This Week in the News

The Temple Tax—Preparing for the Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 21:

“In preparation for the upcoming holiday of Purim, Jews around the world will be reading the section of the Torah that describes the giving of the sanctified half-shekel silver coin to the Tabernacle… From the time of the Tabernacle until well after the Temple was destroyed, every Jewish man was required to give one half-shekel weight of silver, approximately eight grams of silver (worth about $4 today), as a mandatory tax to support the Temple… Each man was obligated to give the same amount, regardless of his economic condition, with collection beginning on the first day of the month of Adar…

“Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, explained… ‘As the preparations for the Temple move forward, the need for that tax is reemerging. Without the half-shekel right now, there can be no Third Temple.’

“It is towards that end that the Sanhedrin minted a coin specifically for the current era. Mordechai Persoff who established the Mikdash Educational Center, a non-profit organization for education about the Temple, is marketing the coin… ‘[We are minting a series of coins to reflect a prophetic process that is unfolding right now,’ Persoff said. ‘Just as Cyrus paved the way that enabled the Jews to build the Second Temple, President Trump began a similar process’…

“Rabbi Weiss noted that the first coin issued by the Sanhedrin featuring Donald Trump and an image of King Cryus was wildly popular. ‘Unfortunately, that popularity came at a price,’ Rabbi Weiss said. ‘Other sources began minting and selling counterfeit versions of the coin… ‘Most of the counterfeiters were from China and Asia where the copyright laws are not as stringently enforced,’ Rabbi Weiss said. ‘It is no wonder that the coronavirus plague originated in a region that stole from the holy half-shekel.’

“Proceeds from the sale of the coin will be used in reenactments of Temple services as well as in other educational and practical endeavors that help prepare for the Third Temple. Should the need arise, the proceeds will be used for the actual building of the Temple.”

On one side of the new coin, it pictures Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu with the American and Israeli flags, including the words in English and Hebrew, “War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness,” and on the coin’s reverse side, it pictures King Cyrus, the second Temple, a lion with a sword and under it the words “Persian Empire,” and the words, “The Temple Coin” in Persian, Hebrew and English, together with the words “Half Shekel 2020”; and “Cyrus is My Anointed King Isaiah 45” in English and Hebrew.

Final Destination—the Third Temple

Haaretz wrote on February 22:

“Once annexation is achieved, the messianic prize awaits: the gradual takeover of the Temple Mount, in stages. First by allowing Jewish prayer on the Mount and ultimately by establishing a holy temple and renewing ritual sacrificial slaughter.. the final destination of this train is the Temple Mount…

“From the Temple Mount blows a fascist wind unique to Jewish nationalism, and it will not be calmed until the injustice of Al-Aqsa is obliterated and a holy temple is rebuilt…

While Haaretz is against all of this, their statements are nevertheless revealing.

Eating Unclean or Living Animals!

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 19:

“Many of the early headlines in the international press link the appearance of the virus to the sale, in food markets in China, of many kinds of non-kosher animals, including live foxes, crocodiles, wolf pups, salamanders, snakes, rats, peacocks, porcupines and live koalas… Eating part of a living creature is one of the most severe sins from the Torah, even for non-Jews…

“In Jewish thought, the prohibition against eating from a live animal teaches a deeper lesson. If we tear a limb from a live animal to eat, not only is it cruel, but it also reflects another base character trait. Someone who grabs what they want and eats immediately is focused only on their animal desires. They lack the willpower and refinement to properly prepare their meal before indulging in it.”

Even the very thought of eating such unclean animals like the ones described above or eating parts of a living animal (clean or unclean) is absolutely revolting, disgusting and appalling.

Coronavirus a Serious Problem

Deutsche Welle reported on February 23 [the numbers in the article have been changed as to reflect the status on Wednesday evening]:

“Several Italian towns have taken urgent measures to stop the virus from spreading following the deaths of [by now at least 11] people and more than [320] infections.

“Venice has called off its Carnival celebrations due to the outbreak… The spike in cases also prompted regional authorities to order the closure of schools, businesses and restaurants in Veneto and Lombardy, as well as the cancelation of religious services until further notice…

“Iran has reported [at least 139 infections and 19] deaths, and now Turkey and Pakistan have responded by closing their borders with the Islamic Republic. Afghanistan has suspended air and ground travel to Iran.”

Newsmax added on February 23:

“Concern about the reach and rapid spread of the coronavirus also grew in Europe and the Middle East… Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Turkey imposed travel and immigration restrictions on Iran, while Oman on Sunday urged its citizens to steer clear of countries with high infection rates and said arrivals from those nations would be quarantined.”

The Guardian wrote on February 23:

“The world is fast approaching a ‘tipping point’ in the spread of the coronavirus, according to experts who warn that the disease is outpacing efforts to contain it… experts say the situation will soon reach a critical threshold.”

The Drudge Report linked an article of the Associated Press on February 25 with the headline, “World on Lockdown.” Bild wrote: “Mailand (Italy) is becoming a ghost town.” ARD stated that the German Bundespost (German mail) has suspended deliveries to affected areas in Italy.

In the meantime, more cases in Austria, Croatia, Spain and Switzerland have been reported as well, while three infected tourists from Germany, Italy and Britain were detected in the Canary Islands and in Mallorca. As of Wednesday, there are 19 cases in Germany, 13 cases in Great Britain and 12 cases in France, amongst others. [It was reported on Wednesday that one person died of the virus in France.]  China has reported more than 80,000 infections, but the actual figure might be much higher.

The death toll in China as of February 26 was over 2,700. Some experts have stated that it is already too late to avoid a pandemic, and that the pandemic is already here. The WHO seems to want to downplay the matter, stating that the virus has “pandemic” potential, but is not here yet. The WHO seems to be terribly wrong. And the USA might not be spared. See the next articles.

Here are some further updates as of Thursday evening:

Deutsche Welle reported on February 27:

“Italian cases surge… [Italy’s number now stands at 650, and 17 people have died from the respiratory virus.] EU countries said borders will remain open. Germany’s health minister said the country is facing a ‘coronavirus epidemic.‘”

 The Associated Press wrote on February 27:

“The testing in western Germany came after a 47-year-old man with the virus was hospitalized in serious condition in Duesseldorf. The man’s wife, who works in a kindergarten, was also confirmed to have contracted the virus. A soldier in the German air force who had contact with the hospitalized man also has tested positive… [He is the] acting head of the German military hospital in Koblenz.”

Bild Online reported that in Germany, the confirmed cases of people who are infected with the virus have tripled within the last 24 hours, and that over 1,000 people are in quarantine.

The Week wrote on February 27:

 “More than [8,400 people] are being monitored for the coronavirus in California, and 33 people have tested positive… The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday that a person who tested positive for the coronavirus in California might be the first U.S. case of community spread, as they hadn’t recently traveled out of the country or come into contact with anyone who had the virus.”

USA in Danger

Breitbart wrote on February 25:

“As of Tuesday, 57 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in the U.S., which includes the 40 American citizens repatriated from the virus-stricken Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan.”

The Washington Post wrote on February 25:

“Health officials in the United States warned Tuesday that the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country appears inevitable… as global travel disruptions continued to worsen…”

The Sun added on February 25 an article with the following headline:

“Killer Virus Chaos. Americans warned ‘bad’ coronavirus outbreak [a] case of ‘when not if’ as San Francisco declares emergency.”

The article continued:

“The move comes as officials predict hospital overcrowding and less cops on the streets… [The official] cited widespread school closures, a decrease in cops, overloaded hospitals, and deaths as possible outcomes of the outbreak…

“Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar II… said the US will need as many as 300 million masks for health care workers, as well as more ventilators for hospitals to prepare for the deadly disease – but the country only stockpiled 30 million N95 surgical masks.”

Our whole health-care system, fragile as it is anyway, can break down in a heartbeat when confronted with a pandemic for which no one is prepared and no vaccines exist.

How the Virus Spreads

MSN wrote on February 24:

“Italy’s experience… shows how the virus can slip onto a new continent undetected, only to then erupt as a sudden crisis, while bringing with it the interruptions and fears that once seemed far away.  Four days ago, Italy had only three confirmed cases of the virus. Now, it has the largest known outbreak outside Asia, pushing the world closer to a pandemic, in which epidemics spread across multiple countries and continents at the same time…

“Some infectious-disease experts have speculated that the virus was already in Italy for weeks, carried by one or more people with negligible symptoms, before it was detected… ‘Half of Italy in quarantine,’ a headline in one of the country’s major newspapers, La Repubblica, said Monday.”

Despite so-called “precautions,” the global spread of the coronavirus is unstoppable. This will have terrible consequences for air travel, and could also adversely affect members and ministers of the Church of God for the upcoming Passover season.

At the Brink of Recession?

CNN wrote on February 23:

“Markets closed out last week on an anxious note. It’s not difficult to see why: the coronavirus continues to spread, and there are signs that some of the world’s top economies could slide into recession as the outbreak compounds pre-existing weaknesses.

“Take Japan: The world’s third-largest economy shrank 1.6% in the fourth quarter of 2019 as the country absorbed the effects of a sales tax hike and a powerful typhoon. It was [the] biggest contraction compared to the previous quarter since 2014.

“Then there’s Germany. The biggest economy in Europe ground to a halt right before the coronavirus outbreak set in, dragged down by the country’s struggling factories…

Hong Kong is in recession and Singapore could soon suffer a similar fate. Fourth quarter GDP data from Indonesia hit a three-year low, while Malaysia had its worst reading in a decade… Meanwhile, engines of growth like China and India slowed in 2019…

“All of this brings to the fore concerns about the global economy’s ability to withstand a shock from the coronavirus. [It] is poised to make matters worse…

“Even the United States may not be in as strong a position as previously thought… [The] US services sector contracted in February, with the reading hitting a 76-month low. It’s the first time the sector has contracted in four years.”

The Dow Jones dropped by more than 1,000 points on Monday morning, because of fear of the spread of the virus. This was its worst day in two years. On Tuesday, February 25, the Dow dropped a little bit under another 900 points. The 10-year Treasury yield fell to a record low as coronavirus fears of a global pandemic will slow the world economy.

The Week reported on February 27: 

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Thursday down almost 1,200 points [the worst point drop in US history, according to CNN], or over 4.4 percent, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite were each off 4.4 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively. President Trump has sought to reassure investors that the coronavirus outbreak, which has affected countries around the world, is only a small worry for the stock market… The Dow has lost more than 3,000 points this week.”

All of this shows how quickly our entire somewhat artificial economic system can collapse because of widespread fears and uncertainties.

Tomb of Romulus Found?

AFP wrote on February 21:

“An ancient tomb thought to belong to Rome’s founder Romulus was presented to the world on Friday… The 6th century BC stone sarcophagus, with an accompanying circular altar, was discovered under the Forum in the heart of Italy’s capital over a century ago — but experts could not agree on whether or not it belonged to the fabled figure.

“According to legend, Romulus founded the city after killing his twin brother Remus. The brothers had been raised by a she-wolf — the symbol of Rome shows them sucking at her teats — but later fell out over where to build the new metropolis. Historians have long been divided not only over whether the pair actually existed, but if so where Romulus’ body — which was reportedly dismembered after his death by angry senators — may have been buried.

“… archaeologists called for caution, saying it was impossible to scientifically confirm — and no bones were found inside the sarcophagus… Legend has it he went on to establish the Roman senate and rule as the city’s first king for nearly 40 years… Romulus acquired a cult following, making it more than plausible that the ancient city built a shrine to its beloved — and possibly mythical — founder.”

Regarding the history of ancient Rome, Herman L. Hoeh wrote the following in the Good News magazine in April of 1958:

Nimrod was the first who totally turned aside after the flood… Later, Nimrod was killed, so they introduced the custom of mourning 40 days in his honor… The ancient Romans celebrated Nimrod’s birthday on December 25…

“After years of oppressing the people for his selfish interests, Shem (according to ancient records) forced Nimrod to flee… to [what became known as] ROME! The ancient name of Rome was ‘Saturnia’… It means the dwelling place of ‘Saturn.’ And the inhabitants of ancient Italy called Nimrod ‘Saturn,’ meaning ‘the hiding one’ — because he ‘lay hid’ from his pursuers… A pagan shrine was later set up on Vatican hill to commemorate this event…

“And the birthday of Nimrod — December 25 — was called the Saturnalia by the Romans. Saturnia fell into decay. A new city, Rome, was later built on the same site — named after Romulus, according to Latin writers.”

The Catholic Church and the Vatican… Compromise upon Compromise

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 21:

“A meeting between the Chinese Foreign Minister and his Vatican counterpart last week resulted in a ‘secret agreement’ that will bring the Chinese government into the process of appointing Catholic Bishops… the agreement… was initiated and approved by Pope Francis… The agreement allows for the Chinese government to pre-approve the Vatican’s appointment of Chinese Bishops… ‘With a view to sustaining the proclamation of the Gospel in China, the Holy Father Pope Francis has decided to readmit to full ecclesial communion the remaining ‘official’ Bishops, ordained without Pontifical Mandate,’ [the Vatican announced]… in return, Beijing would recognize some, though not all, of the bishops previously appointed by the Vatican…

“Retired Hong Kong cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun has long been a critic of Pope Francis’ relations with the Chinese government… Zen issued a statement criticizing the deal, accusing the Vatican of ‘selling out’ mainland Chinese Catholics in order to normalize ties with Communist China. ‘With a totalitarian regime, there’s no possibility of any talk or bargaining…,’ [Zen said].”

This reminds us of the compromise of the Catholic Church when entering into covenants (“concordats”) with Hitler and Mussolini. And as the Church lost in the aftermaths of the bargain, so they will lose again with trying to make a bargain with China.

Trump in Office Beyond 2024?

Inqusitr wrote on February 21:

“At a rally in Las Vegas on Friday, Trump for at least the 28th time said that he planned to remain in office beyond the end of his term… Trump twice alluded to what appears to be his desire to remain in the White House… beyond 2024 — the last full year of his second term…

“In what seemed to be an off-the-cuff monologue in which he congratulated himself for his role in bringing the 2028 Olympic Games to Los Angeles, California… Trump said that there was a ‘distinct possibility’ that he would still be in office by the time of those Olympics.”

We have been saying that Trump will be reelected in 2020 and that he will be the last President of the USA. But this does not have to mean that he could only stay in office until the end of 2024. Note the next article.

The Atlantic wrote on February 22:

“If he is reelected, then, barring other circumstances…, his administration will terminate… in 2025… Trump would cease to be president immediately upon the expiration of his term. But what if he won’t leave the White House?

“The American Constitution spells out how the transfer of power is supposed to work. Article II provides that the president ‘shall hold his office for the term of four years.’ The 20th Amendment says that the president’s and vice president’s terms ‘shall end at noon on the 20th day of January … and the terms of their successors shall then begin.’ Of course, a president may be reelected to a second four-year term, but under the 22nd Amendment, ‘no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice.’

“… the former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee tweeted, President Trump ‘will be eligible for a 3rd term due to the illegal attempts by Comey, Dems, and media , et al attempting to oust him as [President] so that’s why I was named to head up the 2024 re-election.’… Huckabee is not the first person to suggest that Trump might not leave when his presidency ends.

“In May, the faith leader Jerry Falwell Jr. tweeted an apparent reference to the completed investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian election interference. ‘I now support reparations,’ he wrote. ‘Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt failed coup.’ Trump retweeted Falwell’s post.

“One of Trump’s former confidants, Michael Cohen, has suggested that Trump won’t leave. In his congressional testimony before heading to prison, Trump’s former attorney said, “Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power.”

“Trump himself has joked about staying in office beyond his term, and even for life. In December, Trump told a crowd at a Pennsylvania rally that he will leave office in ‘five years, nine years, 13 years, 17 years, 21 years, 25 years, 29 years …’ He added that he was joking to drive the media ‘totally crazy.’ Just a few days earlier, Trump had alluded to his critics in a speech, ‘A lot of them say, “You know he’s not leaving”… So now we have to start thinking about that because it’s not a bad idea.’ This is how propaganda works. Say something outrageous often enough and soon it no longer sounds shocking.

Refusal to leave office is rare, but not unheard of. In the past decade, presidents in democracies such as Moldova, Sri Lanka, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Gambia have refused to leave office, sometimes leading to bloodshed. In 2016, Joseph Kabila decided not to step down after three five-year terms as the president of Congo, announcing that he would delay the election for two years so that a census could be conducted. His decision was met with mass protests in which 50 people were killed by government security forces. Still, he followed through and an election took place in 2018. He left office thereafter.

Elected officials in the U.S. have also refused to step down, albeit from lower offices than the presidency… The closest thing to a refusal to leave office that the U.S. presidency has experienced was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s break with tradition by seeking a third term. Roosevelt rejected the norm set by George Washington, and followed by successive presidents, to step down after two terms. FDR was elected to a third and even a fourth term, but concern about a permanent executive led to the ratification of the 22nd Amendment in 1951, limiting presidents to two terms…”

“… if Trump should fail in his final duty as president to transfer power peacefully, the nation’s laws, norms, and institutions will be responsible for carrying out the will of the electorate. Should those fail too, then the American experiment’s greatest achievement will come to a grinding halt…”

Of course, the Constitution can always be amended. In a time of war, when a president in power is perceived as strong, while his “successor” would be looked upon as weak and timid, everything could be possible.

Democratic Primary Race a Mess

The Huffington Post wrote on February 26:

“Most of the Democratic field stepped into the debate hall here Tuesday night needing a clear win to upend a messy 2020 presidential primary race. None of them got it.

“In less than a week, South Carolina voters will cast their ballots in the fourth election day of the 2020 presidential cycle — the first race in which African American voters will make up the majority of the electorate. And in exactly a week, 14 states, American Samoa and Democrats abroad will follow suit on Super Tuesday, by the end of which 40% of the American population will have voted.

“But no candidate stepped up to claim a victory, and instead the five men and two women on the debate stage engaged in a shambolic mess of a debate that seems unlikely to have a significant effect on the state of the race, which currently favors Sen. Bernie Sanders. The other candidates chasing him…  didn’t deliver the type of major moment necessary to vault themselves past Sanders in polling. 

“Sanders was the debate’s center of gravity, but the candidates also took plenty of time to jab at candidates who weren’t leading the race ― a telling sign of just how divided the field remains and a look at how Sanders can continue to exploit that division to rack up delegates without becoming a clear front-runner.”

During this chaotic debate, some of the candidates shouted that Sanders and others could not beat President Trump. We agree. None of the candidates will beat Trump. It is a given and pre-ordained that Trump will be reelected. One reason is that he will be used to help in building the prophesied Third Temple. Another reason is to bring this country down, perhaps to the point of civil war, and to totally destroy America’s formerly somewhat friendly relationship with its European allies, which will lead to World War III and the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Note the next article.

USA and Europe … Worlds Apart

CNN wrote on February 17:

“What will a second Donald Trump presidential term look like…? That was the thought in many delegates’ minds as they gathered over the weekend in the southern German city of Munich for a security conference…

Attacking Trump has become something of a hobby at this annual Bavarian gathering. It is symptomatic of how many in Europe feel that America, and Trump in particular, is withdrawing from the post-World War II world order… Germany in particular has drawn Trump’s ire

“But for anyone thinking a Democrat may be different… America’s isolation is not a Trumpian thing… it had begun under Obama, the last President’s policies in the Middle East being an example of that… Europe may find America has grown out of love with its Western roots and moved on…”

Controversial US Ambassador to Germany new US Intelligence Chief

The Local wrote on February 21:

“US President Donald Trump’s administration insisted Thursday that new US intelligence chief and Germany ambassador Richard Grenell would serve without a partisan agenda…

“The 53-year-old former political advisor, who has no directly relevant background or top-level management experience, will supervise 17 agencies including the CIA. He has been unusually outspoken for an ambassador in criticizing the country where he serves… His outspoken behaviour… has led some German politicians to demand his expulsion…

“The longtime media commentator and former US spokesman at the United Nations will be the first openly gay US cabinet official… Avoiding a potentially contentious confirmation fight, Trump named him acting director, meaning he can serve for 210 days without approval from the Senate…

“Grenell has cheered on the rise of right-wing populists in Europe, including hailing Austria’s ultra-conservative chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, as a ‘rock star.’ He previously drew controversy as a spokesman for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign

“Senior congressional Republicans were muted in their response to the nomination. But Representative Matt Gaetz, a conservative who backs gay rights, praised the historical importance of the appointment. ‘Fifty years ago a gay man or woman couldn’t work in the intelligence community,’ he said.”

The New York Post added on February 22:

“[His] new job… makes Grenell the highest serving openly gay man to hold federal office in United States history.”

Some achievement! Grenell has been extremely unpopular in Germany, but his “sexual orientation” had nothing to do with it.

Brexit News

 Bloomberg wrote on February 27:

 “U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the European Union he’ll walk away from the negotiating table in June if it’s not clear he’s going to get a Canada-style trade agreement with the bloc…”

 The Guardian added:

 “The UK is to abandon a crucial tool used to speed up the transfer of criminals across borders with other European countries. Acting against the warnings of senior law enforcement officials, the government said it would not be seeking to participate in the European arrest warrant (EAW) as part of the future relationship with the European Union… The UK’s loss of the EAW became inevitable after Brexit; the treaty only applies to EU member states…

 “When Britain left the EU on 31 January, three EU countries – Germany, Austria and Slovenia – announced they would stop surrendering their nationals to British law enforcement…”

It is feared that Britain may become the harbor for European criminals.

Trump Administration Enforces Public Charge Rule against Legal Immigrants!

Breitbart wrote on February 24:

“President Trump’s administration on Monday started implementing the federal regulation geared toward stopping likely welfare-dependent legal immigrants from permanently resettling in the United States.

“After the U.S. Supreme Court gave the green light for the regulation, the Trump administration has now begun applying what is known as the ‘Public Charge’ rule—a rule whereby legal immigrants are less likely to secure a permanent residency in the U.S. if they have used any forms of welfare in the past, including any cash benefits for income maintenance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)– otherwise known as food stamps, Medicaid, and certain taxpayer-funded housing programs.

“The rule will now apply nationwide…”

A horrible and ungodly rule, and even though many in this country might support it, as Breitbart claimed in their article,  it only shows why God is so angry with America’s government and its people. The next article shows even more why we are saying this.

Incredible US Supreme Court Decision

npr wrote on February 26:

“A sharply divided [U.S. Supreme] court first ruled that the parents of a Mexican boy shot and killed by a U.S. border patrol agent cannot sue the officer who killed their son… In 2010, 15-year-old Sergio Hernandez and his friends were playing chicken at the U.S. Mexican border, running up and touching the border fence and then running away and hiding. Video of the scene shows Sergio peeking out from behind a railroad trestle on the Mexico side, as Agent Jesus Mesa Jr. points a gun, fires, and kills the boy.

“When the U.S. government declined to prosecute the agent or turn him over to Mexican authorities to face murder charges there, the boy’s parents sued the agent for damages, contending that he violated the U.S. Constitution by depriving Hernandez of his life. The suit was brought under a 1971 Supreme Court ruling that allowed such damage claims against officers who act in bad faith.

“The panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals found that no reasonable officer would have done what Agent Mesa did under the circumstances, but the full appeals court said that it didn’t matter whether Mesa had acted unreasonably because Hernandez was standing on the Mexican side of the border when he was shot, his parents couldn’t sue.

“On Tuesday, the Supreme Court threw out the suit entirely and went much further… The vote was 5-to-4 with the court’s conservative justices refusing to allow damage suits for cross-border shootings…

“Mexico filed a brief in the case saying the U.S. should ‘hold the agents accountable’ and pointing out that the U.S. ‘would expect no less if … a Mexican government agent, standing in Mexico and shooting across the border, had killed an American child standing on U.S. soil.’”

No matter what the legalese and the concocted arguments, if there are any, the Supreme Court came up with, this ungodly decision decries any sense of justice. We are facing a grim future of our country with these kinds of unconscionable decisions of our highest court.

Mubarak Died

Deutsche Welle reported on February 25:

“Former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, has died at the age of 91… Mubarak, who had ruled Egypt for three decades and was ousted by mass protests in 2011, died of health complications at a Cairo hospital where he had undergone an unspecified surgery… The former strongman and his two sons were convicted to a three-year sentence and ordered to pay millions of dollars in fines for embezzlement of state funds… Egypt’s current president, Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, mourned the death of ousted Mubarak as a ‘military leader and war hero’ and offered the government’s condolences to his family…

“A former bomber pilot, Mubarak came to power after his predecessor Anwar Sadat was gunned down standing next to him at a military parade. Throughout his rule, Mubarak was a staunch US ally, fought back against Islamic militancy and promoted Egypt’s peace with Israel. But in 2011, tens of thousands of young Egyptians rallied against him for 18 days of unprecedented street protests in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square that drew the participation of millions of people.

“Mubarak’s downfall was a stunning development that marked the Arab Spring movement. But his overthrow plunged Egypt into years of instability and set the stage for a power struggle between the country’s military and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The Algemeiner added on February 25:

“‘On behalf of the citizens and government of Israel, I would like to express deep sorrow on the passing of President Hosni Mubarak,’ Netanyahu said in a statement. ‘President Mubarak, my personal friend, was a leader who led his people to peace and security, to peace with Israel.’…

“Mubarak… was widely respected in Israel for his preservation of the peace treaty signed in 1979 by his assassinated predecessor Anwar Sadat.”

The Week reported:

“Mubarak was Egypt’s longest-serving leader in 150 years, and his violent crackdown on the protests led to his arrest and life imprisonment. He was released in 2017 after a higher court acquitted him of most charges.”

Some might recall Herbert W. Armstrong’s highly publicized friendly relationship with Anwar Sadat and his visit with Mubarak after Sadat’s murder.

Germany’s Uncertain Political Future

According to new polls, only every 5th German would like to see Angela Merkel stay in power. Local elections in the city of Hamburg (the second-biggest city of Germany), which has been traditionally SPD-friendly, have also shown another defeat for Merkel’s CDU, with the historically lowest numbers of only about 11.2%. The Green party gained, while the AfD barely made the 5% hurdle. The FDP did not even qualify. The SPD has maintained its status as the biggest party in Hamburg, but it too registered substantial losses. The CDU wants to elect their new leader on April 25. This leader would then also normally become the successor to Angela Merkel as the candidate for Chancellorship.

Germany Allows Assisted Suicide

Deutsche Welle reported on February 26:

“Germany’s highest court has overturned a section of the criminal code forbidding all forms of assisted suicide… The law was adopted in 2015 by Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, to prevent associations or individuals from turning suicide into a kind of business. Specifically, the law states that ‘anyone who, with the intention of assisting another person to commit suicide, provides, procures or arranges the opportunity for that person to do so and whose actions are intended as a recurring pursuit incurs a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or a fine.’

“Legal experts have since hotly debated whether the law also criminalizes consultations — or merely mentioning, for example, that one may end one’s life by foregoing food… The Protestant and Catholic churches in Germany reject all forms of assisted suicide…

“The country‘s top court on February 26 ruled that paragraph 217 is incompatible with the constitution, making assisted suicide once more possible in Germany… The verdict opens the door to legislation that would allow doctors to counsel patients about this option and provide them with lethal drugs, yet not administer them. The court found that individuals have a right to ‘self-determined’ suicide, including the freedom to take one’s own life and to enlist organized services provided by third parties…”

Suicide is always wrong. It violates God’s commandments. In German, the word for suicide is “Selbstmord”—that is, murdering oneself. And so, assisted suicide is helping another person to kill or murder him- or herself, which is of course also wrong. Even though man’s courts and laws might allow such conduct, this does not mean that a Christian should or could engage in such practices.

Daredevil Wanted to Prove that the Earth Is Flat and Died in the Process

The Los Angeles Times wrote on February 22:

“Mike Hughes, the self-made engineer who billed himself as the ‘world’s greatest daredevil,’ was killed Saturday outside Barstow during a launch of a homemade rocket gone wrong… Hughes, who went by the nickname ‘Mad Mike,’ was captured on video as he rode a rocket into the sky, failed to activate a parachute and then plummeted to his death… The daredevil had been hoping to use Saturday’s launch to reach a height of 5,000 feet… None of Hughes’ backup parachutes activated, either…

“Before that launch, Hughes told the Associated Press that he believed Earth is flat – or, in his words, ‘shaped like a Frisbee’ – and that he wanted to fly into space to make sure… the flat Earth argument helped drum up publicity and sponsors for Hughes, who made his rockets at his home in Apple Valley… [Hughes also] did have some governmental conspiracy theories…”

Bild Online added that he wanted to reach space “high-up” with a self-made rocket to “prove that the earth is a disc.” The flat earth theory is total nonsense. We don’t know whether any relationship exists between some of his stupid ideas and his death.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Chaos and Order / The Falling Away Has Begun!

On February 29, 2020, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “Chaos and Order,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “The Falling Away Has Begun!”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 914

Chaos and Order / The Falling Away Has Begun!

On February 29, 2020, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “Chaos and Order,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “The Falling Away Has Begun!”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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We See in a Mirror, Dimly

by Paul Niehoff (Australia)

There are a number of passages in the Bible that show us that there are many things that we do not understand in this age. The title of this editorial is from 1 Corinthians 13:12, first part. In fact, the same verse goes on to explain that “…Now I know in part…” The apostle Paul was saying here that in his human life, there were things that he could not see clearly but darkly, or as an enigma as the Greek can be translated. The mirrors in those days were usually polished metal and not fully effective, and he used the image in a poor mirror as an analogy of his understanding.

When we study God’s Word, there are many things we read but as humans cannot fully understand. We read them and know them to be true but with human reasoning we cannot understand how or why. An example of this is in 1 Corinthians 15:35: “But someone will say, ‘How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?’” Paul goes on to answer this question by beginning with an analogy comparing physical with spiritual things.

