarantine on 30 April. The ship left St Lucia on Thursday and returned to its home port in Curaçao on Saturday. A team of nine medical professionals and authorities boarded the vessel to start interviewing and testing passengers… As they await the test results, passengers and crew members are not allowed to leave the ship because of the risk that they carry the highly infectious disease, authorities said…

“The Church of Scientology has not taken a specific position on vaccinations, though it says that Scientologists seek standard medical care and prescription drugs when ill…”

No Surprise! Vaccination Hysteria in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 5, 2019:

“German Health Minister Jens Spahn is proposing a law that allows for fining parents of unvaccinated children up to €2,500 ($2,800). The conservative [openly gay] lawmaker said he wants to ‘eradicate’ measles.

“Parents in Germany who refuse to vaccinate their children against measles would be required to pay up to €2,500 ($2,800) in fines and their children would be thrown out of kindergarten… The bill has a different solution for parents of schoolchildren. Elementary education is mandatory in Germany, so the law would not be able to keep unvaccinated children out of schools. Instead, their parents would be required to pay the fine.

“In addition to newborns, there are also older children whose health prevents them from getting immunized, such as organ recipients or people suffering from leukemia. Their parents would need to provide proof of the medical condition that prevents them from getting the vaccine. By July 2020, other parents who attempt to sign up their children for kindergartens or schools would need to provide confirmation that their children have been vaccinated.

“Vaccinations will also become mandatory for employees of hospitals and private medical practices. The draft legislation is currently being discussed in the Cabinet. It is expected to be adopted this year and go into force in March 2020…

Bild Online added on May 6 that CDU-Chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (56), SPD-Chief Andrea Nahles (48) und SPD-health „expert“ Karl Lauterbach (56) support the draft, while others criticize or oppose it. Politicians from the SPD claim that the law might be unconstitutional, while the Green Party categorically rejects mandatory vaccinations. And while FDP-general secretary supports mandatory vaccinations, she is opposed to fines. That the vaccination hysteria and its wide-reaching reactions have reached German politicians is no surprise, given the fact that Germany has always been known for acting and reacting in extreme fashion.

Plant and Animal Life at Risk of Extinction

The New York Times wrote on May 6:

“Humans are transforming Earth’s natural landscapes so dramatically that as many as one million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction, posing a dire threat to ecosystems that people all over the world depend on for their survival, a sweeping new United Nations assessment has concluded.

“The 1,500-page report, compiled by hundreds of international experts and based on thousands of scientific studies, is the most exhaustive look yet at the decline in biodiversity across the globe and the dangers that creates for human civilization. A summary of its findings, which was approved by representatives from the United States and 131 other countries, was released Monday in Paris. The full report is set to be published this year.

“Its conclusions are stark. In most major land habitats, from the savannas of Africa to the rain forests of South America, the average abundance of native plant and animal life has fallen by 20 percent or more, mainly over the past century. With the human population passing 7 billion, activities like farming, logging, poaching, fishing and mining are altering the natural world at a rate ‘unprecedented in human history.’

“At the same time, a new threat has emerged: Global warming has become a major driver of wildlife decline, the assessment found, by shifting or shrinking the local climates that many mammals, birds, insects, fish and plants evolved to survive in. When combined with the other ways humans are damaging the environment, climate change is now pushing a growing number of species, such as the Bengal tiger, closer to extinction…

Humans are producing more food than ever, but land degradation is already harming agricultural productivity on 23 percent of the planet’s land area, the new report said. The decline of wild bees and other insects that help pollinate fruits and vegetables is putting up to $577 billion in annual crop production at risk. The loss of mangrove forests and coral reefs along coasts could expose up to 300 million people to increased risk of flooding.

“The authors note that the devastation of nature has become so severe that piecemeal efforts to protect individual species or to set up wildlife refuges will no longer be sufficient…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How are we saved by Christ’s life?

God reveals through His written Word, the Bible, that He “…desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). Furthermore, God backs up His desire in that He has established a way for all of mankind to be offered the opportunity for salvation. Jesus explained how this would be possible:

“‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’” (John 3:16).

On the Day of Pentecost, following the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Apostle Peter spoke to those assembled, saying:

“‘…Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call’” (Acts 2:38-39).

In giving his defense for preaching in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Peter boldly proclaimed:

“‘Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved’” (Acts 4:12).

The Apostle Paul preached this Truth:

“…if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).

So far, we have seen that God wants to save humanity and that He gave His Son to achieve this; also, we have seen that the Church of God confirmed this by what was preached. Peter said that salvation was being offered to those God would call. This vital understanding, that God must call a person to salvation, was a key message of Jesus Christ:

“‘No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day’” (John 6:44; also, verse 65).

This statement by Jesus reveals His actions which would take place following His own resurrection! In anticipation of His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, “‘…Because I live, you will live also’” (John 14:19). He also taught, saying of Himself, “‘…I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’” (John 14:6).

Mankind has been separated from God since Adam sinned, because all have subsequently sinned (Romans 5:12). Sin brings about a penalty which man, alone, cannot escape—death (Romans 6:23)! However, Jesus Christ came to reconcile us to God the Father:

“For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life” (Romans 5:10).

Can we see from this verse that our call to Christianity does not just stop with believing that Jesus paid for our sins with His life, of being baptized and receiving the Holy Spirit? Salvation is an unfolding plan in which we must continue to participate! In that, we are promised help from Jesus Christ as we continue to battle sin:

“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Note this very powerful declaration by Paul, who stated, “…It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us” (Romans 8:34; also, compare Hebrews 9:24).

Jesus came and a part of His responsibility was to reveal the Father (John 1:18; Matthew 11:27). Prayer to the Father, in Jesus’ name, is now possible for those who have been called. As our High Priest, Jesus opens the way for us to pray directly to God:

“‘And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full… In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God. I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father’” (John 16:23-24, 26-28).

Jesus Christ is the LIVING HEAD of the Church of God! God the Father “put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:22-23). His ongoing oversight of the Church of God is reflected in the messages recorded in Revelation, chapters 2 and 3. The seven churches depicted represent conditions in the Church right up to the time of His Return.

Because Jesus Christ lives, He will also fulfill what is promised! He will return to the earth to establish the Kingdom of God (Acts 1:9-11; Zechariah 8:3).

Let us consider again the question, “How are we saved by Christ’s life?” It is by becoming and remaining Christians!

We are told that, as converted people led by God’s Holy Spirit, “…we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). Furthermore, we are to be “…bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Paul adds:

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith [of] the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

True Christians are the spiritual temple of God in that the Spirit of God dwells in them (1 Corinthians 3:16). This is what Jesus taught, and He said, “‘…If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him’” (John 14:23).

The plan of salvation will be completed! In this fact we can have assurance, “…being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).

God sent His Son to be Savior of the world (1 John 4:14; John 12:47). That Work of Jesus Christ has yet to be completed. Jesus is alive forevermore (Revelation 1:18) to be “the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him” (Hebrews 5:9).

Because Jesus Christ lives, all will have their opportunity for salvation—eternal life in the glorious, unending Kingdom of God!

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Our newest booklet, “How Can We Know That Christ’s Return is Near?” has been sent to graphic artist, Shelly Bruno, for finalization before printing.

“Warum Gier so gefährlich ist!” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Why Greed is so Dangerous!”

“Gottlose Führung,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Johann Schell, is now posted.

“We are Pawns,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

How do we in the Church relate to the pawn on a chess board? The pawn, considered the weakest piece at first glance, has the biggest potential of all the pieces. How did God choose the average “common” man to be used by Him, to do His work and to fulfill His purpose?

“Escaping Sin,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We are to overcome sin continuously, but sin is very deceptive. This sermon will give many examples from the Bible of people who were not immune to sinning… who were at times easily ensnared by sin; who did not feel that a particular sin was such a big deal; or who did not even recognize sin for what it was, thinking that their actions were justified.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

US Power Severely Limited—but the USA Does Not Notice it.

Foreign Policy wrote on April 26:

“The era of unilateralism is over—and Washington is the last to realize it.

“Just how powerful is the United States? Is it still the unipolar power, able to impose its will on adversaries, allies, and neutrals, and force them—however reluctantly—to go along with policies they think are foolish, dangerous, or simply contrary to their interests? Or are there clear and significant limits to U.S. power…?

“The Trump administration has embraced the first position, especially since John Bolton became White House national security advisor and Mike Pompeo took over as secretary of state. Whatever President Donald Trump’s initial instincts may have been, their arrival marked a return to the unilateralist… approach to foreign policy that characterized George W. Bush’s first term as president, when Vice President Dick Cheney and the neoconservatives held sway. A key feature of that earlier period was the assumption that the United States was so powerful that it could go it alone on many issues and that other states could be cowed into submission by demonstrations of U.S. power and resolve…

“The Bush-Cheney approach produced a string of failures, but the same unilateral arrogance lives on in the Trump administration… The underlying assumption… is… that other states won’t find ways to evade, obstruct, divert, dilute, hedge, hinder, or otherwise negate what Washington is trying to do…  Plus, most Americans don’t care all that much about foreign policy and are usually willing to go along with whatever the executive branch is doing, provided that it doesn’t prove too costly or embarrassing…”

Not only don’t most Americans care about foreign policy, they are also woefully uninformed about what is happening in the world outside the borders of the USA. And even then, most don’t realize what is really happening within the borders of the USA either. The Bible has prophesied that the UK and, by extension the USA, will become burned cakes which have not been turned, and they will not notice it.

