Update 925

Walk A Mile / Are You Ready for the Day of the Lord?

On May 23, 2020, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “Walk A Mile,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Are You Ready for the Day of the Lord?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Reflections on the Feast of Pentecost

by Rene Messier (Canada)

As we will celebrate the festival of Pentecost at the end of this month, it would be a good idea to reflect on just what this festival represents where the church is concerned and also our individual lives.

Historically, this Festival was the beginning of the establishment of God’s true church in 31 A.D., when the Holy Spirit was given for the first time in a general manner to those assembled in Jerusalem for the festival. In Old Testament times, the prophets and some faithful servants had been given the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s plan and purpose in their time, but it was not generally available for entire groups of people until the Feast of Pentecost in 31 A.D. (Acts 2:1-4).

For the approximately one hundred and twenty disciples there at the time, they had witnessed Christ’s miracles, signs and wonders and His death, and many had also been witnesses of His resurrection. They had been or were now committed to being faithful and to what Christ had taught in His messages for the previous three and a-half years.

The others were moved by Peter’s inspired sermon after the Holy Spirit had been bestowed on the 120 disciples, and they wanted to know what was required of them to receive this gift. In Act 2:37, we read:  “Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?’”

Peter gave them the answer in verses 38-39: “Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.’”

Notice the opportunity to even qualify for this precious gift comes from God who calls us and grants us repentance and a heart willing to accept Christ as our Savior.

The common denominator in the human family is the blood. That is the thread that all races share and one can die physically from loss of blood. The common thread for true Christians is God’s Holy Spirit which emanates from God and sets us apart as His children. It gives us the potential to enter the God Family as God beings at the return of His Son Jesus Christ, if we faithfully endure to the end.

One of the key components to this goal is obedience, since God gives His Spirit only to those who obey Him. Conversely, He withholds it from those who willingly disobey Him. In Act 5:32, Peter said:  “And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit [which] God has given to those who obey Him.”

As one can get sick for not taking care of himself physically, even to the point of death, so one can quench the precious gift of the Holy Spirit if one neglects the tools given him to maintain the Spirit, and even lose it to the point of committing the unpardonable sin and dying the eternal death.

We have to appreciate this very precious gift from God and stay true to the course by remaining spiritually healthy, as it were. Pentecost was the starting point for the beginning of God’s Church. Baptism and the receipt of the Holy Spirit is the starting point for our walk with God. At the end of this walk, we want to ensure we are in good shape spiritually for the challenges we will face as children of God in the Millennium as kings and priests.

When the people, after listening to Peter, cried out, “What shall we do,” they were told by Peter what was required of them. We need to make sure we are doing the things required of us to fulfill our future role of ruling with Christ in the Millennium and then for all eternity.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with numerous explosive articles regarding the search for and the potential development of a vaccine against the coronavirus and some extremely frightening and disturbing scenarios IF such a vaccine should be created; and we publish articles with controversial allegations regarding Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates which are being blocked outright and dismissed very quickly by the mainstream media.  

 We point out ongoing demonstrations in Germany against governmental restrictions which worry Angela Merkel and question her and her party’s political survival; report on attempts in Germany and elsewhere to silence criticism and any dissenting voices; address EU’s proposed travel recommendations which, if adopted, would lead to inflation; and speak on President Trump’s serious warnings towards the WHO.

We continue with increasing division within the USA; a warning to California by the Justice Department and a controversial decision by the Oregon Supreme Court; Jordan’s, the Palestinians’ and Europe’s collision course with Israel and the USA; legal trouble for Benjamin Netanyahu; Europe’s ongoing efforts to build their own powerful self-sufficient army; Europe’s unwillingness to give any concessions to the UK over Brexit; and we point out that US Ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell, accuses Germany of undermining NATO.

We conclude with Pope Francis’ remarkably wrong understanding of true Christianity. In that regard, please view our powerful advertisement video for our new booklet, “The Ten Commandments.” Please also view our new StandingWatch program on the topic, titled, “Pope Francis Attacks True Christianity!”  

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Vaccine a Long Way off, if Ever

The Associated Press wrote on May 17:

“In separate, stark warnings, two major European leaders bluntly told their citizens that the world needs to adapt to living with the coronavirus and cannot wait to be saved by the development of a vaccine

“Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte [said] that Italy could not ‘afford’ to wait [with lifting governmental restrictions] until a vaccine was developed. Health experts say the world could be months, if not years, away from having a vaccine available to everyone despite the scientific gold rush now on to create one.

“Britain’s Johnson… speculated Sunday that a vaccine may not be developed at all, despite the huge global effort to produce one.”

This conflicts with and contradicts President Trump’s ambitious and controversial plans. Note the next article.

US Military to Enforce Vaccinations?

Beforeitsnews wrote on May 14:

“The endgame of the global Coronavirus pandemic is beginning to come into view, and in addition to a quantum leap forward in mass surveillance and tracking and tracing individuals, it will also include a rushed, mass vaccine, and as President Trump just told America, will be administered in the U.S. by the military… President Trump echoed recent statements made by Bill Gates, who is telling the world we have to vaccinate ‘7 billion healthy people’ in order to ‘return to normal.’

“[Trump said this:] ‘I think we’re going to have a vaccine by the end of the year… we’re mobilizing our military, and other forces… so at the end of the year we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly… We’re of the assumption that by the end of the year we’re going to have a vaccine, and then we have to be able to give it, to use it on most of our population. Now, we’ll focus on elderly, we’re going to focus on nursing homes and, you know, senior citizen centers… that is a very vulnerable group…’

“Trump’s comments come after Chicago Health Commissioner, Allison Arwady, made similar public statements, telling area residents the city was already investing in and planning a mass vaccination campaign: ‘…and then finally we’ll be moving towards this mass vaccination campaign, continuing to follow, and I want you to know, the CDPH is already deep in the planning stages around vaccination. We’ve already bought the syringes. We already know where it’s going to happen. We’re thinking about what that’s going to be. It’s all part of this plan.’

“This news comes at a time that mainstream media is reporting that vaccines may not ever work for Coronavirus, that the virus has already mutated, that a vaccine may not even be possible, and that we may need multiple vaccines… Either way, a rushed through product injected into hundreds of millions, or billions, of people without any long-term testing whatsoever is insanely dangerous. And in this case, Bill Gates is already warning us that a Covid-19 vaccine will use new RNA vaccine technology, which actually permanently alters the genes of anyone who takes it. This represents an even bigger human experiment…

“It remains to be seen what restrictions or punitive measures will be taken against Americans who refuse the vaccine.”

All of this is really a deeply frightening prospect. And the next three articles make it even more disturbing.

US Governmental Right to Forcibly Vaccinate?

WorldNetDaily reported on May 18:

“Harvard Law School emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz claimed in an interview that the government has a constitutional right under the 10th Amendment to forcibly vaccinate a citizen to curb the spread of a contagious disease… ‘And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.’…

“Dershowitz clarified that if a person is threatened with a deadly disease that is not contagious, he can refuse treatment. ‘But you have no right to refuse to be vaccinated against a contagious disease,’ he said…

“The Supreme Court has recognized each state’s ‘police power’… which gives the state authority to enact health laws, including quarantine and vaccination requirements, to protect public health. The argument against forcible vaccination is based on the 14th Amendment’s provision that no state ‘shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.’

“But Dershowitz points to the Supreme Court’s Jacobson v. Massachusetts decision in 1905, which concluded a state may require vaccination if the board of health deems it necessary for public health or safety…”

Newsmax added on May 19 that, according to Dershowitz, “the government can provide an alternative to those who do not want to be vaccinated: Live in your home and ‘never, ever leave your home’ or ‘live in a bubble.’ But if you want to interact with other people, you can’t [refuse to be vaccinated].”

Centipede Nation wrote on May 17, 2020:

“Alan Dershowitz… has stated that he hopes the government mandates the latest vaccine and that he’ll be the first in line to receive it. He also stated that he’ll want to be in front of the Supreme Court to argue for its legitimacy. On the other end, Dershowitz also seems to be a little confused as he states that he and his family would get vaccinated only if it’s safe. The contradiction seems to fly right over his head as this is the exact point vaccine-skeptics also share. For some reason, he thinks these people are conspiracy theorists and should be forced to stay in their homes if they refuse the vaccine.

“He… went on to state that… if the majority of the population agree and support public health measures that include mandatory vaccinations, then you have to be vaccinated…

“The Supreme Court has long recognized that ‘involuntary confinement of an individual for any reason, is a deprivation of liberty which the State cannot accomplish without due process of law,’ and some justices have called freedom from such confinement fundamental in nature. While it has not decided a case that involved isolation or quarantine for disease, it has held that civil commitment for mental illness is unconstitutional unless a judge determines the person is dangerous by reason of a mental illness…”

By using twisted “legal” logic, one might argue in the way that Dershowitz does, we surely hope that Dershowitz is wrong with his analysis, because forcible vaccinations against the will of healthy persons are the hallmark of a police state and of totalitarian dictatorship.

In addition, as Focus reported on May 19, the Chairman of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, supported mandatory vaccinations against the coronavirus. “I was for mandatory vaccinations against measles, and I am for mandatory vaccinations“ against the coronavirus, he said.

“The German Government emphasized again on Monday that there will be no mandatory vaccinations against the coronavirus, according to the Deputy Government Spokesperson Ulrike Demmer.

“Montgomery demanded that the German Government must see to it with legal injunctions that residents of old people‘s and nursing homes and personnel in clinics must be vaccinated. He said: ‘There will be people who do not want to be vaccinated. If they become infected, then they are a danger for those who cannot be vaccinated because of medical reasons. We must therefore vaccinate as many people as possible.”

Again, it is the doctors and medical scientists who want to rule the world.

Coronavirus Cure without a Vaccine?

 Tweaktown wrote on May 20:

“Chinese researchers are claiming that a newly developed drug can cure the coronavirus COVID-19 without the need of a vaccine. The claims are coming out of a Peking University, a major research university located in Beijing, China. According to the director of the university, Sunney Xie, who spoke to AFP, the drug has currently only been tested on mice but has shown extremely promising results. Xie says that the drug reduces the viral load (the amount of the virus found in a body) ‘by a factor of 2,500’, which is an astronomical amount.

“So how did this happen? The drug uses ‘neutralizing antibodies’… the researchers sourced these antibodies from blood samples of patients who have successfully recovered from the virus… the researchers are… isolating those antibodies that have already fought the disease off once, and then injecting them into the bloodstream of a new host. This process gives the new host’s body a figurative blueprint on how to fight off the live virus if it comes into contact with it. Xie’s team is currently preparing for human trials.”

Dr. Fauci Under Attack

Natural Health wrote on May 16:

“Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD., has made some jaw-dropping allegations about [Anthony Fauci]… She is the former research director of the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006 to 2011. Reports also say she was a former colleague of Dr. Fauci who studied other conditions as well, including HIV/AIDS (the subject of her 1991 doctoral thesis) and cancer.

“She alleges that Dr. Fauci… sabotaged her work investigating a potential cause of cancer, a rodent virus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV)…

“A 2009 paper she co-authored and published in the peer-reviewed journal Science – which explored the link between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and XMRV – was later fully retracted. Interestingly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says on their website that XMRV has been identified in patients with prostate cancer as early as 2006. The CDC also notes that XMRV is presumed to be able to be ‘transmitted through blood transfusion’ and that ‘the safety of blood could be a concern if XMRV … is confirmed to cause human illness and disease.’ Mikovits was fired from WPI after her paper was retracted. [Of course, finding a cure for a sickness would not necessitate the development and use of ongoing costly medication or a vaccine.]

“Dr. Mikovits was arrested in November 2011 and charged for allegedly stealing property from WPI, including laboratory notebooks and computer data. She was released five days later and not long after the charges were dropped. Many allege the arrest was nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to silence and intimidate her, since she has been a vocal critic of supposed government corruption related to vaccines.

“Regarding COVID-19, Dr. Mikovits is on record stating that she believes SARS-CoV-2 was manipulated within a laboratory setting. She bases her claims on what she says is evidence for ‘accelerated viral evolution’ that could only have come from human intervention. According to Science, it is true that NIAID had been funding a U.S.-based group working with Wuhan lab, but that funding has since been stopped.

“Dr. Mikovits also claims, along with others, that the COVID-19 pandemic was maliciously designed as a way to advance the agenda Big Pharma and vaccines researchers seeking to gain profit and launch mass immunization campaigns.

“Dr. Mikovits is also the author of a bestselling book Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, ‘a behind the scenes look at the issues and egos which will determine the future health of humanity.’ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote the foreword for the book, which was co-authored by Kent Heckenlively.

“According to mainstream media critics, virtually all of Mikovits’ statements are ‘untrue or overexagerrated’… So, is she an intrepid truth-seeker or self-serving aggrandizer? Are there any legitimate kernels of truth in the claims that she and others make…?”

Many of Mikovits’ statements and claims are contained in videos about and by her, which were seen by millions of viewers and then blocked and deleted, only to be reposted, blocked and deleted, reposted again… and so on… .

Bill Gates: New Coronavirus Vaccine, if Developed, Could Injure or Kill up to 700,000 People

Natural News reported on May 17:

“In his rush to develop one, two, or even seven different vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates openly admitted that upwards of 700,000 people could become injured or die from these jabs.

“The Microsoft co-founder and prominent eugenicist has been more outspoken in recent days than perhaps ever before about his desire to vaccinate the entire world, in this case as soon as possible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And the reality is that many more will die from the vaccine than from the virus itself.

“Speaking during a recent segment on CNBC, Gates admitted that in order to make vaccines ‘work’ for the most vulnerable groups, they have to be super-charged, in a sense. And this super-charging means that some people are going to be injured or killed as a result. ‘We clearly need a vaccine that works in the upper age range because they’re most at risk of that,’ Gates stated about his plans for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination. ‘And doing that so that you amp it up so that it works in older people, and yet you don’t have side effects, if we have one in 10,000 side effects that’s way more, 700,000 people who will suffer from that.’

“During this same interview, Gates admitted… that influenza vaccines are pretty much useless in older people. Though supposedly high-risk seniors are pushed to get their flu shots annually, Gates confessed to the fact that this yearly ritual does nothing to protect them against the flu…

“In his own analysis, Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics crunched the data and found that the number of deaths around the world that are being attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pales in comparison to the number of people who will be injured or killed by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, based on Gates’ own admission…

“Vaccine experiments like the ones Gates is pushing for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) have been tried before… Back in the ’70s, the United States rolled out a vaccine for ‘swine flu’ that was administered to some 45 million people over the course of 10 weeks. This vaccination effort was halted, however, after it was discovered that no cases of swine flu were even detected outside of the military base where it was said to have originated. Meanwhile, one in 100,000 vaccinated individuals ended up suffering from side effects that included Guillain-Barré syndrome, while another 53 died…”

This is deeply upsetting. Is the mass media purposefully suppressing this kind of information, and if so, why?

Ongoing Demonstrations in Germany against Governmental Restrictions

AFP wrote on May 16:

“Angered by a slew of lockdown measures, purported vaccine plans or alleged state surveillance, thousands took to the streets on Saturday in Germany in a growing wave of demonstrations that has alarmed even Chancellor Angela Merkel

“The growing demonstrations have sparked comparison to the anti-Muslim Pegida marches at the height of Europe’s refugee crisis in 2015, raising questions over whether the strong support that Merkel is currently enjoying due to her handling of the virus crisis could evaporate… A recent poll commissioned by the Spiegel news magazine found that almost one in four Germans surveyed voiced ‘understanding’ for the demonstrations. The development has shocked the political establishment

“[Opposition AfD] Party co-chief Alexander Gauland said it was ‘completely correct that people are exercising their fundamental rights and demonstrating against corona measures.’ Any resulting split in society over the demonstrations should not be blamed on the protesters, but on ‘the sweeping vilification of participants as right-wing extremists, nutcases or conspiracy theorists’, he charged.

“… Spiegel… cited the urgent need for Merkel to get a grip on the situation…”

Focus reported on May 19 that a high school (“Gymnasium”) in Germany offers “voluntary” coronavirus tests, but those who are not tested will be identified with a green mark, and other rules will apply to them than those who have been tested. This is SHAMEFUL and really reminds one of the Yellow Badges for Jews in the Third Reich.   

Suppressing Criticism in Germany?

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 15:

“Questioning the intelligence of anyone who criticizes coronavirus protection measures shows we haven’t learned from the polarization of the past and shuts the door on any chance for dialogue… What yesterday was considered a conspiracy theory has now become widely accepted fact… And yet many journalists, analysts and politicians still have a need to put everyone who thinks differently into a clear-cut cubbyhole…

“People have put up with so much over the last few weeks: Following stay-at-home orders and contact bans, trying to understand contradictory experts’ opinions on face masks, doubling time and reproduction rates, somehow managing to work from home and check their children’s schoolwork. Others were forced into a government-sponsored short-time scheme and sometimes into existential distress. And then when these very people want to express their displeasure, concern or skepticism, they are, at best, called perfectly normal citizens who let themselves be manipulated by ‘conspiracy theorists!’

Has it really come to the point where all critics and demonstrators need to hold up a disclaimer saying that they do not necessarily agree with everything that is said on stage?… Is all criticism forbidden…?

“A spiral of polarization looms ahead, as the website for the weekly newspaper Die Zeit accurately described: ‘A growing protest leads to added criticism and attention, which leads to even more protests.’… There is something of déjà-vu about it: five years ago, the much-vaunted ‘welcome culture’ still prevailed in Germany, and, in many opinion pieces, anyone who voiced reservations about German refugee policy was labeled a far-right radical. But ostracizing any form [of] criticism was a spectacular failure…

“The crazy thing is that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has long since responded to the ‘concerns of the citizens’ by signing a refugee agreement with Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and a more consistent deportation policy. But… she’s never come out and said it

“It seems that little has been learned from the previous spiral of polarization as from previous pandemics. A democracy worthy of the name must be able to withstand controversial debates and protests without creating insurmountable rifts. It is simply not enough to muzzle unwelcome criticism with derogative classifications… The very people who consider themselves the champions of democracy should refrain from using such exclusionary labels…”

This is so true, but many just REFUSE to listen.

Angela Merkel’s New Challenges

Express wrote on May 19:

“ANGELA Merkel is gearing up for one last, desperate battle to make her mark on the EU in the shadow of coronavirus, which poses a threat to the bloc’s very existence, Germany’s ambassador to Brussels, Michael Clauss, has warned in a leaked memo.

“Germany is due to take over the Presidency of the European Council in July for the first time in 13 years – but the pandemic has dramatically changed the landscape, and piled the pressure on Mrs. Merkel, 65, who is scheduled to step down as Chancellor next year. The rotating Presidency – currently held by Croatia – will switch to Germany on July 1, with a total of 17 ministerial meetings planned between July and October involving leaders from across the bloc, as well as the EU-China summit which had been planned for Leipzig in September. For Mrs Merkel, it represents an opportunity at a crucial time, with the UK due to complete the process of Brexit on December 31.

“However, in the classified dispatch to Berlin, leaked to German magazine Der Spiegel, Mr Clauss warned: ‘The first experiences with the new reality show that our presidency will no longer be able to take place in the planned way… From now on, the focus will be on the ability of the European institutions to act, crisis management, exit and reconstruction – possibly maintaining the EU integration itself.’…

“Mrs Merkel, who has been German Chancellor since 2005, is under increasing pressure as the extent of the economic damage wrought by the pandemic becomes apparent. Speaking today about the latest survey conducted by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President Eric Schweitzer predicted a 10 percent contraction in Germany’s economy… When we look around the world, we now feel all the signs of a global economic crisis.’

“Mrs Merkel has also had to contend with persistent rumours about her health after a spate of episodes in which she visibly shook in public, with some attributing it to an underlying medical condition…”

EU’s Travel Recommendations, If Adopted, May Lead to Inflation

Barron’s wrote on May 16:

“The European Commission recently published guidance on ‘how to safely resume travel.’ If its proposals are widely adopted, travel is going to get more complicated… And it might get more expensive too…

“It… recommends ‘measures to limit contact’ between workers and passengers, as well as passenger-to-passenger contact. That includes the use of personal protective equipment, such as masks as well as barriers, reduced tables in common areas, more cleaning, and reconfigured boarding procedures. The commission is also advocating ‘reducing, where feasible, the density of passengers’ as well. That means fewer people on planes and trains.

“Another reality for future travelers might be the use of ‘voluntary’ contact-tracing apps… to alert people who have come in contact with an infected person.

“Less traveler ‘density’ could mean higher prices, with fewer people bearing a larger portion of the costs… Many of the proposed changes sound inflationary

“… the travel sector will be smaller than it was in the recent past. That realization… has hammered the airline, aerospace, and tourism industries. A lot of pain has been felt by travel investors in 2020. Aerospace supplier stocks… are down about 50% year to date. Stock in Boeing… is down more than 60% so far in 2020…

Cruise operator shares are down about 75%, hotels stock have fallen… about 40%. All the drops are far worse than the comparable falls of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.”

In their attempts to solve or at least deal with the “coronavirus crisis,” overzealous and many times ignorant governmental officials have been literally destroying large sectors of the business community and the economy.

Many Travelers Still Arrive from China and other Countries

 CBS New York wrote on May 19:

“CBS2 has learned some of the same international flights that have long been blamed for causing coronavirus to explode in our area are still operating… in the last two weeks international flights to Newark Liberty Airport and John F. Kennedy Airport have arrived from China, South Korea, and much of Europe, including the United Kingdom and Italy… ‘What is being done now to screen those travelers? What is the step-by-step process?’… ‘That’s the federal government, that’s Border and Customs control,’ Cuomo responded… ‘There is coordination, but they determine who comes, who doesn’t come, is purely federal, and they determine what procedures and practices are in place…’

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. customs and Border Protection… would only say there is an ‘enhanced entry screening,’ adding the passenger is asked about medical history, current condition, and some are having their temperature taken… Customs said state and local officials are ensuring compliance, but New Jersey and New York health officials acknowledge they are not tracking travelers once they land. ‘So how do you make sure they stay quarantined for 14 days?’… ‘It’s not a state role,’ the governor (Cuomo) reiterated. But it could become the state’s problem as airlines increase international flights.”

Trump Threatens WHO to Pull US Membership and Funding

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 19:

“Donald Trump has written a furious letter to the World Health Organization’s director-general, threatening to pull US membership and funding…

“Trump’s argument is extremely blunt: he wrote that the WHO had shown an ‘an alarming lack of independence’’ from China in its COVID-19 response, and that the US will leave if there aren’t ‘substantive improvements’ in the next 30 days… ‘I cannot allow American taxpayer dollars to continue to finance an organization that, in its present state, is so clearly not serving America’s interests,’ Trump wrote…

“The US is the world’s largest donor to the WHO — it contributed nearly 15% of its two-year budget for 2018-2019. If Washington were to stop contributing to the agency it would blow a sizeable hole in WHO funds. That’s not ideal, to say the least, especially in the middle of a global pandemic. The WHO would have to find alternative funding — fast.

“… Beijing wasn’t too impressed. Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry, called the letter slanderous and said the US decision to stop WHO contributions was a violation of its international responsibilities…

“In a resolution at the World Health Assembly on Tuesday, member states called for… ‘universal, timely and equitable access’ to health technologies to help fight the pandemic… Many of the members, in particular European Union countries, are ‘trying to reinforce this organization, which is greatly needed today…’”

Is the EU going to replace the USA?

Division in the USA

npr wrote on May 15:

“… there are fears that the pandemic — especially landing in an election year — has the potential to inflame divisions to dangerous levels if left unchecked… Polling shows that masking brings the starkest partisan breakdown of any protective measure: 76% of Democrats say they wear a mask when leaving home, compared with 59% of Republicans…”

Fox News wrote on May 16 the following, authored by Tucker Carlson:

“The country appears to be splitting into two hemispheres before our eyes: There are those places where public officials are allowing science to guide their decisions; states like that are cautiously beginning to relax their lockdowns and finding no spike in illness as they do it. Those are the free states. And then there’s the other half of the country, the places where you’re glad you don’t live right now. In those places, power-drunk politicians crow about science but resolutely ignore its findings… Their decisions are driven by ambition, political calculation and the pure animal joy of controlling other people’s lives. Places like that are tightening their lockdowns even now.

“Maybe no place in the country represents the authoritarian approach, the Chinese approach, more starkly than Los Angeles does… Los Angeles Mayor Gil Garcetti has now extended the lockdown through the end of July… using law enforcement, liberally, to make certain that his citizens obey his orders. Police say they’ve brought criminal charges against at least 60 ‘non-essential’ businesses for the crime of going to work. Countless other businesses have shut forever. They’re not coming back.

“The citizens who remain stuck in Los Angeles are effectively hostages of the mayor. Garcetti has demanded that anyone who goes outside, for any reason, as the heat rises in L.A.,  must wear a mask. It goes without saying there [is] no science to back up this order — or any of Garcetti’s so-called health decisions. In fact, it’s possible that requiring masks outside will not prevent a single [person] from being infected in Los Angeles

“Garcetti explains that anyone who goes to the beach must make certain not to touch dry sand. Wet sand is fine. Dry sand is now illegal… This… is the expression of an autocrat… It means that America’s second-largest city has fallen under the total control of a neurotic megalomaniac, who’s terrified of dry sand. Eric Garcetti’s personal phobias are now law in Los Angeles…

“In New Jersey, for example, citizens are still banned from assembling to worship together as they choose. That’s a direct violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution…”

The example of Los Angeles is indeed stupid and outrageous. How long will the people of Los Angeles put up with such ridiculous autocratic nonsensical orders? And what will happen if they refuse? Are we going to experience hostility, clashes, and worse?

Justice Department Warns California Coronavirus Rules May Violate Religious Freedoms

The Los Angeles Times wrote on May 19:

“The measures Gov. Gavin Newsom enacted to slow the spread of the coronavirus and his plans to unwind them may discriminate against religious groups and violate their constitutional rights, the U.S. Justice Department warned in a letter Tuesday. In a three-page letter to the governor, Eric S. Dreiband, an assistant attorney general and the head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, said Newsom had shown ‘unequal treatment of faith communities’ in restricting their abilities to gather and ultimately reopen. ‘Simply put, there is no pandemic exception to the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights,’ Dreiband wrote.

“Newsom’s office had no comment beyond confirming that it had received the letter. Dreiband raised issues both with California’s stay-at-home order and Newsom’s plan to roll it back. While worshipers cannot gather in person, even while following social distancing protocols, California has deemed employees in the entertainment and e-commerce industries essential and allowed them to continue working in person, ‘regardless of whether the product they are selling and shipping are life-preserving products or not,’ Dreiband said. ‘This facially discriminates against religious exercise,’ he said.

“Moreover, Dreiband wrote, the governor has permitted restaurants, shopping malls and offices to resume operations in the second phase of his plan to reopen California’s economy, but houses of worship cannot hold in-person services until its third, later phase. ‘The Constitution calls for California to do more to accommodate religious worship, including in stage 2 of the reopening plan,’ Dreiband said.

“In April, the Justice Department intervened in a dispute between a Mississippi church and the city of Greenville, whose police officers had broken up a service held in the church’s parking lot. At the time, Atty. Gen. William Barr said religious groups ‘must not be singled out for special burdens.’”

Oregon Supreme Court Stays Order Declaring Governmental Restrictions Null and Void

The Associated Press wrote on May 18:

“The Oregon Supreme Court late Monday halted a rural judge’s order earlier in the day that had tossed out statewide coronavirus restrictions imposed by Democratic Gov. Kate Brown. [The lower court had stated that the order by Governor Brown was null and void and unenforceable.] Baker County Circuit Judge Matthew Shirtcliff had ruled that Brown erred by not seeking the Legislature’s approval to extend the stay-at-home orders beyond a 28-day limit. The Supreme Court’s ruling stays Shirtcliff’s decision pending review by all the high court justices…

“The lower court judge had issued his opinion in response to a lawsuit filed earlier this month by 10 churches around Oregon that argued the state’s social-distancing directives were unconstitutional. In a seven-page opinion, Shirtcliff wrote that the damage to Oregonians and their livelihood was greater than the dangers presented by the coronavirus. He also noted that other businesses deemed essential, such as grocery stores, had been allowed to remain open even with large numbers of people present and have relied on masks, social distancing and other measures to protect the public…

“Courts in other states have ruled against similar orders. The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Gov. Tony Evers’ stay-at-home order last week, ruling that his administration overstepped its authority when it extended the order for another month without consulting legislators. A federal judge in North Carolina on Saturday sided with conservative Christian leaders and blocked the enforcement of restrictions that Gov. Roy Cooper ordered affecting indoor religious services during the pandemic

“In Louisiana, however, a federal judge refused a minister’s request to temporarily halt Gov. John Bel Edwards’ stay-at-home order, which expired that same day…”

It seems to us, based on Oregon law, that the restrictions by Governor Brown ARE in fact null and void. Why the Oregon Supreme Court stayed the order of the rural judge is a mystery.

There is also much talk of a second pandemic in the fall.

Pat Buchanan uttered the following opinion, as published on May 18 by WND:

“Yet, even if the pandemic returns in the fall, the establishment cannot keep the country closed indefinitely. Prediction: If the people conclude they have done all they can do to mitigate the suffering from a virus they cannot eradicate, they will resist the imposition of another shutdown, and the establishment will have neither the will nor ability to push them back into their homes…”

We will see…

Staggering Unemployment Numbers in the USA

 The Associated Press wrote on May 21:

“The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits in the two months since the coronavirus took hold in the U.S. has swelled to nearly 39 million, the government reported Thursday,… a job-market collapse unprecedented in its speed.”

Jordan and Europe on Collision Course with Israel

Breaking Israel News wrote on May 17:

“Jordan’s King Abdullah warned of ‘massive conflict’ between his country and Israel if the Jewish state proceeds with annexing territory this summer in Judea and Samaria… He also suggested that his country could pull out of its peace agreement with Israel. Jordan and Egypt are the only Arab nations that formally recognize the Jewish state…

“The comments by the Jordanian leader come as several European nations are pushing for punitive action against Israel if the country forges ahead with annexation… U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said that Washington would not oppose Israeli annexation after July 1.”

The Times of Israel added on May 16:

“Jordan has been lobbying the EU to take ‘practical steps’ to make sure annexation doesn’t happen.”

Psalm 83 comes to mind. Verses 8 and 9 refer to Ammon and the sons of Lot (both referring to modern Jordan) and verse 9 refers to Assur (modern Germany).

Abbas Breaks with Israel and USA

JTA wrote on May 19:

“Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared an end to all agreements with Israel, including security cooperation, effectively turning over to Israel’s government the running of the entire West Bank. ‘The Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine are absolved, as of today, of all the agreements and understandings with the American and Israeli governments and of all the commitments based on these understandings and agreements, including the security ones,’ Abbas said in a speech in Ramallah, which functions as the capital of the Palestinian Authority…

“Abbas said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to annex parts of the West Bank left him no choice, and he blamed the Trump administration’s ‘peace vision’ unveiled in January… Abbas said the PLO remained committed to the two-state outcome…

“The U.S. has little leverage to use on Abbas, with the administration having cut almost all assistance, except money for security cooperation.”

Israeli Court Tells Netanyahu He Must Appear at Start of Trial

The Algemeiner wrote on May 20:

“An Israeli court rejected on Wednesday a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be absent from the opening of his corruption trial next week, saying he must abide by the practice of hearing the charges in person. Netanyahu had asked Jerusalem District Court to be excused from his May 24 arraignment, deeming the event a formality and arguing that bringing his bodyguards would be a waste of public funds and a strain on coronavirus rules against congregations.

“Some critics, however, believed Netanyahu was trying to reduce the optics of the first criminal prosecution of a sitting Israeli prime minister. Indicted for bribery, fraud and breach in three long-running cases, he denies wrongdoing. ‘It is incumbent upon the requester, as with all other defendants, to appear and have his say in court,’ the three-judge panel said in its ruling.”

Europe’s Army Is Taking Shape

Express wrote on May 6:

“URSULA VON DER LEYEN has hinted at the formation of a European army on a number of occasions, and in a startling article she claimed the idea is ‘already taking shape’. The European Commission President wrote an article in 2019 titled ‘Europe is forming an army’ when she was still a Defence minister in Angela Merkel’s government. [She argued that the] continent needs to be self-sufficient in defending itself, and can do so by closely integrating its military forces. She added in her article for Handelsblatt: ‘Europe has to build an army.’…

“This came after Mr Juncker had also expressed interest in an EU military force. In March 2015, he said: ‘Such an army would help us to build a common foreign and security policy, as well as jointly assume the responsibilities of Europe in the world. A common army among the Europeans would convey to Russia that we are serious about defending the values of the European Union.’”

Europe WILL develop a mighty and powerful army… and much sooner than many think.

“No More EU Concessions to the UK”

BBC News wrote on May 19:

“Europe’s economic problems will not force the EU to make more concessions to the UK over Brexit or any trade deal, the French finance minister Bruno Le Maire has said. UK minister Michael Gove had previously said the Covid crisis would in some respects ‘concentrate the minds of the EU negotiators.’

“But Mr Le Maire told Hardtalk’s Stephen Sackur: ‘There won’t be any further concession from the EU and on the contrary I think this economic crisis will lead to the reinforcement of the EU, will lead to more solidarity among member states and we are not ready to make concessions that might jeopardise the EU construction.’”

US Ambassador Accuses Germany of Undermining NATO

Reuters wrote on May 14:

“The U.S. ambassador in Berlin has accused Germany of undermining NATO’s nuclear deterrent, taking aim at Chancellor Angela Merkel’s junior coalition partners after some of their leaders called for nuclear disarmament.

“Rolf Muetzenich, parliamentary leader of the Social Democrats (SPD), called earlier this month for the withdrawal of all U.S. nuclear weapons from Germany – a view that divides his left-leaning party and is not shared by Merkel’s conservatives.

“In an opinion piece for German newspaper Die Welt, Ambassador Richard Grenell wrote: ‘Instead of undermining the solidarity that forms the basis of NATO’s nuclear deterrence, it is now time for Germany to meet its commitments to its allies and to continuously invest in NATO’s nuclear participation.’

“‘Germany’s political leadership, especially that of the SPD, must now make it clear the federal republic is honouring these commitments and standing by its allies,’ added Grenell, who is also U.S. President Donald Trump’s acting national intelligence chief.

“The remarks are the latest twist in relations between Berlin and Washington that have often been strained during Trump’s presidency. The president has pressed Germany to raise its defence spending and accused Berlin of being a ‘captive’ of Russia due to its energy reliance. But Grenell’s comments also come a day after Merkel cited ‘hard evidence’ that Russia was behind a 2015 hacker attack on her Bundestag office — an assault that she said ‘pains me’.

“‘The dangers threatening peace in Europe are not an “anachronism”, as some would have us believe,’ Grenell said. ‘The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the deployment of new nuclear-weapon-capable missiles by Russia on the periphery of Europe and new capabilities of China, North Korea and other countries make it clear that the threat is all too present.’”

While the threat from Russia is “all too present” for Germany, the relationship between Berlin and Washington is deteriorating consistently and the rift is widening. This is another reason why Germany is strongly supporting and working towards a “self-sufficient” European army.

The Pope’s Wrong Understanding of True Christianity

Crux Now wrote on May 15:

Christians must follow the Ten Commandments, of course, but Christianity is not about following rules, it is about having a relationship with Jesus, Pope Francis said… the pope focused on… the account of the first Christian converts from paganism being ‘disturbed’ by other Christians who insisted the converts must first become Jewish and follow all Jewish laws and customs… ‘Theirs was a religion of prescriptions and, in that way, they took away the freedom of the Spirit,’ who had brought the converts directly to Christ without first having them become Jewish… ‘the Spirit of God is freedom,’ the pope said.

“The problem of individuals or groups trying to impose extra conditions on believers was present from the beginning of Christianity and continues in some quarters of the church today, he said… ‘In our own time, we have seen some church organizations that seem to be well organized, to work well, but they are all rigid… and then we have discovered the corruption that was inside, including in the founders.’”

IF the Pope believes that the Ten Commandments must be followed, “of course,” then he must teach and keep the Fourth Commandment of the Sabbath instead of Sunday. The Bible says that true Christians are spiritual Jews. And what about the corruption within the Roman Catholic Church?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Would you please explain Amos 5:13?

Amos 5:13 reads: “Therefore the prudent keep silent at that time, For it is an evil time.”

Does this passage tell God’s Church to cease proclaiming the Truth, as we are living right now in an evil time?

In order to understand this passage properly, we must first of all consider the context and the theme of the entire book of Amos. The book deals with events leading to or occurring at the “day of the Lord”—when God will powerfully and mightily intervene in the affairs of men. The day of the Lord will begin approximately one year before Christ’s return and is oftentimes described as the day of God’s wrath, as God is angry about the sins of man.

Regarding the “day of the Lord,” we read in Amos 5:18-20:

“Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD! For what good is the day of the LORD to you? It will be darkness, and not light. It will be as though a man fled from a lion, And a bear met him! Or as though he went into the house, Leaned his hand on the wall, And a serpent bit him! Is not the day of the LORD darkness, and not light? Is it not very dark, with no brightness in it?”

Even though God’s wrath will be poured out over all nations and peoples, end-time warnings in the book of Amos are specifically directed towards the modern descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah. They can be found today in the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, as well as the state of Israel.

When referring to the house of Israel, the book of Amos speaks at times about the house of Jacob (Jacob was renamed Israel when he became converted) and specifically the house of Joseph (one of Jacob’s sons). Joseph was the father of Ephraim and Manasseh. On occasion, Amos also refers to Isaac (the father of Jacob) and the house of Jeroboam (who was a wicked king of the house of Israel).