Just recently, in a question and answer series, the question was answered, “How can God listen to billions of prayers at the same time?” As a human being, we can usually only concentrate on one conversation at a time, which is why the question would be asked. But with God, whose understanding is infinite (Psalm 147:5), He could listen to all the prayers of faithful and sincere people at the same time. As was mentioned in the Q&A, in this present age, the number would certainly be a very small fraction of billions, but it would be well within God’s ability to listen to billions.

One might ask, “How could God know, before He created the world, who would be alive in Ephesus in the first century so He could choose His firstfruits from them?” (compare Ephesians 1:4). As a human, our experience and therefore first-hand knowledge extends from some time after birth to death. But with God, who created time, He knew before the world was created whom He would call to become one of His firstfruits prior to Christ’s Second Coming.

Through Moses, God explains to us in Deuteronomy 29:29: “The secret things belong to the LORD our God.” Then He informs and encourages us, “But those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” So even though there are some things we may not understand because they are not revealed yet, there are many things that God has revealed to us for our benefit. And God has given us this revelation in the form of His Bible. It reveals all we need to know about God and His Plan.

Much is revealed to us in it including that God has a desire for everybody to be ultimately saved as we read in 1 Timothy 2:3-4: “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” He does not exclude anyone for any reason from His desire but when they are called, they must of course respond to Him.

This is also stated in John 3:17: “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” This not only includes His firstfruits but provides the possibility for everyone to be saved in his or her due time. God’s Plan is all inclusive.

However, through His Word, God gives His firstfruits knowledge of rewards for us. Romans 8:29-30, 32 states: “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover, whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified… He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things.”

God also promises that He will not give up on us if we do not give up on Him. Philippians 1:6 says: “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” God can be totally relied upon to carry out His part of His agreement with all those He calls now.

Again, God addresses us in 1 John 4:9-10, 14. He reveals to us that His Son is not only our Saviour, but the Saviour of the world: “In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Saviour of the world.” Again, it is revealed to us that Jesus is the Saviour of both us and, later, the world.

And He reveals to us knowledge of the great rewards ahead through king David. Psalm 16:11 reads: “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Many things are revealed in the pages of the Bible but some things will not be revealed until our resurrection or change.

If we knew and understood all things, there would not be any reason for faith and hope. Both faith and hope can only be present if we do not see everything clearly but rely on God’s promises, and His promises are awesome. But in this life God requires us to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Both faith and hope are mentioned in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hope is also mentioned in Romans 8:24-25: “For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.”

Considering the end result of this process of believing what we cannot see, we can read in the rest of 1 Corinthians 13:12: “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I am also known.” God knows us fully now but then we shall know all things fully.

The question in 1 Corinthians 15:35, pertaining to the first resurrection, that Paul answered at first with an analogy, before explaining it fully, is also answered in full in 1 John 3:2: “Beloved, now we are the children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” That is, a glorious Spirit being as John saw in a vision in Revelation 1:13-16.

So the conclusion to the subject is that if we live in faith and hope, not understanding all things now but believing what God has revealed and His promises, this will be the ultimate result, as stated in Revelation 21:7: “He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.”

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by Norbert Link

We begin with interesting developments pertaining to the biblically prophesied building of the third temple on the Temple Mount prior to Christ’s return; a revealing article about the consumption of unclean meat and meat from a live animal; and the speedy global spread of the coronavirus and its consequences for the lives of all of us, including the world economy and travel limitations. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled,The Third Temple and the Coronavirus.”   

We report on the alleged find of the tomb of Romulus, the perceived co-founder of Rome, and address the virtually unknown history of the city; ongoing compromises of the Catholic Church which are reminiscent of the church’s treaties with Mussolini and Hitler; and, based on his repeated announcements, the fear that Trump might refuse to vacate his office after completion of his second term. We also emphasize again why we are convinced that, according to biblical prophecy, Trump will be reelected in 2020.  

We publish articles on the irreconcilable differences between the USA and Europe (especially Germany); the latest on the Brexit negotiations; and we report on the Trump Administration’s policies on immigration and a decision by the US Supreme Court, evidencing once more WHY God is so angry with our nation.

We speak on the death of former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak; Germany’s uncertain political future; the decision of the highest German court to allow assisted suicide; and the death of a “daredevil” in his futile attempt to “prove” that the earth was “flat.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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The Temple Tax—Preparing for the Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 21:

“In preparation for the upcoming holiday of Purim, Jews around the world will be reading the section of the Torah that describes the giving of the sanctified half-shekel silver coin to the Tabernacle… From the time of the Tabernacle until well after the Temple was destroyed, every Jewish man was required to give one half-shekel weight of silver, approximately eight grams of silver (worth about $4 today), as a mandatory tax to support the Temple… Each man was obligated to give the same amount, regardless of his economic condition, with collection beginning on the first day of the month of Adar…

“Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, explained… ‘As the preparations for the Temple move forward, the need for that tax is reemerging. Without the half-shekel right now, there can be no Third Temple.’

“It is towards that end that the Sanhedrin minted a coin specifically for the current era. Mordechai Persoff who established the Mikdash Educational Center, a non-profit organization for education about the Temple, is marketing the coin… ‘[We are minting a series of coins to reflect a prophetic process that is unfolding right now,’ Persoff said. ‘Just as Cyrus paved the way that enabled the Jews to build the Second Temple, President Trump began a similar process’…

“Rabbi Weiss noted that the first coin issued by the Sanhedrin featuring Donald Trump and an image of King Cryus was wildly popular. ‘Unfortunately, that popularity came at a price,’ Rabbi Weiss said. ‘Other sources began minting and selling counterfeit versions of the coin… ‘Most of the counterfeiters were from China and Asia where the copyright laws are not as stringently enforced,’ Rabbi Weiss said. ‘It is no wonder that the coronavirus plague originated in a region that stole from the holy half-shekel.’

“Proceeds from the sale of the coin will be used in reenactments of Temple services as well as in other educational and practical endeavors that help prepare for the Third Temple. Should the need arise, the proceeds will be used for the actual building of the Temple.”

On one side of the new coin, it pictures Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu with the American and Israeli flags, including the words in English and Hebrew, “War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness,” and on the coin’s reverse side, it pictures King Cyrus, the second Temple, a lion with a sword and under it the words “Persian Empire,” and the words, “The Temple Coin” in Persian, Hebrew and English, together with the words “Half Shekel 2020”; and “Cyrus is My Anointed King Isaiah 45” in English and Hebrew.

Final Destination—the Third Temple

Haaretz wrote on February 22:

“Once annexation is achieved, the messianic prize awaits: the gradual takeover of the Temple Mount, in stages. First by allowing Jewish prayer on the Mount and ultimately by establishing a holy temple and renewing ritual sacrificial slaughter.. the final destination of this train is the Temple Mount…

“From the Temple Mount blows a fascist wind unique to Jewish nationalism, and it will not be calmed until the injustice of Al-Aqsa is obliterated and a holy temple is rebuilt…

While Haaretz is against all of this, their statements are nevertheless revealing.

Eating Unclean or Living Animals!

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 19:

“Many of the early headlines in the international press link the appearance of the virus to the sale, in food markets in China, of many kinds of non-kosher animals, including live foxes, crocodiles, wolf pups, salamanders, snakes, rats, peacocks, porcupines and live koalas… Eating part of a living creature is one of the most severe sins from the Torah, even for non-Jews…

“In Jewish thought, the prohibition against eating from a live animal teaches a deeper lesson. If we tear a limb from a live animal to eat, not only is it cruel, but it also reflects another base character trait. Someone who grabs what they want and eats immediately is focused only on their animal desires. They lack the willpower and refinement to properly prepare their meal before indulging in it.”

Even the very thought of eating such unclean animals like the ones described above or eating parts of a living animal (clean or unclean) is absolutely revolting, disgusting and appalling.

Coronavirus a Serious Problem

Deutsche Welle reported on February 23 [the numbers in the article have been changed as to reflect the status on Wednesday evening]:

“Several Italian towns have taken urgent measures to stop the virus from spreading following the deaths of [by now at least 11] people and more than [320] infections.

“Venice has called off its Carnival celebrations due to the outbreak… The spike in cases also prompted regional authorities to order the closure of schools, businesses and restaurants in Veneto and Lombardy, as well as the cancelation of religious services until further notice…

“Iran has reported [at least 139 infections and 19] deaths, and now Turkey and Pakistan have responded by closing their borders with the Islamic Republic. Afghanistan has suspended air and ground travel to Iran.”

Newsmax added on February 23:

“Concern about the reach and rapid spread of the coronavirus also grew in Europe and the Middle East… Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Turkey imposed travel and immigration restrictions on Iran, while Oman on Sunday urged its citizens to steer clear of countries with high infection rates and said arrivals from those nations would be quarantined.”

The Guardian wrote on February 23:

“The world is fast approaching a ‘tipping point’ in the spread of the coronavirus, according to experts who warn that the disease is outpacing efforts to contain it… experts say the situation will soon reach a critical threshold.”

The Drudge Report linked an article of the Associated Press on February 25 with the headline, “World on Lockdown.” Bild wrote: “Mailand (Italy) is becoming a ghost town.” ARD stated that the German Bundespost (German mail) has suspended deliveries to affected areas in Italy.

In the meantime, more cases in Austria, Croatia, Spain and Switzerland have been reported as well, while three infected tourists from Germany, Italy and Britain were detected in the Canary Islands and in Mallorca. As of Wednesday, there are 19 cases in Germany, 13 cases in Great Britain and 12 cases in France, amongst others. [It was reported on Wednesday that one person died of the virus in France.]  China has reported more than 80,000 infections, but the actual figure might be much higher.

The death toll in China as of February 26 was over 2,700. Some experts have stated that it is already too late to avoid a pandemic, and that the pandemic is already here. The WHO seems to want to downplay the matter, stating that the virus has “pandemic” potential, but is not here yet. The WHO seems to be terribly wrong. And the USA might not be spared. See the next articles.

Here are some further updates as of Thursday evening:

Deutsche Welle reported on February 27:

“Italian cases surge… [Italy’s number now stands at 650, and 17 people have died from the respiratory virus.] EU countries said borders will remain open. Germany’s health minister said the country is facing a ‘coronavirus epidemic.‘”

 The Associated Press wrote on February 27:

“The testing in western Germany came after a 47-year-old man with the virus was hospitalized in serious condition in Duesseldorf. The man’s wife, who works in a kindergarten, was also confirmed to have contracted the virus. A soldier in the German air force who had contact with the hospitalized man also has tested positive… [He is the] acting head of the German military hospital in Koblenz.”

Bild Online reported that in Germany, the confirmed cases of people who are infected with the virus have tripled within the last 24 hours, and that over 1,000 people are in quarantine.

The Week wrote on February 27:

 “More than [8,400 people] are being monitored for the coronavirus in California, and 33 people have tested positive… The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday that a person who tested positive for the coronavirus in California might be the first U.S. case of community spread, as they hadn’t recently traveled out of the country or come into contact with anyone who had the virus.”

USA in Danger

Breitbart wrote on February 25:

“As of Tuesday, 57 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in the U.S., which includes the 40 American citizens repatriated from the virus-stricken Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan.”

The Washington Post wrote on February 25:

“Health officials in the United States warned Tuesday that the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country appears inevitable… as global travel disruptions continued to worsen…”

The Sun added on February 25 an article with the following headline:

“Killer Virus Chaos. Americans warned ‘bad’ coronavirus outbreak [a] case of ‘when not if’ as San Francisco declares emergency.”

The article continued:

“The move comes as officials predict hospital overcrowding and less cops on the streets… [The official] cited widespread school closures, a decrease in cops, overloaded hospitals, and deaths as possible outcomes of the outbreak…

“Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar II… said the US will need as many as 300 million masks for health care workers, as well as more ventilators for hospitals to prepare for the deadly disease – but the country only stockpiled 30 million N95 surgical masks.”

Our whole health-care system, fragile as it is anyway, can break down in a heartbeat when confronted with a pandemic for which no one is prepared and no vaccines exist.

How the Virus Spreads

MSN wrote on February 24:

“Italy’s experience… shows how the virus can slip onto a new continent undetected, only to then erupt as a sudden crisis, while bringing with it the interruptions and fears that once seemed far away.  Four days ago, Italy had only three confirmed cases of the virus. Now, it has the largest known outbreak outside Asia, pushing the world closer to a pandemic, in which epidemics spread across multiple countries and continents at the same time…

“Some infectious-disease experts have speculated that the virus was already in Italy for weeks, carried by one or more people with negligible symptoms, before it was detected… ‘Half of Italy in quarantine,’ a headline in one of the country’s major newspapers, La Repubblica, said Monday.”

Despite so-called “precautions,” the global spread of the coronavirus is unstoppable. This will have terrible consequences for air travel, and could also adversely affect members and ministers of the Church of God for the upcoming Passover season.

At the Brink of Recession?

CNN wrote on February 23:

“Markets closed out last week on an anxious note. It’s not difficult to see why: the coronavirus continues to spread, and there are signs that some of the world’s top economies could slide into recession as the outbreak compounds pre-existing weaknesses.

“Take Japan: The world’s third-largest economy shrank 1.6% in the fourth quarter of 2019 as the country absorbed the effects of a sales tax hike and a powerful typhoon. It was [the] biggest contraction compared to the previous quarter since 2014.

“Then there’s Germany. The biggest economy in Europe ground to a halt right before the coronavirus outbreak set in, dragged down by the country’s struggling factories…

Hong Kong is in recession and Singapore could soon suffer a similar fate. Fourth quarter GDP data from Indonesia hit a three-year low, while Malaysia had its worst reading in a decade… Meanwhile, engines of growth like China and India slowed in 2019…

“All of this brings to the fore concerns about the global economy’s ability to withstand a shock from the coronavirus. [It] is poised to make matters worse…

“Even the United States may not be in as strong a position as previously thought… [The] US services sector contracted in February, with the reading hitting a 76-month low. It’s the first time the sector has contracted in four years.”

The Dow Jones dropped by more than 1,000 points on Monday morning, because of fear of the spread of the virus. This was its worst day in two years. On Tuesday, February 25, the Dow dropped a little bit under another 900 points. The 10-year Treasury yield fell to a record low as coronavirus fears of a global pandemic will slow the world economy.

The Week reported on February 27: 

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Thursday down almost 1,200 points [the worst point drop in US history, according to CNN], or over 4.4 percent, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite were each off 4.4 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively. President Trump has sought to reassure investors that the coronavirus outbreak, which has affected countries around the world, is only a small worry for the stock market… The Dow has lost more than 3,000 points this week.”

All of this shows how quickly our entire somewhat artificial economic system can collapse because of widespread fears and uncertainties.

Tomb of Romulus Found?

AFP wrote on February 21:

“An ancient tomb thought to belong to Rome’s founder Romulus was presented to the world on Friday… The 6th century BC stone sarcophagus, with an accompanying circular altar, was discovered under the Forum in the heart of Italy’s capital over a century ago — but experts could not agree on whether or not it belonged to the fabled figure.

“According to legend, Romulus founded the city after killing his twin brother Remus. The brothers had been raised by a she-wolf — the symbol of Rome shows them sucking at her teats — but later fell out over where to build the new metropolis. Historians have long been divided not only over whether the pair actually existed, but if so where Romulus’ body — which was reportedly dismembered after his death by angry senators — may have been buried.

“… archaeologists called for caution, saying it was impossible to scientifically confirm — and no bones were found inside the sarcophagus… Legend has it he went on to establish the Roman senate and rule as the city’s first king for nearly 40 years… Romulus acquired a cult following, making it more than plausible that the ancient city built a shrine to its beloved — and possibly mythical — founder.”

Regarding the history of ancient Rome, Herman L. Hoeh wrote the following in the Good News magazine in April of 1958:

Nimrod was the first who totally turned aside after the flood… Later, Nimrod was killed, so they introduced the custom of mourning 40 days in his honor… The ancient Romans celebrated Nimrod’s birthday on December 25…

“After years of oppressing the people for his selfish interests, Shem (according to ancient records) forced Nimrod to flee… to [what became known as] ROME! The ancient name of Rome was ‘Saturnia’… It means the dwelling place of ‘Saturn.’ And the inhabitants of ancient Italy called Nimrod ‘Saturn,’ meaning ‘the hiding one’ — because he ‘lay hid’ from his pursuers… A pagan shrine was later set up on Vatican hill to commemorate this event…

“And the birthday of Nimrod — December 25 — was called the Saturnalia by the Romans. Saturnia fell into decay. A new city, Rome, was later built on the same site — named after Romulus, according to Latin writers.”

The Catholic Church and the Vatican… Compromise upon Compromise

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 21:

“A meeting between the Chinese Foreign Minister and his Vatican counterpart last week resulted in a ‘secret agreement’ that will bring the Chinese government into the process of appointing Catholic Bishops… the agreement… was initiated and approved by Pope Francis… The agreement allows for the Chinese government to pre-approve the Vatican’s appointment of Chinese Bishops… ‘With a view to sustaining the proclamation of the Gospel in China, the Holy Father Pope Francis has decided to readmit to full ecclesial communion the remaining ‘official’ Bishops, ordained without Pontifical Mandate,’ [the Vatican announced]… in return, Beijing would recognize some, though not all, of the bishops previously appointed by the Vatican…

“Retired Hong Kong cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun has long been a critic of Pope Francis’ relations with the Chinese government… Zen issued a statement criticizing the deal, accusing the Vatican of ‘selling out’ mainland Chinese Catholics in order to normalize ties with Communist China. ‘With a totalitarian regime, there’s no possibility of any talk or bargaining…,’ [Zen said].”

This reminds us of the compromise of the Catholic Church when entering into covenants (“concordats”) with Hitler and Mussolini. And as the Church lost in the aftermaths of the bargain, so they will lose again with trying to make a bargain with China.

Trump in Office Beyond 2024?

Inqusitr wrote on February 21:

“At a rally in Las Vegas on Friday, Trump for at least the 28th time said that he planned to remain in office beyond the end of his term… Trump twice alluded to what appears to be his desire to remain in the White House… beyond 2024 — the last full year of his second term…

“In what seemed to be an off-the-cuff monologue in which he congratulated himself for his role in bringing the 2028 Olympic Games to Los Angeles, California… Trump said that there was a ‘distinct possibility’ that he would still be in office by the time of those Olympics.”

We have been saying that Trump will be reelected in 2020 and that he will be the last President of the USA. But this does not have to mean that he could only stay in office until the end of 2024. Note the next article.

The Atlantic wrote on February 22:

“If he is reelected, then, barring other circumstances…, his administration will terminate… in 2025… Trump would cease to be president immediately upon the expiration of his term. But what if he won’t leave the White House?

“The American Constitution spells out how the transfer of power is supposed to work. Article II provides that the president ‘shall hold his office for the term of four years.’ The 20th Amendment says that the president’s and vice president’s terms ‘shall end at noon on the 20th day of January … and the terms of their successors shall then begin.’ Of course, a president may be reelected to a second four-year term, but under the 22nd Amendment, ‘no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice.’

“… the former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee tweeted, President Trump ‘will be eligible for a 3rd term due to the illegal attempts by Comey, Dems, and media , et al attempting to oust him as [President] so that’s why I was named to head up the 2024 re-election.’… Huckabee is not the first person to suggest that Trump might not leave when his presidency ends.

“In May, the faith leader Jerry Falwell Jr. tweeted an apparent reference to the completed investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian election interference. ‘I now support reparations,’ he wrote. ‘Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt failed coup.’ Trump retweeted Falwell’s post.

“One of Trump’s former confidants, Michael Cohen, has suggested that Trump won’t leave. In his congressional testimony before heading to prison, Trump’s former attorney said, “Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power.”

“Trump himself has joked about staying in office beyond his term, and even for life. In December, Trump told a crowd at a Pennsylvania rally that he will leave office in ‘five years, nine years, 13 years, 17 years, 21 years, 25 years, 29 years …’ He added that he was joking to drive the media ‘totally crazy.’ Just a few days earlier, Trump had alluded to his critics in a speech, ‘A lot of them say, “You know he’s not leaving”… So now we have to start thinking about that because it’s not a bad idea.’ This is how propaganda works. Say something outrageous often enough and soon it no longer sounds shocking.

Refusal to leave office is rare, but not unheard of. In the past decade, presidents in democracies such as Moldova, Sri Lanka, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Gambia have refused to leave office, sometimes leading to bloodshed. In 2016, Joseph Kabila decided not to step down after three five-year terms as the president of Congo, announcing that he would delay the election for two years so that a census could be conducted. His decision was met with mass protests in which 50 people were killed by government security forces. Still, he followed through and an election took place in 2018. He left office thereafter.

Elected officials in the U.S. have also refused to step down, albeit from lower offices than the presidency… The closest thing to a refusal to leave office that the U.S. presidency has experienced was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s break with tradition by seeking a third term. Roosevelt rejected the norm set by George Washington, and followed by successive presidents, to step down after two terms. FDR was elected to a third and even a fourth term, but concern about a permanent executive led to the ratification of the 22nd Amendment in 1951, limiting presidents to two terms…”

“… if Trump should fail in his final duty as president to transfer power peacefully, the nation’s laws, norms, and institutions will be responsible for carrying out the will of the electorate. Should those fail too, then the American experiment’s greatest achievement will come to a grinding halt…”

Of course, the Constitution can always be amended. In a time of war, when a president in power is perceived as strong, while his “successor” would be looked upon as weak and timid, everything could be possible.

Democratic Primary Race a Mess

The Huffington Post wrote on February 26:

“Most of the Democratic field stepped into the debate hall here Tuesday night needing a clear win to upend a messy 2020 presidential primary race. None of them got it.

“In less than a week, South Carolina voters will cast their ballots in the fourth election day of the 2020 presidential cycle — the first race in which African American voters will make up the majority of the electorate. And in exactly a week, 14 states, American Samoa and Democrats abroad will follow suit on Super Tuesday, by the end of which 40% of the American population will have voted.

“But no candidate stepped up to claim a victory, and instead the five men and two women on the debate stage engaged in a shambolic mess of a debate that seems unlikely to have a significant effect on the state of the race, which currently favors Sen. Bernie Sanders. The other candidates chasing him…  didn’t deliver the type of major moment necessary to vault themselves past Sanders in polling. 

“Sanders was the debate’s center of gravity, but the candidates also took plenty of time to jab at candidates who weren’t leading the race ― a telling sign of just how divided the field remains and a look at how Sanders can continue to exploit that division to rack up delegates without becoming a clear front-runner.”

During this chaotic debate, some of the candidates shouted that Sanders and others could not beat President Trump. We agree. None of the candidates will beat Trump. It is a given and pre-ordained that Trump will be reelected. One reason is that he will be used to help in building the prophesied Third Temple. Another reason is to bring this country down, perhaps to the point of civil war, and to totally destroy America’s formerly somewhat friendly relationship with its European allies, which will lead to World War III and the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Note the next article.

USA and Europe … Worlds Apart

CNN wrote on February 17:

“What will a second Donald Trump presidential term look like…? That was the thought in many delegates’ minds as they gathered over the weekend in the southern German city of Munich for a security conference…

Attacking Trump has become something of a hobby at this annual Bavarian gathering. It is symptomatic of how many in Europe feel that America, and Trump in particular, is withdrawing from the post-World War II world order… Germany in particular has drawn Trump’s ire

“But for anyone thinking a Democrat may be different… America’s isolation is not a Trumpian thing… it had begun under Obama, the last President’s policies in the Middle East being an example of that… Europe may find America has grown out of love with its Western roots and moved on…”

Controversial US Ambassador to Germany new US Intelligence Chief

The Local wrote on February 21:

“US President Donald Trump’s administration insisted Thursday that new US intelligence chief and Germany ambassador Richard Grenell would serve without a partisan agenda…

“The 53-year-old former political advisor, who has no directly relevant background or top-level management experience, will supervise 17 agencies including the CIA. He has been unusually outspoken for an ambassador in criticizing the country where he serves… His outspoken behaviour… has led some German politicians to demand his expulsion…

“The longtime media commentator and former US spokesman at the United Nations will be the first openly gay US cabinet official… Avoiding a potentially contentious confirmation fight, Trump named him acting director, meaning he can serve for 210 days without approval from the Senate…

“Grenell has cheered on the rise of right-wing populists in Europe, including hailing Austria’s ultra-conservative chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, as a ‘rock star.’ He previously drew controversy as a spokesman for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign

“Senior congressional Republicans were muted in their response to the nomination. But Representative Matt Gaetz, a conservative who backs gay rights, praised the historical importance of the appointment. ‘Fifty years ago a gay man or woman couldn’t work in the intelligence community,’ he said.”

The New York Post added on February 22:

“[His] new job… makes Grenell the highest serving openly gay man to hold federal office in United States history.”

Some achievement! Grenell has been extremely unpopular in Germany, but his “sexual orientation” had nothing to do with it.

Brexit News

 Bloomberg wrote on February 27:

 “U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the European Union he’ll walk away from the negotiating table in June if it’s not clear he’s going to get a Canada-style trade agreement with the bloc…”

 The Guardian added:

 “The UK is to abandon a crucial tool used to speed up the transfer of criminals across borders with other European countries. Acting against the warnings of senior law enforcement officials, the government said it would not be seeking to participate in the European arrest warrant (EAW) as part of the future relationship with the European Union… The UK’s loss of the EAW became inevitable after Brexit; the treaty only applies to EU member states…

 “When Britain left the EU on 31 January, three EU countries – Germany, Austria and Slovenia – announced they would stop surrendering their nationals to British law enforcement…”

It is feared that Britain may become the harbor for European criminals.

Trump Administration Enforces Public Charge Rule against Legal Immigrants!

Breitbart wrote on February 24:

“President Trump’s administration on Monday started implementing the federal regulation geared toward stopping likely welfare-dependent legal immigrants from permanently resettling in the United States.

“After the U.S. Supreme Court gave the green light for the regulation, the Trump administration has now begun applying what is known as the ‘Public Charge’ rule—a rule whereby legal immigrants are less likely to secure a permanent residency in the U.S. if they have used any forms of welfare in the past, including any cash benefits for income maintenance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)– otherwise known as food stamps, Medicaid, and certain taxpayer-funded housing programs.

“The rule will now apply nationwide…”

A horrible and ungodly rule, and even though many in this country might support it, as Breitbart claimed in their article,  it only shows why God is so angry with America’s government and its people. The next article shows even more why we are saying this.

Incredible US Supreme Court Decision

npr wrote on February 26:

“A sharply divided [U.S. Supreme] court first ruled that the parents of a Mexican boy shot and killed by a U.S. border patrol agent cannot sue the officer who killed their son… In 2010, 15-year-old Sergio Hernandez and his friends were playing chicken at the U.S. Mexican border, running up and touching the border fence and then running away and hiding. Video of the scene shows Sergio peeking out from behind a railroad trestle on the Mexico side, as Agent Jesus Mesa Jr. points a gun, fires, and kills the boy.

“When the U.S. government declined to prosecute the agent or turn him over to Mexican authorities to face murder charges there, the boy’s parents sued the agent for damages, contending that he violated the U.S. Constitution by depriving Hernandez of his life. The suit was brought under a 1971 Supreme Court ruling that allowed such damage claims against officers who act in bad faith.

“The panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals found that no reasonable officer would have done what Agent Mesa did under the circumstances, but the full appeals court said that it didn’t matter whether Mesa had acted unreasonably because Hernandez was standing on the Mexican side of the border when he was shot, his parents couldn’t sue.

“On Tuesday, the Supreme Court threw out the suit entirely and went much further… The vote was 5-to-4 with the court’s conservative justices refusing to allow damage suits for cross-border shootings…

“Mexico filed a brief in the case saying the U.S. should ‘hold the agents accountable’ and pointing out that the U.S. ‘would expect no less if … a Mexican government agent, standing in Mexico and shooting across the border, had killed an American child standing on U.S. soil.’”

No matter what the legalese and the concocted arguments, if there are any, the Supreme Court came up with, this ungodly decision decries any sense of justice. We are facing a grim future of our country with these kinds of unconscionable decisions of our highest court.

Mubarak Died

Deutsche Welle reported on February 25:

“Former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, has died at the age of 91… Mubarak, who had ruled Egypt for three decades and was ousted by mass protests in 2011, died of health complications at a Cairo hospital where he had undergone an unspecified surgery… The former strongman and his two sons were convicted to a three-year sentence and ordered to pay millions of dollars in fines for embezzlement of state funds… Egypt’s current president, Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, mourned the death of ousted Mubarak as a ‘military leader and war hero’ and offered the government’s condolences to his family…

“A former bomber pilot, Mubarak came to power after his predecessor Anwar Sadat was gunned down standing next to him at a military parade. Throughout his rule, Mubarak was a staunch US ally, fought back against Islamic militancy and promoted Egypt’s peace with Israel. But in 2011, tens of thousands of young Egyptians rallied against him for 18 days of unprecedented street protests in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square that drew the participation of millions of people.

“Mubarak’s downfall was a stunning development that marked the Arab Spring movement. But his overthrow plunged Egypt into years of instability and set the stage for a power struggle between the country’s military and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The Algemeiner added on February 25:

“‘On behalf of the citizens and government of Israel, I would like to express deep sorrow on the passing of President Hosni Mubarak,’ Netanyahu said in a statement. ‘President Mubarak, my personal friend, was a leader who led his people to peace and security, to peace with Israel.’…

“Mubarak… was widely respected in Israel for his preservation of the peace treaty signed in 1979 by his assassinated predecessor Anwar Sadat.”