Extending Trump’s Presidency?

Axios wrote on May 5:

“President Trump retweeted Liberty University President Jerry Falwell’s Twitter post calling for the first term of his presidency to be extended by 2 years for ‘time stolen’ and tweeted his own thoughts on the Mueller investigation Sunday. ‘Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stollen [sic] two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back…’

“Trump made the remarks after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi… told The New York Times she worried the president might not give up power voluntarily if he lost the 2020 election by a narrow margin.”

It’s a moot question as Donald Trump will win the 2020 election. The issue is, however, what might happen in 2024.

650 Former Federal Prosecutors Charge Trump with Obstruction of Justice

Axios wrote on May 7:

“More than 650 former federal prosecutors have signed onto a statement asserting that if the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) did not prohibit a sitting president from being indicted, President Trump would be charged with obstruction of justice…

“Special counsel Robert Mueller laid out extensive evidence of possible obstruction by Trump in volume 2 of his report, though he ultimately opted not to make a ‘traditional prosecutorial judgment’ in part because of the OLC opinion. Attorney General Bill Barr’s decision to clear Trump of obstruction has drawn the ire of many Democrats and former prosecutors who believe he is acting as the president’s personal lawyer, rather than the country’s top law enforcement official.

“The statement is signed by more than 20 former U.S. attorneys and more than 100 career Justice Department officials who worked in every administration dating back to President Eisenhower. It cites a number of episodes Mueller detailed in his report as ‘acts that satisfy all of the elements for an obstruction charge’ — meaning obstructive conduct and ‘corrupt intent.’ Specifically, the prosecutors point to: ‘The President’s efforts to fire Mueller and to falsify evidence about that effort; The President’s efforts to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation to exclude his conduct; and The President’s efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign.’”

None of this matters, because Trump will not be indicted, and he will win the re-election in 2020.

Placing Iran on Notice

JTA wrote on May 5:

“The Trump administration is deploying air and sea strike forces to the Middle East in response to what it described as ‘troubling and escalatory indications and warnings’ from Iran… Israel blames a deadly escalation over the weekend on the Gaza Strip border in part on Iranian arming and funding of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the hostilities were not related to the military ramp-up in the Persian Gulf…

“[National Security Adviser, John] Bolton said the U.S. was deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force to the U.S. Central Command region ‘to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.’ ‘The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime,’ he said, ‘but we are fully prepared to respond to any attack, whether by proxy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or regular Iranian forces.’

“The Trump administration is also backing Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, and the Saudis say the Houthi forces they are engaging in that country are a proxy for Iran. The Syrian civil war is in its final stages and parties to that conflict, including Iran and its ally, the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, are seeking to establish permanence in that country. The United States also wants to diminish Iranian influence in Iraq.”

Deutsche Welle reported on May 7:

“US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a surprise visit to Baghdad over concerns Iran ‘is escalating their activity.’… Pompeo had been on his way to Germany where he was due to meet both Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, but suddenly canceled the trip due to ‘pressing issues,’ the State Department initially said…

“Pompeo said he made the trip to Iraq because Iranian forces are ‘escalating their activity’ and the threat of attacks were ‘very specific.’ ‘These were attacks that were imminent,’ Pompeo said without discussing the intelligence in detail.”

North Korea vs. USA?

Donald Trump has said he does not think North Korea is ‘ready to negotiate’ after it launched suspected short-range missiles, in the second such weapons test in five days. ‘We’re looking at it very seriously right now,’ Trump told reporters in the White House. ‘Nobody’s happy about it.’…

“In another development likely to dent hopes of a resumption of talks, the US justice department said it had taken custody of a North Korean cargo ship it alleged had been involving in sanctions-busting by smuggling coal from Russia in defiance of a UN embargo.”

Ending USA-China Trade Truce?

Breitbart wrote on May 5:

“President Donald Trump said Sunday that he will hike the tariffs on $200 billion of imports from China to 25 percent from 10 percent on Friday…

“Trump’s tweets essentially end the so-called trade truce that has been in effect since December, when the president agreed with his Chinese counterpart to hold off on higher tariffs while the two nations negotiated a trade deal…”

The Sun wrote on May 9:

“Donald Trump wiped nearly $1.5 TRILLION off global markets in a single tweet after threatening to double China trade tariffs. Analysts have now pointed out that the President’s message cost a staggering $13bn a word.”

CNBC added on May 9:

“Dow falls 138 points, S&P drops for a fourth day as new China tariffs set to kick in at midnight.”

Germany Condemns Turkey

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 7:

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday condemned a controversial order to scrap the results of Istanbul’s mayoral election. Turkey’s top election body on Monday ordered a rerun of the vote after the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan alleged Ballot ‘irregularities’ and ‘organized corruption.’ Although AKP won most races in the March local polls, it lost the major cities of Ankara and Istanbul to the opposition.  Maas called the election body’s decision… ‘incomprehensible to us.’…

“The electoral board’s decision means a new Istanbul vote will be held on June 23. Erdogan described the planned rerun as an ‘important step’ for the country… Former German Greens leader Cem Özdemir, who has Turkish roots, told Agence France-Presse the annulment had ‘nothing to [do] with democracy,’ but rather proves that Erdogan is a ‘bitter old man, who has long passed the zenith of his power.’ ‘In the world of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, everyone who thinks differently to him is a terrorist, and every election he loses is a sham election,’ he said…

“Turkey’s opposition called the election board’s decision undemocratic and a sign the country had become a ‘dictatorship.’ Critics have long accused Erdogan of using his power to repress political opponents and silence critical voices in the media. The local elections in March were seen as his first test at the polls since last year’s currency crisis, which led to skyrocketing inflation and recession. And although his AKP won overall, the loss of the capital, Ankara, and economic powerhouse Istanbul, served a huge blow

“The defeat in Turkey’s largest city, home to 16 million people, came as a major shock to Erdogan and his AK party. Istanbul had been held by the AKP and its Islamic predecessors for more than two decades. It was also a personal loss for Erdogan, who grew up in the city and began his rise to political prominence as mayor there in the early 90s…”

Even though Turkey is becoming more and more alienated from the rest of Europe, due to Erdogan’s dictatorship, the Bible shows that in the future, Turkey will collaborate with Europe against Israel.

A European Army

Euractiv wrote on May 3:

“The controversial subject of the EU’s future plans for a common army provoked lively exchanges during the second Spitzenkandidaten debate on Thursday (2 May), just three weeks before the European polls. With security and defence likely to become one of the main priorities for the next European Commission, the most confrontational moment revolved around the question of whether the EU should pool its military resources.

“The idea has gained political momentum in recent months, floated by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. However, the issue exposed a rift along party lines, with both Verhofstadt and Weber speaking out in favour, while Timmermans and Keller [voiced] their opposition against the plans.

“Liberal Verhofstadt called for Europe’s armies to merge within five years… ‘We spend nearly half of the Americans, we spend three times more than the Russians on the military in Europe, but I am not sure if the Russians come this way that we are capable to stop them…’

“His comments feed into the current state of play around the bloc, whereas there are currently approximately 178 different weapon systems in the EU, compared to only around 30 in the US… In a nod to Verhofstadt, Weber defended the vision of the EU army and called for ‘great ambitions’ when talking about the future of European defence…

“Green candidate Keller responded. ‘… if the one, big dream for Europe is about an army… [who] would send such an army into action?’… Timmermans, former Dutch foreign minister… declared the project unrealistic. He scolded Verhofstadt, telling him not to ‘over-promise’, and that ‘there will be no EU army for the foreseeable future.’”

Well, Keller and Timmermans will be proven to be wrong. A European army will exist, and a charismatic figure, called the beast in the Bible, will ultimately be in complete command of the army and send it into action.

Sebastian Kurz—“No EU Army, Need for a New Treaty”

Politico wrote on May 4:

“The EU must negotiate a new treaty with stronger collective rules and tougher sanctions for member countries that step out of line while at the same time reining in expansive projects such as an EU army, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (32) told Die Presse…

“His comments in a wide-ranging interview with the Vienna-based newspaper on the day his party launched its European election campaign are particularly crucial because he occupies an unusually strategic spot within the European Council, which must nominate the next European Commission president. He is a member of the center-right European People’s Party (EPP), which is projected once again to win the most seats in the European Parliament. He is a fierce supporter of the EU, but has also taken a tough line on immigration that makes him something of a bridge to more conservative leaders to Austria’s east…

“Kurz’s most substantive argument was that the Lisbon Treaty, which came into force in 2009, needs to be renovated to meet modern challenges, including stiff punishment for countries that violate rule of law and democracy standards or penalties for those that fail to enforce immigration laws. ‘Since the Lisbon Treaty, much has changed in Europe,’ Kurz said. ‘We had a debt crisis, a euro crisis, the migration crisis, the climate crisis and also the Brexit chaos.’…

“On the EU army, for which there is little appetite in Austria, Kurz said Brussels should better focus on increasing military and defense cooperation. ‘There will be no EU army, with member states giving up command,’ he said.

“Kurz has endorsed Manfred Weber, the EPP lead candidate for Commission president, but the interview offered some warnings for Weber, particularly the cautionary note on an EU army. Weber strongly endorsed the idea of an EU army, at least as an aspiration…

“The Austrian leader also issued a particularly pointed challenge to Emmanuel Macron. He demanded that the French president back up his claims to be an EU reformer by agreeing to a single seat for the European Parliament in Brussels, and ending the monthly plenary sessions in Strasbourg, which remains the Parliament’s official base. ‘We have to end the EU Parliament’s wandering circus,’ said Kurz.

