This Week in the News

“Historic Israel Elections”

Breitbart wrote on September 17:

“Exit polls from all three of Israel’s major television networks project no clear winner in today’s historic Israeli elections, which took place five months after the last round of voting failed to form a stable governing coalition for the first time in the country’s history…

“Ultimately, it will be the size of each party after final results that will determine whether [the centrist Blue and White party, led by ex-military chief Benny] Gantz or [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu [and his right-wing Likud party] will have the first shot at forming a coalition. It could take weeks of negotiations to eventually form a coalition.”

Deutsche Welle added: “Both Netanyahu and Gantz’s parties will fall well short of the 61 seats they need for a majority in the Knesset. It’s even possible that neither side can reach the hurdle with the support of their allies, and that they may have to seek to govern together.”

The Week added that if the forecasts hold true, “… complicated political maneuvering will ensue while Netanyahu remains a caretaker prime minister, and he reportedly could be forced out if a broad unity government is formed.”

If forced out, Netanyahu might face charges and an indictment for criminal misconduct (see article below). The developments in Israel will be of great importance in the light of biblical prophecy.

The Associated Press wrote on September 18:

“Israel’s two main political parties were deadlocked Wednesday after an unprecedented repeat election, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing an uphill battle to hold on to his job. The election’s seeming political kingmaker, Avigdor Lieberman, said he’ll insist upon a secular unity government between Netanyahu’s Likud and Benny Gantz’s Blue and White parties, who are running neck-and-neck to become the country’s largest party.

“Without Lieberman’s endorsement, though, neither party appears able to secure a parliamentary majority with their prospective ideological allies… Netanyahu, the longest serving leader is in Israeli history, had desperately sought an outright majority with his hard-line and ultra-Orthodox allies in hopes of passing legislation to give him immunity from his expected indictment. Israel’s attorney general has recommended charging Netanyahu with bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three scandals, pending a long-awaited hearing scheduled in the coming weeks. A formal indictment would increase the pressure on Netanyahu to step aside if he does not have immunity.”

Avigdor Lieberman—the Dangerous Kingmaker

The Week wrote on September 18:

“Lieberman has long been viewed as both an extremist and a sower of chaos, for now he holds the balance of power in the Knesset… Lieberman forced Israel’s electoral ‘do-over’ in the first place by refusing to join Netanyahu’s government after last April’s election, thereby depriving it of a majority… he saw an opportunity to dislodge Netanyahu, enhance his own stature, and make himself indispensable to the next coalition.

“That mission is now accomplished… Without Lieberman, there will not be a right-wing government… Lieberman is an unapologetic ethno-nationalist. He has proposed revoking the citizenship of Arab Israelis who refuse to take an oath of loyalty to the Jewish state, and transferring populous Arab areas within Israel to the Palestinian Authority in exchange for Jewish settlement blocs on the West Bank…

“Lieberman is a fairly rare political animal: a pragmatic extremist. And the main obstacle to his continued rise is the degree to which he is loathed by enemies and allies alike… a man of unequivocally right-wing instincts, willing to be brutal, to take big risks and loud stands.

“If Lieberman has now made himself the indispensable match-maker to a national unity government of Likud and Blue and White, he will likely prove a dangerous addition to the coalition, ready to tear it apart whenever he sees an advantage… to do so — as he did to Netanyahu in 1997, to Sharon in 2004, and to Ehud Olmert in 2008. But for now, they have few if any other choices.”

Defense Treaty between USA and Israel?

JTA wrote on September 15:

“President Donald Trump resurrected an idea that Americans and Israelis have for decades considered and always ultimately rejected — a mutual defense treaty… [which] commits the parties to treating an attack on one signatory as an attack on all.

“Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has for a number of years been talking about advancing such a pact. ‘This would be a game-changer for Israel’s security and would be sending the right message to Iran and other bad actors,’ Graham said on Sunday. ‘I stand ready to lead efforts in the Senate if necessary.'”

Such a treaty might very well come into force and effect.

EU Member States Reject Annexation, Condemns Israel

The Jerusalem Post wrote on September 13:

“France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom issued a statement on Friday expressing ‘deep concern’ at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement Tuesday of intention to annex the Jordan Valley… and the northern portion of the Dead Sea. ‘This would, if implemented, constitute a serious breach of international law…’”

If such an annexation were to take place, Europe might not stand idly by.

The EUObserver wrote on September 18:

“The European Union on Tuesday condemned Israel’s latest move to approve a new settlement, currently an outpost, in the Jordan Valley… ‘The EU calls on Israel to end all settlement activity and to dismantle the outposts erected since March 2001, in line with prior obligations,’ said the EU in a statement.”

“This Is the Big One”

The Wall Street Journal wrote on September 14:

“A coordinated drone strike hit at the heart of Saudi oil production on Saturday, sparking an enormous blaze and forcing the kingdom to shut down about half of its crude output… Iran-allied Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen claimed responsibility for what would be one of their largest-ever attacks inside the kingdom. The Saudi production shutdown amounts to a loss of about five million barrels a day… roughly 5% of the world’s daily production of crude oil. The kingdom produces 9.8 million barrels a day.

“The strikes on facilities in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province mark the latest in a series of attacks on the country’s petroleum assets in recent months, as tensions rise among Iran and its proxies like the Houthis, and the U.S. and partners like Saudi Arabia. The Houthis have also claimed credit for drone attacks on Saudi pipelines, tankers and other infrastructure during a four-year war.

“This attack appeared to be the most effective, starting large fires at Hijra Khurais, one of Saudi Arabia’s largest oil fields, and at Abqaiq, the world’s biggest crude stabilization facility. Khurais produces 1.5 million barrels a day while Abqaiq helps produce up to 7 million barrels a day…

“Disruptions in Saudi oil production could have ripple effects through the global economy, as the kingdom exports more crude petroleum than any other country. Saudi officials have called for the international community to help protect its oil infrastructure.”

The Week added on September 14:

“[A] Houthi military spokesman said the Iran-backed rebels launched 10 drones in a coordinated attack and warned more strikes could come if the Yemeni civil war, in which Saudi Arabia backs a coalition fighting the Houthis, does not stop soon.”

Deutsche Welle added on September 17 that despite reassurances by Saudi Arabia that “the kingdom can deal with the effects of last week’s attack,” “Sources cited by the Reuters news agency said a return to normal production could take months…”

The USA finds itself between a rock and a hard place. President Trump does not seem to have any desire to get involved in a war with Iran; on the other hand, doing nothing would be interpreted as a sign of weakness which could in his mind jeopardize his chances for re-election. Axios reported on September 18 that “President Trump tweeted on Wednesday that he’s instructed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to ‘substantially’ increase sanctions against Iran. It’s unclear what the new sanctions will target.” It is also unclear whether this move by Trump against Iran will be deemed to be enough.

“Top Hostage Czar” Robert C. O’Brian New National Security Advisor, Replacing John Bolton

NPR wrote on September 18:

“President Trump has named Robert C. O’Brien, who has been his special envoy for hostage affairs, to be his new national security adviser. Trump made the announcement in a Wednesday morning tweet… O’Brien replaces John Bolton… O’Brien will be the president’s fourth national security adviser in less than three years in office. Prior to his appointment, O’Brien had been perhaps best known for his efforts to win the release of American rapper A$AP Rocky, who was held in a Swedish jail after being arrested for his involvement in a Stockholm brawl. Before that, O’Brien had worked in other State Department roles, including as a member of Bolton’s team during the administration of President George W. Bush…

“National security insiders welcomed the appointment. Patrick Cronin, Asia-Pacific Security Chair for the Hudson Institute, said O’Brien has a ‘razor-sharp mind and a diplomatic demeanor.’ And Andrew Exum, who served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Middle East policy toward the end of President Barack Obama’s administration, wrote on Twitter that O’Brien is a good man who’s been given a ‘challenging role.’

“O’Brien does not require Senate confirmation to move into his new job…

“Trump entered office with retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, who was removed due to his role in the Russia imbroglio and who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Taking his place was Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, with whom Trump did not click personally. The split between those two men created the opening that Bolton filled last year. Bolton’s commentary on Fox News and elsewhere appealed to Trump, but his hawkish positions once he was back inside government ultimately estranged him from the president and other advisers.”

We need to wait and see as to how long O’Brien will serve as National Security Advisor.

Trump’s Favorite Dictator

Axios wrote on September 14:

“Searching a room for Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi at last month’s G7 summit in France, the WSJ reports, President Trump called out: ‘Where’s my favorite dictator?’… Sisi really is a dictator, and he really is closely allied with the Trump administration.

“Trump is untroubled by the idea of partnering with authoritarians, but his remark was ‘met by a stunned silence’ according to the WSJ, which notes it’s unclear if Sisi was in the room to hear it. When the two leaders met moments later, Trump praised Sisi as a ‘very tough man’ who had ‘done a fantastic job.’”

Trump’s favoritism for unscrupulous dictators is quite alarming.

Fed Reduces Rates Again

The Associated Press wrote on September 18:

“A sharply divided Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate Wednesday for a second time this year but indicated that it may not cut rates any further this year. The Fed’s move will reduce its benchmark rate — which influences many consumer and business loans — by an additional quarter-point to a range of 1.75% to 2%.

“The action was approved 7-3, with two officials preferring to keep rates unchanged and one arguing for a bigger half-point cut. It was the most Fed dissents in three years… Stock prices tumbled after the Fed issued its statement, reflecting disappointment that it had declined to indicate that more rate cuts are likely this year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 150 points an hour later.

“The Fed’s modest rate cut irritated Trump, who has attacked the central bank and insisted that it slash rates more aggressively. The president immediately signaled his discontent.”

Johnson’s Humiliation in Luxembourg Makes No Deal Brexit More Likely

The Financial Times wrote on September 16:

“EU chiefs said they heard no fresh proposals from Boris Johnson after a high-profile visit to Luxembourg ended with an abandoned press conference and an extraordinary public reprimand from the country’s leader, Xavier Bettel. Mr Johnson, the UK prime minister, headed to Luxembourg for talks with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and Mr Bettel on Monday hoping he would advance his renegotiation of Britain’s Brexit deal. Instead, Brussels said the UK prime minister had brought no fresh proposals to the table, while a visibly angry Mr Bettel chastised the Conservative government for trying to blame the EU ‘for the mess we are in at the moment’.

“The comments underline the EU’s mounting frustration at the gap between Mr Johnson’s claims of progress in the negotiations and the impasse over how to prevent a hard Irish border after Brexit. They also reflect the EU’s determination to push back against claims by Mr Johnson, UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab and others that the EU is seeking to impose unfair conditions on Britain. ‘We did not decide to organise Brexit, it is a unilateral decision of the UK government,’ Mr Bettel said…

“Mr Johnson’s.. meeting with the Luxembourg prime minister degenerated into a public relations fiasco

“The prime minister said he was determined that Britain would leave the EU on October 31 with or without a deal, while refusing repeatedly to explain how he would surmount the legal and political obstacles placed in his way by parliament. ‘I see no point whatever in staying on in the EU beyond October 31 and we’re going to come out,’ Mr Johnson told the BBC. ‘And actually that is what our friends and partners in the EU would like too. And I think that they’ve had a belly full of all this stuff.’”

The Independent wrote on September 16:

“Boris Johnson’s humiliation at the hands of Luxembourg will make a Brexit deal harder to reach and could make a no-deal more likely, some on the EU side believe. Norbert Röttgen, chair of the German parliament’s foreign affairs committee and a senior MP from Angela Merkel’s party, was among those to publicly criticise the Luxembourg prime minister Xavier Bettel on Tuesday.

“Mr Bettel had strongly criticised Mr Johnson and the UK government and empty-chaired the British prime minister after he refused to take part in a planned press conference in Luxembourg on Monday. ‘Xavier Bettel’s speech yesterday did not serve the European cause,’ Mr Röttgen, a former minister in Ms Merkel’s government warned. ‘His public venting ignored that a deal is still in everyone’s interest. Even without a deal there will be a post-Brexit life, which means that right now everyone needs to behave in a way that avoids animosity.’

“One EU diplomat in Brussels suggested that Mr Bettel had gone too far and ‘reinforced the us versus them narrative’ in the UK. Another accused Luxembourg’s leader of playing into the hands of hard Brexiteers back in the UK who wanted a no-deal… During Monday’s visit Mr Bettel warned an absent Mr Johnson that the ‘clock is ticking’, adding on Monday: ‘Stop speaking and act.’

“But the comments enraged Conservatives back in Westminster. Even pro-EU figures such as Sir Nicholas Somes, who has lost the Tory whip, criticised what he called the ‘very poor behaviour’ of the Luxembourg government. Former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith dredged up memories of the Second World War, saying: ‘The irony is that Luxembourg was saved by Britain. National leaders should always treat one another with courtesy and civility. Good ones do.’

“And Nigel Evans, the joint secretary of the backbench 1922 committee, said Mr Bettel’s stunt was ‘another reason why the British people voted the way we did.’”

Germany (modern Assyria) becomes more and more isolated in Europe in its support for Great Britain. The Bible shows that ultimately, Germany will not be able to help Britain.

The Battle Continues

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 18:

“EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told the European Parliament ‘time is running out’ to secure a Brexit agreement [and that] he believed the risk of a no-deal Brexit was still ‘very real.’ … At the end of the three-hour debate, European lawmakers in Strasbourg  voted 544 in favor and 126 against supporting another extension to the Brexit deadline should Britain request it. A further 38 members abstained.

“Johnson remains optimistic that the UK will exit the EU on October 31 with a deal, but he has repeatedly vowed that Brexit will happen on this date even if no deal is agreed and despite a British law requiring him to request an extension of the Brexit deadline if no deal is agreed upon. This comes on the same day that the head of the Federation of German Industries, Joachim Lang, announced that extending the deadline would cause German businesses ‘unnecessary expenditures.’…

“The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, said, ‘We need legally operational solutions. It is not enough to explain to us why the backstop should be removed.’… Brexit Party leader and prominent hard Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said during the debate that Barnier was ‘keeping us trapped inside, this was the objective of Barnier’s from the start.’… German lawmaker Manfred Weber, leader of the center-right EPP group in the European Parliament, described Brexit as ‘stupid’ and vented his annoyance at the ongoing suspension of the UK Parliament. ‘Brexiteers claimed Westminster would take back control, but now they shut it down,’ he said during the debate. The UK Supreme Court is due to decide in the coming days whether Johnson’s decision to prorogue parliament was illegal.”

The EUObserver wrote on September 18:

“British people ‘didn’t need a lecture from anybody on how to run their country  … and that includes Brussels’ because the UK once ‘built the greatest empire’ in the world and ‘held off the Nazis’, Woody Johnson, the US ambassador in London, said Tuesday. His WW2 references echoed British eurosceptic rhetoric on ‘standing up to Europe’. US president Donald Trump has also praised Brexit and verbally mauled the European Union…

“British chaos over Brexit has dampened other member states’ potential appetite for leaving Europe, Villeroy de Galhau, a French governor of the European Central Bank (ECB), said Tuesday. ‘It is a gratitude we have to the British today,’ he said at an event in the London School of Economics, Reuters reported, in comments which risked giving ammunition to British claims the EU was trying to punish the UK for leaving.”

The EU and the Revival of the Roman Empire?

Express wrote on September 17:

“The European Union has unveiled ambitious plans to incorporate western Balkan nations as Brussels seeks to continue to enlarge the bloc despite Britain’s imminent departure – prompting comparisons with the Roman empire

“Sheila Lawlor, director of the Politeia think tank, suggested the EU’s approach was ‘reminiscent of the Roman empire’…

“European Parliament’s Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt…said: ‘In the world order of tomorrow, the world order of tomorrow is not a world order based on nation states or countries, it’s a world order that is based on Empires… in which we Europeans and you British can only defend your interests, your way of life by doing it together in a European framework and a European Union.’”

Europe will become indeed a powerful Empire—the last revival of the ancient Roman Empire. But it will not exist for long.

Nuclear War to Destroy Europe?

Express wrote on September 18:

“A TERRIFYING simulation has laid bare the sheer horror which would be unleashed by a nuclear war between the United States and Russia, with the ensuing firestorm likely to kill more than 34 million people in less than five hours.

“The sobering four-minute video produced by experts at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security, depicts deadly nuclear bombs raining down on major population centres on both sides of the Atlantic. The simulation, entitled Plan A, is based on ‘real force postures, targets and fatality estimates’, and begins with a conventional conflict in Europe.

“In a bid to stop the advance of NATO force, Russia fires a single ‘nuclear warning shot’ from a base near the city of Kaliningrad. In retaliation, NATO launches a single tactical nuclear air strike. As the ‘nuclear threshold’ is crossed, the conflict escalates into a tactical nuclear war in Europe. Russia launches 300 nuclear warheads via aircraft and short-range missiles at NATO bases and troops, with NATO launching a salvo of 180 warheads via aircraft. As a result, 2.6 million people are killed and wounded over the course of three hours.

“London is depicted as being carpet-bombed, and Europe is devastated, at which point NATO launches a further 600 warheads from US soil and via nuclear submarines aimed at Russian nuclear forces, with Russia responding with a salvo of its own. There are a further 3.4 million casualties in just 45 minutes. Both sides then launch further strikes on major population centres, with another 85.3 million people killed and wounded in the course of 45 minutes. By the end of the exchanges, there are a total of 91.5 million casualties, including 34.1 million deaths.

“The video warns: ‘Deaths from nuclear fallout and other long-term effects would significantly increase this estimate.’ A blog post carried on Princeton’s website said: ‘This project is motivated by the need to highlight the potentially catastrophic consequences of current US and Russian nuclear war plans. The risk of nuclear war has increased dramatically in the past two years as the United States and Russia have abandoned long-standing nuclear arms control treaties, started to develop new kinds of nuclear weapons and expanded the circumstances in which they might use nuclear weapons…

“In 2016, after years of threats, Vladimir Putin ordered nuclear-capable Iskander missiles with a range of 440 miles to be deployed in the region, putting Berlin comfortably in range… Russia has a total of 6,850 nuclear weapons at its disposal, while the US has 6,550.”

We know that such a scenario, as described in the article, will not happen, as there will not be a nuclear war between the USA and Russia, but we DO know that a nuclear war will occur soon with devastating consequences. How and between whom it is going to occur is described in our many free booklets on prophecy.

Trump’s Public Charge Rule under Ongoing Attack

The Hill wrote on September 17:

“Democratic Senators on Tuesday introduced legislation that would block the Trump administration’s new ‘public charge’ rule, which allows the government to deny entry or green cards to immigrants based on their use of public programs like food stamps and Medicaid.

The Protect American Values Act would block the enforcement of the rule by immigration authorities. ‘The true intent of the public charge rule is to create a climate of fear among immigrant families, and sadly its working,’ Hirono said at a press conference Tuesday. Twenty-seven senators already support the bill, Hirono said. ‘Neither of us would be here if this rule existed when we were born,’ Blumenthal said, telling the story of his father immigrating to America. ‘The immigrants that this rule seeks to bar from this country are potentially the source of scientists and teachers and doctors.’

“Under the new definition of ‘public charge,’ participation in federal programs such as food stamps, housing assistance and Medicaid will be a negative factor when determining if an immigrant can be granted a green card or visa. Previously, only receipt of significant direct cash subsidies from the government qualified applicants as ‘public charges.’ Critics say the policy could dramatically limit the number of people using social safety net programs by creating a chilling effect that could discourage noncitizens and permanent residents from renewing or applying for benefits for which they are qualified. The rule has already been challenged by 16 state attorney generals.”

So far, no court has been willing to make even a preliminary ruling in the matter.

Our Abominable Abortion Industry

Breitbart wrote on September 12:

“The preliminary hearing in the criminal case against Planned Parenthood video journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt is in its second week in San Francisco as abortion industry workers have admitted to trafficking the body parts of aborted babies. Daleiden and Merritt, video journalists with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), produced a series of undercover videos that exposed the fetal tissue trafficking practices of Planned Parenthood and its partners in the biomedical procurement industry.

“Daleiden and Merritt are the first undercover journalists to be criminally prosecuted in the history of the state of California, noted Liberty Counsel, which represents Merritt. The journalists were slapped with 15 felony charges by the office of the California Attorney General (AG), including its past AG, current U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, and her successor, Xavier Becerra. Harris received thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood and, subsequently, she and her office raided Daleiden’s home and seized his personal property, including his laptop, instead of prosecuting the abortion giant.

“…under oath the company’s founder and CEO, known as ‘Doe 12’… admitted that when a fetal brain is able to be harvested, it is because the baby’s head may still be attached to the body after being pulled out of the womb… she also did not deny that StemExpress harvests and transfers unborn children from completely intact abortions…

“Daleiden is represented by Thomas More Society (TMS). Peter Breen, TMS vice president, said in a statement: “Everything that Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation have been trying to do is an attempt to shut down and silence anyone who knows about their scheme to sell baby parts and organs for profit. Their heinous practices have involved exterminating babies born alive and manipulating abortion techniques without informing the women they’ve victimized. These bad players – the abortion industry movers and shakers – are doing terrible things for money…’”

The abortion industry, politicians and representatives of the legal system seem to be working hand in hand in a corrupt endeavor to protect abortionists and the trafficking of body parts of aborted babies, while prosecuting and trying to silence those who expose such abominable practices. This is despicable and utterly ungodly. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Our Scandalous Corrupt Abortion Industry.”

Our Crazy Insurance-Company Driven Health-Care System

NPR wrote on September 18:

“Diabetes activists and legislators have started to focus attention on the surging price of insulin, leading to legislative pushes, lawsuits and congressional hearings. But insulin isn’t the only thing people with Type 1 diabetes are struggling to get. Managing the condition requires other essential, often life-saving medical supplies. And patients frequently face hurdles in getting access to those supplies — hurdles put in place by insurance companies

“Peralta learned about the Dexcom continuous glucose monitor from the mother of one of his patients. He visited the company’s website and, within two weeks, the device had been shipped to his front door. For each of these parts, Peralta needs something called a ‘prior authorization’ from his insurer — a requirement from his insurance company that necessitates his physician seeking approval from the insurance company before prescribing the device. The Dexcom sensors last about 10 days each and Peralta’s insurance allows him to buy a three-month supply at a time. But he also has to get prior authorization for each supply, meaning every three months his doctor needs to reconfirm with his insurance company that the sensors are medically necessary. Same goes for the device’s transmitters — which last about six months each…

“Peralta ordered a new supply of sensors directly from Dexcom but says the company submitted a request for approval of a new transmitter, as well. And because his insurance approves the sensors and transmitters on different authorization timelines, the whole claim was denied. Peralta estimates he spent four hours on the phone with Dexcom and his insurer over the next month and a half to sort it all out. During that time he had to revert to finger stick tests…

“Prior authorizations have become a major concern of physicians across the U.S. health care system, as evidenced by a December 2018 survey by the American Medical Association. Of the 1,000 physicians surveyed, 91 percent said prior authorizations ‘have a negative impact on patient clinical outcomes;’ 75 percent said the requirements ‘can at least sometimes lead to patients abandoning a recommended course of treatment;’ and 28 percent said the prior authorization process had ‘led to serious or life-threatening events’ for their patients…

“The AMA has even created a website that catalogs stories of patients and providers who say they’ve struggled to gain access to important medical products and procedures because of problems getting prior authorizations from insurers — everything from pain medication for a cancer patient to X-rays in the ER…”

All of this shows how BROKEN our health-care “system” really is.

America’s Mainstream Press Least-Trusted Institution

The Los Angeles Times wrote on September 17:

“A Columbia Journalism Review poll released this year found that half of all Americans have ‘hardly any confidence at all’ in the media, which beat out even Congress as the institution for which the public has the lowest confidence. It’s not hard to see why. Last week, CNN reported that the CIA was forced to pull a highly placed source inside the Kremlin because of concerns that President Trump might burn him — when it turns out the decision to extract the source was made before Trump took office because of leaks from senior Obama administration officials.

“Now, the New York Times has published an adapted excerpt from a new book by Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly in which they breathlessly describe a ‘previously unreported story’ about how Max Stier, a male college classmate of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, notified senators and the FBI that he saw Kavanaugh [engage in inappropriate sexual conduct].

“One small problem: In the book, Pogrebin and Kelly write that the female student in question ‘refused to discuss the incident’ and that ‘several of her friends said she does not recall it.’ That calls the entire allegation into question. Yet the Times did not include this vital information in the excerpt it published…

“The Times was later shamed into appending an editors’ note to the story saying ‘the book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article.’ Too little, too late. This is simply journalistic malpractice. Indeed, if prosecutors in a court of law were to do what the Times did — fail to disclose evidence that goes toward negating a defendant’s guilt— they could have their case thrown out and face potential disbarment for prosecutorial misconduct. But apparently in the court of public opinion, anything goes.

“That’s not all. In their article, the reporters innocuously describe Stier as someone ‘who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington.’ They fail to share with readers in the story the fact that Stier was a member of Bill Clinton’s legal team at the same time that Kavanaugh was working for independent counsel Kenneth Starr on the other side of the Monica Lewinsky investigation. That seems relevant information that could call his motives into question…

“The only thing more shameful than the Times’s irresponsible reporting was news of… the Democratic presidential candidates who seized on the Times story to call for Kavanaugh’s impeachment… And if the media wants to understand why it has surpassed Congress as the least-trusted institution in the country, here is a textbook example.”