The Week reported:

“Mubarak was Egypt’s longest-serving leader in 150 years, and his violent crackdown on the protests led to his arrest and life imprisonment. He was released in 2017 after a higher court acquitted him of most charges.”

Some might recall Herbert W. Armstrong’s highly publicized friendly relationship with Anwar Sadat and his visit with Mubarak after Sadat’s murder.

Germany’s Uncertain Political Future

According to new polls, only every 5th German would like to see Angela Merkel stay in power. Local elections in the city of Hamburg (the second-biggest city of Germany), which has been traditionally SPD-friendly, have also shown another defeat for Merkel’s CDU, with the historically lowest numbers of only about 11.2%. The Green party gained, while the AfD barely made the 5% hurdle. The FDP did not even qualify. The SPD has maintained its status as the biggest party in Hamburg, but it too registered substantial losses. The CDU wants to elect their new leader on April 25. This leader would then also normally become the successor to Angela Merkel as the candidate for Chancellorship.

Germany Allows Assisted Suicide

Deutsche Welle reported on February 26:

“Germany’s highest court has overturned a section of the criminal code forbidding all forms of assisted suicide… The law was adopted in 2015 by Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, to prevent associations or individuals from turning suicide into a kind of business. Specifically, the law states that ‘anyone who, with the intention of assisting another person to commit suicide, provides, procures or arranges the opportunity for that person to do so and whose actions are intended as a recurring pursuit incurs a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or a fine.’

“Legal experts have since hotly debated whether the law also criminalizes consultations — or merely mentioning, for example, that one may end one’s life by foregoing food… The Protestant and Catholic churches in Germany reject all forms of assisted suicide…

“The country‘s top court on February 26 ruled that paragraph 217 is incompatible with the constitution, making assisted suicide once more possible in Germany… The verdict opens the door to legislation that would allow doctors to counsel patients about this option and provide them with lethal drugs, yet not administer them. The court found that individuals have a right to ‘self-determined’ suicide, including the freedom to take one’s own life and to enlist organized services provided by third parties…”

Suicide is always wrong. It violates God’s commandments. In German, the word for suicide is “Selbstmord”—that is, murdering oneself. And so, assisted suicide is helping another person to kill or murder him- or herself, which is of course also wrong. Even though man’s courts and laws might allow such conduct, this does not mean that a Christian should or could engage in such practices.

Daredevil Wanted to Prove that the Earth Is Flat and Died in the Process

The Los Angeles Times wrote on February 22:

“Mike Hughes, the self-made engineer who billed himself as the ‘world’s greatest daredevil,’ was killed Saturday outside Barstow during a launch of a homemade rocket gone wrong… Hughes, who went by the nickname ‘Mad Mike,’ was captured on video as he rode a rocket into the sky, failed to activate a parachute and then plummeted to his death… The daredevil had been hoping to use Saturday’s launch to reach a height of 5,000 feet… None of Hughes’ backup parachutes activated, either…

“Before that launch, Hughes told the Associated Press that he believed Earth is flat – or, in his words, ‘shaped like a Frisbee’ – and that he wanted to fly into space to make sure… the flat Earth argument helped drum up publicity and sponsors for Hughes, who made his rockets at his home in Apple Valley… [Hughes also] did have some governmental conspiracy theories…”

Bild Online added that he wanted to reach space “high-up” with a self-made rocket to “prove that the earth is a disc.” The flat earth theory is total nonsense. We don’t know whether any relationship exists between some of his stupid ideas and his death.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Should We Be Afraid of the Future? (Part 1)

(Español: ¿Deberíamos tener miedo al futuro?)

The world lives in fear—in fear of a nuclear war; fear of sickness and disease; fear of the end of the world; fear of a car accident; fear of dying in an airplane crash; fear of financial disaster and the loss of work; and fear of death in general. One of the greatest fears is also directed towards our fellow men… the concern how they would act and react when one stands up for the Truth.

How about true Christians? How about you? Do you live in fear? If so, this series of articles will explain how we can overcome our fears.

As mentioned, one of the biggest fears which we could have is the fear of men—what they might think or say or do if we embrace and live by the Truth of God’s Word.

But God is very specific and explicit in telling us that we must not fear other people.

Moses said the following to the people of Israel and then to Joshua, in Deuteronomy 31:3, 6-8:

“Then Moses went and spoke these words to all Israel… ‘The LORD your God Himself crosses over before you; He will destroy these nations from before you, and you shall dispossess them. Joshua himself crosses over before you, just as the LORD has said… Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.’…

“Then Moses called Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, ‘Be strong and of good courage, for you must go with this people to the land which the LORD has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall cause them to inherit it. And the LORD, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.’”

Many centuries later, Isaiah gave the same message of encouragement to the people of Israel at his time, while looking at their distant future when they would be freed from captivity after Christ’s Return. We read in Isaiah 51:11-13:

“So the ransomed of the LORD shall return, And come to Zion with singing, With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness; Sorrow and sighing shall flee away. ‘I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you should be afraid Of a man who will die, And of the son of a man who will be made like grass? And you forget the LORD your Maker, Who stretched out the heavens And laid the foundations of the earth; You have feared continually every day Because of the fury of the oppressor, When he has prepared to destroy. And where is the fury of the oppressor?”

This is the key problem: While fearing man, we forget to fear God. And God tells them through Isaiah that in the end, an evil oppressor, apparently referring to a military leader called “the beast,” will arise whom the whole world will fear and follow. But his time will be short, and Christ will kill him when He returns.

The prophet Jeremiah repeats the same message of encouragement in Jeremiah 1:4-8, 17, 19:

“Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.’ Then said I: ‘Ah, LORD God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.’ But the LORD said to me: ‘Do not say, “I am a youth,” For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,’ says the LORD… Therefore prepare yourself and arise, And speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, Lest I dismay you before them…They will fight against you, But they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,’ says the LORD, ‘to deliver you.’”

In Ezekiel 2:3-8, we read God’s message to the prophet Ezekiel:

“Son of man, I am sending you to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me to this very day. For they are impudent and stubborn children. I am sending you to them, and you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD God.’ As for them, whether they hear or whether they refuse–for they are a rebellious house–yet they will know that a prophet has been among them.

“And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions; do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their looks, though they are a rebellious house. You shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious. But you, son of man, hear what I say to you. Do not be rebellious like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you.”

Also note God’s words to Ezekiel in Ezekiel 3:9:

“Like adamant stone, harder than flint, I have made your forehead; do not be afraid of them, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they are a rebellious house.”

In Hebrews 13:6, Paul echoes God’s same message to His people, as follows: “So we may boldly say: ‘The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’”

In general, we are told this in Proverbs 29:25: “The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe.”

Again, we see that when we fear man, then we might lose the fear of God. That is the warning expressed in the above-quoted passage, and that is the same warning which we can read in Isaiah 57:11-13:

And of whom have you been afraid, or feared, That you have lied And not remembered Me, Nor taken it to your heart? Is it not because I have held My peace from of old That you do not fear Me? I will declare your righteousness And your works, For they will not profit you. When you cry out, Let your collection of idols deliver you. But the wind will carry them all away, A breath will take them. But he who puts his trust in Me shall possess the land, And shall inherit My holy mountain.”

We either stand up for God or we deny Him. Fearing other people and being concerned as to what they believe and how they might act diminishes and destroys our fear and respect for God.

That is why we read time and again the same biblical warning, which Jesus Christ also expressed so vividly in Luke 12:4-9:

“And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell [Gehenna fire; the lake of fire and brimstone which will burn up the sinner]; yes, I say to you, fear Him! Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

“Also I say to you, whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God. But he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God…”

To show the tremendous power, concern and love of God for us, Christ also added this fundamental statement, in Luke 12:32: “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

In Matthew 10:32-39, Christ repeats some of the warnings, as expressed and reported in Luke, but He adds additional serious observations to tell us that we must NEVER fear others and let them influence us to depart from God, and that our love for God must always be our first priority:

“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it…”

And so, we read this important admonition by Peter in 1 Peter 3:14-16:

“But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled. But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.”

We discussed this passage in our previous Q&A, written by Eric Rank and titled, “What Are Our Responsibilities in Bearing Witness of Jesus Christ?” When we are called upon by sincere and honest people to give a defense or an answer, we must not be too afraid or timid to do so, nor must we be afraid of the threats of others when we do so. In the above-mentioned Q&A, we also addressed Christ’s warning not to be ashamed of Him and His teaching (compare Mark 8:38).

At the same time, it is not always good to “give a defense,” but when refusing to do so, it must not be because of fear of men, but rather of godly wisdom. Amos 5:13 tells us that it is good at times not to give an answer: “Therefore the prudent keep silent at that time, For it is an evil time.”

When Christ was challenged by Pilate and the Jews, He gave them no answer and presented no defense to their accusations (compare John 19:8-9; Matthew 26:63). In Matthew 27,12-14, we read:

“And while He was being accused by the chief priests and elders, He answered nothing. Then Pilate said to Him, ‘Do You not hear how many things they testify against You?’ But He answered him not one word, so that the governor marveled greatly.”

Jesus knew that any “defense” would have been useless, as His conviction and condemnation was predetermined. He did not waste His breath by giving what is holy to the “dogs” and casting God’s pearls of wisdom before the “swine” (Matthew 7:6). But He did not act in this way because of fear of men; He was not afraid of their threats.

Sadly, the Bible contains many examples when God’s very fundamental warning and exhortation, not to be afraid of man, has been ignored or violated.

Many refused to speak about Jesus in approving terms because they were afraid of others. John 7:12-13 reads:

“And there was much complaining among the people concerning Him. Some said, ‘He is good’; others said, ‘No, on the contrary, He deceives the people.’ However, no one spoke openly of Him for fear of the Jews.”

After Jesus had healed a blind man, his parents were questioned by the leaders of the synagogue who were opposed to Christ, but because of fear, they did not speak up, as John 9:18-23 reports:

“But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind and received his sight, until they called the parents of him who had received his sight. And they asked them, saying, ‘Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How then does he now see?’ His parents answered them and said, ‘We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind; but by what means he now sees we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. He is of age; ask him. He will speak for himself.’ His parents said these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had agreed already that if anyone confessed that He was Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue. Therefore his parents said, ‘He is of age; ask him.’”

Another example is given in John 12:42-43:

“Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”

The question which we must always ask ourselves is this: Do we love the praise of God more than the praise of men? Are we more afraid of men than of God?

Even Joseph of Arimathea, an honorable, good and just rich counselor, who might have been Christ’s uncle with whom He might have made extensive journeys before He began His public ministry, was afraid to confess publicly his belief in Christ and that he was one of Christ’s disciples. John 19:38 reports:

“After this, Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly, for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate gave him permission. So he came and took the body of Jesus.”

The next verse tells us that Nicodemus was apparently also a secret disciple. He had originally visited Jesus “by night,” apparently because of fear of the Jews:

“And Nicodemus, who at first came to Jesus by night, also came, bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds.”

Focusing briefly on the apostle Paul, he stands out as a bold and courageous person. But even he needed encouragement from time to time and occasional reconfirmation from God. In Acts 18:8-11, we read that God told Paul to speak up for God as God wanted to convert some in the city of Corinth:

“Then Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his household. And many of the Corinthians, hearing, believed and were baptized. Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, ‘Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.’ And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”

Paul had no fear of men, as Luke confirms in the book of Acts. In Acts 14:19-20, we read about Paul’s amazing courage:

“Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city.”

Paul went right back to the people who had stoned him. This required courage and boldness. We will show in the next installment how Paul could and did have such courage—and how we can have it too.

Paul was not afraid of people outside the Church, nor of those inside the Church who opposed him in rebellion. His letters provide ample testimony of this fact.

He states in 2 Corinthians 13:10:

“Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present I should use sharpness, according to the authority which the Lord has given me for edification and not for destruction.”

Also note his comments in 2 Corinthians 10:1-11:

“Now I, Paul, myself am pleading with you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ–who in presence am lowly among you, but being absent am bold toward you. But I beg you that when I am present I may not be bold with that confidence by which I intend to be bold against some, who think of us as if we walked according to the flesh…

“For even if I should boast somewhat more about our authority, which the Lord gave us for edification and not for your destruction, I shall not be ashamed–lest I seem to terrify you by letters. ‘For his letters,’ they say, ‘are weighty and powerful, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible.’ Let such a person consider this, that what we are in word by letters when we are absent, such we will also be in deed when we are present.”

The reason for his righteous anger with some in the church is explained in 2 Corinthians 11:29: “Who is made to stumble, and I do not burn with indignation?”

He knew that some would try to deceive the brethren and draw them away after themselves (Acts 20:30). Paul was not afraid of them; he stood up to them to protect the flock, even though he was judged by some who did not understand why he spoke and acted in that way and who accused him of lack of love. The same is true today—there is nothing new under the sun.

(To be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Und weil die Gesetzlosigkeit ueberhandnimmt,” our new German booklet on Lawlessness, has been translated and is in final preparation for printing. In addition, numerous German translations of English articles have been posted on our German website, including parts of the Current Events section and the last member letter by Brian Gale. 

“The Third Temple and the Coronavirus” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary.

There is an alleged unrecognized connection between the outbreak of the Coronavirus in China and the preparation for the Third Temple in Jerusalem. What is that purported relationship? And in light of last week’s breaking news, how far are we with the building of the Third Temple which is prophesied to occur so that Jesus Christ can return?

“Der Abfall geht weiter,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English:  “The Falling Away Continues!”

“Leben wir nach Gottes Willen?,” the German sermonette presented last week by Thilo Hanstein, is posted. Title in English: “Do we live according to God’s Will?”

“Now What?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank is now posted. Here is a summary:

As we see the current events march ever closer towards the denouement of God’s plan, how should we respond?

“Who is Jesus?, the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. Do you?

  • Initial information about our 2020 Feast sites (US and Germany) is posted on our website along with contact information.
  • The 2020 Church Conference will be conducted in Escondido, California. Arrival will be Wednesday, March 25, 2020, and departure is scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2020.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Update 913

Now What? / Who is Jesus?

On February 22, 2020, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Now what?” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Who is Jesus?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Man’s Current Arrogance

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

In 1982, my wife and two children visited the Kennedy Space Center in Florida whilst attending the Feast of Tabernacles at St Petersburg that year.

Late last year (2019), our son, his family and my wife and I again visited the centre and, after 37 years, much had changed!

On the website are the following comments:

“The John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is the U.S. launch site that has been used for every NASA human space flight since December 1968.  KSC has changed a lot since I last visited in…let’s see…1982?

“The main Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center is an expansive complex that resembles a modern-day amusement park.  Its attractions feature an Early Space Exploration exhibit, Rocket Garden, children’s playspace, 2 IMAX shows, an Astronaut Hall of Fame and Astronaut Memorial, the popular (with the younger set) Angry Birds hands-on exhibit, multiple cafes, gift shops, and much more.”

It seems that someone else who attended the centre, also in 1982, realised the massive amount of change that there had been over the years.

I don’t have the relevant data, nor do I have the complex technical understanding to make any comments about all of the many changes made over the last four decades.   However, what I did discern quite clearly this time around was that there was a great deal of self-belief and arrogance as well as a complete lack of godly understanding about the whole issue of space.

We read in Genesis 6:5 “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”   We know how God told Noah to build the ark and that man was to be destroyed from off the face of the earth.

The Benson Commentary observes: “Here is God’s resentment of man’s wickedness. He did not see it as an unconcerned spectator, but as one injured and affronted by it; he saw it as a tender father sees the folly and stubbornness of a rebellious and disobedient child, which not only displeases but grieves him, and makes him wish he had been written childless.

One commentary at the JFK Space Center was that “we are not creating history but embracing our destiny.”   In a way, that is true, but not in the way that man looks at it.   Man has great arrogance at times about his own ability and capacity, and God has certainly given him a very small amount of His own ability, but man, generally, thinks that it is all down to his own brilliance!   Not once, when visiting the centre, did I see one acknowledgement about God’s magnificent and stupendous universe – if there was one, I certainly missed it!

I am reminded of the saying, “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”   The details of a stupendous universe, vast beyond man’s ability to fully understand, does not negate the fact that God did create and that He sustains it all by His might and power, and His Word amply proves this.

It would have been appropriate, but probably politically incorrect, to acknowledge the Creation by a great and loving God, but I could not find any observation or comment to that effect.   God’s benevolence and patience are simply not understood today. In fact, as man’s capacity to do great things has increased exponentially, belief in the One who created and now sustains all things has slithered downhill at a rate that our forefathers would not have believed.

They want to explore space.   Why?   To build colonies and, possibly, live there!   The simple observation that man cannot exist peacefully on earth at present, and hasn’t down through the last 6,000 years, is a fact that they never seem to acknowledge.   If it did happen, man would fight in space (he is already talking about a “space war”), just as he continually does on the earth today; just look at the conflict down through the ages and such conflicts are still going on today!    The same human nature would be transferred from the earth to wherever man finished up in the universe.   How ridiculous it is that so much money is spent on a useless exercise that will never come to fruition during man’s occupation on earth!

Of course, we know that there have been some helpful results from some of the work done, for example satellite navigation, and there may be some other results that have been made, but man, in his present form, will simply not be allowed to live in outer space.

However, there is good news!   Those who have answered God’s calling and will have remained faithful to the end of their lives will become members of the Family of God who will inhabit the universe.

In our free booklet “Heavens and Earth…Before and After the First Man!,” the last paragraph reads as follows:

“When God created man, He purposed to bring him into His very Family and to give him rule over the earth and the entire universe, to administer His government over His physical and spiritual creation. Once man has qualified and has become a God being, God will direct him to restore and beautify the earth, and finally, to “colonize” new heavens and a new earth (2 Peter 3:13).”

Man’s current arrogance will end, and an appreciation of the great God will replace this – and for eternity!

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by Norbert Link

We are reporting on the ongoing and deepening rift between the USA and Europe, and Europe’s perceived “need” to become a strong military power. [Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Europe and America–No Longer Friends.”] In addition, the unbridgeable disagreements between the EU and Britain become more and more obvious, and Europe’s warning to Israel should not go unnoticed.

We are focusing on the volatile situation in Germany, a right-wing terrorist attack, and Angela Merkel’s party’s desperate search for a candidate for Chancellorship after Merkel’s departure.

We also speak on developments in the USA and Finland regarding homosexuality; the unrestrained outbreak of the coronavirus and a devastating and unstoppable plague in Africa caused by huge swarms of locusts; unusual devastating storms in Britain; and new discoveries about the terribly misunderstood Neanderthal Man.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Europe’s “Need” for Military Power

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 14:

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas… called on his country and all of Europe to take on a greater international security role… ‘For too long, we Europeans have shut our eyes to the uncomfortable reality of what a withdrawal of the US from military engagement and from international treaties means for us,’ Maas said… Mass called for the ‘construction of a European security and defense union…’

“Striking a similar tone earlier in the day as he opened [this year’s three-day Munich Security] conference, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier criticized the US for neglecting its international duties and warned of an ‘increasingly destructive dynamic in world politics.’…

“Macron pushing for Europe to become more independent from the United States…”

And this is exactly what will happen… and not in a peaceful way.

Needed—European Strength

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 15:

“The French president projected a vision of a Europe with new military power… As the only nuclear power in the EU, he also foresaw greater European sovereignty. ‘We cannot always go through the United States, no, we have to think in a European way as well,’ French President Emmanuel Macron said… as he continued a theme of his presidency: projecting bold European sovereignty onto the international stage.

“He was referring specifically to Europe’s nuclear assets… Macron has already invited Germany to take part in a strategic dialogue over France’s nuclear weapon policy… Macron said he was ‘convinced that we need a much stronger Europe in defense.’

“… he said it was clear that Europe and the US also had different interests… ‘Mediterranean policy: that is a European thing, not a trans-Atlantic thing, and the same goes for Russia — we need a European policy, not just a trans-Atlantic policy.’

“The theme of European strength was taken up in Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s speech on Saturday. The German defense minister said she ‘completely agreed’ with Macron. She even proposed one way in which this might be brought about: a joint EU military strategy for the Strait of Hormuz, independent of the US policy of ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran… German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also insisted that now, with the growing confrontation between the US and China, it was more vital than ever that the EU ‘speak with one voice’…”

While everybody seems overly anxious to emphasize the need and importance for Europe to act within NATO and to be a pillar of NATO, the reality is that Europe is striving to become a military power on its own—with or without NATO and especially without China, Russia or the USA.

Newsmax wrote on February 16: “Europeans are already feeling uneasy about the state of NATO.”

On February 14, Wallstreet Online wrote about the former SPD-Chief and President of the EU Parliament, Martin Schulz, as saying that while he is supporting NATO, Germany must become more active militarily in foreign countries. He also criticized strongly the conduct of US President Donald Trump, stating, “The US is not willing to enter into a covenant.” He said that Trump takes the position, “Who is not with me, is against me. And those who are against me will be neutralized.” He said that Europe has to free itself from the embrace of a president who is able to cause chaos for the entire world. He also criticized Macron who had rejected the concept that European partners have a say in the French use of nuclear weapons.”

Just don’t forget Martin Schulz! He was not termed the “German Donald Trump” without a reason.

US and Europe… No longer Friends

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

“Friend or foe?… Tensions had been simmering for a long time, and now they’ve come to the fore: At the Munich Security Conference, the deep cracks in the trans-Atlantic relationship have become more apparent than ever. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s reply to German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s opening speech showed that Europe — or at least Berlin, and even more so Paris — is further away from Washington than ever

“One thing is certain: There will be no return to the heyday of close trans-Atlantic ties… There is much talk of Europe becoming a sovereign, strategic, political power. There are demands that Germany once again learns the language of power

With regard to future trans-Atlantic relations, three positions have emerged. Firstly, the French vision of European independence. Secondly, the prevailing position — especially in Eastern Europe — that one should be closely connected to Washington, no matter what. And thirdly, Germany’s indecision between these positions. However, one can predict with some certainty that if Donald Trump wins a second term in the White House in November, the French vision will get a massive shot in the arm — including from Berlin.

“President Emmanuel Macron… brings incredible dynamism to the European debate. He fights for European independence. He wants a common foreign and defense policy. And if that does not work for all 27 remaining EU members after Brexit, then Paris would be happy to work with those that do support the idea repeatedly advocated at the conference, to create a Europe capable of action in the face of the ‘rivalry of the great powers.’”

And so, the concept of a core Europe or a Europe with two speeds is again brought to the forefront. And that is exactly what is prophesied to happen. The Bible speaks of ten nations or groups of nations under a powerful leader. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Europe and America–No Longer Friends.” 

US and EU in Parallel Universes

Politico wrote on February 16:

“For decades, the Munich Security Conference served as a powerful symbol of the strength of the Western alliance. The 2020 installment offered a testament to its accelerating decline.

“If the three-day event, which drew to a close on Sunday, illustrated anything, it was that the divergence between the U.S. and the dominant European powers — Germany and France… — is greater than ever

“The two sides aren’t just far apart on the big questions facing the West (threats from Russia, Iran, China), they’re in parallel universes. Most alarming: The biggest disconnect concerns the U.S. commitment to Europe, the very essence of the transatlantic alliance itself.

“In speech after speech, whether in public or private, European leaders lamented what they perceive as the U.S.’s disengagement from both the region and the world at large…”

The relationship between the USA and the EU will not be cured, but will get worse and worse.

The EU-USA Fight Over China

“On February 16, Newsmax published the following article:

“The fight between the U.S. and Europe over Chinese technology is threatening to split the transatlantic military alliance.

“With the U.S. defense establishment identifying China as its No. 1 priority, a bi-partisan delegation headed by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed home their concerns about the use of equipment from Huawei Technologies Co. at the Munich Security Conference over the weekend. The officials warned that installing Huawei kit could undermine cooperation with U.S. allies as Donald Trump’s hardball trade tactics started to infect his administration’s relationships on defense. ‘Republicans and Democrats agree on this,’ said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a close ally of President Donald Trump. ‘If you go down the Huawei road you are going to burn a lot of bridges.’

“European leaders have been hunkering down amid the Huawei storm as they try to maintain their critical relations with both sides in the U.S.-China trade war… Europe’s exports to China have become a critical plank in its economic model and the Chinese have threatened retaliation on European companies if the bloc follows Trump in banning one of its flagship technology companies.

“The U.S. was on the back foot throughout because their strong arm tactics have conspicuously failed to bring the Europeans into line… Even the U.K., which has been energetically courting the White House as it begins life outside the EU, opted to use Huawei kit. ‘We have a tech Cold War right now that’s on display…,’ said Ian Bremmer, president and founder of political risk consultancy Eurasia Group. ‘There’s never been such a rift with how Americans and Europeans define the security threat as right now.’…”

Axios added on February 16:

“Pelosi’s hawkish stance marks a rare area of agreement with the Trump administration, which believes Huawei is a national security threat because the Chinese government may be capable of accessing its equipment for espionage.”

And if that would not be enough, note the article below about another bone of contention.

The Fight for and against the Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline

Bloomberg wrote on February 15:

“President Donald Trump’s top energy official [U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette] said he’s confident that Russia won’t be able to complete the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea — and signaled that the U.S. will press forward with its opposition to the project… ‘It’s going to be a very long delay, because Russia doesn’t have the technology,’ Brouillette said…

“The pipeline, which would pump as much as 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually from fields in Siberia directly to Germany, has become a focus for geopolitical tensions across the Atlantic. Trump has assailed Germany for giving ‘billions’ to Russia for gas while it benefits from U.S. protection. Nord Stream 2’s owners had invested 5.8 billion euros ($6.3 billion) in the project by May 2019…

“U.S. sanctions in December forced Switzerland’s Allseas Group SA, which was laying the sub-sea pipes, to abandon work, throwing the project into disarray…

“Even as he spoke, signs emerged that Gazprom’s attempts at completion may be underway. A Russian pipe-laying vessel, the Akademik Cherskiy, left the port where it had been stationed in Nakhodka on Russia’s Pacific coast last Sunday. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak last year mentioned that vessel as an option to complete the pipeline in Denmark’s waters. The vessel is now expected to arrive in Singapore on Feb. 22…

“One of the pipeline’s financial backers, Austrian gas and oil company OMV AG has predicted that the Russians will follow through… The pipeline was just weeks away from completion, with 94% already constructed, when U.S. sanctions halted work. There’s a small section in Denmark’s waters that needs to be finished. Before the halt, Nord Stream 2 hoped to finish construction by the end of 2019 or in the first few months of this year. That would allow gas deliveries in time to supply Europe by winter 2020-2021. Besides OMV, Nord Stream 2’s other European backers are Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Uniper SE, Engie SA and Wintershall AG.”

Whatever the final outcome, strong frictions between the USA and especially Germany over the issue will continue.

“EU and Britain Will Rip Each Other Apart”

The Guardian wrote on February 16:

“Britain and the European Union are going to rip each other apart in talks over a future trade deal, the French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has predicted… He added that on his desk in his office he had massive files showing the issues of contention between the UK and France, including over fishing rights

“France and several other countries want to be able to keep fishing in British waters, while London wants full autonomy and limited access for European fishermen… Nearly 30% of the turnover of French fishermen relies on access to British waters.”

Much more than just fishing rights is involved. The EU and Britain will turn out to become bitter enemies.

EU Warns Israel and Rejects Trump’s Peace Plan

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 14:

“The European Union’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, sent a message to Israel on Tuesday not to annex the Jordan Valley in the West Bank or else Palestinians could resort to violence. ‘This may happen. … You can be sure it’s not going to be peaceful,’ Borrell told the European Parliament…

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Tuesday that he plans to annex the valley if he wins re-election in the March 2 elections.

“Borrell also made clear his rejection of parts of U.S. President Donald Trump’s new peace plan… ‘The proposals… clearly challenge the internationally agreed parameters. It is difficult to see how this initiative can bring both parties back to the table,’ Borrell said…”

It is to be anticipated that Israel will annex the valley, and Europe might react strongly.

Far-Right Terrorist Attack in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 20:

“A gunman… is thought to have killed nine people and injured at least four in two shisha bars in the city of Hanau, not far from Frankfurt. [The clientele at the bars were thought to be predominantly Kurdish.] He then went home where he is suspected of killing his mother before killing himself…

“Ahead of the attack, he is suspected of having spread racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic hate speech and conspiracy theories online. Federal prosecutors are now investigating whether he had any contact with other far-right terrorists…

“The attack is a clear indication: Far-right terrorism is on the rise in Germany…

“Just last week, German police conducted raids on 13 apartments across the country and dismantled a terror cell that was allegedly planning to plunge Germany into a ‘state of civil war’ by committing ‘as yet undefined’ attacks on politicians, asylum-seekers and Muslims. Four suspected would-be attackers were arrested, as well as another eight individuals suspected of supporting them.

“At first glance, it would seem that the police, security services and prosecutors were able to stop a terrorist group with fixed plans. But the challenge facing investigators is now to provide evidence that is sufficiently convincing that the suspected plotters are put on trial. The difficulty of doing so is well illustrated in the case of Franco A., a lieutenant in the Bundeswehr, Germany’s armed forces. Franco A. was suspended and arrested in 2017 after being charged with the ‘preparation of a serious act of violent subversion.’ He spent seven months in pre-trial custody, accused of wanting to commit attacks on famous politicians, including now-Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Vice-President of the German Bundestag, Claudia Roth.

“Although there was evidence that he had stockpiled weapons and explosives and the names of potential victims were known, the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court dropped the charge that he was planning a terrorist attack on the basis that there was ‘insufficient evidence.’ The court found that he had a ‘racist ethno-nationalist and anti-Semitic attitude’ but said that it was also ‘highly probable’ that he had not yet made a ‘firm decision’ to carry out any attacks.