In Amos 2:4-5, we read that God will punish modern Judah (the state of Israel in the Middle East) because of their transgressions and sins: “For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, Because they have despised the law of the LORD, And have not kept His commandments. Their lies lead them astray, Lies which their fathers followed. But I will send a fire upon Judah, And it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem.”

In Amos 2:14-16, the punishment of the modern house of Israel (cp. verse 6) is described in vivid terms, as follows: “The strong shall not strengthen his power, Nor shall the mighty deliver himself; He shall not stand who handles the bow, The swift of foot shall not escape, Nor shall he who rides a horse deliver himself. The most courageous men of might Shall flee naked in that day…”

Further descriptions of the coming punishment of the house of Israel are in Amos 3:9-15: “‘… See great tumults in her midst, And the oppressed within her. For they do not know to do right,’ Says the LORD, ‘Who store up violence and robbery in their palaces.’ Therefore thus says the LORD God: ‘An adversary shall be all around the land; He shall sap your strength from you, And your palaces shall be plundered. Hear and testify against the house of Jacob,’ Says the LORD God, the God of hosts… ‘in the day I punish Israel for their transgressions… I will destroy the winter house along with the summer house; The houses of ivory shall perish, And the great houses shall have an end,’ Says the LORD.”

In Amos 4:6-10, God announces famine, a plague (pestilence and disease epidemics) and the sword (war) for the modern descendants of the house of Israel, and He shows very clearly the time setting in verse 12: “Therefore thus will I do to you, O Israel; Because I will do this to you, Prepare to meet your God, O Israel!”

In Amos 5, God shows that no one will help the house of Israel at the time of its destruction.  We read in Amos 5:1-3: “Hear this word which I take up against you, a lamentation, O house of Israel: The virgin of Israel has fallen; She will rise no more. She lies forsaken on her land; There is no one to raise her up. For thus says the LORD God: ‘The city that goes out by a thousand Shall have a hundred left, And that which goes out by a hundred Shall have ten left to the house of Israel.”

In the midst of these descriptions of terrible destruction, God utters the following admonishment, in Amos 5:6, 15: “Seek the LORD and live, Lest He break out like fire in the house of Joseph, And devour it, With no one to quench it… Hate evil, love good; Establish justice in the gate. It may be that the LORD God of hosts Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.”

But God knows that the leadership and the people, by and large, will not listen or repent. He says in Amos 6:1,3, 6: “Woe to you who are at ease in Zion, And trust in Mount Samaria, Notable persons in the chief nation, To whom the house of Israel comes!… Woe to you who put far off the day of doom, Who cause the seat of violence to come near… [and who] are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.”

As a consequence, God will punish them severely. Amos 9:10 says: “All the sinners of My people shall die by the sword, Who say, ‘The calamity shall not overtake nor confront us.’”

God addresses and condemns the pride of the modern house of Israel (Jacob) in their strength and might (Amos 6:8; 8:7). He specifically speaks of a wrong kind of patriotism and nationalism which prevent people from turning to God. Amos 9:7-8 states: “‘Are you not like the people of Ethiopia to Me, O children of Israel?’ says the LORD. ‘Did I not bring up Israel from the land of Egypt, The Philistines from Caphtor, And the Syrians from Kir? Behold, the eyes of the LORD God are on the sinful kingdom, And I will destroy it from the face of the earth; Yet I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob,’ Says the LORD.”

God makes clear that punishment WILL come. Amos 7:8-9 and Amos 8:2-3 state: “‘Behold, I am setting a plumb line In the midst of My people Israel; I will not pass by them anymore. The high places of Isaac shall be desolate, And the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste. I will rise with the sword against the house of Jeroboam…  The end has come upon My people Israel; I will not pass by them anymore. And the songs of the temple Shall be wailing in that day,’ Says the LORD God—‘Many dead bodies everywhere, They shall be thrown out in silence.’”

God addresses wrong (pagan) worship services within the modern house of Israel, when He states in Amos 5:21-23: “I hate, I despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies… Take away from Me the noise of your songs, For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments.” (Compare also Hosea 2:13.) Again, in Amos 8:10: “I will turn your feasts into mourning, And all your songs into lamentation… I will make it like mourning for an only son, And its end like a bitter day.”

At that time, there will also be a famine of the Word of God, as we read in Amos 8:11-12. It is not that God’s Church will cease preaching God’s Word. In fact, Christ said in Matthew 10:23 that God’s ministers will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes. Rather, people will be so deceived that they will not recognize the Word of God when it is being preached. They will look for it, but won’t find it, as their minds have been blinded to the Truth. After all, they had told the prophets—those who understand prophecy—not to prophecy and to preach the Word of God (Amos 2:12). In fact, we read in Amos 5:10: “They hate the one who rebukes in the gate, And they abhor the one who speaks uprightly.” This same attitude was already prevalent at the time of Amos, when he was told NOT to preach and announce God’s warnings (Amos 7:10-13).

God had shown the people then—and He shows us today—what is going to happen (Amos 4:13), and He commands His ministers to proclaim His Word and to warn the modern descendants of the houses of Israel and Judah and the world (Amos 3:7-8). He also shows what will happen after Christ has returned and when He sets up the government of God on this earth (Amos 9:11-15)—the good news of God’s coming Kingdom which needs to be proclaimed by His Church at this time as well.

It is in this context and in light of all the passages in the book of Amos, as discussed herein, that we must evaluate God’s statement in Amos 5:13, saying that the prudent will keep silent during this evil time.

Commentaries offer different attempts to explain this passage.

Barnes’ Notes on the Bible gives this explanation:

“God said by Solomon: ‘He that reproveth a scorner getteth himself shame, and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot’ (Proverbs 9:7). And our Lord bids, ‘Give not that which is holy unto dogs, and cast not your pearls before swine’ (Matthew 7:6). They hated and rejected those who rebuked them… Since then rebuke profited not, the prophets should hold their peace. It is a fearful judgment, when God withholds His warnings. In times of punishment also the prudent keep silence… It may be too, that Amos, like Hosea 4:4, 17, expresses the uselessness of all reproof, in regard to the most of those whom be called to repentance, even while he continued earnestly to rebuke them.”

Even though some of these statements have some merit, Amos 5:13 cannot apply to the “prophets” or the ministry in God’s Church who have a duty to proclaim God’s Truth and who have to lift up their voice as a trumpet to show and declare to God’s people and the “house of Jacob” their sins and transgressions (Isaiah 58:1; Micah 3:8). In fact, it is the duty of the Church to announce the gospel of the Kingdom of God to this world as a witness, even though God knows that most will not respond and repent, but it must be done so that Jesus Christ can return.

Realizing the duty of the Church to proclaim God’s Word in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2), some commentaries make a distinction between “public” and “private” responsibilities.

Matthew Poole’s Commentary states:

“The prudent; the wise men; prophets, say some, but I rather think other private men are here meant, whose private capacity alloweth them to keep silence when others must speak.”

Similarly Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible:

“Therefore the prudent shall keep silence at that time… Not the prophets of the Lord, whose business it was at all times to reprove, and not hold their peace, let the consequence be what it would… but private persons, whose wisdom it would be to say nothing; since reproof would do no good to these persons, and they would bring a great deal of hatred [and] ill will, and trouble upon themselves as well… or the sense is, they would not speak to God on the behalf of these wicked men, knowing the decree was gone forth…”

It is true that while the ministry of the Church of God has an official duty to proclaim God’s Word publicly, that is not true for the membership or others, or even ministers in their “private” capacity. We are told that we need to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us, WHEN ASKED (1 Peter 3:15), but this does not mean that we are to approach and bombard our friends or coworkers or even our unconverted mate or just anyone we may come in contact with in an attempt to proselytize them and correct them and chastise them for their wrongdoing.

It is also true, as pointed out by Gill, that we are not to ask God to bless others in their sin; that is, to bless them for and while sinning. Rather, we could pray that God would open their minds so that they stop sinning, but the time may come and may already be here for some when God tells us not to utter those prayers anymore, as they will refuse to repent at this point in time (Jeremiah 7:16; 11:14; 14:11).

The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary offers another interesting explanation of Amos 5:13:

“… the prudent—the spiritually wise… shall keep silence—not mere silence of tongue, but the prudent shall keep himself quiet from taking part in any public or private affairs which he can avoid: as it is ‘an evil time’… Ephesians 5:16 refers to this…”

A true Christian and God’s Church as a whole will not participate in the public affairs and the politics and the agenda of the rulers of this world who through their “wisdom” have become fools and enemies of God (1 Corinthians 2:6-8; 3:19-20).

In conclusion, Amos 5:13 does not tell the prudent ministers of God to cease from publicly warning the modern nations of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah, as well as the entire world, of impending disaster. God’s ministers have a duty to speak out, and woe unto them if they are negligent, lax or slack in that task (note the principle in Jeremiah 48:10 in the New Jerusalem Biblethe New International Version or the New Revised Standard Version) or if they refuse altogether to do it (Ezekiel 3:17; 33:2-11; Jeremiah 6:17; Habakkuk 2:1-3).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A powerful NEW Trailer about our new booklet, “The Ten Commandments,” has been produced by Pastor Michael Link. It is viewable on YouTube and on our homepage (https://www.eternalgod.org/).

“Pope Francis Attacks True Christianity!” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

In recent comments, Pope Francis displayed his utter ignorance of what true Christianity is all about, and he attacked true Christians in a totally inconsistent and contradictory way. WHAT DID HE SAY which was so terribly wrong? And WHY were some of his comments so utterly hypocritical? Please stay tuned to the END of this program for a very important announcement.

“Müssen wir bei Unrecht schweigen?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Must We Be Silent in the Face of Injustice?”

“Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun,” is the title of last Sabbath’s German sermonette, presented by Mike Richter. Title in English: “They Don’t Know What They’re Doing.”

“Those Things and These Things,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

If we truly seek to be in God’s Kingdom, then we must not compromise with the Truth of God. Rather, we must faithfully learn and live by the doctrines of God.

“Preparing for Eternity,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

God entrusted His physical creation into the hands of man, to tend and care for our surroundings. This job was for our own physical needs and happiness. The physical is a reflection of the spiritual realm, and likewise needs tending, with the ultimate goal of directing man to God. Man has utterly failed in maintaining the physical creation as well as the spiritual necessity of drawing closer to God—as we were designed. We must not let our commission dim, even as the world around us draws closer to destruction.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Those Things and These Things / Preparing for Eternity

On May 16, 2020, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Those Things and These Things,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Preparing for Eternity.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 924

Those Things and These Things / Preparing for Eternity

On May 16, 2020, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Those Things and These Things,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Preparing for Eternity.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Full Growth

by Dave Harris

Stay-at-home orders due to the Coronavirus have meant that the changes which we normally see in small ways were missed. However, it can be really surprising when we are confronted with things or people we haven’t seen for a while.

During the past week, my wife and I had the opportunity to see our eight grandsons for the first time in several weeks. They all had changed—some less and some more in terms of their growth. On the other hand, our grandsons probably thought that granny and grandpa looked older!

This experience caused me to reflect on spiritual growth—the challenge we face in growing as Christians, “…to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13). In small ways and in big ways, we are to “…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).

Have you seen Christian growth in others? Do you know people who, over the years, have developed spiritual maturity regarding faith, hope and love? Have you ever been shocked by how much a person has changed their life by growing in the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit?

Now for the hard question, can we see this kind of spiritual growth in ourselves? Do we have love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control? That is, do we have more of these godly characteristics now than last year or the year before?

Put another way, can we say that we are overcoming—sin, this world and Satan? Are we overcoming our own selfish desires and yielding completely to God’s Will? Let’s remember and never lose sight of the strong admonition Jesus gave to His Church in the passages of chapters two and three of the Book of Revelation. Simply stated, we must be overcomers!

Christians are to reach full growth, and that is perfection, once we are born again members in the Family of God. But we must strive towards that perfection already now (Matthew 5:48). Along the way, we, too, must be showing recognizable growth in godliness. One way to do so is to face up to ways in which we know that we are not growing as we should—and change!

If we do, perhaps we will hear these words spoken to us, “‘Well done, good and faithful servantyou were faithful…” (Matthew 25:21, 23).

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by Norbert Link

We begin with an article about alleged experiences with ghosts during self-isolation (please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “Haunted Houses and Ghosts during Self-Isolation?”); and continue with the status of worldwide travel bans and the dire situation of the tourist industry, while focusing especially on the United Kingdom and Germany. We speak on huge demonstrations in Germany against governmental restrictions and a new German law, instigated by openly gay German Health Minister Jens Spahn, prohibiting conversion therapies of minors who are gay. We also report on a highly controversial law in France on “hate speech” and “religious bigotry.”

Turning to the USA, we report, among other events, on the terrible conditions and ever-growing statistics of America’s unemployed. We also point out critical voices in the media questioning the accuracy of Dr. Fauci’s predictions, and the long-term dangers of draconian restrictions and other measures by the US federal and state governments.

We also address a dire warning of bishops, doctors, lawyers and journalists pertaining to reactions to the coronavirus and the possibility of a schism in the Catholic Church; and we report on the worldwide breakdown of our healthcare systems.

We focus on the EU’s warning against Israel in case of annexation, and a frightening development in light of microchips which have been implanted in unsuspecting victims.

We conclude with nationwide opposition of American churches to the governmental prohibitions of personal religious assembly.

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Ghosts and Self-Isolation

DNYUZ wrote on May 14:

 “For those whose experience of self-isolation involves what they believe to be a ghost, their days are punctuated not just by Zoom meetings or home schooling, but by disembodied voices, shadowy figures, misbehaving electronics, invisible cats… and even, in some cases… free-floating, full-torso vaporous apparitions…

“In 1999, immediately before Y2K… a spike in reported ghost and poltergeist activity [was reported], as well as U.F.O. sightings… [It could] have something to do with our heightened state of anxiety… Times of great unease…, when there is an increased drive to find meaning in chaos, can lend themselves to perceived hauntings…

 “In quarantine… you are trapped at home… it’s comforting to think that there’s a supernatural agent here with you…”

For important information on this subject, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “Haunted Houses and Ghosts during Self-Isolation?”  

Boris Johnson Wants to Impose Two Week Quarantine on Air Travelers

Business Insider wrote on May 10:

“[Boris] Johnson… announced plans to, at a future date, impose a two-week quarantine on people arriving in the country by air… ‘To prevent re-infection from abroad, I am serving notice that it will soon be the time… to impose quarantine on people coming into this country by air,’ he said. The prime minister did not explain whether the same restrictions would apply to those arriving in the UK by sea or train.”

In fact, Johnson did not explain anything. Airlines already responded by saying that this would be their ruin, as nobody would want to come to the UK anymore. Express added on May 11 that, due to a special agreement, “Britain will not quarantine travellers coming into the UK from France.”

Germany is facing similar challenges. Note the next articles.

Travel Ban… Some Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 8:

“The European Commission on Friday recommended extending travel restrictions for non-EU nationals at the bloc’s external borders until June 15, saying ‘the situation remains fragile both in Europe and worldwide.’…

“EU officials said frictionless travel within the bloc’s internal borders and the visa-free Schengen area would be prioritized over non-essential travel from non-EU countries. ‘Restrictions on free movement and internal border controls will need to be lifted gradually before we can remove restrictions at the external borders and guarantee access to the EU for non-EU residents for non-essential travel,’ said Ylva Johansson, EU Commission for Home Affairs….

“Going forward, the European Commission said, ‘Any further prolongation of the travel restriction beyond June 15, 2020, would need to be assessed again, based on the evolution of the epidemiological situation.’”

Breitbart wrote on May 13:

“The German government is recommending that a requirement for people arriving from other countries in Europe to self-quarantine for 14 days be dropped. Germany last month imposed a requirement for all people arriving in the country to go straight home and stay there for two weeks, except those who were on very short trips, commuting to their jobs, transporting goods or in some other essential functions.

“A court in the northern state of Lower Saxony suspended the rule for that region this week. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said Wednesday he is recommending that state governments, which are responsible for quarantines, drop the requirement for travelers from other European countries but maintain it for arrivals from other nations such as the United States and Russia.”

It will have to be seen what is going to happen after June 15. We hope and pray that travel bans between the USA and Europe will be lifted by then, and that the discriminatory self-quarantine regulations for 14 days especially towards US travelers will be dropped as well.  

German Tourism Industry Suffers with the Support of Many Germans

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 10:

“… every third job in the German tourism sector could be lost… around a million… of the some 3 million people working in the sector in Germany were at risk of becoming unemployed… 70% were already working short-time… [It was felt that] big online companies [would be] dominating the market while smaller travel agencies and tour operators [would disappear].

“The tourism industry in Germany is likely also to suffer under the current unwillingness of Germans to travel amid the uncertainties created by the coronavirus crisis. A recent YouGov survey showed that almost half of Germans (48%) do not want to see European borders reopened for the summer holidays… Some 42% had dropped the idea of taking a holiday at all…”

This happens when fear and panic reigns.

Large Demonstrations in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 9:

“Over 3,000 people rallied in Munich and thousands more gathered in Stuttgart and across Germany [including Berlin] on Saturday to demand the lifting of restrictions ordered by the German authorities…

“The protesters accuse politicians and medical workers of spreading panic and infringing on the population’s rights with the prolonged lockdown. Some of the rallies included anti-vaccination activists

“Over two-thirds of German residents support the need for social distancing, according to the latest research published by the official BfR Institute. However, this still marks a sharp drop from the numbers reported in March, when 92% supported the restrictions.”

Bild Online reported that over 15,000 demonstrators protested in Germany over the weekend. As governmental restrictions continue, more and more Germans will be found opposing the same. The accuracy of above-quoted figures of alleged approval by the majority of Germans must be disputed anyhow, based on the many comments on social media. 

Germany Bans Conversion of Gays who are Minors

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 8:

“German lawmakers voted to pass a law on Thursday banning so called ‘conversion therapies’ that are aimed at suppressing sexual orientation or gender identity. ‘Homosexuality is not an illness,’ said Health Minister Jens Spahn who is openly gay. ‘Therefore the term therapy is already misleading.’

“Under the new law, advertising or offering conversion therapy will be prohibited for children up to the age of 18. Violators can be fined up to up to €30,000 ($33,000) or sentenced to up to one year in prison. Parents and guardians who force their children to undergo the programs can also be charged for violating their duty of care… the new law… carries punishments as well if an adult consented to the therapy after being deceived, coerced or threatened…

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and their Social Democrat (SPD) coalition partners voted in favor of the ban, as well as the business-friendly Free Democrats (FDP). The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) largely abstained, except for one vote against the law. The Left Party and the Greens also abstained from the vote, but argued that the law didn’t go far enough to protect young adults…”

We agree with Jens Spahn that homosexuality is not an illness. According to the Bible, it is an abomination.

New Controversial Law in France

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 13:

“Legislation that passed the National Assembly on Wednesday gives platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat a [24 hour] deadline to remove… ‘manifestly illicit’ [posts] — such as hate speech, racist comments, or religious bigotry

“The law also sets up a prosecutor specialized in digital content and a government unit to observe online hate speech… The law has been severely criticized…

“Arguing against the law on Wednesday, conservative lawmaker Constance Le Grip warned of a danger to ‘in a way, entrust the policing of thought and expression’ to private businesses mostly based in foreign countries. Populist leader Marine Le Pen said the law was ‘a serious violation of the freedom of expression.’”

In this, Le Pen is absolutely correct. In addition, the definition of hate speech and religious bigotry is open to arbitrary interpretation and discrimination.

“The US Government Is Failing Us”

Reuters wrote on May 7:

“Since losing her position at the makeup counter at the Macy’s department store in Orlando, Florida, on March 28, Alejandra spends her days trying to secure the unemployment benefits that should have arrived weeks ago, sometimes placing more than 100 calls a day.

“The online application, a 10-hour ordeal of error messages, ended with a notice that her identity could not be verified. If she’s lucky, she’ll reach a representative who will say there’s nothing they can do to help. Otherwise, it’s a busy signal, or an hours-long wait on hold, followed by a sudden hang-up…

“In the past six weeks, states have struggled to process over 33 million jobless claims, more than they typically see in a year. That figure does not capture those who have been unable to even file a claim due to bureaucratic hurdles — up to 14 million more, according to an Economic Policy Institute study released last week.”

There is no question that our entire system is breaking down.

Unemployment in the USA MUCH WORSE than Previously Announced

In a related article, Reuters wrote on May 8:

“Millions of U.S. residents were counted as employed in April despite having no job, suggesting April’s true unemployment rate was closer to 20%, much higher than the official 14.7% reported, the Labor Department said Friday. The jobless rate should have included people on temporary unpaid leave, furloughed because of the coronavirus pandemic, the government said.

“But responses to the survey by which the data was collected show 11.5 million people were categorized as employed but absent from work because of vacation, parental leave or other reasons, but including 8.1 million absent for ‘unspecified’ reasons, a group that usually numbers about 620,000… The jobs report probably also undercounted the unemployment rate in a second way – by missing people who wanted work but weren’t looking for it because of near-ubiquitous stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of COVID-19.

“The Labor Department excludes people who are not in an active job search from its count of the unemployed, classifying them instead as out of the workforce. But in April, 9.9 million people who were not in the labor force – one in every 10 – also said they wanted a job, the highest number since the Labor Department began keeping track.”

Another 2.98 million Americans filed jobless claims last week. Taking the last two articles together, the actual number of unemployed workers is even much higher than 20%. This is astronomical.

Katie Miller Tests Positive for the Coronavirus

JTA wrote on May 8:

“Katie Miller, the wife of presidential adviser Stephen Miller and the spokesperson for Vice President Mike Pence, has tested positive for the coronavirus… the news has big implications: her husband, who handles speechwriting and immigration policy duties, is one of Trump’s closest advisers…

“Stephen Miller and Katie Waldman married in February at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone, a senior adviser to David Friedman, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, officiated.”

We are very sad about anyone who contracts the coronavirus, and that includes of course Katie Miller. But that her husband Stephen Miller is Jewish (his great-grandmother escaped the 1903–06 anti-Jewish pogroms in Belarus and other parts of the Russian Empire to immigrate to the USA) and still pursues the terrible immigration policy of his (note articles on immigration in our Update, Number 922, from May 1, 2020), is even more shameful in light of the appalling atrocities the Jews had to suffer when similar immigration policies prevented them escaping from Nazi Germany.

Listening to the “Experts”?

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on May 12:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon – before a vaccine – will bring needless death and suffering, he said.

“No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself – cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this ‘expert’ who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

Fauci’s fascination with and interest in a global vaccine is quite remarkable.

Fox News Moderators Attack Fauci

The Huffington Post wrote on May 13:

“Fox News’ prime time personalities lashed out Tuesday [against] Dr. Anthony Fauci…

“[Tucker] Carlson, in a lengthy monologue, ranted about Fauci being an unelected official, asked whether he should be entrusted with the power to make long-term health recommendations and called him out for what the host said were past contradictory statements… ‘This is not the result of any kind of democratic process at work at all,’ he continued. ‘Yet, in the last four months, Fauci has become one of the most powerful people in the world… Carlson also appeared to call Fauci the ‘chief buffoon of the professional class.’…

“[Laura] Ingraham also seized on Fauci’s unelected status, claiming Democrats want to ‘keep this panic parade going’ until the 2020 election. [Sean] Hannity, meanwhile, accused Fauci of siding with ‘the left’ to favor ‘massive restrictions with no end in sight… It’s time to reopen our country and our economy safely… Americans are a free people. It is up to all of us to calculate the risk and make our own decisions.’”

President Trump needs to be careful not to appear to turn over too much authority to Fauci, given the strong opposing voices of his influential supporters, such as Carlson, Ingraham and Hannity. Trump might be sensing this himself, calling Fauci’s caution on schools reopening “not an acceptable answer” (CNN, May 13). The Independent added on May 13:

“Wisconsin’s Supreme Court has struck down Governor Tony Evers’s stay-at-home order… The court declared that the order was ‘unlawful, invalid and unenforceable’ in its ruling.”

The Danger of Draconian Measures

The Ron Paul Institute published on May 13 the following article from the Rutherford Institute, dated May 12:

“COVID-19 has taken a significant toll on the nation emotionally, physically, and economically, but there are still greater dangers on the horizon… Now there’s talk of mass testing for COVID-19 antibodies, screening checkpointscontact tracing, immunity passports… and snitch tap lines for reporting ‘rule breakers’ to the authorities…

“This war on COVID-19 will be yet another war on the American people, waged with all of the surveillance weaponry at the government’s disposal: thermal imaging cameras, drones, contact tracing, biometric databases, etc. So you see, when you talk about empowering government agents to screen the populace in order to control and prevent spread of this virus, what you’re really talking about is creating a society in which ID cards, round ups, checkpoints and detention centers become routine weapons used by the government to control and suppress the populace, no matter the threat.

“… in Germany, the Nazis required all Jews to carry special stamped ID cards for travel within the country. A prelude to the yellow Star of David badges, these stamped cards were instrumental in identifying Jews for deportation to death camps in Poland…

“In South Africa during apartheid, pass books were used to regulate the movement of black citizens and segregate the population. The Pass Laws Act of 1952 stipulated where, when and for how long a black African could remain in certain areas…

“Through the use of identity cards, Ethiopian authorities were able to identify people with Eritrean affiliation during the mass expulsion of 1998. The Vietnamese government was able to locate ethnic Chinese more easily during their 1978-79 expulsion. The USSR used identity cards to force the relocation of ethnic Koreans (1937), Volga Germans (1941), Kamyks and Karachai (1943), Crimean Tartars, Meshkhetian Turks, Chechens, Ingush and Balkars (1944) and ethnic Greeks (1949). And ethnic Vietnamese were identified for group denationalization through identity cards in Cambodia in 1993, as were the Kurds in Syria in 1962.

“And in the United States, post-9/11, more than 750 Muslim men were rounded up on the basis of their religion and ethnicity and detained for up to eight months. Their experiences echo those of 120,000 Japanese-Americans who were similarly detained 75 years ago following the attack on Pearl Harbor…

“In the case of a national identification system, it might start off as a means of tracking COVID-19 cases in order to ‘safely’ re-open the nation, but it will end up as a means of controlling the American people…”

Many will not agree with such sentiments, perhaps thinking that they are overblown and based on paranoia. But even among those who might be willing to give them a more serious thought, who will really heed those warnings and contemplate the dangers involved? Note also the next article.

Three Reminders from the Bill of Rights

The Ron Paul Institute published on May 13 an article from the “Future of Freedom Foundation”:

“As a condition for accepting the Constitution, the American people… wanted a Bill of Rights to make it clear that the federal government was prohibited from doing the things that are listed in the Bill of Rights…

“First, the Bill of Rights, does not give people rights. Our ancestors understood that rights come from nature and God, not from government. People’s rights preexist government.

“Second, the Bill of Rights consists of prohibitions and restrictions on the federal government… our ancestors knew that the federal power would inevitably attract people to public office who would do the types of things that were being restricted. They would criminalize speech, especially speech that was critical of federal officials. They would ban protests against government. They would force people to subscribe to a certain religion. They would seize people’s guns. They would punish any malefactor by simply having civil or military agents take people into custody, incarcerate them, torture them, or execute them, all without trial by jury and due process of law. The Bill of Rights was to serve as a reminder that federal officials had no legitimate power to do any of these things.

“Third, the Bill of Rights contains no emergency or crisis exception… our ancestors knew that historically crises and emergencies were the time-honored way by which people lost their liberties at the hands of their own government. During such times, people become afraid and their natural tendency is to look to the government to keep them safe and secure. They forget that the biggest threat to their liberty is their very own government, as reflected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Thus, they eagerly trade away their liberty for ‘security.’ Later, when the crisis or emergency has passed, they discover that the government is unwilling to give up the power it has acquired over them.”

 Americans who are far too willing to unquestionably embrace and agree with draconian governmental restrictions limiting our freedoms would be well advised to remember the contents and the purpose of the Bill of Rights.

Mobilizing the Military

Reuters wrote on May 14:

“President Donald Trump is mobilizing the U.S. military to distribute a novel coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available and will focus first on older Americans… ‘Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.’ …

“The White House has set a target of having 300 million vaccine doses by the end of 2020. No such vaccine for this pathogen has been approved though a number are under development…”

So, will Americans be forced by the military to take that vaccine, however unsafe, if one were to be developed and delivered by the military? 

According to Homeland Security Today, dated May 12, “the Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announce[d] a $138 million contract with ApiJect Systems America for ‘Project Jumpstart’ and ‘RAPID USA,’ which together will dramatically expand U.S. production capability for domestically manufactured, medical-grade injection devices starting by October 2020… the contract will support ‘Jumpstart’ to create a U.S.-based, high-speed supply chain for prefilled syringes beginning later this year… ‘Jumpstart’ will enable the manufacture of more than 100 million prefilled syringes for distribution across the United States by year-end 2020…”

Warning Rejected

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 10:

“Catholic bishops in Germany have dissociated themselves from a letter in which several prominent Catholic clergy question the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic and the measures taken by governments across the world to stem it…

“The vicar general of the city of Essen, Klaus Pfeffer, said on Facebook that he was ‘simply speechless at what was being published there in the name of the Church and Christianity: crude conspiracy theories without facts or evidence, combined with aggressive right-wing populist rhetoric that sounds alarming.’

“The letter, signed by such Catholic notables as the German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller [and] Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano from Italy… claims that the pandemic is being exploited to restrict basic rights ‘disproportionately and unjustifiably.’ It also maintains that the contagiousness of the novel coronavirus has been overstated by authorities…

“It strongly criticizes governments around the world for the lockdowns imposed in a bid to stem the spread of the virus, saying that ‘the imposition of these illiberal measures is a disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control.’

“In one strongly worded sentence, it claims that ‘centuries of Christian civilization’ could be ‘erased under the pretext of a virus’ and an ‘odious technological tyranny’ established in its place…

“The German Bishops’ Conference had earlier stated that the restrictions in Germany, which also led to the temporary cancelation of church services, were ‘sensible and responsible,’ while urging a ‘responsible and proportionate’ relaxation of the measures when appropriate.”

Actually, the above-quoted article by Deutsche Welle ignores the fact that the appeal was signed by over 80 signatories, including prelates, physicians, lawyers, journalists and academics. One of the signatories is environmental lawyer Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., son of the late Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of John F. Kennedy. The appeal also warned that a vaccine might be developed and manufactured from aborted fetuses.

Schism in the Catholic Church?

Breaking Israel News wrote on May 12:

“A schism is taking place that is tearing the Vatican apart…

“Pope Francis differs from his predecessor in many ways. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first from the Americas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere, and the first pope from outside Europe since the Syrian Gregory III, who reigned in the 8th century…

“‘The Church is at a crossroads, trying to figure out what is the future for them,’ [a] source said…”

The Coronavirus Dilemma

Breaking Israel News wrote on May 10:

“… many health systems are requesting that higher-risk patients voluntarily sign an agreement that allows doctors to withhold attempts at resuscitation. In some cases, parents are being asked to sign a form telling the doctors to allow… their children to die.

“… official guidelines for doctors in Italy stated that only patients ‘deemed worthy of intensive care’ should receive such care and decisions based on a ‘distributive justice’ approach balanced the demand for care versus available resources. At the height of the crisis, some regions of Italy were using a cut off of 65-years-old in case of pre-existing comorbidities…

“In the UK, patients with illnesses that are considered ‘life-limiting’ are being asked to sign ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders (DNR). Incurable cancer, motorneurone diseases, untreatable heart and lung conditions, are considered to be at especially high risk if they contract COVID-19 and are being asked to sign DNRs while still uninfected. The DNR notes that people with these conditions will be ‘unlikely to be offered hospital admission if they become unwell and certainly will not be offered a ventilator bed.’…

“But it is not just the elderly and sick who are the focus of selective health care. In the UK, parents of vulnerable and sick children are being asked by physicians to sign a DNR if their children catch Covid-19. The order instructs medics not to perform CPR if a patient stops breathing or their heart stops…

“… all of the countries that have legalized euthanasia (Netherlands, Belgium, Columbia, Luxembourg, Canada, Switzerland, and Germany) have universal health care. There are currently six states in the U.S. with legalized euthanasia.”

Doctors have pledged an oath to save life, not to destroy it. How can they practice under the circumstances as described above?

Will Europe Sanction Israel?

The Times of Israel wrote on May 12:

“Reportedly led by France, European nations seek to warn Israel of sanctions from its largest trading partner if it declares sovereignty over parts of territory (Judea and Samaria).

“According to the Haaretz daily, the proposed steps include announcing that Israel would be prevented from entering into trade agreements with the bloc, receiving EU grants or participating in other forms of cooperation with the union….

“A slight majority of Jews — 51.7% — support annexation… while only 8.8% of Arab Israelis were in favor…”

Israel will go ahead with annexation, and it will be interesting to see how Europe will react.

Being Micro-Chipped by Israeli Government?

Breaking Israel News wrote on May 12:

“Several of the victims, who reportedly represent hundreds of others, came forward… claiming that they have been micro-chipped by Israel’s intelligence community and even have the X-rays to prove it.

“… the chips, which are engineered using state-of-the-art technology, can be injected and cause people pain at the push of a button. [Victims claim] that these chips can ‘enact mind control including emotions like fear’

“[It is claimed that] this chip can cause its victims to suddenly urinate in the middle of the street and cause epileptic seizures.”

This would be absolutely disgusting and appalling, if true.

Churches Still Closed on Pentecost?

The Huffington Post wrote on May 12:

“Several California pastors have pledged to reopen their churches on May 31 ‘or sooner,’ regardless of whether their plan lines up with a schedule put forth by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“The pastors released a letter… arguing… that people of faith have a right to worship in person

“In their open letter to Newsom and California’s public health officer, the pastors ― who are mostly evangelical Christians and claim to represent 1,500 churches in the state ― say the mandated shutdown of houses of worship has been detrimental and argue churches should be considered ‘essential.’…

May 31 is the Day of Pentecost, which commemorates a Bible story about Jesus’ followers gathering together after his death and being given the gift of the Holy Spirit. Some consider this to be the moment when the church was formed…

“The pastors are being represented by… the Advocates for Faith & Freedom and The National Center for Law and Policy… Liberty Counsel, a Florida-based conservative Christian law firm, is backing a call for churches across the country to resume in-person worship. Other conservative religious legal groups have signed up to represent churches that want to reopen….”

The opposition by churches and their lawsuits against the governmental restrictions and prohibitions against religious assembly in person won’t go away any time soon, until they are being lifted.

Restrictions During Fall Holy Days?

The Times of Israel reported on May 8:

“[Anthony Fauci] said the risk was likely to carry over into the High Holidays this fall, and that pandemic risk mitigation should continue to apply to worship at that time.”

In other words, continue with prohibitions against assemblies in churches and synagogues even during the fall festivals of Trumpets, Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles? We should clearly understand that none other than Satan is behind these efforts.

 Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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In what way do your booklets, sermons, sermonettes and updates (especially articles and comments in your Current Events sections) relate to the Church’s end-time commission to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God as a witness and to feed the flock?

We state in our Statement of Beliefs, under “The Church’s Commission”:

“We believe that it is the Church’s commission to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all nations as a witness, to warn all nations, and especially the lost tribes of the house of Israel (mainly in the United States, Great Britain, certain Commonwealth nations and nations in Northwestern Europe) of impending danger, and to feed the flock of Christ—the Church—spiritually and physically.”

Regarding the gospel of the Kingdom of God, we state this in our free booklet, “How to Find the True Church of God”:

“… the gospel includes, among other aspects, a message ABOUT Jesus Christ (Luke 24:44–46); about the grace of God (Acts 20:24); repentance and forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47); the belief in and obedience to the gospel (Mark 1:15; Romans 10:16; 2 Thessalonians 1:8); our salvation (Ephesians 1:13); peace (Ephesians 6:15); the promise of eternal life (2 Timothy 1:10); rulership of Christ and the saints here on earth (Revelation 20:4, 6; Daniel 2:44; 7:21–22, 27); and a message about the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:11)…

“We read that it is the gospel OF Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 9:12), or Christ’s gospel (2 Corinthians 2:12). It is a message that God the Father gave to Jesus Christ, the ‘Messenger’ (Malachi 3:1) in order to proclaim it (compare also Revelation 1:1). But the gospel message was also Christ’s message, because it is called the gospel OF the Kingdom of God, and Christ is a member of the Kingdom of God.”

So, the gospel is a message which is given to us from God the Father and Jesus Christ to proclaim to this world as a witness or testimony, prior to Christ’s return (Matthew 24:14). Even though it is good news, it includes, by necessity, a warning message to show what is going to happen when God is being disobeyed (Isaiah 24:4-6).

When reviewing our published material in light of the foregoing, we should see how it all relates to God’s commission to His Church (to preach the gospel, as explained above, and to feed the flock) which is called upon to proclaim the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:25-27).

For instance, our booklets deal with God’s Word, the Bible, and His Law and the penalties when it is broken. We have just published a new comprehensive booklet of over 170 pages, titled “The Ten Commandments,” which discusses God’s spiritual Law in a unique way. You will not find anything quite like it anywhere else, and we encourage you to request your free copy.

Our booklets also talk about prophetic events leading to Christ’s near return; who and what God is; His weekly and annual Holy Days; pagan holidays; Christian living; the future of the Jewish people; and the identity of the modern house of Israel as well as modern Gentile nations which are specifically addressed in the Bible, including the rise of a prophesied European power bloc and the downfall of the United States and the United Kingdom.

The foregoing applies likewise to our sermons and sermonettes which deal to a large extent with feeding the flock, but also with the task of preaching the gospel, as explained above.