What a terrible indictment of corruption and dishonesty. Note also the next article.

Another Example as to How the Media Can Destroy a Famous Person?

The Russian News Agency Tass wrote on September 16:

“Renowned Russian conductor Yuri Bashmet will be invited to join world-famous opera star Spanish tenor Placido Domingo as a special guest at his concert in Moscow on October 17. The legendary singer will travel to Russia with his son, singer Placido Domingo Jr… The repertoire of 78-year-old Placido Domingo boasts 150 parts, he sings in Italian, French, German, Spanish, English and Russian. The singer graced the stages of the most prestigious and famous opera theaters in the world – from Milan’s La Scala to the Bavarian State Opera in Munich. The tenor has received numerous awards, including fourteen Grammys, starred in many opera movies and fifty music videos.

“In August, a scandal erupted when Associated Press reported that nine women had accused the singer of sexual harassment, while eleven more women put their accusation forward in September. The cases allegedly span around 30 years since the late 1980s. Domingo himself underlined that the accusations dating back three decades put forward by unnamed women aggrieve him. Nancy Seltzer, a spokesperson for Domingo, said that those close to him decisively reject the false picture the AP is trying to paint about the singer.

“Artists and theaters around the world have come out in support of the Spanish singer, including Madrid’s Teatro Real and the Vienna State Opera. The Los Angeles Opera, where Domingo is the General Director, hired special attorney Debra Wong Yang to investigate the allegations. At the same time, a number of theaters and companies are changing the previously announced concert programs and performances, like the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, Texas, War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, California and the Philadelphia Orchestra in Pennsylvania.”

Whatever happened to the long-standing assumption that one is deemed innocent until proven guilty? It is truly shameful for America that Russia adopts this assumption in this case, while American theaters reject it and prejudge a person—many feel, the best opera singer alive–who finds himself as the victim of unsubstantiated accusations.

Failed Doomsday Predictions

Fox News wrote on September 18:

“The dire predictions, often repeated in the media, warned of a variety of impending disasters – famine, drought, an ice age, and even disappearing nations – if the world failed to act on climate change. An Associated Press headline from 1989 read ‘Rising seas could obliterate nations: U.N. officials.’ The article detailed a U.N. environmental official warning that entire nations would be eliminated if the world failed to reverse warming by 2000.

“Then there were the fears that the world would experience a never-ending ‘cooling trend in the Northern Hemisphere.’ That claim came from an ‘international team of specialists’ cited by The New York Times in 1978…

“In 2008, ABC released.. a video about what the world would look like in 2015. As the video warned about rising sea levels, a graphic showed significant portions of New York City engulfed by water. [Former Vice President Al] Gore… famously predicted in the early 2000s that Arctic ice could be gone within seven years…”

Careful with predictions!

13 a Lucky Number for Jews

JTA wrote on September 13:

“On Friday the 13th we typically watch for planes falling out of the sky and elevators crashing and relationships falling apart. Americans are so spooked by the number 13 that some buildings even skip the 13th floor. But… in Israel, and in Judaism in general, 13 is considered a lucky number…

“Just think: What is the age of a bar mitzvah boy? How many months are there in the Hebrew lunar calendar?…  When Israel was established in 1948, the first provisional government had 13 members.”

One can use numbers any way one wants to, and sometimes with rather dubious argumentation. But SOME numbers have biblical significance. Read our free booklet, Hidden Secrets in the  Bible.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 893

Lack and Limitation; Our Unrighteous School- and Education-Systems

On September 14, 2019, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “Lack and Limitation,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Our Unrighteous School- and Education-Systems.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Power Like No Other

by Michael Link

Do we comprehend the power of God? God’s magnificent power and glory are revealed in Exodus 33:20 where Jesus Christ, the God of the Old Testament, says, “You cannot see My face, for no one may see Me, and live.” And no one has seen God the Father and His glory at any time either (John 1:18; 5:37). On the other hand, both God beings have revealed Their power and glory through visions to Ezekiel in chapter 1 verse 26-28 and to Daniel in Daniel 7:9-14. Also, God’s omnipotence was explained to Job in the book of Job, chapters 38 and 39. God reveals in Matthew 19:26 that for God, ALL things are possible, which shows us His unlimited power. It is further stated in Jeremiah 32:17 that there is nothing too difficult for Him.

There are no limits when it comes to God. He is infinite, All-knowing, ALL-capable, All-powerful and He is the Omega, the very Beginning of everything. He says: “I AM who I AM” (Exodus 3:14). There is no one else out there like God. There are no restrictions when it comes to His ability to do ANYTHING, and NOTHING happens against His Will.

And yet, many still have doubts. Many still don’t believe what He is capable of, and they limit His abilities in their minds. Look at the examples of the people of Israel who survived because of God’s unlimited power and the miracles that He had carried out (compare Jeremiah 32:18-23, 27). How quickly they forgot when they were faced with trials and tests which lead to disobedience

They limited God and His power, diminishing their expectations of their God. They didn’t remember His power—all those miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt, in the wilderness when God provided food, at the Red Sea, and when He brought them to the Promised Land. They failed to remember.

Do we sometimes diminish our expectations of all He can do? We need to realize that God knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what is best for us. And yet, we still may have many questions as to why. Why doesn’t He answer our prayers right away? Why won’t He give us what we desire immediately? God wants us to succeed. Distractions can become distracting and we may begin to lose our focus. God is full of blessings, but we may doubt at times His willingness to bless us because more often than not, we are in the “now” moment. We want things to happen right away. That may be good or bad. In certain respects, wanting to change our bad ways right away is good. But I’m referring more to our selfish motives. God says in Malachi 3:6: “For I am the LORD, I do not change.” He is forever the same, and He wants to bless us and desires that we become born-again members of His Family.

There are many miracles in the Bible that God performed, and God still does perform miracles for us today. There are miraculous healings at times—situations that we are in that only God can solve when we ask Him in prayer. Also through our commission in preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world, God does miraculously call people to the Truth which is nothing that man can do (Romans 8:28) because it is God who calls people through the Work that we are doing (compare John 14:12-14; Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19-20).

The power through the Holy Spirit is essential in our daily lives. When Christ was here on earth as a human being, He went through many temptations that we go through today, and God the Father gave Him strength through the power of the Holy Spirit to get through trials. We can today receive God’s Holy Spirit of power through baptism (compare Acts 1:5-8; Luke 24:44-49; Romans 8:1-17). The commission that God has given us to do cannot be done through our own power, and Christ could not have accomplished what He did by His own human power.

God provides protection and does the fighting for us, just as is stated in Exodus 23:27;14:14. Throughout the Bible, we read about the examples of God’s protection; for example in the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace, and also of Daniel in the lion’s den. God also will continue to provide His protection to His people who are called worthy during the Great Tribulation which is destined to occur in the not-too-distant future. Placing our trust in God is crucial, and we must always be prepared by putting on the armor of God against Satan, as we read in Ephesians 6:10-13. Our full confidence should be in God, not in man, for God is the One Who will fight our battles (Jude 24-25).

The Bible, the Word of God, is powerful. God’s commandments and His law are powerful. His purpose for those is powerful who have been called out of this world at this time and have answered His calling, to have the first opportunity before the rest of mankind to be a part of His Family and receive everlasting life! We have power through all the tools and resources we have been given to understand God’s law. And we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit at the time of our baptism so that we can grow in wisdom and knowledge to be able to understand God’s law and share it with the whole world through the Work we are doing—the fulfillment of the commission that God has commanded us to do, to preach the gospel to the whole world as a witness; knowing that one day the world will experience what we have come to understand today. All the peoples of the earth will know that the “LORD is God” and “there is no other” (compare Isaiah 45:5, 14, 18). We must continue to let our hearts be loyal to Him, to walk in His statutes and to keep His commandments. Remember what God promises us and let us never forget it.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with an insightful article which argues that no lessons were learned from the terrorist attack of September 11; and we continue with the bombshell news that President Trump fired his security advisor John Bolton—or accepted his resignation—revealing again deep divisions within the US government. We also speak on America’s shameful unwillingness to help Bahamian refugees.

We continue with the ongoing Brexit debacle and Boris Johnson’s wins and losses and the interesting prospects of the UK leaving Europe without a deal on Satan’s festival of Halloween.

We report on the alarming worldwide rise of nationalism and populism and focus especially on Germany. We also address Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial announcement of his intention to annex the Jordan Valley.

On social and historical issues, we speak on the increase of suicides in the USA [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Suicide—Why… and How to Prevent  It?”]; anti-Semitism in Canada’s Christian Orthodox Church; California’s mandatory vaccination debacle; the nonsense of gender neutrality in the UK; and the day when a huge asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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No Lessons Learned from 9/11?

Breitbart wrote on September 11:

“America has not ‘learned any of the lessons’ of the Islamic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, estimated [author and Los Angeles Times alumnus] Terry McDermott… ‘The reason Al-Qaeda was successful was because they weren’t a state. Our whole foreign policy [and] counterterrorism apparatus is aimed at state actors. These guys were so small we couldn’t see them… This thing should’ve been stopped a hundred different ways, but they got lucky with a clever idea, and they got away with it. After the event, we still focused on state actors. These are non-state actors. It’s a gang…’

“America’s post-9/11 counterterrorism strategies have generated more terrorists than they have eliminated, assessed McDermott… ‘Iraq made every problem worse. It’s the worst foreign policy decision in the history of the United States, without question to me… It never had a chance of success.’”

Sadly, we fear that based on biblical warnings, another major terrorist attack will hit the USA.

Trump Fires John Bolton

NBC News wrote on September 10:

“President Donald Trump has fired National Security Adviser John Bolton after a string of disagreements between the two over how the U.S. should handle North Korea and Iran. Trump announced on Twitter that he had asked for Bolton’s resignation, which he received this morning, after the president had ‘disagreed with many of his suggestions.’ …”

Deutsche Welle wrote:

“Bolton, however, gave a different story. He said he offered to resign on Monday night but that Trump had told him: ‘Let’s talk about it tomorrow.’”

CBS News wrote on September 10:

“Bolton was often at loggerheads with Pompeo, most recently over U.S. negotiations with the Taliban to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan. The two disagreed over whether a reduction of U.S. troops could happen with or without a negotiated deal. Bolton opposed negotiating with the Taliban.

“On Saturday, Mr. Trump made the surprise announcement that peace talks with the Taliban had been canceled. Mr. Trump tweeted that he ‘called off peace negotiations’ in the wake of last week’s car bomb attack near the U.S. embassy in Kabul that killed one American service member and another NATO soldier, as well as at least 10 civilians.

“The president further revealed that the meetings with Taliban representatives and the president of Afghanistan would have been held at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland — on the very week marking the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, in which 3,000 Americans died on U.S. soil.

“Bolton, who served in the George W. Bush administration and was a supporter of U.S. engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan, was one of the most hawkish foreign policy voices in Mr. Trump’s cabinet. Bolton often advocated for a harder line in dealing with Iran… He is the fourth national security adviser to depart the administration since Mr. Trump took office.”

JTA added on September 10:

“President Donald Trump fired John Bolton, his national security adviser and one of the administration officials seen as closest to the views of Israel’s government… Bolton has deep ties to the mainstream pro-Israel community dating to his outspoken Israel advocacy during a stint as U.N. ambassador in the mid-2000s and then to his pivotal role as a State Department official in the early 1990s in repealing the body’s infamous ‘Zionism is racism’ resolution.”

Leaders topple in the USA as well as in the UK (see the next articles). According to the Bible, this reflects unrighteousness of a nation. Proverbs 28:2 reads in the revised Luther Bible 2009: “Because of the sin of the land, rulers change often.”

No Help for Bahamian Refugees!

Axios wrote on September 11:

“The Trump administration will not grant Hurricane Dorian refugees from the Bahamas temporary protected status (the same program applied to the victims of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake)… Temporary protected status would only be applicable to those in the U.S. at the time of designation.

“As of Monday, 1,500 Bahamians have come to the U.S. after being displaced by Dorian, with at least 3,500 people evacuated from the islands and the death toll currently standing at 50. The Department of Homeland Security said this week that displaced Bahamians traveling to the U.S. [as short-term visitors] must have a valid passport and travel visa.”

This constitutes utterly shameful conduct by the US government.

Brexit Chaos – No Early Election; Parliament Suspended

Deutsche Welle reported on September 9:

“British lawmakers rejected Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s call for a snap election early Tuesday morning following a chaotic day in Parliament. A total of 293 of the 650 House of Commons members backed holding an early election, well short of the required two-thirds majority. Johnson had wanted a snap election on October 15, two weeks before the scheduled October 31 Brexit date. During parliamentary debate, Johnson said an early election would be the only way to ‘break political deadlock.’ But opposition parties said they wouldn’t support an election until Britain secured a Brexit delay to avoid a no-deal divorce from the EU.

“The UK government then suspended — or prorogued — Parliament until October 14, in a move critics view as anti-democratic and a political move to limit parliamentary debate on Brexit… Earlier on Monday, an opposition-backed bill requiring the UK to delay Brexit was passed into law after receiving the formal consent of Queen Elizabeth. The law requires Johnson to delay Brexit if he cannot get a new deal with Brussels at a crucial EU summit on October 17-18, or receive the backing of Parliament for a no-deal crash out of the EU…”

No Further Brexit Delay?

Deutsche Welle wrote on Septembers 8:

“Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has said that under the current circumstances France won’t offer the UK another extension to its withdrawal from the EU. ‘We’re not going to do this every three months,’ he said… Britain has so far been given two extensions to its proposed withdrawal from the EU…

“Britain is currently due to leave the bloc on October 31 [Halloween, Satan’s festival], and [Boris] Johnson [the 77th Prime Minister of the UK] has pledged to leave without a deal if necessary, insisting earlier this week that he would ‘rather be dead in a ditch’ than ask for another delay… A team of leading lawyers said that the prime minister could be found in contempt of court and even face jail.”

The Sun added on September 8:

“The EU’s Brexit chief… Guy Verhoftstadt warned Remainers just hours after France’s foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drain, said the country would refuse… to extend Brexit… Verhoftstadt… said another extension would be ‘unacceptable unless the deadlock in London is broken’…

“[Johnson] wrote to Tory members saying he would not carry out Parliament’s instructions to ask for another extension… Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith urged Boris to be a Brexit ‘martyr’ and defy the will of Parliament…”

That would really make him even more popular in Britain.

Johnson Far Ahead in Polls

Breitbart wrote on September 8:

“[Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State Dominic] Raab has said that Boris Johnson is ‘sticking to his guns’ on his Brexit plans, saying that despite the efforts of Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘surrender bill’ to stop no deal Brexit, the UK will leave the EU on October 31st ‘come what may’

“The prime minister holding firm appears to be winning favour with the public, with a YouGov poll for the Sunday Times finding the Conservatives on 35 per cent approval, 14 points ahead of Labour (on 21 per cent), with the Liberal Democrats in third on 19 per cent, and the Brexit Party on 12 per cent.”

Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party plus leaders from other groups may be seen by many as obstructionists for their own political gain. Put simply, the opposition from all parties to a no deal Brexit have joined together and have taken away a big negotiating tool by insisting that the UK will not leave without a deal and so many don’t really want to leave the EU at all. It restricts the negotiating power that Mr. Johnson now has.

What Became of the Party of Margaret Thatcher?

Der Spiegel wrote on September 6:

“Whatever Brexit might ultimately bring, there are a number of images from this week that will stick in our memories for a long time. We won’t forget, for example, that Nicholas Soames, the grandson of Winston Churchill, was expelled from the Conservative Party after 36 years of service…

“The party of Margaret Thatcher, of Harold Macmillans, of Winston Churchill… no longer really exists in its traditional form… A group of zealots remains, led by Boris Johnson. And their language and behavior are astonishingly similar to those of other authoritative populists, such as those in the U.S., Italy, Poland, Hungary and elsewhere… This group represents a form of English nationalism that threatens the unity of the country, strengthening not just the Scottish independence movement but also the Northern Irish Republicans’ dreams of reunification. Several weeks ago, Gordon Brown — a Scot and the last Labour prime minister — said that Boris Johnson could very well be the United Kingdom’s last prime minister

“Even as British civil servants, the opposition, the Bank of England, the Confederation of British Industry and numerous other organizations predict food shortages, border chaos, civil unrest, billions in losses and a possible recession [in case of a no-deal Brexit], the prime minister and his government are deaf to the warnings… The speed with which the remnants of the Conservative Party have moved to the right-wing populist fringe is astonishing. The party’s anti-EU wing, a minority not all that long ago, is now mainstream…”

Der Spiegel, a left-liberal proponent of the anti-Brexit German press, is portraying an anti-British picture which will ultimately lead to further antagonism… especially, if Britain crashes out of Europe without a deal, which appears to be more and more likely.

Merkel’s Warning to Britain

The Guardian wrote on September 11:

Angela Merkel has highlighted the economic danger [and threat] posed by Britain if it is allowed to become a Singapore-on-Thames as Boris Johnson’s Brexit envoy outlined a plan to ditch the UK’s commitments to stay aligned to the EU’s social and environmental standards…

“[She said:] ‘… the fact remains that after the withdrawal of Britain, we have an economic competitor at our door, even if we want to keep close economic, foreign and security cooperation and friendly relations. ‘On the one hand, as Europeans we are weaker with Britain’s exit – that has to be said – but on the other hand, this is the moment to develop new strengths.’”

The choice of her words – “even IF we want to keep… friendly relations” is quite revealing.

The Worst Case Scenario

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 11:

“Britain could face massive disruptions to its food supply, financial services and cross-channel traffic in the event of a no-deal Brexit, according to government projections. And public disorder is likely to follow…

“The key points:

“The UK will revert to ‘third country’ status and the relationship with the EU will be ‘on the whole unsympathetic,’  with a range of potential effects, including:

“Cross-channel traffic being cut by 40-60% within a day, with disruption lasting 3 months. Protests taking place across the country, placing a strain on police resources. Financial services and the sharing of law enforcement and personal data being disrupted. Small and medium-sized business being unable to cope. Severe weather in winter potentially exacerbating negative impacts.”

In the short-term, trucks would face delays of around 2 days while trying to cross the border, the report outlined. This would have an impact on medicines and medical products imported into the UK. These are particularly reliant on short crossings of the English channel and would therefore be particularly affected by hold-ups. The UK government would not be able to do much to mitigate these effects due to the short shelf-life of some medicines and supplies, according to the report.

“The food sector would be hit in a matter of weeks, if not days, due to its reliance on free-movement and non-tariff trade within the EU, protected by high tariffs on goods coming from outside the trading bloc. Up to 282 EU vessels could enter UK waters on the first day, leading to anger and even violent clashes with UK fishing boats. Any workers, students, travelers and pensioners in the EU would immediately lose their access to healthcare, which is currently funded in the EU via the UK’s National Health Service. Law enforcement data and information-sharing between the UK and the EU would also be immediately affected.”

Critics claim that some of these points are overblown and exaggerated. Nevertheless, the consequences of a no deal Brexit would be traumatic for the UK, and its relationship with the EU would further deteriorate drastically.

Worldwide Rise of Nationalism and Populism

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 6:

“People around the world believe the political system is rigged against them, a survey by Ipsos revealed on Thursday, highlighting a growing trend towards populism globally. Levels of political distrust and a desire for strong leaders who are willing to break the rules mirrors the political zeitgeist surrounding the election of US President Donald Trump and the British decision to leave the European Union…

“64% said their country needs a strong leader to take it back from the rich and powerful… 49% [said] that, to fix it, their country needs a strong leader willing to break the rules

“Germany was one of just three countries in which less than half of respondents felt a strong leader was the answer to their political shortcomings. It was joined by Japan and Sweden, which nonetheless had the biggest increase in populist tendencies… Dr. Robert Grimm, head of political and social research at Ipsos in Germany [stated:]… ‘many Germans see no solution in a strong leader, probably also because of their profound experience with totalitarian regimes… Thus, in an apathetic political culture, the country is driving from one unwanted coalition to the next…’”

That will change soon, as a strong leader will arise in Germany, who might also be willing to “break the rules.”

Germany’s Divided Soul

Project Syndicate wrote on September 2:

“This November, Germany will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. But the country is in a gloomy mood, and cheers will be few and far between – especially in the east.

“Today, more than one-third of eastern Germans describe themselves as second-class citizens. Contrary to their expectations at the time of German reunification in 1990, the east of the country has not become as prosperous as the west. Unsurprisingly, eastern Germans today think, feel, and vote differently than western Germans do. In fact, Germany is one country with two souls.

“The latest evidence of this came on September 1, when the xenophobic right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) secured a strong second place in regional elections in the eastern German states of Saxony and Brandenburg, with 27.5% and 23.5% of the vote, respectively. In western German states, the AfD’s electoral share is typically half of that.

“Germany’s east-west political divide reflects sharp economic differences… Economic convergence within Germany stalled largely as a result of policy decisions… an economic recovery in the east would not only bring material benefits. It would also help to heal Germany’s psychological divide, and thus make eastern Germans less likely to vote for extremist parties that prey on their fears.”

But maybe, due to the ongoing faulty politics of the German government, the pendulum will swing to the other direction so that many more people in West Germany will vote for far right populist parties and candidates.

Far-Right Extremism in German Military

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 10:

Germany’s Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) is widening its investigation into far-right extremists within the Bundeswehr, Germany’s armed forces, German media reported on Tuesday, particularly focusing on the most elite unit in the military, the Kommando Spezialkraefte (KSK)… The number of soldiers in the special forces unit believed to harbor fringe far-right sympathies is ‘extraordinarly high,’ security sources told Spiegel magazine…

“… the problem is particularly bad among paratroopers and known to center around the Franz-Joseph-Strauss base in Altenstadt, Bavaria. The base became infamous in the 1990s when MAD discovered that soldiers there were celebrating Hitler’s birthday and singing the anthem of the Nazi party… MAD is also looking into online extremist groups like ‘North Cross.’ However, as the smallest of Germany’s intelligence-gathering services, there are some concerns that it may not have enough personnel and resources needed for the breadth of the investigation….”

Far right extremism is not disappearing in Germany. Rather, it seems that it is on the rise.

Netanyahu Announces Intensions to Annex Jordan Valley 

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 10:

“In a live TV address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he plans to annex the Jordan Valley [and the northern Dead Sea] if he wins next week’s general election…

“The Jordan Valley comprises around one-third of the West Bank and contains numerous Israeli settlements.”

The Week added on September 10:

“More than 3 million Palestinians and 400,000 Israelis live in the West Bank, which Israel’s military captured during the Six-Day War in 1967. Netanyahu has said the Trump administration’s peace plan would provide an opportunity for the annexation.”

JTA wrote on September 10:

“This move would further entrench Israel’s presence in the West Bank and make a future evacuation of the territory — what many see as a part of an eventual two-state solution — even more unlikely. The Palestinians have insisted on governing the Jordan Valley as part of a future peace deal.

“Netanyahu also promised, in his speech and earlier, to annex even more Israeli settlements down the line. The more Israel annexes, the less possible a contiguous Palestinian state would be…

“Israelis as a whole are split. Nearly half of Israeli Jews and 11 percent of Israeli Arabs favor annexing the Jordan Valley if Trump supports it, according to a recent poll by the Israel Democracy Institute. Twenty-eight percent of Jewish Israelis and a majority of Arab Israelis oppose the idea.”

If carried out, this would create further conflicts with Arab nations and Europe.  

Suicide Rates on the Rise in the USA

NBC News wrote on September 6:

“Suicide rates are on the rise… From 1999 to 2016, the rate of suicide among Americans ages 25 to 64 rose by 41 percent… Rates among people living in rural counties were 25 percent higher than those in major metropolitan areas. A number of factors appear to be driving suicide rates up in rural America, including poverty, low income and underemployment…

“The study also found that counties with high levels of social fragmentation — based on the levels of single-person households, unmarried residents and transient residents — and a high percentage of veterans had higher rates of suicide…

“The presence of more gun shops was also associated with an increase in suicide rates in all counties, except for the most rural ones…

“The rise in suicide rates in rural counties is ‘alarming,’ said Oren Miron, a researcher at the Clalit Research Institute in Israel, who also studies suicide rates in collaboration with the Harvard Medical School. Miron, who wasn’t involved with the new research, said two of the factors identified in the study — high veteran rates and unemployment — ‘may interact in a dangerous way.’

“‘If a veteran returns from deployment to a county without jobs, he might lose hope in rejoining civilian life,’ Miron said. ‘The re-entry to civilian life is a period with high suicide risk…’

“Suicide ‘is a growing American tragedy,’ said Dr. Albert Wu, an internist and a professor of health policy and management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. ‘It has become a leading cause of death in the U.S., and is a major public health problem… Lack of health insurance kills people,’ he said…”

NBC News wrote on September 11:

“A megachurch pastor in Southern California known for his mental health advocacy died by suicide on Monday, church officials said in a statement. Jarrid Wilson… was 30… Open about his battle with depression, Wilson spoke often of his struggles online and in his work as a pastor… In addition to his wife, Wilson is survived by two sons…

Greg Laurie, senior pastor at the Harvest megachurch [wrote:] ‘Sometimes people may think that as pastors or spiritual leaders we are somehow above the pain and struggles of everyday people… We are the ones who are supposed to have all the answers. But we do not.’