“The Federal Court of Justice — Germany’s highest criminal court — has since instructed the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court to open criminal proceedings, but no trial date has been set. The tug-of-war shows how high the legal hurdles can be in Germany despite numerous adjustments to the law. It is thus not at all certain that the 12 detained last week will end up on trial…”

This is a terrible dilemma. When you act too early, the suspected criminals might go free. If you act too late, many innocent victims might be killed. Only the just government of Jesus Christ, after His Return, will end such nonsense.

Satanic Possession?

The Guardian added on February 20:

“Angela Merkel has said the murder of nine people in a shooting rampage by a suspected rightwing extremist has revealed the ‘poison’ of racism and hate in Germany. The man… carried out attacks at two shisha bars in Hanau… before killing his mother, bringing the death toll up to 10, and himself, police said.

“Investigators said he [has] a ‘deeply racist mindset’, citing a video and a lengthy manifesto he had posted on social media. Authorities said they were treating the attacks as an act of domestic terrorism

“In a 24-page manifesto and a video, Rathjen outlined his racist theories including his belief that certain races should be eliminated and foreigners who could not be deported from Germany should be ‘destroyed’. He said he had been driven by voices in his head since birth and followed by secret agents…

“One expert said domestic intelligence agents believed there were 24,000 rightwing extremists in Germany, 13,000 of whom were considered potentially dangerous…”

This seems to be a case of serious mental sickness and of demonic influence, if not possession.

The Algemeiner wrote on February 20:

“In a statement on Thursday, World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said his organization was ‘extremely concerned about the rising threats against minorities in Germany from both sides of the political landscape in Germany.’”

This reminds us of the situation in Germany after the first World War, when right- and left- extremists were fighting each other. 

Merkel and German Government Heavily Criticized

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

“A leading contender to succeed German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday criticized her for taking too long to respond to a French proposal on a post-Brexit reform of the European Union. ‘We take too long to react,’ Armin Laschet, North Rhine-Westphalia’s state premier, said at the Munich Security Conference. ‘I would like to apologize on behalf of the German government,’ the co-vice-chair of the ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) added…

“A day earlier, Macron said that he was ‘impatient’ with Germany’s reluctance to take up his offer to cooperate on implementing EU reforms. He added that Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU)- and SPD-led government has not lived up to the promise in their 2018 agreement to create a ‘fresh start; for Europe’…

“Laschet, who is seen as a compromise figure between the CDU’s conservative and centrist wings, is one of three [now four] potential contenders [the other two are Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn, and now Norbert Roettgen, see below] to lead the party and become its candidate for the chancellery…”

Merkel has become a lame duck… nationally and internationally.

A Fourth Candidate for German Chancellorship—Dr. Norbert Roettgen

Business Day wrote on February 18:

“As head of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee, Roettgen has carved out an international profile, speaking out on issues from Brexit to China’s Huawei. However… few political analysts rate his chances.

Merkel sacked him as environment minister in 2012 after he lost an election in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state…

“Other CDU leadership contenders are right-wing health minister Jens Spahn, and Armin Laschet, premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, a centrist widely seen as a continuity candidate although he sharply criticised Merkel’s Europe policy on Sunday [as well as former parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz].”

Dr. Roettgen studied law in Bonn and subsequently worked as an attorney before entering politics. He is Roman Catholic, married, with two sons and one daughter. His biggest defeat was in 2012 when his party scored the worst results ever in a state election and was dismissed by Merkel as environment minister. Shortly thereafter, he also lost his office of vice-president of the CDU. His surprise announcement of his candidacy resulted in an unexpected approval of Bild Online readers. In an initial poll, Roettgen received more votes than Merz, and he also received more votes than Spahn and Laschet combined.   

Is Germany Ready for Spahn?

On February 15, Bild Online published an article about Jens Spahn (39) with the following headline: “Are we ready for a male Mrs. Chancellor?” (“Sind wir bereit für ’ne männliche Kanzlerin?“)

In the article, they said that the future belongs to Spahn, but that he has to become more likeable; that he stands for a departure from Merkel’s asylum policy; that as Health Minister, he introduced compulsory measles vaccination [for children and employees of kindergarten and schools and a ban of a “therapy” to convert homosexuals under 18 or “coercing, deceiving or threatening anyone older into such treatment”]; that he is a friend of Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz; and that he is supported by President of Parliament Wolfgang Schäuble. The article also points out that Spahn, [who is a Roman Catholic and openly gay], is “married” since December of 2017 with Burda-Manager Daniel Funke (38). Both may consider adopting a child in the future.

Spahn had to face several defeats and strong criticism in his political career.

Wikipedia writes: “ In 2018, Merkel stated her intention not to seek re-election for the CDU party leadership. Immediately, Spahn announced his intention to stand for election as her successor in December 2019, but he was eliminated in the first round of voting…

“In April 2008 Spahn voiced his opposition to grand coalition plans to increase pensions… This brought him strong criticism, especially from the Senior Citizens Union (Senioren-Union). Spahn received many insults and threats in the form of anonymous letters, inter alia, and complained of this in the media. The Senior Citizens Union announced it would do everything to prevent his re-election, but Spahn received the support of former president of Germany Roman Herzog.”

Major Pete Buttigieg vs. Rush Limbaugh on Homosexuality

The Huffington Post wrote on February 16:

“Pete Buttigieg on Sunday shrugged off Rush Limbaugh’s… remarks regarding his marriage, saying he isn’t going to ‘take lectures on family values’ from the right-wing radio host… ‘Well, I love my husband,’ Buttigieg told [CNN]… ‘I’m faithful to my husband,’ he continued…

“Limbaugh referred to the openly gay Democratic presidential candidate kissing his husband Chasten Buttigieg at least five times during his show on Wednesday… ‘A gay guy, 37 years old, loves kissing his husband on debate stages,’ Limbaugh said…

“Limbaugh… announced earlier this month that he has advanced lung cancer… Limbaugh also promoted the… conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S…. also embraced by Trump in 2011… Trump earlier this month awarded Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom― the highest civilian honor given by a U.S. president…”

We omitted the hate-filled anti-Limbaugh polemic in the article, but rather chose to quote where we can agree with Limbaugh. The Bible terms the practice of homosexual relationships an abomination; and there are still many lingering unanswered questions about Obama’s birthplace.  

Finland to Prosecute for Biblical Statement on Homosexuality

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 19:

“The head of an Evangelical Lutheran diocese in Finland and a member of the Finnish parliament could face criminal charges after police began investigating them last week regarding the publication and distribution of an [24-page] anti-LGBTQ booklet… which was published in 2004… Helsinki Police questioned them for five hours as part of the investigation.

“According to the state prosecutor-general,… the booklet ‘incites hatred’ against the LGBTQ community… As a result, both [the author and the publisher] could face charges of ‘ethnic agitation,’ a crime of racism in the Finnish Penal Code. Despite intending to only cover ethnic and racial discrimination, legislation in 2011 added discrimination against sexual orientation to the charge…

“[The publisher] said that the LGBTQ lifestyle ‘is contrary to God’s order of creation and a transgression against His will. If one is not allowed to teach this publicly, the message of sin and grace will be left without a foundation, and freedom of religion will decline.’…

“This is not the first time that [the author] – a former Finnish interior minister, leader of the Christian Democratic Party and a sitting MP since 1995 – has made headlines for anti-LGBTQ controversy. He is well-known for being a Conservative voice outspoken in defending traditional Christian views on numerous ethical issues such as abortion and marriage.”

This is Satan’s world, and Satan will do everything he can to destroy Christian values. We can expect worse things to happen until his power will be broken through the return of Jesus Christ.

Did the Coronavirus Start in a Chinese Laboratory?

Daily Mail wrote on February 16:

“Did [the] coronavirus originate in [a] Chinese government laboratory? Scientists believe [that the] killer disease may have begun in [a] research facility … [which] is just 300 yards from the seafood market and is adjacent to the hospital… [one of the 605] bats [kept in the facility] – which are linked to coronavirus – once attacked a researcher and ‘blood of bat was on his skin.’”

We suggested from the outset that it might be possible that the virus was created in Chinese laboratories. There is no end to the stupidity of man.

Axios wrote on February 19:

“We may be ‘at the brink’ of a global pandemic, warns a top U.S. public health official, as cases continue to spread despite containment efforts. Meanwhile, the global economy is being affected, including the tech manufacturing industry.

COVID-19 has now killed more than 2,000 people and infected over 75,000 others, mostly in mainland China, where… 136 new deaths [were announced] since Tuesday.”

Locust Plague Impossible to Stop

AFP wrote on February 19:

“… millions of yellow locusts rise into the northern Ugandan sky, despite hours spent spraying vegetation with chemicals in an attempt to kill them…  The locusts arrived in South Sudan this week after hitting Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti, Eritrea, Tanzania, Sudan and Uganda…

“One swarm in Kenya reached around 2,400 square kilometres (about 930 square miles) — an area almost the size of Moscow — meaning it could contain up to 200 billion locusts… A swarm that size can consume food for 85 million people per day…”

“[A tragedy for especially South Sudan is in the making, with] concerns already high of a humanitarian crisis in a region where 12 million are going hungry… One swarm of 40 to 80 million can consume food for over 35,000 people in a day… eggs laid across the migratory path will hatch in the next two months, and will continue breeding as the rainy season arrives in the region… Since 2018 a long period of dry weather followed by a series of cyclones that dumped water on the region created ‘excessively ideal conditions’ for locusts to breed…”

We hear more and more about unparalleled plagues, earthquakes, volcanoes, bad weather conditions, as well as wars and rumors of wars, with one nation rising against another nation, and one kingdom against another kingdom.

Second Storm Hammers Britain

ABC News wrote on February 16:

“Storm Dennis hammered Britain Sunday, bringing a month’s worth of rain in just 48 hours to parts of South Wales, which bore the brunt of the country’s second severe storm inside a week. Rivers across Britain burst their banks… Dennis has been so intense that England posted a record number of flood warnings and alerts and a rare ‘red warning’ for extremely life-threatening flooding was announced for South Wales… Flood warnings could remain in place for a while since much of Britain is still saturated from last week’s Storm Ciara, which left eight people dead across Europe…

“There were transport disruptions too, with hundreds of flights cancelled due to the high winds while train services were repeatedly disrupted by flooding. Tens of thousands of passengers were being affected on what is a major travel weekend for British families as many schools close for a mid-winter break.”

Neanderthals Buried Their Dead

The Guardian wrote on February 18:

“A Neanderthal skeleton unearthed in an Iraqi cave… is providing fresh evidence that they buried their dead… and conducted funerary rites with flowers.

“Neanderthals inhabited Eurasia from the Atlantic coast to the Ural Mountains… The two species [allegedly, the Neanderthal man and modern man or homo sapiens] interbred, with modern non African-human populations bearing residual Neanderthal DNA.”

Business Insider added:

“‘In recent years we have seen increasing evidence that Neanderthals were more sophisticated than previously thought, from cave markings to use of decorative shells and raptor talons,’ [archeologist Emma] Pomeroy said. ‘If Neanderthals were using Shanidar cave as a site of memory for the repeated ritual interment of their dead, it would suggest cultural complexity of a high order,’ she added.”

Much nonsense has been written and taught in schools about the Neanderthal man. For the truth, please read our free booklet, “Heavens and Earth… Before and After the First Man.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What Are Our Responsibilities in Bearing Witness of Jesus Christ?

To “bear witness of Jesus Christ” means different things to different groups of nominal Christian religions. To some, “bearing witness of Jesus Christ” involves proselytizing to as many people as will pass by. To others, bearing witness involves merely going to church services to socialize with others of like mind. An innumerable variety of interpretations abound beyond these two examples as well. But what does the Bible say in regard to the responsibility of a Christian to “bear witness of Jesus Christ”?

Rightly understood, the Bible nowhere uses these terms. Where then does the idea of “bearing witness of Jesus Christ” come from? Two of the primary Scriptures in the Bible that describe bearing witness of the things and events pertaining to Jesus and the message which He brought can be found when He addresses His disciples in John 15:27 and Luke 24:48.

In addressing the apostles before He was murdered, Jesus explains the tasks ahead of them after His inevitable physical departure. “‘But when the Helper comes, [which] I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth [which] proceeds from the Father, [it] will testify of Me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning’” (John 15:26-27). In this moment, Jesus tells the apostles that they will receive the Holy Spirit after His resurrection, and that they will also share their knowledge and understanding of the events pertaining to Jesus and His Work and Message with others. Following this passage, Jesus also informs them that because of their Work in sharing the Truth with others, they will be despised and persecuted for it.

Following the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His disciples were gathered together with Him for a brief period of time. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He addressed them saying, “‘…These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.’ And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures. Then He said to them, ‘Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things’” (Luke 24:44-48). Clearly, Jesus informed them about the privilege they had regarding the knowledge and understanding they were blessed with, knowing the Truth about Jesus’ role in the Plan of God.

Seeing that the disciples who were close to Jesus at the time were literal eye witnesses to the fulfillment of Scripture, it is clear that they were able to share a firsthand account of Jesus’ Work. Because they were willing and able to share the knowledge of the Truth with others, we have the Bible that we can read today to provide us with access to the same knowledge. The role of being a “witness of Jesus Christ” required then that they boldly proclaim the Truth—the role He had to fulfill and the message that He, the Messenger of God the Father, proclaimed. The same responsibility of standing up for the Truth continues for Christians today.

“Bearing witness of Jesus Christ” in the sense of standing up for the Truth, is the responsibility of a Christian. If it wasn’t, Christianity would have died out after the first generation, because no one would have shared the knowledge of the Truth. As we know from Jesus Christ’s own words, the Church in these last days has an unending commission to preach the gospel to the world as a witness, which necessarily involves proclaiming the Truth which Jesus Christ proclaimed, which includes of course, but is by no means limited to, the Person of Jesus. What the Church needs to proclaim is the gospel OF Christ, not the gospel about Jesus Christ (compare Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15). Therefore, being part of the Body of Christ and playing a role in the Work given to the Church, we have a responsibility to “bear witness of Jesus Christ” in the way as explained in this Q&A.

In order to bear witness, we must have some firsthand experience that we can share. Since we presently live in an age when Jesus Christ does not physically exist, how is this possible? Quite simply, with the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ and God the Father living within us as baptized members of the Church of God, we have access to the knowledge and understanding of the Truth. As we read earlier, the Holy Spirit “testifies of Him,” and therefore it also provides us with a way of gaining firsthand experience needed to be a trustworthy witness.

But what does it mean to be a Christian witness in our day-to-day living? Under what circumstances are we expected to offer testimony of our experience? While a prescription for the specific actions to perform does not exist, the Bible provides us with a great deal of guidance on the matter.

The first guideline in being “a witness of Jesus Christ” is to be ready to share our knowledge of the Truth of the Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD, which Jesus proclaimed, and of Jesus Christ’s role in the Plan of God. As we read in 1 Peter 3:15-17, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.”

We can see that being ready to “bear witness of Jesus Christ” is expressed here with a few salient characteristics. First, we are to be ready to give a defense or an answer to those who ask us about our beliefs. This refers to our individual responsibility. When addressing the Church, it has the duty to proclaim the Truth as a Witness, whether being asked to do so or not. Those who respond positively can and will be taught further by the Church.

By contrast, being ready to give an answer does not involve preparing to attack others with our knowledge. Reinforcing this, our attitude in offering our witness’ testimony involves meekness and humility. Even though the knowledge of the Truth is privileged, we need to be cognizant of the fact that such knowledge does not elevate us above others. Glorifying God by offering a witness of Jesus Christ’s message and role in our lives requires us to be convicted in our beliefs, so much that we’re ready to explain ourselves to anyone who enquires about it who are genuinely interested and who want to learn about the Truth.

In addition to being ready to answer for our faith as a “witness of Jesus Christ,” we need to be confident and unashamed in proclaiming our beliefs. If we have faith in the Truth, we have nothing to worry about in expressing our confidence in it when we are asked to do so. In fact, if we express ourselves without confidence, and instead are ashamed of the teachings of Jesus Christ, He too will be ashamed of us. In His own words, Jesus states, “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels” (Mark 8:38). When we are being asked to share our firsthand experience as “witnesses of Jesus Christ,” we have to remember that God and His Truth will back us up, and we have every reason to be completely confident.

While it is important to be ready and confident in the way that we offer our belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ which He brought from God the Father, there are times when our efforts to offer testimony are wasted. It benefits no one to proclaim our witness to individuals who only want to provoke an argument. As Jesus instructs us, “‘Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces’” (Matthew 7:6). In some cases, we may encounter individuals who seem to want to learn about our beliefs, but in reality, are only interested in arguing and justifying themselves. In such cases, offering a “witness of Jesus Christ” is futile.

In addition, we need to remember that our role in the Body of Christ is not to bring people to conversion. It is God’s job to call people out of the world, not ours. Because of this fact, when we offer a “witness of Jesus Christ,” it must be for the purpose of sharing our account of the Truth, when asked, which may help others who are in the process of being called to understand more clearly. Quoting from our Booklet, How to Find the True Church of God on the topic of proselytizing, we write the following.

“‘We do not believe in proselytizing. Therefore, we do not seek members by having people standing on street corners or going around neighborhoods knocking on doors. We carry out our various projects in an effort to freely give to all people regardless of their race, nationality, or religious affiliation. We believe in the godly way of helping others by providing the financial means by tithing and voluntary contributions.’

“Rather than trying to proselytize or ‘convert’ others, we are told to preach the gospel as a witness. The Greek word for ‘witness’ is marturion, and means, literally, ‘witness’ or ‘testimony.’ This word is also used in Acts 4:33 where we read that ‘with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.’”

As we grow in our conversion as Christians, our ability to offer a “witness of Jesus Christ” and the Truth of God will also grow. When we are challenged and called upon to do so, it is our responsibility to share our personal testimony according to the guidance provided by the instructions of the Bible so we glorify God and participate in fulfilling the Work He sets before us.

Lead Writer: Eric Rank

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Our newest booklet, “The Ten Commandments,” has entered a second review cycle in preparation for printing.

“Europe and America–No Longer Friends!” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Alarming reports from the Munich Security Conference 2020 read like this: “America and the EU live in parallel universes.” “There has never been such a rift before.” “Europe is further away from Washington than ever.” “There will be no return to close trans-Atlantic ties.” At the same time, Europe rediscovers its “need” to become a strong military power in the light of America’s “disengagement” from Europe and its “lack of commitment to Europe.” Where will all of this lead?

Deutschland in Aufruhr und Chaos,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Germany in Uproar and Chaos.”

“Der Abfall hat schon begonnen,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “The Falling Away Has Already Begun.”

“Think Like God,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?

“Giving Up for Gain,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Some of the wealthiest men in the Bible were called upon to walk away from their monetary comforts in order to pursue a relationship with God. Anything, including money, that engulfs our attention, is a means to drive a wedge between our relationship with God. While God promises to always take care of our “needs”, we must be willing to ignore our “wants” if they draw us away from God.

Initial information about our 2020 Feast sites (US and Germany) is posted on our website along with contact information.

The 2020 Church Conference will be conducted in Escondido, California. Arrival will be Wednesday, March 25, 2020, and departure is scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2020.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Europe’s “Need” for Military Power

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 14:

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas… called on his country and all of Europe to take on a greater international security role… ‘For too long, we Europeans have shut our eyes to the uncomfortable reality of what a withdrawal of the US from military engagement and from international treaties means for us,’ Maas said… Mass called for the ‘construction of a European security and defense union…’

“Striking a similar tone earlier in the day as he opened [this year’s three-day Munich Security] conference, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier criticized the US for neglecting its international duties and warned of an ‘increasingly destructive dynamic in world politics.’…

“Macron pushing for Europe to become more independent from the United States…”

And this is exactly what will happen… and not in a peaceful way.

Needed—European Strength

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 15:

“The French president projected a vision of a Europe with new military power… As the only nuclear power in the EU, he also foresaw greater European sovereignty. ‘We cannot always go through the United States, no, we have to think in a European way as well,’ French President Emmanuel Macron said… as he continued a theme of his presidency: projecting bold European sovereignty onto the international stage.

“He was referring specifically to Europe’s nuclear assets… Macron has already invited Germany to take part in a strategic dialogue over France’s nuclear weapon policy… Macron said he was ‘convinced that we need a much stronger Europe in defense.’

“… he said it was clear that Europe and the US also had different interests… ‘Mediterranean policy: that is a European thing, not a trans-Atlantic thing, and the same goes for Russia — we need a European policy, not just a trans-Atlantic policy.’

“The theme of European strength was taken up in Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s speech on Saturday. The German defense minister said she ‘completely agreed’ with Macron. She even proposed one way in which this might be brought about: a joint EU military strategy for the Strait of Hormuz, independent of the US policy of ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran… German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also insisted that now, with the growing confrontation between the US and China, it was more vital than ever that the EU ‘speak with one voice’…”

While everybody seems overly anxious to emphasize the need and importance for Europe to act within NATO and to be a pillar of NATO, the reality is that Europe is striving to become a military power on its own—with or without NATO and especially without China, Russia or the USA.

Newsmax wrote on February 16: “Europeans are already feeling uneasy about the state of NATO.”

On February 14, Wallstreet Online wrote about the former SPD-Chief and President of the EU Parliament, Martin Schulz, as saying that while he is supporting NATO, Germany must become more active militarily in foreign countries. He also criticized strongly the conduct of US President Donald Trump, stating, “The US is not willing to enter into a covenant.” He said that Trump takes the position, “Who is not with me, is against me. And those who are against me will be neutralized.” He said that Europe has to free itself from the embrace of a president who is able to cause chaos for the entire world. He also criticized Macron who had rejected the concept that European partners have a say in the French use of nuclear weapons.”

Just don’t forget Martin Schulz! He was not termed the “German Donald Trump” without a reason.

US and Europe… No longer Friends

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

“Friend or foe?… Tensions had been simmering for a long time, and now they’ve come to the fore: At the Munich Security Conference, the deep cracks in the trans-Atlantic relationship have become more apparent than ever. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s reply to German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s opening speech showed that Europe — or at least Berlin, and even more so Paris — is further away from Washington than ever

“One thing is certain: There will be no return to the heyday of close trans-Atlantic ties… There is much talk of Europe becoming a sovereign, strategic, political power. There are demands that Germany once again learns the language of power

With regard to future trans-Atlantic relations, three positions have emerged. Firstly, the French vision of European independence. Secondly, the prevailing position — especially in Eastern Europe — that one should be closely connected to Washington, no matter what. And thirdly, Germany’s indecision between these positions. However, one can predict with some certainty that if Donald Trump wins a second term in the White House in November, the French vision will get a massive shot in the arm — including from Berlin.

“President Emmanuel Macron… brings incredible dynamism to the European debate. He fights for European independence. He wants a common foreign and defense policy. And if that does not work for all 27 remaining EU members after Brexit, then Paris would be happy to work with those that do support the idea repeatedly advocated at the conference, to create a Europe capable of action in the face of the ‘rivalry of the great powers.’”

And so, the concept of a core Europe or a Europe with two speeds is again brought to the forefront. And that is exactly what is prophesied to happen. The Bible speaks of ten nations or groups of nations under a powerful leader. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Europe and America–No Longer Friends.” 

US and EU in Parallel Universes

Politico wrote on February 16:

“For decades, the Munich Security Conference served as a powerful symbol of the strength of the Western alliance. The 2020 installment offered a testament to its accelerating decline.

“If the three-day event, which drew to a close on Sunday, illustrated anything, it was that the divergence between the U.S. and the dominant European powers — Germany and France… — is greater than ever

“The two sides aren’t just far apart on the big questions facing the West (threats from Russia, Iran, China), they’re in parallel universes. Most alarming: The biggest disconnect concerns the U.S. commitment to Europe, the very essence of the transatlantic alliance itself.

“In speech after speech, whether in public or private, European leaders lamented what they perceive as the U.S.’s disengagement from both the region and the world at large…”

The relationship between the USA and the EU will not be cured, but will get worse and worse.

The EU-USA Fight Over China

“On February 16, Newsmax published the following article:

“The fight between the U.S. and Europe over Chinese technology is threatening to split the transatlantic military alliance.

“With the U.S. defense establishment identifying China as its No. 1 priority, a bi-partisan delegation headed by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed home their concerns about the use of equipment from Huawei Technologies Co. at the Munich Security Conference over the weekend. The officials warned that installing Huawei kit could undermine cooperation with U.S. allies as Donald Trump’s hardball trade tactics started to infect his administration’s relationships on defense. ‘Republicans and Democrats agree on this,’ said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a close ally of President Donald Trump. ‘If you go down the Huawei road you are going to burn a lot of bridges.’

“European leaders have been hunkering down amid the Huawei storm as they try to maintain their critical relations with both sides in the U.S.-China trade war… Europe’s exports to China have become a critical plank in its economic model and the Chinese have threatened retaliation on European companies if the bloc follows Trump in banning one of its flagship technology companies.

“The U.S. was on the back foot throughout because their strong arm tactics have conspicuously failed to bring the Europeans into line… Even the U.K., which has been energetically courting the White House as it begins life outside the EU, opted to use Huawei kit. ‘We have a tech Cold War right now that’s on display…,’ said Ian Bremmer, president and founder of political risk consultancy Eurasia Group. ‘There’s never been such a rift with how Americans and Europeans define the security threat as right now.’…”

Axios added on February 16:

“Pelosi’s hawkish stance marks a rare area of agreement with the Trump administration, which believes Huawei is a national security threat because the Chinese government may be capable of accessing its equipment for espionage.”

And if that would not be enough, note the article below about another bone of contention.

The Fight for and against the Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline

Bloomberg wrote on February 15:

“President Donald Trump’s top energy official [U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette] said he’s confident that Russia won’t be able to complete the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea — and signaled that the U.S. will press forward with its opposition to the project… ‘It’s going to be a very long delay, because Russia doesn’t have the technology,’ Brouillette said…

“The pipeline, which would pump as much as 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually from fields in Siberia directly to Germany, has become a focus for geopolitical tensions across the Atlantic. Trump has assailed Germany for giving ‘billions’ to Russia for gas while it benefits from U.S. protection. Nord Stream 2’s owners had invested 5.8 billion euros ($6.3 billion) in the project by May 2019…

“U.S. sanctions in December forced Switzerland’s Allseas Group SA, which was laying the sub-sea pipes, to abandon work, throwing the project into disarray…

“Even as he spoke, signs emerged that Gazprom’s attempts at completion may be underway. A Russian pipe-laying vessel, the Akademik Cherskiy, left the port where it had been stationed in Nakhodka on Russia’s Pacific coast last Sunday. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak last year mentioned that vessel as an option to complete the pipeline in Denmark’s waters. The vessel is now expected to arrive in Singapore on Feb. 22…

“One of the pipeline’s financial backers, Austrian gas and oil company OMV AG has predicted that the Russians will follow through… The pipeline was just weeks away from completion, with 94% already constructed, when U.S. sanctions halted work. There’s a small section in Denmark’s waters that needs to be finished. Before the halt, Nord Stream 2 hoped to finish construction by the end of 2019 or in the first few months of this year. That would allow gas deliveries in time to supply Europe by winter 2020-2021. Besides OMV, Nord Stream 2’s other European backers are Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Uniper SE, Engie SA and Wintershall AG.”

Whatever the final outcome, strong frictions between the USA and especially Germany over the issue will continue.

“EU and Britain Will Rip Each Other Apart”

The Guardian wrote on February 16:

“Britain and the European Union are going to rip each other apart in talks over a future trade deal, the French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has predicted… He added that on his desk in his office he had massive files showing the issues of contention between the UK and France, including over fishing rights

“France and several other countries want to be able to keep fishing in British waters, while London wants full autonomy and limited access for European fishermen… Nearly 30% of the turnover of French fishermen relies on access to British waters.”

Much more than just fishing rights is involved. The EU and Britain will turn out to become bitter enemies.

EU Warns Israel and Rejects Trump’s Peace Plan

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 14:

“The European Union’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, sent a message to Israel on Tuesday not to annex the Jordan Valley in the West Bank or else Palestinians could resort to violence. ‘This may happen. … You can be sure it’s not going to be peaceful,’ Borrell told the European Parliament…

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Tuesday that he plans to annex the valley if he wins re-election in the March 2 elections.

“Borrell also made clear his rejection of parts of U.S. President Donald Trump’s new peace plan… ‘The proposals… clearly challenge the internationally agreed parameters. It is difficult to see how this initiative can bring both parties back to the table,’ Borrell said…”

It is to be anticipated that Israel will annex the valley, and Europe might react strongly.

Far-Right Terrorist Attack in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 20:

“A gunman… is thought to have killed nine people and injured at least four in two shisha bars in the city of Hanau, not far from Frankfurt. [The clientele at the bars were thought to be predominantly Kurdish.] He then went home where he is suspected of killing his mother before killing himself…

“Ahead of the attack, he is suspected of having spread racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic hate speech and conspiracy theories online. Federal prosecutors are now investigating whether he had any contact with other far-right terrorists…

“The attack is a clear indication: Far-right terrorism is on the rise in Germany…

“Just last week, German police conducted raids on 13 apartments across the country and dismantled a terror cell that was allegedly planning to plunge Germany into a ‘state of civil war’ by committing ‘as yet undefined’ attacks on politicians, asylum-seekers and Muslims. Four suspected would-be attackers were arrested, as well as another eight individuals suspected of supporting them.

“At first glance, it would seem that the police, security services and prosecutors were able to stop a terrorist group with fixed plans. But the challenge facing investigators is now to provide evidence that is sufficiently convincing that the suspected plotters are put on trial. The difficulty of doing so is well illustrated in the case of Franco A., a lieutenant in the Bundeswehr, Germany’s armed forces. Franco A. was suspended and arrested in 2017 after being charged with the ‘preparation of a serious act of violent subversion.’ He spent seven months in pre-trial custody, accused of wanting to commit attacks on famous politicians, including now-Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Vice-President of the German Bundestag, Claudia Roth.