“In the interview, Kurz also criticized right-wing populists — a point that some might view as hypocritical given that his governing coalition in Austria includes the far-right Freedom Party…”

Die Welt reported on May 7 that anti-Semitic statements were shouted during a demonstration in Vienna, Austria, and indirectly, the demand for theextinction of Israel, but that nothing happened. However, when an Israeli flag was shown in a counter-demonstration, the police intervened.

In addition, Sebastian Kurz is a mixed bag. Some of his proposals would be in line with biblical prophecy, while others would clearly not be. His young age might explain the occasional shortsightedness of his positions.

EU Life Without Britain

Express wrote on May 7:

“EU leaders this week will focus on ‘far more important’ issues as they ignore Brexit at a crunch gathering in the Romanian town of Sibiu without Theresa May… On Thursday, the EU27 will hold the informal gathering to discuss life without Britain, despite Mrs May’s failure to quit the Brussels bloc. Brussels hopes a show of unity will send a strong message to Britain that the Prime Minister’s hated Brexit deal is not up for negotiation and there is no room for compromise on the terms of the divorce.

“Diplomats and officials are looking forward to the event as it gives them an opportunity to discuss anything but Britain’s divorce, which has prominently featured on their agenda for the last three years…

“Shunning Brexit, they will instead focus on migration, the European Commission’s role and potential candidates for top jobs after the European elections at the end of [this] month.”

The EUObserver wrote on May 9:

“EU leaders pledged at a meeting in Romania on Thursday (9 May) to stay united… after Brexit and amid a geopolitical shake-up… ‘We reaffirm our belief that united, we are stronger in this increasingly unsettled and challenging world,’ the broad-brush statement said. ‘We have been able to go thick and thin, we have proved this in numerous crises, […] we know the rest of the world is not asleep and we need to work hard to make it flourish,’ German chancellor Angela Merkel concluded to reporters after the meeting.

“‘One country on its own cannot solve the great global problems,’ Merkel added, saying leaders discussed defining the EU’s role in the world, and that multilateral cooperation needs to be translated into the way the EU grapples with the big issues.

“In the declaration, leaders said: ‘we will show each other solidarity in times of need and we will always stand together. We can and we will speak with one voice…’ The declaration vows that the EU will act where it matters…”

Stockpiling Coins and Banknotes in a “Cashless” Society

The Sunday Times wrote on May 5:

“Sweden, [a] nation that pioneered living without cash, warns: Hoard your banknotes. As Britain edges towards a cashless future, Sweden has urged its citizens to stockpile change in case of power cuts, a cyber-attack or war.

“Everyone in Sweden has been urged to stockpile coins and banknotes in case the country’s move towards a cashless society leaves them without money in a cyber-crisis. In a move that will sound alarm bells in the UK, Sweden – one of the most advanced nations for digital payments – has warned that its people could be unable to buy anything if its computer networks were put out of action.

“The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, an arm of the government, has sent guidance to every home telling residents to squirrel away ‘cash in small denominations’ in case of emergencies ranging from power cuts or technology glitches to terrorism, cyber-attacks by a rogue government or war.”

It is always good advice to have some cash at home in case of unforeseen emergencies, including power outages, earthquakes and other natural catastrophes.

The Vaccination War against Religious Freedom

NPR wrote on May 6:

“Oregon is one of more than 10 states considering tightening their vaccine laws this year… Currently, parents in Oregon and most other states can cite religious or philosophical reasons if they don’t want to vaccinate their kids… Oregon kindergartners claim vaccine exemptions at the highest rate in the nation.

“But a bill in the state Legislature would do away with those nonmedical exemptions. Parents who didn’t secure a doctor’s permission would face a choice between vaccination or not sending their kids to school… If passed, Oregon would become the fourth state to eliminate nonmedical exemptions. Opponents are keen on preventing that. In the two months since the bill was filed, it has spurred thousands of letters and phone calls, and hours of passionate testimony…

“States such as Colorado, Maine and New York have considered bills this year to tighten vaccine laws, with varying outcomes. Colorado’s effort reportedly stalled when it failed to pass the state’s Senate, while Maine recently pared back a bill that would have eliminated all nonmedical exemptions…

“In Oregon, doctors and other health care professionals have come out overwhelmingly in favor of the vaccine bill, which is among the broadest proposed nationwide. They point out that vaccines have been proved safe for the vast majority of the population and effective at stopping the spread of disease. Opponents are far less trusting. Many are parents who worry that their children could be harmed by vaccines. Though rare, some claim their kids have already been injured by the shots. They also make an overarching argument: that lawmakers are taking away their medical choice…”

Even though the scientific world is anxious to claim that vaccines are harmless and do not cause any side effects, this is CLEARLY untrue, especially for those with a weakened immune system.

As Time reported on May 8, “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [an attorney, author, environmental activist and son of Bobby Kennedy] has become a hero of the anti-vax crowd with his persistent claims that vaccines contain deadly ingredients, particularly a mercury-based preservative known as thimerosal, and that they are linked to autism.”

Some of Kennedy’s relatives [a brother, a sister and a niece] disagree with him, stating he is wrong on both counts and that he is spreading “dangerous misinformation,” and so does most of the main-stream media. But the question is, who IS right in this emotionally charged battle? The mere fact that scientists and pharmaceutical doctors, who have been proven wrong many times, take the position of mandatory vaccinations does not have to mean that the vaccinations are harmless and without dangerous complications and side effects.

Crazy! Cruise Ship Quarantined Because of Measles

The Guardian wrote on May 6:

“A Church of Scientology cruise ship docked in the Caribbean island of Curaçao will remain under quarantine until government authorities determine how many of the ship’s 318 passengers are infected with measles. Health officials have taken 277 blood samples from those onboard the ship and sent them to the Netherlands… Ten passengers and 31 crew members were able to provide proof of vaccination.

“Health officials in St Lucia were notified on 30 April that a female crew member onboard the ship had been diagnosed with measles. The crew member had traveled to Europe, arrived on Curaçao on 17 April and visited a doctor for cold symptoms on 22 April. A blood sample sent to Aruba confirmed she had measles on 29 April, a day after the ship departed for St Lucia, according to the Associated Press.

“After deliberations with the Pan American Health Organization, St Lucia health officials put the ship under quarantine on 30 April. The ship left St Lucia on Thursday and returned to its home port in Curaçao on Saturday. A team of nine medical professionals and authorities boarded the vessel to start interviewing and testing passengers… As they await the test results, passengers and crew members are not allowed to leave the ship because of the risk that they carry the highly infectious disease, authorities said…

“The Church of Scientology has not taken a specific position on vaccinations, though it says that Scientologists seek standard medical care and prescription drugs when ill…”

No Surprise! Vaccination Hysteria in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 5, 2019:

“German Health Minister Jens Spahn is proposing a law that allows for fining parents of unvaccinated children up to €2,500 ($2,800). The conservative [openly gay] lawmaker said he wants to ‘eradicate’ measles.

“Parents in Germany who refuse to vaccinate their children against measles would be required to pay up to €2,500 ($2,800) in fines and their children would be thrown out of kindergarten… The bill has a different solution for parents of schoolchildren. Elementary education is mandatory in Germany, so the law would not be able to keep unvaccinated children out of schools. Instead, their parents would be required to pay the fine.

“In addition to newborns, there are also older children whose health prevents them from getting immunized, such as organ recipients or people suffering from leukemia. Their parents would need to provide proof of the medical condition that prevents them from getting the vaccine. By July 2020, other parents who attempt to sign up their children for kindergartens or schools would need to provide confirmation that their children have been vaccinated.

“Vaccinations will also become mandatory for employees of hospitals and private medical practices. The draft legislation is currently being discussed in the Cabinet. It is expected to be adopted this year and go into force in March 2020…

Bild Online added on May 6 that CDU-Chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (56), SPD-Chief Andrea Nahles (48) und SPD-health „expert“ Karl Lauterbach (56) support the draft, while others criticize or oppose it. Politicians from the SPD claim that the law might be unconstitutional, while the Green Party categorically rejects mandatory vaccinations. And while FDP-general secretary supports mandatory vaccinations, she is opposed to fines. That the vaccination hysteria and its wide-reaching reactions have reached German politicians is no surprise, given the fact that Germany has always been known for acting and reacting in extreme fashion.

Plant and Animal Life at Risk of Extinction

The New York Times wrote on May 6:

“Humans are transforming Earth’s natural landscapes so dramatically that as many as one million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction, posing a dire threat to ecosystems that people all over the world depend on for their survival, a sweeping new United Nations assessment has concluded.

“The 1,500-page report, compiled by hundreds of international experts and based on thousands of scientific studies, is the most exhaustive look yet at the decline in biodiversity across the globe and the dangers that creates for human civilization. A summary of its findings, which was approved by representatives from the United States and 131 other countries, was released Monday in Paris. The full report is set to be published this year.

“Its conclusions are stark. In most major land habitats, from the savannas of Africa to the rain forests of South America, the average abundance of native plant and animal life has fallen by 20 percent or more, mainly over the past century. With the human population passing 7 billion, activities like farming, logging, poaching, fishing and mining are altering the natural world at a rate ‘unprecedented in human history.’