“Sunday marked the beginning of National Suicide Prevention Week, a weeklong campaign meant to bring awareness to the warning signs of suicide…”

Examples like these are truly terrible testimonies of those who are scattered without a Shepherd. But Suicide is always wrong. It constitutes and is tantamount to murder. Factors might be involved which may lead a desperate person to perform that terrible step, including the horrors of wars and their evil consequences, as well as the inability to find work or adequate health insurance. However, suicide is never a solution. A person who has killed him- or herself will awake in the next second of his or her consciousness and will have to give account to God for his or her actions.

We said this in our Q&A about suicide:

“What circumstances would give rise to such a thought? Perhaps someone has an incurable disease (by man’s reckoning) and is in such severe pain that it seems to be the only way out of a terrible situation?… What about someone who experiences demonic activity in his or her life which presses that individual to take such action as a way out of this misery? Drug or alcohol addiction, mental illness, depression, family issues, bullying and marital and financial problems can also be reasons why suicide might seem to be the answer, but it never is. When someone commits suicide, he or she will have to give an answer to God for that course of action within his or her very next waking moment.”

Tremendous Anti-Semitism in Canadian “Christian Orthodox Church”

Breaking Israel News wrote on September 8:

“A Christian Orthodox priest in Nova Scotia was forced to retire after delivering a sermon that honored Judaism and Israel… in which he [also] requested that congregants pray for Israel and reminded the congregation that Jesus was a Jew… He also said that over the last several years, his sermons have connected Christianity’s roots and the Old Testament’s Jewish background… While studying the early Christian era… he says that he realized that early Christians were actually Jewish and their scripture was the Old Testament…

“‘I wrote a piece for publication, but was told by my superiors that it was “too Jewish.” That increased my determination that Christianity grew from Judaism. My own theology recognized a faith that started with Abraham and grew through the centuries through Christ,’ he explained.”

The fact that true Christianity does not do away with the spiritual teachings of the Old Testament, including the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath, is not accepted by most professing Christians. Underlying anti-Semitism might be one reason for this false sentiment.

California’s Democrats Continue their War for Mandatory Vaccinations

NBC San Diego wrote on September 9:

“California [Democratic] Gov. Gavin Newsom signed bills Monday to crack down on doctors who write fraudulent medical exemptions for school children’s vaccinations… Protesters forced delays in both the Assembly and Senate. They unfurled an upside-down American flag from the Senate’s public gallery in a traditional signal of distress and chanted ‘My kids, my choice’ and ‘We will not comply.’…

“Republicans in both chambers objected that there were no public committee hearings before the Assembly approved the measure with a 43-14 vote and the Senate followed on a 27-11 roll call. ‘This goes past vaccines and is again a major government overreach,’ said Republican Assemblyman Devon Mathis of Visalia, adding that, ‘Our medically fragile children are what are at stake.’

“Newsom demanded a phase-out period for medical exemptions similar to one allowed when California eliminated personal belief vaccine exemptions in 2015. A kindergartener with an exemption could retain it through sixth grade, for instance, while a seventh grader could be exempted through high school… The companion bill also would allow officials to revoke any medical exemptions written by a doctor who has faced disciplinary action. The bill would make it clear that enforcement will start next year, meaning doctors who previously granted a high number of medical exemptions won’t face scrutiny…

“Republican Sen. John Moorlach of Costa Mesa grew emotional as he recalled a developmentally disabled cousin who died at a young age. ‘That’s what these people fear,’ Moorlach said of protesters. ‘We’ve got to hit the pause button.’”

The irresponsible hysteria of mandatory vaccinations which is driven by the pharmaceutical industry and its doctors poses a real danger for the health and welfare of our children.

The Nonsense of Gender Neutral School Uniforms in the UK

The Daily Mail wrote on September 5:

“[The] Priory School in Lewes forced all pupils to wear trousers in 2017 after ‘concerns’ were raised over the length of skirts and to cater for their transgender pupils… the school stated that all students, not just newcomers, will be required to wear the ‘gender neutral’ uniform. The school has warned parents that children still wearing the old uniform will be sent home from… school… There are at least 40 other schools which have a similar uniform requirement.”

All of this is geared towards teaching our children that homosexuality, transgender and other similar sexual behavior are “normal” and “acceptable.”

The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs

The Wall Street Journal wrote on September 9:

Drilling into the seafloor off Mexico, scientists have extracted a unique geologic record of the single worst day in the history of life, when a city-sized asteroid smashed into Earth 65 million years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs…

“Their analysis of these new rock samples from the Chicxulub crater… reveals a parfait of debris deposited in layers almost minute-by-minute at the heart of the impact during the first day of a global catastrophe. It records traces of the explosive melting, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and wildfires as the immense asteroid blasted a hole 100 miles wide and 12 miles deep…

“The sediments also offer chemical evidence that the cataclysm blew hundreds of billions of tons of sulfur from pulverized ocean rock into the atmosphere, triggering a global winter in which temperatures world-wide dropped by as much as 30 degrees Fahrenheit for decades…

“The asteroid blasted a cavity between 25 and 30 miles deep in the first seconds of impact, creating a boiling cauldron of molten rocks and super-heated steam, according to the scientists’ interpretation of the rock. Rebounding from the hammer blow, a plume of molten rock splashed up into a peak higher than Mount Everest. Within minutes, it collapsed into itself, splashing gigantic waves of lava outward that solidified into a ring of high peaks…”

The Bible says that after God had created the heavens and the earth in a beautiful state, the earth became void and empty, with darkness on the face of the deep.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How should we apply the 8th Commandment?

As presented in Exodus 20, verse 15, the commandment stipulates, “‘You shall not steal.’” The meaning of the word “steal” is “to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force” (

God instructed Moses how stealing should be dealt with among the people of Israel. Even though the detailed penalties of restoration, as described in that law, are no longer in force today, the principles most certainly apply.

“‘If a person sins and commits a trespass against the LORD by lying to his neighbor about what was delivered to him for safekeeping, or about a pledge, or about a robbery, or if he has extorted from his neighbor, or if he has found what was lost and lies concerning it, and swears falsely–in any one of these things that a man may do in which he sins:  then it shall be, because he has sinned and is guilty, that he shall restore what he has stolen, or the thing which he has extorted, or what was delivered to him for safekeeping, or the lost thing which he found, or all that about which he has sworn falsely. He shall restore its full value, add one-fifth more to it, and give it to whomever it belongs, on the day of his trespass offering” (Leviticus 6:2-5).

That which belongs to another is to be carefully respected, and God’s commandment to not steal has detailed application even to the point of paying others for their work without delay:

“‘You shall not cheat your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of him who is hired shall not remain with you all night until morning’” (Leviticus 19:13; compare Deuteronomy 24:14-15; James 5:4).

God’s commandment especially focuses on those who steal as a way of life. Those who use false weights and dishonest scales are condemned as thieves (compare Leviticus 19:35-36; Deuteronomy 25:13-15; Proverbs 11:1; 16:11; 20:10; Hosea 12: 7: Amos 8:5; Micah 6:11). Concerning the future government of God during the thousand-year reign of Christ on and over the earth, a prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel reveals that “honest scales” will be used (Ezekiel 45:10).

As a prerequisite for baptism, John the Baptist taught that those who have authority over others—especially their livelihood—should only do what was authorized:

“Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, ‘Teacher, what shall we do?’ And he said to them, ‘Collect no more than what is appointed for you.’ Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, ‘And what shall we do?’ So he said to them, ‘Do not intimidate (margin: shake down for money) anyone (the Authorized Version says: “Do violence to no man”) or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages” (Luke 3:12-14).

Jesus specifically included the commandment, “you shall not steal,” in His teaching (compare Matthew 19:18). Furthermore, He magnified applying the laws of God. Not only are we to not steal in the literal sense, but we must not allow ourselves to conceive of such actions:

“‘But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man…’” (Matthew 15:18-20).

Some of the strongest reactions of Jesus during His ministry was against the pollution of the Temple by those who cheated, that is, stole from the people:

“Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He said to them, ‘It is written, “My house shall be called a house of prayer,” but you have made it a “den of thieves”’” (Matthew 21:12-13).

The Benson commentary includes the following annotation:

“A harbour of wicked men; a place where traffic is carried on by persons of the most infamous character, who live by deceit and oppression, and practise the vilest extortion, even in the house of the most righteous and blessed God.”

Judas, one of the original twelve apostles and the one who betrayed Jesus, was a known thief.

“Then one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, who would betray Him, said,  ‘Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?’ This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it” (John 12:4-6).

Interestingly, we note that Judas’ position among the disciples was that of handling the money (John 13:29). Like so many who compromise God’s law, he corrupted himself in many ways—including being willing to take money to treacherously betray Jesus.

Paul strongly cautions Christians and includes those who steal among those who will not enter the Kingdom of God:

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

Paul taught that one must repent of stealing:

“Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need” (Ephesians 4:28).

In this regard, we have the example of the rich tax collector who responded to meeting Jesus by renouncing his former practices:

“Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, ‘Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold’” (Luke 19:8).

Stealing brings about penalties and it is an important responsibility for parents of young children to teach them the difference between what is theirs and what belongs to others. Teaching that stealing is wrong is foundational to developing righteous character.

It is also important for all to understand that we must not steal from God. Indeed, the actions of Adam and Eve when they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6) was, among other things, an act of stealing from God since the tree belonged to God and He had forbidden them to eat from it. Because of this disobedience, they incurred the death penalty.  Chapter 7 of the book of Joshua recounts the sin of Achan who stole what God had forbidden to be taken by any of Israel (Joshua 6:18). Achan and his family were stoned for his disobedience.

The commandment, “you shall not steal,” has been flagrantly ignored by individuals and nations throughout human history. The consequences have been devastating for mankind as so many examples in the Word of God show. If it were possible to stop all stealing, consider what obeying just that one commandment would mean, and what if all of God’s commandments were kept?

Each of us can and must examine our own lives to see if we are guilty of stealing—a good starting point is to ask if we are stealing from God. It is His question to us:

“‘Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, “In what way have we robbed You?” In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,’ Says the LORD of hosts, ‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it’” (Malachi 3:8-10).

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A new Member Letter (September 2019) has been written. In this letter, Elder Eric Rank writes about preparation for the Fall Holy Days. Along with our opportunity to appear before God with rejoicing, he cautions against Satan’s influence in trying to discourage us.

“Suicide—Why… and How to Prevent  It?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Suicide rates are on the rise; especially in rural counties of the USA. This week has been declared as the “National Suicide Prevention Week,” to bring awareness to the warning signs of suicide. But what are they? What drives a person to wanting to commit this final act? Discouragement and depression are leading causes of suicide, but why do people become depressed? Why is suicide so useless? Why is it never a solution? What can you do if you know of a person in danger… or if you yourself are that person?

“Unsere ungerechte Welt — unsere Schul- und Bildungssysteme,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Our Unrighteous World–Our School- and Education-Systems.”

Alles gehört Gott! is the title of last Sabbath’s German sermonette, presented by Elder Christoph Sperzel. Title in English: “Everything Belongs to God.” 

“Conquering the Storm,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The judgement of mankind is going to come upon the world like a thief in the night.  Putting off our spiritual growth for another day will lull us into a state of unpreparedness. We must make it a daily goal to be spiritually ready for these tumultuous times ahead.

“The Law is Spiritual,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Are you a spiritual person? Is that even possible? If it is, then how can that be achieved?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Lack and Limitation; Our Unrighteous School- and Education-Systems

On September 14, 2019, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “Lack and Limitation,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Our Unrighteous School- and Education-Systems.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

No Lessons Learned from 9/11?

Breitbart wrote on September 11:

“America has not ‘learned any of the lessons’ of the Islamic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, estimated [author and Los Angeles Times alumnus] Terry McDermott… ‘The reason Al-Qaeda was successful was because they weren’t a state. Our whole foreign policy [and] counterterrorism apparatus is aimed at state actors. These guys were so small we couldn’t see them… This thing should’ve been stopped a hundred different ways, but they got lucky with a clever idea, and they got away with it. After the event, we still focused on state actors. These are non-state actors. It’s a gang…’

“America’s post-9/11 counterterrorism strategies have generated more terrorists than they have eliminated, assessed McDermott… ‘Iraq made every problem worse. It’s the worst foreign policy decision in the history of the United States, without question to me… It never had a chance of success.’”

Sadly, we fear that based on biblical warnings, another major terrorist attack will hit the USA.

Trump Fires John Bolton

NBC News wrote on September 10:

“President Donald Trump has fired National Security Adviser John Bolton after a string of disagreements between the two over how the U.S. should handle North Korea and Iran. Trump announced on Twitter that he had asked for Bolton’s resignation, which he received this morning, after the president had ‘disagreed with many of his suggestions.’ …”

Deutsche Welle wrote:

“Bolton, however, gave a different story. He said he offered to resign on Monday night but that Trump had told him: ‘Let’s talk about it tomorrow.’”

CBS News wrote on September 10:

“Bolton was often at loggerheads with Pompeo, most recently over U.S. negotiations with the Taliban to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan. The two disagreed over whether a reduction of U.S. troops could happen with or without a negotiated deal. Bolton opposed negotiating with the Taliban.

“On Saturday, Mr. Trump made the surprise announcement that peace talks with the Taliban had been canceled. Mr. Trump tweeted that he ‘called off peace negotiations’ in the wake of last week’s car bomb attack near the U.S. embassy in Kabul that killed one American service member and another NATO soldier, as well as at least 10 civilians.

“The president further revealed that the meetings with Taliban representatives and the president of Afghanistan would have been held at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland — on the very week marking the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, in which 3,000 Americans died on U.S. soil.

“Bolton, who served in the George W. Bush administration and was a supporter of U.S. engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan, was one of the most hawkish foreign policy voices in Mr. Trump’s cabinet. Bolton often advocated for a harder line in dealing with Iran… He is the fourth national security adviser to depart the administration since Mr. Trump took office.”

JTA added on September 10:

“President Donald Trump fired John Bolton, his national security adviser and one of the administration officials seen as closest to the views of Israel’s government… Bolton has deep ties to the mainstream pro-Israel community dating to his outspoken Israel advocacy during a stint as U.N. ambassador in the mid-2000s and then to his pivotal role as a State Department official in the early 1990s in repealing the body’s infamous ‘Zionism is racism’ resolution.”

Leaders topple in the USA as well as in the UK (see the next articles). According to the Bible, this reflects unrighteousness of a nation. Proverbs 28:2 reads in the revised Luther Bible 2009: “Because of the sin of the land, rulers change often.”

No Help for Bahamian Refugees!

Axios wrote on September 11:

“The Trump administration will not grant Hurricane Dorian refugees from the Bahamas temporary protected status (the same program applied to the victims of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake)… Temporary protected status would only be applicable to those in the U.S. at the time of designation.

“As of Monday, 1,500 Bahamians have come to the U.S. after being displaced by Dorian, with at least 3,500 people evacuated from the islands and the death toll currently standing at 50. The Department of Homeland Security said this week that displaced Bahamians traveling to the U.S. [as short-term visitors] must have a valid passport and travel visa.”

This constitutes utterly shameful conduct by the US government.

Brexit Chaos – No Early Election; Parliament Suspended

Deutsche Welle reported on September 9:

“British lawmakers rejected Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s call for a snap election early Tuesday morning following a chaotic day in Parliament. A total of 293 of the 650 House of Commons members backed holding an early election, well short of the required two-thirds majority. Johnson had wanted a snap election on October 15, two weeks before the scheduled October 31 Brexit date. During parliamentary debate, Johnson said an early election would be the only way to ‘break political deadlock.’ But opposition parties said they wouldn’t support an election until Britain secured a Brexit delay to avoid a no-deal divorce from the EU.

“The UK government then suspended — or prorogued — Parliament until October 14, in a move critics view as anti-democratic and a political move to limit parliamentary debate on Brexit… Earlier on Monday, an opposition-backed bill requiring the UK to delay Brexit was passed into law after receiving the formal consent of Queen Elizabeth. The law requires Johnson to delay Brexit if he cannot get a new deal with Brussels at a crucial EU summit on October 17-18, or receive the backing of Parliament for a no-deal crash out of the EU…”

No Further Brexit Delay?

Deutsche Welle wrote on Septembers 8:

“Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has said that under the current circumstances France won’t offer the UK another extension to its withdrawal from the EU. ‘We’re not going to do this every three months,’ he said… Britain has so far been given two extensions to its proposed withdrawal from the EU…

“Britain is currently due to leave the bloc on October 31 [Halloween, Satan’s festival], and [Boris] Johnson [the 77th Prime Minister of the UK] has pledged to leave without a deal if necessary, insisting earlier this week that he would ‘rather be dead in a ditch’ than ask for another delay… A team of leading lawyers said that the prime minister could be found in contempt of court and even face jail.”

The Sun added on September 8:

“The EU’s Brexit chief… Guy Verhoftstadt warned Remainers just hours after France’s foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drain, said the country would refuse… to extend Brexit… Verhoftstadt… said another extension would be ‘unacceptable unless the deadlock in London is broken’…

“[Johnson] wrote to Tory members saying he would not carry out Parliament’s instructions to ask for another extension… Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith urged Boris to be a Brexit ‘martyr’ and defy the will of Parliament…”

That would really make him even more popular in Britain.

Johnson Far Ahead in Polls

Breitbart wrote on September 8:

“[Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State Dominic] Raab has said that Boris Johnson is ‘sticking to his guns’ on his Brexit plans, saying that despite the efforts of Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘surrender bill’ to stop no deal Brexit, the UK will leave the EU on October 31st ‘come what may’

“The prime minister holding firm appears to be winning favour with the public, with a YouGov poll for the Sunday Times finding the Conservatives on 35 per cent approval, 14 points ahead of Labour (on 21 per cent), with the Liberal Democrats in third on 19 per cent, and the Brexit Party on 12 per cent.”

Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party plus leaders from other groups may be seen by many as obstructionists for their own political gain. Put simply, the opposition from all parties to a no deal Brexit have joined together and have taken away a big negotiating tool by insisting that the UK will not leave without a deal and so many don’t really want to leave the EU at all. It restricts the negotiating power that Mr. Johnson now has.

What Became of the Party of Margaret Thatcher?

Der Spiegel wrote on September 6:

“Whatever Brexit might ultimately bring, there are a number of images from this week that will stick in our memories for a long time. We won’t forget, for example, that Nicholas Soames, the grandson of Winston Churchill, was expelled from the Conservative Party after 36 years of service…

“The party of Margaret Thatcher, of Harold Macmillans, of Winston Churchill… no longer really exists in its traditional form… A group of zealots remains, led by Boris Johnson. And their language and behavior are astonishingly similar to those of other authoritative populists, such as those in the U.S., Italy, Poland, Hungary and elsewhere… This group represents a form of English nationalism that threatens the unity of the country, strengthening not just the Scottish independence movement but also the Northern Irish Republicans’ dreams of reunification. Several weeks ago, Gordon Brown — a Scot and the last Labour prime minister — said that Boris Johnson could very well be the United Kingdom’s last prime minister

“Even as British civil servants, the opposition, the Bank of England, the Confederation of British Industry and numerous other organizations predict food shortages, border chaos, civil unrest, billions in losses and a possible recession [in case of a no-deal Brexit], the prime minister and his government are deaf to the warnings… The speed with which the remnants of the Conservative Party have moved to the right-wing populist fringe is astonishing. The party’s anti-EU wing, a minority not all that long ago, is now mainstream…”

Der Spiegel, a left-liberal proponent of the anti-Brexit German press, is portraying an anti-British picture which will ultimately lead to further antagonism… especially, if Britain crashes out of Europe without a deal, which appears to be more and more likely.

Merkel’s Warning to Britain

The Guardian wrote on September 11:

Angela Merkel has highlighted the economic danger [and threat] posed by Britain if it is allowed to become a Singapore-on-Thames as Boris Johnson’s Brexit envoy outlined a plan to ditch the UK’s commitments to stay aligned to the EU’s social and environmental standards…

“[She said:] ‘… the fact remains that after the withdrawal of Britain, we have an economic competitor at our door, even if we want to keep close economic, foreign and security cooperation and friendly relations. ‘On the one hand, as Europeans we are weaker with Britain’s exit – that has to be said – but on the other hand, this is the moment to develop new strengths.’”

The choice of her words – “even IF we want to keep… friendly relations” is quite revealing.

The Worst Case Scenario

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 11:

“Britain could face massive disruptions to its food supply, financial services and cross-channel traffic in the event of a no-deal Brexit, according to government projections. And public disorder is likely to follow…

“The key points:

“The UK will revert to ‘third country’ status and the relationship with the EU will be ‘on the whole unsympathetic,’  with a range of potential effects, including:

“Cross-channel traffic being cut by 40-60% within a day, with disruption lasting 3 months. Protests taking place across the country, placing a strain on police resources. Financial services and the sharing of law enforcement and personal data being disrupted. Small and medium-sized business being unable to cope. Severe weather in winter potentially exacerbating negative impacts.”

In the short-term, trucks would face delays of around 2 days while trying to cross the border, the report outlined. This would have an impact on medicines and medical products imported into the UK. These are particularly reliant on short crossings of the English channel and would therefore be particularly affected by hold-ups. The UK government would not be able to do much to mitigate these effects due to the short shelf-life of some medicines and supplies, according to the report.

“The food sector would be hit in a matter of weeks, if not days, due to its reliance on free-movement and non-tariff trade within the EU, protected by high tariffs on goods coming from outside the trading bloc. Up to 282 EU vessels could enter UK waters on the first day, leading to anger and even violent clashes with UK fishing boats. Any workers, students, travelers and pensioners in the EU would immediately lose their access to healthcare, which is currently funded in the EU via the UK’s National Health Service. Law enforcement data and information-sharing between the UK and the EU would also be immediately affected.”

Critics claim that some of these points are overblown and exaggerated. Nevertheless, the consequences of a no deal Brexit would be traumatic for the UK, and its relationship with the EU would further deteriorate drastically.

Worldwide Rise of Nationalism and Populism

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 6:

“People around the world believe the political system is rigged against them, a survey by Ipsos revealed on Thursday, highlighting a growing trend towards populism globally. Levels of political distrust and a desire for strong leaders who are willing to break the rules mirrors the political zeitgeist surrounding the election of US President Donald Trump and the British decision to leave the European Union…

“64% said their country needs a strong leader to take it back from the rich and powerful… 49% [said] that, to fix it, their country needs a strong leader willing to break the rules

“Germany was one of just three countries in which less than half of respondents felt a strong leader was the answer to their political shortcomings. It was joined by Japan and Sweden, which nonetheless had the biggest increase in populist tendencies… Dr. Robert Grimm, head of political and social research at Ipsos in Germany [stated:]… ‘many Germans see no solution in a strong leader, probably also because of their profound experience with totalitarian regimes… Thus, in an apathetic political culture, the country is driving from one unwanted coalition to the next…’”

That will change soon, as a strong leader will arise in Germany, who might also be willing to “break the rules.”

Germany’s Divided Soul

Project Syndicate wrote on September 2:

“This November, Germany will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. But the country is in a gloomy mood, and cheers will be few and far between – especially in the east.

“Today, more than one-third of eastern Germans describe themselves as second-class citizens. Contrary to their expectations at the time of German reunification in 1990, the east of the country has not become as prosperous as the west. Unsurprisingly, eastern Germans today think, feel, and vote differently than western Germans do. In fact, Germany is one country with two souls.

“The latest evidence of this came on September 1, when the xenophobic right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) secured a strong second place in regional elections in the eastern German states of Saxony and Brandenburg, with 27.5% and 23.5% of the vote, respectively. In western German states, the AfD’s electoral share is typically half of that.

“Germany’s east-west political divide reflects sharp economic differences… Economic convergence within Germany stalled largely as a result of policy decisions… an economic recovery in the east would not only bring material benefits. It would also help to heal Germany’s psychological divide, and thus make eastern Germans less likely to vote for extremist parties that prey on their fears.”

But maybe, due to the ongoing faulty politics of the German government, the pendulum will swing to the other direction so that many more people in West Germany will vote for far right populist parties and candidates.

Far-Right Extremism in German Military

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 10:

Germany’s Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) is widening its investigation into far-right extremists within the Bundeswehr, Germany’s armed forces, German media reported on Tuesday, particularly focusing on the most elite unit in the military, the Kommando Spezialkraefte (KSK)… The number of soldiers in the special forces unit believed to harbor fringe far-right sympathies is ‘extraordinarly high,’ security sources told Spiegel magazine…

“… the problem is particularly bad among paratroopers and known to center around the Franz-Joseph-Strauss base in Altenstadt, Bavaria. The base became infamous in the 1990s when MAD discovered that soldiers there were celebrating Hitler’s birthday and singing the anthem of the Nazi party… MAD is also looking into online extremist groups like ‘North Cross.’ However, as the smallest of Germany’s intelligence-gathering services, there are some concerns that it may not have enough personnel and resources needed for the breadth of the investigation….”

Far right extremism is not disappearing in Germany. Rather, it seems that it is on the rise.

Netanyahu Announces Intensions to Annex Jordan Valley 

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 10:

“In a live TV address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he plans to annex the Jordan Valley [and the northern Dead Sea] if he wins next week’s general election…

“The Jordan Valley comprises around one-third of the West Bank and contains numerous Israeli settlements.”

The Week added on September 10:

“More than 3 million Palestinians and 400,000 Israelis live in the West Bank, which Israel’s military captured during the Six-Day War in 1967. Netanyahu has said the Trump administration’s peace plan would provide an opportunity for the annexation.”