“Although there was evidence that he had stockpiled weapons and explosives and the names of potential victims were known, the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court dropped the charge that he was planning a terrorist attack on the basis that there was ‘insufficient evidence.’ The court found that he had a ‘racist ethno-nationalist and anti-Semitic attitude’ but said that it was also ‘highly probable’ that he had not yet made a ‘firm decision’ to carry out any attacks.

“The Federal Court of Justice — Germany’s highest criminal court — has since instructed the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court to open criminal proceedings, but no trial date has been set. The tug-of-war shows how high the legal hurdles can be in Germany despite numerous adjustments to the law. It is thus not at all certain that the 12 detained last week will end up on trial…”

This is a terrible dilemma. When you act too early, the suspected criminals might go free. If you act too late, many innocent victims might be killed. Only the just government of Jesus Christ, after His Return, will end such nonsense.

Satanic Possession?

The Guardian added on February 20:

“Angela Merkel has said the murder of nine people in a shooting rampage by a suspected rightwing extremist has revealed the ‘poison’ of racism and hate in Germany. The man… carried out attacks at two shisha bars in Hanau… before killing his mother, bringing the death toll up to 10, and himself, police said.

“Investigators said he [has] a ‘deeply racist mindset’, citing a video and a lengthy manifesto he had posted on social media. Authorities said they were treating the attacks as an act of domestic terrorism

“In a 24-page manifesto and a video, Rathjen outlined his racist theories including his belief that certain races should be eliminated and foreigners who could not be deported from Germany should be ‘destroyed’. He said he had been driven by voices in his head since birth and followed by secret agents…

“One expert said domestic intelligence agents believed there were 24,000 rightwing extremists in Germany, 13,000 of whom were considered potentially dangerous…”

This seems to be a case of serious mental sickness and of demonic influence, if not possession.

The Algemeiner wrote on February 20:

“In a statement on Thursday, World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said his organization was ‘extremely concerned about the rising threats against minorities in Germany from both sides of the political landscape in Germany.’”

This reminds us of the situation in Germany after the first World War, when right- and left- extremists were fighting each other. 

Merkel and German Government Heavily Criticized

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

“A leading contender to succeed German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday criticized her for taking too long to respond to a French proposal on a post-Brexit reform of the European Union. ‘We take too long to react,’ Armin Laschet, North Rhine-Westphalia’s state premier, said at the Munich Security Conference. ‘I would like to apologize on behalf of the German government,’ the co-vice-chair of the ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) added…

“A day earlier, Macron said that he was ‘impatient’ with Germany’s reluctance to take up his offer to cooperate on implementing EU reforms. He added that Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU)- and SPD-led government has not lived up to the promise in their 2018 agreement to create a ‘fresh start; for Europe’…

“Laschet, who is seen as a compromise figure between the CDU’s conservative and centrist wings, is one of three [now four] potential contenders [the other two are Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn, and now Norbert Roettgen, see below] to lead the party and become its candidate for the chancellery…”

Merkel has become a lame duck… nationally and internationally.

A Fourth Candidate for German Chancellorship—Dr. Norbert Roettgen

Business Day wrote on February 18:

“As head of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee, Roettgen has carved out an international profile, speaking out on issues from Brexit to China’s Huawei. However… few political analysts rate his chances.

Merkel sacked him as environment minister in 2012 after he lost an election in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state…

“Other CDU leadership contenders are right-wing health minister Jens Spahn, and Armin Laschet, premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, a centrist widely seen as a continuity candidate although he sharply criticised Merkel’s Europe policy on Sunday [as well as former parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz].”

Dr. Roettgen studied law in Bonn and subsequently worked as an attorney before entering politics. He is Roman Catholic, married, with two sons and one daughter. His biggest defeat was in 2012 when his party scored the worst results ever in a state election and was dismissed by Merkel as environment minister. Shortly thereafter, he also lost his office of vice-president of the CDU. His surprise announcement of his candidacy resulted in an unexpected approval of Bild Online readers. In an initial poll, Roettgen received more votes than Merz, and he also received more votes than Spahn and Laschet combined.   

Is Germany Ready for Spahn?

On February 15, Bild Online published an article about Jens Spahn (39) with the following headline: “Are we ready for a male Mrs. Chancellor?” (“Sind wir bereit für ’ne männliche Kanzlerin?“)

In the article, they said that the future belongs to Spahn, but that he has to become more likeable; that he stands for a departure from Merkel’s asylum policy; that as Health Minister, he introduced compulsory measles vaccination [for children and employees of kindergarten and schools and a ban of a “therapy” to convert homosexuals under 18 or “coercing, deceiving or threatening anyone older into such treatment”]; that he is a friend of Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz; and that he is supported by President of Parliament Wolfgang Schäuble. The article also points out that Spahn, [who is a Roman Catholic and openly gay], is “married” since December of 2017 with Burda-Manager Daniel Funke (38). Both may consider adopting a child in the future.

Spahn had to face several defeats and strong criticism in his political career.

Wikipedia writes: “ In 2018, Merkel stated her intention not to seek re-election for the CDU party leadership. Immediately, Spahn announced his intention to stand for election as her successor in December 2019, but he was eliminated in the first round of voting…

“In April 2008 Spahn voiced his opposition to grand coalition plans to increase pensions… This brought him strong criticism, especially from the Senior Citizens Union (Senioren-Union). Spahn received many insults and threats in the form of anonymous letters, inter alia, and complained of this in the media. The Senior Citizens Union announced it would do everything to prevent his re-election, but Spahn received the support of former president of Germany Roman Herzog.”

Major Pete Buttigieg vs. Rush Limbaugh on Homosexuality

The Huffington Post wrote on February 16:

“Pete Buttigieg on Sunday shrugged off Rush Limbaugh’s… remarks regarding his marriage, saying he isn’t going to ‘take lectures on family values’ from the right-wing radio host… ‘Well, I love my husband,’ Buttigieg told [CNN]… ‘I’m faithful to my husband,’ he continued…

“Limbaugh referred to the openly gay Democratic presidential candidate kissing his husband Chasten Buttigieg at least five times during his show on Wednesday… ‘A gay guy, 37 years old, loves kissing his husband on debate stages,’ Limbaugh said…

“Limbaugh… announced earlier this month that he has advanced lung cancer… Limbaugh also promoted the… conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S…. also embraced by Trump in 2011… Trump earlier this month awarded Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom― the highest civilian honor given by a U.S. president…”

We omitted the hate-filled anti-Limbaugh polemic in the article, but rather chose to quote where we can agree with Limbaugh. The Bible terms the practice of homosexual relationships an abomination; and there are still many lingering unanswered questions about Obama’s birthplace.  

Finland to Prosecute for Biblical Statement on Homosexuality

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 19:

“The head of an Evangelical Lutheran diocese in Finland and a member of the Finnish parliament could face criminal charges after police began investigating them last week regarding the publication and distribution of an [24-page] anti-LGBTQ booklet… which was published in 2004… Helsinki Police questioned them for five hours as part of the investigation.

“According to the state prosecutor-general,… the booklet ‘incites hatred’ against the LGBTQ community… As a result, both [the author and the publisher] could face charges of ‘ethnic agitation,’ a crime of racism in the Finnish Penal Code. Despite intending to only cover ethnic and racial discrimination, legislation in 2011 added discrimination against sexual orientation to the charge…

“[The publisher] said that the LGBTQ lifestyle ‘is contrary to God’s order of creation and a transgression against His will. If one is not allowed to teach this publicly, the message of sin and grace will be left without a foundation, and freedom of religion will decline.’…

“This is not the first time that [the author] – a former Finnish interior minister, leader of the Christian Democratic Party and a sitting MP since 1995 – has made headlines for anti-LGBTQ controversy. He is well-known for being a Conservative voice outspoken in defending traditional Christian views on numerous ethical issues such as abortion and marriage.”

This is Satan’s world, and Satan will do everything he can to destroy Christian values. We can expect worse things to happen until his power will be broken through the return of Jesus Christ.

Did the Coronavirus Start in a Chinese Laboratory?

Daily Mail wrote on February 16:

“Did [the] coronavirus originate in [a] Chinese government laboratory? Scientists believe [that the] killer disease may have begun in [a] research facility … [which] is just 300 yards from the seafood market and is adjacent to the hospital… [one of the 605] bats [kept in the facility] – which are linked to coronavirus – once attacked a researcher and ‘blood of bat was on his skin.’”

We suggested from the outset that it might be possible that the virus was created in Chinese laboratories. There is no end to the stupidity of man.

Axios wrote on February 19:

“We may be ‘at the brink’ of a global pandemic, warns a top U.S. public health official, as cases continue to spread despite containment efforts. Meanwhile, the global economy is being affected, including the tech manufacturing industry.

COVID-19 has now killed more than 2,000 people and infected over 75,000 others, mostly in mainland China, where… 136 new deaths [were announced] since Tuesday.”

Locust Plague Impossible to Stop

AFP wrote on February 19:

“… millions of yellow locusts rise into the northern Ugandan sky, despite hours spent spraying vegetation with chemicals in an attempt to kill them…  The locusts arrived in South Sudan this week after hitting Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti, Eritrea, Tanzania, Sudan and Uganda…

“One swarm in Kenya reached around 2,400 square kilometres (about 930 square miles) — an area almost the size of Moscow — meaning it could contain up to 200 billion locusts… A swarm that size can consume food for 85 million people per day…”

“[A tragedy for especially South Sudan is in the making, with] concerns already high of a humanitarian crisis in a region where 12 million are going hungry… One swarm of 40 to 80 million can consume food for over 35,000 people in a day… eggs laid across the migratory path will hatch in the next two months, and will continue breeding as the rainy season arrives in the region… Since 2018 a long period of dry weather followed by a series of cyclones that dumped water on the region created ‘excessively ideal conditions’ for locusts to breed…”

We hear more and more about unparalleled plagues, earthquakes, volcanoes, bad weather conditions, as well as wars and rumors of wars, with one nation rising against another nation, and one kingdom against another kingdom.

Second Storm Hammers Britain

ABC News wrote on February 16:

“Storm Dennis hammered Britain Sunday, bringing a month’s worth of rain in just 48 hours to parts of South Wales, which bore the brunt of the country’s second severe storm inside a week. Rivers across Britain burst their banks… Dennis has been so intense that England posted a record number of flood warnings and alerts and a rare ‘red warning’ for extremely life-threatening flooding was announced for South Wales… Flood warnings could remain in place for a while since much of Britain is still saturated from last week’s Storm Ciara, which left eight people dead across Europe…

“There were transport disruptions too, with hundreds of flights cancelled due to the high winds while train services were repeatedly disrupted by flooding. Tens of thousands of passengers were being affected on what is a major travel weekend for British families as many schools close for a mid-winter break.”

Neanderthals Buried Their Dead

The Guardian wrote on February 18:

“A Neanderthal skeleton unearthed in an Iraqi cave… is providing fresh evidence that they buried their dead… and conducted funerary rites with flowers.

“Neanderthals inhabited Eurasia from the Atlantic coast to the Ural Mountains… The two species [allegedly, the Neanderthal man and modern man or homo sapiens] interbred, with modern non African-human populations bearing residual Neanderthal DNA.”

Business Insider added:

“‘In recent years we have seen increasing evidence that Neanderthals were more sophisticated than previously thought, from cave markings to use of decorative shells and raptor talons,’ [archeologist Emma] Pomeroy said. ‘If Neanderthals were using Shanidar cave as a site of memory for the repeated ritual interment of their dead, it would suggest cultural complexity of a high order,’ she added.”

Much nonsense has been written and taught in schools about the Neanderthal man. For the truth, please read our free booklet, “Heavens and Earth… Before and After the First Man.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Now What? / Who is Jesus?

On February 22, 2020, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Now what?” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Who is Jesus?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 912

Think Like God / Giving Up for Gain

On February 15, 2020, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Think Like God,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Giving Up for Gain.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Are We Remaining Just in Our Actions?

by Robb Harris

When Moses struck the rock at Meribah and caused water to flow, was he justified in the anger he felt towards the Israelites? One third of Moses’ life (see Exodus 7:7 and Deuteronomy 34:7) was spent leading the people of Israel to the Promised Land. In those 40 years he dealt with a rebellious people that struggled to place God before their own lusts and desires.

At one time, God even wanted to destroy those rebellious people immediately, “Then the LORD said to Moses: ‘How long will these people reject Me? And how long will they not believe Me, with all the signs which I have performed among them? I will strike them with the pestilence and disinherit them, and I will make of you a nation greater and mightier than they’” (Numbers 14:11-12).  But Moses interceded and quieted the anger of God, “Then the LORD said: ‘I have pardoned, according to your word; but truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD—because all these men who have seen My glory and the signs which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have put Me to the test now these ten times, and have not heeded My voice, they certainly shall not see the land of which I swore to their fathers, nor shall any of those who rejected Me see it’” (Numbers 14:20-23).

A generation died out and did not enter into those physical promises because of their rebellious attitude towards God. This punishment was severe to those who failed to follow after God.  And this same punishment was leveled against Moses for his anger.  “…and Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly before the rock. Moses said to them, ‘Listen now, you rebels; must we bring you water out of this rock?’ Then Moses raised his hand [in anger] and with his rod he struck the rock twice [instead of speaking to the rock as the Lord had commanded]. And the water poured out abundantly, and the congregation and their livestock drank [fresh water]. But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, ‘Because you have not believed (trusted) Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, you therefore shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them’” (Numbers 20:10-12, Amplified Bible 2015).

There are no exceptions made for rebellion against God, “For there is no partiality with God” (Romans 2:11).  Moses understood God (through God’s Holy Spirit), something the Israelites around him could not do.  But the same consequences for sin still applied to Moses, and he likewise did not enter into the Promised Land.

God guided and trained Moses his entire life in order to lead His people. He governed a nation with Pharaoh, tended sheep for Jethro, and lead God’s people out of captivity. But the years spent with a people that constantly drifted away from God undoubtedly had an impact on his attitude, at least in that moment at Meribah.  And one (seemingly) small act caused swift punishment from God.

Being surrounded by such ungodliness in our day can have that same effect on our attitudes.  Left unchecked, we can sin in a way that distances us from the Will of God (however valid our actions might seem to the world).  And one small act can cascade into a loss of eternal life.  Understanding and retaining the Will of God in all our actions is fundamental in each of us reaching the lasting promises of becoming part of God’s eternal Family.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with reports on the current turmoil in Germany and the ongoing downfall of Angela Merkel and her designated successor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK) who announced her resignation as head of the party and her refusal to run for Chancellorship. The search for a new candidate for Chancellorship is wide open, while the right-wing AfD party is gaining more and more support. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled,  “Germany in BIG Turmoil.” 

We report on the beginning of the hostile transition period between Britain and Europe after Brexit; the interesting future of Ireland, and the attempts of France to lead Europe, which will fail.

In light of the rapid speed of the coronavirus, we address lessons from leprosy; the lack of preparation in Africa; China’s belated actions and subsequent radical measures; and potentially disastrous economic consequences for the USA.

In other news, we report on the brutal origin of Valentine’s Day; interesting developments within the Catholic Church and in Israel; as well as the lack of freedom of speech in England and Switzerland.

We conclude with reports on a most powerful winter storm in Europe which could be a preview of the political storm awaiting the continent.  

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Turmoil in Germany

MSNBC wrote on February 8 about the AfD’s role as kingmaker by supporting a FDP candidate in Thuringia:

“‘A pact with fascism,’ one headline screamed. Another gasped about ‘a coup.’ Protesters gathered spontaneously in major cities across the country, chanting anti-fascist slogans. Even the chancellor weighed in from afar during a visit to South Africa: ‘It was a bad day for democracy,’ she said darkly.

“Three years after the Alternative for Germany (AfD) became the first far-right party to enter Germany’s national parliament since World War II, the events underscored how the country’s beleaguered traditional parties are still struggling to deal with the new disruptive force… For many Germans, allowing the far right to be kingmakers conjures up dark memories… It did not help that Thuringia is precisely where, in the dying days of the Weimar Republic more than 90 years ago, the Nazis first won power locally, before going on to win nationally — with the help of conservative parties. This history echoed loudly across the country…

“The taboo of not collaborating with the AfD, while sacred, is at risk of crumbling in an increasingly fragmented political landscape. So far, no German state governor has been elected with support from the Alternative for Germany. But the Alternative for Germany has steadily broadened its presence in state legislatures. Especially in eastern states, it has in recent elections been among the top finishers.

“The events in Thuringia were all the more symbolic — and significant — because it is the fief of the AfD’s most notorious far-right leader, Björn Höcke… The photo of Mr. Höcke shaking hands with the victorious center-right candidate, Thomas Kemmerich, prompted particular outrage. ‘Handshake of shame’ the front page headline of the tabloid Bild read. The new governor ‘gets elected by neo-Nazi Höcke.’

“But even beyond Thuringia, enforcing a ban on cooperating with the AfD is proving to be tricky… Some fear it is only a question of time before it arrives on the federal level, where the AfD is the leading opposition party in the national parliament…

“The AfD, meanwhile, has enjoyed accusing mainstream parties of distorting democracy by ignoring the will of voters. For it, the week’s events served as a case in point.”

And that is very true. The more the mainstream and the social media and the mainstream, as well as left-wing, politicians rail against the AfD—even sabotaging and trying to circumvent and silence the declared will of the voters–the more the popularity of the party will increase, as voters are very dissatisfied with the perceived lack of accomplishment by their “established” parties.

As Bloomberg reported on February 8, “Merkel in an unusual step fired a government official from her party who had congratulated Kemmerich for his election. The official, Christian Hirte, is the federal government’s top liaison for the eastern German states and the CDU’s deputy leader in Thuringia.”

Merkel’s overreaction will harm her. Kemmerich announced on Saturday that he was quitting immediately after he had previously announced his immediate resignation, only to subsequently revoke it. Still, as premier, he is obligated to continue in a caretaker capacity until a successor takes up office.

This might require new state elections.

In fact, it might even require new federal elections very soon. Note the next articles.

Another Big Blow in Germany—AKK to Resign

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 10:

“Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer surprised fellow members of the Christian Democrats (CDU) on Monday by announcing that she would step down from her position as the head of the party and would not run for chancellor. She said the candidate for chancellor should also lead the party. Kramp-Karrenbauer intends to stay on as defense minister… She spoke of the need to create a strong CDU, saying that recent events in the eastern state of Thuringia had weakened the party…

“AKK, as she is commonly known, has struggled through a series of scandals that have sowed doubt about her ability to lead the country effectively…

“In 2018, Kramp-Karrenbauer had emerged victorious in the first grassroots contest for CDU leadership… winning against [Friedrich] Merz, who is currently vice president of the business council of the CDU, and Health Minister Jens Spahn… Members of an ultraconservative wing of the CDU came out in favor of Merz as party head. The parliamentary group leader of the Greens… responded to the news by warning the CDU against shifting to the right… AfD parliamentary group head Alexander Gauland… said the decision created an opportunity for the two parties to improve their relations. Kramp-Karrenbauer had ‘plunged the CDU into chaos with her policy of exclusion,’ Gauland said.”

Who Will Succeed Merkel?

The Local wrote on February 10:

“The race to succeed Angela Merkel as Germany’s chancellor became more unpredictable than ever Monday after her protegee Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer threw in the towel as leader of the centre-right party. Here’s a look at four possible candidates for the chancellery from Merkel’s CDU/CSU conservative bloc…

Friedrich Merz, 64, has never forgiven Merkel for driving him out as head of the party’s group of MPs in the Bundestag in 2002… He was narrowly beaten in the vote for party leader by Merkel’s preferred successor Kramp-Karrenbauer in December 2018, and has been waiting in the wings ever since…

“State premier of Germany’s most populous region North Rhine-Westphalia, 58-year-old Armin Laschet could emerge as the compromise candidate… He has won plaudits for his tough stance against criminal gangs in his state, while his liberal leanings make him acceptable to Merkel’s centre-left coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party (SPD)…

“At just 39 years old the youngest potential candidate, the ambitious [and openly gay] Health Minister Jens Spahn is seen by many as the ‘anti-Merkel’. Highly critical of Merkel’s decision to open the door to an influx of asylum seekers in 2015, he is liked by the CDU’s more right-wing faction. ‘Spahn would represent a new start,’ the conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine daily said, seeing in him ‘a brave party leader’ and ‘potent’ possible chancellor…

“The 53-year-old leader of Merkel’s Bavarian CSU sister party [Markus Söder] is seen as having a more distant shot at the chancellery — and may not even want to throw his hat in the ring…”

The choice of AKK’s successor could be decisive for the survival of the CDU and the grand coalition. It could also open the door for closer cooperation between the CDU and the AfD. In addition, calls for Merkel’s resignation—even within her own party—are getting louder.

Bild Online asked the pointed question about Jens Spahn: “Would Germany be ready for a gay chancellor?“ Spahn already announced that he has always said that he is ready to accept “responsibility.” AKK stated that a new chancellor candidate would be recommended by her party (CDU) in the summer and confirmed in December. Whether the CDU has time to wait that long is questionable.

Is Merkel Destroying Her Party?

The conservative mass tabloid, Bild Online, wrote on February 10:

“The life-threatening crisis of the CDU is primarily due to one person who has just now clearly shown that she still sees herself as the party chairperson: Chancellor Angela Merkel (65). From South Africa, she told her party to ‘reverse’ the Thuringia election results.

“Angela Merkel created a pseudo-successor to herself – who was not supposed to shine brighter than her and who never had the power and influence to fix the damage that Chancellor Merkel has done within the CDU. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (57), on the other hand, lacked the power instinct necessary for quickly bringing problem cases… back under control. Under AKK, everybody could do what they want.

“Now the CDU is swinging suicidally between the Greens and the AfD, because Merkel as the party leader slept through, ignored, and gave away the two big issues of migration and climate. Instead of shaping the future, the major party CDU is trying to keep up with the Greens and the AfD – without winning back any of the voters it has lost.

“In the big cities, the Greens are about to become a major party. In Germany’s east, it’s the AfD. At the same time, the CDU is tumbling through the country without leadership. Chancellor Merkel is restricting herself to working on her own personal popularity. She is concerned with shaping her own image for the history books and leaves the party to fend for itself. She doesn’t even show up in the election campaigns, because she knows she is no longer wanted there.

“The AKK debacle has shown: With Angela Merkel in the chancellery, a new beginning for the CDU is not possible – even less so with candidates that are popular in the country, but despised by Merkel. As long as Merkel is governing, the CDU will not win over new voters. If this comes to pass, the political centre would – following the near-demise of the SPD – finally collapse.

“If the Chancellor does not realize this, her legacy could be that she ruined her own party and that, with the AfD and Greens, she created two new major parties. One will then look at the CDU as pitifully and nostalgically as one does today at the SPD.”

And this is exactly what might happen.

Waiting for German Leadership

The New York Times wrote on February 11:

“The resignation of the chancellor’s preferred replacement threatens to extend a lack of German leadership… ‘Germany is the elephant in the room,’ said Jan Techau, director of the German Marshall Fund’s office in Berlin. ‘Today Germany and its leadership in the security realm are once again foremost on everyone’s mind,’ he said. ‘Everyone is waiting for Germany.’…

“The uncertainty over who will succeed Ms. Merkel means that Germany will be… extending the sense of paralysis that is frustrating Germany’s allies in the European Union and Washington… even as China, Russia and President Trump’s America seem to circle Europe like predators on issues ranging from trade and competition to Ukraine and Huawei, the political leadership to translate this into policies that German voters support has been missing

“Who will lead Germany next is by no means clear, with general disappointment in the visible alternatives… ‘Germany is sleepwalking,’ Professor Enderlein said… ‘When Trump took office, we talked of Merkel as the leader of the West, but who would say that now?’ asked Anna Wieslander, a Swede and director for Northern Europe of the Atlantic Council… ‘We want Germany to lead, because it tries to unite Europeans while France is more disruptive, but Germany is not there.’”

Not yet, but a mighty powerful leader will arise, and then things will change dramatically. The comment about France is interesting. See the next article.

France to Lead Europe?

The Associated Press wrote on February 7:

“French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday advocated a more coordinated European Union defense strategy in which France, the bloc’s only post-Brexit nuclear power, and its arsenal would occupy a central role. Macron outlined France’s nuclear strategy… one week after Britain, Europe’s only other nuclear-armed state, officially exited the EU.

“The French leader said… he refused to sign any treaties at this time to further reduce the size of France’s nuclear arsenal and announced an increase in military spending. Macron also positioned himself as the driving force for a united EU, using France’s military clout to make his point… The central idea in the speech, however, was that of a boosted Europe-wide role for the French nuclear arsenal in a more coordinated European defense policy.

“Macron said… the strategy would prevent Europe ‘confining itself to a spectator role’ in an environment dominated by Russia, the United States and China… His remarks come at a time when NATO allies, who would ordinarily look to the United States for help in a nuclear standoff, worry about Washington’s retreat from the multilateral stage. This could create new tensions within NATO, where Macron ruffled feathers last year by saying the lack of U.S. leadership is causing the ‘brain death’ of the military alliance…

“Friday’s speech was part of Macron’s long-running push for a stronger European defense, as U.S. President Donald Trump has pulled away from European allies and admonished them to pay more for their own protection…”

France would love to play the leading role but ultimately, it will be Germany which will lead Europe.

Brexit Transition… the Fight Goes On

Bloomberg wrote on February 5:

“European authorities are hatching an offensive to weaken the Brexit-addled City of London. Officials in Berlin, Brussels and Paris are looking to amend the post-crisis financial rulebook known as MiFID II by walking away from concessions they made to the U.K. in the six years it took to complete the regulations.

“Policies governing research spending, record keeping and trading in stocks, derivatives and commodities are likely to be revised and could make Brexit tougher to negotiate for international banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. Changes would also be aimed at bolstering Deutsche Boerse AG’s dominance against the London Stock Exchange Group Plc in futures and other listed derivatives…

“London financial services firms’ access to the EU will depend on a process known as equivalence — under which Britain would have to prove to Brussels that its rules are at least as stringent as the bloc’s. The equivalence system that will govern finance gives the EU unilateral power to decide if British rules are tough enough to create a level playing field…

“Germany and France are already talking about reversing key parts of the finance law that were backed by the U.K. when it was a member of the EU…”

It will be an eventful transition period, with bad headlines topping each other.

Ireland on New Course?

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 8:

“Millions headed to vote in Ireland on Saturday, with an initial exit poll showing a virtual three-way tie for the major parties. The poll show a huge resurgence for the left-wing Sinn Fein party… Frustration with economic austerity and an ongoing housing crisis have fueled the rise of Sinn Fein, which is committed to the reunification of Ireland and is still sidelined by the political establishment for its links to the IRA…

“[Before the election,] both major parties [had refused] to work with them…”

But this may change. Note the next article.

The Guardian wrote on February 10:

“Sinn Féin has declared victory in Ireland’s general election and called for talks with other main parties to form a coalition government… Sinn Féin won 24.5% of the first-preference vote in Saturday’s election, almost doubling its share from 2016… Fine Gael slid to 20.9% and the main opposition party, Fianna Fáil, slipped to 22.2%… The Greens, independents and small leftwing parties accounted for the rest…

“The fragmented results will produce a hung parliament with no party close to 80 seats – the number for a majority and stable government in the 160-seat chamber, which includes a speaker…

“Sinn Féin said it wished to promote its defining issue – a united Ireland – in any future government. An exit poll found that 57% of people supported Sinn Féin’s desire to hold referendums on unity on both sides of the border in the next five years.”

Express wrote on February 9:

“A UNITED IRELAND would automatically rejoin the EU, unlike an Independent Scotland, whose ministers would have to go through a long ‘accession process’, one of Britain’s foremost constitutional experts told Express…”

It is entirely possible that the UK will fall apart, and that a united Ireland will rejoin Europe.

Lessons from Leprosy

NPR wrote on February 7:

“… past efforts to isolate disease show that such moves — as well-intentioned as they might be — don’t always go as planned…

“When the federal government sought to identify all the leprosy cases in the country in the early 1900s, it found only 278. But public health investigators told Congress there likely were many more in hiding out of fear… the assistant surgeon general announced that there were ‘1,200 lepers at large’ in the country… When Americans feared a potential leprosy pandemic in the late 1800s, people of Asian descent were also unjustly stigmatized…

“Throughout history, those believed to have leprosy, now called Hansen’s disease, were among the most reviled members of society, outcasts sometimes believed to be sinners who brought the illness upon themselves. Even today, the threat of leprosy is used to demonize immigrants and people living in homeless encampments as potential carriers of the disease — although there’s no evidence that’s true.

“About 200,000 people around the world are diagnosed each year with Hansen’s disease. Many of them still prefer not to make their diagnosis public for fear of how they’ll be treated by the rest of society…”

The Bible clearly advocates isolation and even quarantine for those who are suffering from a serious contagious disease—not because those who suffer from it are cursed and guilty of sin, but because of love for our fellow man. But in this world ruled by Satan, most don’t care about God’s laws. They may not reveal their sickness because of selfish reasons and lack of love for others, or because of fear of the abominable condemnations from their ignorant and self-righteous fellow men. And so, contagious diseases will spread.

Africa Unprepared for the Coronavirus

The Associated Press wrote on February 8:

“At a Chinese-run hospital in Zambia, some employees watched as people who recently returned from China showed up with coughs but were not placed in isolation. A doctor tending to those patients has stopped coming to work, and health workers have been ordered not to speak publicly about the new virus that has killed hundreds around the world.