The motto of our weekly StandingWatch programs is: “Proclaiming the warnings of prophecy for our times and announcing the good news of the coming Kingdom of God.” They also address the right and wrong kind of living, as this is part of the gospel message as well. As ambassadors for Christ, we are to show the world how to live, for this will be the Way of Life when Christ will set up the Kingdom or Government of God on this earth within a few years from now.

Focusing on our weekly Updates, they include an editorial and a Q&A by one of our ministers, addressing diverse matters in light of biblical injunctions. They also include a “Current Events” section which publish many news articles from around the world, and oftentimes, we add our own comments to these articles. At the end of each Current Events section, we state the following:

“The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.”

It is therefore incumbent upon the reader to view our material, including the Current Events section, in the light of the Church’s commission, as explained herein. Much thought goes into what to publish, and it never occurs “just to fill the pages.” In most cases, the relevance is obvious at first glance, but sometimes, more individual analysis might be required as to why a particular article was published and why a specific comment was made.

In all of this, we must understand that the Church is not engaged in politics. We do not endorse any political candidate or party, and we do not vote in governmental elections.  We do not, of course, participate in war, either. But this does not mean that we would not comment on wrong behavior and propaganda of politicians and social and religious leaders. In that light, we will publish articles with viewpoints different from the “official” versions of the mass media, as long as those viewpoints appear relevant and seem to have merit, and it behooves the reader to evaluate those opposing views in the light of biblical values.

We also comment on social injustice, which is contrary to God’s Word. In fact, we must do so, to show the contrast between God’s Way of Life and the ways of this evil world ruled by Satan the Devil.

To emphasize this point even more, we should look at the warning messages contained in the books of the major and minor prophets, and realize how strongly they uttered their warnings by crying aloud, sparing not and showing God’s people their sins (Isaiah 58:1). In many cases, evil rulers and their bad conduct were the targets of their warnings, and they did not shy away from doing so. At the same time, the prophets of old castigated the people as well for following the ungodly conduct of their rulers. John the Baptist was not afraid to point out publicly the sexual sin of King Herod, because it had become a public affair.

The concept of submitting to human governments and their political propaganda must be seen in context. We have just completed a new booklet, which we have posted on our website, titled, “Obeying God rather than Men.” Printed copies should be available very soon. In this booklet, we point out that we must never obey man, when we would thereby violate God’s Law, in letter or in spirit. This also means that we cannot adopt and endorse man’s concepts and ideas when they are in opposition to God’s directives.

For instance, as we point out in our booklet, we are obligated to pay our taxes, but this does not mean that we should not address the improper use of those taxes for ungodly purposes. When confronted with illegal actions from the government, we have every right as Christians to point these out and to object to those through legal means.

While God’s people will never engage in violent rebellion or violent demonstrations against the government, we will not shrink back from pointing out ungodly conduct which causes the ruin of the nation. God has made it very clear that any nation will be cursed if it engages in actions that violate God’s laws, and many kinds of curses are enumerated in many places in the Bible.  They include defeat in war, incurable sicknesses, famine, and much more.

The prophets of old also strongly condemned social injustice in the land, in just about every aspect of life. They addressed the mistreatment of foreigners, orphans and widows as much as sexual perversion and alcohol abuse. And of course, they condemned the leaders and the people for being engaged in horrible pagan worship practices. Can we see how all of this relates to our present time, and how this kind of ancient warning message for the same kind of violations, as we observe them today, must be proclaimed with boldness and conviction in this day and age?

This is even more pertinent, as the Bible warns of political, social and religious deception and a falling away from the Truth.  This falling away can be easily caused or at least influenced by the wrong acceptance of political and religious propaganda, no matter in what country one might be living, including war mongering or the right to use guns against others. It can be caused by upholding positions that are contrary to the Bible, but which are being upheld due to one’s background, upbringing or personal preferences.

It is therefore the Church’s responsibility to continue to point out God’s viewpoint, as revealed in the Bible, on all of these matters. It is part of the Church’s commission to educate the members in order to prevent false concepts from being absorbed and retained, leading them to turn away from the Truth.

God commands us to come out of today’s Babylonian system of confusion—to leave every erroneous concept behind and to embrace instead the Truth in every aspect of life. God’s Word tells us what the Truth is, and our Current Events show, week after week, the false concepts of this world and of its representatives, which are contrasted by the right concepts of God the Father and Jesus Christ, as being upheld by God’s true Church.

God offers us protection at a place of safety during the terrible days of the soon-coming Great Tribulation, and He will give us eternal life if we are counted worthy to be in the first resurrection. It is the Church’s duty to prepare the membership for these dark times ahead, so that we can all enjoy together our glorious future in the Kingdom of God.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Our newest booklet, “Obeying God Rather Than Man,” is now posted.  Copies of this booklet will be sent to our subscribers following printing.

“Haunted Houses and Ghosts during Self-Isolation?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: 

Being confined for an extended period of time to self-isolation and quarantine can have a devastating psychological effect on some people. But can it even cause imagined or real paranormal encounters with ghosts, as some claim?

“Verlieren wir unsere Freiheiten für immer?” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. This program covers the topic described in last week’s StandingWatch program with some additional material (“Will We Lose Our Freedoms Forever?”).

“Die Schlacht am großen Tag Gottes,” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “The Battle of the Great Day of God.”

“Mäßige Dein Temperament,” is the title of last Sabbath’s sermonette in Germany, presented by Christoph Sperzel. Title in English: “Moderate Your Temperament.”

The Light of the Bible,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We are surrounded by a culture that cannot find truth.  The deception of Satan is so complete that his lies are the only truth many understand.  We must stay clear of any worldly persuasions that lead us, not to truth, but into deceit that blinds the world of God’s truth.

“Committed,” is the title of last Sabbath’s sermon, presented by Eric Rank. Here is a summary:

When we started our Christian journey, there was no way to know all of the challenges we would face and how our lives would change. Knowing that we will continue to face challenges and change, are we committed to persevere? What are the sources of inspiration that we can draw from to help us strengthen our commitment?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Pope Pius XII Knew… but Kept Silent

The Times of Israel wrote on April 30:

“Researchers studying the newly opened Vatican archives of pope Pius XII have already found evidence that the World War II-era pope knew about the mass killing of Jews from his own sources but kept it from the US government… a German team lead by award-winning religious historian Hubert Wolf from the University of Münster… has already found some damning discoveries…

“Wolf [and] his team found documents that were excluded from the 11-volume work compiled by Jesuits on the Holocaust four decades ago, apparently to protect Pius and his image… In September 1942, [a] US diplomat gave the Vatican a secret report prepared by the Jewish Agency that documented the mass murder of some 100,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto. It also said some 50,000 Jews were killed in Lviv in German-occupied Ukraine.

“The US asked if the Vatican could confirm the report from its own sources among Catholics, but were told the Vatican could not. However… Wolf… and his team discovered a note confirming that Pius had read the American report and also two instances where the Vatican had independently corroborated the reports of the killings… ‘There is no doubt that the pope was aware of the murder of Jews,’ Wolf said.

“What really interests us is when he learned about it for the first time, and when he believed that information.’…

“On December 24, 1942, Pius XII delivered one of history’s most debated Christmas radio messages. Buried in its long text was a reference to ‘hundreds of thousands of people who, without any fault of their own and sometimes for the sole reason of their nationality or race, were doomed to death or gradual extermination.’ Was his message — delivered in Italian and aired just once, and which never explicitly mentioned either the Jews or Nazis — heard and understood by German Catholics? ‘The only ones who heard it were the Nazis,’ said Wolf, noting that the radio waves were scrambled and that the pope could have spoken German — if he had really wanted to reach the German faithful…”

The Catholic Church’s collaboration with the Nazis in Germany and Italy, as well as in other countries such as Austria and Spain, is without any doubt. Note the next article.

Confession of Guilt by German Bishops

Times of Israel wrote on May 2:

“In a new report after decades of ambivalence, Germany’s council of Catholic bishops has finally admitted to the church’s complicity in the actions of the Nazi regime during World War II, The Times reported Friday.  The 23-page document by the council reportedly states, ‘Inasmuch as the bishops did not oppose the war with a clear “no,” and most of them bolstered the [German nation’s] will to endure, they made themselves complicit in the war’…

“One Catholic Church official cited by The Times called the report a ‘confession of guilt’ by the church. The document said most German bishops, motivated by nationalism and anti-communist sentiment and a desire to preserve the church by avoiding confrontation with the Nazis, told their followers to support the regime during the war. On Hitler’s 50th birthday in 1939, churches flew Nazi flags and prayed for protection of the ‘Fuhrer and the Reich.’”

The question is, has the Catholic Church learned from its past “mistakes”? The Bible shows that it has not.

Pope Francis Assists Transgender Prostitutes

Fox News wrote on May 1:

“Pope Francis assisted a group of transgender prostitutes who were struggling financially… ‘At the height of the coronavirus emergency, a group of transsexuals, almost all Latin Americans, arrived in the church with amazement and wonder,’ Don Andrea Conocchia,  the parish priest of Torvaianica, not far from Rome, said…  ‘They asked for help because with the virus they no longer had customers on the street.’

“They reached out to the pope through Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the papal almoner, who is responsible for charitable work done in the name of [the] pope. ‘Francis’ response was immediate,’ the paper reports. ‘Many thanks to Pope Francis! May God bless you, thank you for everything! A thousand blessings! May the Virgin protect you!’ the group of prostitutes sent in an audio message.”

This is hard to believe! But in this God-defying world, everything goes.  

US and Canadian Bishops Seek Answers from the “Virgin Mary”

Vatican News wrote on April 29:

“On Friday, May 1, the bishops of Canada and the United States reconsecrated their respective nations to the care and protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary… [the] ‘Mother of the Church’. ‘This will give the Church the occasion to pray for Our Lady’s continued protection of the vulnerable, healing of the unwell, and wisdom for those who work to cure this terrible virus,’ said Archbishop Gomez…

“Shortly after this announcement, the bishops of Italy announced that they would also be reconsecrating their country to the protection of the Virgin Mary…”

The real Mary, the mother of Jesus, is dead and in the grave, awaiting her resurrection from the dead at the time of Christ’s return. She never ascended to heaven and she is not ruling in heaven right now as the “queen of heaven.” Any prayers to her are useless. The same goes for prayers to any dead “saints”… note the next article.

Praying to Catherine of Siena and the Virgin Mary?

Vatican News reported on April 29:

“Following his catechesis at the General Audience, Pope Francis noted that today the Church celebrates the feast of St Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church and co-patron of Italy and of Europe. As he had done earlier at the daily Mass, he prayed to St Catherine for protection during the pandemic, and for the unity of Europe… ‘I ask St Catherine to protect Italy during this pandemic, and to protect Europe, because she is the Patroness of Europe; to protect the whole of Europe so that it may remain united’…

“Pope Francis then turned his attention to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Pope once again encouraged everyone to pray the Rosary, especially during the month of May…”

That these Catholic “saints” are perceived as being patrons and “protectors” of Europe is very remarkable.

Pope Benedict Attacks Opponents Who Want to Silence Him

AFP wrote on May 4:

“Traditionalist former pope Benedict XVI accuses opponents of wanting to ‘silence’ him while associating gay marriage with ‘the Antichrist’ and attacking ‘humanist ideologies’ in a new authorised biography published Monday in Germany.

“The 93-year-old, whose original name is Joseph Ratzinger, claims in ‘Benedict XVI – A Life’ that he has fallen victim to a ‘malignant distortion of reality’ in reactions to his interventions in theological debates…

“In office from 2005-13, Benedict has frequently been criticised for his attitudes to Islam or to social questions, and is accused of attempting to undermine the modernisation drive of his successor Pope Francis. Ratzinger attempts to counter such claims in the biography, saying his ‘personal friendship with Pope Francis has not only endured, but grown’…

“‘A century ago, anyone would have thought it absurd to talk about homosexual marriage. Today those who oppose it are excommunicated from society,’ Benedict says. ‘It’s the same thing with abortion and creating human life in the laboratory,’ he says, adding that it’s ‘only natural’ for people to ‘fear the spiritual power of the Antichrist’… ‘The real threat to the Church… is in the global dictatorship of purportedly humanist ideologies,’ he warns.”

Striking words.

Benedict: Freemasonry Greatest Enemy of the Church

Life Site News reported on May 4:

“Dr. Robert Moynihan, the editor-in-chief of the Catholic journal Inside the Vatican, revealed on April 23 that he once had a conversation with then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (who later became Pope Benedict XVI) about the ‘greatest danger to the Church,’ and he recounts that Ratzinger said: ‘It is Freemasonry.’… Bishop Schneider states that Freemasons were crucial in the promotion of abortion, same-sex ‘marriage,’ and euthanasia in France

“Then-Cardinal Ratzinger was already in the 1980s so concerned about the nature and work of Freemasonry that he worked out a statement for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, whose Prefect he then was, which repeated the Church’s long-standing ban on Freemasonry. That is to say, he re-stated that Catholics may not be members of Freemasonry. On November 26, 1983, Ratzinger signed a document that stated, ‘Therefore the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.’”

The Deadly “Murder Hornet” Has Arrived in the USA

On May 2, DNYUZ wrote the following:

“In his decades of beekeeping, Ted McFall had never seen anything like it. As he pulled his truck up to check on a group of hives near Custer, Wash., in November, he could spot from the window a mess of bee carcasses on the ground. As he looked closer, he saw a pile of dead members of the colony in front of a hive and more carnage inside — thousands and thousands of bees with their heads torn from their bodies and no sign of a culprit… Only later did he come to suspect that the killer was what some researchers simply call the ‘murder hornet.’

“With queens that can grow to two inches long, Asian giant hornets can use mandibles shaped like spiked shark fins to wipe out a honeybee hive in a matter of hours, decapitating the bees and flying away with the thoraxes to feed their young. For larger targets, the hornet’s potent venom and stinger — long enough to puncture a beekeeping suit — make for an excruciating combination that victims have likened to hot metal driving into their skin… In Japan, the hornets kill up to 50 people a year. Now, for the first time, they have arrived in the United States.”

Another one of the many curses which God is inflicting on His disobedient people in the USA and also in the UK, as the next article shows.

Honeybees Being Wiped Out in Britain

The Sun wrote on May 2:

“HONEYBEES are being wiped out by a mystery disease that is sweeping Britain, researchers say… Infected bees die within a week. This leads to piles of dead insects just outside hives… Experts say it is being fuelled by importing queen bees from Europe. They head colonies and beekeepers use large numbers from France, Italy, the Netherlands and other countries across the world to replenish stocks.

“Now information from 130,000 bee imports from 25 countries show for the first time the disease was nearly twice as likely in apiaries owned by keepers who used them…”

Russian and American Robots to the Battlefield

Forbes wrote on April 30:

“For Russia, the question of robots taking over the role of soldiers on the battlefield is a matter of when, not if. ‘Living fighters will gradually begin to be replaced by their robotic “brothers” who can act faster, more accurately and more selectively than people,’ Vitaly Davydov told RIA Novosti on April 21…

“The development parallels many robotic programs under way in the United States. It is remarkable, too, that both nations have hit upon swarms of ground robots as a way to supplement existing human formations in combat. Russia plans to test swarms of ground robots later in 2020.”

Whatever it takes to kill more and more people! A terrible indictment against man’s hunger for murder.

World War III Distinct Possibility

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 4:

“… the conviction that the war was part of the European past, but not Europe’s future is fading too… Europeans aged between 18-24 are most likely to believe that a war between European nations is possible in the next 10-20 years… ‘Perhaps the reason we never learn from history,’ wrote the American poet Charles Simic, ‘is that we are incapable of picturing the reality of war and its aftermath…’

“It is well known that truth is the first casualty of war…”

Trade Agreement Between EU and Mexico

Vatican News reported on April 29:

“Mexico and the European Union have clinched a fresh and undated Free Trade Agreement…

“The EU confirms that from now on, almost all trade and goods between itself and Mexico will be entirely duty free.  Current annual business tops 75 billion dollars. The EU is Mexico’s third largest trading partner. Trade between them has more than tripled, since the original agreement was initialed, way back in 2001.”

The EU is a mighty economic power, as described in the Bible.

Ongoing Censorship of the Free Press Regarding Criticism of Coronavirus Measures

Deutsche Welle reported on May 1:

“The European Union on Saturday criticized restrictions on the media put in place by some countries during the coronavirus crisis… Rights group Reporters Without Borders also warned that many journalists around the world may be facing censorship or limited freedoms as the outbreak leads to restrictions on public life…

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, along with his counterparts in the UK, France and the Netherlands, released a statement on Saturday stressing the importance of journalistic independence in the coronavirus crisis…”

Facebook blocks and takes down posts critical of governmental stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures. The former President of Germany’s highest constitutional court warned that the German governmental restrictions might be unconstitutional.

In addition, “Germany’s highest legal authority, the constitutional court overturned a blanket ban on religious services during the coronavirus crisis, saying that exceptions could be granted if sufficient precautions were taken to avoid infection,” according to AFP, dated April 30. Also, the highest court of the German state of Saarland rendered a decision, questioning whether the stay-at-home orders are even effective, and ordering the state government to relax the restrictions, according to Bild, dated April 30. But YouTube and Facebook don’t seem to care… note the next article.

Suppressing Alternate Views

BBC News wrote on May 2:

“‘YouTube has clear policies prohibiting any content that disputes the existence and transmission of Covid-19 as described by the WHO and the NHS,’ a spokeswoman told the BBC…

“The tech firm [is] banning any material that: suggests coronavirus does not exist; contains medically unsubstantiated diagnostic advice about the virus; explicitly disputes the efficacy of guidance about social distancing and self-isolation that has been issued by the WHO and/or local health authorities…”

Censorship of this kind and the suppression of alternate views which are not “politically correct” are the hallmark of dictatorships and autocratic societies.

Self-Isolation at Home No Cure for the Virus?

CNBC wrote on May 6:

“Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a ‘shocking’ finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday… 

“It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%… ‘We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we’ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.’”

So, how does this fit with the success and necessity of self-isolation?

Travel Bans Not to Be Lifted for a Long Time

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 29:

“The German Cabinet on Wednesday extended its strict global travel warning to limit the spread of the coronavirus and prevent German tourists once again becoming stranded overseas. Germany’s Foreign Ministry said that the measure should remain in place ‘until further notice,’ but at least until June 14.

“It did not specify whether travel will be allowed during the summer holidays, saying only that the situation should be carefully reviewed and coordinated with neighboring European Union member states prior to that date… The decision could mean leaving many holiday plans in limbo, with summer vacations beginning as early as the end of June in some of Germany’s 16 federal states.

The Federal Foreign Office said that ‘severe and drastic restrictions in international air and travel traffic and worldwide entry restrictions, quarantine measures and restrictions on public life in many countries can still be expected.’”

USA Today added on May 4:

“U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin encouraged Americans to focus on domestic travel this year as the international travel outlook for the rest of 2020 remains uncertain…”

In this Satan-ruled world, only God can make it possible that His people will be able to keep the Feast of Tabernacles 2020 in certain areas designated by Him.

Green Light for Vaccine-Producing “Operation Warp Speed”

CNN wrote on May 1:

“President Donald Trump has essentially given ‘Operation Warp Speed’ a blank check as the team of government officials, scientists and private companies aims to produce hundreds of millions of doses of a life-saving coronavirus vaccine by early next year. The goal — which may prove impossible to meet — is to make 100 million doses of the vaccine available by November, 200 million doses by December and 300 million doses by January…

“The obvious hurdle is quickly developing a vaccine that is effective and safe. But ‘Operation Warp Speed’ is also working on all the challenges that surround vaccine deployment. They are already working on solutions to quickly ramp up production, organize distribution and determine who gets the first doses of the vaccine. ‘You don’t wait until you get an answer before you start manufacturing — you at risk proactively start making it, assuming it’s going to work, and if it does, then you can scale up and hopefully get to that timeline,’ Dr. Anthony Fauci… told NBC…

“The team is also brainstorming advertising strategies that the administration hopes will be compelling enough to inspire even vaccine skeptics to get a vaccine once it’s available…”

This is VERY FRIGHTENING indeed, also in light of the next article.

There Might Never Be a Vaccine against Coronavirus

CNN wrote on May 3:

“‘There are some viruses that we still do not have vaccines against,’ says Dr. David Nabarro, a professor of global health at Imperial College London, who also serves as a special envoy to the World Health Organization on Covid-19. ‘We can’t make an absolute assumption that a vaccine will appear at all, or if it does appear, whether it will pass all the tests of efficacy and safety…’ But even if a vaccine is developed, bringing it to fruition [within 18 months] would be a feat never achieved before…

‘In 1984, the US Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler announced at a press conference in Washington, DC, that scientists had successfully identified the virus that later became known as HIV — and predicted that a preventative vaccine would be ready for testing in two years. Nearly four decades and 32 million deaths later, the world is still waiting for an HIV vaccine…

“An effective vaccine for dengue fever, which infects as many as 400,000 people a year… has eluded doctors for decades. In 2017, a large-scale effort to find one was suspended after [it] was found to worsen the symptoms of the disease. Similarly, it’s been very difficult to develop vaccines for the common rhinoviruses and adenoviruses — which, like coronaviruses, can cause cold symptoms. There’s just one vaccine to prevent two strains of adenovirus, and it’s not commercially available

Restrictions are most likely to come back over the winter… And lockdowns, many of which are in the process of gradually being lifted, could return at any moment…”

The world in continued lockdown—people continuously under house arrest… a terrible perspective. And so, European governments and others around the world are trying to receive billions of dollars in donations for the development of a vaccine. One wonders to whom that money is really going.

German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, stated on May 4, according to t-online, that the search for a vaccine could go on for years. At the same time, Spahn introduced legislation which would require quarantine for those who are sick with a contagious disease or who are suspicious of being sick unless they can present an “immunization passport” or an “immunity passport” (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, dated April 29). Critics in politics and the social media have noted the obvious violation of privacy and data protection laws.

Subsequently, due to public pressure, Spahn retracted and stated that there will not be an immunity passport and no mandatory vaccinations AT THIS POINT, according to Tagesschau, dated May 4. This “changed” position is clearly only “political” in nature, and one will have to wait and see as to when Spahn feels ready to “strike” again.

As we have stated before, we should watch Jens Spahn. He has introduced quite a few controversial laws, such as mandatory vaccinations of school children and prohibiting conversion therapies for homosexuals (Spahn is openly practicing homosexuality himself).

Partnership of Gates and Cuomo Under Attack

Syracuse.com reported on May 5:

“Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing criticism after announcing a plan with Bill Gates’ foundation to ‘reimagine’ schools… Cuomo also announced a partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to evaluate possible changes to the education system

“… at least five organizations have already spoken out against the partnership, citing concerns about the Microsoft founder’s support of standardized testing and Common Core curriculum. ‘Both the Gates Foundation and Andrew Cuomo have a history of pushing privatization and agendas that have the potential to destroy public schools,’ Alliance for Quality Education executive director Jasmine Gripper told the publication. ‘This collaboration raises a red flag…’

“… three groups — New York State Allies for Public Education, Class Size Matters, and the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy — have already written to Cuomo and state education officials to voice their objections. ‘We were appalled to hear that you will be working with the Gates Foundation on “reimagining” our schools following the Covid crisis,’ the coalition wrote. ‘Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation have promoted one failed educational initiative after another, causing huge disaffection in districts throughout the state. ‘The education of our children has been repeatedly put at risk by their non-evidence based “solutions,” which were implemented without parent input and despite significant public opposition.’…”

The Dangers of the Pandemic Drone

ABC News wrote on May 1:

“If you don’t feel comfortable signing up to the Government’s COVIDSafe tracking app, then you probably won’t be happy to hear about the pandemic drone. [It] can pick up heart rate, body temperature and monitor social distancing. But the technology is also increasing concerns about privacy and data collection

“The drone would also be able to detect a cough from ‘15-20 metres away’, while heart rate can be detected within 6-8 metres with only a ‘very small’ margin of error…

“Artificial intelligence expert Professor Toby Walsh urged a cautious approach towards adopting technologies like the pandemic drone…”

George Orwell’s big brother scenario in his bestseller “1984” is no longer science fiction at all.

Astronomical Unemployment Figures in the USA

The Independent wrote on May 2:

“Another 3.2 million Americans filed for unemployment insurance benefits at the end of April, adding to unprecedented jobless claims that have now topped more than 30 million within only a month following the outbreak.  [As of May 7, 33.5 million have filed for unemployment]. Economists say the numbers merely glimpse the scope of the unemployment crisis.

“… for every 10 people who successfully filed for unemployment over the last month, three to four others tried to apply but couldn’t get through the system, and another two people were unable to because the process was too difficult.”

This would mean, the unemployment rate stands at approximately 45 to 46 million. At the beginning of 2020, approximately 160 million were listed as being employed in the USA, and about 331 million live in the USA. No country can ever recover from such devastating figures, as its downfall continues. But it gets worse. Note the next articles.

Beef Prices at Record High

Newsmax wrote on May 1:

“U.S. shoppers are paying 13% more for T-bone steaks than last year, at $7.47 a pound. Ground chuck is up 28%

“Donald Trump’s executive order will reopen meat plants struck down by outbreaks, but social-distancing measures will keep slaughterhouses limping along at reduced production rates. The shortfall in output could run as high as 15% even after plants are back in business…

“It only took a month to break the U.S. meat supply chain. Shutdowns at major slaughter plants started in early April… Grocery-store shelves have run empty, and farmers were forced to destroy tens of thousands of animals…

“Wholesale beef has jumped to a record high… It’s usually younger animals that are destroyed, since farmers haven’t spent money to feed and raise them yet…

“Beef jumped 11% in the two days to Thursday… For beef, that means ‘ridiculously tight supplies in September through December’…”

The terrible results of governmental restrictions on the economy and personal well-being have placed many people on edge, as the following articles show, by way of example, regarding the fragile situation in California.

Californians on Edge

The Associated Press wrote on May 2:

“Californians weary of stay-at-home orders that have left millions unemployed staged displays of defiance Friday, with hundreds of flag-waving protesters gathering at the Capitol… Gov. Gavin Newsom acknowledged the building anxiety

“In downtown Huntington Beach, known for its world-renowned surf break, protesters swarmed the streets, backing up traffic for at least a mile along Pacific Coast Highway… People waved American flags from their car windows and carried signs reading ‘Open Cali now.’ A plane buzzed overhead with a sign reading ‘Fire gruesome Newsom! Open California.’

“While the beach was officially closed by Newsom’s order, people continued to walk on the sand and on a popular bike trail in a park overlooking the shoreline… a variety of businesses from restaurants to hairstylists in rural and more populated areas have opened their doors in individual acts of defiance.

“With its once-roaring economy in shackles and millions jobless, the state will face a funding shortfall that will run into billions of dollars… ‘At a time when California is granting early release to high-risk sex offenders and other dangerous inmates due to COVID-19 concerns, the implicit threat to punish beachgoers and surfers who violate the order is absurd,’ Republican state Sen. Patricia Bates said.”

Defying Newsom’s Orders

The Los Angeles Times wrote on May 3:

“Yuba and Sutter counties in Northern California are set to allow many businesses to reopen on Monday in defiance of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide six-week-old stay-at-home order.

“The two counties near the state’s capital would join a sparsely populated county in California’s northeastern corner, Modoc County, with fewer than 9,000 residents, that on Friday allowed all businesses, schools and churches to reopen as long as people inside can stay six feet apart.

“The move by Yuba and Sutter counties — with a combined population of 171,000 people… comes as other California counties on the Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley are demanding to reopen more businesses…

“Newsom’s stay-at-home order, issued March 19, was the first to be issued by any governor in the nation…”

Newsom Sued for Civil Rights Violations

ABC News wrote on May 1:

“Civil Rights Attorney Harmeet Dhillon says in the last couple of weeks she’s filed six lawsuits against the governor. Dhillon is an RNC Committeewoman for California. She previously served as the Vice-Chairman of the California Republican Party, and Chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party. ‘The governor is overreaching on a number of grounds,’ said Dhillon.

“In part the lawsuits center around protests. ‘The governor has chosen to limit protests to zero in this state which is outrageous and absurd,’ said Dhillon… Regarding the closure of houses of worship, Dhillon said, ‘Going to church to worship communally is a first amendment-protected activity and while it does not sustain the level of protection as protests, petitions, the press, other forms of speech, it is protected under the constitution and we believe it is unconstitutional for the governor to impose restrictions on worship that are broader than necessary to achieve the government’s interests.’…”

By the time these lawsuits are decided with finality, and even assuming they would find in favor of the plaintiff, constitutional violations are continuing.

Church Assemblies Remain Forbidden in California

The Associated Press wrote on May 5:

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom had the right to ban church assemblies in the interest of public health during the coronavirus outbreak, a federal judge ruled Tuesday. Newsom’s stay-at-home order did not violate the constitutional rights to free assembly and religion when the Cross Culture Christian Center in Lodi was ordered to cease holding services, Judge John Mendez ruled in Sacramento.

“Pastor Jonathan Duncan had continued to assemble his congregation after the governor banned public gatherings in March despite warnings it was in violation of state and local orders. The church of fewer than 50 members said it was obeying federal guidelines to prevent spread of the virus. Lodi police entered the church during a service attended by about 30 worshipers in late March and said they were defying the governor’s order…

“Police posted a notice on the building that its nonessential use created a public nuisance… Police threatened to cite anyone who entered the property.

“Duncan said in a statement that he was disappointed with the ruling but would continue to fight for the right to worship. ‘It is time for pastors and religious leaders across the state to rise up and start pushing back against these draconian stay-at-home orders that completely fail to take into account the true essentiality of religion in our society,’ Duncan said…”

These kinds of actions and the court decision are indeed difficult to comprehend. Judge John Mendez is no stranger to controversy. Appointed by George W. Bush on September 6, 2007 to the federal bench, he ruled against President Trump’s request to block SB 54, allowing California to remain a sanctuary state (giving protection to dangerous illegal immigrants).

Mendez has also been accused of unethical conduct, pro-government bias and other misconduct allegations, according to issuu.com.

Forcing People from California Homes?

“Fox News reported on May 7:

“Video circulated on social media showed Dr. Robert Levin, the director of Ventura County Public Health, speaking before the board of supervisors Tuesday about a plan to hire up to 50 new ‘contact tracing investigators’ to ‘find people who have COVID-19 and immediately isolate them, find every one of their contacts, make sure they stay quarantined and check in with them every day.’

“Levin admitted his poor messaging during another press conference Wednesday, stressing those who test positive or who are identified by officials as having come in contact with an infected person would not be forcibly removed from their homes. ‘I either misspoke or it was misinterpreted – I’ll take the blame of having misspoke,’ Levin said. ‘Yesterday, at this conference, at the Board of Supervisors, I gave people the impression that if you were isolated, you would be taken out of your home and put into a hotel room or a motel room or sequestered in some other way.’

“‘If I did do that, I am very sorry,’ he said. ‘That is an option. That is possible…’

“Further explaining himself Wednesday, Levin said: ‘… We were going to increase by 10, 20, maybe 50 people to help us locate people and make sure they’re in quarantine or make sure they’re in isolation. If you have the illness and you stay in your own quarters or in your hospital room, that’s called isolation,’ he continued. ‘If you don’t have the illness, but you were exposed to someone who did, but we want to watch you for the period of incubation, where you might come down with the illness and might be contagious and give it to someone else, that’s called quarantine. We’re looking to not only isolate everyone, but we’re looking to quarantine the contacts of the isolates we have who have COVID disease…”

This does not sound like an apology or retraction to us.

Judge Agrees with Newsom on Beach Shutdown

NPR wrote on May 3:

“Two Orange County cities’ attempt to legally challenge California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s beach shutdown order failed for now, but the battle between local and state officials over the shoreline will continue. Huntington Beach, Dana Point and various local private businesses in Orange County requested a temporary restraining order in Orange County Superior Court on Friday that would have blocked Newsom’s executive beach closure order and kept beaches open in those cities…

“But Orange County Superior Court Judge Nathan Scott rejected the injunction, and beaches spanning the Orange County coastline were closed over the weekend and will continue to be. A hearing is scheduled for May 11… Tensions have risen to a boil…”

Orange County Superior Court Judge Nathan Scott was appointed by former [controversial Democrat] governor Jerry Brown. Scott, upholding for now left-wing Democrat governor Newsom’s order, earned a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1995. He then received a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1999. Scott has been a member of the Hispanic Bar Association of Orange County, the California Latino Judges Association, and the Association of Business Trial Lawyers. He is registered as a Democrat.

However, bowing to public demand, state officials announced Monday that Laguna Beach and San Clemente will be permitted to reopen their stretches of coastline this week — with certain limitations. Also, amid growing pressure to ease a stay-at-home order that has cratered the California economy, Newsom announced that the state will begin “reopening” this week, with some retail stores getting back to business as early as Friday, albeit with modifications. The legal battle regarding beach closure in California is not over. Note the next article.

Newsom Sued over “Unconstitutional” Beach Closure

KTLA 5 wrote on May 4:

“Former Newport Beach mayor and current councilman Kevin Muldoon filed a lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state leaders Monday, over the constitutionality of state-mandated closures of Orange County beaches… The lawsuit comes as two O.C. cities were granted permission to partially reopen their beaches… ‘The Governor’s actions appear to be based more on politics applied to one county in California, rather than sound scientific guidance, evidence, or regard for competing Constitutional concerns,’ Muldoon said in a written statement. ‘Freedom of movement and access to California beaches are fundamental rights, and unless total or broad interference with those can be proven by the government to be necessary and also related to fulfilling a compelling government interest, this interference is unconstitutional.

“The lawsuit asks U.S. Attorney General William Barr to intervene in the battle against Newsom’s order to close down O.C. beaches, after Barr issued a memorandum on April 27, asking for state directives that could be violating the constitutional rights of citizens to be sent his way. Many O.C. officials also expressed criticism towards the governor’s order. O.C. Supervisor Michelle Steel called the governor’s actions ‘arbitrary’ and said it was an act of retribution against the county. Huntington Beach Mayor Lyn Semeta called it an ‘unconstitutional overreach.’ The Newport Beach City Council voted on May 2 to support legal action against the state, filed by the cities of Huntington Beach and Dana Point…”

Newsom is being sued all over the place. We will see what the outcome is going to be. But legal battles—with inhumane court decisions—are also being fought in other parts of the USA. Note the next article.

Owner in Texas Jailed for Keeping Her Hair Salon Opened

Breitbart wrote on April 25:

“Dallas officials issued a citation to the owner of a hair salon who re-opened her store [on a limited-service basis] in defiance of a stay-at-home order issued by the county judge…

“Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins (D) later sent a cease and desist letter to Shelley Luther, owner of the Salon Á la Mode hair salon, ordering her to close her business… The store had security guards in place to control access to the store and maintain social distancing…

“Luther is not alone in her rebellion against county stay-at-home orders. In Houston, the owner of the Federal American Grill… decided to re-open his restaurant on the city’s west side despite orders directing him to be closed… After he announced the re-opening of his restaurant for dining-in, customers flocked to his side… he is only seating up to 30 percent of his capacity in order to maintain social distancing.

“In contrast to Dallas, Houston law enforcement officials chose to not enforce the prohibition against in-house dining at the restaurant…”

Subsequently, Breitbart wrote on May 5:

“‘I have to disagree with you sir when you [say] that I’m selfish [for re-opening the salon],’ Salon Á la Mode owner Shelly Luther told Judge Eric Moyé [a Democrat] during a [civil and criminal] contempt of court proceeding broadcast on the internet… The judge told Shelley Luther she could avoid jail time if she apologized, admitted she was wrong, and agreed to close her hair salon until it was allowed to open…

“Luther told the judge, ‘I have hairstylists that are going hungry because they’d rather feed their kids. So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed then please go ahead with your decision but I am not going to shut the salon.’ Lucia reported that the judge ordered her jailed for seven days and fined $500 for every day the salon remains open. So far, the fine stands at $3,500.

“Luther’s attorney said he would appeal the judge’s ruling. The contempt hearing occurred at about the time Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that hair salons and gyms could re-open on Friday.”

Texas Governor Frees Jailed Citizens

DISRN wrote on May 7:

“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order Thursday retroactively eliminating jail time for citizens who violate the state’s stay-at-home rules, freeing salon owner Shelley Luther who was jailed for seven days and fined $7,000 for reopening her business against court orders.

“Abbott specifically named Luther in his announcement: ‘Throwing Texans in jail who have had their businesses shut down through no fault of their own is nonsensical, and I will not allow it to happen. That is why I am modifying my executive orders to ensure confinement is not a punishment for violating an order. This order is retroactive to April 2nd, supersedes local orders and if correctly applied should free Shelley Luther … As some county judges advocate for releasing hardened criminals from jail to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is absurd to have these business owners take their place.’

“Shortly after Abbott’s announcement, the Supreme Court of Texas ordered Luther’s release. The governor added that his order ‘may also ensure’ the release of Ana Isabel Castro-Garcia and Brenda Stephanie Mata, who were arrested in Laredo, Texas, for providing cosmetic services inside their homes.”

Thank you, governor, for a sensible and merciful decision. 

U.S. Supreme Court Sides With Governor

CBS News wrote on May 7:

“The Supreme Court on Wednesday declined to lift an executive order from Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf that mandated the closure of all businesses in the state deemed nonessential as part of efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus… There were no noted dissents

“The Pennsylvania businesses argued Wolf’s lockdown order was unconstitutional and filed an emergency request with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court arguing it went beyond Wolf’s authority. The state court, however, sided with Wolf and rejected the challenge. The businesses then asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the lower court’s decision.

“‘The executive order and similar orders by governors across the country is doing substantial, unprecedented damage to the economy,’ the group wrote in its request to the high court.”

Israel Rebukes the EU

The Times of Israel wrote on May 7:

“The Foreign Ministry on Thursday summoned the European Union’s ambassador to Israel for an unusually harsh rebuke over the bloc’s alleged support of terrorism, warning him that backing terrorist groups will only lead to more bloodshed.