JTA wrote on September 10:

“This move would further entrench Israel’s presence in the West Bank and make a future evacuation of the territory — what many see as a part of an eventual two-state solution — even more unlikely. The Palestinians have insisted on governing the Jordan Valley as part of a future peace deal.

“Netanyahu also promised, in his speech and earlier, to annex even more Israeli settlements down the line. The more Israel annexes, the less possible a contiguous Palestinian state would be…

“Israelis as a whole are split. Nearly half of Israeli Jews and 11 percent of Israeli Arabs favor annexing the Jordan Valley if Trump supports it, according to a recent poll by the Israel Democracy Institute. Twenty-eight percent of Jewish Israelis and a majority of Arab Israelis oppose the idea.”

If carried out, this would create further conflicts with Arab nations and Europe.  

Suicide Rates on the Rise in the USA

NBC News wrote on September 6:

“Suicide rates are on the rise… From 1999 to 2016, the rate of suicide among Americans ages 25 to 64 rose by 41 percent… Rates among people living in rural counties were 25 percent higher than those in major metropolitan areas. A number of factors appear to be driving suicide rates up in rural America, including poverty, low income and underemployment…

“The study also found that counties with high levels of social fragmentation — based on the levels of single-person households, unmarried residents and transient residents — and a high percentage of veterans had higher rates of suicide…

“The presence of more gun shops was also associated with an increase in suicide rates in all counties, except for the most rural ones…

“The rise in suicide rates in rural counties is ‘alarming,’ said Oren Miron, a researcher at the Clalit Research Institute in Israel, who also studies suicide rates in collaboration with the Harvard Medical School. Miron, who wasn’t involved with the new research, said two of the factors identified in the study — high veteran rates and unemployment — ‘may interact in a dangerous way.’

“‘If a veteran returns from deployment to a county without jobs, he might lose hope in rejoining civilian life,’ Miron said. ‘The re-entry to civilian life is a period with high suicide risk…’

“Suicide ‘is a growing American tragedy,’ said Dr. Albert Wu, an internist and a professor of health policy and management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. ‘It has become a leading cause of death in the U.S., and is a major public health problem… Lack of health insurance kills people,’ he said…”

NBC News wrote on September 11:

“A megachurch pastor in Southern California known for his mental health advocacy died by suicide on Monday, church officials said in a statement. Jarrid Wilson… was 30… Open about his battle with depression, Wilson spoke often of his struggles online and in his work as a pastor… In addition to his wife, Wilson is survived by two sons…

Greg Laurie, senior pastor at the Harvest megachurch [wrote:] ‘Sometimes people may think that as pastors or spiritual leaders we are somehow above the pain and struggles of everyday people… We are the ones who are supposed to have all the answers. But we do not.’

“Sunday marked the beginning of National Suicide Prevention Week, a weeklong campaign meant to bring awareness to the warning signs of suicide…”

Examples like these are truly terrible testimonies of those who are scattered without a Shepherd. But Suicide is always wrong. It constitutes and is tantamount to murder. Factors might be involved which may lead a desperate person to perform that terrible step, including the horrors of wars and their evil consequences, as well as the inability to find work or adequate health insurance. However, suicide is never a solution. A person who has killed him- or herself will awake in the next second of his or her consciousness and will have to give account to God for his or her actions.

We said this in our Q&A about suicide:

“What circumstances would give rise to such a thought? Perhaps someone has an incurable disease (by man’s reckoning) and is in such severe pain that it seems to be the only way out of a terrible situation?… What about someone who experiences demonic activity in his or her life which presses that individual to take such action as a way out of this misery? Drug or alcohol addiction, mental illness, depression, family issues, bullying and marital and financial problems can also be reasons why suicide might seem to be the answer, but it never is. When someone commits suicide, he or she will have to give an answer to God for that course of action within his or her very next waking moment.”

Tremendous Anti-Semitism in Canadian “Christian Orthodox Church”

Breaking Israel News wrote on September 8:

“A Christian Orthodox priest in Nova Scotia was forced to retire after delivering a sermon that honored Judaism and Israel… in which he [also] requested that congregants pray for Israel and reminded the congregation that Jesus was a Jew… He also said that over the last several years, his sermons have connected Christianity’s roots and the Old Testament’s Jewish background… While studying the early Christian era… he says that he realized that early Christians were actually Jewish and their scripture was the Old Testament…

“‘I wrote a piece for publication, but was told by my superiors that it was “too Jewish.” That increased my determination that Christianity grew from Judaism. My own theology recognized a faith that started with Abraham and grew through the centuries through Christ,’ he explained.”

The fact that true Christianity does not do away with the spiritual teachings of the Old Testament, including the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath, is not accepted by most professing Christians. Underlying anti-Semitism might be one reason for this false sentiment.

California’s Democrats Continue their War for Mandatory Vaccinations

NBC San Diego wrote on September 9:

“California [Democratic] Gov. Gavin Newsom signed bills Monday to crack down on doctors who write fraudulent medical exemptions for school children’s vaccinations… Protesters forced delays in both the Assembly and Senate. They unfurled an upside-down American flag from the Senate’s public gallery in a traditional signal of distress and chanted ‘My kids, my choice’ and ‘We will not comply.’…

“Republicans in both chambers objected that there were no public committee hearings before the Assembly approved the measure with a 43-14 vote and the Senate followed on a 27-11 roll call. ‘This goes past vaccines and is again a major government overreach,’ said Republican Assemblyman Devon Mathis of Visalia, adding that, ‘Our medically fragile children are what are at stake.’

“Newsom demanded a phase-out period for medical exemptions similar to one allowed when California eliminated personal belief vaccine exemptions in 2015. A kindergartener with an exemption could retain it through sixth grade, for instance, while a seventh grader could be exempted through high school… The companion bill also would allow officials to revoke any medical exemptions written by a doctor who has faced disciplinary action. The bill would make it clear that enforcement will start next year, meaning doctors who previously granted a high number of medical exemptions won’t face scrutiny…

“Republican Sen. John Moorlach of Costa Mesa grew emotional as he recalled a developmentally disabled cousin who died at a young age. ‘That’s what these people fear,’ Moorlach said of protesters. ‘We’ve got to hit the pause button.’”

The irresponsible hysteria of mandatory vaccinations which is driven by the pharmaceutical industry and its doctors poses a real danger for the health and welfare of our children.

The Nonsense of Gender Neutral School Uniforms in the UK

The Daily Mail wrote on September 5:

“[The] Priory School in Lewes forced all pupils to wear trousers in 2017 after ‘concerns’ were raised over the length of skirts and to cater for their transgender pupils… the school stated that all students, not just newcomers, will be required to wear the ‘gender neutral’ uniform. The school has warned parents that children still wearing the old uniform will be sent home from… school… There are at least 40 other schools which have a similar uniform requirement.”

All of this is geared towards teaching our children that homosexuality, transgender and other similar sexual behavior are “normal” and “acceptable.”

The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs

The Wall Street Journal wrote on September 9:

Drilling into the seafloor off Mexico, scientists have extracted a unique geologic record of the single worst day in the history of life, when a city-sized asteroid smashed into Earth 65 million years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs…

“Their analysis of these new rock samples from the Chicxulub crater… reveals a parfait of debris deposited in layers almost minute-by-minute at the heart of the impact during the first day of a global catastrophe. It records traces of the explosive melting, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and wildfires as the immense asteroid blasted a hole 100 miles wide and 12 miles deep…

“The sediments also offer chemical evidence that the cataclysm blew hundreds of billions of tons of sulfur from pulverized ocean rock into the atmosphere, triggering a global winter in which temperatures world-wide dropped by as much as 30 degrees Fahrenheit for decades…

“The asteroid blasted a cavity between 25 and 30 miles deep in the first seconds of impact, creating a boiling cauldron of molten rocks and super-heated steam, according to the scientists’ interpretation of the rock. Rebounding from the hammer blow, a plume of molten rock splashed up into a peak higher than Mount Everest. Within minutes, it collapsed into itself, splashing gigantic waves of lava outward that solidified into a ring of high peaks…”

The Bible says that after God had created the heavens and the earth in a beautiful state, the earth became void and empty, with darkness on the face of the deep.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 892

Conquering the Storm; The Law is Spiritual

On, September 7, 2019, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled,” Conquering the Storm,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Law is Spiritual.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Peer Pressure

by Rene Messier (Canada)

Peer pressure can cause someone to act or do things beyond the usual norms of acceptable behavior in order to just be accepted by others or to conform to their desires and wishes. People want to be accepted and don’t want to appear weird or radically different from those with whom they associate—either at work, in the community or at the church they attend, because they want to fit in.

The problem of caving in to peer pressure can lead to compromise and an erosion of one’s character. Exodus 32:1-4 provides a good example as to what happened when Aaron wanted to please the children of Israel. Exodus 32:1-4 says:

“Now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, the people gathered together to Aaron, and said to him, ‘Come, make us gods that shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.’ And Aaron said to them, ‘Break off the golden earrings which are in the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters, and bring them to me.’ So all the people broke off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them to Aaron. And he received the gold from their hand, and he fashioned it with an engraving tool, and made a molded calf. Then they said, ‘This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt!’”

Aaron was the high priest and should have known better. What he and the people did was a complete affront to God who brought them out of Egypt by signs and wonders—not by some idol in the form of a golden calf. It appears Aaron did not resist the people’s desires nor offer a counter argument to show that what they were proposing was a sin and against the God who brought them out of Egypt by a powerful hand.

There were consequences for this sinful behavior. Exodus 32:28 reads: “… about three thousand men of the people fell that day.”

Furthermore, God was so angry that He would have destroyed them all and started over again with just Moses, but Moses talked Him out of it. Exodus 32:11-14 says: “Then Moses pleaded with the LORD his God, and said: ‘LORD, why does Your wrath burn hot against Your people whom You have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians speak, and say, ‘He brought them out to harm them, to kill them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth’? Turn from Your fierce wrath, and relent from this harm to Your people. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Your own self, and said to them, “I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven; and all this land that I have spoken of I give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it forever.”’ So the LORD relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people.”

Aaron did not have the courage or fortitude to stand up to the people’s desires to make a golden calf. Instead, he caved in. He was overcome by peer pressure and thus compromised in what was clearly contrary to the second commandment in regards to not worshipping idols.

As we move forward and draw ever closer to the return of Christ and as this world gets more and more evil under the influence of Satan, we must not give in to peer pressure or to compromise with what we have been taught from the Bible. The Truth is: We will never fit into this world of sin and corruption because in reality, we are “misfits,” wanting to obey God rather than compromise to please others and this world. There are always negative consequences for peer pressure which leads to compromise; yet on the other side of the coin, there is a great reward for those who faithfully endure to the end.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on two eastern German states elections and the shocking success of the far-right populist AfD party; discuss Austria’s upcoming election by the end of September and Sebastian Kurz’s future; and address Italy’s fragile 66th government since World War II; and new developments in the Brexit debacle which could “make or break” Boris Johnson.   

We speak on dramatic consequences for Europe, stemming from the ongoing war in Syria; address the 80th anniversary events in Poland, memorializing the beginning of World War II; [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, How Did the Second World War REALLY Start–Any Lessons Learned?”] and point out dangerous and at the same time prophetically relevant developments in the Middle East, involving Israel and Iran.

 We specifically focus on Israel’s desire to help Ethiopia; allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount; and build the Third Temple, as prophesied in the Bible.   

We conclude with a startling comment by Pope Francis regarding the American Catholic Church; the scientific confirmation that there is no gay gene; and hurricane Dorian, the second strongest Atlantic storm in history.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Far-Right Surge in East Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 2:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) just about managed to come out on top in regional elections in Saxony and Brandenburg respectively. But both parties, who form the governing coalition at national level, still took an electoral hit. The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) came second in both states, a massive gain on results four years ago, but with a similar share of the vote as in the last national election in 2017.

“… political observers thought the result, while certainly not great for Angela Merkel’s grand coalition, was still good enough to ensure that her administration was not about to collapse immediately. The key was the SPD’s very mixed results. While the Social Democrats slumped to just 7.7%, or fifth place, in Saxony, they still won the election in Brandenburg, all but assuring they could continue to govern there…

“The results were a ‘shock … but not the earthquake that everyone feared,’ as Italy’s Corriere della sera put it. La Repubblica expressed deeper worries, ‘The nightmare that the far-right AfD would be the strongest party in two federal states in the former GDR and rattle the Merkel government was averted …But the extreme right is on a worrying advance… Fear, nationalism and xenophobia were the main instruments used in the election campaign.’…

“France’s regional Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace wrote, ‘… The right is getting closer, they’re nibbling away, one election at a time, pushing and shaking the foundations of social democracy.’ The Alsace paper added that as eastern Germany is in ‘economic despair,’ the AfD can ‘surf on the wave of latent and historical racism, which was caused by the massive influx of migrants in 2015.’ French daily Le Monde called the AfD’s rise a ‘strong breakthrough,’ saying that the party has ‘never scored as high,’ while the Dutch De Telegraaf said the results were ‘a double slap in the face for the unstable German coalition.’ Volkskrant, another Dutch daily, said that while the right-wing populists were not the largest party in either state, the AfD can now ‘call itself the “People’s Party” in the [former] East.’… Denmark’s Politiken said that while Merkel’s CDU and the SPD suffered a blow in the east, they managed to ‘bypass the great catastrophe.’”

For now…

No Coalition with AfD?

Axios wrote on September 2:

The results are being viewed as a victory for AfD, but all parties have sworn not to work with the far right in a coalition government. That could be a difficult promise to keep, however, with vote share dispersed across a number of smaller parties…

“The state elections are being viewed as a crucial test for Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK), the hand-picked successor to Merkel. A series of missteps have Germans — including some in AKK’s own party — questioning her leadership. Her CDU has become especially vulnerable with AfD chipping away at its popularity in recent elections.”

What Could It Mean for Germany?

The Week wrote on September 2:

Germany’s politics, like most other European countries, is now in turmoil

“What does this mean for Germany and the rest of Europe?

“Firstly, it will be increasingly difficult to form stable government coalitions… Previously, it was usual for one of the big parties — CDU or SPD — to form a coalition with one of the smaller parties such as the FDP or Greens. However, the decline of CDU and SPD makes it difficult to gain a majority… This means that coalitions need to be formed of more than two or even three parties, and between parties that normally would never have paired up… this development in the most stable country in Europe will send tremors through the entire continent.

“Secondly, if the AfD continues to rise, it is only a question of time until they become part of a government… in countries such as Poland, Hungary or Italy, the far-right parties are already dominant forces. In France, Marine Le Pen was close to becoming president! However, Germany has for eight decades maintained a strong barrier against right-wing politics. It’s a worrying ‘normalization’ when right-wing positions are en vogue again…”

This is how Hitler came to power too.

Austria’s Uncertain Future

AFP wrote on August 29:

“Former chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) could once again partner with the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ)… The ÖVP-FPÖ partnership came crashing down in spectacular fashion in May when hidden camera footage from 2017 showed then FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache appearing to offer public contracts to a fake Russian backer in exchange for campaign help… Strache resigned as vice chancellor and from all his other posts, the coalition fell apart, Kurz was thrown out in a no-confidence vote – the first-ever such successful vote in modern Austrian history – and fresh elections were set for September 29th.

“Despite the unprecedented chaos, both the ÖVP and the FPÖ – founded after World War Two by former Nazis – have sustained their popularity… The ÖVP remains the strongest party on 36 percent, while the FPÖ stands at 20 percent, six percentage points lower than in October 2017 but neck-and-neck with the Social Democrats…

“Strache has continued to defend himself from various corruption allegations on his Facebook page. The page counts almost 800,000 followers – far more than his party colleagues and most other Austrian politicians… Norbert Hofer, who replaced Strache as FPÖ leader, has openly said he wants another coalition with Kurz…

“Kurz, whose party’s popularity now is four percentage points higher than in October 2017 but who cannot form a majority government alone, has so far avoided saying which partner he prefers. He ended a coalition with the Social Democrats – who are scoring their lowest-ever poll numbers – when he took over the ÖVP leadership in 2017, triggering that year’s elections.

“A possible coalition with the Greens has been floated, which would be a first on the national level but similar to those which already govern some Austrian states. The Greens stand at 12 percent in the Unique Research survey, far higher than in 2017, when they failed to make the four percent threshold to enter parliament in a shock result.”

We should definitely watch Sebastian Kurz, who has been nicknamed “holy Sebastian” because of his strong Catholic belief.

Italy’s New Government

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 4:

“Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte unveiled his new cabinet on Wednesday, uniting two rival political parties in an unlikely coalition between the anti-establishment [M5S] and the center-left Democratic Party [PD]… Luciana Lamorgese, a former Milan security chief and top civil servant with no political affiliation will serve as the new interior minister, replacing far-right League leader Matteo Salvini.

“However, even after being sworn in, the new government will still need to be approved by votes of confidence in Italy’s two houses of parliament later this week to ensure it has a majority… [These confidence votes will start on Monday.]

“Salvini, who now sits on the opposition sidelines, labelled the new administration ‘a government produced by Paris and Berlin, born out of fear to give up power, without dignity or ideals, with the wrong people in the wrong places.’ The head of the League party also tweeted that the new government ‘can’t escape from the judgment of Italians for long,’ predicting that ‘in the end we will win.’

“Salvini continues to lead in opinion polls. Political scientist Giovanni Orsina from Rome’s Luiss University says that ‘most Italians see the new government as a kind of anti-Salvini coalition… Orsina expects Salvini will hold on to his high polling numbers for some time longer. ‘Salvini won for certain reasons, and these reasons haven’t changed,’ he said…”

It will have to be seen as to how long Italy’s 66th government since World War II will last…

Brexit News

The Week wrote on September 4:

“U.K. lawmakers voted 327-299 on Wednesday to push a bill that would block Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to withdraw from the European Union on Oct. 31 if no agreement is reached. Wednesday’s vote was the second stage in a two-step process; Johnson was defeated on Tuesday night, as well, when the House Of Commons voted by a count of 328-301 to hold a debate on the proposed law. Following the Tuesday vote, Johnson expelled 21 Conservative lawmakers who voted against him, fracturing an already tenuous party.

The EUObserver wrote on September 5:

“The upper chamber of the UK parliament – the House of Lords – has agreed to pass the rebel bill from MPs blocking any no-deal Brexit by Boris Johnson’s government. In the early hours of Thursday, members were told the bill would return to the House of Commons on Friday, where it is expected to pass…”

Deutsche Welle added on September 5:

“That would give the House of Commons enough time to debate any amendments made by the upper house and send the legislation — if it passes again — to Queen Elizabeth II, who could put the law into effect by as soon as Monday. The bill would force Johnson to delay Britain’s EU exit until January 31, unless Parliament approves a new deal or votes to support a no-deal Brexit by October 19 — which are both unlikely scenarios.

“The UK could still crash out of the EU without a transition agreement — the only question would be when that would take place. The current bill only delays the issue, kicking the can down the road until January. Any extension would also need the unanimous approval of the leaders of the remaining 27 EU member-states — and the British government would have to provide a valid reason for doing so. Finnish Prime Minister Antti Rinne, whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, said on Wednesday there isn’t enough widespread support among EU leaders to grant a third extension…

“Despite Johnson’s failed bid to call a snap election, Britain could soon be headed to the polls. Once again, it’s a question of timing. Johnson wanted to hold the election on October 15… Opposition Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn said he supports early elections, but only once the no-deal Brexit blocking bill has been passed. The Labour leader also reportedly said that he wouldn’t want to hold the election before the current Brexit deadline on October 31…”

Axios wrote on September 5:

“It was a week of absolute mayhem in the world of Brexit and U.K. politics…  No one — not even Britain’s best and brightest — knows exactly what’s coming next.”

Boris Johnson might face his biggest defeat or his biggest victory.

Consequences from the War in Syria

The EUObserver wrote on September 2:

“Russian and Syrian forces killed 1,151 civilians between February and August this year in the Idlib, Aleppo, and Hama provinces counted together… They also caused 92,119 people to flee their homes in one week in August in southern Idlib and northern Hama… Russia and Syria have dropped tens of tonnes of explosives on people’s heads and aid camps are overflowing with women and children in need… The suffering is unbearable and this is where people are being forced to go – to break the Turkish border and cross into Europe…

“If we pass a tipping point and there is a mass exodus, it might look like 2015 all over again, when one million refugees fled to Europe. That caused a political shock, prompting the rise of far-right parties, which helped Russia in its strategic goal to break up the EU… And that is why Idlib is at the centre of a crucial moment in post-World War II European history.”

This would surely cause right-wing anti-Immigration parties in Europe to rise.

The 80th Anniversary of World War II

The Huffington Post wrote on September 2:”

“German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Sunday asked Poland to forgive his country for its role in World War II. ‘In no other square in Europe do I find it more difficult to speak, and to address you in my native language of German,’ Steinmeier said at a ceremony in Pilsudski Square in Warsaw… ‘I ask for forgiveness for Germany’s historical guilt, and I recognize our enduring responsibility.’

“Steinmeier joined German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other world leaders for events marking the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, which began when the Nazis attacked Poland. Nearly 6 million Poles were among the 50 million people who died in World War II, the deadliest conflict in human history…

“Polish President Andrzej Duda said it was difficult to even imagine now that ‘cataclysm of history … which brought the most disastrous consequences in the history of mankind.’ Duda scolded Europe for not standing up to Adolf Hitler sooner, saying, ‘Perhaps the Second World War would not have broken out in the first place if the states in the west had put up a decisive resistance against … the imperial ambitions of Hitler.’

“[He] also criticized Western leaders who have been soft on Russian President Vladimir Putin after Moscow’s aggression in Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014. ‘We are still faced, even in Europe, with the return of imperialist tendencies. … Closing one’s eyes is not a recipe for peace,’ he said. ‘It is a simple way … to give permission for further attacks.’ Putin was not invited to the events.”

Very true.

Coming… War Between Israel and Iran?

BBC News wrote on September 2:

“The most recent clash between Israel and the Hezbollah militant group in Lebanon may or may not be over, but the signs still point to a potentially catastrophic conflict ahead… What is going on here is an undeclared war not just between Israel and Hezbollah, but between Israel and Hezbollah’s sponsor, Iran.

“Outside actors seem unable to alter Tehran’s direction of travel. The US is clearly in no position to do so. And assurances from Moscow that it will persuade the Syrians to contain the advance of Iran and its proxies, have proved illusory…

“It is like one of those old-fashioned movies in which a bomb is discovered with a long-burning fuse, which the hero gets to snuff out with moments to spare. The fuse for this impending conflagration is longer; but nobody knows quite how long. The fuse has been snuffed out now on multiple occasions. But each time when it is re-lit, it gets ever shorter.”

Further turmoil in the Middle East IS prophesied.

USA or Europe to Intervene?

The Times of Israel wrote on September 1:

“Lebanon’s prime minister on Sunday urged the United States and France to intervene after the Hezbollah terror group fired anti-tank missiles at Israeli territory, prompting retaliatory fire by the Israel Defense Forces.”

Previously, Breaking Israel News reported on August 30 that “U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that Israel can rely on diplomatic, legal and military assistance in the event of a war with Iran.”

While the USA might very well assist Israel militarily, it is not be expected that the USA will intervene on Lebanon’s behalf against Israel. On the other hand, Europe will do so in due time. The consequences will be disastrous.

Israel to Help Ethiopia

The Times of Israel wrote on September 1:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday calls for strengthened security cooperation with Ethiopia… ‘We believe that we can offer some experience, some shared experience that we have garnered because of our unfortunate need to defend ourselves,’ Netanyahu [said]…

“He hail[ed] the prime minister of the Horn of Africa country as ‘one of the most important and influential leaders in Africa.’”

As we have stated for a long time, Ethiopia will play a significant role in the future in the light of biblical references. Please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

Third Temple Advocate Part of Netanyahu’s New Government?

Breaking Israel News wrote on August 29:

“It has been confirmed that Zehut (Identity) party leader Moshe Feiglin will order his party, Zehut, to step down in the current election to join Netanyahu’s Likud party who will make him a ‘high ranking official’ in the PM’s next government.

“Moshe Feiglin’s Zehut was the only party head in the current elections who openly calls for building the third Temple and has placed it on his party’s platform…”

This is interesting as we know from the Bible that a third Temple will be built prior to Christ’s Return. Note the next article.

More Political Support for the Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on September 5:

“Head of the Otzmah Yehudit (Jewish Power) party, Itamar Ben-Gvir and his Otzma Yehudit party has come out in support of building the third Temple in an exclusive interview with Breaking Israel News on Thursday.

“On the same day that Ben-Gvir expressed support for building the third Temple, polls showed him passing the minimum threshold of four seats and entering the upcoming Knesset following elections on September 17.

“The Otzmah Yehudit party is considered to be the most right wing party in the current elections…Ben-Gvir is also in favor of asserting sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria and Gaza. He also calls for assisted emigration for Arabs from Israel and encouraging them to leave… The party and its members are proud disciples of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane H”yd, a right-wing activist who was known for his plan to expel Arabs from Israel. Kahane was assassinated by a member of Al Qaeda in New York in 1990 making it the first Al Qaeda terror attack on American soil.”

Jews to Pray Soon on the Temple Mount?