“At the same time, a new threat has emerged: Global warming has become a major driver of wildlife decline, the assessment found, by shifting or shrinking the local climates that many mammals, birds, insects, fish and plants evolved to survive in. When combined with the other ways humans are damaging the environment, climate change is now pushing a growing number of species, such as the Bengal tiger, closer to extinction…

Humans are producing more food than ever, but land degradation is already harming agricultural productivity on 23 percent of the planet’s land area, the new report said. The decline of wild bees and other insects that help pollinate fruits and vegetables is putting up to $577 billion in annual crop production at risk. The loss of mangrove forests and coral reefs along coasts could expose up to 300 million people to increased risk of flooding.

“The authors note that the devastation of nature has become so severe that piecemeal efforts to protect individual species or to set up wildlife refuges will no longer be sufficient…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Anti-Semitic Violence Can Happen Everywhere!

JTA wrote on April 29:

“Poway’s landscape is textbook Southern California with its tract houses, red-tiled roofs, manicured lawns and palm trees off in the distance. This affluent community of about 50,000, it turns out, is not immune to the gun violence that has made schools and cities across the country synonymous with bloodshed. It’s not immune to the recent wave of anti-Semitic hate that has left toppled tombstones, spray-painted swastikas and, back in October, the 11 dead bodies of mostly elderly synagogue-goers in Pittsburgh.

“But a day after a gunman entered Chabad of Poway, killing congregant Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, and injuring three others… the Jewish community here teetered between disbelief (‘Poway of all places?’) and the conviction that in a post-Pittsburgh world, all Jewish communities are possible targets. (‘Yes, even Poway.’)…

“After a gunman motivated by his antipathy for Jewish support for immigrants killed worshippers inside Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue… such an attack was likely to happen again somewhere…”

The Week added on April 30:

“The 19-year-old San Diego man who was charged with murder after a shooting at a synagogue in Poway, California, on Saturday, was held without bail on Tuesday after pleading not guilty to the alleged crime in his first court appearance. A judge called the alleged shooter, John Earnest, an ‘obvious and extraordinary’ risk to the public. Earnest could face the death penalty if convicted, because he is accused of killing a woman — 60-year-old Lori Gilbert Kaye — based on her religious beliefs, a special circumstance which could circumvent a moratorium on capital punishment. Earnest is also charged with three counts of attempted murder and one count of arson after law enforcement linked him to a fire at a mosque in Escondido, California, weeks earlier.”

The suspect’s parents condemned the crime of their son. Why the suspect has pleaded not guilty is a mystery, unless his attorney wants to avoid punishment of his client by pleading temporary insanity. The truth of the matter is that these horrible deeds are being committed under the unrealized direct influence of demons.

Further Violence in Southern California

The Algemeiner wrote on April 30:

“A US combat veteran of the war in Afghanistan who prosecutors say plotted to detonate multiple nail bombs at a Los Angeles-area white nationalist rally, seeking to cause mass casualties, was arrested in an FBI sting operation… [The] US Army infantryman who recently converted to Islam, was taken into custody on Friday after undercover FBI operatives furnished him with what he thought were live bombs to be used in the attack, law enforcement officials said.

“Authorities said the [suspect] came to their attention because of a series of violent extremist messages he posted in online chat rooms, one of which called for ‘retribution’ for the massacre of 50 people at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, by a gunman in March.”

It is frightening to contemplate that people like these served and perhaps are still serving in the US military.

Global Military Spending at Its Highest

Reuters wrote on April 29:

“Global military expenditure reached its highest level last year since the end of the Cold War, fueled by increased spending in the United States and China, the world’s two biggest economies… In its annual report, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said overall global military spending in 2018 hit $1.82 trillion, up 2.6 percent on the previous year… U.S. military spending rose 4.6 percent last year to reach $649 billion, leaving it still by far the world’s biggest spender. It accounted for 36 percent of total global military expenditure, nearly equal to the following eight biggest-spending countries combined…

“China, the second biggest spender, saw military expenditure rise 5.0 percent to $250 billion last year, the 24th consecutive annual increase… In 2018 the USA and China accounted for half of the world’s military spending

“The other top spenders are, in declining order, Saudi Arabia, India, France, Russia, Britain, Germany, Japan and South Korea. Saudi Arabia… was the biggest per capita spender on defense, just ahead of the United States…”

The more man spends on military expenditure, the closer we come to the possibility of extinction of the human race.

Two State Solution Failed

JTA wrote on April 24:

“Jared Kushner said past negotiations over a two-state solution have ‘failed,’ setting up the likelihood that the peace plan he expects to release soon will include limited autonomy for Palestinians

“Palestinian leaders have said that anything short of statehood will lead them to demand full representation as voting Israeli citizens. The Palestinian leadership… cut off Kushner and other negotiators after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017.”

There will be no peace in the Middle East prior to Christ’s return.

Ukraine—Back to Russia?

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 28:

“The Russian president is already testing Ukraine’s president-elect Volodymyr Zelenskiy. In fact, Putin’s latest decree can be seen as pseudo-legal preparation for military moves… Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear he is not interested in easing the tension between Moscow and Kyiv. There’s no other way to interpret the decree he issued on Wednesday, which makes it easier for residents of the so-called ‘People’s Republics’…  to get Russian passports…

“Putin’s decree is a provocation. What he’s aiming to do is to separate the territories in eastern Ukraine, already effectively occupied by Russia, even more clearly and permanently from the Ukrainian state…”

In fact, it is Putin’s goal to incorporate the entirety of Ukraine into the Russian empire. See the next article.

Bloomberg wrote on April 29:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin said he may extend an offer of citizenship to cover all Ukrainians… Ukraine doesn’t permit dual citizenship and it’s unclear how many people would take up Putin’s offer amid deep divisions between the neighbors…

“Russia will start issuing passports on May 3, with separatist officials and military forces receiving them first… Russia has made similar moves in other breakaway regions in the former Soviet Union and in at least one case used the presence of newly converted citizens as justification for military intervention

“Ukraine and Russia have shared historical and religious roots, though the bonds of kinship have been strained and even severed…

“The U.S. State Department last week condemned Putin’s decree as ‘highly provocative’ and accused Russia of ‘intensifying its assault on Ukraine’s sovereignty.’ Germany and France said in a joint statement that the passport offer ‘contradicts the spirit and goals’ of a stalled 2015 peace agreement intended to resolve the conflict.

“Rebel officials say about 3.6 million people live in the areas under their control. About 360,000 people in separatist-held territory in Donetsk have already obtained Russian passports through ordinary procedures…”

The Bible shows clearly that Ukraine and Russia will combine militarily in opposition to western Europe.

Serbia Back to Russia?

ABC News wrote on May 2:

 “Serbia’s pro-Russian defense minister warned Thursday the Balkan country could ditch its European Union membership goals for close ties with Moscow… Although Serbia formally seeks EU membership, its populist leaders have gradually steered Serbia toward its ally Russia. Moscow is a key backer of Serbia’s stance over Kosovo, which declared independence from Serbia in 2008…

“Belgrade does not recognize Kosovo’s independence… With Kosovo pushing for more involvement from Washington in the negotiations, there have been signs that Serbia may respond by asking for Moscow’s participation.”

Elections in Spain

The Associated Press wrote on April 28:

“Spain’s socialist prime minister says he will consider talks to form a new government only with parties that respect the constitution and promote social justice. Pedro Sánchez declared his party the winner in Sunday’s general election, a ballot in which the far-right made inroads for the first time since Spain returned to democratic rule…

“Vox leader Santiago Abascal has euphorically celebrated his new far-right party’s results in Spain’s general election… He said ‘we told you that we were going to begin a reconquering of Spain and that’s what we have done.’ That is a reference to the 15th-century campaign by Spanish Catholic Kings to end Muslim rule on the Iberian Peninsula. The 43-year-old Abascal said that the 24 lawmakers from Vox that will sit in Spain’s lower house of parliament will be enough for the party to set the political agenda…

“Vox, which was formed five years ago, has promised to defend Spain from its ‘enemies,’ citing feminists, liberal elites and Muslims among others…”

The resurgence of right-wing populism in Spain is quite interesting and in line with biblical prophecy.

Turmoil in Venezuela

Axios wrote on April 30:

“Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaidó has taken to the streets alongside newly freed opposition politician Leopoldo López to call on the military to rise up and topple President Nicolás Maduro, a bold step that comes three months into a fierce power struggle…

“Guaidó declared himself Venezuela’s interim president in January and was swiftly recognized by the U.S. and a string of other countries, but Maduro has maintained his hold on power. The Trump administration and senior members of Congress have backed today’s high-risk move, while senior members of the Venezuelan regime have denounced what they’ve described as a futile ‘coup attempt.’

“López, one of Venezuela’s best-known politicians, was detained in 2014 for organizing anti-Maduro protests and had been under house arrest. He claimed to have been freed ‘by members of the security forces responding to an order by Guaidó’…

“‘As [López] spoke on a highway overpass, troops loyal to Maduro sporadically fired tear gas from inside the adjacent Carlota air base as the crowd of a few hundred civilians, some of them brandishing Venezuelan flags, scurried for cover,’ the AP reports. ‘The crowd swelled to a few thousand as people sensed what could be their strongest opportunity yet to overthrow the government after months of turmoil that has seen Maduro withstand an onslaught of protests and international pressure with the support of his top military command and allies such as Russia and Cuba

“As the world has waited for a decisive moment in the Maduro-Guaidó showdown, the suffering of the Venezuelan people has only intensified. The U.S. has ratcheted up sanctions, arguing that Venezuela’s economic crisis will never end until Maduro leaves power… Russia has sent troops in support of Maduro, and China has also defended the regime.”