“Israel summoned envoy Emanuele Giaufret after a letter emerged Wednesday in which a senior EU official stationed in East Jerusalem assured the Palestinians that membership in or affinity to a terrorist organization does not automatically prevent a person from being eligible to participate in EU-funded programs.

“‘Israel utterly condemns and categorically objects to the Union’s policy on the funding of terrorist organisations. The policy essentially grants permission for incitement, support, and involvement with terrorism,’ the ministry said in a statement…”

The relationship between the EU and Israel will deteriorate drastically. 

Netanyahu Under Attack

Breaking Israel News reported on May 7:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set off quite a storm on Monday night following a press conference… That’s because during his speech, he alluded to the idea of installing distance sensors onto children that like a car, beep when they get too close to people…

“Popular Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak, who has thousands of followers in Israel… accused the Prime Minister of playing dumb regarding an already planned second wave saying: ‘Bibi, you pretend like you don’t know that it’s all planned – a second wave (of coronavirus) to force the vaccine.’ 

“Rabbi Yitzchak also notes that Netanyahu’s speech proves that the technology the Prime Minister spoke about already exists and that the Israeli government intends on using it. The rabbi also surmises that Netanyahu’s statement will translate into ‘microchips and sensors, to control the population and enslave them.’ Rabbi Yitzchak concludes that the plan is to force everyone to vaccinate and if they refuse, they will become criminals. The goal is to prepare the future generations for Bill Gate’s project

“‘Why is that when the flu, who killed a lot more people, did you never ensure that people didn’t prevent it from spreading?’ the Rabbi said…”

New Israeli Government Approved

Al Jazeera wrote on May 7:

“Israeli MPs have approved the formation of a unity government between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and rival Benny Gantz, paving the way to an end to more than a year of deadlock… The proposed government was challenged in the Supreme Court, with opponents arguing Netanyahu was ineligible to rule due to a series of corruption indictments…

“But the court ruled on Wednesday evening that ‘there was no legal reason to prevent the formation of a government’ led by Netanyahu.”

Rabbi Tells Jews: Flee America Immediately!

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 9:

“[Brooklyn’s] Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Frankel… issued an unequivocal order last week for Jews in the diaspora to leave their homes and immigrate to Israel before a civil war breaks out in the United States

“‘After World War II, the survivors came and asked why the Gedolim and the Rebbes (rabbis) did not order European Jews to leave while there was still time and emigrate to Israel or the United States before the war broke out,’ Rabbi Frankel [said.]. ‘Truth be told, they (the rabbis)… begged the Jews to flee the scorched earth, but part of the decree was that the Jews didn’t listen.’ ‘

“‘Today,’ he continued ‘Listen to me well, dear Jews, whoever can afford to rise and ascend to the Holy Land should [do so] as soon as possible, and this includes large parts of South America and most of Europe. The US will also become a dangerous place mired in war, and it is still too early to tell which US state will survive, but many parts will be destroyed and poisoned, and a civil war will break out within the US. And states will secede from the federal government. The US will no longer be a place of refuge, but there will be a Jewish remnant here. The Land of Israel will be the safest place to survive the war, even though there will be terrible difficulties there as well.’”

A mixture of truth and error. The USA will be defeated and destroyed in a coming World War, but so will be the state of Israel. There will be no place on earth which will be safe. It is true that violent anti-Semitism will raise its ugly head in Europe, but it is also spreading in the USA. Note the next article.

Singling out New York’s Jewish Community?

Breitbart wrote on April 29:

“New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told the media Wednesday morning that he was sorry if anyone was hurt by the way he called out the Jewish community over a large funeral in Brooklyn Tuesday, but he had ‘no regrets.’ De Blasio personally supervised police as they broke up a funeral procession for Rabbi Chaim Mertz of the Tola’as Yaakov synagogue in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn on Tuesday…

“De Blasio was outraged by the gathering, and singled out the ‘Jewish community’ in a series of tweets… Critics were outraged that the mayor singled out the ‘Jewish community’… Many also pointed out that De Blasio and the police did nothing when crowds gathered on Tuesday to watch the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds perform a flyover salute to first responders.

‘Some Jews are also particularly worried about the mayor’s remarks because extremist groups, at home and abroad, have used the coronavirus pandemic to scapegoat Jews… The false accusation of Jews spreading disease is at least as old as the Black Death in the fourteenth century.

“In addition, the mayor is widely perceived among religious Jews to have done very little to combat a scourge of recent antisemitic attacks in the city, many by members of other minority groups…”

It is well-known that there was much anti-Semitism in the USA prior to and during World War II.

Tucker Carlson Speaks Out Against Dictatorship in the USA

Fox News wrote on May 2:

“Tucker Carlson continued to criticize coronavirus-induced lockdowns across America Friday night, reacting to actions across the country by authorities he believes are overreaching their legal boundaries… [He noticed] an incident in Wisconsin where law enforcement was called on a family who allowed their daughter to play outside, with police saying they believed they had ‘the right’ to confront the mother. ‘The question is, where exactly did they get that right?’ Carlson asked.

“‘That’s a good question. A question that we are strongly discouraged from asking. The short answer is governors told them they could. Never in American history have politicians been more powerful than they are now. Effectively, they are gods. ‘In the state of Maine, for example, Governor Janet Mills now has the power to suspend any law she doesn’t like. She can seize any state resource she feels like seizing,’ Carlson continued. ‘She can force any citizen or all citizens from their home. She can do all of this for as long as she wants, as long as she believes Maine is in a state of emergency. In fact, there’s virtually nothing that Janet Mills can’t now do. Many governors now have these powers.’

“The host also voiced his concerns for the freedoms lost during this time, in particular the impact on religion and the media’s failure to report on it… Carlson also seemed to take a veiled shot at White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci… for his role in the pandemic response. ‘How […] did politicians get the authority to do this?’ Carlson said. ‘Because some elderly power-drunk epidemiologist told them to do it. That’s not how our system works. It can’t work that way.’”

Sadly, for now, it does work that way. If you think Tucker Carlson’s words were strong, note the outspoken words by controversial Tesla chief Elon Musk, as cited in the next article. We omitted certain expletives.

Tesla Chief Elon Musk Minces No Words

Business Insider wrote on April 29:

“In a short rant complete with expletives, Elon Musk doubled down on his stance against the shelter-in-place orders introduced by various US states in recent weeks in an effort to stop the novel coronavirus’ spread. The Tesla chief executive did not mince words on a Wednesday conference call… ‘Frankly, I would call it forcible imprisoning of people in their homes against all of, their constitutional rights, in my opinion,’ he said. ‘It’s breaking people’s freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong and not why they came to America or built this country…’… On Tuesday, he [urged] leaders to ‘FREE AMERICA NOW’…

“‘It will cause great harm, not just to Tesla but to many companies,’ Musk said on the call… ‘Everything people have worked for their whole life is being destroyed in real time.’ Musk even went so far as to call it undemocratic for state governments to order shutdowns of businesses deemed nonessential. ‘If somebody wants to stay in their house, that’s great and they should be able to,’ he said. ‘But to say they cannot leave their house and that they will be arrested if they do, that’s fascist. That is not democratic — this is not freedom…’”

Has China Lied about the Coronavirus from the Outset?

The Sun wrote on April 29:

“THE laboratory at the heart of the world’s coronavirus pandemic lied about taking safety precautions when collecting bat samples… US and British intelligence officials suspect bungling scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology accidentally spread the killer disease during risky coronavirus tests on bats. It was claimed that Covid-19 was ‘developed in the Wuhan lab as China hoped to prove it’s greater than the US at battling deadly diseases’

“… no safety precautions were employed. One worker admitted being sprayed with bat blood or urine as images showed staff brazenly collecting samples with no face masks or protective suits… Incredibly some scientists didn’t even wear gloves as they entered caves to collect fecal bat swab samples

“The Chinese government has put a total lockdown on information related to the virus origins… genetic evidence indicates the virus was not artificially engineered and likely originated in bats. The genetic data cannot yet indicate exactly where and how the virus first crossed to humans… reports have also emerged alleging China attempted to cover up its role in the extent of the pandemic by silencing whistleblowers and muzzling scientists, while concerned doctors have ominously disappeared.”

The Guardian wrote on May 3:

“Most epidemiologists say that while it is possible the outbreak started in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where coronaviruses have been intensively studied, it is a far less likely scenario than the theory that it was transmitted naturally from bats through an intermediary animal, mutating along the way to become dangerous to humans.”

Why couldn’t it be a combination of the two scenarios, which appears to be much more compelling?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics

Update 923

The Light of the Bible / Committed

On May 9, 2020, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “The Light of the Bible,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Committed.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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How Much Do We Long for the Kingdom of God?

by Paul Niehoff (Australia)

Sometimes, during normal times (although, at present, these are not normal times), life can be reasonably comfortable. We can have enough food, somewhere to live, a job that can be satisfying, family and friends. When thought about, all of these can be a great blessing. But when we look deeply into many aspects of today’s world, we will find that many things are not as they could be, or should be. And when we compare today’s world with what God has promised, we will see a dramatic difference. This world, at its best, still falls way short of the ideal.

One of the titles of Jesus Christ is Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Some examples when He protected Israel are at the Red Sea and in the time of Hezekiah. The Israelites did not have to fight, but God fought for them and destroyed their enemies. In the future, God will fight against the armies of Gog when they come to invade the unprotected cities of Israel. It will be at a time when Israel is living safely (Ezekiel 38:11, 21-23). Again, God will protect Israel without them having to fight.

When we look at today’s situation, well over half of all discretionary spending of the US federal budget goes to the military. Considering the rest of the world, there are wars in progress in parts of the Middle East, Asia and Africa, as well as in other regions. Millions of people are being killed, impoverished or displaced from their homes due to these ongoing wars. A situation that desperately needs changing and in God’s Kingdom, there will be no need for any military or the expenses incurred. Think of how that money could be used more effectively for the benefit of people rather than killing them.

Another of God’s names is “I am the LORD who heals you” (Exodus 15:26). God makes many promises for healing, and Ezekiel 47:12 states that in the Kingdom of God, the leaves of the trees beside the river will be for medicine. He also tells us that no one will be sick anymore. He has made many promises that when people obey Him, there will be health benefits for them.

Again, looking at today’s situation, the total US spending on Medicare and health by the federal government exceeds even military spending. Interestingly, over 60% of personal bankruptcies in the US are caused by medical expenses. The US has the highest medical costs in the world, but nowhere near the best outcomes. In God’s Kingdom, most, if not all, of these expenses will be eliminated. Deuteronomy 28:21-22 reveals some health curses that will be upon those who will not obey Him. The first curse listed in these verses is most appropriate for today. “The LORD will make the plague cling to you until He has consumed you from the land you are going to possess” (verse 21). The alternative reading for plague is pestilence.

Another situation we can consider is food supplies. As has been shown by a few far-sighted farmers, this world could feed around ten billion people. There are many promises that in God’s Kingdom, there will be great abundance. In Ezekiel 36:27-30 we read about God’s promise of abundance when people finally obey Him. Notice that He says that He will “call for the grain and multiply it, and bring no famine upon you” (verse 29). He also says that “you need never again bear the reproach of famine among the nations” (verse 30).

However, the problems we have today that interrupt food supplies include war, measures taken to fight the coronavirus, locust plagues, droughts, floods, wildfires and other hazards. Due to the current situation, there are difficulties in the distribution of food. Because of the closing down of sporting events, conferences, hotels and restaurants and schools, and even a shortage of labour, farmers either cannot harvest their crops or have lost many of their markets making farming unprofitable. On the other side of the coin, food banks desperately need more food but are unable to obtain sufficient quantities to distribute to the needy.

There are many other areas in this world that fall short of God’s ways or even go diametrically opposite them. An example is education where there are too many cases, especially in sex education, that anything goes. While totally ignoring God’s purpose for marriage and family. We can also think of the ungodly concept of the evolution theory. The education system also tries to rewrite history regarding the belief in the Bible of the original settlers and statesmen of the US, due to a liberal, non-Christian agenda.

Again, in sport and entertainment, violence is very common. Films glorifying war are very popular and, depending in what country films are made, the hero in one film may very well be fighting the hero in another film. In the Kingdom of God, no one in sport or entertainment will be idolized. God will have the glory. But there will still be joy and pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11).

As for politics and government, there will no longer be elections where each candidate is trying to show they are best for the job. Government will be for the benefit of all people, not for the glory or financial gain of elected officials.

I will not mention business or justice but I’m sure we understand that often times, these are not in accordance with God’s commandments or statutes.

So, ever since Adam and Eve took the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this world has been a mixture of human goodness and evil, neither of which is acceptable to God. But His desire for us is to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). This is totally acceptable to God, and when we do this, we will all have a deep longing for the Kingdom of God.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with interesting developments within and pertaining to the history and the current situation of the Roman Catholic Church and some of their popes [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Will We Lose Our Freedoms Forever?”]; address the appearance of the bee-devouring “murder hornet” in the USA and a mysterious bee-killing disease in the UK; and point out man’s lust for war and the economic might of the EU.

We speak on censorship of the free media around the world and the suppression of views which are not “politically correct”; ongoing drastic restrictions on travel; the possibility that there will never be a vaccine for coronavirus; and the dangers of a pandemic drone.

We address the unpresented unemployment figures in the USA since the Great Depression; rising beef prices; and the rising anger and defiance of Californians toward Governor Newsom’s stay-at-home orders.

We publish a frightening warning of a leading rabbi regarding civil war in the USA and its pending destruction, as well as rising anti-Semitism in the USA.

We quote strong words from Fox-News anchor Tucker Carlson and Tesla Chief Elon Musk against the controversial undemocratic conduct of some US state governors; and we conclude with China’s role in the spread of the coronavirus.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Pope Pius XII Knew… but Kept Silent

The Times of Israel wrote on April 30:

“Researchers studying the newly opened Vatican archives of pope Pius XII have already found evidence that the World War II-era pope knew about the mass killing of Jews from his own sources but kept it from the US government… a German team lead by award-winning religious historian Hubert Wolf from the University of Münster… has already found some damning discoveries…

“Wolf [and] his team found documents that were excluded from the 11-volume work compiled by Jesuits on the Holocaust four decades ago, apparently to protect Pius and his image… In September 1942, [a] US diplomat gave the Vatican a secret report prepared by the Jewish Agency that documented the mass murder of some 100,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto. It also said some 50,000 Jews were killed in Lviv in German-occupied Ukraine.

“The US asked if the Vatican could confirm the report from its own sources among Catholics, but were told the Vatican could not. However… Wolf… and his team discovered a note confirming that Pius had read the American report and also two instances where the Vatican had independently corroborated the reports of the killings… ‘There is no doubt that the pope was aware of the murder of Jews,’ Wolf said.

“What really interests us is when he learned about it for the first time, and when he believed that information.’…

“On December 24, 1942, Pius XII delivered one of history’s most debated Christmas radio messages. Buried in its long text was a reference to ‘hundreds of thousands of people who, without any fault of their own and sometimes for the sole reason of their nationality or race, were doomed to death or gradual extermination.’ Was his message — delivered in Italian and aired just once, and which never explicitly mentioned either the Jews or Nazis — heard and understood by German Catholics? ‘The only ones who heard it were the Nazis,’ said Wolf, noting that the radio waves were scrambled and that the pope could have spoken German — if he had really wanted to reach the German faithful…”

The Catholic Church’s collaboration with the Nazis in Germany and Italy, as well as in other countries such as Austria and Spain, is without any doubt. Note the next article.

Confession of Guilt by German Bishops

Times of Israel wrote on May 2:

“In a new report after decades of ambivalence, Germany’s council of Catholic bishops has finally admitted to the church’s complicity in the actions of the Nazi regime during World War II, The Times reported Friday.  The 23-page document by the council reportedly states, ‘Inasmuch as the bishops did not oppose the war with a clear “no,” and most of them bolstered the [German nation’s] will to endure, they made themselves complicit in the war’…

“One Catholic Church official cited by The Times called the report a ‘confession of guilt’ by the church. The document said most German bishops, motivated by nationalism and anti-communist sentiment and a desire to preserve the church by avoiding confrontation with the Nazis, told their followers to support the regime during the war. On Hitler’s 50th birthday in 1939, churches flew Nazi flags and prayed for protection of the ‘Fuhrer and the Reich.’”

The question is, has the Catholic Church learned from its past “mistakes”? The Bible shows that it has not.

Pope Francis Assists Transgender Prostitutes

Fox News wrote on May 1:

“Pope Francis assisted a group of transgender prostitutes who were struggling financially… ‘At the height of the coronavirus emergency, a group of transsexuals, almost all Latin Americans, arrived in the church with amazement and wonder,’ Don Andrea Conocchia,  the parish priest of Torvaianica, not far from Rome, said…  ‘They asked for help because with the virus they no longer had customers on the street.’

“They reached out to the pope through Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the papal almoner, who is responsible for charitable work done in the name of [the] pope. ‘Francis’ response was immediate,’ the paper reports. ‘Many thanks to Pope Francis! May God bless you, thank you for everything! A thousand blessings! May the Virgin protect you!’ the group of prostitutes sent in an audio message.”

This is hard to believe! But in this God-defying world, everything goes.  

US and Canadian Bishops Seek Answers from the “Virgin Mary”

Vatican News wrote on April 29:

“On Friday, May 1, the bishops of Canada and the United States reconsecrated their respective nations to the care and protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary… [the] ‘Mother of the Church’. ‘This will give the Church the occasion to pray for Our Lady’s continued protection of the vulnerable, healing of the unwell, and wisdom for those who work to cure this terrible virus,’ said Archbishop Gomez…

“Shortly after this announcement, the bishops of Italy announced that they would also be reconsecrating their country to the protection of the Virgin Mary…”

The real Mary, the mother of Jesus, is dead and in the grave, awaiting her resurrection from the dead at the time of Christ’s return. She never ascended to heaven and she is not ruling in heaven right now as the “queen of heaven.” Any prayers to her are useless. The same goes for prayers to any dead “saints”… note the next article.

Praying to Catherine of Siena and the Virgin Mary?

Vatican News reported on April 29:

“Following his catechesis at the General Audience, Pope Francis noted that today the Church celebrates the feast of St Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church and co-patron of Italy and of Europe. As he had done earlier at the daily Mass, he prayed to St Catherine for protection during the pandemic, and for the unity of Europe… ‘I ask St Catherine to protect Italy during this pandemic, and to protect Europe, because she is the Patroness of Europe; to protect the whole of Europe so that it may remain united’…

“Pope Francis then turned his attention to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Pope once again encouraged everyone to pray the Rosary, especially during the month of May…”

That these Catholic “saints” are perceived as being patrons and “protectors” of Europe is very remarkable.

Pope Benedict Attacks Opponents Who Want to Silence Him

AFP wrote on May 4:

“Traditionalist former pope Benedict XVI accuses opponents of wanting to ‘silence’ him while associating gay marriage with ‘the Antichrist’ and attacking ‘humanist ideologies’ in a new authorised biography published Monday in Germany.

“The 93-year-old, whose original name is Joseph Ratzinger, claims in ‘Benedict XVI – A Life’ that he has fallen victim to a ‘malignant distortion of reality’ in reactions to his interventions in theological debates…

“In office from 2005-13, Benedict has frequently been criticised for his attitudes to Islam or to social questions, and is accused of attempting to undermine the modernisation drive of his successor Pope Francis. Ratzinger attempts to counter such claims in the biography, saying his ‘personal friendship with Pope Francis has not only endured, but grown’…

“‘A century ago, anyone would have thought it absurd to talk about homosexual marriage. Today those who oppose it are excommunicated from society,’ Benedict says. ‘It’s the same thing with abortion and creating human life in the laboratory,’ he says, adding that it’s ‘only natural’ for people to ‘fear the spiritual power of the Antichrist’… ‘The real threat to the Church… is in the global dictatorship of purportedly humanist ideologies,’ he warns.”

Striking words.

Benedict: Freemasonry Greatest Enemy of the Church

Life Site News reported on May 4:

“Dr. Robert Moynihan, the editor-in-chief of the Catholic journal Inside the Vatican, revealed on April 23 that he once had a conversation with then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (who later became Pope Benedict XVI) about the ‘greatest danger to the Church,’ and he recounts that Ratzinger said: ‘It is Freemasonry.’… Bishop Schneider states that Freemasons were crucial in the promotion of abortion, same-sex ‘marriage,’ and euthanasia in France

“Then-Cardinal Ratzinger was already in the 1980s so concerned about the nature and work of Freemasonry that he worked out a statement for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, whose Prefect he then was, which repeated the Church’s long-standing ban on Freemasonry. That is to say, he re-stated that Catholics may not be members of Freemasonry. On November 26, 1983, Ratzinger signed a document that stated, ‘Therefore the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.’”

The Deadly “Murder Hornet” Has Arrived in the USA

On May 2, DNYUZ wrote the following:

“In his decades of beekeeping, Ted McFall had never seen anything like it. As he pulled his truck up to check on a group of hives near Custer, Wash., in November, he could spot from the window a mess of bee carcasses on the ground. As he looked closer, he saw a pile of dead members of the colony in front of a hive and more carnage inside — thousands and thousands of bees with their heads torn from their bodies and no sign of a culprit… Only later did he come to suspect that the killer was what some researchers simply call the ‘murder hornet.’

“With queens that can grow to two inches long, Asian giant hornets can use mandibles shaped like spiked shark fins to wipe out a honeybee hive in a matter of hours, decapitating the bees and flying away with the thoraxes to feed their young. For larger targets, the hornet’s potent venom and stinger — long enough to puncture a beekeeping suit — make for an excruciating combination that victims have likened to hot metal driving into their skin… In Japan, the hornets kill up to 50 people a year. Now, for the first time, they have arrived in the United States.”

Another one of the many curses which God is inflicting on His disobedient people in the USA and also in the UK, as the next article shows.

Honeybees Being Wiped Out in Britain

The Sun wrote on May 2:

“HONEYBEES are being wiped out by a mystery disease that is sweeping Britain, researchers say… Infected bees die within a week. This leads to piles of dead insects just outside hives… Experts say it is being fuelled by importing queen bees from Europe. They head colonies and beekeepers use large numbers from France, Italy, the Netherlands and other countries across the world to replenish stocks.

“Now information from 130,000 bee imports from 25 countries show for the first time the disease was nearly twice as likely in apiaries owned by keepers who used them…”

Russian and American Robots to the Battlefield

Forbes wrote on April 30:

“For Russia, the question of robots taking over the role of soldiers on the battlefield is a matter of when, not if. ‘Living fighters will gradually begin to be replaced by their robotic “brothers” who can act faster, more accurately and more selectively than people,’ Vitaly Davydov told RIA Novosti on April 21…

“The development parallels many robotic programs under way in the United States. It is remarkable, too, that both nations have hit upon swarms of ground robots as a way to supplement existing human formations in combat. Russia plans to test swarms of ground robots later in 2020.”

Whatever it takes to kill more and more people! A terrible indictment against man’s hunger for murder.

World War III Distinct Possibility

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 4:

“… the conviction that the war was part of the European past, but not Europe’s future is fading too… Europeans aged between 18-24 are most likely to believe that a war between European nations is possible in the next 10-20 years… ‘Perhaps the reason we never learn from history,’ wrote the American poet Charles Simic, ‘is that we are incapable of picturing the reality of war and its aftermath…’

“It is well known that truth is the first casualty of war…”

Trade Agreement Between EU and Mexico

Vatican News reported on April 29:

“Mexico and the European Union have clinched a fresh and undated Free Trade Agreement…

“The EU confirms that from now on, almost all trade and goods between itself and Mexico will be entirely duty free.  Current annual business tops 75 billion dollars. The EU is Mexico’s third largest trading partner. Trade between them has more than tripled, since the original agreement was initialed, way back in 2001.”

The EU is a mighty economic power, as described in the Bible.

Ongoing Censorship of the Free Press Regarding Criticism of Coronavirus Measures

Deutsche Welle reported on May 1:

“The European Union on Saturday criticized restrictions on the media put in place by some countries during the coronavirus crisis… Rights group Reporters Without Borders also warned that many journalists around the world may be facing censorship or limited freedoms as the outbreak leads to restrictions on public life…

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, along with his counterparts in the UK, France and the Netherlands, released a statement on Saturday stressing the importance of journalistic independence in the coronavirus crisis…”

Facebook blocks and takes down posts critical of governmental stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures. The former President of Germany’s highest constitutional court warned that the German governmental restrictions might be unconstitutional.

In addition, “Germany’s highest legal authority, the constitutional court overturned a blanket ban on religious services during the coronavirus crisis, saying that exceptions could be granted if sufficient precautions were taken to avoid infection,” according to AFP, dated April 30. Also, the highest court of the German state of Saarland rendered a decision, questioning whether the stay-at-home orders are even effective, and ordering the state government to relax the restrictions, according to Bild, dated April 30. But YouTube and Facebook don’t seem to care… note the next article.

Suppressing Alternate Views

BBC News wrote on May 2:

“‘YouTube has clear policies prohibiting any content that disputes the existence and transmission of Covid-19 as described by the WHO and the NHS,’ a spokeswoman told the BBC…

“The tech firm [is] banning any material that: suggests coronavirus does not exist; contains medically unsubstantiated diagnostic advice about the virus; explicitly disputes the efficacy of guidance about social distancing and self-isolation that has been issued by the WHO and/or local health authorities…”

Censorship of this kind and the suppression of alternate views which are not “politically correct” are the hallmark of dictatorships and autocratic societies.

Self-Isolation at Home No Cure for the Virus?

CNBC wrote on May 6:

“Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a ‘shocking’ finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday… 

“It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%… ‘We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we’ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.’”

So, how does this fit with the success and necessity of self-isolation?

Travel Bans Not to Be Lifted for a Long Time

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 29:

“The German Cabinet on Wednesday extended its strict global travel warning to limit the spread of the coronavirus and prevent German tourists once again becoming stranded overseas. Germany’s Foreign Ministry said that the measure should remain in place ‘until further notice,’ but at least until June 14.

“It did not specify whether travel will be allowed during the summer holidays, saying only that the situation should be carefully reviewed and coordinated with neighboring European Union member states prior to that date… The decision could mean leaving many holiday plans in limbo, with summer vacations beginning as early as the end of June in some of Germany’s 16 federal states.

The Federal Foreign Office said that ‘severe and drastic restrictions in international air and travel traffic and worldwide entry restrictions, quarantine measures and restrictions on public life in many countries can still be expected.’”

USA Today added on May 4:

“U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin encouraged Americans to focus on domestic travel this year as the international travel outlook for the rest of 2020 remains uncertain…”

In this Satan-ruled world, only God can make it possible that His people will be able to keep the Feast of Tabernacles 2020 in certain areas designated by Him.

Green Light for Vaccine-Producing “Operation Warp Speed”

CNN wrote on May 1:

“President Donald Trump has essentially given ‘Operation Warp Speed’ a blank check as the team of government officials, scientists and private companies aims to produce hundreds of millions of doses of a life-saving coronavirus vaccine by early next year. The goal — which may prove impossible to meet — is to make 100 million doses of the vaccine available by November, 200 million doses by December and 300 million doses by January…

“The obvious hurdle is quickly developing a vaccine that is effective and safe. But ‘Operation Warp Speed’ is also working on all the challenges that surround vaccine deployment. They are already working on solutions to quickly ramp up production, organize distribution and determine who gets the first doses of the vaccine. ‘You don’t wait until you get an answer before you start manufacturing — you at risk proactively start making it, assuming it’s going to work, and if it does, then you can scale up and hopefully get to that timeline,’ Dr. Anthony Fauci… told NBC…

“The team is also brainstorming advertising strategies that the administration hopes will be compelling enough to inspire even vaccine skeptics to get a vaccine once it’s available…”

This is VERY FRIGHTENING indeed, also in light of the next article.

There Might Never Be a Vaccine against Coronavirus

CNN wrote on May 3:

“‘There are some viruses that we still do not have vaccines against,’ says Dr. David Nabarro, a professor of global health at Imperial College London, who also serves as a special envoy to the World Health Organization on Covid-19. ‘We can’t make an absolute assumption that a vaccine will appear at all, or if it does appear, whether it will pass all the tests of efficacy and safety…’ But even if a vaccine is developed, bringing it to fruition [within 18 months] would be a feat never achieved before…

‘In 1984, the US Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler announced at a press conference in Washington, DC, that scientists had successfully identified the virus that later became known as HIV — and predicted that a preventative vaccine would be ready for testing in two years. Nearly four decades and 32 million deaths later, the world is still waiting for an HIV vaccine…

“An effective vaccine for dengue fever, which infects as many as 400,000 people a year… has eluded doctors for decades. In 2017, a large-scale effort to find one was suspended after [it] was found to worsen the symptoms of the disease. Similarly, it’s been very difficult to develop vaccines for the common rhinoviruses and adenoviruses — which, like coronaviruses, can cause cold symptoms. There’s just one vaccine to prevent two strains of adenovirus, and it’s not commercially available

Restrictions are most likely to come back over the winter… And lockdowns, many of which are in the process of gradually being lifted, could return at any moment…”

The world in continued lockdown—people continuously under house arrest… a terrible perspective. And so, European governments and others around the world are trying to receive billions of dollars in donations for the development of a vaccine. One wonders to whom that money is really going.

German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, stated on May 4, according to t-online, that the search for a vaccine could go on for years. At the same time, Spahn introduced legislation which would require quarantine for those who are sick with a contagious disease or who are suspicious of being sick unless they can present an “immunization passport” or an “immunity passport” (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, dated April 29). Critics in politics and the social media have noted the obvious violation of privacy and data protection laws.

Subsequently, due to public pressure, Spahn retracted and stated that there will not be an immunity passport and no mandatory vaccinations AT THIS POINT, according to Tagesschau, dated May 4. This “changed” position is clearly only “political” in nature, and one will have to wait and see as to when Spahn feels ready to “strike” again.

As we have stated before, we should watch Jens Spahn. He has introduced quite a few controversial laws, such as mandatory vaccinations of school children and prohibiting conversion therapies for homosexuals (Spahn is openly practicing homosexuality himself).

Partnership of Gates and Cuomo Under Attack

Syracuse.com reported on May 5:

“Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing criticism after announcing a plan with Bill Gates’ foundation to ‘reimagine’ schools… Cuomo also announced a partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to evaluate possible changes to the education system

“… at least five organizations have already spoken out against the partnership, citing concerns about the Microsoft founder’s support of standardized testing and Common Core curriculum. ‘Both the Gates Foundation and Andrew Cuomo have a history of pushing privatization and agendas that have the potential to destroy public schools,’ Alliance for Quality Education executive director Jasmine Gripper told the publication. ‘This collaboration raises a red flag…’

“… three groups — New York State Allies for Public Education, Class Size Matters, and the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy — have already written to Cuomo and state education officials to voice their objections. ‘We were appalled to hear that you will be working with the Gates Foundation on “reimagining” our schools following the Covid crisis,’ the coalition wrote. ‘Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation have promoted one failed educational initiative after another, causing huge disaffection in districts throughout the state. ‘The education of our children has been repeatedly put at risk by their non-evidence based “solutions,” which were implemented without parent input and despite significant public opposition.’…”

The Dangers of the Pandemic Drone

ABC News wrote on May 1:

“If you don’t feel comfortable signing up to the Government’s COVIDSafe tracking app, then you probably won’t be happy to hear about the pandemic drone. [It] can pick up heart rate, body temperature and monitor social distancing. But the technology is also increasing concerns about privacy and data collection

“The drone would also be able to detect a cough from ‘15-20 metres away’, while heart rate can be detected within 6-8 metres with only a ‘very small’ margin of error…

“Artificial intelligence expert Professor Toby Walsh urged a cautious approach towards adopting technologies like the pandemic drone…”

George Orwell’s big brother scenario in his bestseller “1984” is no longer science fiction at all.

Astronomical Unemployment Figures in the USA

The Independent wrote on May 2:

“Another 3.2 million Americans filed for unemployment insurance benefits at the end of April, adding to unprecedented jobless claims that have now topped more than 30 million within only a month following the outbreak.  [As of May 7, 33.5 million have filed for unemployment]. Economists say the numbers merely glimpse the scope of the unemployment crisis.

“… for every 10 people who successfully filed for unemployment over the last month, three to four others tried to apply but couldn’t get through the system, and another two people were unable to because the process was too difficult.”

This would mean, the unemployment rate stands at approximately 45 to 46 million. At the beginning of 2020, approximately 160 million were listed as being employed in the USA, and about 331 million live in the USA. No country can ever recover from such devastating figures, as its downfall continues. But it gets worse. Note the next articles.

Beef Prices at Record High

Newsmax wrote on May 1:

“U.S. shoppers are paying 13% more for T-bone steaks than last year, at $7.47 a pound. Ground chuck is up 28%

“Donald Trump’s executive order will reopen meat plants struck down by outbreaks, but social-distancing measures will keep slaughterhouses limping along at reduced production rates. The shortfall in output could run as high as 15% even after plants are back in business…

“It only took a month to break the U.S. meat supply chain. Shutdowns at major slaughter plants started in early April… Grocery-store shelves have run empty, and farmers were forced to destroy tens of thousands of animals…

“Wholesale beef has jumped to a record high… It’s usually younger animals that are destroyed, since farmers haven’t spent money to feed and raise them yet…

“Beef jumped 11% in the two days to Thursday… For beef, that means ‘ridiculously tight supplies in September through December’…”

The terrible results of governmental restrictions on the economy and personal well-being have placed many people on edge, as the following articles show, by way of example, regarding the fragile situation in California.

Californians on Edge

The Associated Press wrote on May 2:

“Californians weary of stay-at-home orders that have left millions unemployed staged displays of defiance Friday, with hundreds of flag-waving protesters gathering at the Capitol… Gov. Gavin Newsom acknowledged the building anxiety

“In downtown Huntington Beach, known for its world-renowned surf break, protesters swarmed the streets, backing up traffic for at least a mile along Pacific Coast Highway… People waved American flags from their car windows and carried signs reading ‘Open Cali now.’ A plane buzzed overhead with a sign reading ‘Fire gruesome Newsom! Open California.’

“While the beach was officially closed by Newsom’s order, people continued to walk on the sand and on a popular bike trail in a park overlooking the shoreline… a variety of businesses from restaurants to hairstylists in rural and more populated areas have opened their doors in individual acts of defiance.

“With its once-roaring economy in shackles and millions jobless, the state will face a funding shortfall that will run into billions of dollars… ‘At a time when California is granting early release to high-risk sex offenders and other dangerous inmates due to COVID-19 concerns, the implicit threat to punish beachgoers and surfers who violate the order is absurd,’ Republican state Sen. Patricia Bates said.”

Defying Newsom’s Orders

The Los Angeles Times wrote on May 3:

“Yuba and Sutter counties in Northern California are set to allow many businesses to reopen on Monday in defiance of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide six-week-old stay-at-home order.

“The two counties near the state’s capital would join a sparsely populated county in California’s northeastern corner, Modoc County, with fewer than 9,000 residents, that on Friday allowed all businesses, schools and churches to reopen as long as people inside can stay six feet apart.

“The move by Yuba and Sutter counties — with a combined population of 171,000 people… comes as other California counties on the Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley are demanding to reopen more businesses…

“Newsom’s stay-at-home order, issued March 19, was the first to be issued by any governor in the nation…”

Newsom Sued for Civil Rights Violations

ABC News wrote on May 1:

“Civil Rights Attorney Harmeet Dhillon says in the last couple of weeks she’s filed six lawsuits against the governor. Dhillon is an RNC Committeewoman for California. She previously served as the Vice-Chairman of the California Republican Party, and Chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party. ‘The governor is overreaching on a number of grounds,’ said Dhillon.

“In part the lawsuits center around protests. ‘The governor has chosen to limit protests to zero in this state which is outrageous and absurd,’ said Dhillon… Regarding the closure of houses of worship, Dhillon said, ‘Going to church to worship communally is a first amendment-protected activity and while it does not sustain the level of protection as protests, petitions, the press, other forms of speech, it is protected under the constitution and we believe it is unconstitutional for the governor to impose restrictions on worship that are broader than necessary to achieve the government’s interests.’…”

By the time these lawsuits are decided with finality, and even assuming they would find in favor of the plaintiff, constitutional violations are continuing.

Church Assemblies Remain Forbidden in California

The Associated Press wrote on May 5:

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom had the right to ban church assemblies in the interest of public health during the coronavirus outbreak, a federal judge ruled Tuesday. Newsom’s stay-at-home order did not violate the constitutional rights to free assembly and religion when the Cross Culture Christian Center in Lodi was ordered to cease holding services, Judge John Mendez ruled in Sacramento.

“Pastor Jonathan Duncan had continued to assemble his congregation after the governor banned public gatherings in March despite warnings it was in violation of state and local orders. The church of fewer than 50 members said it was obeying federal guidelines to prevent spread of the virus. Lodi police entered the church during a service attended by about 30 worshipers in late March and said they were defying the governor’s order…

“Police posted a notice on the building that its nonessential use created a public nuisance… Police threatened to cite anyone who entered the property.

“Duncan said in a statement that he was disappointed with the ruling but would continue to fight for the right to worship. ‘It is time for pastors and religious leaders across the state to rise up and start pushing back against these draconian stay-at-home orders that completely fail to take into account the true essentiality of religion in our society,’ Duncan said…”

These kinds of actions and the court decision are indeed difficult to comprehend. Judge John Mendez is no stranger to controversy. Appointed by George W. Bush on September 6, 2007 to the federal bench, he ruled against President Trump’s request to block SB 54, allowing California to remain a sanctuary state (giving protection to dangerous illegal immigrants).