Breaking Israel News reported on August 30:

“In the course of an interview last week in Ukraine, Ze’ev Kam, a reporter for Kan News, asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the ‘elementary rights of the Jews to pray at the Temple Mount, their holiest site.’ Netanyahu’s answer… was, ‘Don’t worry, it will happen, and before the arrival of the Messiah.’

“On the website for Temple Mount advocacy, Har-Habait, they noted that Netanyahu had already made this promise. Yehuda Etzion, founder of the Chai V’Kayam temple mount advocacy group, sent a letter to then-Likud candidate Netanyahu asking about his views on Jewish rights at the site. ‘The right of the Jewish people to their holy place, the Temple Mount, is unquestionable,’ Netanyahu wrote…”

This, all by itself, would ignite serious repercussions against Israel.

Pope: It’s an Honor to Be Attacked by America

Ynet News wrote on September 4:

“Pope Francis has acknowledged his growing opposition within the conservative right-wing of the U.S. Catholic Church and says it is ‘an honor if the Americans attack me.’

“Francis made off-hand comments about critics of his papacy as he received a copy of a new book titled ‘How America Wants to Change the Pope.’ Author Nicholas Seneze, who covers the Vatican for the French Catholic newspaper La Croix presented it to Francis aboard the papal plane while en route to southern Africa on Wednesday.”

Developments like these could explain why the coming political and religious leaders of a United Europe will not be opposed to a military attack on the USA.

There is NO Gay Gene

PJ Media wrote on August 29:

“A new study… released Thursday proved that there [is] no ‘gay gene’ and that genetic factors are insignificant in determining sexual orientation… This means that non-genetic factors, including environment, upbringing, personality, and nurture ‘are far more significant in influencing a person’s choice of sexual partner…’ according to the researchers.

“… This new study ‘analyzed survey responses and performed analyses known as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on data from more than 470,000 people who had given DNA samples and lifestyle information… the size and comprehensive nature of this new study ought to crush the ‘born that way’ myth…”

According to the Bible, homosexuals are not and could not be born that way, as God demands repentance and change, which can occur due to the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hurricane Dorian–Second Strongest Atlantic Storm Ever

The Sun wrote on September 2:

“Hurricane Dorian is now the second strongest Atlantic storm in history as the 225mph killer edges towards Florida. The category 5 monster made landfall in the Bahamas with devastating force on Sunday… Dorian’s maximum sustained winds reached 185 mph, with gusts up to 225mph – tying the record for the most powerful Atlantic hurricane to ever make landfall. That equalled the Labour Day hurricane of 1935, before storms were even named.

“The only recorded storm that was more powerful was Hurricane Allen in 1980 – which had sustained 190mph winds but didn’t make landfall at that strength.”

Reuters added that “Winds gusting up to 200 mph (320 km/h) destroyed or damaged more than 13,000 homes” in the Bahamas.

The Guardian wrote on September 4:

“The destruction caused by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas could cost ‘hundreds of millions, if not billions’ of dollars to repair, according to the deputy prime minister, as aerial images showed whole neighbourhoods destroyed. With the death toll climbing to seven and scores more still missing, helicopters operated by the US Coast Guard among others were delivering emergency supplies to residents on the Abaco Islands and Grand Bahama, the two worst hit locations in the Caribbean nation’s north.

“‘It’s total devastation. It’s decimated. Apocalyptic,’ said Lia Head-Rigby, who helps run a local hurricane relief group, after flying over the Abaco Islands. ‘It’s not rebuilding something that was there; we have to start again.’”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Was Christ a Physical Descendant of Solomon?

Surprising as this may sound, the answer is no.

We find the genealogies of Jesus listed in Matthew 1 and Luke 3. But Matthew 1 and Luke 3 describe different lines. Matthew 1 describes Christ’s legal genealogy through Joseph. Luke sets forth Mary’s physical line.

Matthew 1:16 tells us that Matthew’s record covers Christ’s lineage through His stepfather Joseph. It says “Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ.”

A correct rendering of Luke 3:23 shows that Luke is setting forth Christ’s blood descent. However, the translation of the New King James Bible is misleading. It gives the impression that Joseph was the father of Heli, and that therefore, Luke is also setting forth Christ’s physical descent of Joseph. This is incorrect, as Joseph was not the SON of Heli, but of Jacob, as Matthew 1:16 points out.

Luke sets forth Christ’s physical genealogy through His mother Mary, NOT through His stepfather Joseph. Accurately translated, Luke 3:23 should read:

“Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age (being, as was supposed the son of Joseph), which was of Heli.” The parenthesis should start with the words “being, as was supposed,” and it should close after “the son of Joseph.” The word “son” in “son of Heli” is not found in the original Greek. Jesus, who was supposed to be the son of Joseph, was, through Mary, a grandson of Heli. Heli was the father of Mary.

Luke 3:23 tells us that Christ was considered to be the son of Joseph, since the people did not accept the truth that Jesus had been supernaturally conceived by Mary through God the Father’s Holy Spirit (compare, Luke 4:22; John 6:41-42).

But while Joseph—Christ’s stepfather—descended from Solomon (Matthew 1:6), Mary did not. She was a descendant of David’s son, Nathan (v. 31).

Who, then, was Nathan?

The Bengel’s Gnomen commentary writes:

“This Nathan, the son of David, is a man very memorable. [Note] Zechariah 12:12 [where in the future repentance of the Jews,‘the families of the house of David,’ and those of the ‘house of Nathan mourn apart’]…”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible adds:

“Nathan’s sons that are mentioned are Azariah, Zabud, and Ahishar, 1 Kings 4:5 which last is thought to be the same with Mattatha: that Nathan was the son of David, as the order of things here directs, which was the son of David, is clear from 2 Samuel 5:14.”

2 Samuel 5:14 reads: “Now these are the names of those who were born to [David] in Jerusalem: Shanmmua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon.”

1 Chronicles 3:5 adds: “And these were born to him in Jerusalem: Shimea [i.e., Shanmmua], Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon—four by Bathusba [i.e. Bathsheba] the daughter of Ammiel.”

Some claim that Nathan was Solomon’s older brother, as he is listed before Solomon in the two passages quoted above, while others say that he was Solomon’s younger brother, and that Solomon was the oldest of David’s and Bathsheba’s [surviving]sons.

The Bible tells us in 2 Samuel 12:15-23 that David and Bathsheba’s first son died, due to David’s sin, and 2 Samuel 12:24 continues: “Then David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in to her and lay with her. So she bore a son, and he called his name Solomon.”

From this it follows that Solomon was indeed born before Nathan, and that Solomon was Nathan’s older brother. Some claim that the oldest is always listed first, and that therefore Nathan must have been older than Solomon, but the Bible nowhere states that this has to be always the case. If it were different, then David and Bathsheba, after their first son died, would have had three sons before Solomon. The biblical record does not support this.

It has been suggested that by giving Solomon the last place of the four sons of Bathsheba, it was a signal that nobody should disdain them because of David’s transgression with Bathsheba. Also, in the case of Nathan, his importance is clearly emphasized by the fact that he, and not Solomon, would be a physical ancestor of Jesus, through Mary. But as the surviving firstborn son of David and Bathsheba, Solomon would be appointed king. The sons of David who were born earlier revealed themselves as not being qualified (1 Chronicles 3:1-4). For instance, Amnon raped his halfsister; Absalom murdered Amnon and organized a revolt against David; and Adonijah also rebelled against David for the succession.

We should understand that the Bible nowhere states that Jesus had to descend physically from the royal line that runs through Solomon. In fact, that royal line became unfaithful, disobedient and apostate. Rather, God chose Nathan to become the forefather of Jesus, after the flesh, and it is interesting that we know very little about Nathan. On the other hand, Joseph, as Jesus’ stepfather, was a descendant of Solomon, as we saw. This, too, has important implications for the role of the Messiah.

We state the following in our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America”:

“God promised that the kingly rule would not depart from Judah (Genesis 49:10), and that a descendant of the house of David… would always rule over at least one tribe of Israel (2 Samuel 7:13; 2 Chronicles 13:5)… God had promised King David: ‘… your house (dynasty) and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever’ (2 Samuel 7:16). This promise was unconditional: ‘…I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom… If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men. But My mercy shall not depart from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I removed from before you’ (2 Samuel 7:12, 14–15). God spoke to King David about his son Solomon in 1 Chronicles 22:10: ‘He shall build a house for My name, and he shall be My son, and I will be his Father, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.’

“This promise to King Solomon was conditional: ‘Only may the LORD give you [Solomon] wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the LORD your God. Then you will prosper, if you take care to fulfill the statutes and judgments with which the LORD charged Moses concerning Israel…’ (1 Chronicles 22:12–13).

“King Solomon, however, broke his Coronation Oath. God later said to King Solomon: ‘Because you have done this [gone after other gods], and have not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant’ (1 Kings 11:11).

“Although Solomon’s son remained king over the house of Judah, Solomon’s servant Jeroboam became king over the house of Israel. Also, we find that Mary, mother of Jesus, did not descend from Solomon, but from David’s son Nathan (compare Luke 3:31, explaining that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a descendant of ‘Mattathah, the son of Nathan, the son of David, the son of Jesse…’).

“Even in the very last generation, at the time of Christ’s return, there would still be a king sitting on the throne of David. God says, through the prophet Jeremiah: ‘Behold, I will fill all the inhabitants of this land—even the kings who sit on David’s throne…’ (Jeremiah 13:13…).”

When Jesus returns, He will occupy the throne of David. He will do so, as He was a physical descendant of David and his son Nathan, through His mother Mary, and as He was a legal descendant of David through his son Solomon, through His step-father Joseph.

We might also note God’s great mercy in that both genealogies include men and women who had sinned, at times greatly, but they repented and obtained forgiveness. Their sins were blotted out and not to be held against them anymore. This would include David, Solomon, other men, and several women who are specifically named or being referred to.

The women specifically mentioned by name in the legal genealogy of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 1, are the harlot Rahab; Mary, the wife of Joseph (verse 16), who was a righteous woman; Tamar, the daughter in law of Judah (verse 3), who played the harlot with him since he had broken his promise to give her one of his sons in marriage (compare Genesis 38:1-30); and righteous Ruth, a non-Israelite from the tribe of Moab (verse 5). One more woman is mentioned, without naming her directly, in verse 6, where we read: ‘David the king begot Solomon by her [who had been the wife] of Uriah.’ This refers to Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, whom David had killed, after Bathsheba became pregnant as a result of David’s adulterous affair with her.

So we see that Tamar, Rahab and Bathsheba are listed in the legal genealogy of Jesus, the stepson and foster child of Joseph. They are listed because they deserved to be listed–not because of their weaknesses and sins, but because of their subsequent repentance and faith. For instance, Rahab clearly was a harlot and she was known as such, but she acted upon faith, repented and changed her lifestyle, and she is today memorialized in God’s Word as one of the ancestors of Jesus’ stepfather Joseph. In addition, she was an ancestor of Mary, the mother of Jesus–which means that Jesus Christ was a direct physical descendant of Rahab! (Compare Luke 3:32 with Matthew 1:5, showing that Boaz, an ancestor of King David, was the son of Salmon and Rahab).

In addition, Matthew lists Jeconiah or Coniah in Christ’s legal genealogy, and Luke lists Coniah’s son and grandson in Christ’s physical genealogy, even though they clearly would have known about Coniah’s curse in the book of Jeremiah (compare Jeremiah 22:30; 36:30). It is obvious that they did not feel that God’s curse disqualified Jesus from inheriting and sitting on the throne of David. Writing under godly inspiration, they must have known that somehow, God’s curse which was pronounced against Coniah did not prevent Christ’s Messiahship. God did in fact reverse the curse, apparently due to Coniah’s repentance, and/or that He did not apply Coniah’s sin and the resulting curse to Coniah’s grandson Zerubbabel, due to Zerubbabel’s repentance and his plea for his grandfather Coniah (For further discussion, note our Q&A on Coniah’s curse).

In conclusion, Jesus was a descendant of David [compare Romans 1:3] and He is the rightful heir of David’s throne both in the physical and the legal sense. Legally, He “descended” from Solomon, and physically, from Nathan, and He will return very soon to occupy David’s throne which will then be established in Jerusalem, when His rule over all of mankind begins.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“How Did the Second World War REALLY Start–Any Lessons Learned?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Second World War was supposed to end all wars. It did not. We have heard that it started when Germany invaded Poland. But this is by no means the entire story. Pertinent facts are being conveniently overlooked. This program reveals what really happened, and warns about the prophesied truth as to what we can expect to occur in the near future.

“Unsere ungerechte Welt — unsere Religionen,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Title in English: “Our Unrighteous World–Our Religions.”

“Kapitulation,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Thilo Hanstein, is now posted.

“What’s the Difference?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The measure of man since his creation by God had been based on those who serve God and those who don’t.

“Growth,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

God does not call people out of the world to become true Christians because they have done something themselves to become worthy. But rather, He calls people to become Christians because of their potential. Spiritual growth is an ongoing endeavor that never ends in the life of a Christian.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Far-Right Surge in East Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 2:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) just about managed to come out on top in regional elections in Saxony and Brandenburg respectively. But both parties, who form the governing coalition at national level, still took an electoral hit. The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) came second in both states, a massive gain on results four years ago, but with a similar share of the vote as in the last national election in 2017.

“… political observers thought the result, while certainly not great for Angela Merkel’s grand coalition, was still good enough to ensure that her administration was not about to collapse immediately. The key was the SPD’s very mixed results. While the Social Democrats slumped to just 7.7%, or fifth place, in Saxony, they still won the election in Brandenburg, all but assuring they could continue to govern there…

“The results were a ‘shock … but not the earthquake that everyone feared,’ as Italy’s Corriere della sera put it. La Repubblica expressed deeper worries, ‘The nightmare that the far-right AfD would be the strongest party in two federal states in the former GDR and rattle the Merkel government was averted …But the extreme right is on a worrying advance… Fear, nationalism and xenophobia were the main instruments used in the election campaign.’…

“France’s regional Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace wrote, ‘… The right is getting closer, they’re nibbling away, one election at a time, pushing and shaking the foundations of social democracy.’ The Alsace paper added that as eastern Germany is in ‘economic despair,’ the AfD can ‘surf on the wave of latent and historical racism, which was caused by the massive influx of migrants in 2015.’ French daily Le Monde called the AfD’s rise a ‘strong breakthrough,’ saying that the party has ‘never scored as high,’ while the Dutch De Telegraaf said the results were ‘a double slap in the face for the unstable German coalition.’ Volkskrant, another Dutch daily, said that while the right-wing populists were not the largest party in either state, the AfD can now ‘call itself the “People’s Party” in the [former] East.’… Denmark’s Politiken said that while Merkel’s CDU and the SPD suffered a blow in the east, they managed to ‘bypass the great catastrophe.’”

For now…

No Coalition with AfD?

Axios wrote on September 2:

The results are being viewed as a victory for AfD, but all parties have sworn not to work with the far right in a coalition government. That could be a difficult promise to keep, however, with vote share dispersed across a number of smaller parties…

“The state elections are being viewed as a crucial test for Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK), the hand-picked successor to Merkel. A series of missteps have Germans — including some in AKK’s own party — questioning her leadership. Her CDU has become especially vulnerable with AfD chipping away at its popularity in recent elections.”

What Could It Mean for Germany?

The Week wrote on September 2:

Germany’s politics, like most other European countries, is now in turmoil

“What does this mean for Germany and the rest of Europe?

“Firstly, it will be increasingly difficult to form stable government coalitions… Previously, it was usual for one of the big parties — CDU or SPD — to form a coalition with one of the smaller parties such as the FDP or Greens. However, the decline of CDU and SPD makes it difficult to gain a majority… This means that coalitions need to be formed of more than two or even three parties, and between parties that normally would never have paired up… this development in the most stable country in Europe will send tremors through the entire continent.

“Secondly, if the AfD continues to rise, it is only a question of time until they become part of a government… in countries such as Poland, Hungary or Italy, the far-right parties are already dominant forces. In France, Marine Le Pen was close to becoming president! However, Germany has for eight decades maintained a strong barrier against right-wing politics. It’s a worrying ‘normalization’ when right-wing positions are en vogue again…”

This is how Hitler came to power too.

Austria’s Uncertain Future

AFP wrote on August 29:

“Former chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) could once again partner with the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ)… The ÖVP-FPÖ partnership came crashing down in spectacular fashion in May when hidden camera footage from 2017 showed then FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache appearing to offer public contracts to a fake Russian backer in exchange for campaign help… Strache resigned as vice chancellor and from all his other posts, the coalition fell apart, Kurz was thrown out in a no-confidence vote – the first-ever such successful vote in modern Austrian history – and fresh elections were set for September 29th.

“Despite the unprecedented chaos, both the ÖVP and the FPÖ – founded after World War Two by former Nazis – have sustained their popularity… The ÖVP remains the strongest party on 36 percent, while the FPÖ stands at 20 percent, six percentage points lower than in October 2017 but neck-and-neck with the Social Democrats…

“Strache has continued to defend himself from various corruption allegations on his Facebook page. The page counts almost 800,000 followers – far more than his party colleagues and most other Austrian politicians… Norbert Hofer, who replaced Strache as FPÖ leader, has openly said he wants another coalition with Kurz…

“Kurz, whose party’s popularity now is four percentage points higher than in October 2017 but who cannot form a majority government alone, has so far avoided saying which partner he prefers. He ended a coalition with the Social Democrats – who are scoring their lowest-ever poll numbers – when he took over the ÖVP leadership in 2017, triggering that year’s elections.

“A possible coalition with the Greens has been floated, which would be a first on the national level but similar to those which already govern some Austrian states. The Greens stand at 12 percent in the Unique Research survey, far higher than in 2017, when they failed to make the four percent threshold to enter parliament in a shock result.”

We should definitely watch Sebastian Kurz, who has been nicknamed “holy Sebastian” because of his strong Catholic belief.

Italy’s New Government

Deutsche Welle wrote on September 4:

“Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte unveiled his new cabinet on Wednesday, uniting two rival political parties in an unlikely coalition between the anti-establishment [M5S] and the center-left Democratic Party [PD]… Luciana Lamorgese, a former Milan security chief and top civil servant with no political affiliation will serve as the new interior minister, replacing far-right League leader Matteo Salvini.

“However, even after being sworn in, the new government will still need to be approved by votes of confidence in Italy’s two houses of parliament later this week to ensure it has a majority… [These confidence votes will start on Monday.]

“Salvini, who now sits on the opposition sidelines, labelled the new administration ‘a government produced by Paris and Berlin, born out of fear to give up power, without dignity or ideals, with the wrong people in the wrong places.’ The head of the League party also tweeted that the new government ‘can’t escape from the judgment of Italians for long,’ predicting that ‘in the end we will win.’

“Salvini continues to lead in opinion polls. Political scientist Giovanni Orsina from Rome’s Luiss University says that ‘most Italians see the new government as a kind of anti-Salvini coalition… Orsina expects Salvini will hold on to his high polling numbers for some time longer. ‘Salvini won for certain reasons, and these reasons haven’t changed,’ he said…”

It will have to be seen as to how long Italy’s 66th government since World War II will last…

Brexit News

The Week wrote on September 4:

“U.K. lawmakers voted 327-299 on Wednesday to push a bill that would block Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to withdraw from the European Union on Oct. 31 if no agreement is reached. Wednesday’s vote was the second stage in a two-step process; Johnson was defeated on Tuesday night, as well, when the House Of Commons voted by a count of 328-301 to hold a debate on the proposed law. Following the Tuesday vote, Johnson expelled 21 Conservative lawmakers who voted against him, fracturing an already tenuous party.

The EUObserver wrote on September 5:

“The upper chamber of the UK parliament – the House of Lords – has agreed to pass the rebel bill from MPs blocking any no-deal Brexit by Boris Johnson’s government. In the early hours of Thursday, members were told the bill would return to the House of Commons on Friday, where it is expected to pass…”

Deutsche Welle added on September 5:

“That would give the House of Commons enough time to debate any amendments made by the upper house and send the legislation — if it passes again — to Queen Elizabeth II, who could put the law into effect by as soon as Monday. The bill would force Johnson to delay Britain’s EU exit until January 31, unless Parliament approves a new deal or votes to support a no-deal Brexit by October 19 — which are both unlikely scenarios.

“The UK could still crash out of the EU without a transition agreement — the only question would be when that would take place. The current bill only delays the issue, kicking the can down the road until January. Any extension would also need the unanimous approval of the leaders of the remaining 27 EU member-states — and the British government would have to provide a valid reason for doing so. Finnish Prime Minister Antti Rinne, whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, said on Wednesday there isn’t enough widespread support among EU leaders to grant a third extension…

“Despite Johnson’s failed bid to call a snap election, Britain could soon be headed to the polls. Once again, it’s a question of timing. Johnson wanted to hold the election on October 15… Opposition Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn said he supports early elections, but only once the no-deal Brexit blocking bill has been passed. The Labour leader also reportedly said that he wouldn’t want to hold the election before the current Brexit deadline on October 31…”

Axios wrote on September 5:

“It was a week of absolute mayhem in the world of Brexit and U.K. politics…  No one — not even Britain’s best and brightest — knows exactly what’s coming next.”

Boris Johnson might face his biggest defeat or his biggest victory.

Consequences from the War in Syria

The EUObserver wrote on September 2:

“Russian and Syrian forces killed 1,151 civilians between February and August this year in the Idlib, Aleppo, and Hama provinces counted together… They also caused 92,119 people to flee their homes in one week in August in southern Idlib and northern Hama… Russia and Syria have dropped tens of tonnes of explosives on people’s heads and aid camps are overflowing with women and children in need… The suffering is unbearable and this is where people are being forced to go – to break the Turkish border and cross into Europe…

“If we pass a tipping point and there is a mass exodus, it might look like 2015 all over again, when one million refugees fled to Europe. That caused a political shock, prompting the rise of far-right parties, which helped Russia in its strategic goal to break up the EU… And that is why Idlib is at the centre of a crucial moment in post-World War II European history.”

This would surely cause right-wing anti-Immigration parties in Europe to rise.

The 80th Anniversary of World War II

The Huffington Post wrote on September 2:”

“German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Sunday asked Poland to forgive his country for its role in World War II. ‘In no other square in Europe do I find it more difficult to speak, and to address you in my native language of German,’ Steinmeier said at a ceremony in Pilsudski Square in Warsaw… ‘I ask for forgiveness for Germany’s historical guilt, and I recognize our enduring responsibility.’

“Steinmeier joined German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other world leaders for events marking the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, which began when the Nazis attacked Poland. Nearly 6 million Poles were among the 50 million people who died in World War II, the deadliest conflict in human history…

“Polish President Andrzej Duda said it was difficult to even imagine now that ‘cataclysm of history … which brought the most disastrous consequences in the history of mankind.’ Duda scolded Europe for not standing up to Adolf Hitler sooner, saying, ‘Perhaps the Second World War would not have broken out in the first place if the states in the west had put up a decisive resistance against … the imperial ambitions of Hitler.’

“[He] also criticized Western leaders who have been soft on Russian President Vladimir Putin after Moscow’s aggression in Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014. ‘We are still faced, even in Europe, with the return of imperialist tendencies. … Closing one’s eyes is not a recipe for peace,’ he said. ‘It is a simple way … to give permission for further attacks.’ Putin was not invited to the events.”

Very true.

Coming… War Between Israel and Iran?

BBC News wrote on September 2:

“The most recent clash between Israel and the Hezbollah militant group in Lebanon may or may not be over, but the signs still point to a potentially catastrophic conflict ahead… What is going on here is an undeclared war not just between Israel and Hezbollah, but between Israel and Hezbollah’s sponsor, Iran.

“Outside actors seem unable to alter Tehran’s direction of travel. The US is clearly in no position to do so. And assurances from Moscow that it will persuade the Syrians to contain the advance of Iran and its proxies, have proved illusory…

“It is like one of those old-fashioned movies in which a bomb is discovered with a long-burning fuse, which the hero gets to snuff out with moments to spare. The fuse for this impending conflagration is longer; but nobody knows quite how long. The fuse has been snuffed out now on multiple occasions. But each time when it is re-lit, it gets ever shorter.”

Further turmoil in the Middle East IS prophesied.

USA or Europe to Intervene?

The Times of Israel wrote on September 1:

“Lebanon’s prime minister on Sunday urged the United States and France to intervene after the Hezbollah terror group fired anti-tank missiles at Israeli territory, prompting retaliatory fire by the Israel Defense Forces.”

Previously, Breaking Israel News reported on August 30 that “U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that Israel can rely on diplomatic, legal and military assistance in the event of a war with Iran.”

While the USA might very well assist Israel militarily, it is not be expected that the USA will intervene on Lebanon’s behalf against Israel. On the other hand, Europe will do so in due time. The consequences will be disastrous.

Israel to Help Ethiopia

The Times of Israel wrote on September 1:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday calls for strengthened security cooperation with Ethiopia… ‘We believe that we can offer some experience, some shared experience that we have garnered because of our unfortunate need to defend ourselves,’ Netanyahu [said]…

“He hail[ed] the prime minister of the Horn of Africa country as ‘one of the most important and influential leaders in Africa.’”

As we have stated for a long time, Ethiopia will play a significant role in the future in the light of biblical references. Please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

Third Temple Advocate Part of Netanyahu’s New Government?