Deutsche Welle added on April 30:

“US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said Maduro was ready to go into exile in Cuba but was persuaded by Russia to stay. President Donald Trump has called on Cuba to immediately cease its military support for Venezuela.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 1:

“Venezuela’s acting President Nicolas Maduro appeared on state television alongside military and intelligence officers on Wednesday to announce that ‘loyal and obedient’ troops had successfully quashed a failed coup attempt by self-proclaimed interim President Juan Guaido… despite small numbers of defections from the armed forces, there has been no mass exodus… Maduro said Guaido’s actions ‘will not go unpunished….’

“In his television address, Maduro claimed Guaido had initiated the current uprising to create a pretext for a US military intervention. Although Pompeo said the US wants a peaceful transfer of power, he warned… ‘The president has been crystal clear and incredibly consistent. Military action is possible. If that’s what’s required, that’s what the United States will do…’”

The situation in Venezuela might also lead to further deteriorating relationships between the USA and Russia, Cuba and China.

North Korea’s Murderous Dictatorship

The Daily Mail wrote on April 24:

Four North Korean officials have reportedly been executed for selling information to the US ahead of the failed nuclear arms meeting between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump… The four workers, all said to be from the foreign ministry, were allegedly killed by firing squad after talks in Vietnam between the two countries broke down… News of the alleged killings comes as North Korean media reported Kim’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, had been ‘demoted’ from at least one of her titles within the party in the wake of the failed nuclear summit…

“Kim Jong-un’s top adviser and key negotiator with the U.S. on denuclearisation was also removed from his post earlier this month, South Korean officials said. Kim Yong Chol, known as the leader’s most trusted policy adviser, was dropped as head of the United Front Department. He appears to have been ‘censured’ after the second Trump-Kim summit failed to reach a deal on the sanctions relief Pyongyang would get in exchange for dismantling its nuclear programme.”

When you want to work for a murderous dictator, this is what you get…

How the EU Makes Anti-Israel Politics by Ignoring Dissenting Member State

The EUObserver wrote on May 1:

“The EU just de facto ignored Hungary’s veto on a statement on Israel, prompting questions on how it makes foreign policy decisions. Hungary objected to the EU statement at the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York at the last minute on Monday (29 April).  But Finland read it out anyway at the UNSC meeting, in a game of protocol niceties laced with irritation. The Finnish ambassador to the UN, Kai Sauer, said: ‘I have the honour to speak on behalf of …’ the 27 EU countries which he listed, omitting Hungary.

“But his subsequent statement used language that made mockery of Hungary’s opinion. ‘The EU expresses serious concerns about the current trends … threatening the viability of the two-state solution,’ it said. It spoke of ‘the European Union’s position’ on Israeli settlements and said ‘the European Union’ was ‘alarmed’ by Palestinian deaths. It also spoke in the EU’s name on Israel’s use of live ammunition and to urge good treatment of a human rights activist called Omar Shakir.

“Finland read out the statement on grounds it will take over the rotating EU presidency from Romania in July. Romania would normally have done it, a Finnish diplomat told EUobserver, but did not do so because the sitting EU presidency ought to speak on behalf of all 28 member states…

“The UNSC veto marked the fifth time that Hungary torpedoed a public EU statement on Israel in the past two years. It sometimes acted with pro-Israeli EU allies, such as the Czech Republic, and sometimes alone…

“EU foreign policy is meant to be agreed by consensus, but the European Commission has proposed to introduce majority voting to help it ‘speak with one voice’… The idea was anathema to Hungary and Poland… But the two most powerful EU states – France and Germany – backed the move. Some medium-sized countries, such as Belgium and The Netherlands, also voiced a positive attitude. The handling of the UNSC statement on Israel indicated that the EU majority is now moving in that direction.”

This is also pointing to the establishment of core Europe, consisting of less than all the member states.

“New US policy on Seized Property in Cuba Threatens EU”

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 2:

“A Trump administration law amendment to allow US nationals to file lawsuits against foreign companies doing business in Cuba came into effect on Thursday. The major policy shift sets the stage for fresh economic disputes between the US and Europe

“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that the US will allow lawsuits against foreign companies operating on properties that were seized from Americans during the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Pompeo said anyone doing business in Cuba ‘should heed this announcement.’…

The European Union, which is Cuba’s largest trading partner, has warned it would take ‘appropriate measures’ if the US tries to interfere in business ties between sovereign states…

“The Trump administration has angered European allies in the past over its withdrawal from the Paris climate accords and the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. There are also trade disputes brewing between Washington and Brussels…”

Pushing Russia into China’s Arms?

The EUObserver wrote on May 2:

“‘The EU is the world’s village idiot’, Le Pen said in Copenhagen, referring to Europe’s free trade policies, open markets and borders.

“French far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, is campaigning to ‘save’ Europe by transforming it into what she calls a De Gaulle-inspired ‘Alliance of Nations’. She also warns against pushing Russia into the arms of China. French far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, has shelved ‘Frexit’ plans to leave the European Union and she no longer wants France to quit the euro.”

Vatican Endorses EU Superstate

Breitbart wrote on April 26:

“The European Union (EU) is ‘an example of what could become a supranational state,’ according to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in the lead-up to a major conference against nationalism… the Vatican insists on describing nationalism in exclusively negative terms, opening its ‘Concept Note’ for its May 1-3 conference by saying that the world ‘is facing today a growing threat of nationalist revival,’ which ‘leads to mutual rejection and enduring conflicts.’”

According to the Bible, the Catholic Church patterned its governmental structure after the civil administration of the former Roman Empire and its European revivals.

Evangelization More Important than Doctrine

Crux wrote on April 22:

“A new ‘super dicastery’ on evangelization might be one of the most significant reforms of the governing structures of the Vatican, according to a new report… The biggest novelty in the document, called Praedicate Evangelium [‘Preach the Gospel’], will be the creation of the ‘super dicastery’ for evangelization, which will potentially be more important than the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), often called ‘The Supreme Congregation.’

“Having its roots in the Roman Inquisition, the doctrinal office is the oldest among the congregations of the Roman Curia, and insiders still call it the Holy Office, as it’s tasked with promulgating and defending Catholic doctrine and defending the Church from heresy. Today, in addition to defending doctrine, it is also tasked with judging priests who’ve been accused of sexually abusing minors, with 17 officials dedicated almost exclusively to this task.”

This might point at the Catholic Church’s desire to gather its daughter churches under its all-encompassing umbrella, while not forsaking its core doctrines and practices…

Suppression of Documentary through Catholic Church

AFP wrote on April 30:

“A hit documentary about how some Catholic priests allegedly abused nuns in different parts of the world has been pulled from the Franco-German television channel Arte after a priest complained to a German court. The big-budget media investigation, ‘Sex Slaves in the Catholic Church’, was broadcast in March and has been sold widely internationally since.

“Its broadcast came weeks after Pope Francis admitted that some rogue priests had used nuns as ‘sexual slaves’ and that the Vatican had to dissolve a French order because its founder was preying on its sisters. The Vatican’s women’s magazine, Women Church World, also reported that some nuns had been forced into having abortions.

“Arte told AFP Tuesday that it was forced to pull the documentary from its replay site earlier this month after a press tribunal in Hamburg slapped a temporary injunction on the film following a complaint from a priest. The tribunal told AFP the priest complained that, while he was not shown in the documentary, he was ‘recognizable’ from an interview given by a nun. In the interview, the nun ‘gave the impression that the priest had forced a nun into sex against her will’.

“The priest was not identified in publication of the complaint. The channel said it was challenging the decision. The film has been the most-watched documentary of the year so far on the French arm of the channel, seen by 1.5 million people live and a further 1.7 million on replay. The film was made over three years by French director Marie-Pierre Raimbault and investigative journalist Eric Quintin, who collected the testimony of nuns whose allegations had been ignored or hidden by the hierarchy across four continents.”

The court’s shaky and quite obviously political injunction is a shameful testimony of the collaboration between church and state and the power of the Catholic Church and its priests.

Witchcraft in Germany

The Local wrote on April 30:

“Germany and witchcraft? Well, let’s just say they both have quite the history. The lands that make up modern Germany were the scene of some of the bloodiest persecutions of ‘witches’ from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Despite this, ‘the old ways’ still do persist in the German popular imagination, most prominently in what we know as Walpurgisnacht – the evening of April 30th… The night is also sometimes known as Hexenbrennen – the burning of witches… this reputation as a bastion of pagan superstition, coupled with the growing hysteria around witchcraft led many to believe that the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains was the scene of ‘Witches’ Sabbaths’. These were, allegedly, wild and orgiastic convocations where gathered witches would meet with Satan and plot all sorts of trouble over the coming year.

“In order to keep witches away and avoid their curses, local villagers would come together and light bonfires – a throwback to older beliefs about the warding power of flame… [Subsequently, far] from keeping witches away, the festivities began to celebrate the witch as a kind of fairytale succubus, with all that entails… In the 21st century, Walpurgisnacht is both a beloved local tradition and a huge tourist draw throughout the Harz Mountains…”

Ignorant and foolish people who participate today in the celebration of Walpurgisnacht don’t realize with whom they are coming in contact.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 874

We are Pawns; Escaping Sin

On May 4, 2019, Michael Link will present the sermonette, titled, “We are Pawns,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Escaping Sin.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Kalon Mitchell

Last Saturday here in San Diego, less than 20 minutes from where we meet in Ramona for Church services, a young man snapped and fired a gun in a synagogue and killed one person, and injured a few others. A senseless and cruel act of hatred! All around the world we are seeing a sharp rise in these types of deadly acts.