Mendez has also been accused of unethical conduct, pro-government bias and other misconduct allegations, according to issuu.com.

Forcing People from California Homes?

“Fox News reported on May 7:

“Video circulated on social media showed Dr. Robert Levin, the director of Ventura County Public Health, speaking before the board of supervisors Tuesday about a plan to hire up to 50 new ‘contact tracing investigators’ to ‘find people who have COVID-19 and immediately isolate them, find every one of their contacts, make sure they stay quarantined and check in with them every day.’

“Levin admitted his poor messaging during another press conference Wednesday, stressing those who test positive or who are identified by officials as having come in contact with an infected person would not be forcibly removed from their homes. ‘I either misspoke or it was misinterpreted – I’ll take the blame of having misspoke,’ Levin said. ‘Yesterday, at this conference, at the Board of Supervisors, I gave people the impression that if you were isolated, you would be taken out of your home and put into a hotel room or a motel room or sequestered in some other way.’

“‘If I did do that, I am very sorry,’ he said. ‘That is an option. That is possible…’

“Further explaining himself Wednesday, Levin said: ‘… We were going to increase by 10, 20, maybe 50 people to help us locate people and make sure they’re in quarantine or make sure they’re in isolation. If you have the illness and you stay in your own quarters or in your hospital room, that’s called isolation,’ he continued. ‘If you don’t have the illness, but you were exposed to someone who did, but we want to watch you for the period of incubation, where you might come down with the illness and might be contagious and give it to someone else, that’s called quarantine. We’re looking to not only isolate everyone, but we’re looking to quarantine the contacts of the isolates we have who have COVID disease…”

This does not sound like an apology or retraction to us.

Judge Agrees with Newsom on Beach Shutdown

NPR wrote on May 3:

“Two Orange County cities’ attempt to legally challenge California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s beach shutdown order failed for now, but the battle between local and state officials over the shoreline will continue. Huntington Beach, Dana Point and various local private businesses in Orange County requested a temporary restraining order in Orange County Superior Court on Friday that would have blocked Newsom’s executive beach closure order and kept beaches open in those cities…

“But Orange County Superior Court Judge Nathan Scott rejected the injunction, and beaches spanning the Orange County coastline were closed over the weekend and will continue to be. A hearing is scheduled for May 11… Tensions have risen to a boil…”

Orange County Superior Court Judge Nathan Scott was appointed by former [controversial Democrat] governor Jerry Brown. Scott, upholding for now left-wing Democrat governor Newsom’s order, earned a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1995. He then received a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1999. Scott has been a member of the Hispanic Bar Association of Orange County, the California Latino Judges Association, and the Association of Business Trial Lawyers. He is registered as a Democrat.

However, bowing to public demand, state officials announced Monday that Laguna Beach and San Clemente will be permitted to reopen their stretches of coastline this week — with certain limitations. Also, amid growing pressure to ease a stay-at-home order that has cratered the California economy, Newsom announced that the state will begin “reopening” this week, with some retail stores getting back to business as early as Friday, albeit with modifications. The legal battle regarding beach closure in California is not over. Note the next article.

Newsom Sued over “Unconstitutional” Beach Closure

KTLA 5 wrote on May 4:

“Former Newport Beach mayor and current councilman Kevin Muldoon filed a lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state leaders Monday, over the constitutionality of state-mandated closures of Orange County beaches… The lawsuit comes as two O.C. cities were granted permission to partially reopen their beaches… ‘The Governor’s actions appear to be based more on politics applied to one county in California, rather than sound scientific guidance, evidence, or regard for competing Constitutional concerns,’ Muldoon said in a written statement. ‘Freedom of movement and access to California beaches are fundamental rights, and unless total or broad interference with those can be proven by the government to be necessary and also related to fulfilling a compelling government interest, this interference is unconstitutional.

“The lawsuit asks U.S. Attorney General William Barr to intervene in the battle against Newsom’s order to close down O.C. beaches, after Barr issued a memorandum on April 27, asking for state directives that could be violating the constitutional rights of citizens to be sent his way. Many O.C. officials also expressed criticism towards the governor’s order. O.C. Supervisor Michelle Steel called the governor’s actions ‘arbitrary’ and said it was an act of retribution against the county. Huntington Beach Mayor Lyn Semeta called it an ‘unconstitutional overreach.’ The Newport Beach City Council voted on May 2 to support legal action against the state, filed by the cities of Huntington Beach and Dana Point…”

Newsom is being sued all over the place. We will see what the outcome is going to be. But legal battles—with inhumane court decisions—are also being fought in other parts of the USA. Note the next article.

Owner in Texas Jailed for Keeping Her Hair Salon Opened

Breitbart wrote on April 25:

“Dallas officials issued a citation to the owner of a hair salon who re-opened her store [on a limited-service basis] in defiance of a stay-at-home order issued by the county judge…

“Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins (D) later sent a cease and desist letter to Shelley Luther, owner of the Salon Á la Mode hair salon, ordering her to close her business… The store had security guards in place to control access to the store and maintain social distancing…

“Luther is not alone in her rebellion against county stay-at-home orders. In Houston, the owner of the Federal American Grill… decided to re-open his restaurant on the city’s west side despite orders directing him to be closed… After he announced the re-opening of his restaurant for dining-in, customers flocked to his side… he is only seating up to 30 percent of his capacity in order to maintain social distancing.

“In contrast to Dallas, Houston law enforcement officials chose to not enforce the prohibition against in-house dining at the restaurant…”

Subsequently, Breitbart wrote on May 5:

“‘I have to disagree with you sir when you [say] that I’m selfish [for re-opening the salon],’ Salon Á la Mode owner Shelly Luther told Judge Eric Moyé [a Democrat] during a [civil and criminal] contempt of court proceeding broadcast on the internet… The judge told Shelley Luther she could avoid jail time if she apologized, admitted she was wrong, and agreed to close her hair salon until it was allowed to open…

“Luther told the judge, ‘I have hairstylists that are going hungry because they’d rather feed their kids. So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed then please go ahead with your decision but I am not going to shut the salon.’ Lucia reported that the judge ordered her jailed for seven days and fined $500 for every day the salon remains open. So far, the fine stands at $3,500.

“Luther’s attorney said he would appeal the judge’s ruling. The contempt hearing occurred at about the time Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that hair salons and gyms could re-open on Friday.”

Texas Governor Frees Jailed Citizens

DISRN wrote on May 7:

“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order Thursday retroactively eliminating jail time for citizens who violate the state’s stay-at-home rules, freeing salon owner Shelley Luther who was jailed for seven days and fined $7,000 for reopening her business against court orders.

“Abbott specifically named Luther in his announcement: ‘Throwing Texans in jail who have had their businesses shut down through no fault of their own is nonsensical, and I will not allow it to happen. That is why I am modifying my executive orders to ensure confinement is not a punishment for violating an order. This order is retroactive to April 2nd, supersedes local orders and if correctly applied should free Shelley Luther … As some county judges advocate for releasing hardened criminals from jail to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is absurd to have these business owners take their place.’

“Shortly after Abbott’s announcement, the Supreme Court of Texas ordered Luther’s release. The governor added that his order ‘may also ensure’ the release of Ana Isabel Castro-Garcia and Brenda Stephanie Mata, who were arrested in Laredo, Texas, for providing cosmetic services inside their homes.”

Thank you, governor, for a sensible and merciful decision. 

U.S. Supreme Court Sides With Governor

CBS News wrote on May 7:

“The Supreme Court on Wednesday declined to lift an executive order from Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf that mandated the closure of all businesses in the state deemed nonessential as part of efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus… There were no noted dissents

“The Pennsylvania businesses argued Wolf’s lockdown order was unconstitutional and filed an emergency request with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court arguing it went beyond Wolf’s authority. The state court, however, sided with Wolf and rejected the challenge. The businesses then asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the lower court’s decision.

“‘The executive order and similar orders by governors across the country is doing substantial, unprecedented damage to the economy,’ the group wrote in its request to the high court.”

Israel Rebukes the EU

The Times of Israel wrote on May 7:

“The Foreign Ministry on Thursday summoned the European Union’s ambassador to Israel for an unusually harsh rebuke over the bloc’s alleged support of terrorism, warning him that backing terrorist groups will only lead to more bloodshed.

“Israel summoned envoy Emanuele Giaufret after a letter emerged Wednesday in which a senior EU official stationed in East Jerusalem assured the Palestinians that membership in or affinity to a terrorist organization does not automatically prevent a person from being eligible to participate in EU-funded programs.

“‘Israel utterly condemns and categorically objects to the Union’s policy on the funding of terrorist organisations. The policy essentially grants permission for incitement, support, and involvement with terrorism,’ the ministry said in a statement…”

The relationship between the EU and Israel will deteriorate drastically. 

Netanyahu Under Attack

Breaking Israel News reported on May 7:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set off quite a storm on Monday night following a press conference… That’s because during his speech, he alluded to the idea of installing distance sensors onto children that like a car, beep when they get too close to people…

“Popular Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak, who has thousands of followers in Israel… accused the Prime Minister of playing dumb regarding an already planned second wave saying: ‘Bibi, you pretend like you don’t know that it’s all planned – a second wave (of coronavirus) to force the vaccine.’ 

“Rabbi Yitzchak also notes that Netanyahu’s speech proves that the technology the Prime Minister spoke about already exists and that the Israeli government intends on using it. The rabbi also surmises that Netanyahu’s statement will translate into ‘microchips and sensors, to control the population and enslave them.’ Rabbi Yitzchak concludes that the plan is to force everyone to vaccinate and if they refuse, they will become criminals. The goal is to prepare the future generations for Bill Gate’s project

“‘Why is that when the flu, who killed a lot more people, did you never ensure that people didn’t prevent it from spreading?’ the Rabbi said…”

New Israeli Government Approved

Al Jazeera wrote on May 7:

“Israeli MPs have approved the formation of a unity government between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and rival Benny Gantz, paving the way to an end to more than a year of deadlock… The proposed government was challenged in the Supreme Court, with opponents arguing Netanyahu was ineligible to rule due to a series of corruption indictments…

“But the court ruled on Wednesday evening that ‘there was no legal reason to prevent the formation of a government’ led by Netanyahu.”

Rabbi Tells Jews: Flee America Immediately!

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 9:

“[Brooklyn’s] Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Frankel… issued an unequivocal order last week for Jews in the diaspora to leave their homes and immigrate to Israel before a civil war breaks out in the United States

“‘After World War II, the survivors came and asked why the Gedolim and the Rebbes (rabbis) did not order European Jews to leave while there was still time and emigrate to Israel or the United States before the war broke out,’ Rabbi Frankel [said.]. ‘Truth be told, they (the rabbis)… begged the Jews to flee the scorched earth, but part of the decree was that the Jews didn’t listen.’ ‘

“‘Today,’ he continued ‘Listen to me well, dear Jews, whoever can afford to rise and ascend to the Holy Land should [do so] as soon as possible, and this includes large parts of South America and most of Europe. The US will also become a dangerous place mired in war, and it is still too early to tell which US state will survive, but many parts will be destroyed and poisoned, and a civil war will break out within the US. And states will secede from the federal government. The US will no longer be a place of refuge, but there will be a Jewish remnant here. The Land of Israel will be the safest place to survive the war, even though there will be terrible difficulties there as well.’”

A mixture of truth and error. The USA will be defeated and destroyed in a coming World War, but so will be the state of Israel. There will be no place on earth which will be safe. It is true that violent anti-Semitism will raise its ugly head in Europe, but it is also spreading in the USA. Note the next article.

Singling out New York’s Jewish Community?

Breitbart wrote on April 29:

“New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told the media Wednesday morning that he was sorry if anyone was hurt by the way he called out the Jewish community over a large funeral in Brooklyn Tuesday, but he had ‘no regrets.’ De Blasio personally supervised police as they broke up a funeral procession for Rabbi Chaim Mertz of the Tola’as Yaakov synagogue in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn on Tuesday…

“De Blasio was outraged by the gathering, and singled out the ‘Jewish community’ in a series of tweets… Critics were outraged that the mayor singled out the ‘Jewish community’… Many also pointed out that De Blasio and the police did nothing when crowds gathered on Tuesday to watch the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds perform a flyover salute to first responders.

‘Some Jews are also particularly worried about the mayor’s remarks because extremist groups, at home and abroad, have used the coronavirus pandemic to scapegoat Jews… The false accusation of Jews spreading disease is at least as old as the Black Death in the fourteenth century.

“In addition, the mayor is widely perceived among religious Jews to have done very little to combat a scourge of recent antisemitic attacks in the city, many by members of other minority groups…”

It is well-known that there was much anti-Semitism in the USA prior to and during World War II.

Tucker Carlson Speaks Out Against Dictatorship in the USA

Fox News wrote on May 2:

“Tucker Carlson continued to criticize coronavirus-induced lockdowns across America Friday night, reacting to actions across the country by authorities he believes are overreaching their legal boundaries… [He noticed] an incident in Wisconsin where law enforcement was called on a family who allowed their daughter to play outside, with police saying they believed they had ‘the right’ to confront the mother. ‘The question is, where exactly did they get that right?’ Carlson asked.

“‘That’s a good question. A question that we are strongly discouraged from asking. The short answer is governors told them they could. Never in American history have politicians been more powerful than they are now. Effectively, they are gods. ‘In the state of Maine, for example, Governor Janet Mills now has the power to suspend any law she doesn’t like. She can seize any state resource she feels like seizing,’ Carlson continued. ‘She can force any citizen or all citizens from their home. She can do all of this for as long as she wants, as long as she believes Maine is in a state of emergency. In fact, there’s virtually nothing that Janet Mills can’t now do. Many governors now have these powers.’

“The host also voiced his concerns for the freedoms lost during this time, in particular the impact on religion and the media’s failure to report on it… Carlson also seemed to take a veiled shot at White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci… for his role in the pandemic response. ‘How […] did politicians get the authority to do this?’ Carlson said. ‘Because some elderly power-drunk epidemiologist told them to do it. That’s not how our system works. It can’t work that way.’”

Sadly, for now, it does work that way. If you think Tucker Carlson’s words were strong, note the outspoken words by controversial Tesla chief Elon Musk, as cited in the next article. We omitted certain expletives.

Tesla Chief Elon Musk Minces No Words

Business Insider wrote on April 29:

“In a short rant complete with expletives, Elon Musk doubled down on his stance against the shelter-in-place orders introduced by various US states in recent weeks in an effort to stop the novel coronavirus’ spread. The Tesla chief executive did not mince words on a Wednesday conference call… ‘Frankly, I would call it forcible imprisoning of people in their homes against all of, their constitutional rights, in my opinion,’ he said. ‘It’s breaking people’s freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong and not why they came to America or built this country…’… On Tuesday, he [urged] leaders to ‘FREE AMERICA NOW’…

“‘It will cause great harm, not just to Tesla but to many companies,’ Musk said on the call… ‘Everything people have worked for their whole life is being destroyed in real time.’ Musk even went so far as to call it undemocratic for state governments to order shutdowns of businesses deemed nonessential. ‘If somebody wants to stay in their house, that’s great and they should be able to,’ he said. ‘But to say they cannot leave their house and that they will be arrested if they do, that’s fascist. That is not democratic — this is not freedom…’”

Has China Lied about the Coronavirus from the Outset?

The Sun wrote on April 29:

“THE laboratory at the heart of the world’s coronavirus pandemic lied about taking safety precautions when collecting bat samples… US and British intelligence officials suspect bungling scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology accidentally spread the killer disease during risky coronavirus tests on bats. It was claimed that Covid-19 was ‘developed in the Wuhan lab as China hoped to prove it’s greater than the US at battling deadly diseases’

“… no safety precautions were employed. One worker admitted being sprayed with bat blood or urine as images showed staff brazenly collecting samples with no face masks or protective suits… Incredibly some scientists didn’t even wear gloves as they entered caves to collect fecal bat swab samples

“The Chinese government has put a total lockdown on information related to the virus origins… genetic evidence indicates the virus was not artificially engineered and likely originated in bats. The genetic data cannot yet indicate exactly where and how the virus first crossed to humans… reports have also emerged alleging China attempted to cover up its role in the extent of the pandemic by silencing whistleblowers and muzzling scientists, while concerned doctors have ominously disappeared.”

The Guardian wrote on May 3:

“Most epidemiologists say that while it is possible the outbreak started in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where coronaviruses have been intensively studied, it is a far less likely scenario than the theory that it was transmitted naturally from bats through an intermediary animal, mutating along the way to become dangerous to humans.”

Why couldn’t it be a combination of the two scenarios, which appears to be much more compelling?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics

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Are Lengthy Imprisonments and Quarantines Godly?

Even though we are very familiar with the concept of lengthy imprisonment, which is being considered as the normal and acceptable way to deal with those who broke the law or who are suspected of having broken it, we might be surprised to learn that this very concept of incarcerating human beings is not biblical at all.

In addition, even though the Bible does speak of quarantine and isolation for those who are suffering from a contagious disease, we will find that this concept is never applied for those who are not sick or who have not manifested any signs of sickness.

Instead, the Bible reveals that God will inflict lengthy imprisonment on wicked spirit beings… but not on humans. And we will discover that in most cases recorded in the Holy Scriptures, imprisonment has been imposed by the wicked rulers of this world on righteous and God-fearing people.

We should take note of the fact that first and foremost, it is the fate of Satan and his demons to be imprisoned or “isolated” so that they cannot deceive mankind anymore.

When Christ returns, He will lead captivity captive (Ephesians 4:8; Psalm 68:18), including Satan and his demons who hold mankind in captivity. They will themselves become captives, and that quite literally. We read in Revelation 20:1-3:

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished…”

When the Millennium is drawing to a close, Satan will be released from his prison of the bottomless pit for a short time (compare verses 7-9), but following that, we read in Revelation 20:10:

“The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet [had been cast]. And they [Satan and his demons, compare Matthew 25:41] will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

When the all-encompassing fire has burned up and destroyed everything that is physical (2 Peter 3:10), Satan and his demons will be released from their prison of the lake of fire and brimstone to become “wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever” (Jude 13).

But even before they are going to be imprisoned in a quite literal sense, they had already been imprisoned all along in a spiritual way, in that they have been captives of their own evil thoughts and desires. We read in Jude 6:

“And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting [spiritual] chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day…”

Likewise, in 2 Peter 2:4: “… God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell [“tartarus,” a condition and not a place] and delivered them into [spiritual] chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment…”

In 1 Peter 3:19 we are told that at the time of Noah, Christ “went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared…”

Satan and his demons were not and are not today in a literal prison, as they are still ruling this world as wicked spirits in high places and as they are roaming the earth back and forth, like roaring lions, to see whom they can devour, but their imprisonment is spiritual. And so, they have captured and held captive human beings spiritually (2 Timothy 2:26), and with their twisted and abominable minds, they also want to imprison them literally, and especially those who belong to God.

God has some harsh words about the coming ruler in Europe—the beast—who will stand accused of not opening the doors of his prisoners (Isaiah 14:16-17).

We read Christ’s message to His Church in Smyrna, in Revelation 2:10: “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

In this evil world ruled by Satan the Devil, God’s true servants might end up in prison for the sake of righteousness. In some cases, God supernaturally intervened to free them from prison, as it occurred in regard to Christ’s apostles (Acts 5:17-42). Later, God intervened in the case of Peter when an angel freed him from incarceration (Acts 12:3-11). Still later, God intervened in the case of Paul and Silas when through an earthquake, all the doors of the prison were opened and the chains were loosed with which Paul and Silas were chained (Acts 16:24-26).

At other times, God’s people were imprisoned, and God did not miraculously intervene to free them, at least not immediately. Paul was imprisoned several times for extended periods by God’s enemies (2 Corinthians 11:23), as he himself, before his conversion, would persecute true Christians and imprison them (Acts 22:4; 26:10). But as he had been Satan’s prisoner to do his will, he became, after his conversion, a prisoner of Christ—he became a literal prisoner because of righteousness, but more importantly, a spiritual prisoner of Christ who had purchased and bought him with His own blood (Ephesians 3:1; 4:1; 2 Timothy 1:8; Philemon 1:9).

We read that Joseph was imprisoned in Egypt because he acted righteously and refused to commit adultery; Jeremiah was imprisoned by evil leaders (Jeremiah 37:21), and so was John the Baptist by wicked King Herod.

Christ prophesied that the rulers of this world would imprison His people (Luke 21:12), and Paul would later say that these were the saints of whom the world was not worthy (Hebrews 11:36, 38). Christ emphasized mercy and compassion for our brethren who might be imprisoned (Matthew 25:36). We might also note Psalm 69:33; 79:11; 102:19-20; and 142:7.

God never intended that people would be imprisoned for an extended period of time, even though Christ recognized that in this evil world, prisons were in existence, and He used this fact to drive home a spiritual lesson (Luke 12:57-59).

God allowed only some temporary confinement until a decision could be reached (Leviticus 24:10-12; Numbers 15:32-36). This procedure of temporary custody was also, to an extent, applied in New Testament times by the self-righteous priests, the captain of the temple and the Sadducees (Acts 4:1-3), except in Christ’s case when this procedure was violated and His “conviction” was rushed through (Isaiah 53:8) to be murdered by the government in violation of the Jewish laws, let alone the Law of God.

We should take note of the fact that Jesus will come to free people from physical and spiritual imprisonment (Isaiah 42:6-7; 49:8-9; 61:1).

Satan knows that he will be imprisoned for his terrible deeds. He wants mankind to suffer the same fate that he will experience, and so he has inspired man to create a system advocating and endorsing imprisonment, which, rightly understood, is cruel and inhumane. This is especially true when it affects people who are innocent. The very concept of placing people of a different ethnic background or race in detention or concentration camps, just because of their heritage, is of Satanic and ungodly origin, and no attempt to justify these ungodly actions can make them godly.

But even if guilty, lengthy imprisonment of violators was never God’s intent. Rather, the Old Testament speaks of monetary restitution or, in capital cases, the death penalty, but the testimony of at least two or three witnesses was required to establish and confirm the crime leading to conviction before any punishment could be rendered. In Christ’s case, that requirement was violated as well.

This brings us to the issue of “self-isolation” and quarantine for people who are sick and for those who are not sick or who are not showing any symptoms of being sick.

The Bible contains provisions for quarantine regarding those who suffer from contagious diseases so that they cannot infect others. The idea to place someone into quarantine to protect him or her from others who might be sick is just turning the biblical commands on their head, by quarantining the sick together with the healthy.

We wrote the following in our Q&A on quarantine:

“The Bible has much to say about quarantine and leprosy which was highly contagious… However, the same principles apply about colds, flu, sore throats and other infectious and contagious diseases which can equally and easily be spread – thus inconveniencing and causing problems to others.”

After quoting passages such as Leviticus 13:4, 45-46 and Luke 17:12, we said that the two lepers in that last passage “stood afar off. They weren’t mixing with everyone else. It was taken for granted, and expected, that they would keep themselves to themselves because of their unfortunate physical condition.”

We continued to say:

“If we take this seriously, we will not want to pass on any contagious sickness or disease to anyone else. We must remember that there are those who may have lower resistance to infection than others. So, by not going to [Church] services when one is suffering from an ‘infectious or contagious’ sickness is not the same as ‘forsaking the assembling of ourselves together’ (Hebrews 10:25) – but having love and concern for the rest of the brethren…

“Of course, there may be times when we are incubating a problem that we do not realize is about to happen… But if we know that we’re feeling less than well and that a cold, flu or some other problem is coming on, then we should just not attend services. We need to use a good deal of wisdom in this area.”

As we pointed out above, the biblical principle of quarantine applies to persons who ARE sick. THEY are to stay in isolation as long as they are suffering from their contagious sickness so as not to infect others. The idea that an entire city, county, country or the entire world must be locked up and that everyone needs to stay in isolation or in house arrest—whether sick or not—is just a Satanic perversion of God’s holy law of quarantine.

This IS Satan’s world, and Satan, the god of this present evil age and the prince of darkness, has deceived the whole world. He is bombarding man constantly with his ungodly ideas, and far too many have become an easy prey for his deceitful devices. But this must not be true for God’s people who are called upon to stand up for what is true and just, while rejecting everything which is evil and wrong.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A Tech Team meeting was conducted on Sunday, May 3, 2020, via SKYPE. Hosted by Eric Rank, discussions regarding prayer request procedures and the Church’s homepage layout were conducted; and several assignments for future work were made.

A new video, “And Lawlessness Will Abound,” has been produced by Michael Link—in both English and German.

Our newest booklet, “Obeying God Rather Than Man,” has been sent to graphic artist, Shelly Bruno, in preparation for printing. We expect to have this new booklet, written by Norbert Link, sent to the printer next week and published and posted to our website very soon. Translations of the booklet into German, Spanish and French have already begun. 

“Will We Lose our Freedoms Forever?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Roman Catholic Church did not stand up to the Nazis during World War II, which has now been admitted by Germany’s Council of Catholic bishops in a “confession of guilt.” Today, our freedoms are once again threatened, including in the USA. Have we learned from history, or are we repeating the same mistakes by being silent in the face of adversity and danger? This program cites many troublesome examples and includes a frightening warning. It ends with an important announcement which you should not miss.

“Gott warnt uns und gibt uns zugleich Hoffnung!” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “God Warns Us and at the Same Time Gives Us Hope!”

“Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin” https://www.ewigengottes.de/2020/05/02/mene-mene-tekel-upharsin/ is the title of the German sermonette given last week by Johann Schell. 

“Who to Trust?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We have to be careful where we put our trust.  The Bible gives us many examples where we should not put our complete trust and confidence.   In contrast, we should always put our complete trust in our creator – God the Father, no matter what situation we find ourselves in.

“The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Why did Jesus Christ die and shed His blood for us? Was there no other way to carry out God’s Plan? What did His death accomplish for us? Since when was it established that Christ would give His life for us? Are we truly thankful for His priceless Sacrifice, and do we show our thankfulness in our daily lives?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

The Light of the Bible / Committed

On May 9, 2020, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “The Light of the Bible,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Committed.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

California Declares Nation Statehood

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on April 25:

“Bloomberg published a stunning piece on April 9th promoting the secession of California from the US… This does not mean we should normally expect some announcement by Governor Newsom that ‘The California Republic is an independent nation-state’. Yet amazingly, it has been almost verbatim said in this way…”

Will California and other American states secede from the USA? If so, then citizens of those states will have to decide rather quickly where their loyalty lies.

More Nonsense—Facemasks Required for All San Diego Residents

“All San Diego County residents will be required to wear face coverings while in public starting May 1, health officials announced Friday. County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher said a mandate would be added to the public health order that would require anyone to wear a face covering whenever you are within six-feet of a non-household member….

“The county has said that medical-grade masks should not be used but homemade masks, bandanas, scarves and neck gaiters are acceptable since the items can be washed and reused… ‘We believe this is going to be a part of life in the new normal,’ Fletcher said. Until such time as we have a vaccine or a widely available therapeutic drug, there are going to be parts of life that are going to change. And getting in the habit of having a face covering when you leave your house, that’s going to be part of that change.’”

Wearing a mask is to become part of the new normal? San Diego’s governmental instructions to wear face masks are just one example of the uninformed paranoia sweeping through this entire country. It is highly disputed whether wearing masks is helpful at all or whether it could even be harmful. The Guardian had written this on April 7:

“The WHO… maintained that… there was no evidence that wearing a mask in the community prevented healthy people from picking up respiratory infections including Covid-19… Prof David Heymann, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who chaired the WHO’s scientific and technical advisory group for infectious hazards, said that unless people were working in healthcare settings, masks are ‘only for the protection of others, not for the protection of oneself’.

“… Another concern is that people may contaminate themselves when they adjust, remove and dispose of their masks. The WHO said… countries that recommended masks for the general population should set up studies to monitor their effectiveness. William Keevil, a professor of environmental healthcare at the University of Southampton, said governments felt under pressure to be seen to be doing something, even if it was a waste of time and valuable resources.”

That is exactly what California and many other states are doing… wasting our time without proper studies and requiring the wearing of masks which could prove to be dangerous for those who wear them.

This is of course not limited to Californian politicians. In general, politicians are anxious to be seen as doing “something” to guarantee their (re-)election by a gullible public. That is one of the many reasons why TRUE Christians must NEVER vote in man’s political elections.

Insane Facemasks Requirements in Germany

The Guardian wrote on April 27:

“New rules have come into force legally requiring most people in Germany to wear face masks on public transport, long-distance trains and in shops. The so-called Maskenpflicht (mask duty) was introduced in 15 of the country’s 16 states on Monday morning. The northern state of Schleswig-Holstein will on Wednesday be the last state to implement the legislation.

“Fines of between €25 and €10,000 can be imposed on those who fail to wear a mask, with rates differing widely across the country… The heftiest fines will apply to shopkeepers whose staff are caught not wearing masks…

“Authorities have been quick to insist the masks do not have to be medically approved. Scarfs or cloths over the nose or mouth are adequate… But the decision has drawn scorn from some medical experts, who say non-medical masks will have little effect in stemming the spread of the virus, and could even encourage it, if masks are worn incorrectly… Frank Ulrich Montgomery, the chairman of the World Medical Association… said the proper wearing of a mask was complicated. ‘People are in danger of contaminating themselves if they wear a mask incorrectly,’ he said…

“But as Germans sought to understand the rules… in a confusing twist car drivers were warned not to wear coverings that completely disguised their faces or risk a €60 fine. This is largely so they can still be recognised by speed cameras and police surveillance. Since October 2017 it has been illegal for people to cover their face while driving, with veils, burqas and niqabs specifically singled out. Passengers are not affected.

“In most states the mask duty applies to those aged six or seven and over. People with disabilities for whom wearing a mask would be inappropriate, such as those with breathing difficulties, are exempt… 97% of those asked saying they supported the rule and recognised the importance of keeping it to help tackle coronavirus.”

If true, then these 97% of Germans are living in an illusionary dangerous dreamworld and have become victims of nationwide propaganda. That is scary indeed.

Cancer Kills More People than Coronavirus

Daily Mail wrote on April 24:

“… we’re facing a cancer epidemic, with more preventable deaths from cancer than from Covid-19. The reason is simple – in the rush to focus on stemming the awful death toll from coronavirus, the UK’s medical experts decided to temporarily ‘forget’ about cancer victims, thousands of people who had already started treatments…

Cancer affects more people in the UK than coronavirus ever will… Four hundred and fifty people die every day from the disease – 165,000 a year. If caught early, half of those diagnosed will live for more than ten years, and great work in diagnosis and treatment is seeing survival rates increase…

“A thousand new cases of cancer are diagnosed every day – at least there were in the UK, before coronavirus diverted our attention and all the resources… I cannot imagine the horror for breast, bowel and lung cancer patients whose treatment has been mothballed. Even after lockdown ends, it could take 6 to 9 months for services to return to normal. Experts say a delay in bowel cancer scanning can be a death sentence. So why do we care more about covid-19 than a disease which could affect (and potentially kill) half of us?

“Cancer charities say donations have plummeted – all we’re thinking about is coronavirus and fund-raising for the wonderful NHS. According to leading expert Professor Karl Sikora (a former director of the World Health Organisation’s cancer programme), the NHS’s decision to stop screening, delay surgery, and postpone chemotherapy will lead to far more deaths than coronavirus – over the coming years, as many as 50,000 victims could have had a good chance of life, if they’d been diagnosed and treated swiftly. According to Professor Sikora, cancer sufferers are ‘collateral damage’ in the current war against the virus…”

Thousands upon thousands of people dying of cancer and other sicknesses because of the preoccupation with Coronavirus are now deemed to be collateral damage? This is war-talk… we fight an imagined or real enemy and accept collateral damage of the innocents and helpless. We are indeed in a war… a war with the spiritual forces of darkness which have deceived and taken captive this entire world while bombarding it with insane ideas which would ultimately lead to the destruction of this planet… if Christ were not to intervene at the last minute to stop the utter madness of man’s misguided policies.  

“Treating” Coronavirus Pathway to More Dangerous Sicknesses

The Mirror wrote on April 27:

“The coronavirus pandemic is paving the way for an increase in deadly superbugs, a scientist has warned. Ronan McCarthy, a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at Brunel University London, has warned that there could be a surge in antibiotic resistance following the pandemic…: ‘The COVID-19 pandemic has led to huge numbers of people with compromised immune systems being admitted to hospitals, which are a known breeding ground for drug-resistant bacteria. Because of this influx, these hospital-associated bacteria will now have a much wider potential target group.’

“According to Mr McCarthy, emerging evidence suggests that many coronavirus patients are being diagnosed with secondary infections while in hospital. He said: ‘… there is some evidence that multidrug-resistant bacteria are among the germs causing these secondary infections.’ As a result, many coronavirus patients are given antibiotics, despite the fact that they won’t treat the virus itself. Mr McCarthy said: ‘This rapid increase in antibiotic use, particularly in hospitals, will apply a strong selective pressure on bacteria to evolve resistance.’”

This appears to be a real danger. It is known that even in “normal” times, the frequent use or better misuse of antibiotics can do more harm than good.

Death Certificates Have Always Been Extremely Unreliable

USA Today wrote on April 26:

“Up to 1 in 3 death certificates nationwide were wrong before COVID-19, Bob Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at the National Center for Health Statistics, said in an interview with the USA TODAY Network… Experts said the inaccuracies are part and parcel of a patchwork, state-by-state system of medical examiners, coroners and doctors who have disparate medical backgrounds, and in some cases none at all.

“The problem is likely to get worse as the pandemic inundates overworked and sometimes untrained officials who fill out the forms…

“Inaccurate death reporting is a long-standing problem. A review of Missouri hospitals in 2017, for example, found nearly half of death certificates listed an incorrect cause of death. A Vermont study found 51% of death certificates had major errors. Nearly half of the physicians the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed in 2010 admitted that they knowingly reported an inaccurate cause of death.

“Death certificates regularly lack enough details to accurately pinpoint the cause of death, Anderson said. ‘For example, cardiac arrest is not an acceptable cause of death, because everybody dies of cardiac arrest,’ Anderson said. ‘That just means your heart stopped.’…

“Physicians, coroners, medical examiners, and in some states, other medical personnel, such as nurse practitioners, can legally sign death certificates…”

In light of these comments, the alleged accuracy of the figures claiming death by the coronavirus becomes even more disputable.

 Tucker Carlson on the Attack against Lockdowns

Fox News wrote on April 28:

“Tucker Carlson began Monday’s edition of ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ by playing a video clip posted by Dr. Daniel Erickson of Bakersfield, Calif., in which Erickson gave his analysis of the coronavirus pandemic and called for an end to shelter-in-place orders around the U.S. ‘These are serious people who’ve done this for a living for decades. They have in their hands the largest currently available data sets on this question,’ Carlson said. ‘And the question they’re asking after analyzing all of those numbers [is] “Are the lockdowns worth it?” So what is the answer to that?

“‘What’s so striking is that so many politicians, the ones enforcing the lockdowns, don’t seem at all interested in asking it,’ Carlson added. ‘Instead, they’re bullying forward as if nothing has changed… Remember what they first told us back in February and March? They said we have to take radical steps in order to “flatten the curve.” Well, six weeks later, we’re happy to say that curve has been flattened, but it’s likely not because of the lockdown,’ Carlson said. ‘The virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was.’

“The host also mentioned the negative impact of the lockdown on hospitals around America. ‘The result of this policy? In many hospitals, entire floors have been mothballed. Doctors and nurses are being furloughed in the middle of a pandemic,’ Carlson said. ‘This is insanity. It weakens our health care system. Its effects will last for many years. That’s all from the lockdown.’

“Carlson cited the SARS virus as a reason why Americans cannot wait for a vaccine for the economy to reopen. ‘We spent millions of dollars and more than a decade trying to find a vaccine for the SARS virus. Scientists never developed one. That’s a shame. But did we hold life in the United States in response?’ Carlson said. ‘We didn’t. In fact, you may not even remember that any of that happened. The striking thing is, the science has not changed that much since then,’ Carlson added. ‘Unfortunately, American politics have changed a lot. And that’s the difference.’”

This is a very true assessment of the situation and the insanity ruling this world. Unfortunately, most still do not understand.

Trump’s “Hypocritical” Immigration Policy

The Week wrote on April 25:

“On Wednesday, Trump signed an executive order that bars [certain] forms of immigration to the United States for the next 60 days… [It] is the culmination of what has been a set of increasingly restrictive immigration policies put out by his administration since COVID-19 began. All along, Trump and his allies have defended these restrictions primarily as sensible health measures, meant only to protect Americans from infection-carrying outsiders.

“The latest… immigration decision by Trump this week took place just as he was also ramping up his latest push to end the lockdowns and reopen the American economy… The blatant hypocrisy of… using supposed health concerns as the basis for limiting immigration is trademark Trump doublespeak… If the virus is serious enough to suspend immigration, then the economy shouldn’t be reopened…

“Since early March… the Trump administration has diligently made more than a dozen changes to the U.S. immigration system…

“In justifying this week’s executive order, Trump said he was suspending immigration to protect American jobs from being taken by outside workers, a change from his earlier arguments that any immigration restrictions were designed to lessen the health threat immigrants posed to Americans. With more than 26 million Americans filing jobless claims… it’s not a mystery why Trump has shifted from a health-based justification to an economic rationale for his immigration order…

“Whether he characterizes them as deadly to American lives or destructive to the nation’s economy, Trump constantly scapegoats immigrants for America’s problems, especially those of his own making. Still, no matter how many people he keeps out of the country, it won’t do one thing to curb the sickness that is raging within.

People always need to find a scapegoat which they can blame and persecute—whether it’s professing or true Christians, Jews and now immigrants. The sickness raging within our country is most certainly not limited to coronavirus—a far more dangerous sickness is that of the soul and the mind.