Breaking Israel News wrote on August 29:

“It has been confirmed that Zehut (Identity) party leader Moshe Feiglin will order his party, Zehut, to step down in the current election to join Netanyahu’s Likud party who will make him a ‘high ranking official’ in the PM’s next government.

“Moshe Feiglin’s Zehut was the only party head in the current elections who openly calls for building the third Temple and has placed it on his party’s platform…”

This is interesting as we know from the Bible that a third Temple will be built prior to Christ’s Return. Note the next article.

More Political Support for the Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on September 5:

“Head of the Otzmah Yehudit (Jewish Power) party, Itamar Ben-Gvir and his Otzma Yehudit party has come out in support of building the third Temple in an exclusive interview with Breaking Israel News on Thursday.

“On the same day that Ben-Gvir expressed support for building the third Temple, polls showed him passing the minimum threshold of four seats and entering the upcoming Knesset following elections on September 17.

“The Otzmah Yehudit party is considered to be the most right wing party in the current elections…Ben-Gvir is also in favor of asserting sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria and Gaza. He also calls for assisted emigration for Arabs from Israel and encouraging them to leave… The party and its members are proud disciples of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane H”yd, a right-wing activist who was known for his plan to expel Arabs from Israel. Kahane was assassinated by a member of Al Qaeda in New York in 1990 making it the first Al Qaeda terror attack on American soil.”

Jews to Pray Soon on the Temple Mount?

Breaking Israel News reported on August 30:

“In the course of an interview last week in Ukraine, Ze’ev Kam, a reporter for Kan News, asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the ‘elementary rights of the Jews to pray at the Temple Mount, their holiest site.’ Netanyahu’s answer… was, ‘Don’t worry, it will happen, and before the arrival of the Messiah.’

“On the website for Temple Mount advocacy, Har-Habait, they noted that Netanyahu had already made this promise. Yehuda Etzion, founder of the Chai V’Kayam temple mount advocacy group, sent a letter to then-Likud candidate Netanyahu asking about his views on Jewish rights at the site. ‘The right of the Jewish people to their holy place, the Temple Mount, is unquestionable,’ Netanyahu wrote…”

This, all by itself, would ignite serious repercussions against Israel.

Pope: It’s an Honor to Be Attacked by America

Ynet News wrote on September 4:

“Pope Francis has acknowledged his growing opposition within the conservative right-wing of the U.S. Catholic Church and says it is ‘an honor if the Americans attack me.’

“Francis made off-hand comments about critics of his papacy as he received a copy of a new book titled ‘How America Wants to Change the Pope.’ Author Nicholas Seneze, who covers the Vatican for the French Catholic newspaper La Croix presented it to Francis aboard the papal plane while en route to southern Africa on Wednesday.”

Developments like these could explain why the coming political and religious leaders of a United Europe will not be opposed to a military attack on the USA.

There is NO Gay Gene

PJ Media wrote on August 29:

“A new study… released Thursday proved that there [is] no ‘gay gene’ and that genetic factors are insignificant in determining sexual orientation… This means that non-genetic factors, including environment, upbringing, personality, and nurture ‘are far more significant in influencing a person’s choice of sexual partner…’ according to the researchers.

“… This new study ‘analyzed survey responses and performed analyses known as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on data from more than 470,000 people who had given DNA samples and lifestyle information… the size and comprehensive nature of this new study ought to crush the ‘born that way’ myth…”

According to the Bible, homosexuals are not and could not be born that way, as God demands repentance and change, which can occur due to the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hurricane Dorian–Second Strongest Atlantic Storm Ever

The Sun wrote on September 2:

“Hurricane Dorian is now the second strongest Atlantic storm in history as the 225mph killer edges towards Florida. The category 5 monster made landfall in the Bahamas with devastating force on Sunday… Dorian’s maximum sustained winds reached 185 mph, with gusts up to 225mph – tying the record for the most powerful Atlantic hurricane to ever make landfall. That equalled the Labour Day hurricane of 1935, before storms were even named.

“The only recorded storm that was more powerful was Hurricane Allen in 1980 – which had sustained 190mph winds but didn’t make landfall at that strength.”

Reuters added that “Winds gusting up to 200 mph (320 km/h) destroyed or damaged more than 13,000 homes” in the Bahamas.

The Guardian wrote on September 4:

“The destruction caused by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas could cost ‘hundreds of millions, if not billions’ of dollars to repair, according to the deputy prime minister, as aerial images showed whole neighbourhoods destroyed. With the death toll climbing to seven and scores more still missing, helicopters operated by the US Coast Guard among others were delivering emergency supplies to residents on the Abaco Islands and Grand Bahama, the two worst hit locations in the Caribbean nation’s north.

“‘It’s total devastation. It’s decimated. Apocalyptic,’ said Lia Head-Rigby, who helps run a local hurricane relief group, after flying over the Abaco Islands. ‘It’s not rebuilding something that was there; we have to start again.’”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Conquering the Storm; The Law is Spiritual

On, September 7, 2019, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled,” Conquering the Storm,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Law is Spiritual.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 891

What’s the Difference?; Growth

On August 31, 2019, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “What’s the Difference?” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Growth.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Kalon Mitchell

We purchased a new kitchen nook this past week and on Sunday I put it together. There were a couple of times as I was building it that I didn’t read the instructions correctly and got to a certain point and realized something was wrong. So I had to take the project apart to the point where I misread or didn’t pay attention and then start again from that point. This also used to happen to me as a kid when building a Lego set. The instructions are always there but sometimes they just weren’t read correctly and then what was being built was incorrectly assembled.

God is very precise. His instruction manual (the Bible) is there for us to learn from and to lean on. When we start to lean on our own understanding and stop seeking Him in ALL of our ways, then we start to build in a way that is off center and when we reach a critical point, we hopefully realize that we have been building in a wrong way, and then we have to start to tear down those bad ways and get back to the point where we are once again focused on how to live God’s Way.

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 states a big warning for us: “According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.”

Our daily work in behaving as a Christian needs to be in our minds. It needs to be constantly built on. We do this by renewing our relationship with God through prayer and meditation and then find our answers and our strength by turning to the Scriptures. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

But if we are not actively studying, then we are not learning and seeking God. We will begin to lose our precision. Satan is all about trying to distract us from the Truth and cause us to fall away from God. When we do something over and over again, we reach the point where we can do something very well, maybe without even looking at an instruction manual. The Bible though is an interesting manual in that it is a living manual that requires constant study as new information is actively being released to God’s true servants and the knowledge of it. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God’s word is ALIVE and ACTIVE. If we believe this to be the case, then why would we NOT want to be reading from the Word of God?

One of the greatest gifts we have is that the Word of God is available to each of us. This has not always been the case throughout history. With this in mind, we see that God tells us in Joshua 1:8 that we need to be studying it: “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” When we study, we put out other thoughts and focus on what matters. This is true in anything we do. When we study a lot about something, we start to not only think that way but to act on those things that we have studied.

Another warning to remain precisely in tune with God’s Word is found in Revelation 1:3: “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.”

The time is drawing nearer as we continue to closely watch world events and line them up with biblical prophecy. We have the time now to become precise with God’s Word. Let us make sure we are putting in the effort that is needed. Romans 15:4 says: “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” We can have comfort from God’s Word if we are actually studying from it and learning, even in the most difficult of times. King David went through a lot of terrible times, yet his words in the book of Psalms always showed that he was precisely focused on God and dedicated in attempting to let God remain in control even in the most fearsome of circumstances.

We need to be precise when it comes to seeking God and reading His Word. We can have faith that the Word of God holds keys for us pertaining to our lives. Psalm 12:6 says that “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” That is precision. And it is the one thing that doesn’t change with time. It stays true for us and we can always rely on it. When we become precise in this Way, then we can have a proper relationship with the great Creator and Sustainer of our universe.

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by Norbert Link

We address Russia’s fascination with Stalin and the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian non-aggression pact which led to Russia’s and Germany’s conquest of many nations, sparking World War II and dooming half of Europe to a decade of misery; address the terrible wildfires in the Amazon rainforest and elsewhere, including in vast areas of Africa; and address Israel’s attack on targets in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon; and serious warnings from Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

We speak on the awful conditions of almost 1 million asylum seekers in Europe; and we report on the terrible relationship between the USA and Europe; the fragile relationship between President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson; Johnson’s controversial move to suspend the British Parliament; the likelihood of America’s defeat in its Yemen war; and the ongoing trade war between China and America which will cost American consumers dearly and might trigger a recession.

We also address the legality and practicality of President Trump’s order to American companies to leave China; and his ominous announcement pertaining to the 2020 presidential elections… and beyond.

We report on the situation in Italy [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Italy in Prophecy”,] and conclude with articles about the Catholic Church which should make us think. 

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Stalin Glorified in Modern Russia

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 22:

“As the 80th anniversary of the Hitler-Stalin pact and the beginning of World War II approaches, the Russian state has unleashed a massive media exercise… The campaign aims to convince the Russians and the world that the calamity of 1939 was of Western making, and that the Poles and the Baltic states, who were victims of aggression, were in fact as bad as the occupiers and had made their own deals with the Nazis… [Putin wants to picture Stalin’s actions as] a boisterous celebration of the pact and resulting conquests, especially the USSR invading Poland together with the Nazis in September 1939 and occupying Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the summer of 1940…

“Since Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and its invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014, Putin’s actions have been frequently compared to those of Stalin… [Putin] continues to forge ahead with creating and imbuing the Russians with his own version of the country’s history, identity and patriotism. In it, state authority is always right and righteous — whether exercised by the tsar, the general secretary or the president. The noblest civic duty is to unquestionably accept this authority’s judgement and be ready to die when it orders you to. The Second World War, with its immense and heroic sacrifice by the peoples of the Soviet Union, has for the last five years served as the ultimate propaganda justification for Putin’s ‘Fortress Russia’ isolation policy. Glorification of Stalin’s cynicism and aggression as ‘pragmatism’ and ‘defense of national interests’ serves this purpose well…”

Putin views Stalin as his great hero. That should tell us a lot.

Condemning the German-Russian Treaty

The EUobserver wrote on August 23:

“Five EU states have issued a statement condemning a World War 2-era German-Russian treaty which divided Europe, but Russia has defended the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

“The treaty, signed between Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov and his Nazi German counterpart, Joachim von Ribbentrop, on 23 August 1939 ‘sparked World War 2 and doomed half of Europe to decades of misery’ the foreign ministries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania said on Friday (23 August), the day of its 80th anniversary.”

Hitler’s and Stalin’s Molotov-Ribbentrop Agreement

Politics wrote on August 22:

“Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed a Nazi-Soviet non-aggression treaty known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement… From the very beginning of the Second World War until the Nazi invasion of the USSR in June 1941, the Soviet Union was on the same side of the war as Hitler. Everyone remembers Hitler invading Poland on September 1st 1939. A lot of people conveniently forget that the USSR invaded Poland from the east only a few weeks later. Indeed, Soviet and German troops staged a joint parade at Brest, along their newly defined frontier.

“The Soviet occupation of Eastern Poland meant that 200,000 square kilometres of Poland and over 13 million Polish citizens found themselves under the yoke of Soviet oppression. A quarter of a million Polish prisoners of war found themselves in Soviet camps, not German ones. Many were massacred at Katyn in 1940. The German Gestapo and Soviet NKVD even held a series of conferences on how to cooperate in the oppression of occupied Poland.

“The alliance was economic as much as geopolitical. The amount of trade between the two nations during the 1939-1941 period was staggering. Massive amounts of raw material flowed from the USSR to Nazi Germany, including 1.6 million tons of grain and 900,000 tons of oil. The fascist army that invaded France, Belgium, and the Netherlands was literally fed by communist grain. Bomber planes over London were fuelled by communist oil.

“In return, Stalin received a low interest loan from Germany for the equivalent of billions in modern money and bought technology and manufactured goods…

“Stalin invaded Finland, as it was firmly assigned by the treaty to the Soviet sphere of influence. Finland, greatly outnumbered and outgunned, fought the Red Army to a standstill, but had to eventually concede defeat and give up various border regions to Soviet control. The region of Karelia remains under Russian control to this day, a testimony to the lasting impact of the pact…

“What is now the nation of Moldova was carved off from Romania in 1940. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia were ‘given’ to the USSR by this agreement… these three Baltic states were forcibly annexed into the USSR in 1940. Soviet occupation in the three Baltic states was fierce – both in its original 1940 incarnation and when they were re-occupied in 1944. It stayed that way until 1991… The borders of Poland, Romania, Finland, and Belarus are affected by the treaty. Karelia is still in Russia. Many cities that were once Polish are now in Ukraine or Belarus.

“[In 1990], Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania all re-asserted their independence.”

It is entirely possible that for a short time, a similar pact will be entered into between Russia and the unified core nations of the EU, under German leadership.

Unprecedented Amazon Wildfires

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 23:

“With a record number of fires raging in the Amazon rainforest, international leaders are joining forces to call for action to stop them… But such calls for action from outside Brazil, have been met with rebuttal and even mockery from within…

“Colombia, home to part of the northern Amazon, said it was already working to contain the fires as they headed towards its territory… Paraguay and Bolivia are also battling separate wildfires that have devastated large areas of their rainforests.

“In Brazil itself, federal prosecutors have launched an investigation into the massive wildfires in the Amazon region… Nearly 73,000 fires were recorded between January and August, compared with 39,759 in all of 2018… This number is the highest since records began…”

Business Insider wrote on August 22:

“More than 70,000 fires have been recorded this year in the rainforest, which produces more than 20% of the world’s oxygen — threatening its future, the billions of plants and animals that call it home, and possibly the entire planet’s health… Earlier this week, the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, 2,000 miles from the rainforest, was plunged into darkness as smoke from the fires obscured the sun.”

AFP wrote on August 24:

“Hundreds of new fires are raging in the Amazon rainforest in northern Brazil… some 1,663 new fires were ignited between Thursday and Friday… The new data came a day after [far-right leader] Bolsonaro authorized the deployment of the military [44,000 troops] to fight the fires and crack down on criminal activities in the region… Environmental specialists say the fires have been accompanied by increasing deforestation in the Amazon region, which in July quadrupled compared to the same month in 2018…”

The EUObserver wrote on August 28:

“A spokesperson for Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro has said the country will accept foreign aid to extinguish Amazon fires. Bolsonaro earlier declined €18m from the G7 states [while insisting on an apology from Macron for alleged insults]… The Brazilian spokesman said his country must have full control of foreign grants and that outside help must not impinge on its sovereignty.”

Children playing with fire…

Worldwide Fires

The Sun wrote on August 27:

“SHOCKING new satellite images show there are now MORE wildfires raging across Africa than in the flame-ravaged Amazon. More than one million square miles of forest in the Congo Basin are now ablaze in an area known as the Earth’s ‘second green lung.’… In a period of two days last week Angola had roughly three times more fires than Brazil…

“The stats revealed there were 6,902 fires in Angola and 3,395 fires in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, compared with around 2,200 recorded fires in Brazil. Like the Amazon, the African forests absorb CO2 and are sanctuaries for hundreds of endangered species… The Congo Basin covers an area of 3.3 million square kilometres in several countries, including about a third in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the rest in Gabon, Congo, Cameroon and Central Africa…”

According to the Bible, worldwide catastrophes such as these will increase in unparalleled fashion.

Israel Strikes Iranian Killer Drones in Syria and Lebanon

Reuters wrote on August 24:

“Israeli aircraft on Saturday struck Iranian forces near Damascus that had been planning to launch ‘killer drones’ [armed with explosives] at targets in Israel…

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the military had thwarted the planned Iranian attack. ‘Iran has no immunity anywhere. Our forces operate in every sector against the Iranian aggression,’ he said on Twitter…

“Iran and Hezbollah are helping President Bashar al-Assad in the eight-year Syria war. Russia, which is also aiding Assad, has largely turned a blind eye to the Israeli air strikes… On Thursday, Netanyahu hinted of possible Israeli involvement in a series of blasts in the past few weeks that have hit weapon depots and bases belonging to paramilitary groups in Iraq, many of them backed by Iran.”

The Jerusalem Post wrote on August 25:

“Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun blasted Israel on Sunday after two drones, one being armed, crashed in the Lebanese capital of Beirut early Sunday morning…

“Israel and Hezbollah fought a deadly 33-day war in 2006, which came to an end under UN Security Council Resolution 1701. Israel and Lebanon are still technically at war and Beirut regularly accuses Israel of violating its airspace with fighter jets and drones.”

Aoun called the Israeli drone attacks on the capital of Beirut and in the Qusaya a ‘declaration of war… that entitles us to resort to our right to defend our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity’…”

Palestinians Determined to Wipe Out Israel

Breaking Israel News wrote on August 22:

“In a video… Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said while addressing a terror rally at the Jalazone village near Ramallah that: ‘We shall enter Jerusalem – millions of fighters!’ along with the ‘entire Islamic nation.’ The PA chairman added that: ‘every building built by the Zionist occupation will be destroyed.’ The statements were made while the crowd chanted ‘To Jerusalem, we march, martyrs by the millions!’…

“The proud Holocaust denier also claimed that Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians. He went on saying that ‘the entire Palestinian nation will enter Jerusalem as millions of fighters, along with the Arab, Islamic, and Christian nations.’… The video was uploaded to the PA’s leader’s Facebook page on August 10, 2019.”

This reminds us of the warning in Zechariah 14:2. The situation in the Middle East will deteriorate much more.

War between Israel and Iran?

On August 28, the Drudge Report linked to the following article which was originally published by endoftheamericandream:

“Are we about to see World War 3 erupt in the Middle East?… if a full-blown war erupts between Israel and one of her neighbors, it is likely to become a multi-front war almost immediately.  But at the core, this is a conflict between Israel and Iran…

“Missiles are not flying directly back and forth between Israel and Iran yet, but at this point a state of war essentially exists, and many are deeply concerned about what is going to happen next. In particular, it looks like Hezbollah could launch a large scale attack against Israel at any moment, because their leadership is absolutely furious that the Israelis just hit their headquarters building in Beirut… Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah are now at their highest point since the 2006 war…

“This is an extremely serious situation.  Israel is literally on the brink of war with Hezbollah, and many feel that such a war is inevitable… Ultimately, nothing is going to be able to stop the massive war that is coming to the region.  The Iranians and all of their allies have a religiously-fueled hatred for Israel that most people living in the western world will never understand, and they are absolutely obsessed with permanently destroying the nation of Israel as it exists today…

“This can definitely be described as a time of ‘wars and rumors of wars’, and the situation on the ground is extremely fluid right now…”

The Algemeiner and Reuters wrote on August 28:

“Hezbollah will respond with a ‘surprise’ strike against Israel after drones crashed in Lebanon, but a new war remains unlikely, the Iran-backed movement said, amid heightened fears of a full-scale confrontation between the longtime adversaries.”

We read in the Bible that Israel will receive a wound in a coming military confrontation, prior to the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

Nearly 900,000 Asylum Seekers Living in Limbo in EU

The Guardian wrote on August 25:

“Close to 900,000 asylum seekers in the EU are waiting to have their claims processed… Women, men and unaccompanied children are living for years in uncertainty, with numbers of pending applications for international protection almost unchanged from two years ago when 1.1 million migrants were ‘stuck’ in the continent. ‘Living in limbo is now the norm for those seeking protection,’ said Karl Kopp of Pro Asyl, Germany’s largest pro-immigration advocacy organisation. ‘Limbo means living in the miserable Greek EU hotspots, or being trapped and pushed back at the borders…’

“Eurostat figures have revealed a backlog of 878,600 requests at the end of 2018, with Germany having the largest share of pending requests (44%), ahead of Italy (12%). The figure comes despite the number of migrant arrivals in Europe practically halving in the last two years. Factors leading to the continuing backlog include new laws from right-leaning governments and an increase in the number of rejections, leading to lengthy appeals processes… The rejection rate for asylum requests in Europe has almost doubled in three years… In Italy, rejections were at 80% at the start of 2019, up from 60% the previous year as the populist government also removed key forms of protection.

“The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has in 2019 rejected three-quarters of family reunification requests from Greece, where migrants live in the overcrowded camps of Athens and Lesbos… Experts point out how some governments in recent years, especially in Italy and Germany, have accelerated evaluation procedures for asylum requests, which appears to have caused an increase in rejections because high-speed procedures are not carried out with as much thoughtful evaluation. ‘The agenda of the rightwing extremists is now the agenda of the mainstream…,’ said Kopp…

“… Those who stay after rejection are at risk of suddenly becoming illegal immigrants…”

Reading this, it is hypocritical for Europeans to condemn the USA for its immigration policy.

US-German Ties at Absolute Low… with Potentially Dangerous Consequences

Der Spiegel Online wrote on August 21:

“Never since the founding of postwar Germany have relations between Berlin and the United States been as fragile as they are today. There is virtual radio silence between Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Donald Trump… ‘There is a crisis in the U.S. German relationship of a type that I would never have expected to occur in our time,’ says Nicholas Burns, the former U.S. ambassador to NATO…

“Germany has become the antithesis to Trump’s America… Trump is openly calling for the European Union to split up. He is publicly encouraging the new British prime minister, Boris Johnson, to embark on a hard Brexit. Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, traveled to London last week to communicate that the U.S. would ‘enthusiastically’ support a decision by the UK to leave the EU with no deal.

“Trump has shaken the relationship between the Germans and the Americans in ways that extend far beyond politics. The U.S. is more unpopular with Germans than ever before… 85 percent of Germans view the relationship with the U.S. as negative or very negative… Many now see the U.S. as a bigger problem than China and Russia…

“From a German perspective, conversations with the president are mostly just seen as futile… Trump is being faced with a German chancellor who clearly wants to go down in history as his opponent…

“It has now become normal for Merkel not to ask for a meeting with Trump when she visits the U.S… For Trump, Germany is a ‘flyover country’ when he visits Europe… he has not paid a single visit to Berlin…

“[US ambassador] Grenell has shown that he is primarily interested in garnering headlines… prompting Martin Schulz, who was the head of the Social Democrats at the time, to say that the ambassador was behaving like a ‘right-wing extremist colonial officer.’ Grenell then gave an interview to the right-wing news portal Breitbart in which he made it sound like he was hoping for a Trump-style right-wing revolution in Europe… No U.S. ambassador in recent German history seems to have been so isolated… Merkel made it clear in no uncertain terms how little regard she has for Grenell… German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas hasn’t had a significant conversation with Grenell in almost one year…

“Trump and Grenell are astonishingly similar. Both are happy to dish it out, but they are highly sensitive when they are the subject of attacks. Like Trump, Grenell also has a penchant for right-wing conspiracy theorists… Like Trump, Grenell is also a virtuoso at self-promotion…

“In Berlin, many are still holding out hope that the good old days of trans-Atlantic cooperation can resume once the Trump era has passed. But that could prove illusory. ‘The U.S. won’t remain the way it is under Trump, but it will also never be the same as it was before him again,’ says [Sigmar] Gabriel. The fact is that the Democrats agree with many of the points where Trump is critical, and Washington would remain an uncomfortable partner even if a Democrat is elected into the White House next year. Trump, in all his brutal openness, has made it clear that the U.S. is no longer willing to pay for Europe. The Democrats are also raising the question of military spending…

“Trump has become a convenient excuse for the Germans. Whatever he says is rejected almost reflexively. This is true for both the military mission in the Strait of Hormuz and NATO’s 2-percent target. The Germans need to finally get over the idea that they can remain a kind of giant Switzerland in the middle of Europe forever…

“Robert Kagan, a former adviser to two Republican presidential candidates who now works at the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington… wrote that the German question, which led to two world wars and millions of deaths, could return… ‘Trump is actually fanning the flames of nationalism … again and again by supporting basically nationalist parties in Europe,’ Kagan told DER SPIEGEL. ‘He’s clearly destroying the global free trade regime by pursuing protectionist American policies which are directly harming Germany…’”

First of all, we do not believe that there will be an America after Trump. And however Germany will manifest itself on the world scene, it will, together with other core European countries, become as antagonistic towards the USA as it never has been since the end of World War II. It will also be part of a powerful European army in opposition to the USA. Or does the next article reflect a change in the German-US relationship?

Friendship between Trump and Merkel?

The Local wrote on August 26:

“US President Donald Trump showered Chancellor Angela Merkel with praise at the G7 Summit… She is a brilliant woman, and she understands exactly where everything is, she knows it before most people,’ said Trump… The comments came during a relaxed reunion between the pair. It’s a stark contrast to previous meetings when relations have appeared frosty. After Trump was asked about the G7 losing its only female leader, Merkel said in English: ‘I’m still here,’ prompting laughs from reporters. Trump then predicted that the Chancellor, who plans to step down from politics after her term ends in 2021, may surprise everyone and might be around ‘for a long time’.

“When asked by a reporter if the Chancellor had invited Trump to Berlin, Merkel said she had done so ‘on previous occasions.’ Trump then said he is planning to ‘maybe soon’ go to Germany for a state visit… ‘I have German in my blood,’ he added – at which point Merkel laughed. Trump does indeed have ancestors who hail from Kallstadt, a small wine-growing town in the far western state of Rhineland-Palatinate…

Trump has not yet been on a bilateral visit to Germany since taking office in January 2017. By contrast, he has already visited France and the UK two times. He is also traveling to Poland for the second time next weekend… Compared to Trump’s predecessors, his absence from Germany is unusual. Less than five months after his inauguration, Barack Obama travelled to Dresden to meet Merkel in June 2009, before the two travelled together to the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar.”