It is one thing to read about issues and problems halfway across the globe. But when we are confronted with them in close proximity, or people we know go through instances like the one above, things become much more “real”.

We know from Scripture that the early Church was plagued with many serious issues, including the members being persecuted in various ways. Christ’s bold statements in John 15:20 are a stark realization of what is coming: “Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.“ And again over in John 16:1-4, Christ warns that these things would happen, then and now. The road of being a Christian has never been an easy one. But the trail is becoming increasingly more difficult with each passing year. When we read Scriptures such as the ones listed next, it becomes evident that we have a NEED to be as close to God as possible: Acts 14:22; 1 Corinthians 4:8-12; 2 Corinthians 4:7-12; 2 Timothy 3:1-17; Matthew 10:16-33.

These are very real warnings for our time. We can see the signs of the times as listed above in 2 Timothy 3. We can see from the news and with our own eyes that these types of attitudes and actions are becoming more and more prevalent. From the time when I was a youngster until now, things have dramatically become unstable, and it will only continue to deteriorate.

How prepared are we?  We just celebrated the Spring Holy Days, which pictured us removing leavening (symbolic for sin) and drawing close to God. How diligent are we in keeping up with that? Have we started to slip back into our old ways, thoughts or habits? Have we truly worked to put out sin?

What is this Way of Life worth to each of us? Are we willing to stand up for the Truth (Ephesians 6:13-18)? Do we love God’s Way and commandments with ALL of our heart (Matthew 22:37)? Are we seeking Him diligently in all areas of our lives (Isaiah 55:6-7)? Are we willing to give up our lives for this Way of Life (Matthew 10:39; 16:25; John 12:25)? And are we willing to give up things for the Way (Matthew 13:44-46)?

If we are close to God as we should be, we do not need to fear anything.  Philippians 4:6 states that we do not need to be anxious about anything, once we set our sight on God and truly learn to lean on Him in faith for ALL of our physical and spiritual needs. 1 Peter 5:6-7 states we need to humble ourselves before God. While this world spirals out of control, each of us should take stock of what we read in Scripture. It is easy to research what the Bible has to say about not fearing, about seeking Him. But when things are easy, we tend to not be ready. Now is the time to prepare and be ready. The return of Christ is close at hand. How ready are each of us for the things that lie ahead? We must take the time and make the effort NOW (Hebrews 3:7-12)!

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by Norbert Link

We begin with the horrific murderous attacks of a 19-year-old San Diego student on a synagogue and a mosque and an attempted terrorist attack by an Islamist in Los Angeles; and continue with the insane global military spending.

We report on the failed attempt to find a two-state-solution for Israelis and Palestinians; and we focus on Russia’s ongoing attempts to bring Ukraine into its fold. We also speak on the election results in Spain; the turmoil in Venezuela; murderous actions by North Korea’s dictator; and the way in which the EU rules. We also address further brewing problems between the USA and the EU regarding Cuba.

In the remainder of this section, we address the politics, concepts and most recent actions of the Vatican, as well as witchcraft in Germany.

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Anti-Semitic Violence Can Happen Everywhere!

JTA wrote on April 29:

“Poway’s landscape is textbook Southern California with its tract houses, red-tiled roofs, manicured lawns and palm trees off in the distance. This affluent community of about 50,000, it turns out, is not immune to the gun violence that has made schools and cities across the country synonymous with bloodshed. It’s not immune to the recent wave of anti-Semitic hate that has left toppled tombstones, spray-painted swastikas and, back in October, the 11 dead bodies of mostly elderly synagogue-goers in Pittsburgh.

“But a day after a gunman entered Chabad of Poway, killing congregant Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, and injuring three others… the Jewish community here teetered between disbelief (‘Poway of all places?’) and the conviction that in a post-Pittsburgh world, all Jewish communities are possible targets. (‘Yes, even Poway.’)…

“After a gunman motivated by his antipathy for Jewish support for immigrants killed worshippers inside Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue… such an attack was likely to happen again somewhere…”

The Week added on April 30:

“The 19-year-old San Diego man who was charged with murder after a shooting at a synagogue in Poway, California, on Saturday, was held without bail on Tuesday after pleading not guilty to the alleged crime in his first court appearance. A judge called the alleged shooter, John Earnest, an ‘obvious and extraordinary’ risk to the public. Earnest could face the death penalty if convicted, because he is accused of killing a woman — 60-year-old Lori Gilbert Kaye — based on her religious beliefs, a special circumstance which could circumvent a moratorium on capital punishment. Earnest is also charged with three counts of attempted murder and one count of arson after law enforcement linked him to a fire at a mosque in Escondido, California, weeks earlier.”

The suspect’s parents condemned the crime of their son. Why the suspect has pleaded not guilty is a mystery, unless his attorney wants to avoid punishment of his client by pleading temporary insanity. The truth of the matter is that these horrible deeds are being committed under the unrealized direct influence of demons.

Further Violence in Southern California

The Algemeiner wrote on April 30:

“A US combat veteran of the war in Afghanistan who prosecutors say plotted to detonate multiple nail bombs at a Los Angeles-area white nationalist rally, seeking to cause mass casualties, was arrested in an FBI sting operation… [The] US Army infantryman who recently converted to Islam, was taken into custody on Friday after undercover FBI operatives furnished him with what he thought were live bombs to be used in the attack, law enforcement officials said.

“Authorities said the [suspect] came to their attention because of a series of violent extremist messages he posted in online chat rooms, one of which called for ‘retribution’ for the massacre of 50 people at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, by a gunman in March.”

It is frightening to contemplate that people like these served and perhaps are still serving in the US military.

Global Military Spending at Its Highest

Reuters wrote on April 29:

“Global military expenditure reached its highest level last year since the end of the Cold War, fueled by increased spending in the United States and China, the world’s two biggest economies… In its annual report, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said overall global military spending in 2018 hit $1.82 trillion, up 2.6 percent on the previous year… U.S. military spending rose 4.6 percent last year to reach $649 billion, leaving it still by far the world’s biggest spender. It accounted for 36 percent of total global military expenditure, nearly equal to the following eight biggest-spending countries combined…

“China, the second biggest spender, saw military expenditure rise 5.0 percent to $250 billion last year, the 24th consecutive annual increase… In 2018 the USA and China accounted for half of the world’s military spending

“The other top spenders are, in declining order, Saudi Arabia, India, France, Russia, Britain, Germany, Japan and South Korea. Saudi Arabia… was the biggest per capita spender on defense, just ahead of the United States…”

The more man spends on military expenditure, the closer we come to the possibility of extinction of the human race.

Two State Solution Failed

JTA wrote on April 24:

“Jared Kushner said past negotiations over a two-state solution have ‘failed,’ setting up the likelihood that the peace plan he expects to release soon will include limited autonomy for Palestinians

“Palestinian leaders have said that anything short of statehood will lead them to demand full representation as voting Israeli citizens. The Palestinian leadership… cut off Kushner and other negotiators after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017.”

There will be no peace in the Middle East prior to Christ’s return.

Ukraine—Back to Russia?

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 28:

“The Russian president is already testing Ukraine’s president-elect Volodymyr Zelenskiy. In fact, Putin’s latest decree can be seen as pseudo-legal preparation for military moves… Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear he is not interested in easing the tension between Moscow and Kyiv. There’s no other way to interpret the decree he issued on Wednesday, which makes it easier for residents of the so-called ‘People’s Republics’…  to get Russian passports…

“Putin’s decree is a provocation. What he’s aiming to do is to separate the territories in eastern Ukraine, already effectively occupied by Russia, even more clearly and permanently from the Ukrainian state…”

In fact, it is Putin’s goal to incorporate the entirety of Ukraine into the Russian empire. See the next article.

Bloomberg wrote on April 29:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin said he may extend an offer of citizenship to cover all Ukrainians… Ukraine doesn’t permit dual citizenship and it’s unclear how many people would take up Putin’s offer amid deep divisions between the neighbors…

“Russia will start issuing passports on May 3, with separatist officials and military forces receiving them first… Russia has made similar moves in other breakaway regions in the former Soviet Union and in at least one case used the presence of newly converted citizens as justification for military intervention

“Ukraine and Russia have shared historical and religious roots, though the bonds of kinship have been strained and even severed…

“The U.S. State Department last week condemned Putin’s decree as ‘highly provocative’ and accused Russia of ‘intensifying its assault on Ukraine’s sovereignty.’ Germany and France said in a joint statement that the passport offer ‘contradicts the spirit and goals’ of a stalled 2015 peace agreement intended to resolve the conflict.

“Rebel officials say about 3.6 million people live in the areas under their control. About 360,000 people in separatist-held territory in Donetsk have already obtained Russian passports through ordinary procedures…”

The Bible shows clearly that Ukraine and Russia will combine militarily in opposition to western Europe.

Serbia Back to Russia?

ABC News wrote on May 2:

 “Serbia’s pro-Russian defense minister warned Thursday the Balkan country could ditch its European Union membership goals for close ties with Moscow… Although Serbia formally seeks EU membership, its populist leaders have gradually steered Serbia toward its ally Russia. Moscow is a key backer of Serbia’s stance over Kosovo, which declared independence from Serbia in 2008…

“Belgrade does not recognize Kosovo’s independence… With Kosovo pushing for more involvement from Washington in the negotiations, there have been signs that Serbia may respond by asking for Moscow’s participation.”