Also, Vatican News reported on April 24 that the American Catholic Bishops criticized Trump’s suspension of applications for green cards for 60 days. They stated that there are not really any indications that those immigrants would take away jobs from Americans, as claimed by Trump as “justification” for his executive order. The Bishops are absolutely correct, as we pointed out in our previous Update. One must not overlook that Trump’s immigration measures are part of an agenda to destroy, step by step, our immigration laws and policies as we once knew them. Trump announced that much when he ran for president, and no one should be surprised when he carries out what he had proclaimed.

Stephen Miller—The Instigator behind the Trump Immigration Agenda

The Independent wrote on April 24:

“Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser Stephen Miller told White House supporters in a private call this week that the president’s new executive order curbing immigration will usher in the kind of broader long-term changes to American society he has advocated for years, even though the 60-day measures were publicly characterised as a ‘pause’ during the coronavirus pandemic…

“Mr Miller told the group that subsequent measures were under consideration that would restrict guest worker programs…

“The Trump administration has been trying for years to scrap the family-based US immigration model, which Mr Miller and other restrictionists call ‘chain migration.’… Although Mr Trump described his order this week as a temporary ‘pause,’ he also said it is an open-ended move that will remain in place until he decides the US labour market has sufficiently improved once the coronavirus crisis subsides…

“Mr Miller has been the leading proponent of the argument that immigrants compete for jobs with US workers and depress their wages. The argument is anathema to many economists and pro-business Republicans who argue that immigration fuels long-term US growth and keeps US industries competitive. The debate remains a significant fault line in the Republican Party, with many GOP members unwilling to support the more hard-line positions Mr Miller backs. Mr Trump’s efforts to overhaul the immigration system have floundered in Congress…

“Mr Trump acknowledged sending out the tweet before the order was written, and the version he signed Wednesday was far less sweeping than the one he had teased on social media. It does not apply to immigrants already living and working in the United States who are seeking permanent residency, nor does it apply to the spouses and children of US citizens, among other exemptions. But the measure, which took effect Thursday, does block the other immigrant visa categories Mr Trump calls chain migration,’ namely the ability for US citizens to sponsor their parents, adult children and siblings…”

These kinds of immigration restrictions are cruel and unjustifiable. In tearing apart families or preventing children from helping their old parents, they are in direct violation of God’s Word and fall under the condemnation of Jesus who chastised the Pharisees for such ungodly behavior.

Postponing Presidential Election?

AfP wrote on April 24:

“Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has predicted that US President Donald Trump will try to postpone the country’s November election… ‘Mark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,’ Biden said…

“Biden, highlighting Trump’s recent threat to veto emergency funding for the US Post Office, claimed it was an example of the president’s intention to ‘do all he can to make it very hard for people to vote.’

“While mail-in voting and absentee ballots remain methods many say could help limit voters spreading coronavirus, Trump maintains they create the potential for fraud. Meanwhile, dozens of US states have postponed their primary races, which will officially determine who will be the presidential nominee.”

The Guardian wrote on April 24:

“Under the law, no president has the power to postpone the presidential election. To change the date, Congress has to intervene. Trump has not announced plans to delay the 3 November election, but it is a concern both political parties have raised… The Covid-19 outbreak has also increased concerns about how to conduct in-person voting safely. In response, many are pushing for an expansion of voting by mail… Trump… urged Republicans to fight efforts to expand voting by mail.”

Biden may be right with his concerns regarding a “postponement” of the election…

Reviving America? Get Real!

CNN wrote on April 26:

“Another 4.4 million Americans filed first-time jobless claims last week, bringing the number of people who’ve lost work in the past five weeks to an apocalyptic 26.5 million… People who never had their hands out before are going to food banks, and the unemployment rate is suddenly approaching Great Depression territory. It’s the same story around the world.

“… even if the virus were waning across the US — which it isn’t — shops, restaurants, bars and movie theaters would likely reopen at reduced capacity. A cafe that had six waiters might need only three. And there’s no guarantee those other jobs will ever come back. That scenario will be repeated millions of times over. Fewer workers will mean fewer people with money to buy cars and go on vacation — which will mean that industries like tourism, entertainment and hospitality have a long haul. So after the battle against the coronavirus is won, the war to revive America will likely continue. We’re talking years, not months.”

America may never revive.

Schools on Saturdays in Germany?

En24 wrote on April 24:

“In view of the massive loss of teaching in the Corona crisis, [Minister of Education Anja] Karliczek is also open to teaching on Saturdays. One should ‘not rule out an option’, she said… Saturday might be needed to teach everyone three times a week.”

She also advocates a mask requirement for schoolchildren, and she spoke of a vaccine by next year. She is an “engaged” Catholic and serves under Angela Merkel, being a member of the CDU. Before her “surprise appointment” by Merkel in 2018 as Minister of Education, she was virtually unknown in Germany.

Focus wrote on April 24 that a controversial debate regarding teaching in school on Saturdays has begun in Germany. After quoting Karliczek’s comments, the magazine continued that Schleswig-Holstein‘s Minister for Education, Karin Prien (CDU), also raised the possibility of opening schools on Saturdays, but that she encountered strong resistance from the state’s labor union, as, according to leader Astrid Henke, schools on Saturdays would be to the detriment of teachers; and that therefore, the labor union rejects this option categorically.

Karin Prien is of Jewish origin and was born and grew up in the Netherlands, where her maternal grandparents had fled in the early 1930s before the emergence of National Socialism in Germany. She later moved to Germany. Prien has declared that she does not feel Jewish and that she has no relationship to the Jewish religion.

Of course, the very thought that school on Saturday violates God’s explicit command to remember His Sabbath Day does not even enter the minds of carnal people… and if it does, it is immediately rejected. The violation of the Sabbath is one important aspect of the mark of the beast.

Italian Bishops Object to Unacceptable Governmental Restrictions

Vatican News wrote on April 27:

“The Italian Bishops’ Conference… addressed the policies that would continue to restrict the Church’s ability to carry out its pastoral activity. The Bishops of Italy made it clear that any move to compromise the ‘exercise of freedom of religion’ is unacceptable… the note continues, the plan presented by Prime Minister Conte ‘arbitrarily excludes the possibility of celebrating Mass with the people’.

“… In the dialogue with government offices, the note continues, the Bishops’ Conference has stressed, repeatedly and explicitly, that as soon as the measures taken to deal with the pandemic began to be lifted, ‘the Church would demand to be able to resume its pastoral activity’.”

The Christian Churches have been cowardly quiet far too long all over the world when “dealing” with secular governments. And the waffling and backpedaling Pope does not help. Note the next article.

Pope Plays Politics… What Else Is New?

Crux Now wrote on April 28:

“Since Pope Francis began livestreaming his daily Mass from the Vatican’s Santa Marta residence, many people around the world have been grateful for the opportunity to hear the pope’s words and to participate, albeit virtually, in his liturgy, helping to break the isolation of the coronavirus quarantine. Tuesday morning, however, probably no one was more grateful than Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“Conte got a badly needed favor, as the pontiff essentially hit the off switch on mounting Catholic resistance to the PM’s program for recovery by calling for ‘prudence and obedience.’ What remains to be seen is whether… the utterance was… a clever political tactic, in effect putting the Italian leader in the pope’s debt and creating capital Italy’s bishops now can spend in negotiations with the government…”

This reminds us somehow of the relationship between the (then) Pope and Mussolini.

The Craziness of Spain

The Independent wrote on April 27

“Spain’s government lifted a home confinement rule for children under 14 years old after 44 days on Sunday, ending one of the most restrictive measures of its national lockdown to rein in a coronavirus outbreak… Even Italy, with more deaths than Spain, has not kept its youngsters completely secluded.

“Spain’s 5.8 million children under 14-years-old are now allowed to take walks once a day, accompanied by a parent for up to one hour and within a kilometre of their home. Many children took out their bikes and scooters. Kids can take one toy with them, but they are not to play with other children. They can accompany a parent on shopping outings for food, medicine or a newspaper…

“Since the start of Spain’s state of emergency on 14 March, adults can only leave home for essential shopping or to make unavoidable commutes to work… Prime minister Pedro Sanchez said on Saturday that he plans to permit adults to go out for exercise next week… Parents still have no indication when schools will reopen. Only factory and construction workers are back on the job after a two-week stoppage of all industry. All non-essential retail stores are shuttered…”

This reminds one of the totalitarian regime under Franco who collaborated with Hitler.

No Brexit Extension?

The Huffington Post wrote on April 27:

Despite the likelihood of a recession this year following the lockdown, the prime minister [Boris Johnson] is sticking to his Brexit principles and refusing calls to extend the transition period beyond December 31 to give the country a breather before the upheaval of leaving the EU single market and customs union…

“The UK also believes that extending the transition will not help the UK and EU strike a deal…”

A no-deal Brexit would be catastrophic for the UK.

Trump Praises Boris

Breitbart wrote on April 23:

“Speaking at a press conference Thursday, President Trump expressed his amazement at the rapid recovery of Britain’s Prime Minister. Revealing that when he picked up the phone to Mr Johnson he expected him to sound exhausted, instead ‘he was ready to go’. President Trump said Mr Johnson was like ‘the old Boris’, with ‘tremendous energy and tremendous drive.’

“He continued: ‘I was very surprised, because he called me pretty close to when he got out of the hospital. I think he’s doing great. He was so sharp and energetic. Pretty incredible. He’s an incredible guy. He’s a friend of ours and a friend of mine…they’re lucky to have him over there.’”

Watch the triumvirate —Trump, Johnson and Netanyahu.

EU Threatens Israel

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 24:

“Rather than congratulate Israel on forming a unity government after three elections, many governments responded by warning the new alliance against annexing Biblical Judea and Samaria…

“The agreement [between Netanyahu and Gantz] also stated that the new government would bring Donald Trump’s ‘vision for peace’ to a government vote from 1 July. The plan gives Israel full military control over Judea and Samaria

“The European Union and several European states… made public statements saying that Israeli annexation of Judea and Samaria would endanger their relations with Israel…

“The announcement comes significantly the day after the Holocaust Day of Remembrance. The first stage of the genocide perpetrated against the Jews of Europe in 1939 was to restrict Jews from entering specific sections of Germany and by later deporting them. It should also be remembered that the inception of Palestinian nationalism began with an alliance between Haj Al-Amin Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, and Nazi Germany… March 12 marked 82 years since Adolf Hitler, a native Austrian, led Germany to annex Austria, which led to more than 65,000 Austrian Jews being murdered during the Holocaust…

“The EU said annexing Palestinian territory ‘would constitute a serious violation of international law.’ The German mission said it ‘advises against the annexation of occupied Palestinian territories’ as this would have negative repercussions on the viability of the two-state solution and Israel’s standing in the international community.

French Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière… said annexation ‘would not pass unchallenged and shall not be overlooked in our relationship with Israel.’ In stark contrast, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that annexing parts of the West Bank is ‘ultimately Israel’s decision to make.’”

Europe’s hostility towards Israel is only too obvious. Netanyahu said Sunday that he was “confident” US President Donald Trump would let him fulfill his election promise to apply Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank “a couple of months from now.”

Netanyahu Jr. Speaks out

Times of Israel wrote on April 28:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s elder son, Yair, on Tuesday condemned the European Union for supporting a joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day event the previous evening organized by bereaved parents on both sides of the conflict. ‘Shame on you for financing a disgrace in the holiest day of the Israeli calendar! We have one day in a year to remember our fallen soldiers! And you destroy it with a “memorial” to Palestinian terrorists!’ he wrote on his Twitter account… ‘EU is an enemy of Israel, and an enemy to all European Christian countries!…’

“Last year, Prime Minister Netanyahu denounced the Tel Aviv event and ordered a halt to permits for dozens of West Bank Palestinians who were planning on attending, citing security precautions. The High Court of Justice overturned the decision, arguing that it was not legitimate to bar the attendees’ entry for security reasons… [Yoel’s] brother Eyal was killed in Operation Defensive Shield in 2002…

“The younger Netanyahu has gained a reputation as an arch-conservative… Most recently, two weeks ago, he sparked a firestorm of criticism by appearing to wish that left-wing Israelis die of the coronavirus… Yair Netanyahu’s comments drew immediate and vociferous rebuke, including from his father, whose office released a statement saying that he ‘roundly rejects the remarks.’”

Even though, the question is whether he speaks, to an extent, for his father.

Israel Condemns Egypt for TV Show

Times of Israel wrote on April 26:

“Israel’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday condemned a new Egyptian TV drama set in the year 2120 that predicts the Jewish state’s destruction, as well as the breakup of the United States… The Egyptian series ‘El-Nehaya’ — Arabic for ‘The End’ — is about a computer engineer living in a dystopian future dominated by cyborg clones…

“In the first episode, a teacher tells a class of students about ‘the war to liberate Jerusalem,’ which he says occurred less than 100 years after Israel’s founding in 1948. The teacher says Jews in Israel ‘ran away and returned to their countries of origin’ in Europe…  A holographic map of a divided US is also shown, with the teacher saying that ‘America was the central supporter of the Zionist state.’ …

“The series is produced by Synergy, one of Egypt’s largest production companies, which has strong links with the government of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. The series airs on the ON television network, which is owned by a pro-government company. The show’s writer, Amr Samir Atif, told The Associated Press that the destruction of Israel ‘is a possible future in the absence of real peace and true stability in the region…’”

Only, it won’t occur in 2120, but much earlier.

Towards the Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 26:

“In the wake of an agreement with political rival Benny Gantz, head of the Blue and White party, rumors currently abound that Prime Minister Netanyahu will appoint the current Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev to replace Gilad Erdan as Internal Security Minister. According to media reports, if appointed, Regev will offer the position of police commissioner to the former Jerusalem District Police Commander Maj. Gen. Yoram Halevi

“Halevi’s role in helping Jews ascend the Temple Mount is professional but it also reflects his family’s Biblical role in the Temple, one which will only increase after the Temple is built. As his name implies, the police chief is from the tribe of Levi, which was charged with several key roles in the Temple including guarding the complex…”

This would be an interesting development in light of the prophecies of the Bible that a Third Temple will be built on the Temple Mount prior to Christ’s return, and that Levites will officiate at the Temple.

Erdogan Defends Top Religious Official on his Comments on Homosexuality

AFP wrote on April 28:

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday defended a top religious official who claimed homosexuality caused diseases, corrupted people and was condemned in Islamic teaching. Ali Erbas, head of a state-funded agency called the Diyanet, which runs mosques and appoints imams, also claimed during his weekly sermon that homosexuality caused HIV.

“The Ankara bar association of lawyers accused him of inciting hatred against gay people… But Erdogan dismissed the criticism, saying  ‘an attack against the Diyanet chief is an attack on the state’ before adding: ‘What he said was totally right.’”

In Germany, spokespersons of all three major parties have condemned Erbas’ comments, stating that German schools must teach “tolerance” towards homosexuals.  

Mother Nature’s Revenge?

Breaking Israel News reported on April 26:

“Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro took to the airwaves on his Daily Wire program blasting Pope Francis for promoting what Shapiro considered pagan after the Pope commemorated Earth Day which Shapiro said was a ‘Pagan holiday.’

“The… monologue of the April 22 broadcast was as follows:

“‘I’m starting to see the pagan awakening of some… suggesting that this is nature’s revenge… Now, I have been informed by reliable sources that nature does not actually have intent. I have been informed by reliable sources on the left that God doesn’t exist, number one, and then even if God did exist, nature doesn’t have intent, right? I mean, evolutionary biology suggests that basically it’s survival of the fittest out there… Mother Nature has decided to release a virus, unleash a plague upon us [– that is] pretty pagan…

“‘So Pope Francis actually pushed this nonsense yesterday… He made an impassioned plea… for protection of the environment on Wednesday’s 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, which again is a pagan holiday.’”

The Pope also said that while God and humans may forgive, nature does not forgive.  Stupid comments indeed.

Widespread Famine

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 26:

“The world is heading towards widespread famine ‘of biblical proportions’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the chief of the UN’s food relief agency warns… Over 30 developing [countries] worldwide could experience widespread famine. In 10 of those countries, over 1 million people [are] on the brink of starvation.

“The UN official connects the pandemic in the developing countries to a strain on the economy that he says is already limiting resources. ‘This is truly more than just a pandemic – it is creating a hunger pandemic,’ said Beasley. ‘This is a humanitarian and food catastrophe… this is the perfect storm.’”

End-time worldwide famine and disease epidemics are prophesied in the Bible. See also the next article.

Panam Post wrote on April 27:

“An impending ‘hunger pandemic’ will bring ‘the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II,’ World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley warned the United Nations Security Council. The number of starving people could exceed the number of deaths from coronaviruses at 300,000 per day within three months…

“He says that famine is ‘a very real and dangerous possibility’ in at least 36 countries because of ongoing wars and conflicts, economic crises, and natural disasters… the countries most at risk of famine are in the Middle East and Africa, the economic crisis in Lebanon, [Venezuela] the wars in Syria and Yemen, and the desert locust swarms that are destroying crops in much of East Africa have put these regions at risk of mass starvation.

“Now, the crisis is aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic and the economic paralysis it has caused…”

Meat Production in Danger

Finance Yahoo wrote on April 26:

“Plant shutdowns are leaving the U.S. dangerously close to meat shortages as coronavirus outbreaks spread to suppliers across the nation and the Americas. Almost a third of U.S. pork capacity is down, the first big poultry plants closed on Friday and experts are warning that domestic shortages are just weeks away. Brazil, the world’s No. 1 shipper of chicken and beef, saw its first major closure with the halt of a poultry plant owned by JBS SA, the world’s biggest meat company. Key operations are also down in Canada, the latest being a British Columbia poultry plant.

“… the staggering acceleration of supply disruptions is now raising questions over global shortfalls. Taken together, the U.S., Brazil and Canada account for about 65% of world meat trade… New U.S. shutdowns are hitting at a dizzying rate…

“Prices are surging. U.S. wholesale beef touched a record in the week ended April 24, and wholesale pork soared 29%, the biggest weekly gain since 2012…

“There haven’t yet been big shutdowns in Europe. The European Union accounts for about a fifth of global meat exports…

“Total American meat supplies in cold-storage facilities are equal to roughly two weeks of production. With most plant shutdowns lasting about 14 days for safety reasons, that further underscores the potential for deficits.

“Meanwhile, with slaughterhouses closing, farmers don’t have a place to sell their animals. That’s forcing some livestock producers to dispose of them… It’s been reported that a large chicken-processing company was forced to kill 2 million of its birds earlier this month because of worker shortages. That’s the latest cruel blow to supply chains, with food being wasted en masse at the same time that grocery store shelves are running empty…”

Millions of Pounds of Meat Will Disappear

CNN Business wrote on April 27:

“Tyson Foods (TSN) is warning that ‘millions of pounds of meat’ will disappear from the supply chain as the coronavirus pandemic pushes food processing plants to close leading to product shortages in grocery stores across the country. ‘The food supply chain is breaking,’ wrote board chairman John Tyson in a full-page advertisement published Sunday in The New York Times, Washington Post and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

“US farmers don’t have anywhere to sell their livestock, he said, adding that ‘millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities.’… TSN which employs roughly 100,000 workers, closed its pork plants in Waterloo, Iowa, and Logansport, Indiana, last week so that workers in those facilities could be tested for the virus.”

How We Destroy Our Food

Politico wrote on April 26:

“Tens of millions of pounds of American-grown produce is rotting in fields as food banks across the country scramble to meet a massive surge in demand, a two-pronged disaster that has deprived farmers of billions of dollars in revenue while millions of newly jobless Americans struggle to feed their families…

“Images of farmers destroying tomatoes, piling up squash, burying onions and dumping milk shocked many Americans who remain fearful of supply shortages. At the same time, people who recently lost their jobs lined up for miles outside some food banks, raising questions about why there has been no coordinated response at the federal level to get the surplus of perishable food to more people in need…

“The precipitous drop in demand left many growers with no choice but to trash excess food or leave it in the fields because the cost of picking, packing and storing the crops would only put them further in the hole. Some with more resources in hand took on the cost of harvesting and donating the food themselves, but the gut-wrenching reality is that crops are being abandoned on an unprecedented scale

“The scale of produce waste is staggering. Farmers in Florida, which provides much of the fresh produce to the eastern half of the U.S. during the winter and spring, left about 75 percent of the lettuce crop unharvested, along with significant portions of the state’s sweet corn, cabbage and squash. Up to 250 million pounds of tomatoes could end up left in the fields… Florida officials estimate produce growers there have taken a half a billion dollar hit. In California, the industry is projected to lose more than $1 billion per month…

“The dairy industry, for its part, estimates that its supply is currently 10 percent greater than domestic demand, in part because of the closure of thousands of K-12 schools, which are usually significant consumers of milk. The upheaval has strained dairy processors’ ability to turn milk into more storable products like cheese… about 5 percent of the country’s milk is currently being dumped.”

The governmental unrestricted panic-driven measures in their fight against the coronavirus have been having terrible consequences for just about every area of life. 

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Worldwide Famine Is Prophesied.”  

A Decades-Old Prediction on Europe’s Destruction May Come True Soon

Express wrote on April 26:

“The BBC Panorama special, dubbed ‘If The Bomb Drops’ was broadcast on March 10, 1980, and… came at a time of heightened tensions in the so-called Cold War between the Soviet Union, and its respective allies in the Eastern Bloc, and the US and its coalition of NATO -backed countries…

“The video… cut to General Sir John Hackett, the former commander-in-chief of NATO’s northern army group, who painted a rather chilling image. He said: ‘After a nuclear war, the whole of Europe could become a vast uninhabitable desert.’”

A nuclear war is coming, and the Bible says that in that war, Europe with its (then) capital, Rome, will become “an uninhabitable desert” due to nuclear attacks by Far Eastern countries such as Russia and China.  

Germany’s Dramatic Increase in Military Expenditures

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 26:

“In Germany, [military expenditures] rose by 10% to $49.3 billion — the largest defense budget increase among the world’s top 15 states… the increase in Germany’s defense budget [is attributed to Trump’s demand to raise expenditure and] the fact that, ‘Russia is once again being considered as more of a threat.’ In 2019, almost 4% of Russia’s GDP went to military spending, amounting to $65.1 billion…

“Of the 15 countries in the world with the highest defense budgets, six are NATO members: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States. Their combined military expenditure makes up for almost half of the world’s total figure. In 2019, the total military expenditure of NATO’s 29 member states was some $1.04 trillion… in 2019 the US was responsible for 38% of global military expenditure, totaling $732 billion. The increase over its 2018 budget alone amounted to the equivalent of Germany’s total expenditure in 2019.”

Still, Germany’s increased military expenditure is not just “accidental.”

The Coming Greater Depression

Project Syndicate wrote on April 28:

“The policy response to the COVID-19 crisis entails a massive increase in fiscal deficits — on the order of 10% of GDP or more — at a time when public debt levels in many countries were already high, if not unsustainable…

“… the loss of income for many households and firms means that private-sector debt levels will become unsustainable… potentially leading to mass defaults and bankruptcies… the crisis is also creating a massive slack in goods (unused machines and capacity) and labor markets (mass unemployment)…

“Populist leaders often benefit from economic weakness, mass unemployment, and rising inequality. Under conditions of heightened economic insecurity, there will be a strong impulse to scapegoat foreigners for the crisis. Blue-collar workers and broad cohorts of the middle class will become more susceptible to populist rhetoric, particularly proposals to restrict migration and trade

“Recurring epidemics (HIV since the 1980s, SARS in 2003, H1N1 in 2009, MERS in 2011, Ebola in 2014-16) [and pandemics]… will become more frequent, severe, and costly in the years ahead… any happy ending assumes that we find a way to survive the coming Greater Depression.”

“Greater” than even the “Great” Depression?

Tourism Industry in Big Trouble

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 28:

“No one can say when and how the borders will reopen for travel, said Germany’s Government Commissioner for Tourism Thomas Bareiss. ‘It is rather unlikely that German tourists will travel to Spain or Greece in summer,’ he added. It is more likely that Germans will stay in their own country or region this year…

The tourism industry’s economic situation is a disaster not only in the southern European states bordering the Mediterranean, but in Germany, too. The travel industry expects a drop in bookings of package tours of up to 70% this year. The EU Commission estimates that with a loss of 90%, cruise companies will be hit hardest…

“However, it remains completely unclear when the EU interior ministers will agree on a coordinated plan for opening the borders for tourists. Officials in the EU Commission who are supposed to draw up guidelines for travel have been reluctant. First, the individual states would have to lift domestic travel restrictions, making travel to neighboring regions possible. Then, travel between neighboring states would have to become possible, and lastly, intra-European air traffic. No one knows when tourist travel to Asia, the US and other parts of the world will be possible again…”

That is the disastrous result and outcome when men try to deal with problems of their own making.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Who To Trust? / The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

On May 2, 2020, Michael Link will present the sermonette, titled, “Who To Trust?” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 922

Who To Trust? / The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

On May 2, 2020, Michael Link will present the sermonette, titled, “Who To Trust?” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Lasting Food

by Robb Harris

When Christ walked this earth with our eternity resting on His shoulders, He didn’t fail to address people’s present desires.  Even with the magnitude of His goal always before Him, He never failed to fulfill the needs of those that He met. These encounters, which might have seemed chance or diversions, were nothing of the sort.  Christ fulfilled His purpose and glorified God in all things that He did. He often gave what was needed in the short term but galvanized in His followers a desire for lasting nourishment.

In Matthew 14:13, Christ provided physical sustenance to the people: “But when the multitudes heard it, they followed Him on foot from the cities. And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick. When it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying, ‘This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food.’ But Jesus said to them, ‘They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat’” (Matthew 14:13-16).  Christ went on to perform a miracle and to feed five thousand hungry people.

Many of those following Christ left Him when He began feeding them the meat of the Word. “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you’… From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more” (John 6:53,66).

Sojourning through Samaria in order to reach Galilee, Christ came upon a Samaritan woman drawing water and asked for some. “Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, ‘How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?’ For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus answered and said to her, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, “Give Me a drink,” you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water’… And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, ‘He told me all that I ever did.’ So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His own word. Then they said to the woman, ‘Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world’” (John 4:9-10,39-42).

What might have seemed a chance confrontation led to many more being called into an understanding of who Christ really was.  The difference of their conversions was a desire for everlasting food, not just temporary sustenance.

Through meeting people’s physical and spiritual needs, Christ always focused on the fulfillment of God’s Will. We must have the same focus, no matter the results of our efforts. Many walked away from the Truth that Christ presented, and many will scorn the Christ-like examples we set in this world. Take hold of your responsibility to be ambassadors of this Truth because God’s Will is going to succeed!

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by Norbert Link

We begin with highly controversial governmental regulations requiring the wearing of face masks; point out that many more people will die of cancer and other sicknesses than of the coronavirus; questioning the accuracy of statistics regarding the number of deaths due to the coronavirus; and report on Tucker Carlson’s attack on the devastating consequences of an “unnecessary”  lockdown.

We continue with President Trump’s “hypocritical” immigration policy and identify the real instigator behind the immigration agenda, while contemplating the possibility that presidential elections in November might be postponed and that America will not revive for years, if ever.

We report on another Satanic attempt to introduce school attendance in Germany on the Sabbath; and point out Pope Francis’ involvement in Italian politics to the detriment of Catholic bishops.

We speak on crazy governmental restrictions in Spain; the possibility that the United Kingdom will end up without a Brexit deal; and the close relationship between Messrs. Trump, Johnson and Netanyahu.

We address the exchange of verbal hostilities between the EU and Israel; report on Israel’s warning to Egypt; the ongoing focus on the building of the third temple; and Erdogan’s take on homosexuality.

We speak about strange comments by Pope Francis on “mother nature’s revenge” and wide-spread famine which is being caused, to a large extent, by man’s irresponsible actions. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Worldwide Famine Is Prophesied.”

We report on a decades-old prediction about Europe’s destruction which is now more relevant than ever; and on Germany’s increase in military expenditures.

We conclude with an article about the coming “greater depression” and dire warnings about the uncertainty of the survival of the tourist industry.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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California Declares Nation Statehood

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on April 25:

“Bloomberg published a stunning piece on April 9th promoting the secession of California from the US… This does not mean we should normally expect some announcement by Governor Newsom that ‘The California Republic is an independent nation-state’. Yet amazingly, it has been almost verbatim said in this way…”

Will California and other American states secede from the USA? If so, then citizens of those states will have to decide rather quickly where their loyalty lies.

More Nonsense—Facemasks Required for All San Diego Residents

“All San Diego County residents will be required to wear face coverings while in public starting May 1, health officials announced Friday. County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher said a mandate would be added to the public health order that would require anyone to wear a face covering whenever you are within six-feet of a non-household member….

“The county has said that medical-grade masks should not be used but homemade masks, bandanas, scarves and neck gaiters are acceptable since the items can be washed and reused… ‘We believe this is going to be a part of life in the new normal,’ Fletcher said. Until such time as we have a vaccine or a widely available therapeutic drug, there are going to be parts of life that are going to change. And getting in the habit of having a face covering when you leave your house, that’s going to be part of that change.’”

Wearing a mask is to become part of the new normal? San Diego’s governmental instructions to wear face masks are just one example of the uninformed paranoia sweeping through this entire country. It is highly disputed whether wearing masks is helpful at all or whether it could even be harmful. The Guardian had written this on April 7:

“The WHO… maintained that… there was no evidence that wearing a mask in the community prevented healthy people from picking up respiratory infections including Covid-19… Prof David Heymann, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who chaired the WHO’s scientific and technical advisory group for infectious hazards, said that unless people were working in healthcare settings, masks are ‘only for the protection of others, not for the protection of oneself’.

“… Another concern is that people may contaminate themselves when they adjust, remove and dispose of their masks. The WHO said… countries that recommended masks for the general population should set up studies to monitor their effectiveness. William Keevil, a professor of environmental healthcare at the University of Southampton, said governments felt under pressure to be seen to be doing something, even if it was a waste of time and valuable resources.”

That is exactly what California and many other states are doing… wasting our time without proper studies and requiring the wearing of masks which could prove to be dangerous for those who wear them.

This is of course not limited to Californian politicians. In general, politicians are anxious to be seen as doing “something” to guarantee their (re-)election by a gullible public. That is one of the many reasons why TRUE Christians must NEVER vote in man’s political elections.

Insane Facemasks Requirements in Germany

The Guardian wrote on April 27:

“New rules have come into force legally requiring most people in Germany to wear face masks on public transport, long-distance trains and in shops. The so-called Maskenpflicht (mask duty) was introduced in 15 of the country’s 16 states on Monday morning. The northern state of Schleswig-Holstein will on Wednesday be the last state to implement the legislation.

“Fines of between €25 and €10,000 can be imposed on those who fail to wear a mask, with rates differing widely across the country… The heftiest fines will apply to shopkeepers whose staff are caught not wearing masks…

“Authorities have been quick to insist the masks do not have to be medically approved. Scarfs or cloths over the nose or mouth are adequate… But the decision has drawn scorn from some medical experts, who say non-medical masks will have little effect in stemming the spread of the virus, and could even encourage it, if masks are worn incorrectly… Frank Ulrich Montgomery, the chairman of the World Medical Association… said the proper wearing of a mask was complicated. ‘People are in danger of contaminating themselves if they wear a mask incorrectly,’ he said…

“But as Germans sought to understand the rules… in a confusing twist car drivers were warned not to wear coverings that completely disguised their faces or risk a €60 fine. This is largely so they can still be recognised by speed cameras and police surveillance. Since October 2017 it has been illegal for people to cover their face while driving, with veils, burqas and niqabs specifically singled out. Passengers are not affected.

“In most states the mask duty applies to those aged six or seven and over. People with disabilities for whom wearing a mask would be inappropriate, such as those with breathing difficulties, are exempt… 97% of those asked saying they supported the rule and recognised the importance of keeping it to help tackle coronavirus.”

If true, then these 97% of Germans are living in an illusionary dangerous dreamworld and have become victims of nationwide propaganda. That is scary indeed.

Cancer Kills More People than Coronavirus

Daily Mail wrote on April 24:

“… we’re facing a cancer epidemic, with more preventable deaths from cancer than from Covid-19. The reason is simple – in the rush to focus on stemming the awful death toll from coronavirus, the UK’s medical experts decided to temporarily ‘forget’ about cancer victims, thousands of people who had already started treatments…

Cancer affects more people in the UK than coronavirus ever will… Four hundred and fifty people die every day from the disease – 165,000 a year. If caught early, half of those diagnosed will live for more than ten years, and great work in diagnosis and treatment is seeing survival rates increase…

“A thousand new cases of cancer are diagnosed every day – at least there were in the UK, before coronavirus diverted our attention and all the resources… I cannot imagine the horror for breast, bowel and lung cancer patients whose treatment has been mothballed. Even after lockdown ends, it could take 6 to 9 months for services to return to normal. Experts say a delay in bowel cancer scanning can be a death sentence. So why do we care more about covid-19 than a disease which could affect (and potentially kill) half of us?

“Cancer charities say donations have plummeted – all we’re thinking about is coronavirus and fund-raising for the wonderful NHS. According to leading expert Professor Karl Sikora (a former director of the World Health Organisation’s cancer programme), the NHS’s decision to stop screening, delay surgery, and postpone chemotherapy will lead to far more deaths than coronavirus – over the coming years, as many as 50,000 victims could have had a good chance of life, if they’d been diagnosed and treated swiftly. According to Professor Sikora, cancer sufferers are ‘collateral damage’ in the current war against the virus…”

Thousands upon thousands of people dying of cancer and other sicknesses because of the preoccupation with Coronavirus are now deemed to be collateral damage? This is war-talk… we fight an imagined or real enemy and accept collateral damage of the innocents and helpless. We are indeed in a war… a war with the spiritual forces of darkness which have deceived and taken captive this entire world while bombarding it with insane ideas which would ultimately lead to the destruction of this planet… if Christ were not to intervene at the last minute to stop the utter madness of man’s misguided policies.  

“Treating” Coronavirus Pathway to More Dangerous Sicknesses

The Mirror wrote on April 27:

“The coronavirus pandemic is paving the way for an increase in deadly superbugs, a scientist has warned. Ronan McCarthy, a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at Brunel University London, has warned that there could be a surge in antibiotic resistance following the pandemic…: ‘The COVID-19 pandemic has led to huge numbers of people with compromised immune systems being admitted to hospitals, which are a known breeding ground for drug-resistant bacteria. Because of this influx, these hospital-associated bacteria will now have a much wider potential target group.’

“According to Mr McCarthy, emerging evidence suggests that many coronavirus patients are being diagnosed with secondary infections while in hospital. He said: ‘… there is some evidence that multidrug-resistant bacteria are among the germs causing these secondary infections.’ As a result, many coronavirus patients are given antibiotics, despite the fact that they won’t treat the virus itself. Mr McCarthy said: ‘This rapid increase in antibiotic use, particularly in hospitals, will apply a strong selective pressure on bacteria to evolve resistance.’”

This appears to be a real danger. It is known that even in “normal” times, the frequent use or better misuse of antibiotics can do more harm than good.

Death Certificates Have Always Been Extremely Unreliable

USA Today wrote on April 26:

“Up to 1 in 3 death certificates nationwide were wrong before COVID-19, Bob Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at the National Center for Health Statistics, said in an interview with the USA TODAY Network… Experts said the inaccuracies are part and parcel of a patchwork, state-by-state system of medical examiners, coroners and doctors who have disparate medical backgrounds, and in some cases none at all.

“The problem is likely to get worse as the pandemic inundates overworked and sometimes untrained officials who fill out the forms…

“Inaccurate death reporting is a long-standing problem. A review of Missouri hospitals in 2017, for example, found nearly half of death certificates listed an incorrect cause of death. A Vermont study found 51% of death certificates had major errors. Nearly half of the physicians the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed in 2010 admitted that they knowingly reported an inaccurate cause of death.

“Death certificates regularly lack enough details to accurately pinpoint the cause of death, Anderson said. ‘For example, cardiac arrest is not an acceptable cause of death, because everybody dies of cardiac arrest,’ Anderson said. ‘That just means your heart stopped.’…

“Physicians, coroners, medical examiners, and in some states, other medical personnel, such as nurse practitioners, can legally sign death certificates…”

In light of these comments, the alleged accuracy of the figures claiming death by the coronavirus becomes even more disputable.

 Tucker Carlson on the Attack against Lockdowns

Fox News wrote on April 28:

“Tucker Carlson began Monday’s edition of ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ by playing a video clip posted by Dr. Daniel Erickson of Bakersfield, Calif., in which Erickson gave his analysis of the coronavirus pandemic and called for an end to shelter-in-place orders around the U.S. ‘These are serious people who’ve done this for a living for decades. They have in their hands the largest currently available data sets on this question,’ Carlson said. ‘And the question they’re asking after analyzing all of those numbers [is] “Are the lockdowns worth it?” So what is the answer to that?

“‘What’s so striking is that so many politicians, the ones enforcing the lockdowns, don’t seem at all interested in asking it,’ Carlson added. ‘Instead, they’re bullying forward as if nothing has changed… Remember what they first told us back in February and March? They said we have to take radical steps in order to “flatten the curve.” Well, six weeks later, we’re happy to say that curve has been flattened, but it’s likely not because of the lockdown,’ Carlson said. ‘The virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was.’

“The host also mentioned the negative impact of the lockdown on hospitals around America. ‘The result of this policy? In many hospitals, entire floors have been mothballed. Doctors and nurses are being furloughed in the middle of a pandemic,’ Carlson said. ‘This is insanity. It weakens our health care system. Its effects will last for many years. That’s all from the lockdown.’