Even though Trump and Merkel displayed a unified front before journalists and exchanged some niceties, nothing will change. The relationship between the two powers is bound to deteriorate drastically. And Merkel will not be around “for a long time.”

Queen Approves Suspension of U.K. Parliament

The Week wrote on August 28:

“Queen Elizabeth II on Wednesday approved British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s request to suspend Parliament until mid-October, leaving lawmakers little time to try and block Britain from crashing out of the European Union on Oct. 31 without a divorce settlement. Johnson asked the queen to end the current session of Parliament in preparation for a Queen’s Speech, typically a formality to lay out a government’s legislative agenda.

“The queen’s approval was not unexpected, as she has refused to get involved with politics throughout her reign. Unlike dissolving Parliament to hold new elections, MPs don’t get a vote on prorogation. Parliament was scheduled to return from summer recess next week, and opposition lawmakers have reportedly been working on a plan to prevent Johnson’s no-deal Brexit. Opposition leaders bitterly denounced the move.”

The EUObserver added on August 28:

“Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and other British opposition leaders have agreed not to call for a confidence vote on prime minister Boris Johnson in early September in order to create a care-taker government. Instead, they will work on legislation to make a no-deal-Brexit illegal. The opposition leaders also agreed to organise an alternative parliament in case Johnson forced a delay in recalling MPs until after Brexit day on 31 October.”

The Sun added that “Today’s move caused the pound to drop against the dollar as markets jittered amongst the uncertainty.”

Boris the Dictator

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 28:

“The British prime minister wants a hard Brexit, no matter the cost. He didn’t even hesitate to suspend Parliament. It’s the kind of move you’d expect from a military dictatorship… Now a weakness in the British political system — rooted in its archaic traditions and heritage — is coming back to haunt the country. It exposes the lack of a modern, written constitution that could block such arbitrary acts.

“‘Take back control’ was one of the main slogans of the Brexit campaign three years ago. Voters at the time probably didn’t imagine that meant handing over absolute power to Johnson… No one argued the goal was to allow an unelected prime minister — who would likely never get a parliamentary majority — to determine the fate of Brexit, and thus the entire country, on his own…

“Parliament is to be due to go on break as early as September 10, then return shortly before the Brexit deadline. This tight timeframe makes it impossible for the majority of MPs to have their say… Johnson is the most dangerous politician to have moved to Downing Street in decades…”

Boris Johnson–From Trump Hater to Trump Lover

Bloomberg wrote on August 24:

“In December 2015, Boris Johnson joked that he wouldn’t go to some parts of New York because of the risk of meeting Donald Trump, a man of ‘stupefying ignorance.’ How times change… Both men came to power with populist messages

“Trump is toxic in the U.K…. so Johnson also needs to be careful not to appear to be too cozy with the U.S. leader… But there may eventually be a quid pro quo for the ‘fantastic’ trade deal Trump has dangled. Trump’s trade talks rarely prove speedy. He remains locked in a trade war with China and a revised accord with Canada and Mexico dragged on for over a year and is stalled in Congress. An agreement with the U.K. could be years in the making and Trump drives a hard bargain — whether he likes you or not…

“There are also important differences in their world view [even though Johnson’s world views are quite flexible]. Johnson favors immigration, Trump famously doesn’t. The U.K. is signed up to the Paris climate agreement whereas Trump pulled out. And while the U.K. shares Trump’s concerns about access to Chinese markets, Johnson believes they should be addressed by giving the World Trade Organization more teeth. Trump is more concerned at blunting the WTO’s teeth…”

America Is Losing (Again)

The Week wrote on August 23:

“Saudi Arabia and America’s Yemen war is now on the verge of collapse…

“Historically, Americans have shown a remarkable ability to deny outright military failure. We killed millions of civilians in North Korea and North Vietnam in an effort to turn, in the first case, stalemate into victory and, in the second, defeat into stalemate. Both efforts ultimately failed. In our wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, we initially claimed victory, inasmuch as we ousted the Taliban, killed Osama bin Laden, overthrew Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship, and precipitated the fall of Moammar Gadhafi. The failure in each case [was] to ‘win the peace’…

“Over the past four decades, we have pursued a variety of different strategies to maintain a dominant position in the Middle East… None of these have delivered anything resembling ‘victory,’ nor even stability. It’s well past time to admit these are goals we simply don’t know how to achieve and conduct a foreign policy in a duly chastened spirit, rather than make further millions pay the price for our inability to acknowledge our limits.”

The Bible says that God will destroy America’s pride of and in its power. America won World War II. It has won NO WAR subsequent to World War II.

Trade War Is Getting Worse–China Retaliates against the “Chosen One”

Daily Mail wrote on August 23:

“China hit back at President Donald Trump in the latest volley in the growing trade war – slapping tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products and causing an immediate drop in stock futures. The move comes after Trump… has defended the trade war and called himself the ‘chosen one’ to take on China…

“The official Xinhua News Agency said Friday the tariffs of 10% and 5% take effect on two batches of goods Sept. 1 and Dec. 15… Trump previously announced plans to raise tariffs on an additional $300 billion of Chinese imports on Sept. 1 but postponed a portion of that to Dec. 15.”

Even though some niceties were exchanged during the G-7 summit, nothing has changed. New tariffs on Chinese goods become effective on September 1, which means that goods will become more expensive for American consumers, as Fox News correctly pointed out in their telecasts on August 27. They also hinted at the prospects of a recession, due to Trump’s trade war with China.

In regard to his declaration that he is the chosen one, Der Spiegel Online wrote: “The Messiah in the Oval Office,” and then asked: “Has Donald Trump completely lost it? And who is protecting him from himself?” Later, Trump stated, due to the heat he got for his comment of being the “chosen one,” that it was just a joke. The video of the event clearly shows, in context, that it was NOT a joke but that it reflects, sadly, his true state of mind.

Trump ORDERS American Businesses to Close Operations in China; Increases Tariffs on Chinese Goods

Reuters wrote on August 23:

“President Donald Trump said on Friday he was ordering U.S. companies to look at ways to close their operations in China and make more of their products in the United States instead…

“China… holds $1.11 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities. For many products sold in the United States, there are few alternatives to Chinese production, and shifting production for major goods produced there could take years and be expensive. American companies could also sue the U.S. government in response to any order to shutter plants in China.

“… companies like Boeing Co, Apple Inc and General Motors Co… are both big U.S. contractors and have large business interests in China… They would resist any pressure to close their facility there, given the size and importance of the Chinese market…”

The Week wrote on August 23:

“[Trump’s] attacks sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbling down 623 points for the day, marking it and the other two major indexes’ fourth straight weeks of declines.”

Does Trump Have the Power to Order Businesses to Move Out of China? Maybe!

Breitbart wrote on August 24:

“While speaking to reporters on Friday, President Trump stated that he has ‘the absolute right’ to order American businesses not to do business with China. Trump said, ‘Well, in 1977, we had an act passed, a national emergency act. I have the absolute right to do that. We’ll see how that goes, but I have the absolute right.’”

Vox wrote on August 24:

“The Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) allows the president of the United States to regulate commerce during a national emergency… And as there has not yet been a national emergency declared with respect to Chinese trade, Trump’s present abilities to govern economic interactions with China are limited to measures like tariffs…

“IEEPA allows a US president to declare a national emergency… Congress can vote to end the state of emergency, but the president can veto such a vote. Without a veto-proof majority in Congress, this president could use this tool to take a range of economic actions against countries with whom he takes issue… A state of emergency has existed against Iran since the 1979 hostage crisis, for example, and that state of emergency has allowed executive branches over the past decades to levy sanctions against Iran and individual Iranians…

“Trump is the first president to date to use IEEPA to justify the imposition of tariffs… Were he to declare an emergency in order to limit economic interactions with China, Trump still would lack the authority to pull existing investments out of China… However, he would be able to prevent future US funds from being transferred there and could create conditions that would make it so difficult to do business with China that firms would be heavily encouraged to relocate…”

So, from a PRACTICAL standpoint, the potential avenues of the US Presidency are enormous. For example, Trump declared that German cars pose a threat to national security.

Trump’s “Ominous” Announcement—Wanting to Stay Beyond 2025?

The Independent wrote on August 23:

“Donald Trump has issued an ominous warning to his opponents amid mounting speculation a looming recession could cost him the 2020 presidential election, saying ‘I always find a way to win’…

“In a series of outrageous and increasingly erratic outbursts, the 73-year-old attacked any Jews who vote Democrat instead of Republican as ‘disloyal’ to Israel and threatened to rip up part of the constitution in order to rescind birthright citizenship…

“‘Let me tell you. In six years – or maybe 10 or maybe 14, right? – in six years, when I’m not here, the New York Times goes out of business very quickly.’ While the president has joked with increasing frequency about continuing as president beyond 2025 – when he would be required by the constitution to step down – his latest reference displayed no clear indication he was attempting be humorous

“Previous examples of Mr Trump’s flirtation with unlimited term limits include a June tweet in which he floated the idea American voters could demand he stay at the White House beyond 2025… The following month… he wrote: ‘When I ultimately leave office in six years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding)…’  The president has previously suggested he only jokes about remaining as president beyond two terms in an effort to provoke liberals, while critics have suggested he does so with a view to gradually normalising the concept among voters.”

As we have stated before, we do believe that Trump is the last President of the USA, as unbelievable as that may sound to some. And we have made it clear that we believe that Trump will be re-elected in 2020. Please view our StandingWatch program, titled, “Donald Trump–America’s Savior or Destroyer?”

Living in Berlusconi’s Shadow

Foreign Policy wrote on August 25:

“Italy has always been at the cutting edge of political innovation. The Papal States were trialing Christian theocracy for centuries before others caught on; fascism inspired Nazism. And—most telling of all today—Silvio Berlusconi’s billionaire buffoonery preempted his later imitators… by decades…

“An often overlooked aspect of Berlusconi’s career was his astonishing ability to cast himself as a victim and as a martyr. ‘We’re persecuted by the judges,’ he claimed as he pondered entering politics in July 1993, when a corruption scandal was sweeping away the First Italian Republic. Berlusconi frequently compared himself to Jesus because of what he called ‘political show trials.’ ‘I’m the most persecuted man in all of history,’ he once said. Any criminal accusation (and there were many) was turned to his advantage, making him appear the long-suffering savior of an ungrateful nation: ‘I put up with everything and sacrifice myself for everyone,’ he said in 2006.”

D-Day for Italy

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 28:

“Italy’s populist Five Star Movement (M5S) and the center-left Democratic Party (PD) have put aside their traditional differences to form a new government and prevent new elections. Five Star (M5S) said the coalition would be led by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who had resigned following the collapse of the coalition government between M5S and the far-right Lega earlier this month…

“[Current Interior] Minister Matteo Salvini… who triggered the crisis on August 8 when he withdrew his party from the governing coalition with M5S, said the new set-up was fragile and unlikely to last. ‘So we have to wait six months or a year to win? We’re in no hurry,’ he said. Some political pundits have warned a M5S-PD deal could play into Salvini’s hands in the long run, should the new accord come undone in the coming months.”

The Week added on August 28:

“Matteo Salvini, who serves as both Italy’s deputy prime minister and interior minister, will likely be sidelined by the deal, stripping his anti-immigrant League party of its power.”

Salvini’s Supporters Furious

The Telegraph wrote on August 27:

“Matteo Salvini’s allies have called for supporters to take to the streets in protest as Italy inches towards forming a new government that could shut him out of power for years… Mr Salvini’s party, the League, is furious, pointing out that the party won 34 per cent of the national vote in May’s European parliament elections and that it was polling as high as 39 per cent earlier this month. ‘Let’s hope that if a Democratic Party-Five Star government is formed, the people will rise up as soon as possible,’ said Alessandra Locatelli, a League minister.

“‘A government made up of Five Star and the Democrats will not correspond to the sentiment of the people,’ said Mr Salvini, who remains as interior minister and deputy prime minister in the lame duck administration…

“When he withdrew his support and declared the coalition dead this month, Mr Salvini’s hope was that the country would go to new elections, which would likely have crowned him prime minister as the head of a hard-Right coalition with the Brothers of Italy party. Giorgia Meloni, the head of Brothers of Italy, condemned the prospect of a Democratic Party-Five Star government, saying that it was contrary to the votes of millions of Italians.”

Interesting and frightening times for Italy.

Where Is the Catholic Church Going vis-à-vis the Jewish People?

The Algemeiner wrote on August 23:

“First Things is a conservative Catholic magazine with an intellectual influence beyond its small circulation. Its ‘ecumenism’ once meant outreach to evangelical Protestants, but also to Jews open to interfaith dialogue. Yet today, First Things is having an identity crisis not boding well for the future of Catholic-Jewish rapprochement.

“A manifesto published earlier this year, ‘The Dead Consensus,’ announced that the GOP, for the welfare of America, must embrace wholeheartedly the Trump era ‘nationalist’ foreign policy…

“First Things also ran a review that was sympathetic to Pope Pius IX’s 1858 decision to sanction the kidnapping and Catholic upbringing of a Jewish child, Edgardo Mortara, who had been secretly baptized by his teenage Catholic nurse. Authored by Dominican Professor of Theology at Boston’s St. John’s Seminary, Romanus Cessario, the article not only launched a pre-emptive attack on Steven Spielberg’s planned film about the Mortara case, but offered a spiritual encomium to Pius IX for green lighting the Mortara kidnapping…

“Alas, if First Things gives credence to Cessario’s preaching of a return to absolutist Catholicism, it has become the last thing that American Jews should embrace.”

We must watch the direction in which the Roman Catholic Church is heading.

Catholic Church Allowing for Salvation Apart from Christ?

Breitbart wrote on August 26:

“The Vatican has created a special committee to draw out the principles contained in the controversial Abu Dhabi document, signed last February by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar. The text was subsequently criticized by prominent theologians for ‘devaluing the person of Jesus’ and ‘undermining the gospel itself’ since it seemed to propose that God willed the existence of a plurality of religions just as he wills a plurality of sexes, races, and languages, rather than willing that all people find their salvation in Jesus Christ…

“At a later date, the pope seemed to walk back that passage, but he never requested to have it amended and the entire statement reads today just as it did last February. The joint declaration will now be the foundation and reference point for a committee set up for its implementation.”

The Bible teaches that we can ONLY inherit salvation through Jesus Christ. There is NO other way.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Is there a contradiction between Acts 9:7 and Acts 22:9?

We should note that Saul, who later became known as the Apostle Paul, was at first a persecutor and murderer of true Christians (Galatians 1:13-14). He was a Pharisee and strongly believed the teachings of the Pharisees (Acts 23:6). At that time, he was very zealous in hunting down and killing the true disciples of Christ. He was consumed with envy, because their new teaching was contrary to the teachings of the Pharisees. It was the religion of the “new Way,“ the Way of Jesus Christ, who was repeatedly and unjustifiably accused of blasphemy, because He claimed to be the Son of God. But Christ WAS and IS the Son of God (John 17:5)!

In his wrath, Saul went angrily before the High Priest and asked for letters of authorization to arrest Christ’s disciples, whether they were men or women, and to take them bound to the court in Jerusalem (Acts 9:1). For this purpose, Saul went with his companions from Jerusalem to Damascus. Let us read in Acts 9:3-7 what happened on the way:

“And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do” (Authorized Version throughout, unless otherwise mentioned).

Now note the remarkable passage in verse 7: “And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.“

When we compare this passage with the parallel Scripture in Acts 22:9, it might appear that a contradictory version of the events is presented. Paul, by now an ordained apostle, made the following statement: “And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.“

However, there is no “contradiction.” The Bible never contracts contradicts itself (John 10:35). Oftentimes an apparent problem may exist because of the interpretation or wording of the translator. This is the case here.

Let us begin to explain by answering this question: “Did Paul’s companions hear the voice of Christ, or did they not hear it?“

In both chapters, the Greek word “φωνην“ is used, meaning “voice.” In Acts 22:9, we find this clarification: “… but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.“

In an old letter of the Worldwide Church of God’s Letter answering Department, it was stated:

“In the original Greek language, the word akouo is used in these passages. This word like many others, has several meanings depending on how it is used in a sentence. It can mean to hear or to understand. In the following passage, for example, the latter meaning is obviously intended: ‘For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him’ (I Cor. 14:2, NKJ). His listeners hear him, but don’t understand. This is what happened with Paul and those with him on the road to Damascus. Paul both heard and understood. The men with him heard the voice but did not understand it.”

Saul’s companions obviously heard a voice, but apparently could not understand what the voice was saying.

The same phenomenon can be found in John 12:28-29, where Christ says: “Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him.“

In looking at other translations of Acts 9:7 and Acts 22:9, we find a clear distinction and explanation, confirming what we have pointed out above.

The New Living Translation renders Acts 9:7 as follows: “The men with Saul stood speechless, for they heard the sound of someone’s voice but saw no one!“

The Orthodox Jewish Version translates Acts 22:9: “And the ones with me saw the… (light) but they did not have real hearing (understanding) of the voice speaking to me.“

Saul’s companions heard the voice, like Luke wrote in Acts 9:7, but Paul reveals in Acts 22:9 that they were not able to understand what was spoken, perhaps because they could only perceive it as a muffled rumbling or as thunder. They clearly did not understand WHAT the voice said. It appears that it was important for Christ that the companions were able to hear the sound of His voice, but not what was said.

Let us now discuss another question: “What did Saul’s companions see?”

Remember, we read in Acts 9:7 “And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.“ In Acts 22:9, we read: “And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.”

On the one hand, they saw “no man,“ that means no figure or person, but they saw a light. One could also say that they saw a brightness or a strong bright appearance.

When Saul saw Christ in this vision on his way to Damascus, it was such a bright appearance that Saul went blind (Acts 9:8-9). In Revelation 1:12-17, John saw the Person of the glorified Christ in a vision, and he fell at His feet as dead. Saul’s companions saw a light in this vision, but not the glorious manifestation of the Person of Jesus Christ.

Why was it so important for Christ that Saul´s companions heard something, although they could not understand it, just like they saw a bright light, but were not able to see the Person of Christ? The reason why Christ wanted the companions to hear a voice and see the light was that Paul later could not be accused of being a liar, but that he would be seen as a righteous and ordained apostle and faithful servant of God who spoke the Truth and could bring forth witnesses for what had happened to him and his companions.

Lead Writer: Thilo Hanstein

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Italy in Prophecy” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Italy is in turmoil–again. Its 65th government after World War II has collapsed, and two parties with completely divergent viewpoints have formed the 66th government in an attempt to prevent far-right populist Matteo Salvini to stay in power.  But this new government might not last long, and Salvini, whom many have compared with Benito Mussolini, should not be counted out. What DOES the Bible say about Italy’s future? The answer might surprise you.

We also produced a German AufPostenStehen program, covering the same topic. It is titled, “Italien in der Prophezeiung.”

“Unsere ungerechte Welt — Unsere politischen Herrschaftssysteme,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Our Unrighteous World–Our Political Systems of Governance.”

“Der grundlose Hass,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in German by Jens Herrmann, is now posted. Title in English: “The baseless hatred.”

“Indefatigable,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The human condition is one which is prone to fatigue following prolonged exertion. In such a weary state, strength to continue on simply fades. What can Christians do to overcome the inevitable fatigue we face in overcoming sin?

“Choosing Our Consequences,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We are given many examples in the Bible of men and women who faced consequences for their actions before God. These examples must become part of our consideration and the basis for our own daily actions. The path each of us takes is our choice to make. The rewards are there before us—will we follow God’s lead?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Stalin Glorified in Modern Russia

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 22:

“As the 80th anniversary of the Hitler-Stalin pact and the beginning of World War II approaches, the Russian state has unleashed a massive media exercise… The campaign aims to convince the Russians and the world that the calamity of 1939 was of Western making, and that the Poles and the Baltic states, who were victims of aggression, were in fact as bad as the occupiers and had made their own deals with the Nazis… [Putin wants to picture Stalin’s actions as] a boisterous celebration of the pact and resulting conquests, especially the USSR invading Poland together with the Nazis in September 1939 and occupying Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the summer of 1940…

“Since Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and its invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014, Putin’s actions have been frequently compared to those of Stalin… [Putin] continues to forge ahead with creating and imbuing the Russians with his own version of the country’s history, identity and patriotism. In it, state authority is always right and righteous — whether exercised by the tsar, the general secretary or the president. The noblest civic duty is to unquestionably accept this authority’s judgement and be ready to die when it orders you to. The Second World War, with its immense and heroic sacrifice by the peoples of the Soviet Union, has for the last five years served as the ultimate propaganda justification for Putin’s ‘Fortress Russia’ isolation policy. Glorification of Stalin’s cynicism and aggression as ‘pragmatism’ and ‘defense of national interests’ serves this purpose well…”

Putin views Stalin as his great hero. That should tell us a lot.

Condemning the German-Russian Treaty

The EUobserver wrote on August 23:

“Five EU states have issued a statement condemning a World War 2-era German-Russian treaty which divided Europe, but Russia has defended the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

“The treaty, signed between Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov and his Nazi German counterpart, Joachim von Ribbentrop, on 23 August 1939 ‘sparked World War 2 and doomed half of Europe to decades of misery’ the foreign ministries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania said on Friday (23 August), the day of its 80th anniversary.”

Hitler’s and Stalin’s Molotov-Ribbentrop Agreement

Politics wrote on August 22:

“Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed a Nazi-Soviet non-aggression treaty known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement… From the very beginning of the Second World War until the Nazi invasion of the USSR in June 1941, the Soviet Union was on the same side of the war as Hitler. Everyone remembers Hitler invading Poland on September 1st 1939. A lot of people conveniently forget that the USSR invaded Poland from the east only a few weeks later. Indeed, Soviet and German troops staged a joint parade at Brest, along their newly defined frontier.

“The Soviet occupation of Eastern Poland meant that 200,000 square kilometres of Poland and over 13 million Polish citizens found themselves under the yoke of Soviet oppression. A quarter of a million Polish prisoners of war found themselves in Soviet camps, not German ones. Many were massacred at Katyn in 1940. The German Gestapo and Soviet NKVD even held a series of conferences on how to cooperate in the oppression of occupied Poland.

“The alliance was economic as much as geopolitical. The amount of trade between the two nations during the 1939-1941 period was staggering. Massive amounts of raw material flowed from the USSR to Nazi Germany, including 1.6 million tons of grain and 900,000 tons of oil. The fascist army that invaded France, Belgium, and the Netherlands was literally fed by communist grain. Bomber planes over London were fuelled by communist oil.

“In return, Stalin received a low interest loan from Germany for the equivalent of billions in modern money and bought technology and manufactured goods…

“Stalin invaded Finland, as it was firmly assigned by the treaty to the Soviet sphere of influence. Finland, greatly outnumbered and outgunned, fought the Red Army to a standstill, but had to eventually concede defeat and give up various border regions to Soviet control. The region of Karelia remains under Russian control to this day, a testimony to the lasting impact of the pact…

“What is now the nation of Moldova was carved off from Romania in 1940. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia were ‘given’ to the USSR by this agreement… these three Baltic states were forcibly annexed into the USSR in 1940. Soviet occupation in the three Baltic states was fierce – both in its original 1940 incarnation and when they were re-occupied in 1944. It stayed that way until 1991… The borders of Poland, Romania, Finland, and Belarus are affected by the treaty. Karelia is still in Russia. Many cities that were once Polish are now in Ukraine or Belarus.

“[In 1990], Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania all re-asserted their independence.”

It is entirely possible that for a short time, a similar pact will be entered into between Russia and the unified core nations of the EU, under German leadership.

Unprecedented Amazon Wildfires

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 23:

“With a record number of fires raging in the Amazon rainforest, international leaders are joining forces to call for action to stop them… But such calls for action from outside Brazil, have been met with rebuttal and even mockery from within…

“Colombia, home to part of the northern Amazon, said it was already working to contain the fires as they headed towards its territory… Paraguay and Bolivia are also battling separate wildfires that have devastated large areas of their rainforests.

“In Brazil itself, federal prosecutors have launched an investigation into the massive wildfires in the Amazon region… Nearly 73,000 fires were recorded between January and August, compared with 39,759 in all of 2018… This number is the highest since records began…”

Business Insider wrote on August 22:

“More than 70,000 fires have been recorded this year in the rainforest, which produces more than 20% of the world’s oxygen — threatening its future, the billions of plants and animals that call it home, and possibly the entire planet’s health… Earlier this week, the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, 2,000 miles from the rainforest, was plunged into darkness as smoke from the fires obscured the sun.”

AFP wrote on August 24:

“Hundreds of new fires are raging in the Amazon rainforest in northern Brazil… some 1,663 new fires were ignited between Thursday and Friday… The new data came a day after [far-right leader] Bolsonaro authorized the deployment of the military [44,000 troops] to fight the fires and crack down on criminal activities in the region… Environmental specialists say the fires have been accompanied by increasing deforestation in the Amazon region, which in July quadrupled compared to the same month in 2018…”

The EUObserver wrote on August 28:

“A spokesperson for Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro has said the country will accept foreign aid to extinguish Amazon fires. Bolsonaro earlier declined €18m from the G7 states [while insisting on an apology from Macron for alleged insults]… The Brazilian spokesman said his country must have full control of foreign grants and that outside help must not impinge on its sovereignty.”