Elections in Spain

The Associated Press wrote on April 28:

“Spain’s socialist prime minister says he will consider talks to form a new government only with parties that respect the constitution and promote social justice. Pedro Sánchez declared his party the winner in Sunday’s general election, a ballot in which the far-right made inroads for the first time since Spain returned to democratic rule…

“Vox leader Santiago Abascal has euphorically celebrated his new far-right party’s results in Spain’s general election… He said ‘we told you that we were going to begin a reconquering of Spain and that’s what we have done.’ That is a reference to the 15th-century campaign by Spanish Catholic Kings to end Muslim rule on the Iberian Peninsula. The 43-year-old Abascal said that the 24 lawmakers from Vox that will sit in Spain’s lower house of parliament will be enough for the party to set the political agenda…

“Vox, which was formed five years ago, has promised to defend Spain from its ‘enemies,’ citing feminists, liberal elites and Muslims among others…”

The resurgence of right-wing populism in Spain is quite interesting and in line with biblical prophecy.

Turmoil in Venezuela

Axios wrote on April 30:

“Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaidó has taken to the streets alongside newly freed opposition politician Leopoldo López to call on the military to rise up and topple President Nicolás Maduro, a bold step that comes three months into a fierce power struggle…

“Guaidó declared himself Venezuela’s interim president in January and was swiftly recognized by the U.S. and a string of other countries, but Maduro has maintained his hold on power. The Trump administration and senior members of Congress have backed today’s high-risk move, while senior members of the Venezuelan regime have denounced what they’ve described as a futile ‘coup attempt.’

“López, one of Venezuela’s best-known politicians, was detained in 2014 for organizing anti-Maduro protests and had been under house arrest. He claimed to have been freed ‘by members of the security forces responding to an order by Guaidó’…

“‘As [López] spoke on a highway overpass, troops loyal to Maduro sporadically fired tear gas from inside the adjacent Carlota air base as the crowd of a few hundred civilians, some of them brandishing Venezuelan flags, scurried for cover,’ the AP reports. ‘The crowd swelled to a few thousand as people sensed what could be their strongest opportunity yet to overthrow the government after months of turmoil that has seen Maduro withstand an onslaught of protests and international pressure with the support of his top military command and allies such as Russia and Cuba

“As the world has waited for a decisive moment in the Maduro-Guaidó showdown, the suffering of the Venezuelan people has only intensified. The U.S. has ratcheted up sanctions, arguing that Venezuela’s economic crisis will never end until Maduro leaves power… Russia has sent troops in support of Maduro, and China has also defended the regime.”

Deutsche Welle added on April 30:

“US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said Maduro was ready to go into exile in Cuba but was persuaded by Russia to stay. President Donald Trump has called on Cuba to immediately cease its military support for Venezuela.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 1:

“Venezuela’s acting President Nicolas Maduro appeared on state television alongside military and intelligence officers on Wednesday to announce that ‘loyal and obedient’ troops had successfully quashed a failed coup attempt by self-proclaimed interim President Juan Guaido… despite small numbers of defections from the armed forces, there has been no mass exodus… Maduro said Guaido’s actions ‘will not go unpunished….’

“In his television address, Maduro claimed Guaido had initiated the current uprising to create a pretext for a US military intervention. Although Pompeo said the US wants a peaceful transfer of power, he warned… ‘The president has been crystal clear and incredibly consistent. Military action is possible. If that’s what’s required, that’s what the United States will do…’”

The situation in Venezuela might also lead to further deteriorating relationships between the USA and Russia, Cuba and China.

North Korea’s Murderous Dictatorship

The Daily Mail wrote on April 24:

Four North Korean officials have reportedly been executed for selling information to the US ahead of the failed nuclear arms meeting between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump… The four workers, all said to be from the foreign ministry, were allegedly killed by firing squad after talks in Vietnam between the two countries broke down… News of the alleged killings comes as North Korean media reported Kim’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, had been ‘demoted’ from at least one of her titles within the party in the wake of the failed nuclear summit…

“Kim Jong-un’s top adviser and key negotiator with the U.S. on denuclearisation was also removed from his post earlier this month, South Korean officials said. Kim Yong Chol, known as the leader’s most trusted policy adviser, was dropped as head of the United Front Department. He appears to have been ‘censured’ after the second Trump-Kim summit failed to reach a deal on the sanctions relief Pyongyang would get in exchange for dismantling its nuclear programme.”

When you want to work for a murderous dictator, this is what you get…

How the EU Makes Anti-Israel Politics by Ignoring Dissenting Member State

The EUObserver wrote on May 1:

“The EU just de facto ignored Hungary’s veto on a statement on Israel, prompting questions on how it makes foreign policy decisions. Hungary objected to the EU statement at the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York at the last minute on Monday (29 April).  But Finland read it out anyway at the UNSC meeting, in a game of protocol niceties laced with irritation. The Finnish ambassador to the UN, Kai Sauer, said: ‘I have the honour to speak on behalf of …’ the 27 EU countries which he listed, omitting Hungary.

“But his subsequent statement used language that made mockery of Hungary’s opinion. ‘The EU expresses serious concerns about the current trends … threatening the viability of the two-state solution,’ it said. It spoke of ‘the European Union’s position’ on Israeli settlements and said ‘the European Union’ was ‘alarmed’ by Palestinian deaths. It also spoke in the EU’s name on Israel’s use of live ammunition and to urge good treatment of a human rights activist called Omar Shakir.

“Finland read out the statement on grounds it will take over the rotating EU presidency from Romania in July. Romania would normally have done it, a Finnish diplomat told EUobserver, but did not do so because the sitting EU presidency ought to speak on behalf of all 28 member states…

“The UNSC veto marked the fifth time that Hungary torpedoed a public EU statement on Israel in the past two years. It sometimes acted with pro-Israeli EU allies, such as the Czech Republic, and sometimes alone…

“EU foreign policy is meant to be agreed by consensus, but the European Commission has proposed to introduce majority voting to help it ‘speak with one voice’… The idea was anathema to Hungary and Poland… But the two most powerful EU states – France and Germany – backed the move. Some medium-sized countries, such as Belgium and The Netherlands, also voiced a positive attitude. The handling of the UNSC statement on Israel indicated that the EU majority is now moving in that direction.”

This is also pointing to the establishment of core Europe, consisting of less than all the member states.

“New US policy on Seized Property in Cuba Threatens EU”

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 2:

“A Trump administration law amendment to allow US nationals to file lawsuits against foreign companies doing business in Cuba came into effect on Thursday. The major policy shift sets the stage for fresh economic disputes between the US and Europe

“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that the US will allow lawsuits against foreign companies operating on properties that were seized from Americans during the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Pompeo said anyone doing business in Cuba ‘should heed this announcement.’…

The European Union, which is Cuba’s largest trading partner, has warned it would take ‘appropriate measures’ if the US tries to interfere in business ties between sovereign states…

“The Trump administration has angered European allies in the past over its withdrawal from the Paris climate accords and the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. There are also trade disputes brewing between Washington and Brussels…”

Pushing Russia into China’s Arms?

The EUObserver wrote on May 2:

“‘The EU is the world’s village idiot’, Le Pen said in Copenhagen, referring to Europe’s free trade policies, open markets and borders.

“French far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, is campaigning to ‘save’ Europe by transforming it into what she calls a De Gaulle-inspired ‘Alliance of Nations’. She also warns against pushing Russia into the arms of China. French far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, has shelved ‘Frexit’ plans to leave the European Union and she no longer wants France to quit the euro.”

Vatican Endorses EU Superstate

Breitbart wrote on April 26:

“The European Union (EU) is ‘an example of what could become a supranational state,’ according to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in the lead-up to a major conference against nationalism… the Vatican insists on describing nationalism in exclusively negative terms, opening its ‘Concept Note’ for its May 1-3 conference by saying that the world ‘is facing today a growing threat of nationalist revival,’ which ‘leads to mutual rejection and enduring conflicts.’”

According to the Bible, the Catholic Church patterned its governmental structure after the civil administration of the former Roman Empire and its European revivals.

Evangelization More Important than Doctrine

Crux wrote on April 22:

“A new ‘super dicastery’ on evangelization might be one of the most significant reforms of the governing structures of the Vatican, according to a new report… The biggest novelty in the document, called Praedicate Evangelium [‘Preach the Gospel’], will be the creation of the ‘super dicastery’ for evangelization, which will potentially be more important than the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), often called ‘The Supreme Congregation.’

“Having its roots in the Roman Inquisition, the doctrinal office is the oldest among the congregations of the Roman Curia, and insiders still call it the Holy Office, as it’s tasked with promulgating and defending Catholic doctrine and defending the Church from heresy. Today, in addition to defending doctrine, it is also tasked with judging priests who’ve been accused of sexually abusing minors, with 17 officials dedicated almost exclusively to this task.”

This might point at the Catholic Church’s desire to gather its daughter churches under its all-encompassing umbrella, while not forsaking its core doctrines and practices…

Suppression of Documentary through Catholic Church

AFP wrote on April 30:

“A hit documentary about how some Catholic priests allegedly abused nuns in different parts of the world has been pulled from the Franco-German television channel Arte after a priest complained to a German court. The big-budget media investigation, ‘Sex Slaves in the Catholic Church’, was broadcast in March and has been sold widely internationally since.

“Its broadcast came weeks after Pope Francis admitted that some rogue priests had used nuns as ‘sexual slaves’ and that the Vatican had to dissolve a French order because its founder was preying on its sisters. The Vatican’s women’s magazine, Women Church World, also reported that some nuns had been forced into having abortions.