“The virus that has spread through much of China has yet to be confirmed in Africa, but global health authorities are increasingly worried about the threat to the continent where an estimated 1 million Chinese now live, as some health workers on the ground warn they are not ready to handle an outbreak.

“Countries are racing to take precautions as hundreds of travelers arrive from China every day. Safeguards include stronger surveillance at ports of entry and improved quarantine and testing measures across Africa, home to 1.2 billion people and some of the world’s weakest systems for detecting and treating disease. But the effort has been complicated by a critical shortage of testing kits and numerous illnesses that display symptoms similar to the flu-like virus…

“Those growing worried include employees at the Sino-Zambia Friendship Hospital in the mining city of Kitwe in northern Zambia, near the Congo border. Chinese companies operate mines on the outskirts of the city of more than half a million people. One company is headquartered in Wuhan, the city at the center of the virus outbreak. Hundreds of workers traveled between Zambia and China in recent weeks…

“Several African nations such as Ghana, South Africa and Ethiopia have announced their precautions, including updates on negative test results for suspected cases and demonstrations of surveillance and quarantine capabilities. Ethiopian Airlines, however, faces questions by some in Africa about why it continues to operate more than 30 China flights a week while other African airlines have suspended theirs…”

The virus is spreading much faster than scientists had originally contemplated. It has been reported that even IF a vaccine was to be found NOW, it would ALREADY be too late. But we are told it might take up to eighteen months to find a vaccine. 

Newsmax wrote on February 13:

 “The total deaths in mainland China since the outbreak began in December stood at 1,367 (1,491 worldwide, according to Axios) with the total number of confirmed cases mounting to 52,526.” This brings the total to more than 60,000 worldwide. 

Axios wrote on February 13: “There are more than 500 cases in 27 other countries and territories.”

How China “Deals” with the Virus

The Washington Post wrote on February 6:

“The Chinese Communist Party has once again proved that authoritarianism is dangerous — not just for human rights but also for public health.

“Confronted with the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, the CCP has instinctively reverted to its familiar tool kit: It immediately staged a large-scale lockdown of people and information at the expense of the public good…

“All you need to do is look at the images and words of brave citizens in Wuhan who have responded by passing on firsthand information about the epidemic to their compatriots and the outside world. They are doing this at great risk to themselves. They know they potentially face reprisal for the heroic act of simply sharing the truth…”

China is an absolutely totalitarian country. It has been reported that those who are suspected of being infected are being violently dragged out of their homes, arrested, and transported into “isolation.”

Massive Death Toll Possible

The Guardian wrote on February 11:

“The coronavirus epidemic could spread to about two-thirds of the world’s population if it cannot be controlled, according to Hong Kong’s leading public health epidemiologist. His warning came after the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said recent cases of coronavirus patients who had never visited China could be the ‘tip of the iceberg.’…

“‘Sixty per cent of the world’s population is an awfully big number,’ Leung told the Guardian in London… the death toll would be massive…”

Man’s Unwillingness to Learn!

AFP wrote on February 12:

Bats, rats and snakes are still being sold at an Indonesian market known for its wildlife offerings, despite a government request to take them off the menu over fears of a link to the deadly coronavirus.

“Vendors at the Tomohon Extreme Meat market on Sulawesi island say business is booming and curious tourists keep arriving to check out exotic fare that enrages animal rights activists…

“A wildlife market in Wuhan, the epicentre of the virus, is thought to be ground zero and there is suspicion it could have originated in bats… [Indonesia’s] grubby stalls feature a dizzying array of animals including giant snakes, rats impaled on sticks and charred dogs with their hair seared off by blowtorches — a gory scene described by some critics as ‘like walking through hell’.”

This is SICK and DISGUSTING. God calls it a terrible abomination!

The Unforeseen Consequences of the Coronavirus Outbreak

CCN wrote on February 10:

“… the coronavirus epidemic is one big threat that could cause the U.S. housing market bubble to burst at last

“The Chinese have already been pulling back their investments in the U.S. housing market as regulations have tightened in China to control the outflow of cash from the country. The trade war between the U.S. and China is another reason why their housing market investments have declined. But now, the coronavirus epidemic could deal yet another blow to Chinese investments in the U.S. housing market…

“The travel ban by President Trump on foreign nationals who have been to China in light of the coronavirus outbreak is going to further complicate things for anyone from that country looking to invest in the U.S. housing market. So, don’t be surprised to see a drop in home sales as the Chinese reportedly account for 20 percent of the foreign buyers who buy homes in the U.S.

“… the housing market inventory in the U.S. was down 13.6 percent in January. This was the largest annual decline seen in four years. What’s more, the report states that the listing volume of new properties was also down 10.6 percent year over year…

“As it turns out, homes in the U.S. are getting more and more expensive with each passing month. The median price of a home listed for sale went up by 3.4 percent in January to $299,995…

“At the same time, the pull-out by Chinese buyers on account of the coronavirus outbreak will be another headwind for the market… These two factors could… spark a potential crisis in the market.”

A collapse of the housing market in the USA is certain.

“US Navy Wants More Ships but Can’t Afford Them”

Defense News wrote on February 10:

“The US Navy’s fiscal year 2021 budget slashes 10 planned ships over the next five years…

“That would leave the Navy scrambling to add 50 ships to the battle force over five years starting in 2026, just as the Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine enters serial production and is expected to eat as much as 40 percent of the Navy’s shipbuilding account.”

Crazy–Californians Compelled to Vote?

The Los Angeles Times reported on February 6:

“… a [Democratic] California lawmaker is pushing to require voters to cast a ballot in future elections. The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer…

“As many as 30 countries have compulsory voting laws on the books, including Australia, Belgium and Brazil… Assembly Bill 2070… would require every Californian who registers to vote to ‘cast a ballot, marked or unmarked in whole or in part, at every election held within the territory within which the person resides.’ AB 2070 has yet to be referred to a policy committee and is unlikely to be considered until the spring…

“Opponents… have said that mandatory voting could be in conflict with the right to free speech guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.”

What absolute utter nonsense… but it is dangerous as, again, the state wants to control the people and limit, if not abolish, their individual rights. Compelling people to serve on a jury would fall into this same category, and so would be the institution of a draft.

Pope Removes German Archbishop Georg Gänswein

LifeSiteNews wrote on February 5:

“Pope Benedict’s secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, has been put on administrative leave indefinitely by Pope Francis… Gänswein has been the private secretary of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger since 2003. He remained at his side after Ratzinger’s election to the papacy. Only a few months before Benedict resigned in 2013, he made Gänswein the Prefect of the Papal Household, as well as an archbishop.

“Since then, the German prelate has spent part of his day with the Pope emeritus, while fulfilling his duties as Prefect of the Papal Household during the remainder of his day. Die Tagespost speculates that the administrative leave is related to the rollout of the book From the Depths of Our Hearts on clerical celibacy by Cardinal Robert Sarah, to which Benedict XVI contributed… Vatican-based journalist Antonio Socci had claimed that Pope Francis was ‘furious’ over Benedict’s contribution to the book on celibacy, demanding he retract his name from the work.”

The liberal and conservative factions within the Catholic Church and the Vatican become more and more embittered adversaries. But it seems that for now, Francis who is sometimes very difficult to read, has bowed to conservative pressure. Note the next article.  

Francis: No Ordination of Married Men as Priests… for Now!

The Australian Associated Press wrote on February 12:

“Pope Francis, in one of the most significant decisions of his papacy, has dismissed a proposal to allow some married men to be ordained in the Amazon region to ease an acute scarcity of priests. The recommendation, put forward by Latin American bishops last year, alarmed conservatives in the deeply polarised 1.3 billion-member Roman Catholic Church, who feared it could lead to a change in the centuries-old commitment to celibacy among priests.

“Francis delivered his response in an Apostolic Exhortation on Wednesday, three months after the proposal passed by 128 votes to 41 at a contentious Vatican assembly, or synod, of Roman Catholic bishops. Apostolic Exhortations are used to instruct and encourage the Catholic faithful but do not define Church doctrine.

“Wednesday’s 32-page document did not even mention the proposal, which was for older married deacons who are proven leaders of remote Catholic communities and have stable families to be ordained as priests. Conservatives balked, fearing that even a circumscribed change would be a slippery slope leading to a married priesthood throughout the Church. They branded a pre-synod working document as heretical.

“In what some viewed as a strategically timed appeal to Francis not to approve the Amazon proposal, a book published last month by Church conservatives defended the tradition of priestly celibacy… Vatican officials said the pope completed the document on December 27, before the book controversy, and handed it in for translations. They said no changes were made after that.”

While conservatives may be pleased, liberals will not be.

Pope Pushes One-World Religion

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 11:

“Historically, the Vatican was no friend to the Jews but its new initiative aligns the Catholic Church with Islam in a one-world religion that may be the biggest threat ever to the Jewish People. A major event to advance the project will take place on the anniversary of the birth of the State of Israel…

“The date of the global educational summit is May 14, precisely 72 years after Israel proclaimed its independence. Rabbi Winston suggested that this could have a deeper meaning, indicating the inherent conflict between the Jewish People and universal religion… ‘Are they trying to get rid of the Jews and the Torah by creating one world religion? Anyone who wants a one-world order has to get rid of the Jews because all of human history has proven that the core of Torah Judaism doesn’t change, even, when necessary, and the cost of death…’”

The Bible prophesies an end-time worldwide persecution of the Jewish people.

The Brutal Origin of Valentine’s Day

The Sun wrote on February 12:

 “Valentine’s Day hasn’t always meant a cosy, candlelit dinner… The Roman festival of Lupercalia – one of the earliest instances the date became synonymous with ‘love’ – was launched to promote fertility in women, but its barbaric acts were distinctly un-romantic. … Here are the bloody beginnings of Valentine’s Day

 “The ancient pagan festival Lupercalia began in a dark, sacred cave as far back as the 6th century BC. A group of Roman priests would gather and strip naked before slaughtering a goat, as a representation of sexuality, and then a dog – for purification. Two of the priests would then have the animals’ blood smeared on their foreheads with the same knife used for the slaughters, before wiping it off with a piece of milk-soaked wool. Once the sacrifices were complete, things took an even darker turn.

“The priests, known as the Luperci – meaning ‘brothers of the wolf’ – would cut the animals’ skins into strips and dip them in the sacred blood. They’d then take to the streets, where women would be voluntarily lining up to get whipped by the pieces of hide… If you were struck by a Lupercus, one of the priests, it was considered that you would give birth to more children…

“Once the beatings were complete, a Love Island-style matchmaking ceremony would take place… All of the unmarried women would reportedly add their names to a large urn, before it was passed around any single Roman men – who would each pick out a name.

“The couples who were matched up would remain together throughout the festival… Some retellings suggest the new couples would be forced to have sex throughout the remainder of the festival and perhaps even beyond, as the man tried to give his woman a baby.

“Pope Gelasius made it a Christian holiday in the fifth century, historian Noel Lenski told NPR. ‘It was a little more of a drunken revel... That didn’t stop it from being a day of fertility and love.’

“The Roman festival has long been linked to February 14… as the day that birds mate, signifying love.”

For further information on Valentine’s Day, see our free booklet, “Man’s Holidays and God’s Holy Days.”

Lesbians and Gays in Leadership Positions of the Episcopal Church

The Associated Press wrote on February 8:

“The Michigan diocese of the Episcopal Church has its first female and openly lesbian bishop. [She] was ordained Saturday during a ceremony in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn… [Another woman] was the church’s first lesbian bishop in 2010 in Los Angeles…

“[Another woman] became its first female bishop when she was ordained in 1989 in Massachusetts. [A man] became the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop in 2004… ‘If you look at scripture, Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality,’ [the lesbian bishop from Michigan] said…”

It seems one can try to justify everything, even though the Truth should be blatantly obvious.

Israel Prepared to Annex Parts of the West Bank

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 8:

“Israel has begun preparing a precise map of the parts of the West Bank it will annex in accordance with the new US peace plan, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Saturday… ‘It won’t take much time… Within a few weeks, it will happen.’…

“Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump presented his peace plan, by which the US will approve of Israel annexing some 30% of the West Bank, including all settlements and the Jordan Valley…

“Netanyahu remarked on the historic change of the Trump administration recognizing Israel’s right to Jerusalem and the West Bank – as opposed to the world, including previous administrations, which did not. ‘I’m happy that American policy changed under [Trump’s] courageous leadership, starting with [canceling] the Iran Deal, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy, recognizing our sovereignty in the Golan and recognizing the legality of settlements in Judea and Samaria,’ he stated.”

Such action would result in an uproar in the Middle East.

Only Israel Approves of Trump’s Foreign Policies

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 9:

“Israel was the only one of 33 non-U.S. countries included in a new Pew Research Center survey where a majority of respondents expressed approval of U.S. President Donald Trump’s foreign policies.

“Some 55 percent of Israelis in the spring 2019 poll, released on Monday, expressed net approval of Trump’s international policies—meaning they approved of more policies than they disapproved of. The second non-U.S. country with the highest net approval was Poland at 34 percent, and Germany had the lowest net approval at 6 percent.”

America and Israel become more and more isolated from and rejected by the rest of the world.

No Freedom of Speech for the Truth in England

Daily Mail wrote on February 8:

“The preacher son of US evangelist Billy Graham is threatening to sue eight British arenas that cancelled his shows after protests from the LGBT community. Franklin Graham, 67, a vocal supporter of US President, Donald Trump, describes homosexuality as a ‘sin’ and is in favour of ‘gay conversion therapy’.

“The ACC Liverpool conference centre was the first to cancel one of his planned events saying last month that his views were ‘incompatible’ with their values and the Sheffield Arena followed soon after. Since then venues in Glasgow, Newcastle, Cardiff, Birmingham, Milton Keynes and London have all followed suit. But Graham… remains unrepentant on his ‘homophobic’ views and even claimed that the Queen would agree with him…

“He told Premier Christian News: ‘I believe the Bible teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman. That’s the Church of England’s position… This is what the Bible teaches and that’s what I believe.’… Graham… has previously described gay marriage as a ‘sin‘… Graham claimed the LGBT community were threatening free speech… ‘If a small group of people can force a cancellation of an event where thousands of Christians are participating, I think there is no question about the danger in the future to others.’”


No Freedom of Speech for the Truth in Switzerland

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 9:

“Switzerland has voted strongly in favor of banning discrimination against gay people… Sunday’s referendum decided on legislation that specifically outlawed hate speech and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation with jail terms of up to three years… However, the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) — the strongest party in parliament — opposed the law… The change was first passed by Swiss parliament in 2018, but it was forced to a referendum after critics said it would stifle free speech…

“SVP lawmaker Eric Bertinat told the Agence France-Presse news agency that he believed the law was ‘part of an LGBT plan to slowly move towards same-sex marriage and medically assisted reproduction’ for gay couples. Marc Frueh, head of the Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland (EDU), a small Christian party called it a ‘censorship law.’… Green, left-leaning and centrist parties support the law.”

The Associated Press wrote on February 9:

“Supporters said the addition is needed but that it would not stifle legitimate public debate as long as the views expressed don’t stray into fomenting hate or discrimination… Opponents argued that protections against denigration were already enshrined in Swiss law. The nationalist Swiss People’s Party, the biggest single party in parliament, opposed the change and said the backers must now show it was ‘not a pretext for handing down politically motivated verdicts and silencing unwelcome opinions and voices.’

“[Justice Minister Karin] Keller-Sutter said ‘freedom of expression remains guaranteed.’ She added that courts have been ‘restrained’ in their application of the existing law and ‘anyone who remains respectful need have no fear of being convicted.’”

However, the accuracy of the concerns of the SVP is only too clear.

Major Winter Storm Hits Europe

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 10:

“A major winter storm — named both Ciara and Sabine — has passed through large swaths of Europe, resulting in a number of deaths across the continent…

“Hurricane-force winds and heavy rains grounded flights, canceled trains and shut down operations at major ports across western Europe from Sunday… Gusts measuring over 170 kilometers (106 miles) per hour were reported in the Black Forest in southern Germany Monday morning… Germany issued its second-highest storm warning level for the entire southern half of the country. In parts of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, the highest-level warning, No. 4, has been issued.”

The Associated Press reported on February 11:

“Ferocious winds, with gusts over 200 kph (125 mph), lashed Corsica and whipped up a forest fire that flared overnight on the French Mediterranean island on Tuesday, after a storm with hurricane-force winds and heavy rains battered northern Europe for days, killing at least eight people and causing severe travel disruptions…

“Deaths due to the fierce storm were reported in Poland, Sweden, Britain, Slovenia, Germany and the Czech Republic… In northern Bavaria, where a gust of over 160 kph (100 mph) was recorded, the storm produced a record amount of electricity being fed into the German grid from wind turbines, equivalent to almost 44 nuclear power plants.

“The German Weather Service said strong winds would keep blasting much of the country on Tuesday but the brunt of the storm had moved to the southeast. In northeastern Germany, a new storm was expected to reach the Baltic coast… In England and Scotland, the Met Office national weather agency still had 85 flood warnings in force as torrential rains caused numerous rivers to overflow their banks.

“In the Czech Republic, more than 40,000 households remained without electricity Tuesday morning, down from some 300,000 on Monday afternoon. Around 20 train routes were still blocked because of fallen trees on the track…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 12:

“A swell caused by storm Sabine flooded Hamburg’s iconic fish market. Fish could now be swimming through the stalls where they are usually sold.”

This winter storm might also be viewed as a preview of the major political storm which will be hitting Europe very soon.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What will be the future relationship between major Middle Eastern Nations and Israel?

In our last Q&A, we answered the question whether there still will be a future king of the South. We explained that even though the prophecy in Daniel 11 regarding the king of the South has been fulfilled, the prophecy could be dual and find another end-time fulfillment in the near future, but if so, the king of the South would have to be Ethiopia which could be leading several Arab nations, including Egypt and Libya, against Europe.

In addition, we showed from Psalm 83 that other Middle Eastern nations, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq and Jordan, will at first form a confederacy with Europe (under German leadership) against “Israel.”

The previous Q&A limited and confined our comments mainly to the friendly or hostile relationship of Middle Eastern nations with continental Europe. In this Q&A, we will address the relationship of Middle Eastern nations with “Israel.”

We have written at length about the following nations, mentioned herein, in previous Q&As and our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

In this Q&A, we will set forth in a condensed summary format the important conclusions which we came to, based on the Bible, pertaining to some major Middle Eastern nations in regard to their dealings with “Israel.” For an in-depth study, we recommend reviewing the above-mentioned booklet.

One of the most antagonistic countries against “Israel” will be TURKEY. It is identified in the Bible as “Edom” or “Esau.” The Bible and history show that the Turks are the modern descendants of ancient Esau or Edom, the twin brother of Jacob or Israel. As mentioned in the previous Q&A, modern Edom will be part of a confederacy with the modern Babylonian system of Europe under Assyria or Germany, together with Arab nations. This confederacy (literally, “cutting a covenant”) will be directed against “Israel”—the state of Israel, the Jews in general, and the modern descendants of the House of Israel which are mainly to be found in the USA and the United Kingdom, as well as other English-speaking nations such as Canada and Australia.

The Bible does not say that Edom will become part of the current EU, let alone the final configuration of ten European core nations or groups of nations. While Europe will be collaborating for a while with Turkey and other Arab nations, this does not mean that there will be full partnership and unification between them.

Turkey will continue to become an extremely hostile nation towards the Jews and the House of Israel, under a ruthless and dictatorial Turkish leadership.

After an initial collaboration between the EU and Turkey, things will drastically change.  Edom’s allies, and especially Assyria and the entire Babylonian system, will turn against Edom.

Obadiah 6-7 says that “ALL THE MEN IN YOUR CONFEDERACY” will turn against Turkey—this includes modern Assyria (Germany) and modern “Tyre” (the end-time European system). This means that Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Palestinians, Western Iraq and perhaps Lebanon will also turn against Turkey. In Obadiah 8-9, God makes clear that this will happen “in that day”—after the Great Tribulation and during the Day of the LORD—and that God will inspire the former allies of Edom to act in this way.

Psalm 60:8 and Psalm 108:9 indicate as well a future defeat in war and captivity for the people of Edom (as well as Moab, i.e. modern Iraq). The modern Babylonian system under Assyria’s lead will conquer Edom (modern Turkey) and enslave it, after Edom (and Moab) had at first escaped the modern Assyrian “king of the North” (Daniel 11:41).

The Bible tells us that the reason for Turkey’s future destruction is its abominable conduct against “Israel.” We read in Ezekiel 35:1-15 that Turkey “had an ancient [or everlasting] hatred, and [has] shed the blood of the children of Israel by the power of the sword at the time of their calamity… you have said, ‘These TWO NATIONS and these TWO COUNTRIES [referring to the Houses of Israel and Judah] shall be mine, and we will possess them…’”

Obadiah 1:10-15 confirms this by stating that “In the day that strangers carried captive his forces, When foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem—Even you were as one of them. But you should not have gazed on the day of your brother In the day of his captivity; Nor should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah In the day of their destruction; Nor should you have spoken proudly In the day of distress. You should not have entered the gate of My people In the day of their calamity. Indeed, you should not have gazed on their affliction In the day of their calamity Nor laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. You should not have stood at the crossroads to cut off those among them who escaped; Nor should you have delivered up those among them who remained In the day of distress (Menge Bible: the Great Tribulation). For the day of the LORD upon all the nations is near; As you have done, it shall be done to you…”

Israel and Judah will have to go into slavery, and Edom will actively participate in this future war against Israel and Judah which will bring about the complete downfall of those two nations. Edom will possess at least parts of Israel’s and Judah’s territories. But then, God will use the modern Babylonian power bloc to punish Edom or modern Turkey severely due to Edom’s hatred and violence towards Israel and Judah.

Focusing on ETHIOPIA, we read in Nahum 3:9 that ETHIOPIA, as well as Egypt and Put (Libya; see below), will at first be modern Nineveh’s “strength” and helpers (that is, the modern Babylonian system under Assyrian or German leadership, ancient Nineveh being the capital of Assyria). They will help modern Nineveh to fight against Israel and Judah.

But we also read that this particular alliance will change and that the modern king of Babylon (Europe) will attack and conquer Egypt and Ethiopia (Ezekiel 30:1-9; 29:10; compare also Isaiah 18:1-6). Zephaniah 2:12 tells us specifically that “You Ethiopians also, you shall be slain by the sword.” We also read in Daniel 11:42-43 that the modern king of Assyria of the Babylonian system will be ruling over the Ethiopians.

We are specifically told in Isaiah 11:11 that at the time of Christ’s Return, the survivors of the modern descendants of the Houses of Israel and Judah will find themselves enslaved in countries such as Assyria (Germany), Egypt, Cush (Ethiopia), and Elam (Iran).

We don’t know when and exactly how the survivors of Israel and Judah will become captives in Ethiopia and in some of the other countries mentioned above. It could begin to happen when Ethiopia fights with Assyria against Israel, or later, when Assyria fights against Ethiopia and then transfers and settles some of its Israelite captives there.

We also read that some Ethiopians will become a part of an army, led by Russia and China and other Far Eastern nations, to invade the Promised Land. This will happen just after Christ’s Return to this earth; compare Ezekiel 38:5.

Regarding EGYPT, we read that Jews will be enslaved in Egypt just prior to Christ’s return. Isaiah 27:13 explains that when the great trumpet sounds “in that day”—designating the resurrection of the just from the dead in the end time–captives from the Houses of Israel and Judah will be released from slavery. We are also told that prior to their freedom, some will perish in the LAND of Assyria, and some will be outcasts in the LAND of Egypt.

Hosea 9:3 states that Ephraim (mainly the UK, but by extension including the USA, Canada and other English-speaking nations) shall return to Egypt and eat unclean things in Assyria. On the other hand, Hosea 11:5, 10-11 informs us that Ephraim shall not return to the LAND of Egypt; rather, it will go into the kind of “Egyptian” slavery which ancient Israel experienced when it was in Egyptian captivity. The modern king ruling over the modern House of Israel (including the UK and the USA) will be Assyria. Deuteronomy 28:68; 17:16 confirms as well that “Egyptian” slavery is decreed over both the Houses of Israel and Judah.

According to Isaiah 27:13, a part of the enslaved remnant will return from the LAND of Egypt. Since Ephraim will not be enslaved in the LAND of Egypt, it follows that those who will be enslaved in the LAND of Egypt will be mainly those from the House of Judah (the Jews). This fact is supported in Joel 3:19, which tells us that Egypt will become a desolation, because of their violence against the people of JUDAH or the Jews.

Zechariah 10:10-12 tells us as well that some (apparently referring to Judah) will be freed from slavery and brought back from the LAND of Egypt, while others (Ephraim) will be freed from Assyria.

Focusing on LIBYA, not much is stated regarding its end-time relationship with “Israel” prior to Christ’s Return.

As we mentioned in the last Q&A, Daniel 11 shows that the modern king of Assyria will turn against Egypt and the nations allied with her, including Ethiopia and Libya, and conquer, control or even enslave them. However, the Bible shows that after ten European nations or groups of nations under modern Assyria (“the Babylonian system”) will have subdued and conquered many nations, they themselves will be defeated in war by the modern Medes—Russians and Ukrainians.

We do not know whether the alliance of Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya, which is directed against Europe, will be friendly or unfriendly towards “Israel.” But we do know that shortly AFTER Christ’s Return, a mighty Far Eastern army (under Russian and Chinese leadership) will try to invade the modern Houses of Judah (the modern Jews) and of Israel (mainly the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, as well as some nations in North-Western Europe). By that time, all the Israelites and Jews, who will have survived the Great Tribulation, will have been brought back to live in the Promised Land.

In regard to the future attempt by that great Far Eastern army to invade and conquer the Promised Land, Ezekiel 38:5 states expressly that “Persia, Ethiopia and LIBYA are with them.” It is possible that this hatred against “Israel” already developed and existed prior to Christ’s Return.

In the end time, SYRIA or Aram will face utter destruction just prior to Christ’s Return. Scriptures like Isaiah 17:1-4; Jeremiah 49:23-27 and Amos 1:3-5 describe the destruction of Damascus (the capital of Syria) in vivid terms. If we look at prior historical events, we conclude that it is possible that Syria’s destruction will occur through the modern Babylonian system under the leadership of the modern “king” of Assyria. In ancient times, the king of Assyria, Tiglath-Pileser, destroyed Damascus and enslaved the Syrians. He fought the House of Israel [under King Pekah] and Syria [under King Rezin] at about the same time.

If history is our guide, then it would be interesting to contemplate the possibility that the destruction of Damascus and the overthrow of Syria could occur at approximately the same time when the modern “king” of Assyria will attack the modern House of Israel. Ironically, “Ephraim” will make a covenant with modern Assur (Hosea 12:1) and ask them for help as well (Compare Hosea 5:13, which states in the New American Bible and the Menge translation: “Ephraim went to Assyria, and Judah sent to the great king.”). At that time, the modern “king” of Assyria might just comply with both requests.

But he will not really rescue the Jews nor modern Ephraim (Hosea 7:11-12; 5:14-15). Even anciently, we read in 2 Chronicles 28:16-21 that Tiglath-Pileser, King of Assyria, did NOT really help Ahaz, King of Judah, even though he had pretended at first to help Israel against the Syrians. Rather, he “distressed” or “oppressed” him (verse 20). In fact, we read that the modern “king” of Assyria, leader of the revived Roman Empire, will ultimately engage in a decisive war against the modern Houses of Israel AND Judah.

Focusing on SAUDI ARABIA, we read in Psalm 83:6 that Ishmaelites—the kingdom of Saudi Arabia—as well as other Arabic tribes will enter into a covenant with Assyria or modern-day Germany against Israel.

When God intervenes in world affairs, He will begin to pour out His wrath and fury over all nations, by bringing the sword over them (Jeremiah 25:15-17), including Arabia and Tema, one of Ishmael’s sons (Jeremiah 25:23). This will happen during the Day of the LORD of God’s wrath (Jeremiah 25:33), which will begin approximately one year prior to Christ’s Return.

Isaiah 21:13-17 gives us another prophecy about Ishmael’s or Saudi Arabia’s destruction. We are not specifically told there who exactly will defeat the Arabs in war, but we note that in Old Testament times, the Assyrians did so, and most commentaries apply the prophecy of Isaiah to that occurrence. They overlook, however, that the prophecy is primarily for our times today. If the prophecy is dual, which it appears to be, then Assyria will again be the enemy defeating the Arabs in war, after they first had entered into an alliance with Assyria against Israel.

Finally, when focusing on Scriptures about IRAN, formerly known as Persia, we find that the modern-day Iranians are descendants of the ancient Elamites.

As we have seen, the Jewish people and the modern House of Israel will be conquered and enslaved by the final European revival of the ancient Roman Empire, under Assyrian or German leadership, called modern “Babylon” in Scripture. When Jesus Christ returns, He will free the survivors of that captivity and bring them into the Promised Land. Several Scriptures tell us that prior to Christ’s Return, survivors from Israel and Judah will be enslaved in Elam–Iran (Isaiah 11:11).

Isaiah 22:6 prophesies, in the context of the future enslavement of the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem (compare verses 1-4): “Elam [Iran] bore the quiver With chariots of men and horsemen, and Kir uncovered the shield.”

The timing is the Day of the LORD or “in that day” (verses 8, 12), when God has “removed the protection of Judah” (verse 8), since they looked to their armor or military, rather than to God (verses 8, 11). We note, from Ezekiel 27:10, that at one time, “Those from Persia [Iran], Lydia and Libya Were in [the mystical “Tyre’s” or the modern Babylon’s] army as men of war.” So it appears that Iranians will participate in the military attack of modern Babylon against the state of Israel.