Children playing with fire…

Worldwide Fires

The Sun wrote on August 27:

“SHOCKING new satellite images show there are now MORE wildfires raging across Africa than in the flame-ravaged Amazon. More than one million square miles of forest in the Congo Basin are now ablaze in an area known as the Earth’s ‘second green lung.’… In a period of two days last week Angola had roughly three times more fires than Brazil…

“The stats revealed there were 6,902 fires in Angola and 3,395 fires in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, compared with around 2,200 recorded fires in Brazil. Like the Amazon, the African forests absorb CO2 and are sanctuaries for hundreds of endangered species… The Congo Basin covers an area of 3.3 million square kilometres in several countries, including about a third in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the rest in Gabon, Congo, Cameroon and Central Africa…”

According to the Bible, worldwide catastrophes such as these will increase in unparalleled fashion.

Israel Strikes Iranian Killer Drones in Syria and Lebanon

Reuters wrote on August 24:

“Israeli aircraft on Saturday struck Iranian forces near Damascus that had been planning to launch ‘killer drones’ [armed with explosives] at targets in Israel…

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the military had thwarted the planned Iranian attack. ‘Iran has no immunity anywhere. Our forces operate in every sector against the Iranian aggression,’ he said on Twitter…

“Iran and Hezbollah are helping President Bashar al-Assad in the eight-year Syria war. Russia, which is also aiding Assad, has largely turned a blind eye to the Israeli air strikes… On Thursday, Netanyahu hinted of possible Israeli involvement in a series of blasts in the past few weeks that have hit weapon depots and bases belonging to paramilitary groups in Iraq, many of them backed by Iran.”

The Jerusalem Post wrote on August 25:

“Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun blasted Israel on Sunday after two drones, one being armed, crashed in the Lebanese capital of Beirut early Sunday morning…

“Israel and Hezbollah fought a deadly 33-day war in 2006, which came to an end under UN Security Council Resolution 1701. Israel and Lebanon are still technically at war and Beirut regularly accuses Israel of violating its airspace with fighter jets and drones.”

Aoun called the Israeli drone attacks on the capital of Beirut and in the Qusaya a ‘declaration of war… that entitles us to resort to our right to defend our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity’…”

Palestinians Determined to Wipe Out Israel

Breaking Israel News wrote on August 22:

“In a video… Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said while addressing a terror rally at the Jalazone village near Ramallah that: ‘We shall enter Jerusalem – millions of fighters!’ along with the ‘entire Islamic nation.’ The PA chairman added that: ‘every building built by the Zionist occupation will be destroyed.’ The statements were made while the crowd chanted ‘To Jerusalem, we march, martyrs by the millions!’…

“The proud Holocaust denier also claimed that Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians. He went on saying that ‘the entire Palestinian nation will enter Jerusalem as millions of fighters, along with the Arab, Islamic, and Christian nations.’… The video was uploaded to the PA’s leader’s Facebook page on August 10, 2019.”

This reminds us of the warning in Zechariah 14:2. The situation in the Middle East will deteriorate much more.

War between Israel and Iran?

On August 28, the Drudge Report linked to the following article which was originally published by endoftheamericandream:

“Are we about to see World War 3 erupt in the Middle East?… if a full-blown war erupts between Israel and one of her neighbors, it is likely to become a multi-front war almost immediately.  But at the core, this is a conflict between Israel and Iran…

“Missiles are not flying directly back and forth between Israel and Iran yet, but at this point a state of war essentially exists, and many are deeply concerned about what is going to happen next. In particular, it looks like Hezbollah could launch a large scale attack against Israel at any moment, because their leadership is absolutely furious that the Israelis just hit their headquarters building in Beirut… Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah are now at their highest point since the 2006 war…

“This is an extremely serious situation.  Israel is literally on the brink of war with Hezbollah, and many feel that such a war is inevitable… Ultimately, nothing is going to be able to stop the massive war that is coming to the region.  The Iranians and all of their allies have a religiously-fueled hatred for Israel that most people living in the western world will never understand, and they are absolutely obsessed with permanently destroying the nation of Israel as it exists today…

“This can definitely be described as a time of ‘wars and rumors of wars’, and the situation on the ground is extremely fluid right now…”

The Algemeiner and Reuters wrote on August 28:

“Hezbollah will respond with a ‘surprise’ strike against Israel after drones crashed in Lebanon, but a new war remains unlikely, the Iran-backed movement said, amid heightened fears of a full-scale confrontation between the longtime adversaries.”

We read in the Bible that Israel will receive a wound in a coming military confrontation, prior to the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

Nearly 900,000 Asylum Seekers Living in Limbo in EU

The Guardian wrote on August 25:

“Close to 900,000 asylum seekers in the EU are waiting to have their claims processed… Women, men and unaccompanied children are living for years in uncertainty, with numbers of pending applications for international protection almost unchanged from two years ago when 1.1 million migrants were ‘stuck’ in the continent. ‘Living in limbo is now the norm for those seeking protection,’ said Karl Kopp of Pro Asyl, Germany’s largest pro-immigration advocacy organisation. ‘Limbo means living in the miserable Greek EU hotspots, or being trapped and pushed back at the borders…’

“Eurostat figures have revealed a backlog of 878,600 requests at the end of 2018, with Germany having the largest share of pending requests (44%), ahead of Italy (12%). The figure comes despite the number of migrant arrivals in Europe practically halving in the last two years. Factors leading to the continuing backlog include new laws from right-leaning governments and an increase in the number of rejections, leading to lengthy appeals processes… The rejection rate for asylum requests in Europe has almost doubled in three years… In Italy, rejections were at 80% at the start of 2019, up from 60% the previous year as the populist government also removed key forms of protection.

“The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has in 2019 rejected three-quarters of family reunification requests from Greece, where migrants live in the overcrowded camps of Athens and Lesbos… Experts point out how some governments in recent years, especially in Italy and Germany, have accelerated evaluation procedures for asylum requests, which appears to have caused an increase in rejections because high-speed procedures are not carried out with as much thoughtful evaluation. ‘The agenda of the rightwing extremists is now the agenda of the mainstream…,’ said Kopp…

“… Those who stay after rejection are at risk of suddenly becoming illegal immigrants…”

Reading this, it is hypocritical for Europeans to condemn the USA for its immigration policy.

US-German Ties at Absolute Low… with Potentially Dangerous Consequences

Der Spiegel Online wrote on August 21:

“Never since the founding of postwar Germany have relations between Berlin and the United States been as fragile as they are today. There is virtual radio silence between Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Donald Trump… ‘There is a crisis in the U.S. German relationship of a type that I would never have expected to occur in our time,’ says Nicholas Burns, the former U.S. ambassador to NATO…

“Germany has become the antithesis to Trump’s America… Trump is openly calling for the European Union to split up. He is publicly encouraging the new British prime minister, Boris Johnson, to embark on a hard Brexit. Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, traveled to London last week to communicate that the U.S. would ‘enthusiastically’ support a decision by the UK to leave the EU with no deal.

“Trump has shaken the relationship between the Germans and the Americans in ways that extend far beyond politics. The U.S. is more unpopular with Germans than ever before… 85 percent of Germans view the relationship with the U.S. as negative or very negative… Many now see the U.S. as a bigger problem than China and Russia…

“From a German perspective, conversations with the president are mostly just seen as futile… Trump is being faced with a German chancellor who clearly wants to go down in history as his opponent…

“It has now become normal for Merkel not to ask for a meeting with Trump when she visits the U.S… For Trump, Germany is a ‘flyover country’ when he visits Europe… he has not paid a single visit to Berlin…

“[US ambassador] Grenell has shown that he is primarily interested in garnering headlines… prompting Martin Schulz, who was the head of the Social Democrats at the time, to say that the ambassador was behaving like a ‘right-wing extremist colonial officer.’ Grenell then gave an interview to the right-wing news portal Breitbart in which he made it sound like he was hoping for a Trump-style right-wing revolution in Europe… No U.S. ambassador in recent German history seems to have been so isolated… Merkel made it clear in no uncertain terms how little regard she has for Grenell… German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas hasn’t had a significant conversation with Grenell in almost one year…

“Trump and Grenell are astonishingly similar. Both are happy to dish it out, but they are highly sensitive when they are the subject of attacks. Like Trump, Grenell also has a penchant for right-wing conspiracy theorists… Like Trump, Grenell is also a virtuoso at self-promotion…

“In Berlin, many are still holding out hope that the good old days of trans-Atlantic cooperation can resume once the Trump era has passed. But that could prove illusory. ‘The U.S. won’t remain the way it is under Trump, but it will also never be the same as it was before him again,’ says [Sigmar] Gabriel. The fact is that the Democrats agree with many of the points where Trump is critical, and Washington would remain an uncomfortable partner even if a Democrat is elected into the White House next year. Trump, in all his brutal openness, has made it clear that the U.S. is no longer willing to pay for Europe. The Democrats are also raising the question of military spending…

“Trump has become a convenient excuse for the Germans. Whatever he says is rejected almost reflexively. This is true for both the military mission in the Strait of Hormuz and NATO’s 2-percent target. The Germans need to finally get over the idea that they can remain a kind of giant Switzerland in the middle of Europe forever…

“Robert Kagan, a former adviser to two Republican presidential candidates who now works at the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington… wrote that the German question, which led to two world wars and millions of deaths, could return… ‘Trump is actually fanning the flames of nationalism … again and again by supporting basically nationalist parties in Europe,’ Kagan told DER SPIEGEL. ‘He’s clearly destroying the global free trade regime by pursuing protectionist American policies which are directly harming Germany…’”

First of all, we do not believe that there will be an America after Trump. And however Germany will manifest itself on the world scene, it will, together with other core European countries, become as antagonistic towards the USA as it never has been since the end of World War II. It will also be part of a powerful European army in opposition to the USA. Or does the next article reflect a change in the German-US relationship?

Friendship between Trump and Merkel?

The Local wrote on August 26:

“US President Donald Trump showered Chancellor Angela Merkel with praise at the G7 Summit… She is a brilliant woman, and she understands exactly where everything is, she knows it before most people,’ said Trump… The comments came during a relaxed reunion between the pair. It’s a stark contrast to previous meetings when relations have appeared frosty. After Trump was asked about the G7 losing its only female leader, Merkel said in English: ‘I’m still here,’ prompting laughs from reporters. Trump then predicted that the Chancellor, who plans to step down from politics after her term ends in 2021, may surprise everyone and might be around ‘for a long time’.

“When asked by a reporter if the Chancellor had invited Trump to Berlin, Merkel said she had done so ‘on previous occasions.’ Trump then said he is planning to ‘maybe soon’ go to Germany for a state visit… ‘I have German in my blood,’ he added – at which point Merkel laughed. Trump does indeed have ancestors who hail from Kallstadt, a small wine-growing town in the far western state of Rhineland-Palatinate…

Trump has not yet been on a bilateral visit to Germany since taking office in January 2017. By contrast, he has already visited France and the UK two times. He is also traveling to Poland for the second time next weekend… Compared to Trump’s predecessors, his absence from Germany is unusual. Less than five months after his inauguration, Barack Obama travelled to Dresden to meet Merkel in June 2009, before the two travelled together to the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar.”

Even though Trump and Merkel displayed a unified front before journalists and exchanged some niceties, nothing will change. The relationship between the two powers is bound to deteriorate drastically. And Merkel will not be around “for a long time.”

Queen Approves Suspension of U.K. Parliament

The Week wrote on August 28:

“Queen Elizabeth II on Wednesday approved British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s request to suspend Parliament until mid-October, leaving lawmakers little time to try and block Britain from crashing out of the European Union on Oct. 31 without a divorce settlement. Johnson asked the queen to end the current session of Parliament in preparation for a Queen’s Speech, typically a formality to lay out a government’s legislative agenda.

“The queen’s approval was not unexpected, as she has refused to get involved with politics throughout her reign. Unlike dissolving Parliament to hold new elections, MPs don’t get a vote on prorogation. Parliament was scheduled to return from summer recess next week, and opposition lawmakers have reportedly been working on a plan to prevent Johnson’s no-deal Brexit. Opposition leaders bitterly denounced the move.”

The EUObserver added on August 28:

“Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and other British opposition leaders have agreed not to call for a confidence vote on prime minister Boris Johnson in early September in order to create a care-taker government. Instead, they will work on legislation to make a no-deal-Brexit illegal. The opposition leaders also agreed to organise an alternative parliament in case Johnson forced a delay in recalling MPs until after Brexit day on 31 October.”

The Sun added that “Today’s move caused the pound to drop against the dollar as markets jittered amongst the uncertainty.”

Boris the Dictator

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 28:

“The British prime minister wants a hard Brexit, no matter the cost. He didn’t even hesitate to suspend Parliament. It’s the kind of move you’d expect from a military dictatorship… Now a weakness in the British political system — rooted in its archaic traditions and heritage — is coming back to haunt the country. It exposes the lack of a modern, written constitution that could block such arbitrary acts.

“‘Take back control’ was one of the main slogans of the Brexit campaign three years ago. Voters at the time probably didn’t imagine that meant handing over absolute power to Johnson… No one argued the goal was to allow an unelected prime minister — who would likely never get a parliamentary majority — to determine the fate of Brexit, and thus the entire country, on his own…

“Parliament is to be due to go on break as early as September 10, then return shortly before the Brexit deadline. This tight timeframe makes it impossible for the majority of MPs to have their say… Johnson is the most dangerous politician to have moved to Downing Street in decades…”

Boris Johnson–From Trump Hater to Trump Lover

Bloomberg wrote on August 24:

“In December 2015, Boris Johnson joked that he wouldn’t go to some parts of New York because of the risk of meeting Donald Trump, a man of ‘stupefying ignorance.’ How times change… Both men came to power with populist messages

“Trump is toxic in the U.K…. so Johnson also needs to be careful not to appear to be too cozy with the U.S. leader… But there may eventually be a quid pro quo for the ‘fantastic’ trade deal Trump has dangled. Trump’s trade talks rarely prove speedy. He remains locked in a trade war with China and a revised accord with Canada and Mexico dragged on for over a year and is stalled in Congress. An agreement with the U.K. could be years in the making and Trump drives a hard bargain — whether he likes you or not…

“There are also important differences in their world view [even though Johnson’s world views are quite flexible]. Johnson favors immigration, Trump famously doesn’t. The U.K. is signed up to the Paris climate agreement whereas Trump pulled out. And while the U.K. shares Trump’s concerns about access to Chinese markets, Johnson believes they should be addressed by giving the World Trade Organization more teeth. Trump is more concerned at blunting the WTO’s teeth…”

America Is Losing (Again)

The Week wrote on August 23:

“Saudi Arabia and America’s Yemen war is now on the verge of collapse…

“Historically, Americans have shown a remarkable ability to deny outright military failure. We killed millions of civilians in North Korea and North Vietnam in an effort to turn, in the first case, stalemate into victory and, in the second, defeat into stalemate. Both efforts ultimately failed. In our wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, we initially claimed victory, inasmuch as we ousted the Taliban, killed Osama bin Laden, overthrew Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship, and precipitated the fall of Moammar Gadhafi. The failure in each case [was] to ‘win the peace’…

“Over the past four decades, we have pursued a variety of different strategies to maintain a dominant position in the Middle East… None of these have delivered anything resembling ‘victory,’ nor even stability. It’s well past time to admit these are goals we simply don’t know how to achieve and conduct a foreign policy in a duly chastened spirit, rather than make further millions pay the price for our inability to acknowledge our limits.”

The Bible says that God will destroy America’s pride of and in its power. America won World War II. It has won NO WAR subsequent to World War II.

Trade War Is Getting Worse–China Retaliates against the “Chosen One”

Daily Mail wrote on August 23:

“China hit back at President Donald Trump in the latest volley in the growing trade war – slapping tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products and causing an immediate drop in stock futures. The move comes after Trump… has defended the trade war and called himself the ‘chosen one’ to take on China…

“The official Xinhua News Agency said Friday the tariffs of 10% and 5% take effect on two batches of goods Sept. 1 and Dec. 15… Trump previously announced plans to raise tariffs on an additional $300 billion of Chinese imports on Sept. 1 but postponed a portion of that to Dec. 15.”

Even though some niceties were exchanged during the G-7 summit, nothing has changed. New tariffs on Chinese goods become effective on September 1, which means that goods will become more expensive for American consumers, as Fox News correctly pointed out in their telecasts on August 27. They also hinted at the prospects of a recession, due to Trump’s trade war with China.

In regard to his declaration that he is the chosen one, Der Spiegel Online wrote: “The Messiah in the Oval Office,” and then asked: “Has Donald Trump completely lost it? And who is protecting him from himself?” Later, Trump stated, due to the heat he got for his comment of being the “chosen one,” that it was just a joke. The video of the event clearly shows, in context, that it was NOT a joke but that it reflects, sadly, his true state of mind.

Trump ORDERS American Businesses to Close Operations in China; Increases Tariffs on Chinese Goods

Reuters wrote on August 23:

“President Donald Trump said on Friday he was ordering U.S. companies to look at ways to close their operations in China and make more of their products in the United States instead…

“China… holds $1.11 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities. For many products sold in the United States, there are few alternatives to Chinese production, and shifting production for major goods produced there could take years and be expensive. American companies could also sue the U.S. government in response to any order to shutter plants in China.

“… companies like Boeing Co, Apple Inc and General Motors Co… are both big U.S. contractors and have large business interests in China… They would resist any pressure to close their facility there, given the size and importance of the Chinese market…”

The Week wrote on August 23:

“[Trump’s] attacks sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbling down 623 points for the day, marking it and the other two major indexes’ fourth straight weeks of declines.”

Does Trump Have the Power to Order Businesses to Move Out of China? Maybe!

Breitbart wrote on August 24:

“While speaking to reporters on Friday, President Trump stated that he has ‘the absolute right’ to order American businesses not to do business with China. Trump said, ‘Well, in 1977, we had an act passed, a national emergency act. I have the absolute right to do that. We’ll see how that goes, but I have the absolute right.’”

Vox wrote on August 24:

“The Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) allows the president of the United States to regulate commerce during a national emergency… And as there has not yet been a national emergency declared with respect to Chinese trade, Trump’s present abilities to govern economic interactions with China are limited to measures like tariffs…

“IEEPA allows a US president to declare a national emergency… Congress can vote to end the state of emergency, but the president can veto such a vote. Without a veto-proof majority in Congress, this president could use this tool to take a range of economic actions against countries with whom he takes issue… A state of emergency has existed against Iran since the 1979 hostage crisis, for example, and that state of emergency has allowed executive branches over the past decades to levy sanctions against Iran and individual Iranians…

“Trump is the first president to date to use IEEPA to justify the imposition of tariffs… Were he to declare an emergency in order to limit economic interactions with China, Trump still would lack the authority to pull existing investments out of China… However, he would be able to prevent future US funds from being transferred there and could create conditions that would make it so difficult to do business with China that firms would be heavily encouraged to relocate…”

So, from a PRACTICAL standpoint, the potential avenues of the US Presidency are enormous. For example, Trump declared that German cars pose a threat to national security.

Trump’s “Ominous” Announcement—Wanting to Stay Beyond 2025?

The Independent wrote on August 23:

“Donald Trump has issued an ominous warning to his opponents amid mounting speculation a looming recession could cost him the 2020 presidential election, saying ‘I always find a way to win’…

“In a series of outrageous and increasingly erratic outbursts, the 73-year-old attacked any Jews who vote Democrat instead of Republican as ‘disloyal’ to Israel and threatened to rip up part of the constitution in order to rescind birthright citizenship…

“‘Let me tell you. In six years – or maybe 10 or maybe 14, right? – in six years, when I’m not here, the New York Times goes out of business very quickly.’ While the president has joked with increasing frequency about continuing as president beyond 2025 – when he would be required by the constitution to step down – his latest reference displayed no clear indication he was attempting be humorous

“Previous examples of Mr Trump’s flirtation with unlimited term limits include a June tweet in which he floated the idea American voters could demand he stay at the White House beyond 2025… The following month… he wrote: ‘When I ultimately leave office in six years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding)…’  The president has previously suggested he only jokes about remaining as president beyond two terms in an effort to provoke liberals, while critics have suggested he does so with a view to gradually normalising the concept among voters.”

As we have stated before, we do believe that Trump is the last President of the USA, as unbelievable as that may sound to some. And we have made it clear that we believe that Trump will be re-elected in 2020. Please view our StandingWatch program, titled, “Donald Trump–America’s Savior or Destroyer?”

Living in Berlusconi’s Shadow

Foreign Policy wrote on August 25:

“Italy has always been at the cutting edge of political innovation. The Papal States were trialing Christian theocracy for centuries before others caught on; fascism inspired Nazism. And—most telling of all today—Silvio Berlusconi’s billionaire buffoonery preempted his later imitators… by decades…

“An often overlooked aspect of Berlusconi’s career was his astonishing ability to cast himself as a victim and as a martyr. ‘We’re persecuted by the judges,’ he claimed as he pondered entering politics in July 1993, when a corruption scandal was sweeping away the First Italian Republic. Berlusconi frequently compared himself to Jesus because of what he called ‘political show trials.’ ‘I’m the most persecuted man in all of history,’ he once said. Any criminal accusation (and there were many) was turned to his advantage, making him appear the long-suffering savior of an ungrateful nation: ‘I put up with everything and sacrifice myself for everyone,’ he said in 2006.”

D-Day for Italy

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 28:

“Italy’s populist Five Star Movement (M5S) and the center-left Democratic Party (PD) have put aside their traditional differences to form a new government and prevent new elections. Five Star (M5S) said the coalition would be led by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who had resigned following the collapse of the coalition government between M5S and the far-right Lega earlier this month…

“[Current Interior] Minister Matteo Salvini… who triggered the crisis on August 8 when he withdrew his party from the governing coalition with M5S, said the new set-up was fragile and unlikely to last. ‘So we have to wait six months or a year to win? We’re in no hurry,’ he said. Some political pundits have warned a M5S-PD deal could play into Salvini’s hands in the long run, should the new accord come undone in the coming months.”

The Week added on August 28:

“Matteo Salvini, who serves as both Italy’s deputy prime minister and interior minister, will likely be sidelined by the deal, stripping his anti-immigrant League party of its power.”

Salvini’s Supporters Furious

The Telegraph wrote on August 27:

“Matteo Salvini’s allies have called for supporters to take to the streets in protest as Italy inches towards forming a new government that could shut him out of power for years… Mr Salvini’s party, the League, is furious, pointing out that the party won 34 per cent of the national vote in May’s European parliament elections and that it was polling as high as 39 per cent earlier this month. ‘Let’s hope that if a Democratic Party-Five Star government is formed, the people will rise up as soon as possible,’ said Alessandra Locatelli, a League minister.

“‘A government made up of Five Star and the Democrats will not correspond to the sentiment of the people,’ said Mr Salvini, who remains as interior minister and deputy prime minister in the lame duck administration…

“When he withdrew his support and declared the coalition dead this month, Mr Salvini’s hope was that the country would go to new elections, which would likely have crowned him prime minister as the head of a hard-Right coalition with the Brothers of Italy party. Giorgia Meloni, the head of Brothers of Italy, condemned the prospect of a Democratic Party-Five Star government, saying that it was contrary to the votes of millions of Italians.”

Interesting and frightening times for Italy.

Where Is the Catholic Church Going vis-à-vis the Jewish People?

The Algemeiner wrote on August 23:

“First Things is a conservative Catholic magazine with an intellectual influence beyond its small circulation. Its ‘ecumenism’ once meant outreach to evangelical Protestants, but also to Jews open to interfaith dialogue. Yet today, First Things is having an identity crisis not boding well for the future of Catholic-Jewish rapprochement.

“A manifesto published earlier this year, ‘The Dead Consensus,’ announced that the GOP, for the welfare of America, must embrace wholeheartedly the Trump era ‘nationalist’ foreign policy…

“First Things also ran a review that was sympathetic to Pope Pius IX’s 1858 decision to sanction the kidnapping and Catholic upbringing of a Jewish child, Edgardo Mortara, who had been secretly baptized by his teenage Catholic nurse. Authored by Dominican Professor of Theology at Boston’s St. John’s Seminary, Romanus Cessario, the article not only launched a pre-emptive attack on Steven Spielberg’s planned film about the Mortara case, but offered a spiritual encomium to Pius IX for green lighting the Mortara kidnapping…

“Alas, if First Things gives credence to Cessario’s preaching of a return to absolutist Catholicism, it has become the last thing that American Jews should embrace.”

We must watch the direction in which the Roman Catholic Church is heading.

Catholic Church Allowing for Salvation Apart from Christ?

Breitbart wrote on August 26:

“The Vatican has created a special committee to draw out the principles contained in the controversial Abu Dhabi document, signed last February by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar. The text was subsequently criticized by prominent theologians for ‘devaluing the person of Jesus’ and ‘undermining the gospel itself’ since it seemed to propose that God willed the existence of a plurality of religions just as he wills a plurality of sexes, races, and languages, rather than willing that all people find their salvation in Jesus Christ…

“At a later date, the pope seemed to walk back that passage, but he never requested to have it amended and the entire statement reads today just as it did last February. The joint declaration will now be the foundation and reference point for a committee set up for its implementation.”

The Bible teaches that we can ONLY inherit salvation through Jesus Christ. There is NO other way.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

What’s the Difference?; Growth

On August 31, 2019, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “What’s the Difference?” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Growth.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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