“Carlson cited the SARS virus as a reason why Americans cannot wait for a vaccine for the economy to reopen. ‘We spent millions of dollars and more than a decade trying to find a vaccine for the SARS virus. Scientists never developed one. That’s a shame. But did we hold life in the United States in response?’ Carlson said. ‘We didn’t. In fact, you may not even remember that any of that happened. The striking thing is, the science has not changed that much since then,’ Carlson added. ‘Unfortunately, American politics have changed a lot. And that’s the difference.’”

This is a very true assessment of the situation and the insanity ruling this world. Unfortunately, most still do not understand.

Trump’s “Hypocritical” Immigration Policy

The Week wrote on April 25:

“On Wednesday, Trump signed an executive order that bars [certain] forms of immigration to the United States for the next 60 days… [It] is the culmination of what has been a set of increasingly restrictive immigration policies put out by his administration since COVID-19 began. All along, Trump and his allies have defended these restrictions primarily as sensible health measures, meant only to protect Americans from infection-carrying outsiders.

“The latest… immigration decision by Trump this week took place just as he was also ramping up his latest push to end the lockdowns and reopen the American economy… The blatant hypocrisy of… using supposed health concerns as the basis for limiting immigration is trademark Trump doublespeak… If the virus is serious enough to suspend immigration, then the economy shouldn’t be reopened…

“Since early March… the Trump administration has diligently made more than a dozen changes to the U.S. immigration system…

“In justifying this week’s executive order, Trump said he was suspending immigration to protect American jobs from being taken by outside workers, a change from his earlier arguments that any immigration restrictions were designed to lessen the health threat immigrants posed to Americans. With more than 26 million Americans filing jobless claims… it’s not a mystery why Trump has shifted from a health-based justification to an economic rationale for his immigration order…

“Whether he characterizes them as deadly to American lives or destructive to the nation’s economy, Trump constantly scapegoats immigrants for America’s problems, especially those of his own making. Still, no matter how many people he keeps out of the country, it won’t do one thing to curb the sickness that is raging within.

People always need to find a scapegoat which they can blame and persecute—whether it’s professing or true Christians, Jews and now immigrants. The sickness raging within our country is most certainly not limited to coronavirus—a far more dangerous sickness is that of the soul and the mind.

Also, Vatican News reported on April 24 that the American Catholic Bishops criticized Trump’s suspension of applications for green cards for 60 days. They stated that there are not really any indications that those immigrants would take away jobs from Americans, as claimed by Trump as “justification” for his executive order. The Bishops are absolutely correct, as we pointed out in our previous Update. One must not overlook that Trump’s immigration measures are part of an agenda to destroy, step by step, our immigration laws and policies as we once knew them. Trump announced that much when he ran for president, and no one should be surprised when he carries out what he had proclaimed.

Stephen Miller—The Instigator behind the Trump Immigration Agenda

The Independent wrote on April 24:

“Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser Stephen Miller told White House supporters in a private call this week that the president’s new executive order curbing immigration will usher in the kind of broader long-term changes to American society he has advocated for years, even though the 60-day measures were publicly characterised as a ‘pause’ during the coronavirus pandemic…

“Mr Miller told the group that subsequent measures were under consideration that would restrict guest worker programs…

“The Trump administration has been trying for years to scrap the family-based US immigration model, which Mr Miller and other restrictionists call ‘chain migration.’… Although Mr Trump described his order this week as a temporary ‘pause,’ he also said it is an open-ended move that will remain in place until he decides the US labour market has sufficiently improved once the coronavirus crisis subsides…

“Mr Miller has been the leading proponent of the argument that immigrants compete for jobs with US workers and depress their wages. The argument is anathema to many economists and pro-business Republicans who argue that immigration fuels long-term US growth and keeps US industries competitive. The debate remains a significant fault line in the Republican Party, with many GOP members unwilling to support the more hard-line positions Mr Miller backs. Mr Trump’s efforts to overhaul the immigration system have floundered in Congress…

“Mr Trump acknowledged sending out the tweet before the order was written, and the version he signed Wednesday was far less sweeping than the one he had teased on social media. It does not apply to immigrants already living and working in the United States who are seeking permanent residency, nor does it apply to the spouses and children of US citizens, among other exemptions. But the measure, which took effect Thursday, does block the other immigrant visa categories Mr Trump calls chain migration,’ namely the ability for US citizens to sponsor their parents, adult children and siblings…”

These kinds of immigration restrictions are cruel and unjustifiable. In tearing apart families or preventing children from helping their old parents, they are in direct violation of God’s Word and fall under the condemnation of Jesus who chastised the Pharisees for such ungodly behavior.

Postponing Presidential Election?

AfP wrote on April 24:

“Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has predicted that US President Donald Trump will try to postpone the country’s November election… ‘Mark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,’ Biden said…

“Biden, highlighting Trump’s recent threat to veto emergency funding for the US Post Office, claimed it was an example of the president’s intention to ‘do all he can to make it very hard for people to vote.’

“While mail-in voting and absentee ballots remain methods many say could help limit voters spreading coronavirus, Trump maintains they create the potential for fraud. Meanwhile, dozens of US states have postponed their primary races, which will officially determine who will be the presidential nominee.”

The Guardian wrote on April 24:

“Under the law, no president has the power to postpone the presidential election. To change the date, Congress has to intervene. Trump has not announced plans to delay the 3 November election, but it is a concern both political parties have raised… The Covid-19 outbreak has also increased concerns about how to conduct in-person voting safely. In response, many are pushing for an expansion of voting by mail… Trump… urged Republicans to fight efforts to expand voting by mail.”

Biden may be right with his concerns regarding a “postponement” of the election…

Reviving America? Get Real!

CNN wrote on April 26:

“Another 4.4 million Americans filed first-time jobless claims last week, bringing the number of people who’ve lost work in the past five weeks to an apocalyptic 26.5 million… People who never had their hands out before are going to food banks, and the unemployment rate is suddenly approaching Great Depression territory. It’s the same story around the world.

“… even if the virus were waning across the US — which it isn’t — shops, restaurants, bars and movie theaters would likely reopen at reduced capacity. A cafe that had six waiters might need only three. And there’s no guarantee those other jobs will ever come back. That scenario will be repeated millions of times over. Fewer workers will mean fewer people with money to buy cars and go on vacation — which will mean that industries like tourism, entertainment and hospitality have a long haul. So after the battle against the coronavirus is won, the war to revive America will likely continue. We’re talking years, not months.”

America may never revive.

Schools on Saturdays in Germany?

En24 wrote on April 24:

“In view of the massive loss of teaching in the Corona crisis, [Minister of Education Anja] Karliczek is also open to teaching on Saturdays. One should ‘not rule out an option’, she said… Saturday might be needed to teach everyone three times a week.”

She also advocates a mask requirement for schoolchildren, and she spoke of a vaccine by next year. She is an “engaged” Catholic and serves under Angela Merkel, being a member of the CDU. Before her “surprise appointment” by Merkel in 2018 as Minister of Education, she was virtually unknown in Germany.

Focus wrote on April 24 that a controversial debate regarding teaching in school on Saturdays has begun in Germany. After quoting Karliczek’s comments, the magazine continued that Schleswig-Holstein‘s Minister for Education, Karin Prien (CDU), also raised the possibility of opening schools on Saturdays, but that she encountered strong resistance from the state’s labor union, as, according to leader Astrid Henke, schools on Saturdays would be to the detriment of teachers; and that therefore, the labor union rejects this option categorically.

Karin Prien is of Jewish origin and was born and grew up in the Netherlands, where her maternal grandparents had fled in the early 1930s before the emergence of National Socialism in Germany. She later moved to Germany. Prien has declared that she does not feel Jewish and that she has no relationship to the Jewish religion.

Of course, the very thought that school on Saturday violates God’s explicit command to remember His Sabbath Day does not even enter the minds of carnal people… and if it does, it is immediately rejected. The violation of the Sabbath is one important aspect of the mark of the beast.

Italian Bishops Object to Unacceptable Governmental Restrictions

Vatican News wrote on April 27:

“The Italian Bishops’ Conference… addressed the policies that would continue to restrict the Church’s ability to carry out its pastoral activity. The Bishops of Italy made it clear that any move to compromise the ‘exercise of freedom of religion’ is unacceptable… the note continues, the plan presented by Prime Minister Conte ‘arbitrarily excludes the possibility of celebrating Mass with the people’.

“… In the dialogue with government offices, the note continues, the Bishops’ Conference has stressed, repeatedly and explicitly, that as soon as the measures taken to deal with the pandemic began to be lifted, ‘the Church would demand to be able to resume its pastoral activity’.”

The Christian Churches have been cowardly quiet far too long all over the world when “dealing” with secular governments. And the waffling and backpedaling Pope does not help. Note the next article.

Pope Plays Politics… What Else Is New?

Crux Now wrote on April 28:

“Since Pope Francis began livestreaming his daily Mass from the Vatican’s Santa Marta residence, many people around the world have been grateful for the opportunity to hear the pope’s words and to participate, albeit virtually, in his liturgy, helping to break the isolation of the coronavirus quarantine. Tuesday morning, however, probably no one was more grateful than Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“Conte got a badly needed favor, as the pontiff essentially hit the off switch on mounting Catholic resistance to the PM’s program for recovery by calling for ‘prudence and obedience.’ What remains to be seen is whether… the utterance was… a clever political tactic, in effect putting the Italian leader in the pope’s debt and creating capital Italy’s bishops now can spend in negotiations with the government…”

This reminds us somehow of the relationship between the (then) Pope and Mussolini.

The Craziness of Spain

The Independent wrote on April 27

“Spain’s government lifted a home confinement rule for children under 14 years old after 44 days on Sunday, ending one of the most restrictive measures of its national lockdown to rein in a coronavirus outbreak… Even Italy, with more deaths than Spain, has not kept its youngsters completely secluded.

“Spain’s 5.8 million children under 14-years-old are now allowed to take walks once a day, accompanied by a parent for up to one hour and within a kilometre of their home. Many children took out their bikes and scooters. Kids can take one toy with them, but they are not to play with other children. They can accompany a parent on shopping outings for food, medicine or a newspaper…

“Since the start of Spain’s state of emergency on 14 March, adults can only leave home for essential shopping or to make unavoidable commutes to work… Prime minister Pedro Sanchez said on Saturday that he plans to permit adults to go out for exercise next week… Parents still have no indication when schools will reopen. Only factory and construction workers are back on the job after a two-week stoppage of all industry. All non-essential retail stores are shuttered…”

This reminds one of the totalitarian regime under Franco who collaborated with Hitler.

No Brexit Extension?

The Huffington Post wrote on April 27:

Despite the likelihood of a recession this year following the lockdown, the prime minister [Boris Johnson] is sticking to his Brexit principles and refusing calls to extend the transition period beyond December 31 to give the country a breather before the upheaval of leaving the EU single market and customs union…

“The UK also believes that extending the transition will not help the UK and EU strike a deal…”

A no-deal Brexit would be catastrophic for the UK.

Trump Praises Boris

Breitbart wrote on April 23:

“Speaking at a press conference Thursday, President Trump expressed his amazement at the rapid recovery of Britain’s Prime Minister. Revealing that when he picked up the phone to Mr Johnson he expected him to sound exhausted, instead ‘he was ready to go’. President Trump said Mr Johnson was like ‘the old Boris’, with ‘tremendous energy and tremendous drive.’

“He continued: ‘I was very surprised, because he called me pretty close to when he got out of the hospital. I think he’s doing great. He was so sharp and energetic. Pretty incredible. He’s an incredible guy. He’s a friend of ours and a friend of mine…they’re lucky to have him over there.’”

Watch the triumvirate —Trump, Johnson and Netanyahu.

EU Threatens Israel

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 24:

“Rather than congratulate Israel on forming a unity government after three elections, many governments responded by warning the new alliance against annexing Biblical Judea and Samaria…

“The agreement [between Netanyahu and Gantz] also stated that the new government would bring Donald Trump’s ‘vision for peace’ to a government vote from 1 July. The plan gives Israel full military control over Judea and Samaria

“The European Union and several European states… made public statements saying that Israeli annexation of Judea and Samaria would endanger their relations with Israel…

“The announcement comes significantly the day after the Holocaust Day of Remembrance. The first stage of the genocide perpetrated against the Jews of Europe in 1939 was to restrict Jews from entering specific sections of Germany and by later deporting them. It should also be remembered that the inception of Palestinian nationalism began with an alliance between Haj Al-Amin Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, and Nazi Germany… March 12 marked 82 years since Adolf Hitler, a native Austrian, led Germany to annex Austria, which led to more than 65,000 Austrian Jews being murdered during the Holocaust…

“The EU said annexing Palestinian territory ‘would constitute a serious violation of international law.’ The German mission said it ‘advises against the annexation of occupied Palestinian territories’ as this would have negative repercussions on the viability of the two-state solution and Israel’s standing in the international community.

French Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière… said annexation ‘would not pass unchallenged and shall not be overlooked in our relationship with Israel.’ In stark contrast, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that annexing parts of the West Bank is ‘ultimately Israel’s decision to make.’”

Europe’s hostility towards Israel is only too obvious. Netanyahu said Sunday that he was “confident” US President Donald Trump would let him fulfill his election promise to apply Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank “a couple of months from now.”

Netanyahu Jr. Speaks out

Times of Israel wrote on April 28:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s elder son, Yair, on Tuesday condemned the European Union for supporting a joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day event the previous evening organized by bereaved parents on both sides of the conflict. ‘Shame on you for financing a disgrace in the holiest day of the Israeli calendar! We have one day in a year to remember our fallen soldiers! And you destroy it with a “memorial” to Palestinian terrorists!’ he wrote on his Twitter account… ‘EU is an enemy of Israel, and an enemy to all European Christian countries!…’

“Last year, Prime Minister Netanyahu denounced the Tel Aviv event and ordered a halt to permits for dozens of West Bank Palestinians who were planning on attending, citing security precautions. The High Court of Justice overturned the decision, arguing that it was not legitimate to bar the attendees’ entry for security reasons… [Yoel’s] brother Eyal was killed in Operation Defensive Shield in 2002…

“The younger Netanyahu has gained a reputation as an arch-conservative… Most recently, two weeks ago, he sparked a firestorm of criticism by appearing to wish that left-wing Israelis die of the coronavirus… Yair Netanyahu’s comments drew immediate and vociferous rebuke, including from his father, whose office released a statement saying that he ‘roundly rejects the remarks.’”

Even though, the question is whether he speaks, to an extent, for his father.

Israel Condemns Egypt for TV Show

Times of Israel wrote on April 26:

“Israel’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday condemned a new Egyptian TV drama set in the year 2120 that predicts the Jewish state’s destruction, as well as the breakup of the United States… The Egyptian series ‘El-Nehaya’ — Arabic for ‘The End’ — is about a computer engineer living in a dystopian future dominated by cyborg clones…

“In the first episode, a teacher tells a class of students about ‘the war to liberate Jerusalem,’ which he says occurred less than 100 years after Israel’s founding in 1948. The teacher says Jews in Israel ‘ran away and returned to their countries of origin’ in Europe…  A holographic map of a divided US is also shown, with the teacher saying that ‘America was the central supporter of the Zionist state.’ …

“The series is produced by Synergy, one of Egypt’s largest production companies, which has strong links with the government of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. The series airs on the ON television network, which is owned by a pro-government company. The show’s writer, Amr Samir Atif, told The Associated Press that the destruction of Israel ‘is a possible future in the absence of real peace and true stability in the region…’”

Only, it won’t occur in 2120, but much earlier.

Towards the Third Temple

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 26:

“In the wake of an agreement with political rival Benny Gantz, head of the Blue and White party, rumors currently abound that Prime Minister Netanyahu will appoint the current Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev to replace Gilad Erdan as Internal Security Minister. According to media reports, if appointed, Regev will offer the position of police commissioner to the former Jerusalem District Police Commander Maj. Gen. Yoram Halevi

“Halevi’s role in helping Jews ascend the Temple Mount is professional but it also reflects his family’s Biblical role in the Temple, one which will only increase after the Temple is built. As his name implies, the police chief is from the tribe of Levi, which was charged with several key roles in the Temple including guarding the complex…”

This would be an interesting development in light of the prophecies of the Bible that a Third Temple will be built on the Temple Mount prior to Christ’s return, and that Levites will officiate at the Temple.

Erdogan Defends Top Religious Official on his Comments on Homosexuality

AFP wrote on April 28:

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday defended a top religious official who claimed homosexuality caused diseases, corrupted people and was condemned in Islamic teaching. Ali Erbas, head of a state-funded agency called the Diyanet, which runs mosques and appoints imams, also claimed during his weekly sermon that homosexuality caused HIV.

“The Ankara bar association of lawyers accused him of inciting hatred against gay people… But Erdogan dismissed the criticism, saying  ‘an attack against the Diyanet chief is an attack on the state’ before adding: ‘What he said was totally right.’”

In Germany, spokespersons of all three major parties have condemned Erbas’ comments, stating that German schools must teach “tolerance” towards homosexuals.  

Mother Nature’s Revenge?

Breaking Israel News reported on April 26:

“Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro took to the airwaves on his Daily Wire program blasting Pope Francis for promoting what Shapiro considered pagan after the Pope commemorated Earth Day which Shapiro said was a ‘Pagan holiday.’

“The… monologue of the April 22 broadcast was as follows:

“‘I’m starting to see the pagan awakening of some… suggesting that this is nature’s revenge… Now, I have been informed by reliable sources that nature does not actually have intent. I have been informed by reliable sources on the left that God doesn’t exist, number one, and then even if God did exist, nature doesn’t have intent, right? I mean, evolutionary biology suggests that basically it’s survival of the fittest out there… Mother Nature has decided to release a virus, unleash a plague upon us [– that is] pretty pagan…

“‘So Pope Francis actually pushed this nonsense yesterday… He made an impassioned plea… for protection of the environment on Wednesday’s 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, which again is a pagan holiday.’”

The Pope also said that while God and humans may forgive, nature does not forgive.  Stupid comments indeed.

Widespread Famine

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 26:

“The world is heading towards widespread famine ‘of biblical proportions’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the chief of the UN’s food relief agency warns… Over 30 developing [countries] worldwide could experience widespread famine. In 10 of those countries, over 1 million people [are] on the brink of starvation.

“The UN official connects the pandemic in the developing countries to a strain on the economy that he says is already limiting resources. ‘This is truly more than just a pandemic – it is creating a hunger pandemic,’ said Beasley. ‘This is a humanitarian and food catastrophe… this is the perfect storm.’”

End-time worldwide famine and disease epidemics are prophesied in the Bible. See also the next article.

Panam Post wrote on April 27:

“An impending ‘hunger pandemic’ will bring ‘the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II,’ World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley warned the United Nations Security Council. The number of starving people could exceed the number of deaths from coronaviruses at 300,000 per day within three months…

“He says that famine is ‘a very real and dangerous possibility’ in at least 36 countries because of ongoing wars and conflicts, economic crises, and natural disasters… the countries most at risk of famine are in the Middle East and Africa, the economic crisis in Lebanon, [Venezuela] the wars in Syria and Yemen, and the desert locust swarms that are destroying crops in much of East Africa have put these regions at risk of mass starvation.

“Now, the crisis is aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic and the economic paralysis it has caused…”

Meat Production in Danger

Finance Yahoo wrote on April 26:

“Plant shutdowns are leaving the U.S. dangerously close to meat shortages as coronavirus outbreaks spread to suppliers across the nation and the Americas. Almost a third of U.S. pork capacity is down, the first big poultry plants closed on Friday and experts are warning that domestic shortages are just weeks away. Brazil, the world’s No. 1 shipper of chicken and beef, saw its first major closure with the halt of a poultry plant owned by JBS SA, the world’s biggest meat company. Key operations are also down in Canada, the latest being a British Columbia poultry plant.

“… the staggering acceleration of supply disruptions is now raising questions over global shortfalls. Taken together, the U.S., Brazil and Canada account for about 65% of world meat trade… New U.S. shutdowns are hitting at a dizzying rate…

“Prices are surging. U.S. wholesale beef touched a record in the week ended April 24, and wholesale pork soared 29%, the biggest weekly gain since 2012…

“There haven’t yet been big shutdowns in Europe. The European Union accounts for about a fifth of global meat exports…

“Total American meat supplies in cold-storage facilities are equal to roughly two weeks of production. With most plant shutdowns lasting about 14 days for safety reasons, that further underscores the potential for deficits.

“Meanwhile, with slaughterhouses closing, farmers don’t have a place to sell their animals. That’s forcing some livestock producers to dispose of them… It’s been reported that a large chicken-processing company was forced to kill 2 million of its birds earlier this month because of worker shortages. That’s the latest cruel blow to supply chains, with food being wasted en masse at the same time that grocery store shelves are running empty…”

Millions of Pounds of Meat Will Disappear

CNN Business wrote on April 27:

“Tyson Foods (TSN) is warning that ‘millions of pounds of meat’ will disappear from the supply chain as the coronavirus pandemic pushes food processing plants to close leading to product shortages in grocery stores across the country. ‘The food supply chain is breaking,’ wrote board chairman John Tyson in a full-page advertisement published Sunday in The New York Times, Washington Post and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

“US farmers don’t have anywhere to sell their livestock, he said, adding that ‘millions of animals — chickens, pigs and cattle — will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities.’… TSN which employs roughly 100,000 workers, closed its pork plants in Waterloo, Iowa, and Logansport, Indiana, last week so that workers in those facilities could be tested for the virus.”

How We Destroy Our Food

Politico wrote on April 26:

“Tens of millions of pounds of American-grown produce is rotting in fields as food banks across the country scramble to meet a massive surge in demand, a two-pronged disaster that has deprived farmers of billions of dollars in revenue while millions of newly jobless Americans struggle to feed their families…

“Images of farmers destroying tomatoes, piling up squash, burying onions and dumping milk shocked many Americans who remain fearful of supply shortages. At the same time, people who recently lost their jobs lined up for miles outside some food banks, raising questions about why there has been no coordinated response at the federal level to get the surplus of perishable food to more people in need…

“The precipitous drop in demand left many growers with no choice but to trash excess food or leave it in the fields because the cost of picking, packing and storing the crops would only put them further in the hole. Some with more resources in hand took on the cost of harvesting and donating the food themselves, but the gut-wrenching reality is that crops are being abandoned on an unprecedented scale

“The scale of produce waste is staggering. Farmers in Florida, which provides much of the fresh produce to the eastern half of the U.S. during the winter and spring, left about 75 percent of the lettuce crop unharvested, along with significant portions of the state’s sweet corn, cabbage and squash. Up to 250 million pounds of tomatoes could end up left in the fields… Florida officials estimate produce growers there have taken a half a billion dollar hit. In California, the industry is projected to lose more than $1 billion per month…

“The dairy industry, for its part, estimates that its supply is currently 10 percent greater than domestic demand, in part because of the closure of thousands of K-12 schools, which are usually significant consumers of milk. The upheaval has strained dairy processors’ ability to turn milk into more storable products like cheese… about 5 percent of the country’s milk is currently being dumped.”

The governmental unrestricted panic-driven measures in their fight against the coronavirus have been having terrible consequences for just about every area of life. 

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Worldwide Famine Is Prophesied.”  

A Decades-Old Prediction on Europe’s Destruction May Come True Soon

Express wrote on April 26:

“The BBC Panorama special, dubbed ‘If The Bomb Drops’ was broadcast on March 10, 1980, and… came at a time of heightened tensions in the so-called Cold War between the Soviet Union, and its respective allies in the Eastern Bloc, and the US and its coalition of NATO -backed countries…

“The video… cut to General Sir John Hackett, the former commander-in-chief of NATO’s northern army group, who painted a rather chilling image. He said: ‘After a nuclear war, the whole of Europe could become a vast uninhabitable desert.’”

A nuclear war is coming, and the Bible says that in that war, Europe with its (then) capital, Rome, will become “an uninhabitable desert” due to nuclear attacks by Far Eastern countries such as Russia and China.  

Germany’s Dramatic Increase in Military Expenditures

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 26:

“In Germany, [military expenditures] rose by 10% to $49.3 billion — the largest defense budget increase among the world’s top 15 states… the increase in Germany’s defense budget [is attributed to Trump’s demand to raise expenditure and] the fact that, ‘Russia is once again being considered as more of a threat.’ In 2019, almost 4% of Russia’s GDP went to military spending, amounting to $65.1 billion…

“Of the 15 countries in the world with the highest defense budgets, six are NATO members: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States. Their combined military expenditure makes up for almost half of the world’s total figure. In 2019, the total military expenditure of NATO’s 29 member states was some $1.04 trillion… in 2019 the US was responsible for 38% of global military expenditure, totaling $732 billion. The increase over its 2018 budget alone amounted to the equivalent of Germany’s total expenditure in 2019.”

Still, Germany’s increased military expenditure is not just “accidental.”

The Coming Greater Depression

Project Syndicate wrote on April 28:

“The policy response to the COVID-19 crisis entails a massive increase in fiscal deficits — on the order of 10% of GDP or more — at a time when public debt levels in many countries were already high, if not unsustainable…

“… the loss of income for many households and firms means that private-sector debt levels will become unsustainable… potentially leading to mass defaults and bankruptcies… the crisis is also creating a massive slack in goods (unused machines and capacity) and labor markets (mass unemployment)…

“Populist leaders often benefit from economic weakness, mass unemployment, and rising inequality. Under conditions of heightened economic insecurity, there will be a strong impulse to scapegoat foreigners for the crisis. Blue-collar workers and broad cohorts of the middle class will become more susceptible to populist rhetoric, particularly proposals to restrict migration and trade

“Recurring epidemics (HIV since the 1980s, SARS in 2003, H1N1 in 2009, MERS in 2011, Ebola in 2014-16) [and pandemics]… will become more frequent, severe, and costly in the years ahead… any happy ending assumes that we find a way to survive the coming Greater Depression.”

“Greater” than even the “Great” Depression?

Tourism Industry in Big Trouble

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 28:

“No one can say when and how the borders will reopen for travel, said Germany’s Government Commissioner for Tourism Thomas Bareiss. ‘It is rather unlikely that German tourists will travel to Spain or Greece in summer,’ he added. It is more likely that Germans will stay in their own country or region this year…

The tourism industry’s economic situation is a disaster not only in the southern European states bordering the Mediterranean, but in Germany, too. The travel industry expects a drop in bookings of package tours of up to 70% this year. The EU Commission estimates that with a loss of 90%, cruise companies will be hit hardest…

“However, it remains completely unclear when the EU interior ministers will agree on a coordinated plan for opening the borders for tourists. Officials in the EU Commission who are supposed to draw up guidelines for travel have been reluctant. First, the individual states would have to lift domestic travel restrictions, making travel to neighboring regions possible. Then, travel between neighboring states would have to become possible, and lastly, intra-European air traffic. No one knows when tourist travel to Asia, the US and other parts of the world will be possible again…”

That is the disastrous result and outcome when men try to deal with problems of their own making.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What is the Physical and Spiritual Significance of Manna in the Bible?

Manna has both physical and spiritual significance in the Bible—not only in history but also in regard to our future.  We read in the Bible that when the Israelites left Egypt, conditions were harsh. They had to travel in the wilderness for 40 years before entering the Promised Land, and food was scarce. The people complained because of hunger. They seemed to have forgotten all the miracles God had performed in Egypt, with the ten plagues and the crossing of the Red Sea. So, God once again mercifully intervened miraculously by providing them with “manna,” which is also referred to as “bread from heaven” or “grain from heaven” or “angels’ food” (Exodus 16 and Psalm 78:24-25).  Moses also explained to the Israelites in Exodus 16:15 that it was “the bread which the LORD has given you to eat.” They called it Manna which literally means “what,” as the margin has it in verse 31 (compare also again verse 15).

One description of what Manna is composed of is found in Exodus 16:31: “And it was like white coriander seed, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.” The appearance and usage was further described in Numbers 11:7-8, “… its color [was] like the color of bdellium. The people went about and gathered it, ground it on millstones or beat it in the mortar, cooked it in pans, and made cakes of it; and its taste was like the taste of pastry prepared with oil.”

When it came to gathering the manna, God commanded the following in verses 16 and 17 of Exodus 16:

“‘“…Let every man gather it according to each one’s need, one omer for each person, according to the number of persons; let every man take for those who are in his tent.”’ And the children of Israel did so and gathered, some more, some less. So when they measured it by omers, he who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack. Every man had gathered according to each one’s need.”’

This was not to be a greedy and selfish approach to gathering food and also by not hoarding it, but it also showed an act of sharing, making sure that everyone in the tent had enough to eat. It also showed God’s willingness to provide each one with what was individually needed. They were not to leave any of it till morning. When some disobeyed, it bred worms and stank (verses 19-20).

In addition, God gave very specific instructions on how to gather the manna, when the weekly Sabbath was concerned, as He explained to Moses in verses 4 and 5:

“‘…Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not. And it shall be on the sixth day that they shall prepare what they bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.’”

They gathered it every morning according to their needs and on the sixth day they gathered twice as much, for the seventh day was the Sabbath. We read in verse 24 that they laid it up on the sixth day till Sabbath morning, and it did not stink, nor were there any worms in it. God made it clear what they should do in verses 25-26 and 29-30:

“‘…Eat that today, for today is a Sabbath to the LORD; today you will not find it in the field. Six days you shall gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will be none… ‘…the LORD has given you the Sabbath; therefore He gives you on the sixth day bread for two days. Let every man remain in his place; let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.’ So the people rested on the seventh day.”

They had to learn HOW to keep the Sabbath. It was to be a sign between God and them, and it was also to remind them that God was there to provide, if they obeyed, for Moses said in verses 32-35, “‘…This is the thing which the LORD has commanded: “Fill an omer with it, to be kept for your generations, that they may see the bread with which I fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.”’ And Moses said to Aaron, ‘Take a pot and put an omer of manna in it, and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your generations.’ As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept. And the children of Israel ate manna forty years, until they came to an inhabited land; they ate manna until they came to the border of the land of Canaan.”

Once they entered the Promised Land—a land flowing with milk and honey—the manna ceased. Joshua 5:11-12 says: “And they ate of the produce of the land on the day after the Passover, unleavened bread and parched grain, on the very same day. Now the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten the produce of the land; and the children of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate the food of the land of Canaan that year.”

The lesson for us today should be that God can provide miracles anytime He pleases, but He also expects that we obey Him. After all, we should be thankful that He would do that for us in the first place. He will make sure to sustain our physical needs.

This, however, shouldn’t be our highest priority for we also know that everything we have physically is only temporary, and it is the spiritual aspect which is the most important and everlasting. Jesus Christ made this clear numerous times when He compared Himself and God’s Way of Life with the spiritual bread of life, especially after miraculously feeding the five thousand. He explained that the physical bread shouldn’t be the primary focus. When He told them that the manna under Moses was not the “true” bread from heaven, but that the Father was willing to give that true bread to them, they wanted Christ to always give them “this bread,” apparently still thinking that it was some kind of physical bread. He pointed out to them in John 6:32-35, “‘Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.’ Then they said to Him, ‘Lord, give us this bread always.’ And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.’”

Unfortunately, the people didn’t understand the spiritual aspect of what He was trying to convey and rather focused more on their physical needs instead of their spiritual salvation. Christ said in verses 47-51, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead.  This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die.  I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.”

We can see just how important this is during the Passover service as a remembrance of His death when the properly baptized members of God’s Church partake of the unleavened bread and wine which symbolize Christ’s body and His blood, reminding us of His Sacrifice through which we can obtain physical and spiritual healing and forgiveness of sin, which is vital for our goal to inherit eternal salvation (Leviticus 23:5; Luke 22:14-20; John 13:1-5; 1 Corinthians 11:20-29).

There will be a terrible time of death, misery, and destruction all over the world in the very near future, known as the Great Tribulation, and God will be intervening supernaturally for His people who keep and do His commandments and are faithful to Him. They will be brought to a specific place recognized in the Bible as a place of safety (compare Joel 3:14-16; Revelation 12:14-17).

God tells us not to worry as to how we will get there since He will take care of that, as well as our essential needs for survival, which also include food and water. He did the same under Moses, as we read in Nehemiah 9:20-21: “You also gave Your good Spirit to instruct them, And did not withhold Your manna from their mouth, And gave them water for their thirst. Forty years You sustained them in the wilderness; They lacked nothing; Their clothes did not wear out And their feet did not swell.” God is not limited, and there is no reason why He couldn’t do this again, as Isaiah 33:16 indicates.

To those who do overcome until the end—to those who have listened and obeyed and lived righteously—God “will give some of the hidden manna to eat” (Revelation 2:17). Christ is speaking here in spiritual terms, referring to Himself—the bread of life—and pointing out the close Family relationship in God’s Kingdom which we will have with Him and the Father. To the world this knowledge is hidden, but to those who have been called out of this world, it has been revealed. It should be very comforting for us to know that God is always there to provide in physical and, much more importantly, in spiritual ways, and that we have nothing to fear as nothing is impossible to Him.

Lead Writer: Michael Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Our new booklet, “The Ten Commandments,” has been sent to our subscribers and is available on line.

“Worldwide Famine is Prophesied” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Not only are we experiencing worldwide pandemics, but we are also confronted with the global threat of famine. Is it even conceivable that we might face famine in the USA? The Bible says as much, and this program shows how it is already happening.

“Sind Sie auf die schreckliche Zukunft vorbereitet?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Are You Prepared for the Terrible Future?”

“Die beste Krisenvorsorge,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Robert Macher  is now posted. Title in English: “The Best Crisis Preparedness.”

“Wenn die Hoffnung schwindet,” the sermon presented last Sabbath in Germany by Thilo Hanstein, is now posted. Title in English: “When Hope Fades.”

“Leaving So Soon,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Frank Bruno, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We know that in the end times, many will fall away from their faith, and people will hate and betray one another. If any of us needed affirmation of this, COVID-19 has provided a simple introduction to the emptiness of relying solely on mankind to bring us through a crisis. We have witnessed many so quickly buying into mass hysteria, and seeking authority to turn one-another in for not complying with a political solution. God imbued in us the ability to choose and discern what is good and that which is not Godly. This Sermonette will offer the scriptural support that we need during this time, and in the trials to come. We can choose to turn to God with confidence and obedience, rather than a path that leads to something far more terminal than any virus.

“Father and Mother,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Parents hold an awesome responsibility in forming the ultimate Family of God. When God created mankind, He made them male and female for the purpose of populating the earth. In fact, God created man, male and female, to fulfill the roles of father and mother—positions of great honor in the plan of God!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Netanyahu Stays as Prime Minister

JTA wrote on April 20:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz signed a deal Monday to form a ‘national emergency government’ that keeps Netanyahu as the prime minister for [18 months. Gantz would be prime minister-designate]. Israel has spent more than a year under a caretaker government as neither Netanyahu nor Gantz could assemble a coalition government. With the agreement, the country avoids a fourth national election in less than a year and a half.

“Monday evening… is the start of Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

Israel Today wrote on April 19:

“Benjamin Netanyahu again showed his political genius and expertise… Many are having trouble believing that Netanyahu will keep his word and step down in another year-and-a-half…

“What is certain is that Netanyahu has come out on top… Benjamin Netanyahu has proved time and again that he is the most savvy and experienced politician in Israel. Despite the tireless efforts to remove him from power, he is here to stay…”

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Netanyahu Is Here to Stay… Why?” .

Al-Aqsa Mosque Closed

Breaking Israel News wrote on April 20:

“Prayer at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City will be banned during the Muslim holiday of Ramadan in order to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, Muslim clerics said on Thursday. This is the first recorded closure of the mosque since its construction in 692 CE.

“The Jordan-appointed Waqf council that oversees Jerusalem’s Islamic sites called the decision ‘painful,’ though said it was ‘in line with legal fatwas [Islamic religious rulings] and medical advice,’ according to Reuters. The decision extends an already existing suspension of prayer at the site that has been in effect since March 23.

“Muslims should ‘perform prayers in their homes during the month of Ramadan, to preserve their safety,’ said the council.”

When the Al Aqsa mosque can be closed that easily during a health crisis, it is no longer so far-fetched to see how it can be replaced in a bigger war-like crisis.

New Protestant Bible with Glaring Omissions

Breaking Israel News reported on April 20:

“… the Danish Bible Society just published a revised translation of the New Testament. The new edition has many surprises… the word ‘Israel’ is only used once in the ‘Bible 2020’, which is the name of the new edition. In all other passages, the word ‘Israel’ is either replaced with ‘Jews’, ‘the land of the Jews, or not replaced with any alternative term…

“Posts on social media suggested that the change may have been politically motivated as an anti-Israel statement… the new edition has already been downloaded to more than 90 countries… the Danish Bible Society is run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church…

“It should be noted that the term ‘Israel’ is used a total of 73 times in the New Testament… The word ‘ Israel’ appears over 2,200 times in the Torah, Writings, and Prophets…”

First, the Catholic Church changed the calendar from Saturday to Sunday, by designating the first day of the week (Sunday) as the seventh day of the week, the biblical Sabbath. Now, the Protestant Church changes Israel to Jew, or omits it altogether. One wonders what will be next.

Dutch Court Approves Euthanasia

The Guardian wrote on April 21:

“Doctors in the Netherlands are able to carry out euthanasia on patients with severe dementia without fear of prosecution even if the patient no longer expresses an explicit wish to die, the country’s highest court has ruled…  ‘A physician may carry out a written request beforehand for euthanasia in people with advanced dementia.’…

“The case was seen as an important test of the law in the Netherlands, which legalised euthanasia in 2002, followed shortly afterwards by neighbouring Belgium.”

One of God’s commandments reads: You shall not kill.