It appears further that after their mutual attack on Jerusalem, modern Babylon—a confederacy of many nations–will turn against Iran and enslave the Iranian people (Jeremiah 49:35-39). Subsequently, the modern Iranians will be freed—apparently by the Medes or Russians, as both will together attack modern Babylon (Isaiah 21:2). A future alliance between Russia and Iran (which is already developing today) is not surprising, given the fact that these two powers were allied in the past, as the “Medo-Persian Empire.”

Russia’s and Iran’s hatred against the modern descendants of the ancient Houses of Israel and Judah will not easily disappear. After Christ’s Return, Iran or “Persia” will be a part of a great confederacy of hostile nations (Ezekiel 38:5), under Russian and Chinese leadership, in an attempt to invade the Promised Land which will then be occupied by the modern Houses of Israel and Judah.

From the foregoing, we can see that especially countries such as Turkey, Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran will (continue to) play an important anti-Israeli role in the Middle East. The GOOD NEWS is, as our above-mentioned booklet points out, that survivors from ALL those nations will repent and turn to the true God of Israel, AFTER Christ’s Return.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A new Member Letter (February 2020) has been written and posted at our website and mailed to our subscribers. Pastor Brian Gale focuses on our need to make longsuffering a part of our everyday life—especially in light of our obedience to God.

Initial information about our 2020 Feast sites (US and Germany) is posted on our website along with contact information.

“Germany in BIG Turmoil,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

We are presently observing a huge political scandal in Germany with terrible prophetic consequences. Suddenly, the very survival of Germany’s “established” mainstream parties is in jeopardy, while political candidates are fighting for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s replacement. Europe is waiting for a new and more decisive German leadership. But do they know what they wish for?

“Wertvolles Wissen,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Pastor Michael Link. Title in English: “Valuable Knowledge.”

“What do You Love?”, the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

All of us have things we love in this life. But what is it that we truly love? The Bible tells us that we are to have a love for the Truth. This Truth includes being mindful and careful of the choices we make. Peace will reside when we make the appropriate choices to truly love God in all of our ways.

“What Does the Bible Reveal about the Third Temple prior to Christ’s Return? Part 2,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

What will happen when the Jews begin to bring animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount and build the Third Temple there? Which nations and political leaders will support the Jews, and who will fight against them in a nuclear war? How do current events show what will happen soon? The continuation of last week’s sermon brings additional clarity.

The 2020 Church Conference will be conducted in Escondido, California. Arrival will be Wednesday, March 25, 2020, and departure is scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2020.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

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Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Turmoil in Germany

MSNBC wrote on February 8 about the AfD’s role as kingmaker by supporting a FDP candidate in Thuringia:

“‘A pact with fascism,’ one headline screamed. Another gasped about ‘a coup.’ Protesters gathered spontaneously in major cities across the country, chanting anti-fascist slogans. Even the chancellor weighed in from afar during a visit to South Africa: ‘It was a bad day for democracy,’ she said darkly.

“Three years after the Alternative for Germany (AfD) became the first far-right party to enter Germany’s national parliament since World War II, the events underscored how the country’s beleaguered traditional parties are still struggling to deal with the new disruptive force… For many Germans, allowing the far right to be kingmakers conjures up dark memories… It did not help that Thuringia is precisely where, in the dying days of the Weimar Republic more than 90 years ago, the Nazis first won power locally, before going on to win nationally — with the help of conservative parties. This history echoed loudly across the country…

“The taboo of not collaborating with the AfD, while sacred, is at risk of crumbling in an increasingly fragmented political landscape. So far, no German state governor has been elected with support from the Alternative for Germany. But the Alternative for Germany has steadily broadened its presence in state legislatures. Especially in eastern states, it has in recent elections been among the top finishers.

“The events in Thuringia were all the more symbolic — and significant — because it is the fief of the AfD’s most notorious far-right leader, Björn Höcke… The photo of Mr. Höcke shaking hands with the victorious center-right candidate, Thomas Kemmerich, prompted particular outrage. ‘Handshake of shame’ the front page headline of the tabloid Bild read. The new governor ‘gets elected by neo-Nazi Höcke.’

“But even beyond Thuringia, enforcing a ban on cooperating with the AfD is proving to be tricky… Some fear it is only a question of time before it arrives on the federal level, where the AfD is the leading opposition party in the national parliament…

“The AfD, meanwhile, has enjoyed accusing mainstream parties of distorting democracy by ignoring the will of voters. For it, the week’s events served as a case in point.”

And that is very true. The more the mainstream and the social media and the mainstream, as well as left-wing, politicians rail against the AfD—even sabotaging and trying to circumvent and silence the declared will of the voters–the more the popularity of the party will increase, as voters are very dissatisfied with the perceived lack of accomplishment by their “established” parties.

As Bloomberg reported on February 8, “Merkel in an unusual step fired a government official from her party who had congratulated Kemmerich for his election. The official, Christian Hirte, is the federal government’s top liaison for the eastern German states and the CDU’s deputy leader in Thuringia.”

Merkel’s overreaction will harm her. Kemmerich announced on Saturday that he was quitting immediately after he had previously announced his immediate resignation, only to subsequently revoke it. Still, as premier, he is obligated to continue in a caretaker capacity until a successor takes up office.

This might require new state elections.

In fact, it might even require new federal elections very soon. Note the next articles.

Another Big Blow in Germany—AKK to Resign

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 10:

“Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer surprised fellow members of the Christian Democrats (CDU) on Monday by announcing that she would step down from her position as the head of the party and would not run for chancellor. She said the candidate for chancellor should also lead the party. Kramp-Karrenbauer intends to stay on as defense minister… She spoke of the need to create a strong CDU, saying that recent events in the eastern state of Thuringia had weakened the party…

“AKK, as she is commonly known, has struggled through a series of scandals that have sowed doubt about her ability to lead the country effectively…

“In 2018, Kramp-Karrenbauer had emerged victorious in the first grassroots contest for CDU leadership… winning against [Friedrich] Merz, who is currently vice president of the business council of the CDU, and Health Minister Jens Spahn… Members of an ultraconservative wing of the CDU came out in favor of Merz as party head. The parliamentary group leader of the Greens… responded to the news by warning the CDU against shifting to the right… AfD parliamentary group head Alexander Gauland… said the decision created an opportunity for the two parties to improve their relations. Kramp-Karrenbauer had ‘plunged the CDU into chaos with her policy of exclusion,’ Gauland said.”

Who Will Succeed Merkel?

The Local wrote on February 10:

“The race to succeed Angela Merkel as Germany’s chancellor became more unpredictable than ever Monday after her protegee Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer threw in the towel as leader of the centre-right party. Here’s a look at four possible candidates for the chancellery from Merkel’s CDU/CSU conservative bloc…

Friedrich Merz, 64, has never forgiven Merkel for driving him out as head of the party’s group of MPs in the Bundestag in 2002… He was narrowly beaten in the vote for party leader by Merkel’s preferred successor Kramp-Karrenbauer in December 2018, and has been waiting in the wings ever since…

“State premier of Germany’s most populous region North Rhine-Westphalia, 58-year-old Armin Laschet could emerge as the compromise candidate… He has won plaudits for his tough stance against criminal gangs in his state, while his liberal leanings make him acceptable to Merkel’s centre-left coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party (SPD)…

“At just 39 years old the youngest potential candidate, the ambitious [and openly gay] Health Minister Jens Spahn is seen by many as the ‘anti-Merkel’. Highly critical of Merkel’s decision to open the door to an influx of asylum seekers in 2015, he is liked by the CDU’s more right-wing faction. ‘Spahn would represent a new start,’ the conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine daily said, seeing in him ‘a brave party leader’ and ‘potent’ possible chancellor…

“The 53-year-old leader of Merkel’s Bavarian CSU sister party [Markus Söder] is seen as having a more distant shot at the chancellery — and may not even want to throw his hat in the ring…”

The choice of AKK’s successor could be decisive for the survival of the CDU and the grand coalition. It could also open the door for closer cooperation between the CDU and the AfD. In addition, calls for Merkel’s resignation—even within her own party—are getting louder.

Bild Online asked the pointed question about Jens Spahn: “Would Germany be ready for a gay chancellor?“ Spahn already announced that he has always said that he is ready to accept “responsibility.” AKK stated that a new chancellor candidate would be recommended by her party (CDU) in the summer and confirmed in December. Whether the CDU has time to wait that long is questionable.

Is Merkel Destroying Her Party?

The conservative mass tabloid, Bild Online, wrote on February 10:

“The life-threatening crisis of the CDU is primarily due to one person who has just now clearly shown that she still sees herself as the party chairperson: Chancellor Angela Merkel (65). From South Africa, she told her party to ‘reverse’ the Thuringia election results.

“Angela Merkel created a pseudo-successor to herself – who was not supposed to shine brighter than her and who never had the power and influence to fix the damage that Chancellor Merkel has done within the CDU. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (57), on the other hand, lacked the power instinct necessary for quickly bringing problem cases… back under control. Under AKK, everybody could do what they want.

“Now the CDU is swinging suicidally between the Greens and the AfD, because Merkel as the party leader slept through, ignored, and gave away the two big issues of migration and climate. Instead of shaping the future, the major party CDU is trying to keep up with the Greens and the AfD – without winning back any of the voters it has lost.

“In the big cities, the Greens are about to become a major party. In Germany’s east, it’s the AfD. At the same time, the CDU is tumbling through the country without leadership. Chancellor Merkel is restricting herself to working on her own personal popularity. She is concerned with shaping her own image for the history books and leaves the party to fend for itself. She doesn’t even show up in the election campaigns, because she knows she is no longer wanted there.

“The AKK debacle has shown: With Angela Merkel in the chancellery, a new beginning for the CDU is not possible – even less so with candidates that are popular in the country, but despised by Merkel. As long as Merkel is governing, the CDU will not win over new voters. If this comes to pass, the political centre would – following the near-demise of the SPD – finally collapse.

“If the Chancellor does not realize this, her legacy could be that she ruined her own party and that, with the AfD and Greens, she created two new major parties. One will then look at the CDU as pitifully and nostalgically as one does today at the SPD.”

And this is exactly what might happen.

Waiting for German Leadership

The New York Times wrote on February 11:

“The resignation of the chancellor’s preferred replacement threatens to extend a lack of German leadership… ‘Germany is the elephant in the room,’ said Jan Techau, director of the German Marshall Fund’s office in Berlin. ‘Today Germany and its leadership in the security realm are once again foremost on everyone’s mind,’ he said. ‘Everyone is waiting for Germany.’…

“The uncertainty over who will succeed Ms. Merkel means that Germany will be… extending the sense of paralysis that is frustrating Germany’s allies in the European Union and Washington… even as China, Russia and President Trump’s America seem to circle Europe like predators on issues ranging from trade and competition to Ukraine and Huawei, the political leadership to translate this into policies that German voters support has been missing

“Who will lead Germany next is by no means clear, with general disappointment in the visible alternatives… ‘Germany is sleepwalking,’ Professor Enderlein said… ‘When Trump took office, we talked of Merkel as the leader of the West, but who would say that now?’ asked Anna Wieslander, a Swede and director for Northern Europe of the Atlantic Council… ‘We want Germany to lead, because it tries to unite Europeans while France is more disruptive, but Germany is not there.’”

Not yet, but a mighty powerful leader will arise, and then things will change dramatically. The comment about France is interesting. See the next article.

France to Lead Europe?

The Associated Press wrote on February 7:

“French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday advocated a more coordinated European Union defense strategy in which France, the bloc’s only post-Brexit nuclear power, and its arsenal would occupy a central role. Macron outlined France’s nuclear strategy… one week after Britain, Europe’s only other nuclear-armed state, officially exited the EU.

“The French leader said… he refused to sign any treaties at this time to further reduce the size of France’s nuclear arsenal and announced an increase in military spending. Macron also positioned himself as the driving force for a united EU, using France’s military clout to make his point… The central idea in the speech, however, was that of a boosted Europe-wide role for the French nuclear arsenal in a more coordinated European defense policy.

“Macron said… the strategy would prevent Europe ‘confining itself to a spectator role’ in an environment dominated by Russia, the United States and China… His remarks come at a time when NATO allies, who would ordinarily look to the United States for help in a nuclear standoff, worry about Washington’s retreat from the multilateral stage. This could create new tensions within NATO, where Macron ruffled feathers last year by saying the lack of U.S. leadership is causing the ‘brain death’ of the military alliance…

“Friday’s speech was part of Macron’s long-running push for a stronger European defense, as U.S. President Donald Trump has pulled away from European allies and admonished them to pay more for their own protection…”

France would love to play the leading role but ultimately, it will be Germany which will lead Europe.

Brexit Transition… the Fight Goes On

Bloomberg wrote on February 5:

“European authorities are hatching an offensive to weaken the Brexit-addled City of London. Officials in Berlin, Brussels and Paris are looking to amend the post-crisis financial rulebook known as MiFID II by walking away from concessions they made to the U.K. in the six years it took to complete the regulations.

“Policies governing research spending, record keeping and trading in stocks, derivatives and commodities are likely to be revised and could make Brexit tougher to negotiate for international banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. Changes would also be aimed at bolstering Deutsche Boerse AG’s dominance against the London Stock Exchange Group Plc in futures and other listed derivatives…

“London financial services firms’ access to the EU will depend on a process known as equivalence — under which Britain would have to prove to Brussels that its rules are at least as stringent as the bloc’s. The equivalence system that will govern finance gives the EU unilateral power to decide if British rules are tough enough to create a level playing field…

“Germany and France are already talking about reversing key parts of the finance law that were backed by the U.K. when it was a member of the EU…”

It will be an eventful transition period, with bad headlines topping each other.

Ireland on New Course?

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 8:

“Millions headed to vote in Ireland on Saturday, with an initial exit poll showing a virtual three-way tie for the major parties. The poll show a huge resurgence for the left-wing Sinn Fein party… Frustration with economic austerity and an ongoing housing crisis have fueled the rise of Sinn Fein, which is committed to the reunification of Ireland and is still sidelined by the political establishment for its links to the IRA…

“[Before the election,] both major parties [had refused] to work with them…”

But this may change. Note the next article.

The Guardian wrote on February 10:

“Sinn Féin has declared victory in Ireland’s general election and called for talks with other main parties to form a coalition government… Sinn Féin won 24.5% of the first-preference vote in Saturday’s election, almost doubling its share from 2016… Fine Gael slid to 20.9% and the main opposition party, Fianna Fáil, slipped to 22.2%… The Greens, independents and small leftwing parties accounted for the rest…

“The fragmented results will produce a hung parliament with no party close to 80 seats – the number for a majority and stable government in the 160-seat chamber, which includes a speaker…

“Sinn Féin said it wished to promote its defining issue – a united Ireland – in any future government. An exit poll found that 57% of people supported Sinn Féin’s desire to hold referendums on unity on both sides of the border in the next five years.”

Express wrote on February 9:

“A UNITED IRELAND would automatically rejoin the EU, unlike an Independent Scotland, whose ministers would have to go through a long ‘accession process’, one of Britain’s foremost constitutional experts told Express…”

It is entirely possible that the UK will fall apart, and that a united Ireland will rejoin Europe.

Lessons from Leprosy

NPR wrote on February 7:

“… past efforts to isolate disease show that such moves — as well-intentioned as they might be — don’t always go as planned…

“When the federal government sought to identify all the leprosy cases in the country in the early 1900s, it found only 278. But public health investigators told Congress there likely were many more in hiding out of fear… the assistant surgeon general announced that there were ‘1,200 lepers at large’ in the country… When Americans feared a potential leprosy pandemic in the late 1800s, people of Asian descent were also unjustly stigmatized…

“Throughout history, those believed to have leprosy, now called Hansen’s disease, were among the most reviled members of society, outcasts sometimes believed to be sinners who brought the illness upon themselves. Even today, the threat of leprosy is used to demonize immigrants and people living in homeless encampments as potential carriers of the disease — although there’s no evidence that’s true.

“About 200,000 people around the world are diagnosed each year with Hansen’s disease. Many of them still prefer not to make their diagnosis public for fear of how they’ll be treated by the rest of society…”

The Bible clearly advocates isolation and even quarantine for those who are suffering from a serious contagious disease—not because those who suffer from it are cursed and guilty of sin, but because of love for our fellow man. But in this world ruled by Satan, most don’t care about God’s laws. They may not reveal their sickness because of selfish reasons and lack of love for others, or because of fear of the abominable condemnations from their ignorant and self-righteous fellow men. And so, contagious diseases will spread.

Africa Unprepared for the Coronavirus

The Associated Press wrote on February 8:

“At a Chinese-run hospital in Zambia, some employees watched as people who recently returned from China showed up with coughs but were not placed in isolation. A doctor tending to those patients has stopped coming to work, and health workers have been ordered not to speak publicly about the new virus that has killed hundreds around the world.

“The virus that has spread through much of China has yet to be confirmed in Africa, but global health authorities are increasingly worried about the threat to the continent where an estimated 1 million Chinese now live, as some health workers on the ground warn they are not ready to handle an outbreak.

“Countries are racing to take precautions as hundreds of travelers arrive from China every day. Safeguards include stronger surveillance at ports of entry and improved quarantine and testing measures across Africa, home to 1.2 billion people and some of the world’s weakest systems for detecting and treating disease. But the effort has been complicated by a critical shortage of testing kits and numerous illnesses that display symptoms similar to the flu-like virus…

“Those growing worried include employees at the Sino-Zambia Friendship Hospital in the mining city of Kitwe in northern Zambia, near the Congo border. Chinese companies operate mines on the outskirts of the city of more than half a million people. One company is headquartered in Wuhan, the city at the center of the virus outbreak. Hundreds of workers traveled between Zambia and China in recent weeks…

“Several African nations such as Ghana, South Africa and Ethiopia have announced their precautions, including updates on negative test results for suspected cases and demonstrations of surveillance and quarantine capabilities. Ethiopian Airlines, however, faces questions by some in Africa about why it continues to operate more than 30 China flights a week while other African airlines have suspended theirs…”

The virus is spreading much faster than scientists had originally contemplated. It has been reported that even IF a vaccine was to be found NOW, it would ALREADY be too late. But we are told it might take up to eighteen months to find a vaccine. 

Newsmax wrote on February 13:

 “The total deaths in mainland China since the outbreak began in December stood at 1,367 (1,491 worldwide, according to Axios) with the total number of confirmed cases mounting to 52,526.” This brings the total to more than 60,000 worldwide. 

Axios wrote on February 13: “There are more than 500 cases in 27 other countries and territories.”

How China “Deals” with the Virus

The Washington Post wrote on February 6:

“The Chinese Communist Party has once again proved that authoritarianism is dangerous — not just for human rights but also for public health.

“Confronted with the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, the CCP has instinctively reverted to its familiar tool kit: It immediately staged a large-scale lockdown of people and information at the expense of the public good…

“All you need to do is look at the images and words of brave citizens in Wuhan who have responded by passing on firsthand information about the epidemic to their compatriots and the outside world. They are doing this at great risk to themselves. They know they potentially face reprisal for the heroic act of simply sharing the truth…”

China is an absolutely totalitarian country. It has been reported that those who are suspected of being infected are being violently dragged out of their homes, arrested, and transported into “isolation.”

Massive Death Toll Possible

The Guardian wrote on February 11:

“The coronavirus epidemic could spread to about two-thirds of the world’s population if it cannot be controlled, according to Hong Kong’s leading public health epidemiologist. His warning came after the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said recent cases of coronavirus patients who had never visited China could be the ‘tip of the iceberg.’…

“‘Sixty per cent of the world’s population is an awfully big number,’ Leung told the Guardian in London… the death toll would be massive…”

Man’s Unwillingness to Learn!

AFP wrote on February 12:

Bats, rats and snakes are still being sold at an Indonesian market known for its wildlife offerings, despite a government request to take them off the menu over fears of a link to the deadly coronavirus.

“Vendors at the Tomohon Extreme Meat market on Sulawesi island say business is booming and curious tourists keep arriving to check out exotic fare that enrages animal rights activists…

“A wildlife market in Wuhan, the epicentre of the virus, is thought to be ground zero and there is suspicion it could have originated in bats… [Indonesia’s] grubby stalls feature a dizzying array of animals including giant snakes, rats impaled on sticks and charred dogs with their hair seared off by blowtorches — a gory scene described by some critics as ‘like walking through hell’.”

This is SICK and DISGUSTING. God calls it a terrible abomination!

The Unforeseen Consequences of the Coronavirus Outbreak

CCN wrote on February 10:

“… the coronavirus epidemic is one big threat that could cause the U.S. housing market bubble to burst at last

“The Chinese have already been pulling back their investments in the U.S. housing market as regulations have tightened in China to control the outflow of cash from the country. The trade war between the U.S. and China is another reason why their housing market investments have declined. But now, the coronavirus epidemic could deal yet another blow to Chinese investments in the U.S. housing market…

“The travel ban by President Trump on foreign nationals who have been to China in light of the coronavirus outbreak is going to further complicate things for anyone from that country looking to invest in the U.S. housing market. So, don’t be surprised to see a drop in home sales as the Chinese reportedly account for 20 percent of the foreign buyers who buy homes in the U.S.

“… the housing market inventory in the U.S. was down 13.6 percent in January. This was the largest annual decline seen in four years. What’s more, the report states that the listing volume of new properties was also down 10.6 percent year over year…

“As it turns out, homes in the U.S. are getting more and more expensive with each passing month. The median price of a home listed for sale went up by 3.4 percent in January to $299,995…

“At the same time, the pull-out by Chinese buyers on account of the coronavirus outbreak will be another headwind for the market… These two factors could… spark a potential crisis in the market.”

A collapse of the housing market in the USA is certain.

“US Navy Wants More Ships but Can’t Afford Them”

Defense News wrote on February 10:

“The US Navy’s fiscal year 2021 budget slashes 10 planned ships over the next five years…

“That would leave the Navy scrambling to add 50 ships to the battle force over five years starting in 2026, just as the Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine enters serial production and is expected to eat as much as 40 percent of the Navy’s shipbuilding account.”

Crazy–Californians Compelled to Vote?

The Los Angeles Times reported on February 6:

“… a [Democratic] California lawmaker is pushing to require voters to cast a ballot in future elections. The proposal, introduced in the state Assembly on Tuesday, would be unprecedented and probably challenged in court should it ultimately become law. It would place the burden for determining the civil penalty and the ultimate punishment on the secretary of state, California’s chief elections officer…

“As many as 30 countries have compulsory voting laws on the books, including Australia, Belgium and Brazil… Assembly Bill 2070… would require every Californian who registers to vote to ‘cast a ballot, marked or unmarked in whole or in part, at every election held within the territory within which the person resides.’ AB 2070 has yet to be referred to a policy committee and is unlikely to be considered until the spring…

“Opponents… have said that mandatory voting could be in conflict with the right to free speech guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.”

What absolute utter nonsense… but it is dangerous as, again, the state wants to control the people and limit, if not abolish, their individual rights. Compelling people to serve on a jury would fall into this same category, and so would be the institution of a draft.

Pope Removes German Archbishop Georg Gänswein

LifeSiteNews wrote on February 5:

“Pope Benedict’s secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, has been put on administrative leave indefinitely by Pope Francis… Gänswein has been the private secretary of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger since 2003. He remained at his side after Ratzinger’s election to the papacy. Only a few months before Benedict resigned in 2013, he made Gänswein the Prefect of the Papal Household, as well as an archbishop.

“Since then, the German prelate has spent part of his day with the Pope emeritus, while fulfilling his duties as Prefect of the Papal Household during the remainder of his day. Die Tagespost speculates that the administrative leave is related to the rollout of the book From the Depths of Our Hearts on clerical celibacy by Cardinal Robert Sarah, to which Benedict XVI contributed… Vatican-based journalist Antonio Socci had claimed that Pope Francis was ‘furious’ over Benedict’s contribution to the book on celibacy, demanding he retract his name from the work.”

The liberal and conservative factions within the Catholic Church and the Vatican become more and more embittered adversaries. But it seems that for now, Francis who is sometimes very difficult to read, has bowed to conservative pressure. Note the next article.  

Francis: No Ordination of Married Men as Priests… for Now!

The Australian Associated Press wrote on February 12:

“Pope Francis, in one of the most significant decisions of his papacy, has dismissed a proposal to allow some married men to be ordained in the Amazon region to ease an acute scarcity of priests. The recommendation, put forward by Latin American bishops last year, alarmed conservatives in the deeply polarised 1.3 billion-member Roman Catholic Church, who feared it could lead to a change in the centuries-old commitment to celibacy among priests.

“Francis delivered his response in an Apostolic Exhortation on Wednesday, three months after the proposal passed by 128 votes to 41 at a contentious Vatican assembly, or synod, of Roman Catholic bishops. Apostolic Exhortations are used to instruct and encourage the Catholic faithful but do not define Church doctrine.

“Wednesday’s 32-page document did not even mention the proposal, which was for older married deacons who are proven leaders of remote Catholic communities and have stable families to be ordained as priests. Conservatives balked, fearing that even a circumscribed change would be a slippery slope leading to a married priesthood throughout the Church. They branded a pre-synod working document as heretical.

“In what some viewed as a strategically timed appeal to Francis not to approve the Amazon proposal, a book published last month by Church conservatives defended the tradition of priestly celibacy… Vatican officials said the pope completed the document on December 27, before the book controversy, and handed it in for translations. They said no changes were made after that.”

While conservatives may be pleased, liberals will not be.

Pope Pushes One-World Religion

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 11:

“Historically, the Vatican was no friend to the Jews but its new initiative aligns the Catholic Church with Islam in a one-world religion that may be the biggest threat ever to the Jewish People. A major event to advance the project will take place on the anniversary of the birth of the State of Israel…

“The date of the global educational summit is May 14, precisely 72 years after Israel proclaimed its independence. Rabbi Winston suggested that this could have a deeper meaning, indicating the inherent conflict between the Jewish People and universal religion… ‘Are they trying to get rid of the Jews and the Torah by creating one world religion? Anyone who wants a one-world order has to get rid of the Jews because all of human history has proven that the core of Torah Judaism doesn’t change, even, when necessary, and the cost of death…’”

The Bible prophesies an end-time worldwide persecution of the Jewish people.

The Brutal Origin of Valentine’s Day

The Sun wrote on February 12:

 “Valentine’s Day hasn’t always meant a cosy, candlelit dinner… The Roman festival of Lupercalia – one of the earliest instances the date became synonymous with ‘love’ – was launched to promote fertility in women, but its barbaric acts were distinctly un-romantic. … Here are the bloody beginnings of Valentine’s Day

 “The ancient pagan festival Lupercalia began in a dark, sacred cave as far back as the 6th century BC. A group of Roman priests would gather and strip naked before slaughtering a goat, as a representation of sexuality, and then a dog – for purification. Two of the priests would then have the animals’ blood smeared on their foreheads with the same knife used for the slaughters, before wiping it off with a piece of milk-soaked wool. Once the sacrifices were complete, things took an even darker turn.

“The priests, known as the Luperci – meaning ‘brothers of the wolf’ – would cut the animals’ skins into strips and dip them in the sacred blood. They’d then take to the streets, where women would be voluntarily lining up to get whipped by the pieces of hide… If you were struck by a Lupercus, one of the priests, it was considered that you would give birth to more children…

“Once the beatings were complete, a Love Island-style matchmaking ceremony would take place… All of the unmarried women would reportedly add their names to a large urn, before it was passed around any single Roman men – who would each pick out a name.

“The couples who were matched up would remain together throughout the festival… Some retellings suggest the new couples would be forced to have sex throughout the remainder of the festival and perhaps even beyond, as the man tried to give his woman a baby.

“Pope Gelasius made it a Christian holiday in the fifth century, historian Noel Lenski told NPR. ‘It was a little more of a drunken revel... That didn’t stop it from being a day of fertility and love.’

“The Roman festival has long been linked to February 14… as the day that birds mate, signifying love.”

For further information on Valentine’s Day, see our free booklet, “Man’s Holidays and God’s Holy Days.”

Lesbians and Gays in Leadership Positions of the Episcopal Church

The Associated Press wrote on February 8:

“The Michigan diocese of the Episcopal Church has its first female and openly lesbian bishop. [She] was ordained Saturday during a ceremony in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn… [Another woman] was the church’s first lesbian bishop in 2010 in Los Angeles…

“[Another woman] became its first female bishop when she was ordained in 1989 in Massachusetts. [A man] became the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop in 2004… ‘If you look at scripture, Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality,’ [the lesbian bishop from Michigan] said…”

It seems one can try to justify everything, even though the Truth should be blatantly obvious.

Israel Prepared to Annex Parts of the West Bank

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 8:

“Israel has begun preparing a precise map of the parts of the West Bank it will annex in accordance with the new US peace plan, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Saturday… ‘It won’t take much time… Within a few weeks, it will happen.’…

“Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump presented his peace plan, by which the US will approve of Israel annexing some 30% of the West Bank, including all settlements and the Jordan Valley…

“Netanyahu remarked on the historic change of the Trump administration recognizing Israel’s right to Jerusalem and the West Bank – as opposed to the world, including previous administrations, which did not. ‘I’m happy that American policy changed under [Trump’s] courageous leadership, starting with [canceling] the Iran Deal, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy, recognizing our sovereignty in the Golan and recognizing the legality of settlements in Judea and Samaria,’ he stated.”

Such action would result in an uproar in the Middle East.

Only Israel Approves of Trump’s Foreign Policies

Breaking Israel News wrote on February 9:

“Israel was the only one of 33 non-U.S. countries included in a new Pew Research Center survey where a majority of respondents expressed approval of U.S. President Donald Trump’s foreign policies.