“Arte told AFP Tuesday that it was forced to pull the documentary from its replay site earlier this month after a press tribunal in Hamburg slapped a temporary injunction on the film following a complaint from a priest. The tribunal told AFP the priest complained that, while he was not shown in the documentary, he was ‘recognizable’ from an interview given by a nun. In the interview, the nun ‘gave the impression that the priest had forced a nun into sex against her will’.

“The priest was not identified in publication of the complaint. The channel said it was challenging the decision. The film has been the most-watched documentary of the year so far on the French arm of the channel, seen by 1.5 million people live and a further 1.7 million on replay. The film was made over three years by French director Marie-Pierre Raimbault and investigative journalist Eric Quintin, who collected the testimony of nuns whose allegations had been ignored or hidden by the hierarchy across four continents.”

The court’s shaky and quite obviously political injunction is a shameful testimony of the collaboration between church and state and the power of the Catholic Church and its priests.

Witchcraft in Germany

The Local wrote on April 30:

“Germany and witchcraft? Well, let’s just say they both have quite the history. The lands that make up modern Germany were the scene of some of the bloodiest persecutions of ‘witches’ from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Despite this, ‘the old ways’ still do persist in the German popular imagination, most prominently in what we know as Walpurgisnacht – the evening of April 30th… The night is also sometimes known as Hexenbrennen – the burning of witches… this reputation as a bastion of pagan superstition, coupled with the growing hysteria around witchcraft led many to believe that the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains was the scene of ‘Witches’ Sabbaths’. These were, allegedly, wild and orgiastic convocations where gathered witches would meet with Satan and plot all sorts of trouble over the coming year.

“In order to keep witches away and avoid their curses, local villagers would come together and light bonfires – a throwback to older beliefs about the warding power of flame… [Subsequently, far] from keeping witches away, the festivities began to celebrate the witch as a kind of fairytale succubus, with all that entails… In the 21st century, Walpurgisnacht is both a beloved local tradition and a huge tourist draw throughout the Harz Mountains…”

Ignorant and foolish people who participate today in the celebration of Walpurgisnacht don’t realize with whom they are coming in contact.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Why do Church members leave the Truth so quickly?

It is an interesting phenomenon which has been observed over the years, that many of those who have been considered Church members leave the Church of God in a rather sudden manner, and that they immediately turn to the wrong things and behavior patterns which they rejected, while “in” the Church. This abrupt rejection of the Truth can be stunning and confusing if we don’t understand why this is happening.

There are certainly numerous reasons which we could address. In this Q&A, we want to focus on the more obvious ones. But first, we want to show from the Bible that such conduct is indeed prophesied. It happened already in the days of the apostle Paul and before, and it has continued to happen ever since, while it will be finding its climax in the days just ahead of us.

After Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong’s death in 1986, a new administration came to power which began, slowly but surely, to water down and finally change outright the core doctrines of the Church. When they finally ended up doing away with the observance of the weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days, the teaching of clean and unclean meat and tithing, vast groups of Church members quickly followed their wrong teaching. The very same day when Mr. Tkach, the “successor” to Mr. Armstrong, gave his infamous sermon on these above-mentioned topics, many members went out that same evening to eat pork. Again, the question is, why and how could something like this happen that quickly?

Over the years, when members disassociated themselves from the Church, they immediately began to eat pork, celebrate Christmas and Easter, and reject the observance of the weekly and annual Sabbaths. We ask again, how could it happen?

The apostle Paul wondered about the same phenomenon. He phrases his puzzling observations in these terms in Galatians 1:6-7: “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.”

Christ warned in the parable of the sower that some would hear and immediately receive the word with joy, but because they have no root in themselves, they only endure for a while and when problems come, they immediately stumble and leave (Matthew 13:20-21). Others may hear the word but don’t really understand it (even though they may think that they do), and so Satan comes and immediately snatches away what was sown in their hearts (Matthew 13:19; Mark 4:15). In all these cases, their departure from the Truth comes quickly and suddenly.

When someone detaches himself and cuts himself off from Christ as the vine, he will wither away (John 15:1-6). This process occurs quickly. Christ showed us how quickly this can happen when He cursed the unfruitful fig tree. We read that “immediately the fig tree withered away” (Matthew 21:19), so that the disciples asked, “How did the fig tree wither away so soon?” (verse 20).

God warned the entire nation of Israel that if they were not to obey Him but rather do evil in His sight to provoke Him to anger, they would “soon utterly perish” and be “utterly destroyed” (Deuteronomy 4:25-26).  At the time of Moses, Israel “turned aside quickly out of the way” which God commanded them, by building a golden calf (Exodus 32:8).

When God opens our minds to His Truth, He wants us to change for the better. It is not enough to hear the word and even accept it, but we must carry out what we know. If we refuse to do so, we cut ourselves off from the vine and we will wither away… and it will happen quickly and suddenly. James 1:22-25 tells us: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.”

God is patient with us, but there comes a time when His patience runs out. When we refuse to repent and just attend the church for “show,” perhaps for improper ulterior motives or because it looks good and is expected, then He will take away what we had or thought we had. The parable of the talents is quite revealing in this regard. The lazy servant who refused to use the talent which had been given to him, but buried it in the ground, found himself deprived of it (Matthew 25:24-29). God took away from him whatever knowledge He had given him. Being without spiritual knowledge, a person withers away and returns soon to the pollution of this world which he had left behind for a while.

2 Peter 2:20-22 explains very succinctly:

“For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: ‘A dog returns to his own vomit,’ and, ‘a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.’”

The key to proper understanding in this context is: It will happen quickly because God will have decided to withdraw from them by taking away His knowledge from them (which might have motivated them not to sin) and becoming “a swift witness” against them (Malachi 3:5).

When we really commit to God and His Church, we do so after having proven to ourselves what the Truth is and where it is being taught (Romans 12:2). We convinced ourselves that the Truth of God is most important to us, which we would never forsake… under no circumstances. We counted the costs before becoming baptized (Luke 14:28) with the commitment never to forsake this Way of Life (compare Luke 9:62). We did not act hastily, on the spur of a moment. Isaiah 28:16 reads: “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Behold I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; WHOEVER BELIEVES WILL NOT ACT HASTILY.”

In our Q&A on this passage, we stated: “Many, who are not really called by God to salvation, act very ‘hastily’ or ‘with excitement’ when they hear God’s Word proclaimed to them… As the recent history in the Church of God has shown, many who supposedly had ‘started’ did not continue. They just gave up, embracing the pleasures and philosophies of this world, which they supposedly left behind when they ‘embraced’ God’s Way of life… Many once seemingly understood those teachings… How much time had they spent PROVING the Truth to themselves? Were they EVER converted?…

“A true Christian who believes in God the Father and Jesus Christ, and who is willing to OBEY them, will not act ‘hastily.’ He understands that his decision to follow God, and to be baptized as a consequence, is a life-long commitment…”

Many of those who attended the Church and subsequently left it were never truly converted, as John explains in 1 John 2:15-19:

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world–the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life–is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.”

John is saying that the love of the Father (which is poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us at the time of baptism, cp. Romans 5:5) was not in them; that is, they never received God’s Spirit. God’s Spirit might have been working with them, giving them some spiritual knowledge (John 14:17), but their love for the world never died, until it finally conquered them once again.

When that happened, all godly knowledge disappeared, and the person departed quickly and suddenly, deprived of spiritual understanding and being enslaved again and held captive (2 Timothy 2:26) by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Pride can be an important factor in motivating a person to forsake the Truth. Pride was King Saul’s downfall… he was once little in his own sight, but then pride overtook him, and he became rebellious against God’s Law.

When we don’t prove the Truth to ourselves and LOVE it, we will walk away when the opportunity arises, and we will do so quickly and suddenly. Paul prophesies this and warns us at the same time, in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12:

“And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion [as they will be deprived of spiritual knowledge], that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

As mentioned, this will occur quickly at that future time, but the principle of sudden departure from the Truth has been in operation all along. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 gives us this timeless warning: “For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.”

However, we read in 2 Thessalonians 3:5: “Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.” This would also apply to those who have left God’s Church. God wants them to accept His gift of repentance (Romans 2:4) and return to Him, even if this means becoming baptized (again) to receive for the first time God’s Spirit and with it the love of God (which is the keeping of God’s commandments, 1 John 5:3). Even though they departed quickly, God is quick to forgive upon genuine and sincere godly repentance. The choice is theirs.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A new Member Letter (April 2019) has been written and posted. Dave Harris reports on behalf of the ministry about the recent Church Conference and news from Germany.

“What’s Russia Up To?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

What does the Bible say about the future of Russia and its relationship to other nations, including Ukraine, North Korea, the USA and the EU? How do current developments, including in Serbia and Venezuela, indicate to us that prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes?

“Warum verwirft man die Wahrheit so schnell?“ is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Why does one reject the Truth so quickly?”

Morning and Afternoon sermonettes and sermons for the Last Day of Unleavened Bread are now posted on our website. The German messages from the Last Day of Unleavened Bread and from last Sabbath were also posted on our German website.

“Be Careful With Your Words,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

How important does God think our words are? Will we be judged by what we say? What outcome is there for using wrong language?

“Reluctant Heroes,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Brian Gale, is now posted. Here is a summary:

This sermon shows that quite a number of the great men of the Bible weren’t scrambling to be at the head of the queue when it came to leadership, position, power and authority. They were, in fact, reluctant heroes.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2024 Church of the Eternal God