EU Army after UK Has Left Europe

uwidata wrote on March 24:

“… the European Union… is pursuing numerous high-profile projects… in order to improve its defense… and sovereignty. Its strongest bet is the PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation)…

“It currently has 25… States and is carrying out 17 defense collaboration projects that include a medical command, maritime surveillance, cyber security and military mobility. This last point is of great importance as it suggests the possible creation of a joint force capable of acting wherever needed…

“As soon as it joined the European Union, the United Kingdom was reluctant to cede its sovereignty to Brussels, especially in the area of ​​defense. Nonetheless, it covered 25% of the EU defense budget: now the burden will fall mainly between France and Germany. The Anglo-Saxon country continuously tried to block any project to form a common defense force with Europe, always betting on NATO first, following the interests of Washington and influencing countries such as Poland, sewing distrust around the idea of a joint defense pact in the European Community…. The departure of the United Kingdom is a huge opportunity to consolidate a serious defense policy in the EU that is not blocked by a member state…

“The European Union needs to create a force capable of facing any adversity without depending on third countries. The exit of the United Kingdom from the EU is perhaps one of the most important and determining elements for the PESCO, and for the general consolidation of a common European Union defense pact, which would allow the organization to improve its defenses and gain independence from NATO and the United States. However, it must be recognized that this presents a challenging scenario for member countries that will have to adapt to the needs that such commitment and cooperation demands, relinquishing some degree of sovereignty in favor of a common effort by all member states.”

A European army is coming… and it will be a challenge to the USA.

Foreign Powers Challenge US Military

The Hill wrote on April 19:

“U.S. adversaries are probing America’s defenses as the world is preoccupied with the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. In the past two weeks, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea have all moved to test Washington in the sea, in the air and on land as U.S. forces have become more restricted in movement amid concerns over the spread of COVID-19…

“On Tuesday, North Korea launched ground cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles from fighter jets into the sea, the first time in three years Pyongyang had launched such projectiles. That followed a slew of short-range ballistic missile tests in March as the hermit nation took part in large-scale live-fire military training.

“Then on Wednesday… a Russian fighter jet came within 25 feet of a Navy reconnaissance aircraft while inverted, putting the U.S. ‘pilots and crew at risk,’ the Navy said in a statement about the incident. That same day, 11 ships from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy repeatedly came close to U.S. Navy and Coast Guard Ships in ‘dangerous and harassing approaches’ in the Gulf.

“China, meanwhile, has been showing its force in the Pacific region, sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat in the South China Sea on April 2 and sending its aircraft carrier near Japan’s and Taiwan’s territorial waters…

“Flexing their might is not new for these rival countries, but the difference now is that the U.S. military and the nation at large seems to be preoccupied in a way it hasn’t been before as it deals with the pandemic… To combat the spreading illness, the Pentagon has restricted troop movement and on Saturday extended a domestic and overseas travel ban for service members until June 30 — more than a month past the original end date of May 11. In addition, the department has paused routine rotations and port calls, canceled war games, and curtailed individuals entering basic training…”

CNN wrote on April 20:

“A Russian fighter aircraft approached a US Navy aircraft over the Mediterranean Sea Sunday… The US Navy it said was the second time in four days that Russian pilots made unsafe maneuvers while intercepting US aircraft. ‘The unnecessary actions of the Russian SU-35 pilot were inconsistent with good airmanship and international flight rules, seriously jeopardizing the safety of flight of both aircraft,’ the US Navy said.”

The Bible prophesies a complete economic and military downfall of the USA and that it will be occupied by a foreign power, even though it will not be Russia or China or North Korea or Iran (see next article). Still, are we seeing the beginnings of these developments?

“Shoot Them Down”

Reuters wrote on April 22:

“President Donald Trump said on Wednesday [in a tweet] he had instructed the U.S. Navy to fire on [“shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats”] any Iranian ships that harass it at sea, a week after 11 vessels from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) came dangerously close to American ships in the Gulf.

“Close interactions with Iranian military vessels were not uncommon in 2016 and 2017. On several occasions, U.S. Navy ships fired warning shots at Iranian vessels when they got too close. While the Navy has the authority to act in self-defense, Trump’s comments appeared to go further…

“Trump wrote [the] tweet, hours after Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps said it had launched the country’s first military satellite into orbit.”

Over 26 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment So Far

 Breitbart wrote on April 23:

“The coronavirus continued to ravish the U.S. economy last week, with 4.4 million of Americans filing first-time unemployment claims… The total number of Americans who have lost their jobs since claims spiked five weeks ago because of coronavirus and shutdowns rose to around 26.4 million, enough to erase all the job gains since the economy began to recover after the financial crisis

“Self-employed workers and independent contractors can now file for benefits, expanding the number of claims… Actual job losses may be higher than the most recent figures reveal. Applications in many states have been hampered by websites and phone lines failing due to the rapid rise in the volume of claims.

“Employers are slashing their payrolls to try to stay afloat because their revenue has collapsed, especially at restaurants, hotels, gyms, movie theaters, and other venues that depend on face-to-face interaction. Auto sales have sunk, non-healthcare related manufacturing has ground to a halt, and factories have closed. More than 90 percent of the U.S. population is now under stay-at-home orders, which have been imposed by most U.S. states…”

Closing the country down has brought American economy to its knees. But this outcome was prophesied to happen.

Wildfires Threaten Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Site

Breaking Israel News reported on April 17:

“Over 1,000 firefighters are struggling to control wildfires at the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site despite high-winds that threaten to send radioactive smoke to nearby residents as well as neighboring countries. The fire has been burning since April 3. It was successfully extinguished but fires cropped up again on Tuesday. Aerial firefighting equipment including helicopters and airplanes were brought in to fight the blaze earlier this week but high-winds are preventing these elements from being utilized in new blazes that have flared up. The fires are reportedly blazing less than one mile from the remains of the nuclear power plant…

“Chernobyl was home to a Soviet nuclear power plant which exploded on 26 April 1986 during an emergency drill that was botched, leading to an explosion and the meltdown of its number four reactor. It is still considered the worst peace-time nuclear disaster in history. Though it is uncertain how many deaths can be attributed to the disaster, the estimates range from 4,000-9,000 in former Soviet states to 16,000 fatalities when assessing the total continent of Europe…”

Global radioactive threats ARE prophesied.  

Beware of Criminal Scammers

Digital Trends wrote on April 17:

“Google has revealed that on each day over the past week, its Gmail-linked computer systems detected — and blocked — 18 million malware and phishing emails related to the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. On top of that, it also blocked more than 240 million daily spam messages linked to the virus.

“… scammers will stop at nothing to trick innocent people into handing over cash… some are impersonating high-profile bodies such as the World Health Organization… The perpetrators send the bogus emails to try to solicit fraudulent donations, or  distribute malware, which, if downloaded, could give remote access to the victim’s computer or mobile device.

“Some criminals are imitating government institutions in a bid to trick small businesses, while others are trying to exploit people working from home for the first time, sending emails pretending to be from ‘the admin department’ and asking the recipient to click on a (dangerous) link. Although Gmail and other email platforms endeavor to catch these odious emails, you should still stay alert for such content, and always take extra care when it comes to downloading attachments or clicking on links.”

In times of these, criminal scammers manifest carnal human nature at its worst.

How to Silence Dissenters

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on April 17:

“In the Soviet Union, activists were sent to state psychiatric wards. According to the state, any and all opposition to government policy was considered a form of mental illness… It is not likely German lawyer Beate Bahner will be tortured like Brodsky. However, that does not make her arrest and forced confinement in a mental institution any less egregious…

“‘Bahner had become known in the past few days with a call for nationwide demonstrations and an urgent application for the abolition of all corona protective measures,’ reports Welt. ‘The [medical specialist] lawyer from Heidelberg considers the corona rules to be excessive and advocates for them to be abolished.’… Bahner’s website was shut down at the request of the Mannheim police…

“In America… police have threatened people for attending church services and disobeying social distancing mandates… In Australia and Britain, police are fining citizens for daring to go outside… The dictator president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has ordered police and the military to shoot and kill all in violation of an iron-fisted lockdown…

“Officialdom has warned lockdowns may be in place until a vaccine is manufactured, possibly 18 months from now. This is a sure recipe for civil unrest and violence. It is not feasible for millions of people—and billions around the world—to endure lockdown and other authoritarian measures, possibly indefinitely.

“In Germany, the state has moved to declare opposition to the destruction of civilization a mental illness. As more people resist mass house arrest… the state will undoubtedly resort to measures above and beyond locking activists up in mental institutions… The [US] military is now engaged in a PR campaign to ‘reassure the public’ that it will use the appropriate protective equipment as it prepares to put down inevitable uprisings…”

Terrible. The fear as to what might happen in Germany is very real. Please view our recent program, “Shocking Developments in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy, April 18, 2020” 

Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil under Fire

The LAT wrote on April 17:

“Two of television’s most well-known daytime hosts are under fire for their comments questioning stay-at-home restrictions put in place to contain the spread of the coronavirus. In a Thursday appearance on the Fox News show ‘The Ingraham Angle,’ Phil McGraw suggested it was dangerous to shut down the economy in order to stop the COVID-19 pandemic…

“‘The fact of the matter is 40,000 people die a year from automobile accidents. 480,000 from cigarettes. 360,000 a year die from swimming pools, but we don’t shut the country down for that. But yet we’re doing it for this?’ said the host of ‘Dr. Phil’…

“A day earlier, Dr. Mehmet Oz expressed similar sentiments during Fox News’ prime-time programming… Both hosts faced immediate backlash on social media… The statements… come amid a growing call among conservatives to ease social-distancing measures… Fox News personalities such as Laura Ingraham have been pushing to reopen the economy…

“In the same episode of ‘The Ingraham Angle’ on which McGraw appeared, Dr. Anthony Fauci… pushed back against Ingraham’s suggestion that the virus may simply ‘disappear’ without a vaccine…”

Stuffnews added on April 17:

“Elaborating on the long-term health risks of extreme isolation, [Dr. Phil] said, ‘This is invisible. I can’t show you an X-ray of depression. I can’t show you an X-ray of anxiety…

“‘There’s a point at which people start having enough problems in lockdown that it will actually create actually more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.’”

The left-liberal mass media does not like “dissenters” challenging their propaganda. Note the next articles.

Anti-Trump Bill Gates Supporters Fire Back

DNYUZ wrote on April 17:

“In a 2015 speech, Bill Gates warned that the greatest risk to humanity was not nuclear war but an infectious virus that could threaten the lives of millions of people. That speech has resurfaced in recent weeks with 25 million new views on YouTube — but not in the way that Mr. Gates probably intended. Anti-vaccinators, members of [a] conspiracy group… and right-wing pundits have instead seized on the video as evidence that one of the world’s richest men planned to use a pandemic to wrest control of the global health system…

“The wild claims have gained traction with conservative pundits like Laura Ingraham and anti-vaccinators such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Mr. Gates has emerged as a vocal counterweight to President Trump on the coronavirus. For weeks, Mr. Gates has appeared on TV, on op-ed pages and in Reddit forums calling for stay-at-home policies, expanded testing and vaccine development

“His disdain for Mr. Trump… has also become public… Mr. Kennedy, a son of former Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who campaigns against vaccines as a director of the Children’s Health Defense network… has said Mr. Gates pushes vaccines to feed his other business interests… Mr. Kennedy, whose Instagram followers have doubled to more than 285,000 since March, said in an interview that he was telling the truth about the ‘terrible damage’ that Mr. Gates had inflicted on the world with vaccines.

“In an April 7 tweet, Ms. Ingraham, a Fox News host, shared a conspiracy theory about nefarious motives behind Mr. Gates’s call to track and identify who had received a Covid-19 vaccine. ‘Digitally tracking Americans’ every move has been a dream of the globalists for years,’ she wrote…”

Trump Supports Protesters Who Demand End of Lock-Down

The Associated Press reported on April 17:

“Asked about the [nationwide] protesters, Trump expressed sympathy with their frustration — ‘They’re suffering … they want to get back’ … On Friday, he egged the protesters on, tweeting for supporters to ‘LIBERATE’ three states with Democratic governors: Michigan, Virginia and Minnesota.”

Breitbart wrote on April 19:

“President Donald Trump on Sunday continued to defend protesters of overbearing state lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic. ‘These are great people … They’ve got cabin fever they want to get back. They want their life back; their life was taken away from them,’ Trump said. Trump was asked by Today‘s David Jackson if he is concerned his calls for ‘liberation’ and defending the Second Amendment are ‘inciting violence’ against some of the Democrat governors who enacted the lockdowns.

“But the president defended the protesters as patriotic. ‘I’ve seen American flags all over the place. I’ve never seen so many American flags at a rally than I’ve seen at those rallies,’ Trump said. ‘These people love our country. They want to get back to work.’”

Medical expert Anthony Fauci issued a warning to protestors, saying protests would only delay the re-opening of the country.

Small Businesses Could Not Get Funding Meant for Them

The Washington Post wrote on April 20:

“The federal government gave national hotel and restaurant chains millions of dollars in grants before the $349 billion program ran out of money Thursday, leading to a backlash that prompted one company to give the money back and a Republican senator to say that ‘millions of dollars are being wasted.’

“Thousands of traditional small businesses were unable to get funding from the program before it ran dry. As Congress and the White House near a deal to add an additional $310 billion to the program, some are calling for additional oversight and rule changes to prevent bigger chains from accepting any more money.”

 This is another example of man’s carnal selfish nature at its worst.

Facebook Works Hand in Hand with State Governments

Breitbart wrote on April 20:

“Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says that posts and pages attempting to organize protests against stay-at-home orders will be banned as ‘misinformation’… while at the same time saying that it’s important ‘that people can debate policies.’

“A Facebook spokesman confirmed to CNN that planned protests in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska were having their pages removed from Facebook at the request of state authorities…”

Clash Between Governors and Citizens Coming

The Hill wrote on April 20:

“Governors are heading for a clash with their own citizens and local officials as they weigh how and when to reopen the country’s economy amid the coronavirus pandemic…  governors are facing growing pressure from the public in states such as Ohio and Michigan, where protests have called on leaders to quickly lift stay-at-home orders and bans on large gatherings and to allow nonessential businesses to open their doors…

“More protests are expected in the coming days in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Idaho, giving a public voice to the opposition to social distancing restrictions across the country. In Michigan, a crowd of demonstrators organized by a conservative group on Wednesday descended on the state Capitol to protest Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) stay-at-home order… Whitmer faces two lawsuits over her stay-at-home order, with the plaintiffs — Michigan residents and businesses — claiming the April 9 order infringes on the constitutionally protected freedom of association and due process rights…

“In New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy (D) has been under criticism for his decision to include churches and other houses of worship in his state’s strict social distancing guidelines. During a tense interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News, Murphy was asked about constitutional protections after police broke up a rabbi’s funeral in early April at a synagogue in Ocean County, N.J., arresting 15 men. ‘That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,’ Murphy replied. ‘I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this…’

“The landmark 1905 Supreme Court decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts held that constitutional rights can be lawfully restricted when emergency public health measures are in place, though the precise scope of government public health power is not clearly defined. But there has not been a direct legal ruling yet on mandatory stay-at-home orders, and state and local leaders could find themselves dragged into court fights if they adopt an overly aggressive approach to enforcing mitigation measures… Governors and local officials may need to walk a tight line in enforcing restrictions…”

Abuse of Power by US Governors

Newsmax wrote on April 20:

“Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who has been in lock-down in Italy for several weeks, on Monday said there are several U.S. governors who are showing their ‘ideological bias’ with shutdown rules and people have their ‘teeth on edge because they’re watching politicians abuse their power.’

“‘One governor, for example, said it was okay for Planned Parenthood to stay open for abortions, but it wasn’t okay for the churches to have services,’ Gingrich said… ‘Well, that’s clearly just an ideological abuse of emergency.’”

Lacking American Leadership

The New York Times wrote on April 23:

“The pandemic sweeping the globe… is shaking fundamental assumptions about American exceptionalism — the special role the United States played for decades after World War II as the reach of its values and power made it a global leader and example to the world…

“As the calamity unfolds, President Trump and state governors are not only arguing over what to do, but also over who has the authority to do it… ‘America has not done badly, it has done exceptionally badly,’ said Dominique Moïsi, a political scientist and senior adviser at the Paris-based Institut Montaigne… In the United States, it has exposed two great weaknesses that, in the eyes of many Europeans, have compounded one another: the erratic leadership of Mr. Trump… and the absence of a robust public health care system and social safety net.

“… this is perhaps the first global crisis in more than a century where no one is even looking to the United States for leadership… ‘There is not only no global leadership, there is no national and no federal leadership in the United States,’ said Ricardo Hausmann, director of the Growth Lab at Harvard’s Center for International Development…

“The current crisis, some fear, could act like an accelerator of history, speeding up a decline in influence of… the United States… Mr. Garton Ash said that the United States should take an urgent warning from a long line of empires that rose and fell. ‘To a historian it’s nothing new, that’s what happens,’ said Mr. Garton Ash. ‘It’s a very familiar story in world history that after a certain amount of time a power declines.’”

Much nonsense is included in the article, especially when it comes to the ridiculous praise of Angela Merkel’s “leadership” and of the dictatorial measures taken in Germany to fight the coronavirus, but the sections quoted above about Europe’s perspective of America’s lacking leadership are worthwhile noticing.

Crazy—US Uses Chinese Drones to Spy on Americans

Daily Wire wrote on April 19:

“An MSNBC segment from late last week sparked controversy after it shined a light on a program that some localities across the U.S. are participating in that uses Chinese-made drones to monitor American citizens in an effort to enforce social distancing. ‘The drones make it easier for police to see into certain areas where access by patrol cars is more difficult,’ MSNBC reported. ‘That includes tight spaces between buildings, behind schools, and in backyards. Failure to comply could lead to a summons or a thousand dollar fine.’… ‘The drones donated by DJI, a Chinese company, have gone to 43 agencies in 22 states, all to help enforce social distancing rules,’ MSNBC continued…

“Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) responded to the segment by writing on Twitter: ‘Think about this for a second. This virus originated in Communist China and the Chinese Communist Party’s lies helped it spread around the world. Now we’re using drones made by a Chinese company and backed by the CCP to enforce social distancing. This is crazy!’”

Many concerns have been raised that these Chinese-made drones, which are now being used by US governments to spy on Americans, are at the same time being used by China to spy on America as well.

The Lockdown—a Big Mistake?

Ron Paul wrote on April 20 in “The Ron Paul Institute”:

“From California to New Jersey, Americans are protesting in the streets. They are demanding an end to house arrest orders given by government officials over a virus outbreak that even according to the latest US government numbers will claim fewer lives than the seasonal flu outbreak of 2017-2018.

“Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by ‘executive order’ and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. Americans, who have seen their real wages decline thanks to Federal Reserve monetary malpractice, are finding themselves thrust into poverty and standing in breadlines. It is like a horror movie, but it’s real.

“Last week the UN Secretary General warned that a global recession resulting from the worldwide coronavirus lockdown could cause ‘hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths per year.’ As of this writing, less than 170,000 have been reported to have died from the coronavirus worldwide.

“Many Americans have also died this past month because they were not able to get the medical care they needed. Cancer treatments have been indefinitely postponed. Life-saving surgeries have been put off to make room for coronavirus cases. Meanwhile hospitals are laying off thousands because the expected coronavirus cases have not come and the hospitals are partially empty…

“US states that did not arrest citizens for merely walking on the beach are not doing worse than those that did… Governments have no right or authority to tell us what business or other activity is ‘essential.’ Only in totalitarian states does the government claim this authority…”

Temporary Suspension of Some Green Card Applicants

NBC San Diego reported on April 21:

“President Donald Trump announced what he described as a ‘temporary suspension of immigration into the United States’ on Tuesday, an executive order barring those seeking permanent residency green cards but not temporary workers. Trump said he would be placing a 60-day pause on the issuance of green cards in an effort to limit competition for jobs in a U.S. economy wrecked by the coronavirus… An administration official familiar with the plans said the order would apply to foreigners seeking employment-based green cards and relatives of green card holders who are not citizens…

“Almost all visa processing by the State Department has been suspended for weeks. Travel to the U.S. has been restricted from much of the globe. And Trump has used the virus to effectively end asylum at U.S. borders, including turning away children who arrive by themselves and putting a hold on refugee resettlement…

“Trump first announced his intentions in a vague tweet Monday night. Across the country, those who could be impacted waited in suspense through the day. Chicago immigration attorney Fiona McEntee said she had been inundated with calls, emails and social media messages, including from company executives hoping to expand their business in the U.S., a person applying for a fiance visa and wondering about their wedding plans, artists seeking ‘extraordinary ability’ visas and foreign students. ‘It has created absolute panic,’ said McEntee. ‘These are people’s lives. … It is irresponsible and cruel to put out something like that without any consideration.’…”

Trump’s executive order expressly states that it does not apply, among others, to “any lawful permanent resident of the United States”; “any alien who is the spouse of a United States citizen”; or “any alien who is under 21 years old and is the child of a United States citizen.”

According to polls, about 79 percent want a full halt on immigration to the U.S. More than 80 percent of American adults call mass migration to the U.S. a “threat.”

The fear has been expressed that Trump and his anti-Immigration guru and right-wing hardliner Miller will use the “temporary” immigration “suspension” to make it permanent.

Fox News wrote on April 21: “Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Arizona, applauded the planned executive order, and suggested a total immigration suspension should continue indefinitely… ‘All immigration to the United States should halt until every American who wants a job has one!’”

Suspension of Green Card Applications Just a First Step?

Breitbart wrote on April 23:

“…the promise of Trump’s tweet was blocked amid furious closed-door lobbying by hugely wealthy Fortune 500 companies and elite investors. Their opposition was chiefly intended to stop the inflow of non-immigrant, white collar visa workers, including the roughly 900,000 H-1B workers who spike stock prices by shrinking salaries for U.S. professionals….

“That was a deep disappointment to many supporters… But Trump’s offer of a June re-match between voters and the Fortune 500 gives the public another chance to shift the nation’s economic policy towards employees, say reformers…

“Many polls show… the public strongly objects to companies hiring foreign workers before American  employees…

“But Trump’s zig-zagging between donors and voters is alienating many of those who stuck with him in 2016… ‘We knew it was best not to react to Trump’s initial claims about stopping immigration or any immigration matter because his past behavior has shown us there is an 80% chance that what he is telling us isn’t true,’ said William Gheen,  the founder of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC… ‘Trump has broken most of his key campaign promises … here once again he promises his audiences he will end all immigration for 60 days, but then guts the actual order to where it will have little impact for American workers.’”

In fact, suspending applications for permanent green card holders (most of them family-based) will have virtually NO impact on jobs for American workers. It is just a smokescreen to help Trump not to lose face completely, pacify (some) of his supporters and big companies and lobbyists, and to open the way for much severe  anti-immigration measures in the hope of wooing hard-core anti-immigrant voters as we are getting closer to the 2020 presidential election in November.  

US Travel Ban with Canada Extended

The Hill wrote on April 18:

“The U.S.-Canada border restrictions will be extended for another 30 days… The restrictions took effect on March 21, banning any nonessential travel between the two countries…

“When asked about potentially relaxing border restrictions with Canada on Wednesday, President Trump said, ‘…It will be one of the early borders to be released…’”

That does not sound good for a relaxation of the travel ban with other countries.

US Travel Ban with Mexico Extended

NPR wrote on April 20:

“The United States and Mexico are extending restrictions on nonessential travel across their shared border for an additional 30 days… The temporary closure was first put in place on March 21 and does not target the crossing of merchandise. People with temporary work visas, emergency personnel, students and those traveling for business are also still allowed to enter the U.S. However, the partial ban places stringent limits on tourism and shopping for people from California to Texas.”

No Lifting of German Travel Ban Any Time Soon

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 17:

“Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Friday that travel warnings aren’t going to be relaxed any time soon. ‘At the current point in time, I see absolutely no reason to lift the travel warnings,’ Maas told the mass-circulation Bild newspaper. He noted that even if Germany were to relax its measures, the curfews and other restrictions that other countries have put in place make it nearly impossible to go on holiday there.

“Germany issued a global travel warning in mid-March advising against non-essential travel abroad, particularly against travel for tourism purposes. The current warning has been extended to May 3, along with Germany’s nationwide social-distancing measures.

“The German government will reevaluate the situation from week to week and any loosening of restrictions would need to be coordinated on a European level, Maas noted. Mass warned that if people were to ignore travel warnings and try to continue with their summer vacation plans, the German government won’t fly them home from abroad this time…

“The German government launched a massive repatriation effort last month to fly home tourists who were stranded by the coronavirus outbreak. Although 240,000 people have been brought back so far, the government hasn’t been able to reach everyone just yet, Maas said. Over the next few weeks flights have been planned to bring German citizens back from South Africa, Peru, Argentina, and Pacific Island nations. Those who have since returned to Germany still likely face a bill from the government for the emergency flights.”

In an incredible article by Focus, dated April 18, titled, “Reason rather than naïve [plump] obedience… German calmness is success of democracy,” the author argues that the passive reaction of most Germans to the authoritarian measures by their government is a sign of a strong and successful democracy and can be explained by a trust in politics and acceptable arguments.

Der Spiegel took a completely different stance on April 17, writing: “Many Germans are growing impatient with the hesitant pace of efforts by the government to loosen the lockdown imposed to bring the number of coronavirus infections under control… And when will residents of Germany once again be able to exercise their constitutional rights, like going to church or attending a demonstration?”

So, who is right? Focus or Spiegel? Also, Bavaria announced that its Oktoberfest has been canceled for the first time since World War II. As Bloomberg reported on April 21, “The festival was called off twice in the past due to outbreaks of cholera, in 1854 and 1873.”

Change of Mind? Pope Warns Now Against Coronavirus Restrictions for Churches

Katholisch.de wrote on April 17 that Pope Francis warned against the consequences of a relationship with God without the church, stating that in internet services, people are together and not together.

He spoke of a danger when religious communication only occurs through the media and that one cannot just receive spiritual communion. “This is not the church,” he said.

The pope’s previous far-too-ready adherence to and even approval of the authoritarian restrictions of the governments, prohibiting church assemblies, is now backfiring, forcing him to eat his own words.

Der Spiegel wrote on April 17:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel [conducted] a videoconference with the governors of Germany’s 16 states…

“North Rhine-Westphalia Governor Armin Laschet… clashed with other meeting participants primarily on the issue of religion. A Catholic by confession, Laschet joined Thuringia Governor Bodo Ramelow, a member of the far-left Left Party, in arguing that religious services should be permitted as long as certain measures were observed.

“Others noted that it is primarily the elderly – those who are most at risk in the coronavirus epidemic – who attend church services and that the kind of singing that takes place during church services increases the risk of transmission via exhaled particles

“The decisive argument was delivered by, of all people, [Bavarian Governor Markus] Söder… A Protestant himself, he is nonetheless head of a largely Catholic state. He pointed out that even the pope celebrated Easter mass completely on his own. Why should Germany do any different?”

Can one believe such utter nonsense as expressed by German governors (!), in regard to singing in church services? This is absolutely insane. But that happens when the pope wants to play coy and be cute. Now note the next article.

No Justification to Prohibit Religious Assemblies

Bild Online published the following commentary on April 16:

“To give up the constitutional right of free exercise of religion because of reasons of protection against the epidemic is difficult to swallow… Now stores will soon be open again, but religious services remain prohibited. With that, any semblance of proportionality has disappeared, with which we could justify such a grievous intrusion into our freedom.”

Bild has been taking a rather inconsistent approach throughout their “reporting”, reflecting the inconsistent approach of many Germans towards their government’s inconsistent handling of the coronavirus situation.  A constitutional scholar, Hans Michael Heinig, also stated that it would not be ok anymore to prohibit church assemblies in Germany, and Deutsche Welle reported on April 17 that in the German state of Saxony, church assemblies with up to 15 people plus the pastor will now be allowed. Deutsche Welle reported on April 21 that “Berlin is also set to allow church services of up to 50 people starting from May 4, according to the city’s culture minister.”

Germany’s Constitutional Court’s Incongruous Decisions

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 18:

“Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court rebuked Stuttgart city for just citing a local pandemic decree and saying ‘no’ on the phone to a person who planned to hold a 50-person demonstration on Saturday against the coronavirus-related lockdown measures in place… The government of Stuttgart, the state’s capital, argued that the decree [issued by Baden-Württemberg state] gave it no scope to even issue a legally contestable reply…

“The plaintiff approached Karlsruhe after losing a lower-court appeal before Baden-Württemberg’s top administrative court on Wednesday. The three-judge Karlsruhe panel in their ruling said the Stuttgart city administration in negotiations with the applicant could have agreed on a lower number of participants combined with physical spacing, location and demonstration timing. On Wednesday, Germany’s top court in similar fast-track provision rulings, had quashed two rejections of demonstrations in Giessen, a city in Hesse state, enabling them to proceed, but under strict safeguards.”

At the same time, as we reported earlier, the same court had found that the prohibition of RELIGIOUS assemblies and church services, even under strict safeguards, was justified. Who can understand those inconsistencies?

More German Confusion and Inconsistencies

AFP wrote on April 20:

“With small shops opening on Monday for the first time in a month, Merkel said the authorities can only allow such small cautious steps each time to avoid a devastating relapse… From florists to fashion stores, the majority of shops smaller than 800 square metres (8,600 square feet) were allowed to welcome customers again in much of Germany… But the government is facing increasing pressure from other sectors still facing curbs to move faster and let them get business back on track.

“… each of Germany’s 16 states is taking action at a slightly different pace. In eastern Saxony state, pupils taking final examinations began streaming back to classrooms, two weeks ahead of their peers in other states, where school gates will reopen only from May 4… Though not yet obligatory, the government ‘strongly advises’ wearing a mask in public. [Earlier, Merkel had strongly advised AGAINST wearing a mask in public. But now, almost all German states require the wearing of masks in public, but with inconsistent regulations.]

“… state premier of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin Laschet warned that some coronavirus restrictions could last until 2021.

“Cultural venues, bars, leisure centres and beauty salons will remain closed for the time being, and large-scale public events such as concerts and football matches have been banned until August 31. With larger shops unable to open, the German Trade Association warned Friday of a possible ‘distortion of competition’.”

Deutsche Welle added on April 20:

“Merkel has criticized excessive discussions about easing lockdown measures in Germany, warning that an ‘orgy’ of talks on when to reopen for business could jeopardize the progress made so far against the virus.”

The opposition party, the FDP, criticized Merkel sharply for her “choice of words” and her “grip of power” which she “does not have” (MSN, April 20, 2020).

Italian Insanity

Breitbart reported on April 20:

“Italian police used drones, quads, and a jeep to hunt down and fine a man thought to be spreading coronavirus by lying alone on an Italian beach.

“The City of Rimini posted a video of the police action against the sunbather on its website, boasting of the efficiency of local police in bringing the miscreant to justice.

“On Sunday, the Italian news service ANSA reported that photos of the police operation had gone viral, unleashing an unexpected avalanche of fury against the government for its ‘dictatorial’ methods, while others praised the lone bather for his exemplary ‘social distancing.’

“The Italian Interior Ministry reported Monday that 17,500 people were issued citations over the weekend for failing to comply with the…  coronavirus lockdown provisions… 8,641 were fined for traveling outside the home without sufficient justification, 74 for false declarations, and 9 for violated quarantine.”

Words fail in light of such governmental stupidity.

Extraordinary Damage for Global Economy

Money Week wrote on April 20:

“Covid-19 has wrought extraordinary damage on the global economy. Unemployment continues to soar to unprecedented levels. Companies continue to scramble for government support. We are unquestionably facing an economic slump larger than any we’ve ever experienced… Everything about this crisis has been off the charts in terms of historic comparisons…

“… there are signs that the market – in the US certainly – is… overvalued, just a month after hitting its coronavirus lows… The action taken by central banks now… will undermine our system yet further, and set up the conditions for a future blow-up…”

Killing Coronavirus with Disinfectants?

Zerohedge wrote on April 18:

“The Spanish government has just ‘authorized’ the military to prepare planes for aerial spraying of disinfectants across major metro areas

“The order was first published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado, the country’s official gazette, on Friday, that ‘authorizes the NBQ (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) units of the Armed Forces and the UME to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health in disinfection efforts to deal with the health crisis caused by the coronavirus.’…

“The order continues to say ‘aerial disinfection’ missions will be conducted ‘regularly’ as long as the pandemic continues to ravage the country… Spain has deployed unmanned aerial systems and ground-based robots to spray disinfectants on the street level…[now] the government [wants] to blanket entire towns with disinfectants via airplanes…”

This is INSANE!

There Might NEVER Be a Vaccine… but It May Be Unnecessary

The Daily Star wrote on April 19:

“Professor Ian Frazer, one of the world’s leading vaccine inventors [said] that trying to immunise against coronavirus was like trying to immunise against the common cold – difficult to impossible… ‘Coronavirus doesn’t get into you, it stays on the surface cells in your lungs,’ he added. ‘All these flu viruses get into you, so the body can fight and makes T cells. ‘This virus doesn’t kill the cells, it makes them sick. At the moment we don’t know how to make a coronavirus vaccine work. That’s why there are 100 vaccines under testing using every conceivable approach. We don’t know if any of them will work.’

“On a more positive note, Prof Frazer pointed out that a vaccine was never developed for SARS following an outbreak in China in 2003, but it burnt out on its own. The virus became less effective as it passed from host to host, explained Prof Frazer – something that could feasibly happen with Covid-19 too. He added: ‘It may well be the same with this virus. It’s not very effective in making us sick. It may become less effective.’”

Vaccines a Longshot with no Success Guaranteed

Breitbart wrote on April 20:

“The government’s chief scientific advisor [Sir Patrick Vallance] admitted that vaccines for new viruses are ‘long shots’ and that ‘only some end up being successful’…

“Oxford University scientist Sarah Gilbert … raised other complications in the rollout and manufacturing of a vaccine, including that the injection may alter a person’s immune system, making contracting the Chinese virus more dangerous…”

And still, due to the panic and lucrative prospects of a vaccine for the pharmaceutical industry and its supporters and investors, we predict some kind of a vaccine will be produced and rushed through, while it will be claimed that it is safe so that it can be made mandatory for the entire globe.

Ongoing Isolation for Athletes and the Elderly without Vaccine

The Daily Mail wrote on April 20:

“World No 1 Novak Djokovic’s opposition to vaccines could stand in the way of his return to tennis when eventually it resumes following the coronavirus pandemic. A push is growing for all players to be vaccinated when tennis starts again, provided one is produced by then…

“Professor Gilbert said her team hopes to begin clinical trials towards the end of this week… The 510 or so healthy volunteers, between 18 and 55, are currently being recruited and having health checks. Half of all the trial volunteers will get the new coronavirus vaccine and the other half will get a vaccine licensed to protect against meningitis. Volunteers will not know what they are given…

“Scientists have asked people not to pin their hopes on a vaccine. However, it’s believed that vaccines are the only way for high-risk people, such as the elderly, will be able to mingle in society in the future. Over-70s may potentially have to wait for a vaccine before going back to normal life, according to lockdown exit plans reported by the Sunday Times yesterday.”

Twelve More Months of Lockdown in Australia?

The Sun wrote on April 17:

“AUSTRALIA is thinking of extending its lockdown to a YEAR  – despite suffering just 63 coronavirus deaths. Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned life ‘down under’ could be constrained for 12 more months… And some see the proposal as a sign other countries may also be thinking of very lengthy lockdowns…

“Restaurants, bars and other ‘non-essential’ businesses have closed [in Australia] and public gatherings of more than two people are banned under the threat of fines and even prison… Ministers in Australia have already refused to rule out keeping travel restrictions in place until 2021- meaning a ban on tourism. Citizens are being advised to plan vacations in their own country when the crisis is over…”

Man Reaps what He Sows

Express wrote on April 22:

“CHINA is facing pressure for answers as the world fights the coronavirus pandemic – and science highlighting that the outbreak started via bat-to-human transmission suggests that warnings in the Bible on the consumption of ‘unclean’ meat have been ignored with fatal consequences for humanity…

“Scientists say that coronavirus is highly likely to have come from bats to humans via pangolins. This is believed to have started in China’s Hubei province and its capital, Wuhan, where the sale of bats and pangolins for human consumption is widespread and profitable. The Book of Leviticus… does warn against people eating them.

“Chapter 11 offers instructions on how to remain clean by abstaining from the consumption of certain animals. It reads: ‘These you shall detest among the birds, they shall not be eaten – the eagle, the bearded vulture, the black vulture, the kite, the falcon of any kind, every raven of any kind, the ostrich, the nighthawk, the seagull, the hawk of any kind, the little owl, the cormorant, the short-eared owl, the barn owl, the tawny owl, the carrion vulture, the stork, the heron of any kind, the hoopoe, and the bat…’

“Though bats are now considered mammals, until the Middle ages, organisms were classified into three categories, those that walked on land, those that flew through the air and those that lived in water. By this method, bats are grouped into the same category as birds.

“The passage goes on to warn that anyone who does not follow these rules will remain ‘unclean’ until they repent. Some online users have linked this extract with coronavirus… referencing Leviticus 26:14-18, which reads: ‘If you won’t listen or obey my commands and reject them and violate my covenant, then I will bring on you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and sap your strength. If you still disobey Me, I will punish you sevenfold.’

“One Twitter user commented: ‘If China keeps eating unclean food, God will punish you sevenfold.’ Another added: ‘Leviticus reveals the punishment for disobedience.’”

Interesting thoughts. In Leviticus, God’s punishment is mainly directed to the modern houses of Israel and Judah, and it is of course not limited to eating unclean meat (even though this is included), but God calls this practice an “abomination” and He does pronounce serious punishment on ALL who do so in the book of Isaiah (65:3-5; 66:15-17).

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God