“Some 55 percent of Israelis in the spring 2019 poll, released on Monday, expressed net approval of Trump’s international policies—meaning they approved of more policies than they disapproved of. The second non-U.S. country with the highest net approval was Poland at 34 percent, and Germany had the lowest net approval at 6 percent.”

America and Israel become more and more isolated from and rejected by the rest of the world.

No Freedom of Speech for the Truth in England

Daily Mail wrote on February 8:

“The preacher son of US evangelist Billy Graham is threatening to sue eight British arenas that cancelled his shows after protests from the LGBT community. Franklin Graham, 67, a vocal supporter of US President, Donald Trump, describes homosexuality as a ‘sin’ and is in favour of ‘gay conversion therapy’.

“The ACC Liverpool conference centre was the first to cancel one of his planned events saying last month that his views were ‘incompatible’ with their values and the Sheffield Arena followed soon after. Since then venues in Glasgow, Newcastle, Cardiff, Birmingham, Milton Keynes and London have all followed suit. But Graham… remains unrepentant on his ‘homophobic’ views and even claimed that the Queen would agree with him…

“He told Premier Christian News: ‘I believe the Bible teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman. That’s the Church of England’s position… This is what the Bible teaches and that’s what I believe.’… Graham… has previously described gay marriage as a ‘sin‘… Graham claimed the LGBT community were threatening free speech… ‘If a small group of people can force a cancellation of an event where thousands of Christians are participating, I think there is no question about the danger in the future to others.’”


No Freedom of Speech for the Truth in Switzerland

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 9:

“Switzerland has voted strongly in favor of banning discrimination against gay people… Sunday’s referendum decided on legislation that specifically outlawed hate speech and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation with jail terms of up to three years… However, the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) — the strongest party in parliament — opposed the law… The change was first passed by Swiss parliament in 2018, but it was forced to a referendum after critics said it would stifle free speech…

“SVP lawmaker Eric Bertinat told the Agence France-Presse news agency that he believed the law was ‘part of an LGBT plan to slowly move towards same-sex marriage and medically assisted reproduction’ for gay couples. Marc Frueh, head of the Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland (EDU), a small Christian party called it a ‘censorship law.’… Green, left-leaning and centrist parties support the law.”

The Associated Press wrote on February 9:

“Supporters said the addition is needed but that it would not stifle legitimate public debate as long as the views expressed don’t stray into fomenting hate or discrimination… Opponents argued that protections against denigration were already enshrined in Swiss law. The nationalist Swiss People’s Party, the biggest single party in parliament, opposed the change and said the backers must now show it was ‘not a pretext for handing down politically motivated verdicts and silencing unwelcome opinions and voices.’

“[Justice Minister Karin] Keller-Sutter said ‘freedom of expression remains guaranteed.’ She added that courts have been ‘restrained’ in their application of the existing law and ‘anyone who remains respectful need have no fear of being convicted.’”

However, the accuracy of the concerns of the SVP is only too clear.

Major Winter Storm Hits Europe

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 10:

“A major winter storm — named both Ciara and Sabine — has passed through large swaths of Europe, resulting in a number of deaths across the continent…

“Hurricane-force winds and heavy rains grounded flights, canceled trains and shut down operations at major ports across western Europe from Sunday… Gusts measuring over 170 kilometers (106 miles) per hour were reported in the Black Forest in southern Germany Monday morning… Germany issued its second-highest storm warning level for the entire southern half of the country. In parts of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, the highest-level warning, No. 4, has been issued.”

The Associated Press reported on February 11:

“Ferocious winds, with gusts over 200 kph (125 mph), lashed Corsica and whipped up a forest fire that flared overnight on the French Mediterranean island on Tuesday, after a storm with hurricane-force winds and heavy rains battered northern Europe for days, killing at least eight people and causing severe travel disruptions…

“Deaths due to the fierce storm were reported in Poland, Sweden, Britain, Slovenia, Germany and the Czech Republic… In northern Bavaria, where a gust of over 160 kph (100 mph) was recorded, the storm produced a record amount of electricity being fed into the German grid from wind turbines, equivalent to almost 44 nuclear power plants.

“The German Weather Service said strong winds would keep blasting much of the country on Tuesday but the brunt of the storm had moved to the southeast. In northeastern Germany, a new storm was expected to reach the Baltic coast… In England and Scotland, the Met Office national weather agency still had 85 flood warnings in force as torrential rains caused numerous rivers to overflow their banks.

“In the Czech Republic, more than 40,000 households remained without electricity Tuesday morning, down from some 300,000 on Monday afternoon. Around 20 train routes were still blocked because of fallen trees on the track…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 12:

“A swell caused by storm Sabine flooded Hamburg’s iconic fish market. Fish could now be swimming through the stalls where they are usually sold.”

This winter storm might also be viewed as a preview of the major political storm which will be hitting Europe very soon.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Think Like God / Giving Up for Gain

On February 15, 2020, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Think Like God,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Giving Up for Gain.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

Britain’s Look Towards a Glorious Future?

The Sun wrote on January 31:

“ON THE stroke of 11pm our nation’s course changes for ever — and for the better. We will finally be out of the EU. Forty-seven years and 30 days after we joined. Three decades since the rot set in with the drive towards a United States of Europe… It is hard to exaggerate the magnitude of this moment… at 11pm Brexit becomes irreversible. We will be the first country to leave the EU. And… we will never rejoin, never again surrender our independence.

“Instead we will be firing the… birth of a new Britain, setting our own laws, controlling our borders and trading independently with the entire world…”

This is one view. Here is the other view.

Little Britain Drifts into Insignificance

Deutsche Welle wrote on January 31:

“The divorce proceedings with the EU have been tortuous, but they’re likely to pale in comparison with what lies ahead for the UK…

“It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out why leading carmakers are shutting plants and moving to mainland Europe, or why key financial operators are moving to Paris and Amsterdam [and] when EU nationals who have been working in science and education pack their bags and leave

“Brexit will leave Britain broken, a disunited kingdom. Geographically it has always been removed from continental Europe. That distance will become increasingly palpable politically, economically and socially.”

In any event, for most observers, the future is far from certain.

Future Far From Certain?

The Associated Press wrote on January 31:

“The two sides have agreed to strike an ‘ambitious, broad, deep and flexible partnership,’ including a free trade deal, by Dec. 31…

“Britain says it wants a ‘Canada-style’ free trade agreement with the EU covering both goods and services. But it is adamant it won’t agree to follow the EU’s rule book… The bloc insists there can be no trade deal unless Britain agrees to a ‘level playing field’ and does not undercut EU regulations…

“The EU is willing to extend Britain’s transition period for up to two years if a trade agreement hasn’t been reached, but Conservative British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he won’t agree to that… The EU-Canada deal that the British government cites as a model took seven years to negotiate.

“If there is no deal by the end of 2020, and the U.K. refuses to extend the negotiating period, Britain faces… severe economic disruptions, the pound would plunge and Britain could tip into recession…”

An Epic Opportunity or a Grave Mistake?

Newsmax wrote on February 1:

“The United Kingdom finally cast off from the European Union on Friday for an uncertain Brexit future… in its biggest geopolitical shift since losing its global empire…

“U.S. President Donald Trump has long supported Brexit. His Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Britons wanted to escape the ‘tyranny of Brussels.’…

“Cast either as an epic opportunity or a grave mistake, Brexit… also diminishes the EU… the bloc lost 15% of its economy, its biggest military spender and the world’s international financial capital, London…

“For proponents, Brexit is ‘independence day’ — an escape from what they cast as a German-dominated project… Opponents say Brexit is a folly…

“Johnson has promised to strike a broad free trade agreement with the EU, the world’s biggest trading bloc, though Merkel and Macron have warned that leaving will be harder than staying…

“Brexit… has tested the very fabric of what now looks a disunited kingdom: England and Wales voted to leave but Scotland and Northern Ireland wanted to stay. The strains could hasten another referendum on Scottish independence and even a push for a united Ireland.”

BBC News wrote on February 2:

“Britain will ‘not be aligning with EU rules’ in any post-Brexit trade deal, the foreign secretary has said. Dominic Raab argued agreeing to stick strongly with EU regulations would ‘defeat the point of Brexit’. But Irish PM Leo Varadkar said the UK needed to commit to a level playing field to get a free trade deal.”

Further disagreements between Britain and Ireland emerge.

The Guardian wrote on February 3:

“The pound fell on Monday after Boris Johnson warned that Britain would not accept alignment with the EU rules in any Brexit trade deal, while Brussels threatened to put tariffs on UK goods unless he complies…

“The currency dropped by more than 1.3% to trade at $1.30 against the dollar and by about 0.9% to just below €1.18 versus the euro… The EU is the largest source of UK food imports and largest destination for UK food exports in the world…”

Britain’s Productivity Decline the Worst in 250 Years

Bloomberg wrote on February 3:

“The U.K.’s worst productivity slump in a quarter of a millennium may be caused by a ‘perfect storm’ of three factors… Productivity was almost 20% below its pre-2008 path in 2018 — the worst slowdown since 1760-1800, as the Industrial Revolution took hold.

“The present-day malaise may have been caused by the end of the information and communications technology boom, the financial crisis, and Brexit.”

Brexit was foreordained. Britain never fit into the EU. Some other EU members don’t either. It is also interesting that Britain had been described as the “sick man of Europe.” Maybe the entire UK will split apart, while in time soon, a core Europe, consisting of ten nations or groups of nations, will arise.

The Battle Begins—Over Gibraltar

The Guardian wrote on February 1:

“The EU will back Spain over its territorial claims to Gibraltar in the next phase of Brexit negotiations by giving Madrid the power to exclude the British overseas territory from any trade deal struck with Brussels…

“Boris Johnson will be presented with the choice of reaching agreement with the Spaniards about Gibraltar’s future or exposing its citizens to economic peril by pushing it outside any EU-UK trade deal…

“The development highlights the pitfalls Downing Street faces as it moves into negotiations on the future relationship with Brussels. The UK is now a ‘third country’ to the EU…

“British sovereignty over Gibraltar was formalised by the treaty of Utrecht in 1713 but Spain has always bristled at the idea of UK ownership. As an EU member state, the UK had been able to resist Spanish claims over the territory but Madrid will now have the full support of the other 26 countries in the bloc.”

As we have stated for a long time, the UK will ultimately lose Gibraltar as one important sea gate.

Huge Political Scandal in East Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 5:

“A huge political upset in Germany’s eastern state of Thuringia on Wednesday sparked a widespread outcry across the country as the ruling coalition saw its candidate for state premier lose by a single vote to the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), who had barely cleared the 5% support hurdle to join the regional parliament. What was even more cause for concern, however, was the role of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the victory of FDP candidate Thomas Kemmerich.

“Thuringia held its state election all the way back in October, with the ruling Left party winning the highest share of the votes at 31%. At the same time, however, the AfD more than doubled its own support to come in second at 23.4% of the vote.

“… the AfD decided not to support the independent candidate it had previously supported, and throw all of its weight behind Kemmerich… The outrage on social media over the AfD’s role as kingmakers was swift and resounding. Ordinary Germans, public figures, and politicians all expressed their consternation, saying the FDP and CDU had gotten into bed with ‘fascists.’…

ABC News wrote on February 5:

[In order] to contain the damage… the national leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democratic Union… suggested that new elections be held in Thuringia. Its general secretary, Paul Ziemiak, said Wednesday’s decision ‘divides our whole country’ and was made all the worse by the fact that CDU lawmakers made it possible for a governor to be elected ‘with the votes of Nazis as well.’…”

Deutsche Welle added the following opinion:

“This notable day should be one that shakes Germans to the core… [It] has shown just how much of their history Germans have forgotten… It also reminds us that no one in Germany should kid themselves into thinking history cannot repeat itself.”

Mannheimer Morgen spoke of a “fiasco for the democracy.”

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung wrote: “Germany is in a deep, extremely dangerous crisis. Our society is divided. It becomes radicalized.”

Bild described Kemmerich’s conduct as “pitiful” and said that he brings shame on his own party by accepting his appointment under such conditions.

Bowing to pressure, Kemmerich subsequently resigned. It is interesting that Angela Merkel and others wanted to reverse a democratic vote and a democratic coalition. Even if you don’t like the result of a vote and even if you think that it is a heinous political crime to vote in such a way, in democracy, the vote is supposed to be the will of the people.  

 We saw the same developments in the UK with the Brexit referendum.  Those who espoused democracy were the first to cry aloud when the vote did not go their way and they wanted another vote to achieve the result which THEY wanted.

Of course, the entire circus of the impeachment procedure against Trump was initiated by Democrats who did not like and wanted to overturn the result of the last Presidential election.

The more the mass media is speaking against the AfD, the more the party will rise in popularity.

Germany’s Schäuble Calls for Expansion of Military Operations

Deutsche Welle wrote on January 31:

“Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble said on Friday that Germany needed to take more responsibility in military affairs with its allies. ‘We can’t hide. If Europe is to play a stronger role, then we must play our part,’ Schäuble said. ‘We cannot leave everything to… the Americans.’

“The veteran lawmaker and long-time minister in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Cabinets said he supported German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s plans to streamline the Bundeswehr and boost defense spending to reach NATO’s target of 2% of GDP…

“Germany has come under growing pressure from within the NATO military alliance as well as fellow EU member states to take a more active role in defense matters.”

As Germany is being pushed, it will become more and more involved in military endeavors, and a EU Army under German leadership is prophesied.

Europe Destined to Obtain Great Power Status

Project Syndicate published on January 30 an article by Joschka Fischer who was German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor from 1998-2005:

“Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day in 1991, the US became the world’s only superpower – and quickly overextended itself. The unipolar moment ended with the senseless US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 – a country from which the US has been trying to extricate itself for more than a decade.

“But the global order cannot exist in a vacuum, because other powers will always step in to fill the void… The election of US President Donald Trump marked the beginning of America’s active renunciation of the global order that it helped build…  America’s retreat is forcing Europe to become a power in its own right… Europeans [are left] with no choice but to pursue great-power status…”

And Europe will, as the Bible clearly prophesies.

Going Way Overboard–US Restricts or Bars Entry of Travelers from China

The Associated Press reported on January 31:

“The United States on Friday declared a public health emergency and took drastic steps to significantly restrict entry into the country because of a new virus that hit China and has spread to other nations.

“President Donald Trump has signed an order that will temporarily bar foreign nationals, other than immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled in China within the last 14 days. The new restrictions…  take effect at 5 p.m. EST on Sunday…

“Americans returning from China will be allowed into the country, but will face screening at select ports of entry and required to undertake 14 days of self-screening to ensure they don’t pose a health risk. Those returning from Hubei province, the center of the outbreak, will be subject to up to 14 days of mandatory quarantine

“At the same time, federal health authorities were recognizing that the test they’re using to detect the virus isn’t always dependable. [They]  said when it was used on some of the people currently in isolation, they’d test positive one day and negative another… putting a large number of people under quarantine ‘is virtually unprecedented in modern American history.’…

“Meanwhile, U.S. health officials issued a two-week quarantine order for the 195 Americans evacuated earlier this week from the Chinese city of Wuhan, provincial capital of Hubei province. It was the first time a federal quarantine has been ordered since the 1960s, when one was enacted over concern about the potential spread of smallpox…

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average skidded more than 600 points Friday as the outbreak continued to widen, stoking fears that the travel restrictions and other uncertainties caused by the health emergency in the world’s second-largest economy could dent global growth…

These developments are deeply distressing, as they show how even democratic countries resort to autocratic and dictatorial methods “in the pursuit and defense of public safety and national security.” German President Steinmeier was right when he recently spoke of the poison of nationalism. God’s Church has always understood that nationalism (our country against everybody else)—as distinguished from the right kind of patriotism (the love for our country)—is ungodly and unbiblical.

Dangers for Global Economy

The Associated Press wrote on February 2:

“Travel restrictions and business closures aimed at stopping the spread of a new virus… could end up causing ripple effects that harm the global economy… ‘When you stop planes and ships, trains and motor vehicles from moving, it starts to shut down the economy — and that can have a cascading effect throughout society,’ Dr. Eric Toner, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said Saturday, after multiple airlines announced that they would suspend or cut back on flights to and from China…

“It’s not just airlines that have cut back on business in China. Apple Inc. announced Saturday that it was temporarily clos[ing] all of its offices and its 42 stores in mainland China. Google, Amazon and Microsoft previously announced plans to temporarily shutter offices, and Starbucks and McDonald’s have closed some chains… ‘Travel restrictions can cause more harm than good by hindering info-sharing, medical supply chains and harming economies,’ World Health Organization Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

“Toner said governments are ultimately ‘trying to do something that has very little benefit but [causes] very real harm.’ ‘It’s been shown over and over again that putting up barriers to travel doesn’t stop contagious infectious diseases,’ he said, pointing to past outbreaks of Ebola, Zika and even influenza.”

This shows how quickly, in part caused by a panic-stricken overreaction, our entire world system can become eroded and how our economic system can crash. Either one is too slow in acting or one is going far overboard. Sadly, the human mind has a hard time striking a proper balance.

How China Suppressed Knowledge of the Coronavirus

MSNBC wrote on February 2:

“Chinese officials were beginning to grasp the threat of a new contagious disease in Wuhan [in early December] but did little to inform the public…

“Medical professionals who tried to sound an alarm were seized by police. Key state media omitted mention of the outbreak for weeks… as the crisis worsened…”

The New York Times added on February 2:

“A doctor tried to warn his medical school classmates… In the middle of the night, officials from the health authority in the central city of Wuhan summoned [him]… Three days later, the police compelled him to sign a statement that his warning constituted ‘illegal behavior.’

“… At critical moments, officials chose to put secrecy and order ahead of openly confronting the growing crisis to avoid public alarm and political embarrassment.

“A reconstruction of the crucial seven weeks between the appearance of the first symptoms in early December and the government’s decision to lock down the city… points to decisions that delayed a concerted public health offensive.

“In those weeks, the authorities silenced doctors and others for raising red flags. They played down the dangers to the public, leaving the city’s 11 million residents unaware they should protect themselves…”

It was subsequently reported by Newsmax, dated February 4, that the “Chinese doctor who was targeted by the police after warning about the coronavirus in the first days of the outbreak before it had been made public has been quarantined in his hospital with a SARS-like illness.” He has since died.

This reveals typical behavior of human governments. First, many countries suppress, and when exposed, they move into the opposite direction.

No Vaccine against AIDS

CNN wrote on February 3:

“A clinical trial for an HIV vaccine has been discontinued since the vaccine was not found to prevent infections of human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS…

“The vaccine trial… began in 2016 and enrolled 5,407 HIV-negative volunteers at 14 sites across South Africa… Those volunteers were sexually active men and women ages 18 to 35 who were randomly assigned to receive either the vaccine or placebo injections.

“An analysis of the study showed no significant difference in subsequent HIV infections among the volunteers in the vaccine group versus placebo group… 129 HIV infections occurred among the vaccine recipients and 123 HIV infections occurred among the placebo recipients.”

This entire trial strikes us to be just sick.

Trump’s Peace Deal is Akin to Decree of King Cyrus Paving Path for Third Temple

Breaking Israel News reported on January 29:

“While people on both the Arab and the Israeli side are still considering the possible implications of President Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ revealed on Tuesday, one insightful Israeli declared it to be ‘the declaration of Cyrus [for the Jews to build the Second Temple] in our time.’… [Dr. Rafael Minnes worked for the internal security service and is a professor of physics.]

“‘The first thing that is similar between Trump’s Deal of the Century and King Cyrus’ proclamation is that both of them are non-Jewish political figures who are coming in the name of the God of Israel in order to advance the divine plan incumbent upon the Jewish nation,’ Dr. Minnes [wrote]…”

“This isn’t the first time Trump has been compared to King Cyrus. This expectation regarding Trump was first expressed by the Sanhedrin after his election…

“Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion explains: ‘Like Cyrus… [Trump] will pave the way for building the Third Temple…”

Trump will stay in office and be re-elected. He will play an important role regarding the building of the Third Temple. On February 3, Germany’s mass tabloid Bild Online published an article with the headline:

“That is why Trump will become President again,” adding, “None of his challengers has a chance.”

The Week reported on February 4 that “President Trump’s job approval rating reached an all-time high… Forty-nine percent of Americans said they approve of the job Trump is doing as president… Trump’s approval rating rose six points among Republicans to 94 percent, as well as five points among independents to 42 percent… a majority of Americans — 52 percent — said they support acquitting Trump…”

The Hill wrote on February 4 that “Trump’s acquittal… was largely preordained. A GOP-majority Senate was never likely to convict a Republican president… Everyone understood that acquittal was inevitable…”

Why then did the Democrats start the impeachment circus, knowing that they would thereby commit political suicide? The answer is clear—they had to do this so that Trump will be reelected.

Regarding the Third Temple, much misinformation is being disseminated, including the false idea that the First and Second Temples did not stand on the Temple Mount. Some claim that famous Israeli Archaeologist Eli Shukron has claimed that “the Temple stood not atop Mount Moriah, but rather along the southern slopes in the City of David,” as reported by Israel Today on December 13, 2019. However, the paper explained that this claim was a hoax, quoting Shukron as follows:

“‘There is no evidence that the Temple was in the City of David,’ Shukron told us adamantly. ‘The Temple known as Solomon’s Temple was absolutely on the Temple Mount… on top of Mount Moriah. I have no doubt about that,’ he told me.”

Palestinians Cut Ties with USA and Israel

Reuters wrote on February 1:

“The Palestinian Authority has cut all ties with the United States and Israel, including those relating to security, after rejecting a Middle East peace plan presented by US President Donald Trump, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday. Abbas was in Cairo to address the Arab League, which backed the Palestinians in their opposition to Trump’s plan…

“Israel and the Palestinian Authority’s security forces have long cooperated in policing areas of the occupied West Bank that are under Palestinian control. The PA also has intelligence cooperation agreements with the CIA, which continued even after the Palestinians began boycotting the Trump administration’s peace efforts in 2017.

“Abbas also said he had refused to discuss the plan with Trump by phone, or to receive even a copy of it to study it… Abbas said he did not want Trump to be able to say that he, Abbas, had been consulted… The Arab League foreign ministers meeting in Cairo said [it] would not cooperate with the United States in implementing it…

“Foreign ministers from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and others said there could be no peace without recognizing Palestinian rights and a comprehensive solution…”

It is interesting how the front between most Arabs and the USA and Israel is hardening… So is the relationship between the EU and the USA, as well as Israel, as the next articles show.

EU vs. USA and Israel

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 4:

“The European Union slammed US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan on Tuesday, arguing that it ‘departs from’ international agreements on the Israel-Palestine conflict… The response, however, triggered an angry response from Israel, which backs the plan…”

The Jerusalem Post added on February 4:

“The European Union on Tuesday warned Israel against annexing West Bank settlements. ‘We are especially concerned by statements on the prospect of annexation of the Jordan Valley and other parts of the West Bank,’ EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said in a statement issued by his office.

“‘In line with international law and relevant UN Security Council resolutions, the EU does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the territories occupied since 1967,’ Borrell said. ‘Steps towards annexation, if implemented, could not pass unchallenged,’ he added. He spoke after holding meetings in Iran and Jordan.

“Israel’s Foreign Ministry tweeted: ‘The fact that the High [Representative] of the EU, Josep Borrell, chose to use threatening language towards Israel, so shortly after he assumed office [and] only hours after his meetings in Iran, is regrettable [and], to say the least, odd. ‘Pursuing such policies [and] conduct is the best way to ensure that the EU’s role in any process will be minimized,’ the Foreign Ministry continued.”

A Worldwide Wind of Madness

The Associated Press wrote on February 4:

“U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Tuesday that ‘a wind of madness is sweeping the globe,’ pointing to escalating conflicts from Libya and Yemen to Syria and beyond. At a wide-ranging news conference, he said, ‘All situations are different but there is a feeling of growing instability and hair-trigger tensions, which makes everything far more unpredictable and uncontrollable, with a heightened risk of miscalculation.’

“The U.N. chief also expressed great frustration that legally binding U.N. Security Council resolutions ‘are being disrespected before the ink is even dry.’

“Guterres singled out Libya where he called the current offensives by the warring parties ‘a scandal’ — coming soon after world powers and other key countries adopted a road map to peace in Berlin on Jan. 19 that called for respect for a U.N. arms embargo, an end to foreign interference in the fighting by rival governments and steps toward a cease-fire. Libya has been in turmoil since 2011, when a civil war toppled longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi who was later killed…

“On the decades-old conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, the secretary-general said the U.S. peace plan… doesn’t comply with U.N. General Assembly and Security Council resolutions and international law. The resolutions support a two-state solution based on 1967 borders and call all Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal.”

The whole world is opposed to Israel and the USA.

“Pope Francis and the Germans”

Catholic Herald wrote on February 3:

“The German bishops’ conference has been on a collision course with Rome… Pope Francis himself wrote a letter to the whole Church in Germany, warning against a false synodality, one rooted in making the Church conform to modern secular morals and thought… Undeterred, the German bishops began the first session of their synodal process in Frankfurt yesterday… the German agenda touches every major issue on the papal desk this year.

“The issue of clerical celibacy has been a contested topic in Rome… An end to mandatory celibacy is widely touted as one of the expected outputs of the German synodal process… Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, vice-chairman of the German bishops’ conference, said in a 2018 interview that if the ordination of married men is authorized for the Amazon, the Germans will insist on the same authorization…

“At the heart of the dispute over clerical celibacy, and the other changes being mooted in the German synodal process, is a mounting power struggle between Rome and the Church in Germany. While Pope Francis and his curia have been clear that the Vatican alone can treat issues of universal Church teaching and discipline, the Germans have been equally clear that they see a very different future for the Church.

“On Jan. 27, the secretary of the German bishops’ conference gave a pointed interview insisting that it is ‘unacceptable’ that Rome continue to have full discretion over universal teaching and discipline… Francis may find that all roads lead through Berlin in 2020.”

An interesting dilemma. And while the German bishops are more left-wing and liberal than Pope Francis, former Pope Benedict and his followers are more right-wing and conservative. So, Francis is confronted with two incompatible battles.

Ancient Carnival Procession in Spain

The Associated Press wrote on February 2:

“In one of the most ancient carnival celebrations in Europe, dozens of people don sheepskins, lace petticoats and conical caps, sling cowbells across their backs and parade through two Spanish towns…

“The annual procession stems from ceremonies held to ward off evil spirits and bless the harvests to come. The celebration, traditionally held at the end of January, is believed to date from before Roman times.”

This is a prime example to show the real pagan, dangerous and demonic origins of Carnival.

Locust Plague Widens

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 1:

Pakistan‘s government declared a national emergency on Saturday in response to swarms of desert locusts in the eastern part of the country… facing the worst locust infestation in more than two decades… The desert locusts… arrived in Pakistan from Iran in June and have already ravaged cotton, wheat, maize and other crops.

“… Currently, locust swarms are affecting neighboring India and countries in East Africa.

“On Sunday, Somalia declared its locust infestation a national emergency. The locust invasion has swept over the Horn of Africa, devastating crops in one of the most vulnerable regions in the world…”

Vatican News added on January 31:

“The worst locust outbreak that parts of East Africa have seen in 70 years… now threatens to spread to South Sudan and Uganda and new rains in the weeks to come will fuel fresh vegetation and a new wave of breeding. The outbreak might not be under control until June when drier weather arrives… But by then the number of locusts, if left unchecked, could grow 500 times…

“An Ethiopian representative [said] that some farmers in Africa’s second most populous nation have lost 90% of their production. The locusts have been moving steadily toward Ethiopia’s Rift Valley, the country’s breadbasket…

“A single swarm can contain up to 150 million locusts per square kilometer of farmland, an area the size of almost 250 football fields… One especially large swarm in northeastern Kenya measured 60 kilometers long by 40 kilometers wide (37 miles long by 25 miles wide)… [Capable of eating their own weight each day, a swarm as large as between 40 and 80 million locusts could devour more than 190 million kilos of plants on a daily basis, according to Deutsche Welle].

“Even before this outbreak, nearly 20 million people faced high levels of food insecurity across the East African region long challenged by periodic droughts and floods.”

RT wrote on February 3:

“Residents in Saudi Arabia and Yemen have been faced with the bewildering sight of a truly gargantuan swarm of roughly 360 billion locusts, which can block out the sun at times… Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Environment has warned residents not to eat any of the locusts as they are likely contaminated with toxic pesticides… To make matters even worse, another, even larger swarm is expected in April, which could grow up to 500 times in size by June.”

One can’t help but wonder about the four horsemen of the apocalypse riding… false religion, war, famine and disease epidemics.

Donald Trump Jr’s Trophy Hunt

The Guardian wrote on February 4:

“A week-long ‘dream hunt’ with the US president’s son Donald Trump Jr is being auctioned at an annual trophy hunting convention in Reno, Nevada alongside expeditions to shoot elephants, bears and giraffes.

“The four-day event… advertised as a ‘hunters’ heaven’, will culminate on Saturday with an auction for a week-long Sitka black-tailed deer hunt in Alaska with Trump Jr, his son and a guide… Other prizes include the chance to shoot an elephant on a 14-day trip in Namibia, an all-inclusive hunt package to Zimbabwe to kill buffalo, giraffe and wildebeest, and a 10-day crocodile hunting expedition in South Africa…

“Thousands of hunters from around the world are expected to attend the convention which begins on Wednesday, where Trump Jr, an avid trophy hunter, is set to give a keynote address…

“The regulations around importing hunting trophies has been loosened under Donald Trump, though he has previously described the practice as a ‘horror show’ despite his sons’ affection for big-game hunting. In 2018 the administration moved to make it easier to import trophies from exotic big-game animals such as elephants and lions.”

Only two words can describe this “horror show”: ABSOLUTELY SICK!

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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